What dreams of skating rink. What dreams of skates

Dream Miller

If you dream that you are skating on ice, it means that you are threatened with losing your job or some kind of values.

If riding. You break the ice - it means that your friends are not of those people with whom you can consult.

If in a dream you just watch other people skate, it means that in reality you will become a victim of gossip linking your name to some scandalous incident involving a person causing your admiration.

To dream about ice skating means frustration with your business partners ...

To dream of youth skating on roller skates means that you will enjoy your good health and experience a special uplift from what you can sacrifice your joy and pleasure for others.

What dreams of skating

Family Dream

If you dreamed that you are skating, you will lose your job or some valuables.

If, while riding, you broke the ice, know that your friends are not one of those who should be consulted.

Watched in a dream, as other people skate - in reality you will fall victim to gossip.

In general, a dream of skating often foreshadows discord with business partners ...

But a dream in which young people ride roller skates means that you will enjoy your good health and experience a special uplift from what you can sacrifice your joy and pleasure for others.

What dreams of skating

Dream Dream

If you dream of skating in a dream, in reality expect separation from your beloved.

If you dream of children rollerblading, it means that you will be happy to sacrifice everything for your loved one.

Swayability and value of dreams

Sleep from Wednesday to Thursday

The dream reflects future events of a social and business nature. The vivid dream, which the dreamer remembered in detail, indicates the likelihood of favorable career changes on the coming Saturday or Sunday. Little-remembered pictures foreshadow hard monotonous work.

11 lunar day

The dream, which left a pleasant feeling, indicates the correctness of your beliefs and undertakings. The unpleasant emotional color of sleep indicates the misconceptions that you made in the past. Review your attitude to life.

Many dreams are not entirely clear, which causes not just concern, but irritability and even aggression after awakening. This is explained by subconscious feelings that cannot interpret and understand what the dream predicts about future events.

What if you dream of skating?

Naturally, if you correctly interpret such a dream, even with its not too pleasant interpretation, harmony and balance of the state of the soul will be achieved. That is, it will be possible either to prepare for possible troubles and find out where to expect them from, or to rejoice in achieving the expected results of the works.

Among such dreams, the dream of skating is not very clear. How can you interpret ice, skates, gliding and pleasure in a dream at the same time? It turns out that skating by itself, if you do not take into account any other factors, will mean a loss of work in the near future.

It can also be interpreted as a failed order or a similar loss (for example, jewelry, money, or even a loved one or a loved one).

If we consider in more detail what dreams of skating on ice, then the fact of such skating will be important.

Broken ice, in this case, will denote, for example, deception or betrayal of close friends, colleagues or partners.

It should be noted that ice skating, in most cases interpretations, will denote the disappointment of loss or deception. For example, just to watch in a dream how other people will skate - in life you will feel the bitterness of losing confidence in your loved ones or disappointment in your idols. However, if young people skate, it is interpreted as a spiritual uplift, joy and inspiration from being able to help other people, take care of their health and the like.

What foreshadows?

The general direction, which is predicted by dreams in which to have to skate, makes a person afraid of the future. No wonder, because most interpretations refer to losses and disappointments, such as losing a job, job, project, friends or funds. It can also be sudden gossip or similar not entirely plausible actions that are revealed or attributed to the sleeper.

Despite such unpleasant consequences of sleep, or rather, predictions of future events, it will be important to properly prepare for them mentally, to tune in and with honor to withstand a small blow of fate.

If you do the right thing in this situation, you can not only break and change it, but also convert it into the opposite, having achieved significant success. In principle, it is for this purpose that the subconscious mind allows you to see in a dream such a picture of events.

If, on the contrary, to give up and wait for the end of your role, it will only get worse, since inaction and "lethargy" will bring more trouble in your personal life or work. It is good if a person responds adequately to all dreams and does not wait for someone to send something to him.

What dreams of skates? They are said to symbolize that you do not live a real life, but slide past it. Carefully, when meeting with reality, you can hit the ice very painfully. There is also a version that skating warns of a developing disease of the musculoskeletal system. What other options do famous dream interpreters offer?

Summer dream

To see yourself in a dream on the rink - to try to avoid making a decision, to escape from problems.

Modern dream book

In the dream, did you make amazing figures on the ice or even shine in the figure skating championship? This means that in reality, thanks to talent and ingenuity, you will receive recognition and achieve your goals. But if you stumbled and fell, then the project for which they took up, you can not afford.

Spring dream book

Skates in a dream mean an unexpected departure, and you will have to get ready for the journey very quickly.

Dream Dream

Gliding on the ice foreshadows in reality to enjoy a pleasant pastime.

The dream of the witch Medea

Dreaming about skating says that you make little effort to achieve the goal, while interfering with your fussiness and others to succeed.

Dream interpretation Maria Fedorovskoy

Acquire skates in a dream - to commit a rash act, which you will regret. Sale of skates - to a truce with a sworn enemy.

Old dream book

Seeing yourself in the role of a skater - to senseless troubles. And to go to the rink in the usual shoes or barefoot - a warning of serious danger.

Dream interpretation of the 21st century

To crazy adventures, the need to instantly calculate all the options - this is what dreams of skating. Participate in competitions and get a medal? Good luck on your side. If you just watch the skaters in a dream, in reality it's time to relax and unwind.

Dream interpretation for lovers

Skating in a dream - to parting with her beloved. Children, chasing roller skates, foreshadow the need for sacrifice for the sake of love.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

In a dream, do you step on the ice of the rink? A sign that reductions are planned at work, and your candidacy may be on the list for dismissal. If you decide to ride on a frozen river or lake, the dream warns: your friend is unreliable, he will let you down in an important matter. Sharpening blades of skates - to intrigue and gossip.

Try to ride the blunted skates, but stumble and fall - to problems with business partners.

Dreams of Dmitriy and Nadezhda Zima

According to this dream book, skates symbolize risk, often meaningless and unnecessary. Falling on the ice warns: playing with fortune is unsafe for life.