Salads for the winter without cooking and sterilization. Crunchy cucumber salad without sterilization: a recipe for winter

Cucumber salad for the winter without sterilization  - a real miracle for housewives who love different pickles and marinades! It is incredibly tasty, juicy, crunchy and somewhat resembles the one that is very often sold in stores, although it is still more homemade, because it is prepared for a beloved family!

Ingredients for cooking cucumber salad for the winter without sterilization:

  1. Cucumbers 3 kilograms
  2. Garlic 1 head (weight 100 grams)
  3. Parsley or dill  30 grams
  4. Onion 1 kilogram or to taste and desire
  5. Sugar 200 grams
  6. Salt large stone (without iodine) 3 tablespoons (with slide)
  7. Table vinegar 9%  150 milliliters
  8. Refined vegetable oil (odorless)  100 milliliters

Not suitable products? Choose a similar recipe from the others!


Kitchen scales, kitchen knife, cutting board, paper kitchen towels, deep enamel bowl or pan with a lid, garlic press, wooden kitchen spoon, glass jar of the desired volume - as needed, metal screw or plastic cover - as needed, watering can with a wide neck , skimmer, refrigerator, salad bowl.

Preparation of cucumber salad for the winter without sterilization:

Step 1: Prepare the ingredients.

This salad will perfectly complement the daily or holiday menu. First of all, using a sharp kitchen knife, peel off the onion with garlic and thoroughly wash them of any contamination under trickles of cold running water along with cucumbers, as well as parsley or dill sprigs, although it can be a bit of everything. Next, dry the vegetables and greens with paper kitchen towels, take turns sending on the chopping board and continue the preparation. At cucumbers we remove caps on both sides and cut them into rings about 3-4 millimeters in size. The onion is crushed into half rings, quarters or straws 5 millimeters thick. Parsley or dill, and maybe both, just finely chop.

Garlic cloves are either squeezed through a press, or chopped into small pieces of arbitrary shape up to 2-3 millimeters. Then we lay out the rest of the right ingredients on the tabletop and move on.

Step 2: Insist vegetables.

We take a clean, deep, preferably enameled bowl or pan and send chopped vegetables and greens into it. Pour the right amount of granulated sugar, coarse rock salt and pour table vinegar 9-%. Mix these ingredients with a wooden kitchen spoon to a uniform consistency, cover them with a lid, so that a rather large gap remains until 10–11 centimeters, and leave in a cool, well-ventilated place for 12 hours.

Step 3: prepare the container for storage.

After half a day we are preparing inventory for storage. To start, carefully inspect the banks, as well as screw or plastic covers for rust, cracks or other damage. Then we thoroughly wash them under warm running water with the help of a usual soft sponge and baking soda, in principle a dish detergent is also suitable, but in this case it is better that it contains the minimum amount of chemicals. Then sterilized glass container in any convenient way, for example, in the oven, microwave or on the stove. Lids are boiled in a small saucepan and left there for use, and the rest of the small kitchen appliances that will be used during cooking, just pour over hot water.

Step 4: we bring preparation to full readiness.

After twelve hours of infusion, vegetables will practically float in their own juice. Using the watering can with a wide throat and a slotted spoon, distribute them to the prepared banks. We try to fill the glass container before the beginning of the neck, but not to the very edge. After that, pour cucumbers with their remaining juice, but if it is not enough, you can add a little boiled chilled water. Then we send to each jar a tablespoon of refined vegetable oil in order to completely eliminate the contact of cucumbers with air, and tightly cork the billet with a screw or plastic lid. Now it's simple, put the cucumbers in the fridge, and after 3-4 days you can taste the salad, but it is better to wait a couple of months.

Step 5: Serve the cucumber salad for the winter without sterilization.

A salad of cucumbers for the winter without sterilization after prolonged infusion is opened, mixed with a tablespoon to a uniform consistency, and without dressing, they are shifted to dishes that are more suitable for serving. It is served as a snack to various first or second hot dishes, as well as to cold dishes, for example, aspic, aspic, boiled beef, fried chicken, baked shin, rice soup, porridge, pasta, steamed fish, sausages, but to list further it makes no sense, you probably already realized that such a salad is the perfect complement to any food. Cook with pleasure and enjoy!
Enjoy your meal!

Greens and onions can not be used at all;

On request, in addition to salt, you can add a few spices to vegetables, for example, a few black or allspice peas, leaves of laurel or lemongrass, and these are not all options;

To prepare this dish, it is advisable to take soil, rather than greenhouse cucumbers;

Some housewives use 70-% essence instead of 9% vinegar, but it should be less, for a total weight of products only 3 tablespoons;
this recipe is a bit like salted cucumbers, they prepare relatively quickly, but it is better to eat them for 5–6 months, while crunchy and strong. Well, if you want such a yummy to stand throughout the winter, then it is better to start doing it in the middle or end of September;

From the above amount of products, approximately 4–5 half-liter cans are obtained.

In salads for the winter of cucumbers, you can use cucumbers that are not salted (curves, uneven, do not fit in size, etc.). After all, in terms of taste, cucumbers in salads for the winter are not worse than pickles. Salad is easy to change by adding just a few ingredients. The article recipes homemade salads for the winter without sterilization and sterilization of cans.

1. Salad from cucumbers for the winter without sterilization - home recipe

Cucumbers - 2 kg
Garlic ~ 150 g
Onions ~ 150 g
Salt - 50 g
Sugar - 150 g
Vinegar (9%) - 100 g
Greens (dill, etc.)

Cucumbers cut into circles. Add chopped onions, grated garlic and chopped greens, grated on a coarse grater. Mix everything in a large bowl and fill with sugar, salt and vinegar. Leave on for 10-12 hours. - and you can eat, or spread on banks and close for the winter. Store in a cool place.

2. Korean cucumbers - homemade recipe

Carrots - 3 pieces
- a glass of sugar
- cucumbers - 3 kilograms
- vinegar - one glass
- sunflower oil - half a glass
- Korean carrot seasoning - 2 teaspoons
- a clove of garlic - 2 pieces
- salt - 1.5 tablespoons

1. Cut cucumbers into 8 slices, rub carrot, garlic - cut into plates. All this is put in a container.
2. Add seasoning, oil, sugar, salt, vinegar, stir, leave for 24 hours to make the juice stand out.
3. Sterilize jars with lids.
4. Spread on cans, put in hot water, boil for 10 minutes, roll up.

3. Cucumbers in Korean - 2 version of the recipe

Garlic clove - 2 pieces
- cucumbers - 3 pieces
- red pepper - ½ tsp
- sesame, sugar - one teaspoon
- soy sauce - a tablespoon
- salt - ½ tsp
- Red onion
1. Wash cucumbers, cut into cubes, salt, stir, leave in a bowl for three hours.
2. Clean the onions, wash, cut into half rings.
3. Peel the garlic, crush the garlic.
4. Prepare the dressing: fry the sesame seeds in a frying pan with stirring, pour in the soy sauce, stir, add the red pepper.
5. Add sugar, vinegar, garlic, mix well.
6. Drain cucumber juice, add onion, cut into half rings, stir.
7. Add the dressing to the onions and cucumbers, mix again, put in the refrigerator.

4. Cucumber rolls for the winter without sterilization

Dill greens - about 50 grams;

A kilogram of cucumbers;

Tarragon or spicy herbs - about 20 grams;

Black currant - 20 leaves;

Salt to taste;

Apple cider vinegar at 6% - a quarter cup;

Water - 500 ml.

First of all, it is necessary to remove the stalks from cucumbers, after it is necessary to peel the skin and cut them into plates in length, the thickness of the cucumber plates should be no higher than 5 mm. Greens should be cut as small as possible, and garlic, on the contrary, is quite large.

Cucumbers should be put in a jar, pouring each layer of garlic and salt. Cover all with washed currant leaves. After all you need to bring to a boil, let cool at room temperature.

Pour cucumbers, put on top of any oppression. Leave to stand for 24 hours.

During this time, your cucumbers will be quite flexible, and then you can wrap them with rolls. The rolls are rolled together with garlic and greens, laid out in jars, at the bottom of which the leaves are already laid out. Banks must be sterilized. Everything is poured with brine, then covered with currant leaves, rolled and stored only in the cold.

5. Cucumber with onions

We must take four kilograms of fresh cucumbers and cut them into slices. One kilogram of onion cut as you like. Or small, or medium.

Combine cucumbers and onions, add water, add two hundred grams of sugar, four teaspoons of salt, a little vinegar, two hundred grams of sunflower oil. Then five tablets of aspirin should be well kneaded and added to the pot. Leave on for four hours. Banks must be sterilized and then put the cucumbers in the marinade. Store in the refrigerator, and you can roll up the banks.

6. Salad from cucumbers for the winter

4 kg of cucumbers,
1.5 kg of onions,
300 grams of green dill,
300 grams of sunflower oil,
250 grams of vinegar,
4 tablespoons of salt,
3 tablespoons of sugar.

Cucumbers and chop the onion, and chop the greens. The resulting mass is well mixed and put in a saucepan with water, in which you need to add sunflower oil, vinegar, salt, sugar.
Boil the salad in a saucepan for about fifteen to twenty minutes. It will depend on what kind of fire you cook. Banks sterilize and decompose the salad in them.

7. Salad from cucumbers and carrots - homemade recipe blanks

For seven kilograms of cucumbers you need one kilogram of carrots and two kilograms of onions. Then you have to cut everything finely. Add chopped greens to the salad. Any, which is. Dill and parsley will do. Pour into the resulting salad three tablespoons of sugar and salt, one hundred ml of vinegar (preferably 30%), three to four hundred grams of vegetable oil.

Everything that you put in the pan should be well mixed and allowed to stand for a day. After that, banks sterilize and roll up the salad.

8. Latgalian Cucumber Salad

3 kg of large cucumbers; 1 kg of medium-sized onions; 150 grams of sugar; 100 ml of 6% vinegar; 200 ml of sunflower oil with a smell; 1.5 tablespoons of coarse salt; 2 tsp. ground coriander - required; dill and parsley on a large bunch. Cucumbers and onions cut into slices half a centimeter thick. Cut onion assorted into individual rings. Fold the vegetables equally in two large pots. Add the rest of the ingredients, mix well, you can with your hands and leave for half an hour before extracting the juice. We put on the stove, bring to a boil and cook for 10-15 minutes with stirring, until the cucumbers begin to change color. We spread out on banks, densely tamping, we pour out the remained pickle from a pan, we roll up covers, we turn over headfirst and we cover with a fur coat for days. The salad is very tasty, sweet and sour. Store at room temperature.

9. Salad of overgrown cucumbers - homemade recipe

pepper (black peas)
bay leaf
table vinegar
Washed cucumbers cut circles. Chop the onion and dill and mix with the cucumbers.

In each sterilized jar with a capacity of 0.7-1 liter we place several peas of pepper, 1 bay leaf, 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1 tablespoon of vinegar.

Cucumbers with onions and dill are laid out on the banks. Then pour boiling water and close the prepared sterilized lids.

Sterilize the jars for 20 minutes, cork and put the lid down in a warm place. When the banks are cool, the cucumber salad is ready for winter. We put in a dark cool storage space.

This salad can be served with vegetable oil, mayonnaise or other salad dressing.

10. Salad from cucumbers for the winter without sterilization and boiling

Products based on 3 kg of cucumbers
3 kg - cucumbers
100 g - garlic
30 g - parsley
200 g - sugar
3 tbsp. l (with top) - salt
150 g - vinegar (6-9%)
var. flavourless oil - optional
onion - optional
Cucumbers cut into slices approximately 3mm.
Parsley finely chopped.
Squeeze garlic through a press.
Add salt, sugar and vinegar.
Mix everything and leave for 12 hours.
Cucumbers will give juice.
Transfer to sterilized jars (I am sterilized using a microwave, I put the washed jars with my neck up in the microwave for 4 minutes).
In each jar add 0.5-1 st. l oil (can be without it).
Close the capron or screw caps.
Keep refrigerated.

In salads for the winter of cucumbers, you can use cucumbers that are not salted (curves, uneven, do not fit in size, etc.). After all, in terms of taste, cucumbers in salads for the winter are not worse than pickles.

Salad is easy to change by adding just a few ingredients. The article recipes homemade salads for the winter without sterilization and sterilization of cans. cook the same salads for the winter  from other vegetables.

1. Salad from cucumbers for the winter without sterilization - home recipe

Cucumbers - 2 kg
Garlic ~ 150 g
Onions ~ 150 g
Salt - 50 g
Sugar - 150 g
Vinegar (9%) - 100 g
Greens (dill, etc.)

Cucumbers cut into circles. Add chopped onions, grated garlic and chopped greens, grated on a coarse grater. Mix everything in a large bowl and fill with sugar, salt and vinegar. Leave on for 10-12 hours. - and you can eat, or spread on banks and close for the winter. Store in a cool place.

2. Korean cucumbers - homemade recipe

- carrots - 3 pieces
- a glass of sugar
- cucumbers - 3 kilograms
- vinegar - one glass
- sunflower oil - half a glass
- Korean carrot seasoning - 2 teaspoons
- a clove of garlic - 2 pieces
- salt - 1.5 tablespoons

1. Cut cucumbers into 8 slices, rub carrot, garlic - cut into plates. All this is put in a container.
2. Add seasoning, oil, sugar, salt, vinegar, stir, leave for 24 hours to make the juice stand out.
3. Sterilize jars with lids.
4. Spread on cans, put in hot water, boil for 10 minutes, roll up.

3. Cucumbers in Korean - 2 version of the recipe

- garlic clove - 2 pieces
- cucumbers - 3 pieces
- red pepper - ½ tsp
- sesame, sugar - one teaspoon
- soy sauce - a tablespoon
- salt - ½ tsp
- Red onion
1. Wash cucumbers, cut into cubes, salt, stir, leave in a bowl for three hours.
2. Clean the onions, wash, cut into half rings.
3. Peel the garlic, crush the garlic.
4. Prepare the dressing: fry the sesame seeds in a frying pan with stirring, pour in the soy sauce, stir, add the red pepper.
5. Add sugar, vinegar, garlic, mix well.
6. Drain cucumber juice, add onion, cut into half rings, stir.
7. Add the dressing to the onions and cucumbers, mix again, put in the refrigerator.

4. Cucumber rolls for the winter without sterilization

Dill greens - about 50 grams;

A kilogram of cucumbers;

Tarragon or spicy herbs - about 20 grams;

Black currant - 20 leaves;

Salt to taste;

Apple cider vinegar at 6% - a quarter cup;

Water - 500 ml.

First of all, it is necessary to remove the stalks from cucumbers, after it is necessary to peel the skin and cut them into plates in length, the thickness of the cucumber plates should be no higher than 5 mm. Greens should be cut as small as possible, and garlic, on the contrary, is quite large.

Cucumbers should be put in a jar, pouring each layer of garlic and salt. Cover all with washed currant leaves. After all you need to bring to a boil, let cool at room temperature.

Pour cucumbers, put on top of any oppression. Leave to stand for 24 hours.

During this time, your cucumbers will be quite flexible, and then you can wrap them with rolls. The rolls are rolled together with garlic and greens, laid out in jars, at the bottom of which the leaves are already laid out. Banks must be sterilized. Everything is poured with brine, then covered with currant leaves, rolled and stored only in the cold.

5. Cucumber with onions

We must take four kilograms of fresh cucumbers and cut them into slices. One kilogram of onion cut as you like. Or small, or medium.

Combine cucumbers and onions, add water, add two hundred grams of sugar, four teaspoons of salt, a little vinegar, two hundred grams of sunflower oil. Then five tablets of aspirin should be well kneaded and added to the pot. Leave on for four hours. Banks must be sterilized and then put the cucumbers in the marinade. Store in the refrigerator, and you can roll up the banks.

6. Salad from cucumbers for the winter

4 kg of cucumbers,
1.5 kg of onions,
300 grams of green dill,
300 grams of sunflower oil,
250 grams of vinegar,
4 tablespoons of salt,
3 tablespoons of sugar.

Cucumbers and chop the onion, and chop the greens. The resulting mass is well mixed and put in a saucepan with water, in which you need to add sunflower oil, vinegar, salt, sugar.
Boil the salad in a saucepan for about fifteen to twenty minutes. It will depend on what kind of fire you cook. Banks sterilize and decompose the salad in them.

7. Salad from cucumbers and carrots - homemade recipe blanks

For seven kilograms of cucumbers you need one kilogram of carrots and two kilograms of onions. Then you have to cut everything finely. Add chopped greens to the salad. Any, which is. Dill and parsley will do. Pour into the resulting salad three tablespoons of sugar and salt, one hundred ml of vinegar (preferably 30%), three to four hundred grams of vegetable oil.

Everything that you put in the pan should be well mixed and allowed to stand for a day. After that, banks sterilize and roll up the salad.

8. Latgalian Cucumber Salad

3 kg of large cucumbers; 1 kg of medium-sized onions; 150 grams of sugar; 100 ml of 6% vinegar; 200 ml of sunflower oil with a smell; 1.5 tablespoons of coarse salt; 2 tsp. ground coriander - required; dill and parsley on a large bunch. Cucumbers and onions cut into slices half a centimeter thick. Cut onion assorted into individual rings. Fold the vegetables equally in two large pots. Add the rest of the ingredients, mix well, you can with your hands and leave for half an hour before extracting the juice. We put on the stove, bring to a boil and cook for 10-15 minutes with stirring, until the cucumbers begin to change color. We spread out on banks, densely tamping, we pour out the remained pickle from a pan, we roll up covers, we turn over headfirst and we cover with a fur coat for days. The salad is very tasty, sweet and sour. Store at room temperature.

9. Salad of overgrown cucumbers - homemade recipe

pepper (black peas)
bay leaf
table vinegar
Washed cucumbers cut circles. Chop the onion and dill and mix with the cucumbers.

In each sterilized jar with a capacity of 0.7-1 liter we place several peas of pepper, 1 bay leaf, 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1 tablespoon of vinegar.

Cucumbers with onions and dill are laid out on the banks. Then pour boiling water and close the prepared sterilized lids.

Sterilize the jars for 20 minutes, cork and put the lid down in a warm place. When the banks are cool, the cucumber salad is ready for winter. We put in a dark cool storage space.

This salad can be served with vegetable oil, mayonnaise or other salad dressing.

10. Salad from cucumbers for the winter without sterilization and boiling

Products based on 3 kg of cucumbers
3 kg - cucumbers
100 g - garlic
30 g - parsley
200 g - sugar
3 tbsp. l (with top) - salt
150 g - vinegar (6-9%)
var. flavourless oil - optional
onion - optional
Cucumbers cut into slices approximately 3mm.
Parsley finely chopped.
Squeeze garlic through a press.
Add salt, sugar and vinegar.
Mix everything and leave for 12 hours.
Cucumbers will give juice.
Transfer to sterilized jars (I am sterilized using a microwave, I put the washed jars with my neck up in the microwave for 4 minutes).
In each jar add 0.5-1 st. l oil (can be without it).
Close the capron or screw caps.
Keep refrigerated.

Quote of the message lach Salads for the winter of cucumbers, homemade recipes blanks, salads without sterilization

In salads for the winter of cucumbers, you can use cucumbers that are not salted (curves, uneven, do not fit in size, etc.). After all, in terms of taste, cucumbers in salads for the winter are not worse than pickles.

Salad is easy to change by adding just a few ingredients. The article recipes homemade salads for the winter without sterilization and sterilization of cans. cook the same salads for the winter  from other vegetables.

1. Salad from cucumbers for the winter without sterilization - home recipe

Cucumbers - 2 kg
Garlic ~ 150 g
Onions ~ 150 g
Salt - 50 g
Sugar - 150 g
Vinegar (9%) - 100 g
Greens (dill, etc.)

Cucumbers cut into circles. Add chopped onions, grated garlic and chopped greens, grated on a coarse grater. Mix everything in a large bowl and fill with sugar, salt and vinegar. Leave on for 10-12 hours. - and you can eat, or spread on banks and close for the winter. Store in a cool place.

2. Korean cucumbers - homemade recipe

- carrots - 3 pieces
- a glass of sugar
- cucumbers - 3 kilograms
- vinegar - one glass
- sunflower oil - half a glass
- Korean carrot seasoning - 2 teaspoons
- a clove of garlic - 2 pieces
- salt - 1.5 tablespoons

1. Cut cucumbers into 8 slices, rub carrot, garlic - cut into plates. All this is put in a container.
2. Add seasoning, oil, sugar, salt, vinegar, stir, leave for 24 hours to make the juice stand out.
3. Sterilize jars with lids.
4. Spread on cans, put in hot water, boil for 10 minutes, roll up.

3. Cucumbers in Korean - 2 version of the recipe

- garlic clove - 2 pieces
- cucumbers - 3 pieces
- red pepper - ½ tsp
- sesame, sugar - one teaspoon
- soy sauce - a tablespoon
- salt - ½ tsp
- Red onion
1. Wash cucumbers, cut into cubes, salt, stir, leave in a bowl for three hours.
2. Clean the onions, wash, cut into half rings.
3. Peel the garlic, crush the garlic.
4. Prepare the dressing: fry the sesame seeds in a frying pan with stirring, pour in the soy sauce, stir, add the red pepper.
5. Add sugar, vinegar, garlic, mix well.
6. Drain cucumber juice, add onion, cut into half rings, stir.
7. Add the dressing to the onions and cucumbers, mix again, put in the refrigerator.

4. Cucumber rolls for the winter without sterilization

Dill greens - about 50 grams;

A kilogram of cucumbers;

Tarragon or spicy herbs - about 20 grams;

Black currant - 20 leaves;

Salt to taste;

Apple cider vinegar at 6% - a quarter cup;

Water - 500 ml.

First of all, it is necessary to remove the stalks from cucumbers, after it is necessary to peel the skin and cut them into plates in length, the thickness of the cucumber plates should be no higher than 5 mm. Greens should be cut as small as possible, and garlic, on the contrary, is quite large.

Cucumbers should be put in a jar, pouring each layer of garlic and salt. Cover all with washed currant leaves. After all you need to bring to a boil, let cool at room temperature.

Pour cucumbers, put on top of any oppression. Leave to stand for 24 hours.

During this time, your cucumbers will be quite flexible, and then you can wrap them with rolls. The rolls are rolled together with garlic and greens, laid out in jars, at the bottom of which the leaves are already laid out. Banks must be sterilized. Everything is poured with brine, then covered with currant leaves, rolled and stored only in the cold.

5. Cucumber with onions

We must take four kilograms of fresh cucumbers and cut them into slices. One kilogram of onion cut as you like. Or small, or medium.

Combine cucumbers and onions, add water, add two hundred grams of sugar, four teaspoons of salt, a little vinegar, two hundred grams of sunflower oil. Then five tablets of aspirin should be well kneaded and added to the pot. Leave on for four hours. Banks must be sterilized and then put the cucumbers in the marinade. Store in the refrigerator, and you can roll up the banks.

6. Salad from cucumbers for the winter

4 kg of cucumbers,
1.5 kg of onions,
300 grams of green dill,
300 grams of sunflower oil,
250 grams of vinegar,
4 tablespoons of salt,
3 tablespoons of sugar.

Cucumbers and chop the onion, and chop the greens. The resulting mass is well mixed and put in a saucepan with water, in which you need to add sunflower oil, vinegar, salt, sugar.
Boil the salad in a saucepan for about fifteen to twenty minutes. It will depend on what kind of fire you cook. Banks sterilize and decompose the salad in them.

7. Salad from cucumbers and carrots - homemade recipe blanks

For seven kilograms of cucumbers you need one kilogram of carrots and two kilograms of onions. Then you have to cut everything finely. Add chopped greens to the salad. Any, which is. Dill and parsley will do. Pour into the resulting salad three tablespoons of sugar and salt, one hundred ml of vinegar (preferably 30%), three to four hundred grams of vegetable oil.

Everything that you put in the pan should be well mixed and allowed to stand for a day. After that, banks sterilize and roll up the salad.

8. Latgalian Cucumber Salad

3 kg of large cucumbers; 1 kg of medium-sized onions; 150 grams of sugar; 100 ml of 6% vinegar; 200 ml of sunflower oil with a smell; 1.5 tablespoons of coarse salt; 2 tsp. ground coriander - required; dill and parsley on a large bunch. Cucumbers and onions cut into slices half a centimeter thick. Cut onion assorted into individual rings. Fold the vegetables equally in two large pots. Add the rest of the ingredients, mix well, you can with your hands and leave for half an hour before extracting the juice. We put on the stove, bring to a boil and cook for 10-15 minutes with stirring, until the cucumbers begin to change color. We spread out on banks, densely tamping, we pour out the remained pickle from a pan, we roll up covers, we turn over headfirst and we cover with a fur coat for days. The salad is very tasty, sweet and sour. Store at room temperature.

9. Salad of overgrown cucumbers - homemade recipe

pepper (black peas)
bay leaf
table vinegar
Washed cucumbers cut circles. Chop the onion and dill and mix with the cucumbers.

In each sterilized jar with a capacity of 0.7-1 liter we place several peas of pepper, 1 bay leaf, 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1 tablespoon of vinegar.

Cucumbers with onions and dill are laid out on the banks. Then pour boiling water and close the prepared sterilized lids.

Sterilize the jars for 20 minutes, cork and put the lid down in a warm place. When the banks are cool, the cucumber salad is ready for winter. We put in a dark cool storage space.

This salad can be served with vegetable oil, mayonnaise or other salad dressing.

10. Salad from cucumbers for the winter without sterilization and boiling

Products based on 3 kg of cucumbers
3 kg - cucumbers
100 g - garlic
30 g - parsley
200 g - sugar
3 tbsp. l (with top) - salt
150 g - vinegar (6-9%)
var. flavourless oil - optional
onion - optional
Cucumbers cut into slices approximately 3mm.
Parsley finely chopped.
Squeeze garlic through a press.
Add salt, sugar and vinegar.
Mix everything and leave for 12 hours.
Cucumbers will give juice.
Transfer to sterilized jars (I am sterilized using a microwave, I put the washed jars with my neck up in the microwave for 4 minutes).
In each jar add 0.5-1 st. l oil (can be without it).
Close the capron or screw caps.
Keep refrigerated.