Bulgarian green pepper billet for the winter. Pepper for the winter - recipes blanks

It is difficult to call the harvesting of various vegetable twists for the winter a favorite and enjoyable activity. But, despite the small difficulties that arise in the process, they all give an excellent snack to the cold. Among their diversity, fans of seaming is performed and pepper preservation. Various dishes from the popular Bulgarian vegetable have an incredibly pleasant taste, and are distinguished by high benefits. There are a lot of different recipes for which you can close the cherished jars of pepper: pickles, snacks in tomato, fried, etc. And the following culinary methods will reveal the most interesting of them ...

"Conservation of sweet pepper with cloves"

It would seem classic ... But the additive in the form of spicy cloves radically changes things! Prepared preservation of the following ingredients:

5-5.5 kilos of sweet pepper,

6 bay leaves

4 g pepper grain black,

On 3 g asterisks of a carnation and cinnamon,

75 grams of rock salt

Slightly more than 100 grams of sugar,

4-5 liters of water

20 ml of acid 80% otstovoy.

Glass container for preservation is washed and sterilized. At the bottom of the banks put prepared spices. Sweet peppers are rinsed thoroughly in cool water, and their testes are cut with tails. Hollow boxes are blanched in boiling water for up to 5 minutes and packed tight in containers for spices.

Water for the marinade is poured into the pan, and salt-sugar is added there. The solution is boiled for a quarter of an hour and then filtered through a multi-layer gauze. Purified brine is poured back into the pan, refilled with acidic acid and boiled again. Marinade is poured into cans to pepper, after which they are subjected to heat treatment in a water bath, covered containers with lids. Sterilization lasts about 15 minutes, and you can roll up the workpiece.

Conservation of sweet pepper. "With garlic"

Spicy garlic is always appropriate in winter conservation. Almost all vegetables, including Bulgarian peppers, are covered with it. Need for snacks:

6 kilo fleshy peppers,

150 grams of garlic,

200 ml of vegetable oil,

170 ml of 9% table stem,

4 liters of boiled water,

65 grams of salt,

100 grams of granulated sugar.

Enumerated paprika is washed with a soft sponge, removing litter and dust from the surface of vegetables. There is no need to clean out the pedicles and seeds, but it is worth only piercing the fruit with a fork or a large sewing needle in 3-4 places. Peeled garlic cloves are put into clean, dried jars, and the more of them, the more aromatic and brighter the dish will turn out. Garlic in put both whole and whipped plates.

Preparing a solution of vegetable oil with boiled water, spices (salt and sugar) and salt. The liquid is placed on the stove for boiling, and whole pepper pods fall into it. Paprika is blanched portionwise, and when it becomes less dense and not so elastic, it is removed from the solution with a skimmer or a large spoon. Immediately from the boiling water, the peppers are moved to the jars and poured with the same solution in which they were blanched. Before closing, the appetizer is heated for 20 minutes in a water bath. Banks are taken out in the cold for storage.

Conservation of sweet pepper. "Home-style"

The name “home-style” gives a hint that the dish will be as close as possible to the home kitchen, bringing familiar notes of childhood favorite snacks. So on recipe "Conservation of sweet pepper"Will be necessary:

5-5.5 kilograms of Bulgarian pepper,

80 g of salt,

4.5-5 liters of filtered water.

Perchinki certainly undergo wet treatment under a flowing stream, cutting the stem and rinsing additionally. Prepared boxes are scalded with boiling water and kept in it for up to 5 minutes. Then they need to spread out tightly on the banks. In an enamel pan, water is poured and boiled with table salt dissolved in it. Hot rassolchik gently merges into jars to pepper. The container is covered with tin lids, sterilized for 35-40 minutes and hermetically sealed.

"Conservation of sweet pepper in tomato juice"

Very popular in tomato fill. Tomatoes, cucumbers are poured with tomato solution for the winter, numerous lettuces are made, etc. You can close the paprika in tomato using the following components:

About 5 kilos of bell peppers,

1.5 kg of ripe tomatoes,

20 ml of 80% acid acid,

50-60 g of granulated sugar and salt (based on taste).

Washed sweet peppers are washed and cleaned, leaving only fleshy walls. After the box they are boiled with boiling water, followed by aging in it for a couple of minutes. Vegetable blanks should be drained and, lightly dried, they are loaded into clean cans.

Ripe tomatoes are washed out, cut into slices, folded into the cooking pot and warmed up on the stove until softened. Then they must be rubbed on a sieve in mashed potatoes. Cooked tomato is poured back into the pan and brought to a boil. Juice is boiled for a minute or two, removing the foam on the surface. Also, tomato juice should be salted, pepper and season with acid acid. The tomato is poured into the jars with pepper, and they are set to be sterilized in slowly boiling water. At the end, the roll-in is cooled and retracted into the pantry. By the way, the preparation “in tomato filling” will be very interesting; As a result, both vegetables are moderately crispy and deliciously delicious.

“Conservation of sweet pepper. Stuffed"

How not to mention the megazname procurement stuffed with pepper vegetables. How many interpretations exist on him, how many variations! Preparing a dish from the following list of ingredients:

4.5 pounds of sweet paprika,

3 kilos of juicy cabbage

7-8 pieces Lavrushki,

2 g of cumin,

4 liters of boiled water,

40 grams of rock salt

3 g of allspice,

80 ml of table 5% otsta.

Cabbage forks are shredded, sprinkled with salt and powdered with coarse salt. Carefully stirring the white one, it is transferred to the cool for a day, and then squeezed out of the running juice. Sweet thick-walled peppers are washed and prepared in a standard way, as recipes or canned, and blanched. After paprika should drain from moisture in a colander. Pepper blanks are stuffed with cabbage filling.

To make the marinade pouring, water is brought to a boil, in which grains of salt dissolve, and the solution is filtered through special paper or gauze folded in 3-4 layers. "Pure" brine is poured back into the pan, boiled, refilled with salt and kept at a quiet boil on the fire for literally 1 minute. In the banks, first of all, all the spices selected for blocking fall onto them, stuffed peppercorns on them. All this is watered with boiling marinade and placed sterilized for half an hour in a wide container of boiling water. Hermetically closed " Sweet pepper - preservation for the winter»Is carried to a cellar or a cool room, where it is stored until the winter cold.


1. Pour filtered or spring water into the pan and throw in all the spices: peppercorns, cloves, coarsely chopped garlic, bay leaf, salt, sugar. We put the marinade on the fire and, waiting for the boil, we are engaged in pepper.

2. Wash the sweet pepper, free from tails and seeds and cut into thin "feathers." So fill the sterile jars.

In this case, the pieces are better positioned vertically.

3. Marinade, boiled for 5-10 minutes, pour the cans a little less than to the hangers. It's okay if the spices get there - they will give the twist even more flavor.

In each jar, then pour one tablespoon of vinegar and vegetable oil, so that the liquid does not reach the neck by one centimeter.

4. Carefully cover with sterile lids and place the jars in a deep saucepan with water for further sterilization. It is necessary that the water outside reaches only the hangers of the cans with blanks.

And most importantly - do not forget to put a thick towel under the jars, otherwise they may just burst during the heating process.

5. We put the pot with the twists on a strong fire, which we reduce after boiling and sterilize for 20 minutes.

6. After this time we remove from the fire and finally tightly cork the jars.

7. The last step is traditional - turn the blanks upside down, warm and let them brew until the final cooling.

Pepper in the winter roll in jars, taking them out of the pantry as needed. Since the dish can be stored for a long time at room temperature, you can afford to feast on your favorite vegetables even in the most severe cold. You can prepare the pepper in its pure form, using it later as one of the ingredients of any dish. Also, housewives often add to it other vegetables, thereby immediately getting a delicious full-fledged salad, which is just what you need to shift from the jar to the plate.

For blanks of pepper, use marinade based on vinegar and boiling water or ordinary vegetable oil - depending on the composition of the dish. Also, jars are often poured with tomato or vegetable juice.

You can safely pickle both sweet and bitter peppers, practically without changing the recipe. Together with the main ingredient in a jar put tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, onions, carrots, garlic, etc. Season the pepper with any known spices, herbs, salt and sugar. All these products are cut into portions or used as a filling for bell peppers.

Marinated peppers can be used to make salads, soups, and interesting snacks. Store it in a dark cool place before opening the jar, and then you should put the contents in a plate and, if necessary, leave in the refrigerator.

For lovers of spicy dishes, harvesting hot pepper will be an excellent way to preserve all the vitamins and flavor qualities of this product for the winter. It is best to use light green fruit for preservation. If desired, between them can be placed in a jar of dill sprigs.


  • 500 ml of water;
  • 500 ml of vinegar;
  • 2 tbsp. l salts;
  • 2 tbsp. l Sahara;
  • Hot pepper (per liter jar).

Cooking method:

  1. Boil water in a saucepan, add salt and sugar.
  2. When the sugar and salt dissolve, pour in the vinegar, mix well and bring to the boil again.
  3. Pepper put in a clean jar and pour hot marinade.
  4. Roll the lids, let the jars cool, then remove them in a cool place.

Interesting from the network

During roasting, the bell pepper becomes even softer and absorbs the marinade better. That is why many housewives prefer this kind of conservation. Marinade is used the simplest, so cooking does not take much time. The number of peppers will depend on their size.


  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 3 tbsp. l vinegar;
  • 3 tbsp. l Sahara;
  • 1 tsp salts;
  • Bulgarian pepper (per liter jar).

Cooking method:

  1. Wash peppers, heat vegetable oil in a frying pan.
  2. Put the pepper in the pan, without removing the seeds and stalk.
  3. When the peppers are soft, remove them from the heat.
  4. Put sugar and salt in a jar, pour 2 spoons of vinegar.
  5. Add pepper and chopped garlic, pour over all the remaining vinegar.
  6. Pour the cans to the top with boiling water, roll up the lids and wrap the jars until completely cooled in a warm blanket.

Lecho can be served as a separate appetizer or salad, or used to prepare more complex dishes. For the recipe you need to choose large ripe peppers. Tomato juice is better to make your own from fresh tomatoes, chop them in a blender or using a meat grinder, but if desired, ready and suitable dressing.


  • 35 bell peppers;
  • 2 liters of tomato juice;
  • 200 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 200 ml of vinegar;
  • 2 tbsp. l salts;
  • 180 grams of sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. l liquid honey.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse peppers, remove seeds, cut vegetables into squares of medium size.
  2. Pour the juice into a large saucepan, add salt, honey, vegetable oil and sugar.
  3. Bring the juice to a boil, boil for 5 minutes, put the pepper.
  4. Once again, boil everything, cook for 10 minutes.
  5. Add vinegar, boil again.
  6. Pour the finished lecho into sterilized jars and roll them up with lids.

For many, stuffed peppers are associated with the use of minced meat, but such a dish, of course, cannot be stored for a long time. That is why vegetable stuffing was invented for conservation. A variety of ingredients will make a really interesting and unusual dish that will decorate any, even a festive table.


  • 4.5 kg of bell pepper;
  • 2.5 kg of tomatoes;
  • 4 kg of carrots;
  • 600 g onions;
  • 150 g celery root;
  • 150 g parsley root;
  • 50 g of celery (greens);
  • 50 g of parsley (greens);
  • 50 g of dill;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 100 g of salt;
  • 1 tsp red pepper;
  • 1 tsp black ground pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Peppers gently cleaned from seeds, rinse the outside and inside.
  2. Dip the peppers in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, then immediately shift into cold water until it cools completely.
  3. Onion cut into rings and fry until golden brown.
  4. Cut into small cubes roots and, separately from each other, fry until cooked.
  5. In a bowl mix the onions and roots, add chopped herbs and 50 g of salt.
  6. Fill the peppers with the filling and put them in sterilized jars.
  7. Finely chop the tomatoes, put in a saucepan and boil the resulting juice.
  8. Add the remaining salt to the tomatoes, both types of ground pepper and sugar, cook for another 5 minutes.
  9. Pour the tomato mass in a jar of pepper.
  10. Banks sterilized in boiling water for 1 hour.

Vegetable salads for the winter are very popular among hostesses. You can spend a couple of hours in the kitchen once and then enjoy delicious vitamin snacks throughout the winter. This recipe will allow you to quickly and easily make such blanks.


  • 600 g paprika;
  • 400 g carrots;
  • 4 onions;
  • 5 tomatoes;
  • 100 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 100 ml of vinegar;
  • 2 tsp. Sahara;
  • 1 ½ tbsp. l salts;
  • 2 pinches of black ground pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Pepper cut into thin strips, tomatoes - diced, onions - half rings.
  2. Grate carrots on a coarse grater.
  3. Mix all the sliced ​​vegetables in one saucepan, add salt, pepper and sugar.
  4. Mix everything thoroughly and stew for 10 minutes.
  5. Add vegetable oil to vegetables, continue quenching for another 7 minutes.
  6. Pour all vinegar, mix and shift to jars.
  7. Cover the jars with lids, sterilize in hot water for 15 minutes.
  8. Roll jars, cool at room temperature.

Another option for vitamin salad for the winter, which has collected the most useful and favorite vegetables. At the same time the jars do not even have to be further sterilized! You can store salad at room temperature. From the specified number of vegetables will be 1 liter of billet.


  • 3 bell peppers;
  • 3 eggplants;
  • 3 onions;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • 1 tbsp. l Sahara;
  • 1 tsp salts;
  • 1 tbsp. l vinegar;
  • 70 ml of vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse all vegetables thoroughly, remove seeds and stalks.
  2. Eggplants cut into slices 1 cm thick, onion - half rings.
  3. Tomatoes cut into 4 parts, the pepper cut into strips.
  4. Pour the vegetable oil and vinegar into a deep pan, add salt and sugar.
  5. Layers lay out vegetables, put everything on low heat.
  6. Cook under the lid closed for 40 minutes.
  7. Put the salad in hot form in jars, roll up the lids.

Now you know how to cook pepper marinated for the winter according to the recipe from a photo. Enjoy your meal!

Pepper for the winter is another great option for preservation. All its beauty lies in the fact that this vegetable is combined with almost any ingredients, allowing you to create very tasty winter salads for every taste. Before you cook pepper for the winter, you can be inspired by some notes from experienced chefs:
  • For cooking lecho it is better to constantly use the same saucepan, because after the first time it will acquire a clear red tint;
  • Jars with ready pepper when using hot marinade need to turn upside down and wrap a warm blanket until it cools completely;
  • If you can preserve whole peppers, then lay larger fruits on the bottom;
  • To pepper was softer, before pickling, fry it a little in a pan or boil it in boiling water.

Marinated peppers for the winter can be compared in popularity only with pickled cucumbers and tomatoes. The secret of this preparation is not only in its amazing aroma and unsurpassed taste, but also in its beneficial properties, which are preserved even in pickled peppers. We are talking about vitamin C - there is so much of it in this vegetable that neither blackcurrant nor lemon can compare with it.

Agree, colorful juicy peppers grown in your garden, much better than the store. Do not have your garden? Do not despair, choose fresh, dense, preferably the same size fruits on the market, carefully looking at each one so that there are no unappetizing spots that spoil not only the appearance, but also the subsequent harvesting.

Marinated peppers for the winter - the dish is quite simple and quick to prepare. The process can be divided into several stages: first, the peppers are sorted, the stems and seeds are removed, then cut into strips, rings, or simply put entirely in jars in raw or blanched form and filled with marinade, the recipes of which differ from one another by the presence of one or two new ingredients.

Marinated sweet peppers for the winter

  sweet pepper,
  Bay leaf,
  vegetable oil.
  For the marinade:
  850 ml of water
  25 grams of salt
  125 ml of 9% vinegar.

  For the preparation of this billet do not take fruits with hard walls, and choose green and red peppers with delicate fleshy walls. In the selected peppers, cut off the stem, remove the seeds and wash them well again. Then blanch in boiling water for 5 minutes, and then immerse for 12 minutes in cold water into which you can put ice cubes. At the bottom of the prepared cans, place bay leaves, allspice (quantity to taste), then put pepper as tightly as possible and pour boiling marinade. On top of everything, pour some vegetable oil slightly roasted and cooled to 70 ° C. Cover the jars with lids and sterilize: 0.5 liter jars - 30 minutes, 1 liter jars - 40 minutes, then roll up.

Marinated pepper "One, two - and you're done!"

  5 kg of bell pepper.
  For the marinade (per 1 l of water):
  1.5 Art. vegetable oil
  1.5 Art. Sahara,
  ½ tbsp. salt,
  2 tbsp. l 70% vinegar,
  parsley, garlic - to taste.

  Prepare the marinade, combining water and vegetable oil, add sugar, salt, vinegar and let boil. In a boiling marinade, lower the pepper cut in half and peeled from the seeds and stems and cook for 2-3 minutes. Then add coarsely chopped parsley, garlic passed through a press (quantity to taste) and bring to a boil. Then gently remove the pepper with a skimmer, place it in sterilized jars, and let the marinade boil again and then pour the pepper in the jars. Roll up the cans with sterilized lids, turn them upside down, cover them with a blanket, and let them cool.

When filling the jars, carefully make sure that there is no space left between the peppers between the marinade, otherwise the jar may explode.

Use for pickling peppers of different colors, your dish will turn out incredibly appetizing and bright, because it is the presence of bright and juicy flowers that we lack in winter.

Marinated for the winter bell pepper "Funny traffic light"

3 kg of multicolored bell pepper,
  dried dill.
  For the marinade (per 1 l of water):
  ½ tbsp. Sahara,
  2 tbsp. l salt,
  ½ tbsp. vegetable oil
  ¾ Art. 9% vinegar.

  Wash the pepper, clean it from seeds and peduncles and cut into neat strips. In a saucepan, boil water, add sugar, salt, vegetable oil, vinegar, let it boil again, and then put the pepper in it and cook for 15-20 minutes. After that, remove the pepper with a slotted spoon in a separate container, and when it cools, spread it over sterilized 0.5 liter cans, sprinkling pepper with garlic and dried dill through a press. Pour the filled jars with the marinade in which the peppers were boiled, cover the jars with lids and sterilize them for 10-15 minutes. Roll up, turn upside down, wrap the heat - and let stand in this form until completely cooled.

Marinated peppers for the winter with fresh herbs

  1 kg of sweet pepper,
  ½ tbsp. vegetable oil
  1 bunch of parsley,
  1 bunch of dill,
  1 bunch of cilantro,
  1 bunch of marjoram,
  1 head of garlic.
  For the marinade (per 1 l of water):
  1 tbsp. l salt,
  1 tsp 9% vinegar.

  Carefully washed and cleaned pepper seeds fry on both sides in vegetable oil until golden brown and place tightly in sterilized half-liter or liter jars, alternating with layers of chopped greens. Use for harvesting only green leaves, without stems. Fill all with hot marinade, cover the jars with boiled metal lids and sterilize: 0.5 l jars - 5 minutes, 1 liter - 10 minutes. After that roll, turn, wrap, let cool and clean for storage.

Marinated pepper can serve not only as a snack, but also as an ingredient for cooking salads, side dishes and even soups.

Pickled Pepper "Novelty of the Season"

  1.5 kg of sweet pepper.
  For the marinade (0.5 liters of water):
  500 ml apple cider vinegar,
  3 tbsp. l barbecue ketchup,
  ¼ Art. vegetable oil (preferably olive oil),
  1 tbsp. l salt.

  Bake prepared pepper with sprigs in the oven, peel and place in sterilized 1 liter jars, you should have whole peppers on the sprigs. To prepare the marinade, add ketchup, salt, vegetable oil to boiling water, boil everything for 7 minutes from the moment of boiling, gently pour in the vinegar, let the marinade boil again and remove from the heat. Fill the filled jars with boiling marinade, cover with lids and sterilize for 15 minutes. Then roll up.

Pickled Red Sunset Peppers

  5 kg of sweet pepper,
  50 g horseradish root,
  100 grams of garlic,
  1 bunch of dill greens.
  For the marinade:
1 tomato juice,
  1.5 Art. l salt.

  Wash red sweet bell pepper, remove seeds from seeds and dip into boiling water for 2-5 minutes, then immediately cool in cold water. Peel the horseradish root, cut into small pieces, peel the garlic cloves and chop the greens. Put some seasoning on the bottom of the prepared jars, then put the pepper tightly, putting one fruit into another, put greens on top of the peppers again. Fill the contents of the jars with boiling tomato marinade, cover the jars with lids pre-boiled, and sterilize: 0.5 l jars - 30 minutes, 1 liter - 40 minutes, 2 liter - 50 minutes. After this procedure, roll up the cans with lids.

In a cold winter, you want so much stuffed peppers, which is why here are some wonderful recipes that will help you satisfy your desire by 100%.

Marinated Stuffed Peppers

Ingredients (3 l jar):
  1.5 kg of sweet bell pepper,
  3-4 bay leaves
  6 grains of allspice,
  6 grains of allspice,
  celery sprig
  salt - to taste.
  For the marinade (1.5 liters of water):
  1 tbsp. l (no slides) salt
  1 dessert spoon of sugar,
  2 tbsp. l 9% vinegar.

  Carefully wash the medium sized peppers, cut the stem and remove the seeds. Pour water into the pan, add salt to taste and bring to a boil. Without turning off the fire, put several peppers into the pan and blanch for 3 minutes. Then take out one pepper one by one, pour water out of it and put it in a sterilized jar. To make the marinade, boil water, add salt, sugar, black and allspice peas, a sprig of celery and let it boil for 3-5 minutes. In jars with peppers, add vinegar, and then hot marinade. Roll up the jars with sterilized lids, turn them upside down, wrap with a warm blanket and leave to cool completely.
  In a 3-liter jar, if packed tightly, about 20 medium-sized peppers can be placed, this amount will be enough just for a family of three.

Marinated pepper "Straight from the garden"

Ingredients (per liter jar):
  sweet pepper (how many will enter).
  1 bud of carnation,
  2 peppercorns,
  3 black peppercorns,
  celery leaves and petioles.
  For the marinade (for 1 l of water):
  1 tbsp. l salt,
  1 tsp Sahara,
  ⅓ tsp citric acid.

Peel pods and seeds, rinse, put in a colander and dip into hot water for 1 minute. Then remove, let the water drain. Place the clove buds, black and fragrant peppers, celery leaves and petioles into the prepared sterilized jars, put the pepper tightly on top and fill the whole with boiling brine from water, salt, sugar and citric acid. Fill jars filled with sterilized lids immediately. The banks themselves do not need to be sterilized.

Marinated pepper "For lovers of thrills"

  500 g green bitter pepper,
  500 grams of red hot pepper,
  1 head garlic,
  2 carrots,
  vegetable oil.
  For the marinade:
  500 ml of water
  0.5 liters of 9% vinegar,
  1.5 Art. Sahara,
  ½ tbsp. salt.

  You can pickle red and green hot peppers. The main thing is to choose small pods, they are just perfect for pickling, dense and without damage. In the jar you can put both red and green peppers, mixed together - so the preservation will be even more appetizing. Peel the pepper, cut off 1 cm from the base and fry slightly on both sides in vegetable oil. Let the pepper cool, salt to taste and put in sterilized jars (try to mix red and green peppers mixed up, so your billet will look more appetizing), do not forget to shift the layers of pepper missed through a press garlic and carrots rubbed on a fine grater. Fill the contents of the cans with hot marinade made from water, vinegar, sugar, salt and brought to a boil, and roll up with sterilized metal lids.

Marinated hot peppers for the winter

Ingredients (0.5 l jar):
  200-300 g pods of red hot pepper,
  7 allspice peppers,
  4 carnation buds,
  2 cm of horseradish root,
  2 cherry leaves,
  1 pinch of dill seeds,
  2 cloves of garlic.
  For the marinade:
  1 l of water
  4 tbsp. l salts (without top),
  2 tbsp. l Sahara.
  1 tsp 9% vinegar to one 0.5 l jar.

Thoroughly wash the pods of red hot pepper, cut a little tail, but do not open the pods themselves, let the pepper be whole, so your billet will be even sharper, because there is much more capsaicin in the seeds than in the walls of the pepper. Prepare for pickling spices. Wash the cherry leaves, clean and wash the horseradish root, inspect it carefully to notice all the dots and damage that must be cut immediately. Cut the peeled horseradish root into small pieces. Peel the garlic cloves. At the bottom of each sterilized and dried jars lay the spices: cloves, peas, horseradish root, cherry leaves and fennel seeds. From above vertically to the jar hangers, not above, put the peppers. What is it for, you ask? Just marinade, when it cools, decreases in volume, which is why, if you set the peppers to the top, they will come out of the marinade during storage, and such preservation will not last long. For the marinade, boil the required amount of water (pre-calculate how much you will need it, given the number of cans, and add 1 cup, because some water will evaporate when boiling). Dissolve sugar and salt in water, remove the foam, pour the pepper jars with boiling marinade, cover with the lids and leave for 15 minutes. After that, pour the marinade back into the pan, bring it to a boil again and, filling the peppers with it, leave the jars covered with lids for about 5 minutes. Again, gently pour the marinade into the pan, boil it, pour it in the vinegar and finally, finally, pour boiling marinade. Roll up the cans with lids, wrap them up and leave to cool completely for 10-12 hours, and then store them in a dark, cool place.

The next type of preservation is closed in half-liter jars, because the pepper is sharp, and you will not eat much of it.

Hot pepper in butter marinade

  hot pepper (quantity - at your discretion),
  spices and herbs, garlic, horseradish root, peppercorns, bay leaf - to taste.
  For the marinade (for every 1 liter jar):
  0.5 liters of apple cider vinegar,
  0.5 liters of vegetable oil (preferably olive oil),
  1 tbsp. l honey

Repeat peppers, carefully examining them. Selected for pickling peppers, wash thoroughly and dry slightly. Be sure to leave part of the tail of the pepper so that it is more convenient to hold it during the meal. Tightly put hot pepper into prepared sterilized jars, shifting with herbs and garlic, add bay leaf, black peppercorns, cut into small pieces of horseradish root. To prepare the marinade combine vinegar and butter, add honey, mix everything thoroughly. Fill the jars with cooked marinade and close the capron lids. Clean the peppers for 3 weeks in a warm place. When the time is up, the pepper will be ready to eat.

If you are an ardent opponent of adding vinegar to the preservation, replace it with lemon juice, only then it is mandatory to add horseradish to the jars.

Good luck!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Pepper blanks for the winter, the recipes of which in each family are handed down from generation to generation, are considered the simplest and “budget” type of conservation. Therefore, with the onset of September, when the price for this tasty and healthy vegetable becomes “penny”, the hostesses try to prepare pepper for the future in order not to think about what to bring to the table in the winter.

Preparations for the winter of the Bulgarian pepper: recipes with photos

It is possible to prepare a lot of sweet pepper for the winter, as this vegetable is considered one of the most versatile among its "rowing brothers". Lecho, adjika, filled with original pickled marinades - this is not a complete list of recipes for tasty winter pepper preparations that can be prepared in a matter of minutes.

Spicy pickled peppers

This recipe for harvesting sweet peppers for the winter will be an excellent alternative. Vegetables prepared in this way can be served not only in the form of a salad, but also as an addition to the main vegetable dishes, sauces and original sandwiches.

Winter Peppermint Recipe | pojrem.ru

2.5 kg of pepper will need:

  • 250 ml of vinegar 6% and rast.masla
  • 150 g of liquid honey
  • black pepper, bay leaf, cloves
  • 1 head of garlic
  • cinnamon (1 tsp) and salt

Cooking:pepper washed and cut lengthwise into 4 parts (can be smaller). Cook marinade from cl. oils, vinegar, honey, seasonings and a tablespoon of salt. Put the chopped peppers into the boiling mixture and boil for 5 minutes over low heat. Transfer the pepper to the jars and pour boiling marinade. For long-term storage, it is recommended to sterilize jars for 15 minutes

Vegetable plov "tourist's breakfast"

This recipe for the preparation of pepper for the winter will be a "wand" in the arsenal of each hostess. Such a hearty twist is not only a tasty and useful side dish for the meat dish, but also a real salvation for the “hungry” family, when there is a catastrophically short time for cooking.

| hsmedia.ru

On 2 kg of pepper:

  • tomatoes (1.5-2 kg)
  • carrots and onions (0.5 kg each)
  • 2 cups rast.masla (can be less)
  • 2 tbsp. rice
  • a glass of sugar
  • 4 tbsp. salt

Cooking:  boil rice in salted water until half cooked. Vegetables cut into cubes and put in one pan, pour vegetable oil and add spices. Meanwhile, fry the onions and put them in the vegetables, stew the mixture for 10 minutes, add the rice and boil for another 10 minutes over low heat. Spread sweet pepper pilaf from the jar, sterilize for 15 minutes.

Adjika "Yum Fingers"

This recipe for the preparation of sweet pepper for the winter is the simplest version of the twist of this vegetable. Adjika from pepper is obtained moderately spicy, but incredibly juicy and fragrant, so it will appeal even to the most demanding gourmets.

Recipe for adjika pepper | gastronom.ru

On 1 kg of sweet pepper:

  • 250 g chili peppers
  • 1 head of garlic (more)
  • 4 tbsp. Sahara
  • 1 tbsp. salt
  • 50 ml of 9% vinegar

Cooking:  grind all the ingredients for adjika from pepper through a meat grinder or chop with a blender. Bring the vegetable mixture to a boil and boil for 3 minutes. Then add salt and sugar to the adjika, boil for another 3 minutes. At the last stage, add vinegar to the vegetable mixture, boil for 3 minutes, pour over the banks and roll up.

Spicy pickled pepper "Men's joy"

Preparations of hot pepper for the winter, the recipes of which are especially loved by men, are almost the same as sweet pepper twists. This savory vegetable can also be pickled, pickled and twisted in adjika.

Hot pepper recipe for winter | gastronom.ru

Marinade for 1.5 kg of hot pepper:

  • water 1000 ml
  • ½ cup rez. oils
  • 1.5 tbsp salt and sugar
  • 30 ml of vinegar (a tablespoon per 0.5-liter jar)
  • cloves and a few sprigs of mint

Cooking:  pepper whole pods put in jars, add cloves and mint, pour boiling water. After 10 minutes, drain the water and cook the marinade from it, adding butter, sugar and salt. In jars with peppers add vinegar, pour the resulting marinade and roll up.

To the note: recipes of preparations from pepper for the winter do not always imply pickling and heat treatment. Sweet pepper can also be frozen and in winter this vegetable will always be on hand fresh when cooking any dishes. It is easy and simple to freeze the pepper - cut the vegetables into straws, fold them into hermetic bags and send them to the freezer with dry freezing.