How to turn off the girl for a while. Melatonin as a sleeping pill and not only

What to pour into alcohol, so that a person falls asleep? Such a question is rarely asked out loud. When any person drinks in a circle of friends or acquaintances, he does not think about how and where he will fall asleep later. After all, there are 2 options: you can fall asleep either on your own, because you are tired and went to bed, or because the dose of alcohol you drink has exceeded the required amount (and this is likely to be called alcoholism). And if sleeping at home or with friends doesn’t bear any risk for the person and his things, then for strangers, when you drink too much, it can entail unpleasant consequences in the form of a robbery, physical impact or an accident.

However, there is another option (alcohol insomnia), when a heavily drunk person is not ready to go to sleep, despite the sufficiency of alcohol intake, and continues to behave inadequately with others. As a result, there is one question how to put to sleep a drunk. But first, let's see why after alcohol you want to sleep. The reason lies in the structure of the vessels. Their expansion entails calming the central nervous system, which serves as one of the lighthouses for the body and causes it to fall asleep. The reason why you want to sleep with a hangover is the same. A person falls asleep if his central nervous system is at rest. However, in alcoholism the body cannot interpret the signals, so the sleep stage can occur for quite a long time. Especially alcoholics suffer from trying to sleep with a hangover, since the only desire is to remove dryness in the oral cavity. The methods described below are intended only to help put a drunken person to sleep, but not.

First, you can resort to simple conviction, because all people are sensible beings, and you can agree. Often the conversation is enough to convince a person to fall asleep quickly. This method is especially effective if you need to fall asleep with a hangover.

Secondly, you can use another technique - ignoring a drunk person. This means not paying attention to all his provocations so that a person falls asleep. As a result, sooner or later he will get bored, and he will go to sleep.

Thirdly, if a drunk person still wants to show his character, then the only option to put him to bed is to stay away from him so that he cannot harm either himself or others. After some time, you will notice that the person is still asleep.

And fourthly, you can put a drunken person to sleep just by talking or waiting. Just to reduce any manifestation of its activity to a minimum. That is why with a hangover you want to sleep - the activity of a person is at a minimum and the body has not yet returned to normal.

Medicinal ways to put a drunk person to sleep

There are also medicinal ways to put to sleep drunk. Consider what you can give him.

Valerian extract or motherwort tincture may be used. These drugs are designed to soothe the central nervous system. In a state of alcoholic arousal, they act in a similar way. The exposure time is quite long, so they are never used by fraudsters, since it is inappropriate for them to pour this medicine on a drunk person. The use of drugs is possible at home without a prescription.

Potent sedatives are used (for example, phenazepam, diazepam and other drugs from this group).

Medicines are sold only by prescription. It is possible to pour them in so that a person falls asleep, but the reaction time is long (as in the first group of drugs). The drugs are designed to combat epilepsy, seizures and headaches. With the wrong dosage, such consequences as memory loss, respiratory arrest, etc. are possible. In addition, after a person's sleep, hallucinations, impaired memory and confusion can develop. With alcoholism, the use of these drugs is contraindicated.

In difficult cases, use drugs designed for violent mentally ill patients. The action aims to calm the central nervous system. Issued only by prescription psychiatrist. The rate of falling asleep with the help of the drug is a matter of minutes. This, of course, will help to sleep with a hangover, but to buy such a tool without an appointment is impossible.

Indirect drugs

Medicinal methods include drugs in which drowsiness is a side effect, such as clonidine. This medicine is used to combat hypertension, and is also known as a way to put a drunk person or stupefy it, including a sober person. In pharmacies issued only by prescription, as it is addictive. When ingested clonidine in the body, there is a process of its rapid absorption with alcohol. This method is used to treat alcoholism in the initial stages of the disease. The effect on the body of the drug is such that people no longer control themselves completely, and therefore the risk of getting into an accident, a fall from a height and other lethal and traumatic cases increases. The use of drugs for alcoholism requires precise compliance with the dosage to exclude this kind of cases.

There is another drug that is given to a drunk person - diphenhydramine. However, this medicine has a double unpredictable effect: it can both cause drowsiness, due to which a person falls asleep, and, conversely, increases the activity of a drunk person. Dimedrol has antiemetic, anti-allergic, sedative and hypnotic properties. But to put to bed Dimedrol drunk man does not always come out.

The last on the list of drugs - antidepressants. The name speaks for itself - they are designed to calm the patient, both in the clinic and at home. When a person is taken in, a behavior appears like that of a drunk person: unsteady gait, confusion of speech and consciousness. The use of medication leads to rapid sleep. However, simultaneous admission is prohibited, as it can lead to coma and even death.

Understanding of purpose is necessary. After all, not always when you drink, you want to sleep, just as not always people in a drunken state are controlled by aggression.

These methods will help in solving such issues as:

  • insomnia with a hangover (when a person cannot fall asleep after a certain amount of alcohol drunk on the eve);
  • insomnia from alcohol.

Using this information for illegal purposes is a criminal offense.

Alcoholism is not treated on its own. For complete recovery we recommend contacting specialized institutions.

Comparing the duration of a sleeping state in different organisms, scientists have found that practically no living creature can do without it. For example, sloths sleep 80% of their lives, predators and representatives of the squad of rodents - up to 60 percent, and people - about a third of their lives. In the 20th century, it was found that during sleep, brain activity does not completely disappear, but it is assumed that inhibition occurs in the cortex and subcortical centers. Some sources believe that during sleep information from short-term memory goes into long-term, and the person feels rested. Insomnia is also accompanied by general malaise, so it is very important to know how to put a person to sleep if it is required.

How much should you sleep?

Normally, a person sleeps about 7-8 hours a day, older people are more awake, and babies can sleep up to 18-19 hours daily. A number of experts agree that it is more useful to go to bed before 23 o'clock and get up early. The problem of how to put to sleep a person who leads a healthy lifestyle does not usually arise. Lack of overeating at night, sufficient physical activity, fresh air is automatically sent to the kingdom of Morpheus, especially if the day regimen is observed. The body simply wants to relax, and to resist him in this desire is quite difficult even with the help of coffee and other stimulants.


Another thing, if a person can not sleep due to some factors. This can be as trite working in the bedroom TV, and nervous tension. In this case, you need to have a general idea of ​​how to put to sleep a person who may be your relative. It is possible to start with the correction of the regime and soothing herbal decoctions, which have a mild effect on the body. If this does not help, then you can turn to such an exotic doctor as a somnologist. He will select the necessary sleeping pills, possibly refer to a consultation with a psychologist and other doctors, who will identify the cause of the ailment. In some cases, acupuncture (effects on active biological points), massages, water procedures, etc. helps. There are even special devices based on oriental medicine techniques that in a certain way massage wrists or soles of the feet to enhance relaxation.

Virtuosos of dreams

There is a group of doctors who know better than others how to put a person to sleep. These are anesthesiologists and hypnologists. The first patients are given special medications that put the patient to sleep, maximally relaxing the muscles for the operation (this is another property of the sleeping state). Anesthesia is a complex condition, during which not only the patient’s reactions to the environment are turned off, but also a number of measures are carried out to maintain the vital activity of the organism. Therefore, such a dream is a very difficult phenomenon. In the second case, the shutdown state is achieved by psychological suggestion.

Exotic tricks

In some combat practices, they know how to put a person to sleep without medicines. In this case, we are talking about the impact on special zones, which, however, not so much lulls as it sends into unconsciousness. Therefore, these cases cannot be called a dream as an organism’s need. And modern military in some cases use a special gas, one of the properties of which is almost instantaneous sleep. For military purposes, you need to know not only how to put a person to sleep, but also how to reanimate him later, because combat development often requires antidotes for those to whom these funds are applied.

In the topic for publication. I would like in the comments of those who are versed in honey Komrad drugs to hear whether at least one of the drugs listed below can put a person to sleep immediately?

Insomnia can be caused by various causes: neurosis, nervous and mental illness, emotional day, overwork, etc. A person can not always cope with insomnia, so he resorts to the help of sleeping pills and sedatives. They regulate the functions of the central nervous system, including sleep. Neuroleptics have soothing and antiseptic properties. Tranquilizers due to the calming effect weaken the manifestations of neurosis.

  Derivatives of barbituric acid possess the ability of hypnotic action. Barbiturates vary in duration of action: barbital, sodium barbital, phenobarbital (luminal) have a long lasting effect; the average duration of action has barmamyl, ethaminal sodium (Nembutal), cyclobarbital; short action in hexobarbital.

The choice of barbiturate depends on the patient's symptoms of insomnia: if he easily falls asleep and wakes up early, then a long-acting drug is prescribed. If the patient has a problem only in falling asleep, and sleep is continuous, then short-acting barbiturates are prescribed.

Barbiturates with a long-term action are excreted by the kidneys, and short-acting are destroyed in the liver, therefore, in its disease, the use of short-acting barbiturates is contraindicated. Barbiturates with prolonged use are addictive. In this sense, they can be equated to drugs. Pregnant use of this drug is dangerous, because it easily crosses the placenta and adversely affects the development of the fetus.

The following drugs were synthesized to create sleeping pills:

Tetridine (Benedorm).  Low toxicity, almost not addictive in soporific doses. Take with nervous disorders and various types of insomnia.
Noxiron  Mostly prescribed for neurotic conditions. After 15-30 minutes of use of the drug comes sleep and lasts 6-8h. With prolonged use is addictive.
Chloral hydrate.  It is prescribed as a sedative, hypnotic and anticonvulsant drug for eclampsia, tetanus and spasmophilia. Prolonged use of chloral hydrate is addictive.
Carbromal (adalin).  Apply with neurasthenia as a sedative and moderately hypnotic for an hour before bedtime. Contraindication is bromism.
Bromized (bromoral).  It has the same effect as carbromol. Apply with insomnia and nervous excitement. As a sleeping pill take 30-40 minutes before bedtime.
Sodium bromide.  Apply with neurasthenia, irritability, insomnia, epilepsy, trochaic. Prolonged use can cause bromism: runny nose, cough, rash, and general weakness.
  Rhizome with valerian roots. Reduces anxiety and has a moderate antispasmodic effect. It is used for insomnia.
  Motherwort Grass It is taken in the form of an infusion or extract as a sedative.
Corvalol.  Apply with increased irritability, tachycardia, insomnia, neurosis, intestinal cramps.
Thioridazine (sonapax, melleryl).  Applied with schizophrenia, neurosis, anxiety. This is a neuroleptic. Contraindications: allergies, coma, glaucoma.
Meprotan (andaksin, meprobamate).  This is a tranquilizer. Soothes the central nervous system, enhances the effect of sleeping pills. Do not use while driving and during work that requires quick response.
Chlordiazepoxide (Elenium, Librium). Apply with neurosis, mental illness and for sedation in surgery.
Diazepam (seduxen).  Soothes the central nervous system, has a relaxing effect.
Oxazepam (tazepam).  It is similar in functions of seduxenu and elenium. Apply with neurotic states, accompanied by anxiety and insomnia.
Nitrazepam (eunoctin, rader).  Reduces emotional irritability, eliminates insomnia. Sleep occurs within 20-45 minutes after the use of the drug and lasts 6-8 hours.
Oxylidine.  Depressant. Apply with neurosis, insomnia, psychopathy.
Trioxazine.  Tranquilizer. Calms the central nervous system. Assign with neurosis, insomnia, irritability, fatigue.
Fruticin  The drug is well tolerated, has a calming effect.
Hindarin.  Tranquilizer. Apply with neurasthenia, insomnia.

In humans, a sleeping substance is naturally formed. A similar substance was isolated from the blood of a sleeping rabbit. On its basis, they will try to create hypnotic drugs without side effects.

Melatonin is a hormone synthesized in the cells of the epiphysis, also known as the pineal gland. The epiphysis from ancient times was considered the center of the brain, which transmits its impulses to all organs of the human body.

Melatonin owes his name to American dermatologist Lerner, who worked on his discovery, examining many bulls epiphyses. And all this work was done only to identify the chemical structure of this hormone. Therefore, Lerner called the result of his titanic work melatonin, which is translated from Greek as “black work”.

It is noteworthy that this hormone performs all its functions "under the cover of night," starting at 8 pm. Scientists around the world have proven that melatonin is produced by the cells of the pineal gland, and then released into the blood only at night, and in bright light, its formation abruptly stops. Despite the fact that the main source of melatonin is the epiphysis, its synthesis also involves the thymus (thymus gland), the glands of the gastrointestinal tract and the reproductive system. Since so many organs and systems maintain high levels of melatonin in the blood, it can be assumed that there is a high need for the human body.

Many properties are attributed to melatonin, one of which is the so-called rhythm-organizing effect, in disorders of which biological rhythms are disturbed in people (especially when moving from one time zone to another). Melatonin also has an antioxidant and immunostimulating effect. Many scientists in the world believe that the pineal gland with melatonin acts on the body's defenses. For example, melatonin binds oxidants, triggering antioxidant protection of the body as a whole. Considering the function of melatonin in the immune system, we can say that its role in antiviral protection is indisputable. The hormone of the pineal gland has a positive effect on fat metabolism, which significantly reduces cholesterol in the blood, thereby reducing the risk of developing atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels and regulates blood pressure. Many researchers believe that melatonin can prolong life, but so far in the experimental data there is no convincing evidence of this hypothesis. There are only indirect data, based not on the elevated level of the epiphyseal hormone in the blood of the long-livers, but on the high activity of their immune defense.

Everything would be wonderful, considering all the functions of melatonin, if it were not for one “but”, the amount of the hormone changes throughout our lives. Its development starts from three months of age, and reaches its peak by the age of five, then remains at the same level until puberty (puberty), then its level drops sharply and reaches its critical minimum by the age of 40-50.

Having considered all the "miracles" of Melatonin, we can conclude, that is, to bring some result. Over time, the body loses the ability to produce melatonin, which is why older people suffer from insomnia, high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, cerebral circulation disorders, increased bone fragility, and various neoplastic diseases.

But do not be upset so sad fact, Melatonin is found artificially, there is in food, in addition to developing its own body.

Products promoting the formation of melatonin:

  • Products rich in amino acids (tryptophan): bean curd-tofu, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, almonds, walnuts.
  • Calcium-rich foods: milk, schichitsa, green soybeans, figs, hazelnuts, lentils, cabbage, mustard seeds, dandelion leaves.
  • Foods rich in vitamins B6: red bell pepper, apricot, sunflower seed, banana, beans.

Products containing melatonin:  oats, corn, rice, raisins, tomatoes, banana, barley.

Melaxen (Melatonin) as a pharmaceutical product

With the medical purpose, Melaksen is used to normalize sleep and prevent disturbances of biological rhythms in people with rapid movement in the latitudinal direction and shifting the habitual “sleep-wake” mode by several hours. The drug melatonin reduces all unpleasant consequences, rearranging all the biological rhythms of the body in accordance with local time. Thus, it is possible to artificially shift the daily rhythm, if such a need arises during the shift and shift work method. Sleep normalization promotes the anti-anxiety, sedative activity of melatonin.

Studies conducted in the federal "sleep center" showed high efficacy and safety of treatment with Melaxen to normalize sleep in patients with acute cerebral circulation disorders (strokes), with high blood pressure (hypertension, hypertension), as well as in complex treatment of coronary heart disease (CHD).

Like any drug, Melaxen also has contraindications, therefore, before applying it, you should consult with your doctor.

The drug should not be used for pregnant and lactating women, children under the age of 16, with blood diseases (leukemias), systemic diseases (collagenoses), kidney pathology, autoimmune diseases. When taking the drug should avoid bright light. Not recommended for women. Those who wish to become pregnant, since Melaxen has a slight contraceptive effect. Melatonin (Melaxen) should not be used with painkillers, hormones, sedatives, as well as with antidiabetic drugs.

In favor of this drug, I would like to add that after all the experiments carried out on animals, the clinical data carried out within the walls of hospitals did not reveal the negative properties of Melatonin. All studies show that the drug affects the problem area that needs its action. For example, the drug will not reduce blood pressure if it is within the normal range.

Keep track of your health and do not get sick!