Plastics market overview: stable growth and new perspectives. Own business: production of plastic products

For the manufacture of plastic products, ready-made lines in technology or separate professional machines are used. For the production of plastics at home, special technology and forms are used.

Professional plastic production: twin screw extruder

Professional equipment for the production of plastic products is a large range of machines by means of which large tubular films, plastic window profiles, plastic pipes, polymer sheets and slate are produced.

The flat-slit device includes the following components:

  • extruder with filtration system;
  • pneumatic loaders;
  • inflation head with cooling device;
  • calibration based mechanism;
  • flat lay module;
  • rods for turning the horizontal direction;
  • rewinder;
  • pulling device.

The machine is based on an extruder. All additional components only complement the device. The principle of operation of the device is based on automation controlled by a given program.

Devices for the production of plastic under pressure

Such equipment for the production of plastic products involves pouring the finished mass into special molds, where it is cooled. The result is a finished piece product. Most of the plastic elements are produced on such machines. The technology makes it possible to create complex shapes corresponding to the desired dimensions, multi-colored parts, hybrid, foam-based and others. The injection molding machine is designed to produce various

Such a device is also used as equipment for the production of heat-insulating plastic products.

The design of the machine includes:

  • module for preparing raw materials;
  • a module that regulates the closing and opening of forms;
  • drive unit;
  • automated control unit.

Such a device has a high cost and contains many modern solutions.

Blow molding machines

This product making machine is used to make thin-walled hollow containers. For example, they produce cans, barrels, bottles up to 5 thousand liters.

The blowing device heats the material and shapes it by blowing. This is often combined with injection molding in a machine with an aligned configuration. In this way, PET containers are made.

Extruded blow molding tools

This equipment for the production of plastic and rubber products carries out the synthesis of blowing and extrusion. It can produce a wider range of products than blow moldings: fuel tanks, bumpers, pallets, seats, barrels, buckets, toys, bottles for tomato and milk, bottles for cosmetics. All processes are closely monitored by a microprocessor.

Equipment for the production of plastic and rubber products is subdivided according to:

  • from the head configuration;
  • from the number of posts.

Device complete set

Equipment for the production of plastic products includes:

Thermoforming units

Such equipment for the production of plastic products is designed to produce products based on a film, the supply of which is carried out in a continuous mode. Material thickness and consistency may vary. Products such as disposable containers, paper or plastic cups are produced with this machine.

The principle of the device

The material is heated up to 140 Cº, the product is blown from the roll. Usually, a film is used in the manufacture, the thickness of which is 100 micrometers.

By type, these machines are divided into belt, rotary, revolving, single-position and multi-position. Turret and rotary units are used for molding. The process takes place automatically, manually or on the basis of semi-automatic.

Additional devices

In addition to the main units, in the process of manufacturing plastic products, devices are used that greatly facilitate the work:

  • drying devices;
  • loaders;
  • mixers;
  • crushing devices;
  • conveyors;
  • flash collection devices.

Mini tools for the production of plastics

Mini equipment for the production of plastic products is used to obtain the product in small batches. As a rule, single or multi-seat forms are used. The weight of such a device is 15 kg. It fits easily on a sturdy desk. Therefore, such a device was called desktop. Some units come with their own small table.

Models with an electric drive and an automated clamping module are more compact. These small machines are used to produce experimental parts for new equipment.

DIY semi-finished plastic products

Scrap plastic can be found everywhere. Old unnecessary plastic things are constantly collected at home. There are many bottles and packages outside. Those people who like to create something with their own hands may have an idea to use all this for the production of plastic products at home, subject the leftovers to grinding and melting.

But it is not recommended for a novice master to resort to such actions, since each has its own characteristics, and the melting point is different for them. In addition, usually in factories and plants, parts are cast using specialized installations in which powerful pressure is maintained.

Even if you pick up the pieces of plastic and crush and melt them, bubbles will appear. The best advice would be to buy plastic in a liquid form in a building materials store, which will serve to make parts that are in no way inferior in quality to the factory ones. Rubber can also serve as a substitute for plastic.

You will also need to purchase:

  • silicone;
  • large capacity;
  • lithol.

If you decide to make something from plastic, then work in a closed room. Vapors from plastic are toxic.

We make the form

Equipment for the production of plastic products at home includes a master model, the basis of which can be anything you like.

Suitable for you:

  • plasticine;
  • gypsum;
  • wood;
  • paper and other materials.

The model of the part that is to be cast must be coated with lithol or other lubricant. After that, make the shape. Silicone ones are very popular. Everything is clear here, since working with such material is very simple and convenient.

Important nuances

  • There are two types of silicone: for pouring and coating.
  • Each species has its own coefficient of elongation and degree of viscosity. As for the first indicator, silicone with an indicator of up to 200% is applicable for the manufacture of plastic.

Pay attention to the viscosity of the material

Attention should be paid to the viscosity index of the material. The lower it is, the more accurate the shape is.

This point is especially important if you are working with a material such as potting silicone. Also take into account the curing time. If you use potting silicone, then the master model should be placed in a flask (its base can be steel or bronze), and then filled with silicone.

The coating material is applied with care with a brush. In this case, all irregularities are taken into account. The silicone must be allowed to cool, after which the master model is removed.

A flask is a metal container. It should be slightly larger than the master model.

Casting details

This process is directly dependent on the basis of the part production. Polyester resins and liquid plastics are attractive because they do not melt. Their difference lies in the exponent and lifetime.

Step-by-step instruction

  • The mold is taken and thoroughly cleaned. It should not be wet or dirty. All residual materials left after preliminary work are removed.
  • If necessary, you can change the color of the composition. For this purpose, a drop of paint is added, but it should not be water-based (paint is incompatible with liquid plastic).
  • There is no need for degassing. From the very beginning, molding plastic at home provides for the short life of the substance. Bubbles of small-sized products are removed manually after pouring.
  • All components are thoroughly mixed and poured into the template slowly in a thin stream. Continue pouring until the mixture has filled the entire volume and some portion of the casting channel. After passing the degassing procedure, the volume of material will decrease and become required.
  • For a high quality plastic model, cool the template gradually. Follow all instructions carefully.

Russian has a huge production and consumer potential. Solid stocks of raw materials, combined with constant growth in demand and relatively weak saturation of the industry, attract many large players from European and Asian countries to the country. Even in the present, the sector continues to develop dynamically.

Brief analysis of the world plastics market

The international plastics market has grown steadily over the past half century. The leaders in terms of production today are - South Korea, Singapore, Japan, etc. - which account for about 35-45%. In Europe and North America, about 20-25% is produced. As for the equipment manufacturers, Germany unconditionally dominates here, carrying out almost a quarter of all world exports.

More development in the Asian plastics market should be expected in the coming years. This is due primarily to the tightening of requirements for enterprises based in developed countries. The need to constantly raise the standards of the production process, especially in terms of the environment, leads to a serious decrease in profitability. In this regard, Western companies prefer to open representative offices in Asian countries, where the climate is much "warmer".

Domestic plastics market

According to statistics, currently about 15% of industrial products are made from synthetic polymers. This figure is growing every year mainly due to the increase in demand for materials in construction. Considering that the share of plastic elements and structures used in the construction of structures in Russia is several times lower than in many developed countries, the prospects here are truly enormous.

Consumer goods are also in demand in the domestic market for plastics. Previously, they mainly attracted consumers with their cheapness, today, thanks to modern technologies, decent quality and environmental friendliness have been added to this advantage. It is household products and building materials that account for the lion's share of sales in the sector.

The share of imports in the industry is constantly decreasing. This is facilitated by both the national currency and the activation of domestic producers. certainly played into the hands of exporters. If they continue, then in the future, Russian enterprises can almost completely replace foreign products. This will take much less time than in the vast majority of sectors of the economy.

Growth points: equipment

There are a number of points, the improvement of which should significantly contribute to the development of the plastics market in Russia. First of all, this. Many large companies have already switched to fully electric machines, which, compared to hydraulics, are characterized by higher productivity and accuracy, easier to operate, and more economical in energy consumption. In addition, they are much more efficient in the manufacture of “delicate” goods such as medical products.

The next factor is a change in the approach to equipment operation. You should carefully monitor the quality of the raw materials used, do not chase productivity by significantly reducing the cycle time, etc. Particular attention should be paid to the protection of molds. Modern electric and hybrid machines are equipped with sensor systems, through which it is possible to control the operation of these expensive elements as accurately as possible.

In the conditions of the economic crisis, the majority of Russian players in the plastics market cannot afford to purchase new equipment. Those who at one time purchased basic modular-type units, the design of which makes it possible to modernize them, turned out to be in a better position today. According to experts, the future belongs to such a technique capable of being improved.

Growth points: design and ecology

The modern consumer pays attention not only to the quality and functionality of the product, but also to its appearance. High plastics on the market contributed to the development of "artistic" methods of molding - molding, multicomponent, etc. In addition to classical technologies, good results in this direction are also given by "hybrid" production, for example, a combination of compression and hydraulics.

In order to be able to supply your products to serious customers, you need a corresponding environmental certificate. Every year, the requirements here become more stringent, which must be taken into account when organizing the production process. The established standards must be met not only by the manufactured products, but also by the equipment used for their manufacture.

If at the beginning of the seventies of the last century, the world production of products from gas-filled plastics was 6-7% of the total production of polymer products, now this figure, as knowledgeable people testify, exceeds 20-25%.

This is understandable, filling with gas reduces the consumption of polymer for the manufacture of an object. The state of the Ukrainian “expanded polystyrene” industry was discussed relatively recently (see BUSINESS No. 18 of 05/06/02, pp. 19-22), since then little has changed on the market. The interviewed experts agree that the demand, for example, for expanded polystyrene plates in Ukraine in the coming years will grow, which means that the organization of their production is a promising business. But on the expanded polystyrene plates, the light did not converge like a wedge, you can produce a lot of things from foamed polymers and make good money on it.

According to the testimony of the interviewed operating manufacturers, the profitability of the production of products from foamed polymers can be 2-30%. The degree of profitability largely depends on the product being manufactured. The size of the initial investment also plays a significant role. To organize a really highly profitable production, a lot of money is needed. For example, 100-150 thousand “conventional units” is an amount sufficient to organize the production of thermal insulation products.

For comparison
A disposable polystyrene cup weighs 3 g. The same foam polypropylene cup - 2.5 g. The cost of granular polystyrene is about $ 1400 per 1 ton, the cost of granular polypropylene, suitable for producing gas-filled products, is about $ 900 per 1 ton. cups made of polystyrene and expanded polypropylene are approximately the same.

Industry state
In Ukraine, as in other countries - the former republics of the USSR, the production of products from gas-filled polymers has long been “in the corral”. The share of these in the total volume of manufactured plastic items is very small. A significant part of foam products is imported from abroad (see BUSINESS No. 18 dated 06.05.02, pp. 19-22).

According to the information available to BUSINESS, there are now about 30 manufacturers of products from gas-filled polymers throughout Ukraine.

In particular, "UkrTermoBud" (Nikolaev), "Thermoplast" (Kiev), "Ros-Plast" (Belaya Tserkov, Kiev region).

Moreover, at the majority of enterprises that produce products from gas-filled plastics, equipment is operated "aged" - either worn out Soviet cars or restored imported equipment purchased recently.

What to do
In the opinion of the surveyed "polymers", now it is best to start producing various kinds of insulating gaskets, sheets and panels, pipes, cups, containers and packaging.

As you know, the assembly of TV sets from imported components has begun in Ukraine. To protect the finished TV from shocks, they use imported foam packaging, which costs about $ 7. Why, one wonders, bring foam plastic from Japan? Then to throw it in a landfill? However, organizing the production of packaging will cost more than one million dollars. The fact is that the mold of this packaging has to be constantly changed due to the changing shape of the TVs. It may happen that the purchased mold will be used for a year, then the packaging manufacturer will have to buy a second, third, etc.

The market also demanded pallets in which supermarket “raw cuts” are packed - all sorts of schnitzels, chops, chicken legs.

Naturally, it is worth thinking about selling such products not after, but before the creation of production.

Premises and permissions
Any room is suitable for placing production, the ceilings of which do not leak. As a rule, there are no special requirements for it. The only exceptions are those in which the foaming process is carried out using pentane. Its explosiveness will provide a potential "frother" with the opportunity to get acquainted with representatives of the Gosnadzorokhrantrud (in particular, boiler control) and the fire inspection. In general, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of SN 245-71 "Sanitary standards for the design of industrial enterprises", SNiP 2.04.0591U * "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning", GOST 12.1.005-88 "Air of the working area", GOST 12.4.011-89 SSBT “Protective equipment for workers. General requirements and classification ”,“ Fire safety rules in Ukraine ”. Needless to say, it is best to look for premises for production facilities far from the “sleeping” areas of large cities, it is more expedient to locate somewhere in an industrial zone or on the outskirts of a settlement.

To place a line of areas you will need nothing at all - from 40 sq.m to 200 sq.m. But a considerable warehouse may be required (after all, in a certain sense, air will have to be stored - the product weighs little, but takes up a lot of space). In this capacity, you can use almost any room that protects products from wind, moisture, dust, thieves, homeless people and other adverse factors. Granular polymers should be stored in a dry and, if possible, heated room: in this case, their surface absorbs less moisture, and the quality of any product will only benefit from this.

The “permissive” authorities include local executive authorities, sanitary and epidemiological station, fire inspection, local divisions of Gosnadzorokhrantrud, thermal workers, “electricians”, gas service, etc. The time and money spent on “permissive” depends on the skill of the businessman. In favorable cases, 2-3 months and several thousand "killed raccoons" are enough.

"Iron" can be found in different ways. In particular, at some domestic enterprises there is idle equipment, which, with proper skill, can be bought not too expensive and, using the services of specialists, can be modernized and brought into working order.

If you have money, it is better to buy something newer. There are many machine-building enterprises in the country that produce equipment for creating machines for polymer processing.

You can also buy imported equipment. One of the experts interviewed by BUSINESS expressed the opinion that, for example, the reconditioned German equipment for the production of products from foamed polymers roughly corresponds in quality to the new equipment that can now be purchased in Ukraine. Nobody, of course, prohibits buying new imported equipment, but ... Firstly, it can cost millions of dollars, and secondly, it is usually done under a very advance order.

Unfortunately, almost none of the Ukrainian manufacturers and suppliers of “hardware” makes “ready-made” offers for the sale of equipment for the production of products from gas-filled plastics, most prefer to talk about each specific issue with a specific customer ...

Apparently, the "underdevelopment" of domestic production of products from gas-filled plastics determines the almost complete absence of an appropriate regulatory framework. According to the data available to BUSINESS, now only the standard for heat-insulating materials made of gas-filled plastics used in construction is in force - DSTU B V 2.7-8-94 “Foam polystyrene plates”. Therefore, each manufacturer has to "start" the technical specifications for each manufactured product (product group).

It is best to entrust the development and approval of technical conditions, again, to a technologist who selected the equipment and will subsequently be engaged in setting up production. This procedure will “lighten” the wallet by about $ 1,000.

In the technical specifications for products that can come into contact with food, and for some products used in construction, there must be hygiene requirements. When the first batch of such products is released, the compliance of the products with the stated requirements will be checked. The sanitary and epidemiological station should do this. Based on the results obtained, it can be argued that the equipment used is suitable for the production of, say, “food” products.

In order not to have problems on this soil throughout the year, a certificate of compliance with the sanitary standards used in the production of granular polymers and additives (ready-mixed) is sufficient. Then it will be necessary to conduct regular tests of products in terms of toxicity. This “pleasure” costs about 800 UAH.

Of course, the specifications reflect the requirements for the manufactured products, as well as the methods of their testing. Usually, such quality indicators as overall dimensions, weight, density of the product are regulated, in some cases strength indicators, thermal and electrical conductivity, etc. are checked. Each batch of products is subjected to acceptance tests.

It is hardly advisable to create your own laboratory capable of testing all indicators: these are the costs of premises, equipment, the salary of a laboratory assistant, accreditation of the laboratory itself, and much more. Experts believe that it is better to conclude long-term contracts for conducting the necessary tests with organizations that have laboratories accredited to carry out such tests. An example of such an organization is the Kievgorstroy Institute. Acceptance tests of product samples taken from one batch of foam insulation will cost about 400 UAH.

Service of the line will require from 2 to 10 people. The workers, most likely, will have to be trained from scratch (for very modest money, the equipment supplier can train). But you can also hire them for relatively little money - in Kiev it can be $ 60-70 per month (in the provinces - even less). But it is better not to skimp on the salary of a technologist, keeping in mind the large deficit of such. In any case, as they explained to BUSINESS at operating enterprises, $ 300-400 for a good technologist is not the limit.

Raw materials
Primary polymers

The situation with raw materials for the production of products from gas-filled plastics in Ukraine is not very good. Now the country produces:

polyethylene (concern "Oriana", Kalush, Ivano-Frankivsk region);

polypropylene (JSC "LiNOS", Lisichansk, Luhansk region);

polystyrene (JSC "Concern" Stirol ", Gorlovka, Donetsk region).

Many polymers are imported into the country from abroad (from Russia, Belarus, France, Germany, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic). According to the interviewed experts, nowadays it is most expedient to establish the production of all kinds of things made of polyethylene, polypropylene and polystyrene. These polymers are almost harmless, chemically neutral, and their cost is low. Foams made from them have a wide range of applications. Finally, these polymers are produced by powerful and stable enterprises.

You need to be very careful when purchasing polymers. No matter how good the equipment is, its use, most likely, will not allow obtaining products of the same quality from polymers of the same name from different manufacturers. To carry out "transitions" from one raw material to another, a serious readjustment of equipment and development of technology with the use of a new polymer are required. The best option is to consistently buy granular polymer from the same manufacturer. And one more thing: if the shelf life of granular polyethylene and polypropylene intended for foaming is almost unlimited (if stored under proper conditions), then the shelf life of granular polystyrene for a similar purpose is only six months. For this reason, you should not be especially greedy for a cheaper polymer that accidentally turns up.

Prices for granular polymers are unstable - jumps of 10-20% are common. On average, one of the most commonly used polymer for the production of foams - granular polyethylene - costs at least $ 1,000 per ton. Granular polypropylene is about 20 percent cheaper.

Secondary polymers
If particularly stringent requirements are not imposed on the product (for example, it should not withstand high loads), then a secondary (that is, already in use) polymer can be added to the composition of the initial mixture along with the primary one, but the share of “recyclable materials” should not exceed 20 %.

Recycled polymers cannot be used in cases where the product will come into contact with food. Secondary polymers are usually 20-30% cheaper than primary ones, if desired, you can make them yourself if you have a special crusher (it will cost $ 200-5000, depending on the origin, type and performance). Beyond the "hillock" secondary polymers, for example, are widely used in the production of insulating materials.

In addition to polymers, fillers such as wood flour, silicon oxides, titanium, soot, graphite are sometimes added to the mixtures subjected to foaming. This allows you to reduce the cost of products and / or give them the desired properties. For example, to reduce the weight of sheets used as cladding or insulation materials.

As already noted, the production of products from gas-filled polymers is not complete without the use of various modifying additives. Nowadays, the use of ready-made mixtures is in vogue, which are introduced into the original composition in an amount of 0.5-3% of the total volume of raw materials. “Ready mixes” are exclusively of foreign origin, they are in charge of Ukrainian distributors. The cost of 1 kg of any of these mixtures is close to $ 6. It is not necessary to search for mixtures of modifying additives for every polymer: polystyrene intended for foaming already contains all the necessary additives.

The most common gas-filled plastics include polyethylene foam, polypropylene foam, polyethylene terephthalate foam, polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam, polyvinyl chloride foam, and phenolic foam. Each of these materials has properties that determine its application.

The technology for producing gas-filled plastics consists in preparing a composition, introducing a gas phase into a polymer medium (most often by foaming), giving the foamed mass the required shape, followed by its fixation.

Sometimes this very composition is poured into a mold, and then foamed. In the process of preparing the composition, the ingredients of a plastic mass or a rubber mixture (oligomers, polymers, hardeners, catalysts, plasticizers, dyes, stabilizers, fillers, blowing agents, etc.) are combined.

Various tricks are used to introduce the gas phase into the polymer medium: mechanical foaming, the introduction of gas into the composition under pressure, saturation of the compositions with low-boiling liquids, which, when heated, turn into steam ...

One or another method of introducing the gas phase is used depending on which polymer is being processed and what they want to get from it. For the manufacture of gas-filled plastics, each of the listed methods usually uses “its own” equipment. But now there are machines that are more versatile, suitable for various processes.

By processing different polymers and applying different techniques, it is possible to obtain gas-filled plastics with different properties. For example, elastic polyurethane foam (the most well-known variety is foam rubber) is used in the production of upholstered furniture, clothing, shoe soles, brushes, carpets, sponges, for packaging fragile products, as a heat and sound insulation material. Rigid polyurethane foam can be used as heat and electrical insulating, packaging material, for filling hollow structures in automobile, aircraft and shipbuilding, for protecting structures and equipment from vibration, moisture, mold, corrosion.

Made of polyethylene with a density of about 920 kg / cu. m, you can get a gas-filled polymer with a density from 10-60 kg / m3 (highly foamed) to 400-500 kg / m3 or more (low foamed). For other polymers, all numbers are in the same order. Highly foamed materials can be used to produce heat and sound insulation, as well as packaging materials (of course, if high strength is not needed). Low-foam polyethylene and polypropylene are good materials for making sheets, panels, pipes, insulating gaskets, etc. Products made of polypropylene (including foam) have higher strength and thermal stability compared to products made of polyethylene.

Gas-filled plastics are divided into foams (with closed pores) and porous plastics (with open communicating pores). Foams are more common than cellular plastics.

Depending on the elastic characteristics, gas-filled plastics (or foamed polymers) are conventionally divided into rigid, semi-rigid and elastic. They can be obtained from almost any polymer. Gas-filled plastics have a low apparent density (20-280 kg / m3) and high heat, sound, hydro and electrical insulation characteristics.

The applications for foamed polymers are endless. They can be used for packaging, thermal insulation for building structures or refrigerators, filters for gases and liquids, rollers and cushions for furniture, protective pads for helmets and helmets, buoys, lifebuoys.

Vladimir Alexandrov.

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In the early seventies of the twentieth century, the global production of plastic products was no more than 7% of the total production of polymer products, but now this figure exceeds 25%. There is a considerable demand for this type of product, therefore, you can earn money in this area.

The profitability of the production of plastic products can reach up to 30%. The level of profitability depends on the product being produced. The size of the initial investment also plays an important role.

Premises, workshop for the production of plastic products, plastic

In order to locate the production of plastic products, you need a room with standard communications. There are usually no special requirements. The only exceptions are those industries where the foaming process takes place using pentane. It is important not to forget that premises for production must be selected far from the "sleeping" areas of large cities, it is best to be located on the outskirts of a settlement or in an industrial zone. To place a line of areas, you will need only 40 - 200 sq.m. But a very large warehouse may be needed (since "air" will have to be stored - the products do not weigh much, but they take up a lot of space).

In this capacity, you can use almost any room that protects products from moisture, wind, dust, homeless people, thieves and other adverse factors. It is necessary to store granular polymers in a dry and, if possible, heated room: in this case, their surface will adsorb less moisture, and the quality of any product will further improve from this. The authorities that need to obtain permission to organize the production of plastic products include the sanitary and epidemiological station, local executive authorities, local divisions of the State Supervision of Labor Protection, fire inspection, thermal workers, gas service and electricians. The cost and time of obtaining permits will depend on the skill of the owner. In favorable cases, 2-3 months are enough.

Equipment for the production of plastic products

Techniques for the production of plastic products can be found in a variety of ways. At some enterprises there is idle equipment, which, with proper skill, can be purchased quite cheaply and, with the help of specialists, modernize and bring it into working order. If you have enough material resources, it is better to purchase new equipment. In our country there are a large number of engineering organizations that produce equipment for the manufacture of machines for plastic processing. You can also purchase imported equipment.

Basic equipment:

  • vacuum forming equipment,
  • a machine for cutting threads on plastic pipes,
  • foundry machines for thermoplastics,
  • equipment for the production of plastic packaging

Everything will depend on what kind of product will be produced.

Raw materials for plastic products

It is rather difficult with raw materials for the production of plastic products. No matter how good the equipment is, its use will not allow you to get products of the same quality from the same plastic from different manufacturers. To switch from one raw material to another, a serious changeover of equipment and development of technology with the use of new plastic is required. The best option is to constantly buy plastic from one manufacturer.

It will take up to 10 people to service a line for the production of plastic products. The workers will probably have to be taught from scratch. You will also have to hire a technologist for a lot of money.

Technological process for the production of plastic products

The technology for producing plastic consists in organizing a composition, introducing a gas phase into a special polymer medium (usually due to foaming), giving this foamed mass the desired shape and fixing it. Sometimes this composition can be poured into a mold, and then foamed. In the process of creating a composition, ingredients or plastic are combined.

Several methods can be used to introduce the gas phase into the polymer medium: introduction of a gas under pressure into the composition, mechanical foaming, saturation of the compositions with low-boiling liquids that turn into steam upon heating. The method of introducing the gas phase is used depending on which plastic will be processed and what they want to get from it. By recycling a variety of plastics and using a variety of techniques, gas-filled plastics can be produced that will have different properties.

Plastic products have higher thermal stability and strength values \u200b\u200bcompared to polyethylene products. Gas-filled plastics are classified into foam (open-cell) and foam (closed-cell). are a more common product than porous plastics.

Gradually, plastic is replacing more expensive and complex natural materials. Plastic products are in great demand, but few people think about the technology of making familiar and convenient items.

Types of plastics and raw materials

In the production of polymer products, the following types of plastics are used:

  • polyvinyl chloride;
  • polyethylene;
  • polypropylene;
  • high, low pressure polyethylene;
  • polystyrene;
  • polyethylene terephthalate.

One of the features of the production of plastic products is the selection of raw materials. Even the best equipment needs to be reconfigured when the source material manufacturer changes. Otherwise, the quality of the finished product will change.

Production technology

Obtaining all types of plastic products is carried out according to a single algorithm:

  • the creation of a certain chemical composition;
  • gas is introduced into the polymer environment (in the manufacture of foams and porous plastics);
  • giving the resulting mass the required configuration (casting);
  • fixing the final shape.

At the first stage, various ingredients are mixed until a plastic substance is obtained. Next, the gas phase is introduced into the polymer using one of the methods: mechanical foaming, the introduction of rapidly boiling substances that evaporate when heated, or the injection of gas directly under pressure. The production method depends on the type of product and the type of polymer.

There are several methods for the production of plastic products:

  • vacuum forming - the necessary shapes are obtained from plastic sheets under various pressures;
  • press molding - the workpiece is compressed inside the mold, excess material is squeezed out through the slots;
  • compression molding - the amount of material required for production is poured into the mold, the halves of the mold are brought together and the product is squeezed out;
  • casting (casting) - the plastic mass is transferred into a liquid state and poured into molds corresponding to future products. Most of the items are produced in this way: dishes, stationery, others;
  • blowing out - the heated mass is fed into the mold, which is sealed and filled with air. The polymer is distributed evenly over the inner surfaces of the mold;
  • extrusion - the mass is softened and pressed through a die that creates the required shape;
  • thermoforming;
  • encapsulation;
  • layering molding.

Equipment for the production of plastic products

For the manufacture of products from various types of plastics, ready-made technological lines or separate machines are used.


A large group of machines that produce: tubular and sheet films, window profiles, pipes, polymer sheet, plastic slate, foam profiles.

The flat-slit installation includes the following set of elements:

  • extruder with filtration system;
  • pneumatic loaders;
  • blowing head with a cooler;
  • calibration mechanism;
  • pulling device and swivel horizontal rods;
  • flat lay module;
  • rewinder.

The main device of the machine is an extruder, all additional mechanisms make up the extrusion line. Production works in automatic mode, controlled by the program.

Injection molding machines

Injection molding machines for plastics. The prepared mass is poured into molds and cooled, resulting in a finished piece product. 75% of all plastic products on the planet are produced on such machines. The technology allows you to create products of complex shapes, exactly corresponding to the required dimensions, reinforced, hollow, products from several plastic colors, hybrid, foam and others. The injection molding machine can handle all kinds of plastics.

The machine structure contains:

  • material preparation module;
  • module for closing and opening forms;
  • drive unit;
  • automatic control unit.

Plastic injection molding equipment is expensive and contains many innovative solutions. By design, injection molding machines are divided into:

  • two- and single-worm, worm-piston and piston;
  • with one or more plasticizing units;
  • with separate or combined plasticization;
  • by the number of knots for closing the forms: single-position or multi-position;
  • electrical, hydromechanical, electromechanical.

Blow molding machines

They are used for the production of hollow containers with thin walls, for example, cans, barrels, bottles with a capacity of up to 5 thousand liters. The blower heats the material and forms it using the blowing method. The blow molding method is often combined with injection molding in a single injection blow molding machine. In this way, PET containers are produced.

Extrusion blow molding machines

They combine blowing and extrusion technologies, so they can produce a wider range of products than blowing machines: fuel tanks, bumpers, pallets, seats, buckets, barrels, toys, bottles for ketchup and milk, bottles for cosmetics. All processes are controlled by a microprocessor. Machine tools are classified:

  • by the type of heads;
  • by the number of posts;
  • by the number of streams.

The device of the machine includes:

  • an extruder in which the raw material turns into a soft homogeneous mass;
  • the extrusion head is located at the exit of the extruder, the mass passes through it. The head can be multi- or single-strand, angular or straight-through. The mass passing through the extrusion head forms a sleeve or billet;
  • the blowing part is the main unit of the machine, here compressed air is supplied (through a needle, nipple or mandrel), the mold is brought in and closed, the workpiece is cooled, the mold is opened and the product is removed. The weld is also cleaned here.

The extrusion blow molding machine is equipped with a compressor and a cooler.

Thermoforming machines

This is an equipment for making products from continuous film feed. The thickness and composition of the film may vary. The main products are plastic and paper disposable grocery containers, glasses.

The principle of operation of the thermoforming machine: the material is heated up to 140 degrees Celsius, the product is blown out of the roll. Usually a film with a thickness of 100 micrometers or more is used in production.

Thermoforming machines can be belt, rotary, revolving, multi- or single-station. In addition to forming, products are cut and sealed on a band machine. Turret and rotary are more suitable for forming. The process is controlled automatically, manually or semi-automatically.

Optional equipment

In addition to the main mechanisms in the production of plastic products, devices are used to facilitate the process:

  • dryers;
  • loaders;
  • mixers;
  • crushers;
  • transporters;
  • conveyors;
  • flash charges.

Mini plastic injection molding machines

This is a kind of desktop mini-machine for the production of small parts in small batches. Single or multi-seat forms are used. The mini-machine weighs about 15 kg, it can be easily placed on any sturdy table, therefore it is called desktop. Some mini models come with a desktop. More compact mini-models with an electric drive and an automatic clamping module. These mini bench-top machines are used to make experimental parts for new equipment.