How many minutes to sterilize cucumbers. Marinated cucumbers without sterilization

If you are an experienced gourmet and culinary specialist and are familiar with a variety of snacks, pickles and marinades, then it's time to try something new. We offer you a dish that can adequately diversify the table and on holidays and on weekdays - cucumbers, marinated without sterilization. The recipe is simple enough, but it must be done strictly following the instructions to get juicy crispy cucumbers!

Since we prepare cucumbers for the winter without sterilization, the sequence in the process is very important. We do not neglect any of the canning stages, so that the banks do not “explode”.

The variants of this snack are not very different, therefore we will prepare it according to the traditional recipe, which can be supplemented and varied in the future at will.


  •   - 1-1,2 kg + -
  •   - 3 umbrellas + -
  •   - 3-4 teeth + -
  •   - 8-10 pcs. + -
  • Allspice Peas  - 3 pcs. + -
  • Currant leaves and horseradish  - PC. every+ -

For brine

  •   - 1 l + -
  • 70 g (a small glass)+ -
  • 70 g (a small glass)+ -
  •   - 100 ml + -

All products are listed at the rate of 3 liter jars.

  • First, wash and soak young cucumbers. We need no little ones, but we shouldn’t take more than 6-7 cm. Larger and marinate longer, and their banks fit less.
  • Put them in a basin or pan with cold water so that the liquid completely covers the vegetables and leave for at least 4 hours. It is necessary to return the crispness of the pulp, if cucumbers were not harvested in the early morning.
  • In the meantime, we can sterilize the jars and lids - they should be completely clean and lay on a towel with the neck down to cool.
  • Cooking herbs - we wash it and also dry, clean and cut garlic on the petals.

  • Over time, take out the cucumbers, once again wash them and cut off the nozzles.
  • We spread on the bottom of each jar half green, distributing it equally.
  • Then arrange cucumbers so that free space remains as small as possible.
  • Lay the rest of the leaves on top. Put garlic and pepper later.
  • We put water on the fire - at least 3 liters, so that it is enough for all the stages of pouring. As soon as it boils, pour it into the banks. To the glass does not burst, you can pour on a knife or spoon, filling the jar to the coat hanger.
  • Cover all the covers and leave for 7 minutes.
  • All merge and refill the jars with boiling water. Cover with lids and let stand 5 minutes.
  • We no longer pour this water from cucumbers, but pour it into a free saucepan, put it on the fire and prepare the brine: add salt, sugar, bring to a boil, remove the foam if it appears, and pour vinegar.
  • Now we put peppercorns and chopped garlic in jars and pour over all the brine. We roll up the lids and, without turning them over, leave the preservation to cool. Wrap the banks also do not need, because they are without sterilization.

You see how easy it is to cook sweet pickled cucumbers! The main thing to remember about the 3-time filling - it is this that allows preservation for a long time to be stored, and the absence of boiling leaves the cucumbers crisp and firm.

This recipe is our family, he has for many years. Who first tries - asks for a recipe! Try it! Cucumbers, crispy and with a new (not classic) taste. Marinate cucumbers without horseradish, without currants and cherries. It turns out delicious, brine just gorgeous! This marinade can be used for tomatoes, and even assorted.

Ingredients for 2 liter jars:

  • Cucumbers - 1 kg.,
  • Sweet pepper - 1 pc.,
  • Dill - 2 umbrellas;
  • Garlic - 4-6 tooth.,
  • Allspice, black peas, bay leaf,
  • Water - 1 l.,
  • Salt - 1st.l.,
  • Sugar - 2.5 tbsp.
  • Vinegar 70% - 1 tsp.


Wash cucumbers thoroughly, pour cold water for 1-2 hours.

Banks are rinsed with soda and sterilized over steam (5 minutes) or in the oven. Boil 5 minutes cover.

Fill with boiling water for 1 minute bay leaf and dill umbrellas.

Spread on the banks: sweet pepper (cut into pieces), bay leaf, 2 types of peas pepper, garlic and dill.

We put cucumbers vertically, cutting off the ass. Put the second row horizontally.

On top of a little more garlic and dill.

Fill with boiling water for 10 minutes, drain and boil water again. Fill the second time.

If you are cooking tomatoes, then do the pouring once, as they are more tender.

After the second pouring, we pour out the water at all (I don’t like to use muddy and marinade water with foam, it will not affect the taste - all the spices and herbs retain their flavor, and the pickles with the new marinade look better).

Per liter of water - 1 tbsp. salt and 2.5 tbsp. sugar - without slides. It is necessary to bring to a boil, dissolve the salt and sugar and pour fresh pickled cucumbers.

In 1 l. jar add 0.5 tsp. 70% vinegar and roll up immediately.

Turn and wrap until cool.

Such cucumbers are well kept in the apartment. Verified!

In detail, as I prepare everything and pickle cucumbers, look at the video below:

kerescan - Oct 8th, 2015

Not everyone likes pickles. And this simple recipe for homemade preservation is suitable for such gourmets. Pickled cucumbers are hard, crunchy, fragrant.

It is advisable to pickle cucumbers fresh, recently harvested from the garden. First, they need to wash well, cut off the "tails" and "noses." If cucumbers are torn off earlier, then it is possible to fill them with cold water for 1-2 hours.

Then, you need to prepare the banks. Wash them thoroughly, sprinkle lids with boiling water.

How to pickle cucumbers in jars with sterilization.

First, lay 2-3 grains of allspice and bitter black pepper, 2 small bay leaves, 2-3 grains of cloves on the bottom. Cut 1-2 cloves of garlic, currant leaves, cherries, dill, horseradish. Total greens should be approximately 15 grams. Some greens will go to the bottom of the jar, and the rest - on top of the cucumbers.

Cucumbers put in jars and pour hot marinade pouring (how to cook it, look).

Cover the jars with metal lids and send for sterilization. The required sterilization time for 1-l cans is 8-10 minutes, and for 3-liter jars - 18-20 minutes. The countdown to the processing of blanks comes from the moment of boiling liquid in the tank, where there are banks.

All that is left to do is to roll up the covers and put “cans” on the neck in a blanket or coat.

As you can see, pickling cucumbers is very simple and absolutely not scary. So, novice housewives do not be afraid, and boldly do your homework. Remember that delicious crispy pickled cucumbers canned according to the above recipe are perfectly combined in salads with mushrooms, cheese, vegetables, and chicken meat. And, of course, very tasty by themselves.

See another interesting recipe in the video: Crispy Pickled Cucumbers for the Winter.