Recipe for the conservation of zucchini without sterilization. Step-by-step photo recipe for preparing zucchini winter in tomato without sterilization

Simple, but very tasty snack of zucchini, which we prepare for the winter. Juicy, tender and at the same time elastic vegetable pieces in fragrant and saturated tomato fill. Garlic and fresh parsley make a ready dish of zucchini in this recipe more interesting and fragrant. Squash in tomato sauce can be served both in cold and heated form - in any case, it will be very tasty!

For this recipe zucchini fits perfectly any degree of maturity. Young, for example, can be used together with a delicate skin and unformed seeds, but for over-ripe ones it is necessary to remove the rough outer layer and remove the core with large seeds. Choose a really tasty tomato sauce, because the taste and aroma of the finished dish will depend on it. I prefer homemade sauce cooked for the winter with this recipe.

I do not advise neglecting the amount of garlic: quite a lot of it goes into harvesting. But you can easily change the proportions of sugar, salt and vinegar to your liking - in this recipe I offer the amount that pleases our family. Instead of (or together) fresh parsley, you can add dill or any other fragrant herbs.


(1.5 kilograms) (1 cup) (100 milliliters) (60 grams) (20 grams) (1 tablespoon ) (1 head) (1 bundle)

Cooking steps by step with a photo:

First, prepare the squash: wash them and dry. In the young just cut off the tips. My zucchini was of medium maturity, so I had to remove the skin from them (it’s best to do this with the peeler and housekeeper) and cut the fibrous inner part along with the seeds.

Fold the vegetable pieces into the pan of a suitable volume (I have 4 liters). The weight of zucchini in the recipe (1.5 kilograms) is indicated in the form already prepared.

Add 100 milliliters of vegetable oil, 60 grams of sugar and 20 grams of salt. Mix and let stand at room temperature for about 15-20 minutes.

During this time, zucchini empty juice and compacted. We carry out such training in order to reduce the time of heat treatment and prevent zucchini boil over.

Add a glass (regular faceted) of your favorite tomato sauce, mix and set the pan on high heat. When the contents of the dishes boil, we make the average heat and simmer the zucchini in tomato sauce for about 15 minutes. During this time, a couple of times we mix everything.

While preparing zucchini, clean and chop fresh garlic. You can just finely chop it with a knife, chop it on a grater or skip it through a press. Wash fresh parsley and finely chop with a knife.

After 15 minutes of stewing, squash will become translucent - they are almost ready. The texture of the pieces is quite soft, while still crispy.

In advance (or in the process of cooking zucchini) you need to prepare the dishes. Most of all I like to sterilize the jars in the microwave and boil the lids on the stove (5 minutes after boiling is enough). My banks in soda solution, rinsed and pour in each about 100 milliliters of cold water. Steam them in the microwave at the highest power of 9-10 minutes (the time is indicated for 3 jars at once). I advise you to use glass jars with a capacity of 500 milliliters - you only need 3 pieces. We decompose boiling zucchini in a fragrant tomato potting in jars, not reaching the edge of the dish about 1 centimeter.

1 Portion 15 minutes


Zucchini in tomato sauce for the winter  - this is a wonderful snack that will suit any meal, be it a celebration or a family dinner. Such a dish can be a good addition to the side dish, as well as to meat, enhancing its taste.

If you really like spicy food, then you can add a little red hot pepper here.   Just do not overdo it, otherwise you can make the dish unbearably spicy, which is why nobody will eat it.

It is best to choose young medium-sized zucchini, as they have a more delicate structure and pleasant taste. Old zucchini can sometimes be a little bitter, if this is not a problem for you, then you can not bother with the correct selection of vegetables for cooking zucchini in a tomato for the winter.

This recipe is good because in a relatively small amount of time you can cook and close a few cans of snacks. Cooking speed does not affect her taste at all. Try the zucchini in tomato at least once, and then you will close them for the winter in large quantities every year.

Even if you do not have any culinary experience at all, making such a snack at home is not a problem. Canned zucchini in a tomato without sterilization is prepared very simply, and you will see this if you use our recipe with step-by-step photos.

For those who are sure that home cooking and various winter preparations are a privilege only for professionals and experienced housewives with many years of experience, we want to convince them and prove the opposite. It is worth everyone to learn or at least test their abilities. And after that, prove to yourself that even an amateur can make a tasty dish! For example, you can do tomato squash for the winter. This is a fairly simple preparation, especially if you follow the following step-by-step recipes. First you need to explore the ingredients that will be required in the work. A selection of products in any recipe is subject to change and addition. It is worth remembering about the calorie performed meals; for taste is taste, but it is impossible to forget about the benefits! And then it will be possible not only to enjoy prepared preservation, satisfying hunger, but also to replenish the body with vitamins and other beneficial substances.

Tomato squash for the winter: Recipe 1 (in tomato juice)

Tomato squash for the winter: Recipe 3 (in tomato sauce with sweet pepper)

In order to enjoy tasty, fragrant vegetables in the cold, it is necessary to start plugging them in the summer period. So, the next quick method describes the technology of preserving zucchini with sweet peppers in tomato sauce. It will take for this: 2.5 kg of taverns, 1 kilo of bell peppers, 0.5 liters of ready-made tomato sauce, 200 ml of refined lean oil, 1 large head of garlic, 1 tsp. salt, 1 cup of granulated sugar, 15-18 black peppercorns, 100 ml of 7% table fat.

And in the first place prepared by the sealing of the container. It is washed and sterilized by any convenient method. The following are processed vegetable ingredients. Squashes - exceptionally young - are washed in cold running water, dried on a kitchen towel and cut into cubes or slices no more than 1.5 cm thick. After that they are laid out in a volumetric bowl. A large garlic head is peeled and pressed through the garlic press. Sweet pepper seeds are cleaned and tails are cut; and the flesh is cut into strips.

Then the thick-walled cookware is taken and ready-made tomato sauce is poured into it (Krasnodar or any other non-spicy). The sauce is placed on the stove to boil and, as soon as bubbles appear on its surface, salt, granulated sugar, peas and pepper are poured into it, and vegetable oil is poured and table salt is added. Future pouring is stirred until the grains of spices dissolve. After boiling the sauce, squash, strips of sweet pepper are poured into dishes, and it is stewed over moderate fire for about half an hour, stirring from time to time. Soon the taverns begin to secrete juice and decrease in size. And after the specified time interval has elapsed, pieces of vegetables should generally drown in the pot, completely immersed in it.

Turning down the heat and not removing the dishes with the finished dish, the appetizer is laid out with a slotted spoon over the previously calcined cans, slightly compacting it. The container is uniformly filled with both vegetables and tomato sauce. The fill should certainly cover the taverns, but in terms of level, do not slightly reach the edge of the neck. Then the containers are covered with hot lids and rolled up. Squash in tomato sauce for the winter  To check the tightness, they are turned upside down, and for slow cooling and additional sterilization, they are wrapped with something warm on top to prevent cool air from entering under the coverlet. The blockage “” is kept for 2-3 days without sharp temperature fluctuations, and only after that it is put into a ventilated, cool storeroom for storage until winter.

Uncorked zucchini in tomato fill for the winter  chilled or warmed to room temperature in a salad bowl. They can accompany a variety of salty dishes and side dishes. Before serving a snack, it would be good to sprinkle it with a little chopped green cilantro or parsley. By the way, greens can be added when cooking this dish, pouring it at the same time with zucchini and stew for about half an hour, accompanied with spices. And instead of the sauce, sometimes use juice from ripe, fresh tomatoes or previously preserved; but previously it should be boiled for 15-20 minutes and then poured into the rest of the ingredients.

Recipe 4 "Squash tongue tongue"

Will be incomplete if they do not add this recipe for home blockage. The products that will be needed for its implementation are the following list: 3 kg of taverns, 3 kilos of ripe red tomatoes, 5 large sweet peppers, 3-4 heads of garlic, 5-6 tsp. salt table, 6-8 tsp sand-sugar, 1.5-2 stinging pod, 100 ml of 9% fat and 250 ml of vegetable oil.

So, all the necessary components of culinary techniques are prepared in this way. Tomatoes are washed out and cut into slices. After wet processing, sweet peppers are cut into strips, removing and removing the testes from them. Then the tomatoes and peppers are turned in mashed potatoes in a meat grinder, and the resulting mass is poured into an enameled deep pan, suitable for the volume. Next, squash cleaned and chopped longitudinal tongues. Peeled garlic cloves are ground together with stinging pods without seeds.

Tomato slices are also ground or simmered and then rubbed on a sieve. And then they boil briefly. Squash tongues, spices, vegetable oil, and heat treatment lasts about half an hour. After a specified period of time, table oset is poured in, crushed garlic-pepper mass is poured. And cooking will take another 5 minutes. The way ends " How to cook tomato squash for the winter»Packaging ready hot snacks on washed, sterilized glass jars and sealed with tin lids.

Recipe 5 (with tomato paste)

Unusual, but very tasty snack, which can be served as a side dish, pre-heating, or cold as. A set of vegetables and their harmonious combination make up an amazing tandem. But the final result depends on the quality of the tomato paste; therefore, her choice should be given special attention. So on zucchini for the winter with tomato paste  it will be necessary: ​​2 kilos of taverns, 0.6 kg of onions, carrots and sweet pepper, 400 ml of thick, saturated tomato paste, 1 tbsp. salt, 1 head of garlic, 1 cup of sand, sugar, 200 ml of vegetable oil and the same 9% of the net, 400 ml of water.

The main vegetables in the harvest after washing are cut into cubes. If they are old enough and even old, then it is better to clean them partially from the inner, wiry pulp and seeds. Carrots are also washed and rubbed on a medium grater. Peppers with onions are coarsely chopped and fried in vegetable oil before browning. Peeled garlic cloves are pressed on the garlic press. Further, all the components are added to the cooking utensils, spices are poured over them, crushed garlic, oil is poured in, tomato paste is added, diluted with water. After stirring, the mixture is boiled for half an hour from the moment of boiling, not forgetting to interfere with it from time to time. And about five minutes before completion, table ocetum is poured into the boiling mass. Hot lettuce spreads in cans, closes and flips. It is not necessary to wrap it in addition. For storage, preservation is sent to a cool room; and in no case is left until the cold at room temperature.

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