Apricot kernels use. The use of apricot kernels in healthy and therapeutic nutrition. Other properties of apricot kernels.

Juicy apricot pulp is full of vitamins and substances important to our health, but is it worth eating apricot seeds, the use of which causes so much controversy?

Photos of apricots

It is no coincidence that apricot is popularly called “the fruit of health”, because its flesh is saturated with vitamins B1, B2, B9, E, A, P, PP, C, N. There is a lot of iodine, iron, magnesium, sodium, potassium and phosphorus in it, there is also sulfur, calcium and silicon. In addition, apricot fruits contain malic, citric, salicylic, tartaric acid, starch, inulin, dextrin, tannins, pectin and sugar.

Tasty apricots are quite suitable for those who adhere to the diet, because the calorie content of fresh fruit is very low (100 g contains 43 kcal). Dried apricots are much more caloric - there are more than 230 Kcal per 100 g, but there are more mineral substances in it than in juicy apricot pulp.

Apricot seed video

Despite the low calorie content, it should be borne in mind that garden apricots are not inferior in terms of sugar content - up to 27% in fresh fruits. In the dried pulp, the percentage of sugars increases two to three times. Therefore, with a predisposition to diabetes should be wary of the use of apricots, and especially dried apricots.

Regular consumption of fresh apricots has a very beneficial effect on the body, allowing you to effectively cope with various health problems. Juicy fragrant apricots help:

  • maintain the cardiovascular system in tone;
  • remove cholesterol from the body, as well as heavy metal salts;
  • prevent the development of thyroid diseases;
  • regulate blood formation processes;
  • eliminate swelling;
  • increase hemoglobin in the blood;
  • stimulate brain activity and improve memory;
  • prevent vitamin deficiency;
  • deal with constipation;
  • lower blood pressure;
  • improve the work of the intestines, liver, gallbladder;
  • regulate the acidity of the stomach;
  • cope with a dry cough and stimulate sputum production;
  • quench.

On the photo apricots

Based on the listed healing properties, apricots are recommended to include in the diet for pregnant women, young children, hypertensive patients, those suffering from obesity, anemia, constipation, cardiovascular or renal diseases, as well as cancer patients in addition to supporting therapy.

To improve health, it is enough to use 100-150 g of fresh apricots per day. Just do not eat them on an empty stomach or after meat dishes, as this will have a bad effect on digestion.

Apricot juice is absorbed faster and more efficiently - especially for future mothers and children, it is recommended to drink it to meet their daily need for vitamins. So, 150 ml of juice is enough to replenish the stock of carotene in the body, and to combat puffiness you need to drink 100 ml of juice up to eight times a day.

Dried apricots in their beneficial effects on the blood formation process is much superior to beef liver. Dried apricots should be consumed with heart rhythm disturbances, anemia, hypertension, as well as with constipation - vegetable fibers perfectly cleanse the intestines.

Photography of dried apricots

All the favorite apricots, the benefits and harms of which are well studied by experts, are not as harmless as they seem. So, if you have gastritis with high acidity or, even worse, gastrointestinal ulcer, you should give up fresh apricots in favor of more benign apricot juice. And in the case of pancreatitis and other liver problems, use the fruit with great care.

Although apricots are very tasty and healthy, even healthy people should not get involved in them: sometimes even ten fruits are enough to cause diarrhea (especially if you drink them with cold water). In addition, excessive consumption of apricots can cause dizziness, lower blood pressure, decrease heart rate and respiratory depression.

As mentioned above, apricots are saturated with sugars, and for this reason diabetics are contraindicated. And you can not eat not only dried apricots, but also fresh fruit pulp.

Pictured apricots

Apricot Kernel - Health Benefits and Harm

Many people know how poisonous apricot seeds can be, beneficial features well known not to everyone. But in eastern medicine, apricot kernels have long been used as a miracle cure to save from various diseases of the upper respiratory tract: from bronchitis, tracheitis, asthma, and laryngitis. It is enough to remove the kernels from twenty seeds, dry them and chop them thoroughly, and then take the resulting powder four times a day with a teaspoon, drinking milk or tea.

Apricot kernel video

But if it is immoderate to use apricot seeds, their use will come to naught due to amygdalin, a toxic component that turns into hydrocyanic acid in the digestive organs, which is very dangerous for the body. Amygdalin apricot kernels contains only 12%, so they are not as dangerous as they are not eaten raw.

For those who do not want to risk, more suitable apricot oilderived from pits. Its composition is unique: linoleic, stearic, palmitic, myristic and oleic acids, phospholipids, magnesium and calcium salts, vitamins E, C, A, B. The fact that it is widely used in the production of various ointments, creams and children's cosmetic products. Apricot seed oil perfectly moisturizes the skin, prolonging its youth, eliminates dead particles and heals cracks well.

Summer is the time of fresh fruits, the time when you need to gain vitamins. One of the favorite fruits of the Russians is apricot. Not only fresh fruits are always welcome, but also delicious compotes, fragrant jam and delicious jam. All these products are made from the pulp of a sunny fruit. What to do with bones? Do I have to throw them away? In no case! Apricot bones - the benefits and joy! The advantages of your favorite treats are discussed below.

What is the use of apricot pits?

Scientists have found that apricot seeds are just overflowing with beneficial properties for human health. All thanks to the content of rare vitamin B 17 in the nuclei of the seed of the fruit, or simply amygdalin.

Apricot stones help fight oncology

Vitamin B 17 contains cyanides. These are hydrochloric acid salts, poisonous substances that can kill cancer cells or cure them. There are many cases of healing cancer patients.

In order to prevent these serious diseases, it is recommended to eat 5-7 nucleoli of apricot seeds per day. For the treatment of an illness that has already begun, the dose of medicinal food is increased by 2-3 times. Some believe that patients need to eat 1 nucleoli of apricot seeds per 5 kilograms of body weight. When the disease is conquered, the number of apricot kernels must be reduced again to 5-7 pieces per day.

Apricot pits in medicine

To solve medical problems even special varieties of apricots with a large stone and a large core were bred.

These kernels can even be used as almonds, thanks to their bitter taste, similar to the flavor of the almond nut. This bitterness and appears due to the content of cyanide. The sweeter the apricot kernel, the less prussic acid it contains.

Apricot pits have almost no taste. But among them there are very nutritious, sweetish kernels, which have up to 70% of valuable edible oil. Content in 100 grams of apricot seeds: 25 g of proteins, 47 g of fats, 4 g of carbohydrates

High calorie (about 450 kcal) is the main cause of contraindications to the use of apricot kernels in food for people on a diet for weight loss or some medical prescriptions of the doctor. Do not recommend their use to people with diabetes.

Apricot stones, in addition to vitamins B 17 and PP, also contain many mineral elements. In them you can find phosphorus, magnesium, iron, calcium, sodium, potassium.

Apricot bones: use in oil

Sweet fruit pits contain a large amount of oil, which has excellent properties, so necessary for the human body.

Apricot oil is a high-value product. It contains a large amount of vitamins (A, B, C, and F) and fatty acids (oleic, linolenic, palmitic). And besides, it contains tocopherols, phospholipids and many more beneficial substances.

Apricot stones are used in many areas of human activity. In cooking, they make the most delicious ice cream, yogurt, frosting, pastry creams, waffles and many other sweets.

Obtained from apricot kernels oil is widely used in cosmetics. Often it can be found in the composition of shampoos for hair, creams for hands and body, face masks and other cosmetics.

Apricot kernel oil is used as the main component of many drugs.

For the cardiovascular system

Apricot pits: the benefits and harm to the heart have been studied.

In ancient China, apricot seeds were used to cure arrhythmias. To do this, just brew tea from them.

It is easy to prepare a delicious medical mixture at home. Just take one lemon, honey and apricots, or rather their bones.

Cut half a lemon with the peel into small cubes, cover with half a liter of honey. Remove nucleoli from 20 fresh apricots. Crush and add them to a mixture of honey and lemon. Mix the resulting mass thoroughly and send to brew in a dark cool place for two days. Take this mixture regularly, 1 tablespoon every day, morning and evening. You'll love the tasty medicine, and your heart will thank you for staying healthy.

Apricot kernels are useful for expectant mothers

In general, pregnancy is probably the most important and long-awaited stage in the life of every woman. Any mother, even a future one, wishes her child only the best and, above all, health. That is why it is very important during pregnancy to carefully monitor your diet.

The fetus receives nutrients and develops only thanks to what the mother gives to it. It is necessary that in the diet of the future mother were vitamins, mineral elements and other useful substances. For this you can not do without fresh vegetables and fruits.

Apricots themselves are very tasty and healthy sunny fruit. But apart from their flesh, pregnant women can also eat apricot seeds, the benefits and harms of pregnancy are slightly different from the normal state of a person. The main thing - do not overdo it and stop in time.

The benefits of apricot kernels for the liver

Apricot pits: the use of the liver has made them popular in traditional medicine. Their decoctions and infusions are used as diuretics. Due to this, apricot stones are used as a means of combating kidney disease. It is proven to have apricot kernels that benefit the liver.

Scientists have seen the effectiveness of using apricot kernels for the prevention of many diseases of the gallbladder, pancreas and liver.

Delicious delicacy these fried apricot pits

If you have long been a lover of seeds of sunny fruits, then you probably wondered if you can fry them. Particular attention is drawn roasted apricot kernels. The benefits and harm of this dish are of interest to any gourmet.

The Tajiks will answer this question unequivocally: you can and should. In their national cuisine there is an incredibly tasty, but at the same time healthy, dish of shur-donak. You can compare it with Russian seeds. The process of eating is just as fascinating, but the essence of cooking is slightly different.

From apricots, the flesh of which usually goes for further processing, they get bones. The shell of each of them must be broken. For this, a person hits the bone with a hammer, it opens a little, but does not break. This process is rather laborious, and for industrial scale not one person's labor is used.

Then the seeds are boiled in salted water. An equal proportion of sand is poured into a large vat with bones and placed on the fire. Stirring continuously (for uniform heating), fry the mixture for 20 minutes.

At the next stage, the stones are mixed with chalk. As a result of this, they become white. The product is ready to eat.

As we see, apricot seeds, the use of which exceeds all their shortcomings, are truly a unique product. Their great advantage is that, without being a medicine, they can serve people diagnosed with oncology and cure them of a serious illness. And not only children like tasty delicacies from apricot kernels, but it is also impossible to tear adults away from them.

Apricot is unique in taste and benefit of fruit, its popularity among adults and children is explicable: juicy, fragrant, with tender sweet pulp, it is not only pleasant to eat, but it is also very good for health. Residents of Central Asia particularly highlight the values ​​of this fruit, since not only apricot pulp is used in various variations, the apricot stone itself is a storehouse of useful vitamins and substances that are successfully used in cosmetology and medicine. Science does not deny the fact that not all features of the core of apricot seeds have been fully studied, therefore, medical research and beauty centers are constantly working in the search for new properties of this substance.

Apricot pits: what they are

Apricot stone is similar in its design to plum and peach, many, eating this fruit, throw them out as unnecessary, not knowing that the oil that is in the core has special, healing properties.

Chinese healers first drew attention to the properties of the oil to heal joints and skin diseases. Only members of the emperor's family had the opportunity to use the product for healing procedures, this is due to the time-consuming process of removing valuable substances from the fruit core. The striking health effect forced us to develop a technology for extracting useful oils in a more accessible and simplified version; today, this is an established production in many medical and cosmetic centers in European countries.

Apricot pits: use

In the composition of apricot kernels are substances that have unique healing properties. What is the notorious uniqueness of substances that are in the composition of the nucleus?

A substance that prevents biological aging of the body, namely tocopherol, significantly inhibits the process. There are also saturated and unsaturated fatty acids: oleic, linoleic and palmitic. But it is linoleic acid that helps in losing weight. The first studies in Norway gave amazing results: a group of people taking drugs with the addition of a set of fatty acids exceeded the percentage of weight loss compared to a group that had been doing sports exercises for an hour and a half every day.

What other value are apricot seeds? Their use is very large, since the composition of the core has rare vitamins: PP, B 17, F, phospholipids, magnesium and potassium salts, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium. Vitamin B17 is unique and very rare, its benefits on the impact of the cells of the human body is invaluable.

Apricot pits against incurable diseases

There is cyanide in vitamin B17, it is known to be harmful to the human body in large doses, but the amount that the apricot stone contains, if correctly calculated, when it enters the body, it heals cells affected by cancer. When a substance gets into healthy cells, cyanide simply turns into carbohydrate, which, in turn, does absolutely no harm. In fact, it is a natural chemotherapy that kills and destroys cancer-infected cells.

What other diseases can heal apricot pits?

Probably few people know, but apricot stone cures other diseases. Bronchitis, whooping cough, nephritis, diseases of the cardiovascular system - all of these diseases can cure apricot seeds. Taking crushed raw kernels of seeds, you can get rid of worms, and with a high effect.

Weight gain with apricot kernels

The calorie content of apricot pits is very high, people who, due to a number of circumstances, decided to gain the weight they need, can include apricot pits in their diet. The high content of oils with a quickly digestible effect contributes to weight gain. There is a category of athletes who use this product to improve performance.

Cooking and apricot pits

Dried or roasted apricot kernels are used by chefs in the manufacture of milk-yogurt products, butter creams, ice cream, various fillings and caramels. Some types of apricots contain about 70% of oils and at the same time have sufficient sweetness, these properties allow replacing the more expensive ingredient - almonds. The specific flavor and smell allow the use of apricot kernels for the manufacture of glazes, syrups, which are used in the manufacture of cakes and pastries.

Cosmetology: application features

Beauticians have long used the healing properties of bones in the manufacture of a number of drugs and creams that are used during massages. The material is also used in the manufacture of shampoos, whose task is to eliminate dandruff and strengthen hair.

The oil that is present in the core of the stone has healing properties, therefore its use in special creams and balms is understandable. Cosmetic manufacturers often use apricot oil in the form of additives in expensive products to care for the skin of the body, face and hands. All sorts of scrubs, lotions and creams - proof of this.

Apricot pits: harm

Eating apricot seeds, you need to remember that this substance has a high percentage of amygdalin, which in high concentrations is harmful to the body. The daily dose of nuclei for an adult should not exceed more than 20 pieces, and for children, respectively, 10. The concepts of benefit and harm have blurred boundaries, no need to tempt fate, experimenting on your body.

Apricot bones: how to cook

Do not rush to throw away the apricot pits, eating the fruit flesh, just collect them and store in a dry place. When a sufficient number of bones are collected, they can be boiled for further use, since the presence of vitamins and substances with valuable properties does not allow one to simply throw them into the garbage.

How to cook apricot pits? It is necessary to add to the water, where the seeds are pre-placed, salt, let stand for some time and then cook. After the bones start to open up independently, the boiling process can be stopped. Further, the bones can be used for their own purposes at their discretion: using as food additives in pastries, cakes, finished products. The core of apricot kernels is added during the preparation of apricot jam, the taste of which is distinguished by originality. It is important to remember that it is necessary to use apricot kernels in moderation, then there will be maximum benefit.

Recipes that use apricot kernels

How else can apricot pits be used? Recipes for their preparation are not known to many. It must be remembered that this is a high-calorie product, so cooks remember the golden rule in using ready-made kernels: brute force can have undesirable results. There are many recipes where the core of apricot kernels impart an irresistible taste.

In just half an hour, you can make a very delicious plum biscuit with nuts. Already one name causes appetite, and when you consider that preparation and preparation will not take much time, only the desire to try to cook a dish will increase.

Butter, water, flour, sugar, salt, chicken egg, walnuts, plums and apricot kernels - that’s all you need to make a dish. For 200 g of salted flour (1 pinch), add 100 g of butter, which is best kept in the refrigerator, and then just cut it. Ice water is added (50 ml), place the dough in a bag and put in the refrigerator. Apricot seeds and walnuts, already roasted and ground, placed separately, sprinkled with cakes. One egg with 100 grams of sugar is whipped to a state of fluffy mass. Roll out the dough, which was previously stored in the cold, and starting from the middle, sprinkled with a thin layer of a mixture of nuts. Plums are placed in the very center. The formation of the biscuit is completed by folding the edges, the plums are poured with a beaten egg and all this is baked until golden brown at 180ºC in the oven. Excellent tea party provided.

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

One of the most popular summer fruits is. Ripened fruit has a pronounced pleasant sweet taste. Both adults and children love to eat it. But many do not realize that apricot seed can also be eaten. Moreover, it has a number of useful properties. No wonder children love the bones of apricots. Parents, sometimes unaware of their benefits, prohibit children from using them. But because a child eats a bone or two, nothing will happen. It can be eaten directly raw.

Kernels that contain apricot kernels do not have any distinct taste, but which they contain is the basis of many drugs. In the toasted form, apricot kernels are tasty, nutritious and healthy. The benefits of apricot kernels cannot be underestimated (calorizator). There are varieties where there is a very large bone and, accordingly, a kernel, it is often used as a substitute. There are also varieties in which the kernels are not tasteless, but have a pleasant sweetish taste, special nutritional value, they contain about 70% edible oil.

Calorie apricot pits

The calorie content of apricot kernel is 440 kcal per 100 grams of product.

The composition of apricot pits

Apricot pits are valued by the content of vitamins (,), minerals (,). If the bone is sweet, then there is a lot there. Still apricot pits are rich in protein.

Especially popular is mined, mined from apricot kernels. It contains vitamins:, fatty acids (linoleic, oleic, palmitic), phospholipids, tocopherols and many other useful substances.

Useful properties of apricot pits

The use of apricot kernels is a natural anthelmintic, brewed as a tea, they can help in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. A safe amount for an adult is to use no more than twenty apricot kernels.

Apricot kernels have a particular advantage in their ability to fight cancer cells. They are a killer of cancer cells. This property is ensured by the presence of apricot in the bones. It is in it and is cyanide, which doctors attribute the possibility of the destruction of cancer cells. The bitter taste of the bones is provided precisely by the presence in their composition. Its quantity is directly proportional to the bitterness of the pits. As it increases, bitterness increases.

Harm apricot pits

But, besides useful elements, in the apricot stone is prussic acid. An excess of this acid has a negative effect on intestinal tissues and on the whole organism (calorizer). Do not eat apricot kernels in large quantities, otherwise they may harm your body.

Apricot Stone Cooking

The scope of apricot kernels is extensive enough. In cooking, they are used to prepare glazes, ice cream, yogurt, creams, waffles, and other sweet dishes. which is also made from apricot kernels, has the most valuable properties. Included in creams, shampoos, face masks, other cosmetics.

In addition, the stones are crushed and added to compotes, jams, preserves, ice cream and pastries. From the taste of the product becomes more pronounced apricot hue.

Properties of apricot pits. The benefits and harm of apricot kernels

Calorie content: 519.1 kcal.

The energy value of the product Apricot kernel (The ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates):

Squirrels:   25 g (~ 100 kcal) Fat:   45.4 g. (~ 409 kcal) Carbohydrates:   2.8 g. (~ 11 kcal)

Energy ratio (b | W | y): 19% | 79% | 2%

Apricot pits: properties

How much does Apricot kernel cost (average price per 1 kg.)?

Moscow and Moscow region. 310 p.

The range of apricot kernels is quite extensive. For example, for culinary purposes, they are often used in the process of preparing pastry glazes, yogurts, ice cream, various creams, waffles, and other sweet dishes. In addition, they are used to make the most valuable substance - apricot oil, which is often included in cosmetics, shampoos, face masks, as well as various creams.

The kernels that are extracted from apricot kernels have little or no taste, but the oil they contain may be the basis of many drugs. In the toasted form, apricot seeds, or rather their kernels, are extremely tasty, very nutritious and harmless. The caloric content of apricot kernels is about 519.1 kcal per hundred grams.

The use of apricot pits

The use of apricot kernels is invaluable. By the way, there are even special varieties of apricots, in which a large stone and large kernels - they are often used instead of almonds. And not all apricot pits are almost tasteless - there are also very nutritious sweet kernels, which contain about seventy percent of valuable edible oil.

Many are aware of the unique properties of apricot kernels, which are caused by the presence of large amounts of vitamin B17. In recent years, scientists from different countries have developed new drugs for the treatment of cancer. They are often caused by a deficiency of vitamins, along with their imbalance with minerals and impaired metabolic processes. It is proved that the use of vitamin B17, which is converted in the human body into a simple carbohydrate, acts as a kind of natural chemotherapy.

The undeniable benefit of apricot kernels is their butter, which was known even to ancient healers from China, and then appeared in Europe. In the fifteenth century, the British equated apricot kernel oil with gold — it had such a beneficial effect on human skin. Its composition contains fatty acids (linoleic, oleic, palmitic), salts of magnesium and potassium, tocopherols, phospholipids, vitamins C, B and A, as well as F in the active form, often referred to as beauty vitamin.

The kernels of apricot seeds, brewed in the form of tea, help in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, while in their raw form they are the most effective natural anthelmintic agent. For an adult, consuming no more than twenty apricot kernels per day is considered an absolutely safe dose.

Harm of apricot pits

Regarding the harm of apricot pits, we can say that the chances of getting a dose that can lead to poisoning are those people who often and in large quantities eat them. In other cases, this product does not adversely affect the body.

The proportions of the product. How many grams?

  in 1 teaspoon 10 grams in 1 tablespoon 30 grams in 1 piece 2 grams in 1 cup 160 grams

The nutritional value

Useful properties of apricot kernels

  Publication date: 10/27/2012

One of the favorite activities of the kids - to tap with a hammer on the apricot pits, in order to get their nucleoli. And if at the same time they turned out to be sweet, then the guys eat them; if they are bitter, they throw them away. Usually, the larger the fruits of apricot, the tastier their peeled seeds. Yet the core of the apricot seed is not only childish fun, but also a useful product.

Its main value is vitamin b17   (amygdalin) contained in the nucleolus. Half a century ago, scientists discovered that this vitamin destroys cancer cellsacting akin to chemotherapy. With a sufficient amount of it in the body, these cells do not appear at all and do not develop. It could be argued that the main use of apricot kernels in this property would have been if the amygdalin had not been banned by the FDA.

But why is vitamin B17 forbidden?

At one time, up to 90% of sailors and soldiers died from scurvy and anemia. They died from them and ordinary city dwellers. After some time, scientists-doctors shocked the discovery - these diseases arose from nutritional deficiency: the body did not have enough vitamins B12 and C to resist these diseases. Now it was believed that amygdalin would save the world from cancer.

Amygdalin is not only in apricot kernels, but also in bitter almonds, apple, cherry, peach and plum pits. It is also present in millet, maize, flaxseeds and in many herbs, which are excluded from their diet, thanks to the development of civilization. For example, we replaced rye bread with white bread and almost stopped using millet.

However, official studies on amygdalin have not yet been conducted: pharmaceutical companies refuse to sponsor this project. After all, if the beneficial properties of apricot kernels are proven, then no one will buy expensive cancer drugs. Moreover, it was forbidden to sell apricot kernels in the USA with annotations, which indicated information on vitamin B17. And scientists who tried to further explore the issue, were arrested.

Now vitamin B17 is prohibited by official medicine. After all, he threatens the whole pharmaceutical industry! However, enthusiastic doctors, who began research 18 years ago and being inspired by the results (their patients are still alive), continue to work, despite the persecution!

Other properties of apricot kernels

Let's leave the controversial views of science and consider the usefulness of apricot stones yet. Their cores contain 28% of proteins and 50% of fatty acids (linoleic, oleic, stearic, myristic), vitamins A, C, and F. Of these, they extract oil with cold, which, like flax, does not like light and is rapidly oxidized. However, its properties are so useful that in the Middle Ages it was even equated to gold. It has a softening, penetrating, healing, antioxidant, anthelmintic action.

Therefore, the beneficial properties of apricot kernels are used:

  • In cooking:   crushed or chopped stones are added to pastries, cakes, waffles, chocolate, creams, souffles and yoghurts.
  • In cosmetology: marsh mascaras are made from the bones. Apricot oil is included in face and body creams, detergents and hair masks,
  • In folk medicine:   With the help of apricot kernels, diseases of the upper respiratory tract are treated. Apricot oil treats stomatitis, gastritis, ulcers, hemorrhoids, otitis media and rhinitis.

For those who still argue about the benefits and dangers of apricot seeds there is information to think about. Nature is wise. Based on this, the question arises: why, the sweeter the fruit, the more bitterness in the bone? Is it because you need to eat them together? Indeed, in the fruit and bone of the apricot contains all the necessary body substances. The daily rate for a healthy person is 20 fruits (or 7-10 dried apricots) and 20 seeds. Less can, no more.

Apricot bones. Useful properties and harm

Tasty and juicy fruits of apricot deliver a lot of pleasant taste sensations, both to children and adults. But it turns out that these fruits also have a number of healthy properties, which can sometimes be useful even in the fight against very serious diseases. True, there is a “reverse side of the coin”. Therefore, in order that the use of apricot does not develop into harm, it is necessary to remember some precautionary measures. So why are apricots so amazing?

Apricot properties

1. High content of vitamins. As shown by studies conducted by some scientists, only 750 ml of apricot juice fully satisfy the daily rate of all the vitamins necessary for the human body. In particularly large quantities contain:

  • provitamin A, which, however, is not contained in pure form, but in the form of beta-carotene, which serves as the basis for the synthesis of vitamin A;
  • vitamin C.

It is important to emphasize here that apricot most likely will not help people who have an acute shortage of vitamin A, since the lack of this important and beneficial element is usually due to the fact that the body is unable to transform Betta due to various reasons. carotene in vitamin A. Accordingly, it will be necessary to use here the finished product sold in pharmacies. For everyone else, eating apricots is a great way to forget about vision problems, and in addition, vitamin A plays a significant role in the normal functioning of the liver and thyroid gland.

It should be noted that the beta-carotene itself is not only a springboard for the manufacture of an amino acid, but also an important chemical element for the normalization of the immune system. It increases the body's resistance to viruses and infections, helps fight cancer cells, various microbes and so on. And given the high content of vitamin C, it is not difficult to imagine how much the immunity is strengthened, such apricots that seem so common.

2. High content of iron and potassium. A lot of things can be said about the benefits of each of these elements. Suffice it to note that thanks to the latter, the blood vessels will please their owner with a good tone, and given the presence of iron, which contributes to the production of hemaglobin, you can completely forget about anemia. In addition, potassium is extremely important for normal functioning of the urinary organs, actively helping to fight various diseases of the kidneys and bladder.

3. Cellulose. This element is not in vain in a separate paragraph, since apricots show a very high rate. Cellulose prevents stratification of cholesterol and lowers its amount in the blood. In addition to the beneficial properties that make fiber so useful for the good condition of the circulatory system, it also promotes the active absorption of nutrients by the intestinal walls.

4. Iodine. Along with nuts, apricots contain a lot of iodine, so useful for the normal activity of the thyroid gland. Iodine also contributes to the development of many important hormones, because of which its importance for the body is very difficult to overestimate. For those who decide to replenish stocks of iodine, buying apricots, you should indicate that its highest content is in the Armenian varieties of this wonderful fruit.

5. Magnesium and phosphorus. These elements are required to increase activity in the brain. In addition, magnesium normalizes blood pressure, quickly lowering it. Accordingly, people suffering from hypertension need as much as possible to use apricots, especially during the season.


Now it is worth considering why so much has been said lately about the benefits of apricot kernels.

1. It turns out that the nucleoli of this delicious fruit contain a rare element in its natural form - vitamin B17. Once in the human body, it is transformed into a highly effective means of combating cancer cells. Moreover, its benefits are manifested both in the prevention of this terrible disease, and in case of an existing problem. At the moment, many pharmaceutical companies are conducting active research and are already using apricot kernels to create drugs that should help in oncology.

2. The interior of the bones has a relieving effect on bronchitis. With their help, help patients suffering from a strong cough. This useful property has been identified for quite a long time and has been used in folk medicine in many countries for many centuries.

3. Thanks to some substances contained in apricot pits in small quantities, they are an excellent remedy for worms. To do this, apricot kernels consumed inside raw.


In addition to the benefits of apricot and especially its bones can have a strong negative impact on the body. The main problem is the extremely high content of sucrose, therefore, the use of these fruits by people suffering from such a widespread disease as diabetes is unacceptable.

In addition, the bones contain a small amount of cyanide, turning in the body in hydrocyanic acid. She, in turn, can cause severe poisoning. True, in order for the effect to manifest itself, the child needs to eat more than twenty pieces of bones, and an adult more. Accordingly, there is no need to talk about big risk, although you can often find information on the Web that greatly exaggerates the harmful effects of eating apricot kernels. It should be noted that if the bones are eaten on a par with the fruits themselves, then the pectin contained in the fruits of apricots promotes the active removal of harmful substances from the body. So worry, even because of a dozen or two eaten bones is not worth it.


Given the rich chemical composition of apricots, we can only wish everyone to eat as much as possible. After all, this is a real storehouse of beneficial trace elements and vitamins!

Based on the listed healing properties, apricots are recommended to include in the diet for pregnant women, young children, hypertensive patients, those suffering from obesity, anemia, constipation, cardiovascular or renal diseases, as well as cancer patients in addition to supporting therapy.

To improve health, it is enough to use 100-150 g of fresh apricots per day. Just do not eat them on an empty stomach or after meat dishes, as this will have a bad effect on digestion.

Apricot juice is absorbed faster and more efficiently - especially for future mothers and children, it is recommended to drink it to meet their daily need for vitamins. So, 150 ml of juice is enough to replenish the stock of carotene in the body, and to combat puffiness you need to drink 100 ml of juice up to eight times a day.

Dried apricots in their beneficial effects on the blood formation process is much superior to beef liver. Dried apricots should be consumed with heart rhythm disturbances, anemia, hypertension, as well as with constipation - vegetable fibers perfectly cleanse the intestines.

Sweet apricot - useful properties are not suitable for everyone? ^

All the favorite apricots, the benefits and harms of which are well studied by experts, are not as harmless as they seem. So, if you have gastritis with high acidity or, even worse, gastrointestinal ulcer, you should give up fresh apricots in favor of more benign apricot juice. And in the case of pancreatitis and other liver problems, use the fruit with great care.

Although apricots are very tasty and healthy, even healthy people should not get involved in them: sometimes even ten fruits are enough to cause diarrhea (especially if you drink them with cold water). In addition, excessive consumption of apricots can cause dizziness, lower blood pressure, decrease heart rate and respiratory depression.

As mentioned above, apricots are saturated with sugars, and for this reason diabetics are contraindicated. And you can not eat not only dried apricots, but also fresh fruit pulp.

The core of the apricot - the benefits and harm to health ^

Many people know how poisonous apricot seeds can be, beneficial features well known not to everyone. But in eastern medicine, apricot kernels have long been used as a miracle cure to save from various diseases of the upper respiratory tract: from bronchitis, tracheitis, asthma, and laryngitis. It is enough to remove the kernels from twenty seeds, dry them and chop them thoroughly, and then take the resulting powder four times a day with a teaspoon, drinking milk or tea.

But if it is immoderate to use apricot seeds, their use will come to naught due to amygdalin, a toxic component that turns into hydrocyanic acid in the digestive organs, which is very dangerous for the body. The amygdalin apricot kernels contains only 12%, so they are not as dangerous as the cherry seeds, which are not eaten raw at all.

For those who do not want to risk, more suitable apricot oil obtained from the seed. Its composition is unique: linoleic, stearic, palmitic, myristic and oleic acids, phospholipids, magnesium and calcium salts, vitamins E, C, A, B. The fact that it is widely used in the production of various ointments, creams and children's cosmetic products. Apricot seed oil perfectly moisturizes the skin, prolonging its youth, eliminates dead particles and heals cracks well.

Apricot Stone

The benefits and harm of apricot kernels

  March 17, 2014 10:58

Apricot kernel nutritionally inferior to nuts. By calorie, by the way, too. In 100g. contains 450kkal. But so much at one time hardly anyone will eat. Nepolneem.ru continues to study the benefits and harm of seeds and seeds. The turn of apricot. Doctors recommend a day to use no more than 20 pieces of raw apricot kernels. And all because of the high concentration of the substance amygdalin, which splits out secrete hydrocyanic acid, otherwise - cyanide. It is he who gives the bones a specific bitter taste.

In different varieties of apricot hydrocyanic acid concentration varies. Determine easily to taste. The sweeter they are, the smaller it is. In one vitamin lies both the benefits and harm of apricot kernels.

Amygdalin is vitamin B17. They also call him - leeth. The role of amygdalin in the body was discussed in the article about apple bones. Be sure to read. Here I will say that the most anti-cancer vitamin was found in almonds and apricot stones. As in old detectives, poison was determined by the smell of almonds. But in microscopic doses, the poison becomes the cure. On the basis of concentrated amygdalin, the drug Laetril was developed. Once in the body, it is attracted to cancer cells and destroys them, without touching healthy tissue. However, the effect of the drug is now disputed, but the beneficial effect of vitamin B17 is confirmed by research.

The analgesic effect, activation of the metabolism and the general slowdown of the aging process were also revealed. In Pakistan, there is a small Hunza nation. Scientists have recorded an amazing longevity up to 120 years, and the complete absence of cancer. The tribe lives at the expense of apricots and dried apricots. And apricot kernels are included in the daily diet.

High nutritional value and healing properties of apricot kernels are provided by a high content of protein and vitamin E. In half they consist of unsaturated fatty acids. Therefore, apricot kernels are widely used in medical cosmetology. Oil revives aging skin. It is added to creams and used in therapeutic massage of the face and body.

Already in ancient China, apricot kernel oils treated diseases of the joints and skin. There also came up with getting rid of cough by chewing several nucleoli thoroughly. The effect is achieved due to the release of hydrocyanic acid. Such terrible lung diseases as whooping cough and bronchitis are treatable.

Stearic, myristic, oleic fatty acids strengthen the walls of blood vessels and, in combination with potassium from the pulp of apricots, support the work of the heart. Doctors say the therapeutic effect in kidney disease - nephritis.

For therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, apricot stones are consumed only raw. In any heat treatment, hydrocyanic acid is destroyed. They become harmless, but also useless. Just very tasty. A single portion should not exceed 50 nucleoli. In the southern regions, it is easy to collect as many stones. And the rest of the poisoning is clearly not threatened. Apricots and apricots are quite expensive and are used as a treat.

In apricot cooking, jam is made and sometimes kernels of nuts are put into it. I do that too. Ripe apricots divided into halves. Bone break and choose whole kernels for jam. Cooking "five minutes" without interfering. The halves retain their shape and the jam looks appetizing.

To preserve the healing, I almost wrote the "poisonous" properties of the core of the apricot stone, it can be preserved without heating. You need fresh liquid honey. Pour the kernels into the cold sterilized jar and pour them with honey.

I did it last summer. Bones strive to accumulate at the top, so the bank must be turned. In such a preparation, the harm to the bones is canceled, only benefit remains.

And some more interesting information about the apricot pits on the video.