Tomato juice from tomato paste. Making Tomato Juice from Tomato Paste

For most domestic consumers, it has long been a secret that there are practically no natural vegetable and fruit juices on sale. Most fruit juices are made by diluting with water and bringing to the necessary consistency the concentrated juice produced in special factories. Vegetables, for example, carrot, pumpkin, are produced using the same technology from thickened mashed potatoes, tomato juice from tomato paste. This is due to the fact that to ensure uniform loading of juice factories throughout the year. This is understandable: it is possible to harvest and process a huge amount of fruits in a short season, but the question of storing, transporting and evenly supplying the finished product to the population becomes quite time consuming and expensive.

In addition, the brazen deception of consumers is aggravated by the introduction of the term "nectar", thanks to which some manufacturers are trying to legitimately reduce (sometimes up to 40 percent) the content of juice in a drink, not really bothering to lower prices.

Yes, some juices, for example, cherry, drink in a clean, 100 percent form does not give pleasure, and from such juices you really need to make nectar to improve taste, but when the packaging says "apple nectar" or "orange nectar" is only the trick of the manufacturer trying to manipulate the quality and price, and legally.

We now turn to tomato juice. If manufacturers make it from tomato paste, why can't we make it at home and what is the price of the issue? Naturally make tomato juice at home is extremely easy! As for the price component, here everything is very simple. 1 liter of tomato juice, depending on the manufacturer, costs from 40 to 60 rubles or more. For example, the retail price of juice "Dobry", with a capacity of 1 liter, in one of the popular supermarket chains, is about 50 rubles. A liter jar of tomato paste "Kuhmaster" shown in the photo cost 54 rubles.

It has been established empirically that in order to get high-quality juice, it is necessary to dilute the paste with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 5 or 1: 6 (this depends on the quality of the original product and personal preferences). It is easy to calculate that the cost of such juice will be about 10 rubles per liter!

Therefore, the manufacturing technology is very simple: put tomato paste in a jar or glass, pour it with cooled boiled or mineral water, six times more than the paste taken, add salt to taste, if you want sugar or pepper, mix thoroughly, and the juice is ready! The main rule - the juice should not be too thick or translucent.

More specifically: 2-3 teaspoons of pasta with a very large top and 1/4 teaspoon of salt without the top is taken in a 200-gram glass. The rest is governed by personal preferences.

The initial product is tomato paste. At 200 - gram glass enough 3 teaspoons with a large top.

In a glass of ready tomato juice! Salt is added to taste, approximately 1/4 - 1/3 of a teaspoon without a top per 200 gram glass.

In conclusion, a few words about tomato paste. Depending on the manufacturer, it can be better and worse, more expensive and cheaper. Not always what is more expensive is better. Even the presence of starch as a thickener is not an indication that the paste is bad, the starch is a natural product and usually its content per liter of ready-made tomato paste does not exceed a few grams. Remember that emphasizing the "naturalness" of the product, manufacturers often deliberately overcharge. Do not fall for this trick, be careful!

In general, Iranian tomato paste was very good. Great quality and great price! However, the sale is not observed for a long time!

The benefits of vegetable juices proved long ago. Tomato juice is no exception. This delicious drink comprehensively supports and strengthens the body, protecting its diseases and ailments.  Nectar of fresh tomatoes perfectly quenches thirst in hot weather, it can also be preserved for the winter. However, not everyone knows the correct recipe for this tomato drink, and making it takes a lot of time. It is much easier to cook it from tomato paste. This product is no less useful and tasty. Let us consider in more detail how to make tomato juice from a paste and analyze its healing properties.

Selection of tomato base

Transforming tomato paste into juice is very simple, you only need water, salt and tomato base. The latter should be of high quality, expensive and free of preservatives and additives.

You can drink homemade tomato juice in its pure form or add it to cocktails, meat and vegetable dishes, sauces, and soups. Its analogue factory is not cheap, so making juice from pasta, you will be able to save a lot. In addition, the drink will not be any different from their counterparts, show off on store shelves. After all, only a small percentage of manufacturers produce a truly high-quality product made from natural tomatoes. In most cases, the same tomato paste, water, salt and beautiful packaging are used.

Attention! To make juice, use only tomato paste, not sauce or ketchup. At the same time, the percentage of dry ingredients in it should be at least 25 (ideally 25-40%). The product should contain only two main ingredients: water and salt.

It is easy to check the quality of the paste: shake the jar, if there is too much liquid in it, and the consistency is similar to the density of an inexpensive ketchup or sauce, you have a product of dubious quality.


Tomato base dissolve with cold boiled water - 1 part pasta to 3 parts of the liquid. To prepare liquid juice, be guided by the ratio: 1 tbsp. spoon pasta to 1 cup of purified water. If you prefer a thicker drink, take a glass of water 2-3 tbsp. spoons of raw materials. Juice should be salted in large table salt. In addition to salt, you can also add sugar or pepper - they will add to the taste of new sensations. Many gourmets drink tomato juice with spices - marjoram, rosemary, thyme. The drink is recommended to drink chilled.

What is useful pasta

To get tomato paste, tomatoes are rubbed and then heat treated. In the process of boiling, the moisture evaporates from the concentrated mass, and the content of dry substances in it, on the contrary, increases. The finished product is used for the preparation of liquid dishes - soups and sauces, for stewing meat and vegetables.

If the paste does not contain any concentrates, and is a natural product made only from tomatoes, it has full beneficial properties. Therefore, before making tomato juice, carefully select the base.

High-quality tomato paste includes potassium, calcium, iron and magnesium, making it useful for muscles and bones. Acids (citric and malic) contained in it improve metabolism and digestive processes. Vitamins of groups B and C eliminate malfunctions of the nervous system, improve the condition of the hair, increase the strength of the nails.

Attention! Low-calorie tomato paste is only 23 kcal / 100 g. Therefore, the juice prepared on its basis is absolutely harmless to diabetics and people on diet.

About the healing qualities of tomatoes

Tomatoes, which are the basis for tomato paste, are essential for healthy foods. They contain many valuable minerals, including:

  • iron, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, potassium, calcium, allowing to keep the body in "tone";
  • fiber, useful for digestion;
  • antioxidant lycopene, which has anti-cancer effect;
  • vitamins A, E, C, B5, B6, B9, PP, K, which are responsible for the smooth operation of internal organs and systems;
  • folic acid, which stimulates the circulatory and immune systems.

Tomatoes have no equal in the ability to return a person strength and strengthen the immune system. This is not only a delicious product, but also an effective drug. Ripe tomatoes have an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and soothing effect, improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines, relieve toxicosis in pregnant women.

Juice made from fresh tomatoes, fully retains their healing properties and is included in the list of essential health products.

How to make tomato juice from fresh tomatoes

Recipe number 1

Tomatoes for the recipe pick ripe and intact. Rinse them with running water, mince, remove the skin. For express cooking, you can use a juicer.

Pour the tomato mass into the enameled container and boil over low heat until the foam bubbles disappear from the surface. If the juice is prepared for the winter, it should be poured into hot sterilized jars.

Recipe number 2

This recipe differs from the first one in that instead of a juicer a sieve is used in the course. Whole, ripe tomatoes should be cut into slices and rub through a fine sieve. Then pass the mass through a gauze filter. In the resulting juice, add salt and sugar, boil (as in the first recipe) and pour into sterilized jars.

Grown at their own cottage, is one of the healthy foods. It contains vitamins C and B, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, malic and citric acids. The usefulness of the drink is that its components strengthen nails and hair, improve metabolism, support the state of diabetes and promote weight loss.

Unfortunately, not always a person has the opportunity to grow vegetables in the garden beds. For this reason, he buys his favorite drink in the store, overpaying for bright packaging, delivery of goods and deception of the seller, who wants to make a profit at the expense of inattentive buyers. If you look at the package, it is easy to find out what the drink is made of - tomato puree, water and salt. So is it worth overpaying in the store for something that is very simple to do at home and get a quality product?

How profitable is it to make pasta juice at home?

A simple calculation showed that 3 l of tomato juice is obtained from one can of tomato paste (at a ratio of 1: 6). Salting the drink, the consumer does not feel the difference in taste and quickly get the right product. The cost of half a liter jar of pasta is 50 - 70 rubles. The cost of 1 liter of juice costs a tiny amount - 16 - 25 rubles.

But for the preparation of vegetable drink it is necessary tomato paste. Ketchups and sauces are not suitable for this purpose. The proportion of dry substances in the composition of the product should vary in the range of 25 - 40%. The content of additives like acidity regulators and sugar in the composition is not welcome, only salt and water are allowed.

How to check the quality of the goods? Shake the jar and check the consistency of the contents. If there is too much liquid in the container, and the density of the paste resembles sauce or ketchup, there is reason to doubt the quality of the proposed product.

When mashed properly, tomatoes are rubbed and heat treated. Then the raw materials are boiled to evaporate moisture and increase the proportion of dry substances. If there are no concentrates in the composition of vegetable puree, it will fully display useful properties in the human body. Careful selection of the basis for tomato juice is the key to enriching the body with valuable substances.

Shop juice is sold at a price of 30 - 40 rubles for 1 l. In its composition there are additives, and the cost is four times higher than the price of juice made from pasta. This begs the question: what's the point of paying more if you can dilute the puree with water, salt it and drink it without worrying that the body will receive not very useful substances? Let's learn how to cook tomato juice yourself from homemade tomato paste. Surely you have prepared it for future use.

How to make tomato paste juice: a simple recipe

Get the tomato juice from tomato paste recipe offers only one that is considered classic. According to its rules, vegetable puree is diluted with cool boiled water at the rate of 1: 3. To get a thick drink, take 2 - 3 tbsp to 1 cup of water. l raw materials. If you need a liquid product, the consistency of water, then in a glass of water dilute 1 tbsp. l pasta.

Salted juice with coarse-grained table salt. Add some sugar or pepper if desired. Some people like a drink with spices - thyme, marjoram, rosemary. In any case, it is better to use it chilled.

What product is more useful - cooked at home or bought in a supermarket? There is no exact answer to this question, as the vegetable grounds and ready-made juice sold in the store may differ in composition. Among consumers, there is even the opinion that 85% of vegetable juices are made on the basis of mashed tomatoes. Therefore, it is much more useful to make tomato juices from that tomato paste, which was prepared at home.


Knowing how to make tomato juice from tomato paste, housewives should learn the recipes of the dishes, which will be added to this useful liquid. Juice can be drunk in pure form. It can also be added to soups, vegetable and meat dishes, sauces and cocktails. The product, made from natural tomatoes, is very different in quality from shopping counterparts.

Remember that no matter how colorful or unpretentious the packaging is, its contents are usually the same - pasta, salt and water. But from what tomatoes this product was prepared and whether the production technology was observed, consumers cannot know. Therefore, it makes sense and process it into juice as needed.

Tomato is an unusually healthy and tasty vegetable that is widely used in cooking. It contains all the necessary minerals for the body, and there are also such scarce ones as magnesium and iron. Tomatoes - one of the main sources of folic acid, the body needs for the immune and circulatory system. In addition, the tomato contains many beneficial vitamins, especially ascorbic acid and part of the B group vitamins. It also contains fiber, which stimulates digestion.

That is why in many conditions that require stimulation of the immune system, mainly accompanied by a breakdown, tomatoes can serve not only food, but also medicine. They will help with diseases of the blood vessels, with some types of toxicosis in pregnant women. And you can use not only fresh tomatoes, but the juice itself. This juice is tasty and healthy even for healthy people, it is one of those few drinks, not sweet, but pleasant to the taste. And to make tomato juice if desired at home is not at all difficult.

In general, the best juice is natural, squeezed from ripe fruit or vegetables just before use. It can be obtained using a juicer or using a blender. But such juice is available only during the harvest season. And the juice prepared in this way, you need to drink immediately.

To preserve the juice for the future, it is impossible to do without heat treatment, despite the fact that canning will destroy some of the nutrients. There are many recipes for making tomato juice. And choose the one that you like, will not be difficult.

How to make tomato juice?

If you want to get a sufficiently high yield of the finished product, you need to choose fleshy tomato varieties with few seeds: Alekseevna F1, Minion, Sumoist, because more juicy tomatoes will give more juice per kilogram. Excellent results in the manufacture of juice give pink tomatoes: "Korneevsky", "Fatima", "Pink flamingo".

Juicing should begin with preparing a tomato. To do this, remove the seeds and skin from them, bring the flesh to a paste. There are different ways to achieve this.

Juicer - one of the most simple and affordable options. It retains pieces of skin and seeds, but with its use a significant amount of pulp is lost. Therefore, for many, it is preferable to use a meat grinder. But in this case it is necessary to remove the skin from the tomato. For this purpose, put a tomato on a fork, put it in boiling water for a few seconds, and then pour it over with cold water. With such processing, the skin is easily removed. But with this method, there are still seeds.

To get a more uniform texture, tomatoes are sometimes rubbed through a sieve, usually metal. This method requires additional preparation of the fruit, because it will not work with fresh tomatoes. To begin with, boil the tomatoes to a state of softness. Some advise for this option to heat the sliced ​​tomatoes right in the pan without adding water. Others suggest that you first squeeze some juice by hand, bring it to a boil and then hold tomato slices on gauze for about 5 minutes.

After obtaining a sufficiently homogeneous liquid mass, the process of preparing tomato juice for long storage begins.

The easiest recipe.

Chop ripe fresh tomatoes, move to an enamel pan, then bring to a boil. Continue cooking without salt and spices, stirring the product until the foam disappears (about 15-20 minutes).

Note that the faster the initial mass warms up to boil, the more homogeneous its consistency will be.

Ready juice should be immediately poured into sterilized dishes - it is best for this purpose to fit glass jars or bottles - and close tightly. It is best to store this juice in a cool room (with a temperature below 12 degrees) or in a refrigerator.

The most recent recipe.

To make tomato juice as fresh as possible, it is necessary to bring crushed fresh tomatoes to a boil, then immediately pour into glass bottles, close them and sterilize for 20-25 minutes. This juice will save all the vitamins and nutrients.

The most exquisite recipe.

Normal natural juice without the addition of salt and spices can sometimes seem too bland. To make the juice tastier, you need to add salt and sugar to taste during cooking (approximately 10 minutes before being prepared), and after a couple of minutes spices (pepper, vinegar, cinnamon, garlic, and so on, from your taste and choice). Here is one of the proposed combinations: for 2 liters of tomato juice - one teaspoon of vinegar, 350 g of sugar, ¼ teaspoon of ground red pepper, 3-5 pieces of cloves, 15 grains of black pepper peas.

Tomato juice from tomato paste.

I would like to mention a recipe that usually causes a lot of controversy.

The easiest way to get tomato juice at home is to dilute the tomato paste purchased in the store with water (approximately 2 teaspoons are needed for a glass of water). And at the same time you get a drink that is quite close to the purchased juice (but it will cost you much cheaper).

But some believe that similar tomato juice, obtained from tomato paste, cannot be called juice at all, and all the useful substances in such a product are killed by the cooking technology (meaning prolonged heating). It's a delusion. In the manufacture of tomato paste is not used evaporation. The pulp of the fruit is separated from the juice using a special centrifuge.

Publisher: Rostislav Belyakov

Probably everyone knows that vegetables bring great health benefits. Such products are a source of significant amounts of vitamins, minerals, fiber and other elements important for the normal functioning of the body. Vegetable juices are also distinguished by a high degree of utility, especially those prepared by themselves. Just such drinks include tomato juice. It can be easily prepared for the winter or created from improvised means. Let's talk about how to make tomato juice from tomato paste; we also give a recipe so that you can make natural tomato juice. Also answer the question, is it possible to drink tomato juice during gastritis?

Tomato Juice Recipes

How to make tomato juice from tomato paste?

In fact, making tomato juice from tomato paste is quite simple. To do this, you need to prepare only itself, as well as salt and water. It is worth noting that the original product must be of high quality. In tomato paste should not be any preservatives, flavors and other chemicals.

To prepare tomato juice from tomato paste, you need to dilute it with ordinary cold water (drinking). If you want to get a liquid drink, dissolve a tablespoon of pasta in a glass of water. If you prefer a thicker juice, dissolve a couple of tablespoons of tomato paste in a glass of water. Prepared drink should be salted with coarse table salt, focusing on their taste preferences.

In addition, a little sugar and pepper can be added to tomato juice - also to taste.

It should be noted that tomato juice from tomato paste can not bring special health benefits, because it contains the minimum amount of nutrients. When preparing such a product, many vitamins are lost.

How to make tomato juice from tomatoes?

Natural tomato juice is made from fresh tomatoes. Rinse well and dry. Cut out prepared hearts, then cut them in half. Turn this raw material through a meat grinder, then send it to an enamel pan. Bring the tomato mass to almost boiling, then grind it through a fine sieve. You should have a juice that has a uniform consistency. Bring it to a boil and boil on a minimum power for five minutes. Pour into sterilized cans and cover with sterile metal lids.

In case you want to add salt and sugar to your drink, stick to your taste preferences. It is best to add such components when wiping.

Tomato juice - the recipe is more complicated:

To prepare such a drink, you need to prepare eleven kilograms of red tomatoes, half a kilogram of sugar, one hundred seventy-five grams of salt and two hundred seventy-five milliliters of nine-percent vinegar. In addition, you will need thirty peas allspice, six to ten clove buds and three and a half teaspoons. Still use half a teaspoon of ground red pepper, a few cloves of garlic and a pinch of nutmeg.

First rinse the tomatoes, remove the stalks, cut and twist in the juicer. Pour the resulting juice in an enamel container, boil for half an hour. Next, reduce the heat to a minimum boiling power. Put sugar and salt in juice and boil for another ten minutes. Add garlic, prepared vinegar and spices to the container. Boil for another ten to twenty minutes, then pour into sterile containers and cork.

Can I drink tomato juice with gastritis?

High-quality tomato juice has a positive effect on the activity of the whole organism, including the work of the digestive tract. Such a drink activates the production of digestive juice, so its consumption can benefit patients with hypoacid gastritis. With this disease, the acidity of the digestive juice is reduced. However, nutritionists strongly do not recommend taking it if you suffer from the aggravation of such a disease, otherwise your condition may worsen.

Patients with hypoacid gastritis in remission should take this drink twenty to thirty minutes before the meal. Such drinking increases the readiness of the digestive tract for the subsequent digestion of food. However, it is worth noting that the addition of salt reduces the healing qualities of the juice by an order of magnitude. Salt can be replaced with chopped garlic and fresh finely chopped greens (dill, parsley, etc.). Also, instead of salt, you can use celery.

In case of tomato juice you should not use it in any way, as it can greatly harm health.

Additional Information

Tomato juice, which we continue to talk about on this page, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, it has diuretic and choleretic qualities. Also, this drink is characterized by antimicrobial properties, its consumption helps to strengthen the capillaries and prevent atherosclerosis. It is believed that tomato juice effectively suppresses the processes of decay, optimizes the digestive tract, eliminates and prevents constipation. In addition, this drink is a good prevention of thrombosis. A systematic consumption of tomato juice helps to get rid of excess weight.


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