Practice diary and practice report. Student practice diary sample filling

The main blocks of any training system are theoretical and practical. And if filling out documents during the learning process is mainly done by the head of the university group, then the hard work of filling out the practical training diary falls on the shoulders of the student. At the same time, the diary is an important document that reflects the quality of the student’s work. How to fill out a diary correctly and what to pay attention to.

What is this document and why is it needed?

Industrial practice is an integral part of the educational process. But it was not always so. The system began its work in the 70s of the last century.

A distinctive feature of industrial practice is its tasks. If in the classroom these include: learn and find out, then in the second - perform, accept, do.

When undergoing practical training, there is a large block of documents that must be completed. The main ones are:

  • direction;
  • internship diary;
  • characteristic;
  • report.

The diary plays an important role in this list. Based on diary entries evaluate the quality of tasks performed in practice, as well as a list of acquired skills.

A well-filled diary is the basis for admission to exams and tests at the end of the semester. When choosing one or another system for filling out a diary, it is better to use the advice of the methodological manual. Otherwise, it may not be accepted by the manager.

General rules for filling out a diary

At its core, a diary is nothing more than a way to control student work in practice. Therefore, it must reflect each day of the internship, indicating the necessary information. Additional materials will have a positive impact on the final grade: screenshots when working with programs; copies when working with documents; photos.

Usually, before practice, students are given specialized practice assignments. all steps must comply with the document.

After completing the time allotted for the internship, the student submits the document along with the others.

Each university presents own requirements for diary submission deadlines, but there is one general rule - he must comply with GOST. For example:

  • Document format (A4 sheet; margins; footnotes; indents; font type and size). The diary cannot be written on Whatman paper or in italics.
  • Date Format;
  • Rules for writing abbreviations and abbreviations, names.

There are no requirements for ink, its type and color. But it is recommended to use the same color and, preferably, the same paste.

  • data collection;
  • structuring information and highlighting what is necessary;
  • assessment, decision making, conclusions.
  • prospects for further work.
  • The requirements for analysis are as follows:
  • regularity;
  • continuity;
  • comprehensiveness;
  • constructiveness;
  • objectivity.

Depending on the basis on which the student completed the internship - was hired to fill a vacant position or as a temporary employee, the approach to filling out the diary is also changing. In the first case, it makes sense to reflect all operations one after another, that's really what it's like. Even if as a result he was not allowed to work at his main job. If the visit to the company took place under the status of a trainee, then it is necessary to use the recommendations of the teacher and the teaching manual. Since the final control will be a test, it is necessary to adapt them to the specifics of the company.

Design example

As a rule, universities and colleges issue students with approved educational certificates. creating practice diaries. Most often, for ease of filling out, they are made in the form of a lined book. In structure, it is very reminiscent of a classic school diary. If a single form of reporting diary is not provided, it is allowed to fill out a regular notebook. But first you need to formalize it:

  • the name of the educational institution and the student’s personal data are indicated on the title page;
  • on the first page information about the organization in which the student completed his internship is indicated;
  • then, starting from the first spread, the notebook is lined. Classic method: for six days. Headings: date, activities carried out, signature of the person in charge (manager). Another option is also allowed: date, tasks, questions that arose in the process of solving the problem, results.

Typically, a 12-sheet notebook is used for a diary. However, it happens that the lined column is not enough to reflect all completed tasks. In this case sheets are allowed to be delivered.

The number of columns depends on the type of working time recording: watch or weekly.

  • At the end of the diary, the results are summed up. The achieved results are reflected.

A diary is an accountable document. Therefore, each entry must be certified by the signature of the manager.

In addition to everything, on one of the first pages, also signatures of responsible parties are affixed: practice manager from an educational institution, from an organization and others.

Important information is internship time. It is indicated twice. At the beginning of the diary, where the chronological framework is indicated and at the end, where the results are summed up.

In the age of information technology, it is not uncommon for students to be asked to fill out a document electronically. Apart from its appearance, it is usually no different from the classic paper version.

Usually problems arise with the formulation of the work that the student performed during his internship. They share for preparatory(studying documents), basic(execution of work) and final(collection of material for the report). The following are recommendations on how to fill some of the days:

  • registration of a pass. Study of internal documents regulating the specifics of the enterprise’s access control. Getting to know the company's personnel;
  • studying internal documents of the company. Familiarization with safety rules. With work schedule. Studying the regulatory framework on the basis of which the organization conducts its work;
  • familiarization with responsibilities;
  • acquaintance with the secret part/department. Study of relevant documents.

To study documents it's okay to spend a few days. At many enterprises, the regulatory framework is extensive and dynamically changing. Therefore, this will be relevant even if you have already completed an internship in this organization.

  • passing the test to the supervisor based on the results of the first days of practice.

This form of control is acceptable for practice managers within the enterprise.

  • Getting to know the software. With information requirements. With rules for filling out the column. If the profession is technical, then with an apparatus or machine;
  • working with software. (Here you should indicate what exactly was carried out. For example, calculating wages, advance payments, filling out a declaration, etc.);
  • conducting consultations for consumers. Working with company guests.

Participation in negotiations, conferences held at the enterprise/offsite conference.

You can record in your diary the study of each operation separately over several days. It is permissible to make field trips together with the practice manager. When preparing them, you can adhere to the recommended template: move from studying theory to practice.

As in the case of studying the regulatory framework, it can take several days to master a new program. And even weeks. After all, the practice was created in order to prepare the student to work with the products of organizations.

The last block is the results. As a rule, data obtained from enterprises is starting point for writing the practical part of the diploma. Therefore, it is permissible to count, analyze and prepare a report for the last week.

  • Conducting a questionnaire/survey;
  • searching for errors in previously completed documents/in the operation of the software;
  • data collection. Generalization. Structuring;
  • conducting statistical analysis;
  • assessment of the current state of the enterprise.

The last few days you can fill out your diary. This task can be indicate at the end of each week or day. Or devote your last days to her.

Many managers have trainees undergo training in several departments. It is acceptable to describe work in one of them every week. Using the recommended template.

It happens differently when the diary itself indicates the dates acceptable for studying a particular issue. It's worth paying attention to this.

It is worth remembering that each day must be certified by the practice manager from the enterprise.

The video contains additional information about filling out a diary about completing an internship.

The practical training diary is a documentary confirmation of its completion at any enterprise. and what are the rules for filling it out you can find out by reading this article.

Quite often, filling out a diary raises a large number of questions among students: how to properly format the title page, how to maintain it, what are the standards and procedure for registration.

Diary on industrial practice - standard filling scheme

The legislation does not provide for a strict, unified sample of a production practice diary. However, there are so-called state standards that are relevant for all educational institutions without exception, both secondary specialized (vocational) and higher ones. Let's look at them in more detail.

The title page or flyleaf of the document must contain the following mandatory data:

  • Full name of the university (college school), department (if any), faculty and specialty, as well as the enterprise where the student plans to undergo practical training, and, if any, its structural unit;
  • number of the course in which the student is studying, as well as the name of the study group;
  • Full name of the student and the immediate supervisor of the internship.
  • 1 sheet – last name and initials of the intern, information about the educational institution and its head, full name of the curator and head of the internship, signature and seal of the university;
  • Sheet 2 – approved industrial practice plan;
  • the remaining sheets (except for the last one) are filled out and numbered according to the number of days of practice; include tables, dates of working days, criteria for assessing the completion of educational assignments, a column for comments and a brief description of the work completed by the student and its assessment by the internship supervisor;

the last page should contain a review (review) from the supervisor of the production practice.

The diary can be supplemented with various applications that are not provided by conventional standards. For example, students at pedagogical universities keep a journal of observation of their students’ reactions to the use of certain teaching methods. Future lawyers attach to the diary various samples of regulatory documents that they reviewed during practical assignments.

The title page and appearance of the practical training diary are established directly by the educational institution in the methodological recommendations. Many educational institutions provide their students with ready-made diaries of a single sample in electronic form or already printed.

But most often, trainees prepare diaries on their own, based on the methodological recommendations of the university. In some cases, it is possible to fill out a diary in a standard general notebook. An important condition is that the number of sheets in it corresponds to the days allotted for practice.

How to fill out a production practice diary correctly

Talking about how to make a work practice diary, It is necessary to understand the main principle of keeping a diary - regular filling. The duration of the internship usually ranges from two to several months, the longest of which precedes the defense of the diploma. This means that if missed, it will not be easy to fill in all the gaps retrospectively. In addition, there is still the possibility of missing some important points that may later be needed when drawing up tables or a report.

To be on the safe side, future trainees can find a sample of filling out a diary for industrial training in advance. For example, ask senior students or use the World Wide Web. This approach will minimize the number of errors, which are highly undesirable. The ability to duplicate the company seal and documents necessary for practice does not always exist

There are cases when keeping a diary is of a nominal nature - the seals of the enterprise and the University are affixed in advance, signatures are placed. Subsequently, the student enters information about the work done, which often has nothing to do with the real state of affairs. This is of course not recommended. Serious higher education institutions use fairly effective control tools for verification; trainee dishonesty can be easily detected. We recommend that you refrain from this approach, especially if this is work on pre-graduation practice.

The diary must be filled out clearly and correctly. Otherwise, it may be necessary to compile a duplicate of it. In order to avoid amendments and difficulties when drawing up a practice report, it is recommended to pay attention to compliance with a number of mandatory conditions:

  1. the amount of work indicated in the diary must correspond to the length of the working day approved by the management of the university and the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  2. the obligatory signature of the internship supervisor on each sheet at the end of the day (this requirement is not relevant for all educational institutions, so it is worth clarifying this issue with the internship supervisor in advance or familiarizing yourself with the methodological recommendations of your own university);
  3. all names of documents reviewed, studied or compiled, as well as other special names must be indicated correctly (for example, departmental units, positions, special ranks, etc.);
  4. Empty lines and spaces are not allowed (they must be filled in).

In addition, it is important to clarify the requirements set by the university for stamps in the diary and review. Many enterprises that accept trainees have several types of seals and stamps designed for signing various types of documents (for example, an official seal or for documents, facsimiles).

How to fill out a diary for pre-graduation practice - differences in design

The procedure for keeping a diary on pre-graduation practice deserves special attention, because it is on the basis of this document that a conclusion will subsequently be made about the student’s readiness for professional activity and about the presence of the necessary knowledge and skills in full.

The structure of keeping a diary of pre-diploma practice is similar to the usual one. The only difference is the presence of an additional column for reporting, which is called “Individual tasks”. In a number of educational institutions, this position is present by default, from the first year of study.

The “Individual tasks” field must contain information about all types and volumes of work performed by the trainee independently. The supervisor issues instructions to the trainee, and then writes a review of the results of the research conducted by the trainee.

For example, students of economic specialties may be tasked with developing systems for strategic planning of a company's income and expenses and analyzing the financial results of its activities. Future lawyers prepare statements of claim and other documents depending on the type of activity of the company in which they are practicing.

Where to find a sample of filling out a practice diary

The best option is to contact the methodologists of your university. As a rule, they always have ready-made works for example. Naturally, it is necessary to use this sample solely to verify all the requirements and standards that a given educational institution imposes on internship diaries. It is worth remembering that the likelihood of receiving an unsatisfactory grade if plagiarism is provided is very high.

Samples of filling out practice diaries for various educational specialties are presented in large quantities on the Internet, both on paid and free resources. It is also not recommended to copy found diaries; it is best to use them when working independently for informational purposes.

Completing a practice diary yourself will greatly facilitate the subsequent procedure for drawing up a report. The student will just have to structure the existing data and support it with theoretical knowledge. Do not forget that completing an internship is an excellent opportunity to test your own knowledge and prepare for further independent work in your chosen specialty.

Organizational day. Receiving an assignment for industrial practice. In the afternoon, arrival at the internship site – MP “Bread Factory No. 3”. Filling out the necessary documents.

Meeting the practice manager – process engineer, Sukhikh N.N. An introductory safety briefing was conducted. Tour of the enterprise.

Consideration of questions on the history of the creation of the enterprise, its specifics.

Acquaintance with the range of products produced by the enterprise.

Study of technical and economic indicators of the enterprise.

Study of the organizational structure of enterprise management.

Familiarization with the organization of work at the enterprise, the number of employees with personnel management.

Study of the enterprise's raw material base. List of enterprises supplying raw materials.

Review of accompanying documentation when supplying raw materials to the enterprise. Compliance of raw materials with GOST TU.

Quality control of raw materials supplied to the enterprise.

Visiting warehouses for storing main and auxiliary raw materials.

Study of storage conditions for raw materials (temperature, humidity, storage methods).

Determination, together with a shift technologist, of humidity, temperature and acidity of semi-finished products (dough, dough, starter cultures).

Studying the technology of preparing “Yesenin” buns.

Studying methods for preparing basic raw materials.

Consideration of the technological process diagram for the production of “Yeseninskaya” buns.

Consideration of individual stages in the technological process of production of “Yeseninskaya” buns.

Production control over the progress of individual technological operations.

Monitoring the work process of the production laboratory.

Quality control of finished products and their compliance with GOST, TU and OST.

Familiarity with the storage conditions of finished products.

Consideration of layout diagrams of production workshops.

Consideration of layout diagrams for finished product warehouses.

Familiarization with accompanying documents when exporting finished products.

Familiarization with the equipment used for the production of “Yeseninskaya” bread.

Studying the work of the expedition and observing the schedule for the export of finished products to trade.

Studying technological diagrams of production lines.

Familiarization with technological equipment: the operating principle of the brand.

Studying the operation of technological equipment.

Familiarization with the general sanitary condition of the enterprise.

The process of washing and disinfecting technological equipment.

Studying questions about the frequency of equipment cleaning and detergent disposal

Study of sources of hot and cold water supply at the enterprise.

Ventilation methods in a factory.

Familiarization with the equipment used for the ventilation system.

Study of the actual water consumption at the enterprise for various needs.

Enterprise wastewater: type and degree of pollution.

Familiarization with labor protection measures at the enterprise.

Areas of formation of harmful substances and ways of their distribution and reduction.

Study of environmental protection activities carried out at the enterprise.

Familiarization with fire fighting equipment and personal protective equipment.

Analysis of injuries at the enterprise.

Analysis of information collected during the internship. Writing reports and keeping a diary.

End of practice. Issuance of characteristics. Signing by the practice director of the diary, reports and vouchers.

Diary of practical training in enterprise management sample filling

Day month Year

Amount of time spent

Brief information about the company

Analysis of the production and financial activities of the organization


Brief analysis of the implementation of the business plan for the previous year


Methodology for drawing up and main indicators of a business plan


Methodology for drawing up and main indicators of a long-term strategic development plan for an enterprise


Methodology for drawing up self-financing assignments


Organization of labor and payment in industries and on-farm divisions


State of lease-contractual relations


Tax calculations and relationships with tax authorities

Marketing service organization


Development of the main blocks of an enterprise’s marketing strategy

Head of practice from the organization. Signature Full name Date of. Stamp on the completed work practice diary.

A sample diary on industrial practice at an enterprise.

Name of the topic, work performed


Signature of the controlling person (accountant)

Preparation of necessary documents for arrival at practice. Development and approval of a production internship schedule with the chief accountant.

An analysis of the size of the enterprise was carried out based on data from statistical forms, as well as a determination of the specialization of JSC Pridneprovskoe, as well as the organization and establishment of accounting and internal control

An analysis of the audit of cash, credit and settlement transactions was carried out

An analysis of the audit of finished products and inventories was carried out

An audit of fixed assets and intangible assets was conducted and analyzed

An analysis of the labor audit and calculations for its payment was carried out

An audit of production, as well as sales and settlements with customers was carried out. An analysis was made of reducing costs for selling products and obtaining greater profits.

An audit of the capital and financial results of the enterprise was carried out. The main indicators of the financial stability of the enterprise are analyzed

Study of accounting (financial) statements and comparison of some indicators with General Ledger data

Finalization of documents and preparation of practice reports

Chief accountant and student intern sample diary on practice at the enterprise

Practice diary, sample filling, place of practice - plant.


Question under study

Place of practice

Arrival at the plant, paperwork, obtaining a pass

Human Resources Department

Getting to know the plant

Safety briefing

Safety Engineer

Collecting data for the report, getting to know employees

Study of the design and operating principle of the main technological equipment

Processing workshop

Familiarization with the work of auxiliary workshops

Processing workshop

Sanitizing containers

Processing workshop

Removal from yeast

Processing workshop

Pumping wort for post-fermentation

Processing workshop

Study of the technochemical production control scheme, familiarization with the standardization and certification system

Production laboratory

Taking samples of must and wine materials at different stages of production. Determination of volatile acids, total and free sulfur.

Production laboratory

Taking grapes for testing.

Production laboratory

13.10.2009 – 16.10.2009

Taking grapes for sampling, conducting tests to determine grape conditions (sugars and TC)

Production laboratory

Study of microbiological control scheme

Production laboratory

Introducing the rules for preparing and introducing yeast yeast

Production laboratory

Taking samples of must, wine materials, grapes

Production laboratory

Determination of volatile acids, total and free sulfur.

Production laboratory

Familiarization with the energy system of cold, water and steam supply.

Boiler room

28.10.2009 – 29.10.2009

Transferring wort from settling to fermentation

Return of passes, factory literature, departure

Diary of practice at the enterprise sample

Amount of time spent (hours, days)

Feedback from the head of the organization and signature

Going to practice and becoming familiar with the organizational structure of the enterprise.

Familiarization with the workplace and instructions on labor protection.

Familiarization with enterprise documentation.

Filling out the document form 50-сх.

Summing up the results of the document form 50-cx.

Filling out the invoice.

Filling out the invoice

Calculation of depreciation of equipment at the enterprise.

Working with a copier.

Work in 1C enterprise.

Working with a copier.

I learned how to use fax.

Filling out the invoice.

Performing the functions of a secretary.

Work in the 1C-enterprise program.

Performing secretary functions

Filling out the log of outgoing documents

Work in the 1C-enterprise program.

Filling out a log of incoming documents.

Receiving mail.

Filling out a log for receiving telephone messages.

Work in the archive

Registration of documents sent by fax

Acceptance of documents

Received by mail.

Summing up the distribution of rice

Head of practice from the organization_________________. Signature Full name "________________" ____________2010 M.P.

Practice diary of a student economist sample

Type of work performed

Calendar term

Student workplace

Familiarization with the natural and economic conditions of the farm, its size, structure, financial condition and specialization, drawing up a calendar plan


Economic department

Consideration of the size of the resource potential of the economy and calculation of indicators of the efficiency of its use


Economic department

Studying the state of production technologies and calculating its economic efficiency, as well as identifying the main reserves for its growth in the main sectors of crop production


Economic department

Studying the state of production technologies and calculating its economic efficiency, as well as identifying the main reserves for its growth in the main sectors of livestock farming


Economic department

Familiarization with the state of development of auxiliary production of the enterprise


Economic department

Study of the current state of production and social infrastructure and market relations of the economy


Economic department

Studying the development of various forms of ownership and management


Economic department

Organization and information support of economic analysis in the economy

Planning and Economic Department

Analysis of the enterprise's marketing activities

Planning and Economic Department

Analysis of agricultural security enterprises with the main means of production and the efficiency of their use

Planning and Economic Department

Analysis of the enterprise's supply of labor resources

Planning and Economic Department

Analysis of the use of labor resources and wage fund

Planning and Economic Department

Analysis of the cost of agriculture. products

Planning and Economic Department

Accounting for cash and credit transactions


Accounting department

Accounting for settlement transactions


Accounting department

Accounting for labor and its payment


Accounting department

Accounting for expenses, income and financial results


Accounting department

Capital Accounting


Accounting department

Quarterly accounting (financial) reporting


Accounting department

Forms and methods of control


Accounting department

Date "3" July 2009 Signature of the student and the internship supervisor on the completed internship diary

Filling out a practice diary, examples

An example of filling out a diary on industrial practice for a 4th year student of the Faculty of Economics

Place of internship

Comment and suggestion

Economic department

The company underwent introductory and initial training. Farming enterprise “Yaltinskoe” occupies a favorable economic position, as it is located near markets for sales and sales of products. It is located in an area favorable for growing vegetables. The specialization of production is quite narrow. The only branch that is developing on the farm is vegetable growing. The size of the farm is 12.8 hectares. The enterprise is sufficiently provided with tractors and other agricultural machinery for its activities.

No comments

Economic department

To find out the economic efficiency of the enterprise, an analysis was carried out, as a result of which it turned out that the enterprise was not able to pay off current debts and did not have the funds to expand its activities.

No comments

Economic department

Production activities are analyzed based on the economic efficiency of vegetable production over three years. Let us note that the gross harvest of vegetables decreased by 4479.40 c. and amounted to 1047.6 c. Production costs decreased by UAH 3,753.4 thousand. The yield of vegetables fell, therefore the quantity of products sold decreased by 4479.4 c.

No comments

Economic department

“Yalta” itself is a subsidiary farm with the only industry that develops here – vegetable growing. The farm does not have any other industries and all attention is directed to the main activity of the farm - growing and selling vegetable products.

No comments

Economic department

It is necessary to pay attention to the production structure of the enterprise. It should be noted that the farm is located in an area favorable for the sale of grown products. It can be quickly delivered to the end consumer. On the territory of the farm there is its own small warehouse where the products can be stored for some time, there are own tractors, trucks for transporting products, and buses. Social infrastructure is just developing.

No comments

Economic department

The farm uses a lump-sum bonus form of payment. Salaries are calculated in accordance with the fulfilled plan. Work on holidays and weekends is paid at a double rate.

No comments

Economic department

The company cooperates with many farms, contacts with which are necessary for its functioning.

No comments

Economic department

In practice, I gained experience in conducting meetings and conferences. Performed assignments for the economist during the internship.

No comments

Economic department

In recent days, I have been collecting the necessary information for the report, drawing conclusions and conclusions.

No comments

Trainee _________ full name. Head of practice from the enterprise _________ full name. Seal. Date of.

Filling out a diary for practice in economics of an enterprise

Individual calendar plan, diary schedule for internship in the economics of the enterprise Primorye Agro LLC

Name of the section of work performed according to the program

Workplace in practice

Amount of days

General acquaintance with the enterprise. Analysis of the structure and specialization of the enterprise, its production resources.


Study of the development and economic efficiency of crop production.


Analysis of the efficiency of using fixed production assets.


Study and analysis of the industrial and social infrastructure of a settlement.

The village council

Familiarity with the forms of ownership and management in the locality.

The village council

Analysis of the relationship between the enterprise and other organizations, the agro-industrial complex. Market relations.


Report preparation.


An example of filling out a diary on the practice of a student of the Faculty of Economics majoring in “Accounting and Auditing” in enterprise economics.

Place of internship

Comments and suggestions


Meeting the staff of Primorye Agro. A tour of the enterprise territory and fields during harvesting. Inspection of equipment used for harvesting and processing grain.

The enterprise is quite large in size and specializes in crop production.


Work with documentation, periodic annual reporting

21.07.10 – 22.07.10


Communication with the General Director of the enterprise, the chief accountant about the development and achievements of Primorye Agro, and the chief agronomist. The company specializes in the production of grain and industrial crops and has a stone fruit garden.


Work with reporting F.-5, assistance in working with documentation for the senior accountant and accountant of the material department.

The village council

Studying literature and becoming familiar with documentation that indicates the presence of social and industrial infrastructure.

The village council

Communication with the Head of the village council about the forms of ownership that are used in the territory of settlements. Analysis of their significance and effectiveness for the Village Council and the development of human settlements.



Work in the office of the Chief Accountant. Study and analysis of contracts concluded by the enterprise with other organizations and the agro-industrial complex in recent years (2008-2010). The enterprise sells products to numerous buyers, as well as its employees at preferential prices. Interacts with many organizations providing various agricultural services.


Checking the report by the General Director and the Chief Accountant, affixing signatures and seals.

The student and the chief accountant sign the completed practice diary, stamp and date it.

A student's practice diary is filled out - the topic is tax and financial management.

Faculty of Economics. Department of Finance and Credit.

Diary of practical training in the disciplines “Tax and financial management” of a student.

1. Individual calendar schedule for internship

Name of topic or subsection

Number of working days

Debt capital management

Cash flow management

Financial planning

Signature of the student ___________________ Signature of the practice manager _____________________ M.P.

2. Completed practice work according to the program, completed financial practice diary.

Analysis and conclusions about the issue being studied

Manager's Note

Financial management system

Studied the financial management support system

Management of non-current assets

Learned in practice how non-current assets are managed

Current assets management

Learned in practice how current assets are managed

Equity management

Learned in practice how to manage your own capital

Debt capital management

Studied how debt capital is managed in practice


Cash flow management

Learned how to manage cash flows in practice


Financial Risk Management

Studied how financial risks are managed in practice


Financial planning

Studied how financial planning is carried out in practice


Studying tax management issues

Studied tax management issues

Date "09" April 2010 Signature of the student_____________ Signature of the internship supervisor __________________ M. P.

An example of filling out a diary on industrial practice in - Technology of fermentation production and winemaking.

Place and type of work

Tour of the institute, familiarization with the department of chemistry and biochemistry of wine, study of safety rules when working in the laboratory

Preparation of reagents. Washing chemical dishes

Determination of mass concentration of phenolic substances

Determination of mass concentration of monomeric and polymeric forms of phenolic substances

Determination of mass concentration of vanillin-reactive phenolic substances

Determination of mass concentration of procyanidins

Determination of optical characteristics of wine

Determination of mass concentration of amine nitrogen

Determination of mass concentration of diacetyl and acetoin

Determination of mass concentration of reducing sugars

Determination of mass concentration of aldehydes

The completed diary for industrial technological practice is signed by the head of the practice. They put a stamp and date.

Many students have to fill out diaries on their own without the help of a curator, but not everyone knows how to do this correctly. In fact, it is very difficult to do this without an example or sample. You need to clearly know and navigate the types of activities of different specialties.

Therefore, We are ready to make all the entries in the diary for you.

The diary is filled out in the form of a table, in the left column you write numbers, in the middle what you did (filled out documents, got acquainted with job descriptions, etc.), in the right column you put the manager’s signature.

Example of filling out a diary

Diary of pre-diploma practice for a correspondence student

5th year student, Faculty of Education and Science, specialty of State Medical University _________

date Kind of activity Signature
05.01.2014 Introduction to the regulatory framework
12.01.2014 Familiarization with the regulations on the Kandratovo village council.
16.01.2014 Introduction to job descriptions
18.01.2014 Familiarization with the Federal Law “On Municipal Service in the Russian Federation” and Law of March 2, 2007 No. 25 of the Federal Law “On Municipal Service in the Russian Federation in the Kursk Region”.
19.01.2014 Analysis of personnel policy implemented in the village council
21.01.2014 Familiarity with the information support of the All-Russian Population Census.

Working with village council statistical data


Registration of outgoing correspondence.


Executing the assignment of legal acts to cases in accordance with their systematization.

26.01.2014 Participation in the organization of the population census
27.02.2011 Preparation of documentation on internship.

Practice manager from the organization: signature here.

Don't know how to fill out your practice diary? Don’t worry, our specialists will help you correctly and quickly make all the entries in your practice diary.

We will describe by numbers exactly what you did and what work you performed during your internship at an enterprise or organization.

You can order filling out your practice diary right now. To do this, click the button and fill out the form.