There was a stain on the stretch ceiling. How to withdraw? How to wash a stretch ceiling Parallel black spots of a dash on a stretch ceiling

technical director NikoMax

No one is immune from flooding by neighbors from above or from roof leakage. When such an unpleasant incident happens in every sense, the ceiling suffers first of all. Plaster and paint turn yellow with an ugly stain, drywall swells. The situation is better with PVC stretch ceilings: water is collected in it, as in a bubble, which can simply be drained and no special repairs are needed. But with fabric ceilings, everything is not so simple - they do not retain water.

How to clean a fabric stretch ceiling after a leak, and in general, what care is needed for a fabric fabric?

General rules

It is necessary to care for stretch ceilings in the same way as for ordinary ones: brush off the dust, remove the cobwebs, and remove the dirt that has appeared. But due to the antistatic coating, these manipulations are carried out every 5-7 years or as they get dirty. In any case, before cleaning it is necessary to remove from your hands all decorations that can scratch the surface of the stretch ceiling. Also, do not use abrasive and caustic detergents, brushes with hard bristles. This can adversely affect the aesthetic appearance of the canvas. The best detergent is plain water with soap and microfiber. But, if there is no effect from it, only then they use the “heavy artillery” sponge, detergents, but not containing chlorine. In any case, before using this or that means, it is necessary to test it on the trimming of the canvas, which remained after the installation of the stretch ceiling.

Dust on the ceiling

Remove dust with a vacuum cleaner with a soft nozzle. The power must be reduced so that the web is not attracted to the tube of the unit, the cobweb is also removed, it is not recommended to remove it with a broom, because you can accidentally rub it into the top layer of the fabric and dark spots will remain.

Spots on tensioner

As already mentioned, first we try to remove it with a soft cloth moistened with water. If it doesn’t work out, we use a special product for the care of stretch ceilings. If there are none at hand, try the "folk" methods. Dilute a little dish detergent or ordinary soap in water. This will help remove fingerprints or other mild dirt.

If the spots are more serious, try an alcohol solution. It is necessary to dilute 1 part of ammonia 10% in 9 parts of water, moisten the sponge and methodically wipe the dirty mark. This is usually sufficient. After washing, the ceiling is wiped clean with a clean, damp cloth, and then dried with a dry cloth. The material must be chosen without lint, such as microfiber, so that no unnecessary elements remain on the ceiling.

Rust on the fabric stretch ceiling after the flood

It is very difficult, almost impossible, to clean a stretch fabric ceiling after a leak, because rust eats into the entire thickness of the canvas. That is, simply wiping the stain from the surface will not teach. After the flood, you can try to wash the fabric stretch ceiling with the same ammonia or a special agent, but the easiest way is to simply repaint the canvas or change the fabric. Fortunately, the base allows you to perform such manipulations up to 3 times. It is worth remembering that with each staining, you need to select a paint tone darker than the previous one. This will allow you to hide non-removable stains and refresh the interior of the room. Replacement of the D-Premium fabric stretch ceiling after flooding is carried out within 2-3 hours, without dust and dirt.

Nikomax customer service is always happy to help in difficult situations, please contact us!

Everyone wants their apartment to look like a picture from an interior magazine. When planning repairs, many choose even and smooth stretch ceilings that are dirt-repellent and do not accumulate dust.

Manufacturers claim that it is very easy to care for the product, and spots on the stretch ceiling are extremely rare. However, one day you may find a disgusting stain that catches your eye and spoils the impression of a home.

Having noticed pollution, the first thing to understand is why did it appear.This is necessary in order to know how to remove stains from the stretch ceiling and prevent their appearance in the future.

We carefully study the stain. So:

1. Yellow spots. They can occur for two reasons:

  • high humidity, which leads to the appearance of rust on the ceiling. The leak must be repaired as soon as possible. Water may appear from neighbors above or due to a malfunction of the ceiling pipes. In residents of the private sector and the last floors of apartment buildings, the ceilings turn yellow due to a leaking roof.
  • Tobacco smoke. Does anyone at home smoke in the apartment? You can not be surprised that spots appeared on the stretch ceiling. It is much better to smoke on the street than to wash the material for a long time and thoroughly.

2. White spots. Most often, such stains occur in the bathroom due to the chemical composition of the water, which, evaporating, is absorbed into the coating.

3. Grease stains and soot. These stains sooner or later appear in the cooking room.

4. Stains from drinks, paint or cosmetics. An unsuccessfully opened bottle of champagne, an exploding jar of compote, violent games of children, painting walls or metal pipes - there are many everyday situations in which you can stain the ceiling.

Household chemicals

If the stain cannot be removed with a damp cloth, it is best to treat the coating special detergent. Using a stretch ceiling cleaner in accordance with the instructions, which is available in the form of a spray, gel or solution, you can be sure that you will not spoil the material. A fresh stain can be easily removed with special wet wipes.

Carefully! Never use detergents with abrasives or bleach. Household chemicals with acid, alkali or acetone can also damage the material.

For those who do not consider it necessary to buy an expensive detergent, it may be useful:

  • washing powder without bleach;
  • laundry soap;
  • dishwashing liquid;
  • means for glasses and mirrors;
  • ammonia;
  • White Spirit.

For getting soap solution carefully dilute laundry detergent or shavings of laundry soap in warm water.

Getting rid of stains

To work, you will need a strong stepladder, a foam rubber sponge, or a small piece of lint-free fabric - flannel or suede. The best way to cope with the task will help special microfiber cloth well absorbing moisture. You can buy the product in any supermarket in the department of household goods.

Take off your rings and bracelets- so you will not scratch the material, and it will be much more convenient to work. If you have long nails or are going to use household chemicals, wear rubber gloves.

The amount of work depends on the type of pollution. Moisture drops on the ceiling, whether it be splashes of water or juice, are easily removed with a damp cloth.

Attention! Do not use a mop or a hard brush - one careless movement can ruin the canvas. In addition, rubbing the stain by hand, it is easier to adjust the pressure.

The canvas should be washed very carefully, no need to put pressure on the surface. If the stain does not lend itself, use a detergent. In case of severe pollution, call the company that installed the stretch ceilings and call the master. In order to eliminate the rust stain that appeared from the inside on the stretch ceiling, it will be necessary to dismantle the coating.

PVC ceiling

It is very easy to care for a film ceiling, so this type of coating is most often used in the kitchen. The question arises, how to remove a greasy stain from a stretch ceiling? soap solution or dishwashing liquid, diluted in warm water until a thick foam forms, perfectly dissolve fat. Apply the foam to the sponge and gently treat the contaminated area. Rinse off the remaining product with water and dry the material with a clean cloth.

If a drop of paint gets on the PVC ceiling, try to wipe it off as soon as possible with a damp cloth. The dried stain should be wetted with water, the paint will swell and easily lag behind the coating. If water-based paint does not wash off, use a small amount of mineral spirits.

Advice. If you use laundry detergent, dilute the detergent thoroughly so that there are no small particles left that can scratch the surface.

In order for the glossy surface not to lose its luster, it should be washed 10% ammonia solution or glass and mirror cleaner containing alcohol. These products work well with stains from tobacco smoke and remove soot. When washing, avoid circular movements so that there are no streaks. After treatment, wipe the coating dry.

fabric ceiling

A fabric-based coating is more likely to get dirty and more difficult to clean than a PVC ceiling. Suitable for washing this ceiling mild soap solution. Wash the structure with a well-wrung cloth, because the fabric is afraid of water and dries for a very long time.

Help remove tough dirt a solution of soda ash with the addition of a small amount of salt or fatty clay. Apply the product to the stain, wait for it to dry and rinse with water. If necessary, you can repeat the procedure. You should also remember about one of the advantages of a fabric ceiling - it can be repainted.

Attention! Glass cleaner is not suitable for fabric ceiling care - the coating will change color.

It is much easier to remove a fresh stain than to scrub off ingrained dirt. If you notice contamination, try to remove it as soon as possible. The appearance of stains on the ceiling is much easier to prevent than to wash. Do not allow high humidity in the home. Check the pipes, install a fan in the bathroom and a powerful extractor fan in the kitchen. Do not smoke in the apartment.

Useful video

Let's watch a useful video about caring for a stretch ceiling and removing stains:

Every fourth modern renovation is not complete without the installation of stretch ceilings. People decide to decorate the house with a decorative canvas and ... do not know what to do with it next. How to wash a stretch ceiling so as not to spoil it and leave no traces of dirt? So that this step does not become one of the most thoughtless actions in your life, be sure to study the issue of cleaning such a delicate surface - in general, stock up on different means, time and patience!

Methods for cleaning the coating at home

With an eraser

You are lucky if your ceiling is matte, because in this case, an ordinary eraser left over from school days can handle especially stubborn stains. Just do not overdo it, otherwise you will wipe a hole at the site of pollution.

Water + alcohol

If you do not have a special polish, just use a mild solution of warm water and a small amount of alcohol / vodka (based on 1 liter of liquid 1 tablespoon of the drug).

This is an excellent tool for removing stains after wet washing of the stretch fabric, which also saves from dust. And remember that abrasive, kerosene-containing and acetone-containing preparations are completely prohibited.

Ammonia hydrate

Dish detergent

It is quite possible to save a stretch ceiling from a layer of soot after cooking: it is enough to foam 1 teaspoon. l. kitchen detergent in a small container with heated water (the maximum allowable temperature is 35 degrees, higher is prohibited). It is important to achieve a thick lush foam, because it is she who will go into action, and not a concentrated solution.

Be sure to remove jewelry from your hands before the procedure so as not to damage the delicate canvas. Then take a fiberglass / flannel cloth or sponge, apply a little preparation to the ceiling with it and wipe it without strong pressure. Rinse off the residue with clean water using a different cloth. Absorb moisture with soft paper towels.

soap solution

This is the most inexpensive and simple option, which has three interpretations:

  1. adding liquid soap without dye to water;
  2. dissolving toilet soap;
  3. rubbing laundry soap into shavings and whipping the liquid to foam.

Water in all cases should be warm. The concentration of the drug depends on your needs: when there are no heavily stubborn stains, you need a regular weak solution.

washing powder

You should choose a powder or stain remover for clothes that does not contain bleaching ingredients. It needs to be dissolved in such a way that there are no small grains left that can scratch the ceiling. If you are sure that you didn’t miss a single granule, you can treat stubborn problematic dirt with this product. Of course, for a simple wipe from settled dust, this technique is too harsh - use it as a last resort.

Of particular value for the stretch fabric here is the ammonia included in the preparation. That is, it makes sense to choose only those household chemicals that have ammonia on the label. Simply spray it on and use a dry, soft cloth to go over the surface as you would normally clean a window glass or mirror.

This method is great for removing stains from glossy PVC film because the surface is shiny and streak-free. But with all the convenience of the technique, do not rush to immediately test it on the entire ceiling: for starters, it is better to process an inconspicuous piece to make sure that a particular product is safe.

ammonium chloride

You will need not the alcohol itself, but its 10% solution. With the use of this substance, it is worth wiping the faded canvases so that they take on an updated look. Just a few easy movements, and the stretch ceiling shines again.

Washing method for fabric

The peculiarity of this element of the interior is that it does not tolerate a very wide range of cleaning products. For example, some of the mentioned methods cannot be applied to it, in particular washing with glass solutions that eat into the structure of the fabric, subsequently changing its color due to coloring additives. In addition, such a surface does not tolerate circular movements when wiping with a rag. The result of inaccurate handling is noticeable stains, and getting rid of them is incredibly difficult.

Experts advise using water with the addition of washing powder / ammonia / soap / dish detergent, removing heavy dirt with direct movements. By the way, such a ceiling is not afraid of abrasives, and this is its plus. And it can also be gently vacuumed, getting rid of the cobwebs, which is strictly prohibited in relation to film products.

Professional shop tools


How to wash a stretch ceiling so as not to spoil its appearance? This is a modern cleaning product designed specifically for stretch fabrics. It is packaged in ergonomic bottles that have a spray nozzle, which greatly simplifies washing, because it is often necessary to wipe the surface in uncomfortable conditions from a table or stepladder.

It is notable for its gentle but effective composition: it does not contain alkalis or caustic acids, it is safe for delicate materials and sensitive skin of the hands. Despite such a gentle effect, it copes with dirt perfectly.


Another popular professional aerosol product designed for ceiling coatings. Harmless and powerful, it removes soap smudges in the bathroom, and fat with settled soot, and stubborn traces of insects, and dusty stains. It is convenient to hold a bottle of a universal preparation in your hands during the cleaning process, which is also a huge plus.

Mister Muscle

It perfectly removes dirt on the tension sheets, including settled vapors due to cooking food. Washes any specific kitchen stains, and does not leave any unsightly marks. It is non-toxic and non-aggressive, making it suitable for all occasions.

LOC by Amway

A versatile tool that many owners love. It helps to quickly and easily clean delicate surfaces, even glossy textures, because it does not create streaks and gives the materials a special freshness and shine. Suitable for those who take care of their home and do not want unnecessary problems. Perhaps you should not overpay, but this is the price of comfortable cleaning and high-quality results.

Kare Noir

An innovative well-known product that copes with a wide range of contaminants. He can be trusted with a stretch fabric that needs careful and effective cleaning.

Other branded products

You can use special compositions recommended by the manufacturer specifically for your ceiling. Who, if not the manufacturer, needs to know what exactly is suitable for the surface he has created? If it is not possible to do this, choose any similar product sold in a household chemical store. Just keep in mind the following conditions:

  • products with alcohol are suitable for gloss;
  • polishes will cope with washing glossy surfaces;
  • acetone-containing preparations are strictly prohibited, because they can discolor prints and violate the integrity of the canvas;
  • products with ammonia hydrate or ammonia are the most effective.

Every owner of stretch ceilings at least once in his life faced with the need to clean them. Spots on the stretch ceiling appear for various reasons, which you need to know about and, at the first manifestations, eliminate either the source or the pollution that has already appeared. Before installing modern stretch ceilings, many are mistaken, assuming that they are quite far from all influences, and therefore rarely give in to pollution. But that's not the case at all. Moreover, the owners of fabric tension surfaces should remember that it is they who get dirty most often.

But he does not build to get upset and make rash decisions at the sight of spots. In order to know how to properly wash them, you must first understand why they appeared. After all, certain cleaning products and tools are selected based on the cause of the problem. This is especially true for fabric stretch ceilings.

The most common causes of stains on stretch ceilings

Manufacturers apply a special protective layer to cover all tension surfaces, which prevents the spread of microbes, various fungi and mold. But it is impossible to insure any ceiling from mechanical damage. Let's analyze the most common causes of stains on stretch ceilings.

A coating of soot and grease appears on the surface located in the kitchen.

After moisture enters and dries, characteristic spots remain on the ceiling. If you live in a private house or in a high-rise building on the top floor, it is not uncommon for the roof to leak. Roof leakage causes yellow spots.

Also, characteristic stains appear on the ceilings in the bathroom from accumulating moisture or splashes from washing, for example, in the shower. Also, yellow spots appear after the neighbors flood the apartment. And even when the ceiling is washed, stains may appear again if the interfloor slab has not completely dried out after the bay.

Paint can affect stretch ceilings in several ways. For example, if metal pipes enter the ceiling, which must be constantly painted over. Then the spots appear from the splashes of the brush.

Or the previous ceiling finish could be painted over with oil paint. This happens quite often, because in the past it was believed that oil paints look beautiful and they are quite durable. The oil remaining even after complete removal of the paints penetrates deep into the floor slab and comes out gradually over time.

  • Dust, including construction dust.

Especially a lot of dust is generated when drilling brick or concrete walls. It comes through if the house is already quite old. Rust forms gradually and significantly spoils the appearance of the surface. Often red stains appear after the ceiling is flooded with neighbors.

How to wash stains of various kinds from a stretch ceiling?

Pollution of a different nature must also be removed in different ways. Something can be easily erased, and something can be removed only after cardinal actions. But still, it is easiest to remove stains from moisture, whether they are stains after bathing in the shower, from an exploding jar of compote, or even after a mosquito has been swatted and traces of blood remain on the ceiling.

All this must be carefully wiped off with a damp cloth. You can use a slightly damp, lint-free cloth. It is just as easy to remove traces on a glossy ceiling and on a fabric one.

Dealing with stains after a long accumulation of moisture or a bay is not much more difficult. The moisture accumulated in it will protect the entire interior from unplanned repairs, but the ceiling itself will be damaged.

On the damaged areas of the ceiling, it is necessary to apply a little greasy clay or a solution of soda ash. After drying, the product must be washed off with plain clean water. If only part of the dirt is gone, the procedure must be repeated. This method can also help in case of rust.

There is a stain on our flawless stretch ceiling. What to do? Can it be removed?

How to restore the original purity of the film or fabric? These questions are regularly answered by Mos Sealing consultants. Here we have collected the answers of professionals.

How the ceiling gets dirty

The ceiling is not the floor, where everything falls, and not the walls, which everyone, especially children, strive to get dirty with dirty fingers or paint, so it rarely gets dirty. In order to know how to remove stains on a stretch ceiling, you need to find out the cause of their appearance.

  • Flooding. If it is not clear why yellow spots or stains appeared on your ceiling, the reason is flooding. This is a problem for owners of stretch ceilings living in old houses under a leaky roof. If the openings in the roof are small or there hasn't been heavy rain, you won't see water overhead, but drops falling on the ceiling will gradually create oily streaks of rusty dirt. The same problems can be due to a leaking pipe. The hole can be anywhere, even hidden in floor slabs. As a result, water flowing in the cavities of the reinforced concrete slab pours out in the most unexpected places. That is, the pipe is leaking near the window, and a spot on the stretch ceiling appeared in the center of the room. The reason may be the banal flooding by sloppy neighbors. For example, their floor is not tightly insulated. When they bathe and the water splashes, it regularly seeps out in small amounts, stagnates, and forms yellow, rusty spots.
  • Sooty. Smoking in your apartment is your right. However, in this case, you should not choose white or light stretch ceilings. Otherwise, after a while, the canvas will be covered with yellow stains - tobacco smoke will settle on the ceiling. Similar stains also appear on kitchen ceilings - this is a sticky coating of moisture, grease, soot and dust evaporating during cooking. The presence of even a good hood does not completely solve this problem.
  • Salt deposits. In bathrooms, showers and small pools, whitish spots appear quite quickly on the ceiling, especially noticeable on dark films. These are traces of splashes reaching the ceiling, and evaporation of water, or rather, mineral salts dissolved in it.
  • Food spots. With careless handling of multi-colored fizzy drinks, juices and oils, splash stains can be everywhere, including on the ceiling. Especially often such problems occur during conservation and after it, if something ferments and explodes.
  • from building materials. Stretch fabric - finishing. It is mounted when all the dirty and wet work is completed. But this is a finish for decades, and after a while the walls may require repair. So paint, glue, mortar, putty, primer, brick and cement dust and other finishing materials can get on the ceiling.

How to remove rust stains on a stretch ceiling

Let's go in the same sequence and analyze how the tension fabric is cleaned in each case. Let's start with the most difficult - internal rust stains. If you installed a stretch ceiling on your own and on a harpoon, the situation is solved on your own.

In the case of ceiling installation by Mos Siling masters, you need to call the repair team. But first of all, find the cause of flooding and correct the situation - get the roof repaired, replace rusty risers or repair the floor of the neighbors. To clean the ceiling, it is necessary to dismantle the film or part of it, carefully remove the debris and wash the canvas with warm water (you can add a little soapy substance to it). Then wipe the membrane dry.

Also be sure to dry the base ceiling. If holes appear on it, close them up, and then treat the overlap with an antifungal primer. After that, the film ceiling is mounted in place.

It is not so easy to remove rust spots on a stretch fabric ceiling, rust soaks through the fabric and can remain in the pores. The textile ceiling cannot be dismantled, so it can only be cleaned from the outside with a damp sponge, soft-bristled brush or cloth.

You can save a fabric ceiling with a five percent soda solution or clay. These compounds are applied to the stains, the time is kept until it dries completely, then everything is washed off with non-hot water.

If the first time all the dirt has not disappeared, repeat the procedure. In the event that rust cannot be removed, the fabric ceiling can be painted. For this, water-based paints, a roller and a brush are used. The positive fact is that the fabric can be dyed repeatedly, even up to ten times.

How to remove stains of grease and soot on a stretch ceiling

If in the previous case soap can be added, then this is simply necessary. Oily dirt and oily soot are washed off only with soapy foam. There are special tools for cleaning different types of tension materials, but you can also use household chemicals.

All types of laundry, liquid soap and just remnants, washing compounds and dishwashing (except for abrasive ones containing solvents and bleaches) are suitable. The soapy substance must be completely dissolved in not very hot water, and the ceiling should be washed with foam.

After cleaning, wipe the canvas dry. Drops of juice and other food liquids are removed in a similar way. If pieces of food have dried on the canvas, do not rub. Wet them and let them soften, then they will easily fall behind.

How to wash paint stains on a stretch ceiling

When making repairs to walls, if possible, protect the edges of the ceiling with paper masking tape so as not to stain it with glue or paint. If something does drip onto the film, wipe it off immediately with a damp or dry cloth.

If the stain still has time to dry, in no case do not use solvents. You can use ammonia, but not in its pure form, but as part of a window and mirror cleaner or diluted with warm water in a ratio of one to ten. Such liquids restore the shine of lacquer paintings. Therefore, they need to process glossy ceilings at the end of cleaning.

In conclusion - about getting rid of dust

Construction dust is able to penetrate and settle everywhere, even on an antistatic stretch ceiling. Fabrics can be vacuumed with long-haired brushes. In order not to damage the film material, they take an almost lint-free nozzle and process the ceiling, leading nearby without touching.

How to clean a fabric stretch ceiling after a leak, and in general, what care is needed for a fabric fabric?

General rules

It is necessary to care for stretch ceilings in the same way as for ordinary ones: brush off the dust, remove the cobwebs, and remove the dirt that has appeared. But due to the antistatic coating, these manipulations are carried out every 5-7 years or as they get dirty. In any case, before cleaning it is necessary to remove from your hands all decorations that can scratch the surface of the stretch ceiling. Also, do not use abrasive and caustic detergents, brushes with hard bristles. This can adversely affect the aesthetic appearance of the canvas. The best detergent is plain water with soap and microfiber. But, if there is no effect from it, only then they use the “heavy artillery” sponge, detergents, but not containing chlorine. In any case, before using this or that means, it is necessary to test it on the trimming of the canvas, which remained after the installation of the stretch ceiling.

Dust on the ceiling

Remove dust with a vacuum cleaner with a soft nozzle. The power must be reduced so that the web is not attracted to the tube of the unit, the cobweb is also removed, it is not recommended to remove it with a broom, because you can accidentally rub it into the top layer of the fabric and dark spots will remain.

Spots on tensioner

As already mentioned, first we try to remove it with a soft cloth moistened with water. If it doesn’t work out, we use a special product for the care of stretch ceilings. If there are none at hand, try the "folk" methods. Dilute a little dish detergent or ordinary soap in water. This will help remove fingerprints or other mild dirt.

If the spots are more serious, try an alcohol solution. It is necessary to dilute 1 part of ammonia 10% in 9 parts of water, moisten the sponge and methodically wipe the dirty mark. This is usually sufficient.

After washing, the ceiling is wiped clean with a clean, damp cloth, and then dried with a dry cloth. The material must be chosen without lint, such as microfiber, so that no unnecessary elements remain on the ceiling.

Rust on the fabric stretch ceiling after the flood

It is very difficult, almost impossible, to clean a stretch fabric ceiling after a leak, because rust eats into the entire thickness of the canvas. That is, simply wiping the stain from the surface will not teach. After the flood, you can try to wash the fabric stretch ceiling with the same ammonia or a special agent, but the easiest way is to simply repaint the canvas or change the fabric. Fortunately, the base allows you to perform such manipulations up to 3 times. It is worth remembering that with each staining, you need to select a paint tone darker than the previous one. This will allow you to hide non-removable stains and refresh the interior of the room. Replacement of the D-Premium fabric stretch ceiling after flooding is carried out within 2-3 hours, without dust and dirt.

Nikomax customer service is always happy to help in difficult situations, please contact us! NIKOMAX - Your stretch ceilings.

Reading time: 1 minute

How to wash the fabric ceiling from various marks and stains so as not to damage the surface? If there is no good LC coating, it is better to select all cleaning processes individually for each type of ceiling. In videos

Stretch ceilings are of two types - matte and glossy. Recently, however, the technology of processing such surfaces has begun to be applied. New varieties have appeared. Sometimes, you don’t know how to wash the fabric ceiling so as not to damage or spoil it. This is especially true for colored glossy coatings. But in our time there is another type of difficulty - slatted mirror and matte stretch ceilings. For each type, we will tell you in more detail:

These are not PVC stretch ceilings, but a different structure, and their price is much higher. Plain matte surfaces are easy to confuse with ordinary plaster, and the merit lies in the simple washing, maintenance. Fabric is not easy to clean even if you are a professional or have worked for a cleaning company for years. They are afraid of abrasives and chemicals.

They are distinguished by a special fastening technology, and the canvas has a rough surface. This provides a matte, dull look, and in dimmed light, an intimate setting. It creates the illusion of narrowing the space, so it is not suitable for small rooms.

This is a kind of stretch French canvases, which are covered not with PVC film, but with thin flexible plastic. As a result, the color does not fade, you can replace it with photo printing, apply an alternative pattern or glass. It is easier to paint such material than a matte ceiling, so it is more often preferred on the market.

There are different subtypes - matte and glossy, as well as with inserts between stretch fabrics. They are used in commercial and office buildings. Sometimes it is easier to install it in the bathroom than to stretch the canvas, 5 m wide. Excellent tolerance of moisture, temperature conditions.

Another new trend in public spaces is easy to install and clean. Many representatives of their own agencies order just such surfaces that can be diversified with shiny inserts or matte multi-colored textures.

The last type of ceilings comes in the form of different shapes, which complicates the cleaning process. At home, you are unlikely to use expensive steam equipment, and you need a solution " Here and now”, to somehow cope with dirt, greasy stains and dust on the ceiling. The instruction manual will talk about the right choice of product, the necessary preventive care, but when there are small children, a hungry husband and a dog in the house, both prevention and the need to take care of such fabrics once a week are forgotten.

type of pollution. Removal options.

The most common types of soiling for fabric ceilings are dust and thick layers of dirt. Spots of various origins are considered frequent. Less common are technical and production traces that occur as a result of improper maintenance and operation of ceiling coverings. We will discuss these problems and how to fix them below.

To know how to wash soot from the ceiling, you need to understand its cause. Most often it is a fire, which leaves behind consequences in the form of burning. Black spots and traces of streaks may form on the ceiling ( black smoke movements). You can clean it with the help of special tools that are designed to remove soot. The fabric ceiling will not suffer from this, especially given the nature of the pollution after such cases.

Sometimes in indoor halls where visitors are allowed to smoke, and sometimes at home, there is a problem - nicotine deposits on walls and ceilings. Surely, you have noticed that a plaque with yellowness remains on the tiles in the toilet or in the bathroom. Vapors of poisons will also settle on the ceiling, which can be removed with glass cleaner. It corrodes poisons better, brings them out. How to wash the ceiling from nicotine, so as not to damage the fabric - only with alcohol solutions. They are better and faster weathered, not absorbed.

Most often, after repairs, construction debris settles on the ceiling, and you can find bloopers of glue and other liquids. For example, how to wash the glue from the ceiling, which has a water base? Here it is important to take into account the basis of the fabric ceiling - glossy types are easiest to wash with an ammonia solution. It will not damage the color scheme and will not spoil the base. But matte slatted ceilings can be freed from glue using rubber spatulas. A solution for removing glue is applied to their tip ( provided in hardware stores) and gently pry off the edge of the spot.

Even on such modern ceiling models, mold can form - the result of improper air circulation and humidity characteristics. It is difficult to spoil the gloss, but the semi-gloss satin ceiling is very easy. To remove mold, solutions are used to eliminate it, but microfiber is used so as not to directly impregnate the fabric of the ceiling covering. How else to wash the ceiling from mold if it is made of cassette blocks? Provided that they are covered with fabric, as is the case with rack models, the structure must be completely disassembled.

Tip: If you don’t know how to wash stains on the ceiling from a clean fabric that has prints, it’s better to involve a specialist in this matter. He will suggest modern methods and solutions to the problem that will not harm the general appearance of the ceiling, while preserving its properties and texture.

Recall that not only dust particles, but also various microbes can settle on such surfaces. Sometimes insects “live” in the room, who really like all the beautiful ceilings and openwork ornaments. As a rule, after the arrival of such uninvited guests, yellow marks remain, and these specks are visible even on gloss with a colorful pattern. How to wash the yellowness on the ceiling and remove such remnants of dirt from it, we will find out further in the photo list.

For all types of fabrics
For mirrored cassette ceilings Steam engines
For multi-layer fabric ceiling texture Soapy alcohol solutions with oxidizers
Ammonia solutions for removing stubborn stains For glossy prints
For satin surfaces with a semi-matt effect Art painting - dry clean
Textured ceilings - hot steamed with alcohol PVC ceilings - vacuumed and steam cleaned

As you can see, there are surfaces that are intended only for bedrooms, living rooms, where there are not, and will not be, such problems as cigarette smoke, plaque and other traces of stains. However, in some institutions such works of art may be found. And often even in temples you have to clean the ceilings with handmade paintings. In such cases, how to wash a suspended ceiling, only manually in small steps using a thin cloth with a paint and varnish solution. It's not fast, and the process takes several weeks. But the tool will not damage the pattern, texture and texture of fabrics. The structure will remain the same, however, sometimes the surface will have to be restored again.

Combi solutions - chemistry and folk remedies

How to wash a mirrored ceiling when there are practically no solutions left to care for shiny surfaces? After all, alcohols remove paint, ammonia dissolves the pattern. What to do in such situations, so that in the end it does not turn out that the picture becomes an abstract drawing, and the painting or print turns into an interesting " smear» a talented artist. If there are a few simple rules that can be combined - use professional and household chemicals.

I wonder if someone figured out how to wash the ceiling in an apartment of such a plan? Yes, the task is not easy, but there is a solution for it. You just need to wipe the frame with a wet cloth, sweep away all the dust particles with a soft mop, remove the dust with a vacuum cleaner and process it with any steam. If you don't have a professional car, use hot water and a bucket. Put boiling water in the middle of the room, then ventilate it ( draft). There will be no dirt or streaks left.

Do not use untested products that can harm the surface. For matte and satin ceilings, in the absence of the means described above, use popular detergents. For example, chemistry with strong solvents will not work, like soda. These are alkalis, and they affect the structure. Yes, the color will not disappear, but the fabric will become thin, and as a result of short-term use, it will simply tear. On the right, you can see that only light cleaners with volatile agents in the formulations are used there. At the bottom, alkaline soap can be used as a weakly concentrated solution so that the mass does not eat into the tissue.

No abrasives are needed, only soft cloths. How to wash the rack ceiling, which has a glossy surface? It can be rubbed with a sponge soft side), but it is better to walk with a professional mop, which is capable of both removing stains and erasing specks. If it is not at hand, use a mop and attachments in the form of sponges, foam rubber, microfiber rags and chlorofiber in a roller.

You can forget about them, even if you have the simplest ceiling without a pattern and beautiful prints with pictures. Some housewives prefer to use dishwashing tools to wipe specks and insect remains from a glossy or dense lath. Well, well, this will damage the already fragile surface, remove the gloss and the top layer of the gloss color layer. If you don’t know how to clean the greasy ceiling in the kitchen, it’s better to get by with a simple sponge.

The floor is also capricious in care, like a ceiling. And for semi-gloss tension structures, substances such as chemical solutions for cleaning wood floors and laminate can be used. This combination is ideal, it will not harm even slatted and cassette ceilings with frosted glass.

In addition to the previous picture, choose the right mop pads so you don't wipe off the matte layer from the ceiling. This will also help to properly process the corners and joints where there is mold. And in order to completely clean the multi-tiered ceiling without fear and risk, first go through the contours with a vacuum cleaner, putting a similar accessory on the pipe.

As you know, no manufacturer will offer glass and body brushes that can somehow leave scratches on it. Therefore, give preference to such a brush - it is successfully used in the care of matte and glossy ceilings. With it, you can apply some dry powders by rubbing them into the texture of fabrics. Thinking about how to wash wine from the ceiling, pay attention to a similar tool. It can be used on any stains.

Although these types of ceilings look intimidating in terms of maintenance, they are the easiest to clean - just spray foam spray and clean the pile in two steps. With water, you can rinse the upper layers of the pile, then dry with a vacuum cleaner or hairdryer. Drafts in such cases are not needed, otherwise, instead of drying, you will have to clean again. If air from the street gets in, particles of dust and dirt can eat in. Of course, protecting the ceiling with nets, you can avoid such a case. But it’s better not to take risks so as not to waste time on repeated efforts.

How to wash leaks from the ceiling - using citrus solutions. It is enough to mix a few ml of pure fresh juice with water or a soapy solution, and wash out the corresponding impurities. The main thing is not to overdo it with the composition and concentration, otherwise you will have to wash the remnants of dry spots from the surface. Lemon and orange have properties to compress the surface, so check in advance for any special sagging places in the ceiling. Sometimes citric acid is used, on the contrary, for shine, but this only applies to glossy floors, do not confuse.

That's how you learned about ways to clean ceilings of various types. Don't forget that there are professional chemical compound stores that can match you for your personal coating. A video in this article

will also tell you in detail how to clean and clean the preventive care of such fabrics. Don't just resort to grandmother's» methods in such matters - it's good when there are helpers, but it's bad when they didn't have practice in their years. It is unlikely that 40-50 years ago someone tried to wash the ceilings with glass cleaners and soft mops with oxidizing solutions.

The Mos Sealing experts have installed a flawless ceiling for you, even, smooth with a uniform white/beige/blue or any other color that you like so much. And suddenly everything is spoiled: a spot appeared on the stretch ceiling!

Don't worry - it's not scary at all! Returning the former beautiful view of the ceiling is not a problem, but an ordinary task. To solve it, you first need to know the cause. Depending on what the ceiling canvas is stained with, different tools and means are used.

Consider what most often appear and how to remove stains on a stretch ceiling:

Water. In bathrooms, dust never settles on the ceiling (tension materials are antistatic), they also do not condense (the film is so thin that there is no temperature difference), however, splashes from the shower during bathing can hit the ceiling even for very neat people.

Given the complex chemistry of the water that flows from our faucets (instead of the welcome H2O), when the droplets dry, whitish spots remain on the ceiling. There are two ways to remove them - wipe with a dry cloth immediately after bathing; wipe with a damp cloth or a slightly damp, lint-free cloth.

Similarly, it is easy to remove any other water-based liquids. For example, a cherry compote exploded, during preservation, the juice of tomatoes or apples splashed onto the ceiling, a mosquito was swatted, and traces of blood remained on the ceiling.

In all these and many other similar situations, you can remove a stain on a stretch ceiling with a regular damp cloth.

Fat. Grease splatter and soot deposits are usually a problem on kitchen ceilings. To remove these stains, fat-dissolving soap compositions are needed (which ones, we will consider later, and now we will analyze the technology).

To wash hardened dirt and grease, you need to take warm water (from 40 ° C) and completely dissolve the soap in it, whipping until a thick foam forms. With a soft tool dipped in warm foam, in non-circular movements in the direction from the seam (if any), you can wash the film.

But before washing the ceiling, make sure that you do not have sharp rings or bracelets on your hands that can damage the ceiling canvas. Do the cleaning from a stepladder or stool, but not from the floor with a mop (it is so difficult to calculate the pressure and you can scratch the film on a concrete floor slab). After you make sure the ceiling is clean, wipe it dry.

Construction dust. When drilling walls during repairs, a lot of dust is generated, especially from brick and concrete walls. She settles everywhere, including on the ceiling. Ideally, if you have, you need to use a vacuum cleaner for subsequent repairs.

This is exactly what Mos Siling installers do if the walls are already finished so as not to spoil their coating. If the dust still settled on the ceiling, it is best to remove it with a vacuum cleaner using a nozzle with a long nap (do not rub with a cloth or washcloth - there may be large scratching particles in the dust).

Dye. If the pipes entering the ceiling are metal, they need to be painted from time to time. At the same time, splashes from the brush can leave spots on the stretch ceiling. In this case, efficiency is important.

If you immediately notice such a nuisance, use a tissue napkin (prepare it in advance, and then you don’t have to look for something in a hurry) - and the stain will immediately disappear. The problem will arise if you let the oil or enamel paint harden (water emulsions are washed off after hardening).

In no case do not use solvents (acetone, turpentine, white spirit, etc.), and even more so do not try to pick off the stain with sharp objects - in addition, you will get scratches or a hole. If the stain does not wash off with soapy water, it is best to decorate it with a sticker to match the color and style of the room.

How to wash a stain on a stretch ceiling

Now consider the tools that will help you get rid of blots on the ceiling. You can use napkins from:

  • bamboo;
  • microfiber;
  • non-woven materials: thermobond and spunbond, chemicalbond and spunlace, as well as airlaid made from cellulose and synthetic fibers (polyester, viscose, polyester or polypropylene);
  • lint-free fabric, such as flannel;

as well as sponges for washing cars or dishes. But you can not use piercing and cutting tools, including metal and plastic brushes and washcloths.

In order to wash the stain on the stretch ceiling, you can use any soapy substance:

  • household liquid soap and remnants;
  • "Myth" and "Fairy", "Frosch" and "Eared Nanny", "Pemolux" and "Pril", "AOS" and "Sorti", "Biolan" and "Dosia", "Morning Fresh" and "Lazurit" - in general, any non-abrasive gel or dishwashing liquid;
  • in the same way, any washing powders are suitable, but dissolved so that no solid particles remain.

There are also special products for cleaning stretch fabrics, they are available in the form of sprays, gels and liquids. These compounds, of course, are more expensive. In addition to surfactants, they include alcohols, for example, isoropylene (harmless to tension materials and dissolves fat well).

Do not use abrasive cleaning pastes, powders, bleaches or other aggressive products such as acids.

Stains on stretch glossy ceiling

When you want to clean a varnished canvas, everything said about abrasives applies to them in particular. You should know this nuance: frequent washing of a glossy film over the years will turn it into a matte one.

But there are also economical ways to clean stains from the lacquer canvas and restore shine. These are compositions for washing mirrors and glasses based on ammonia or a home-made 10% solution of ammonia. Even if you washed with soapy water, wipe it with ammonia at the end - and the film will shine like new.

Conclusion - about cleaning the fabric

Stains on a stretch fabric ceiling can be removed in all of the above ways, depending on the nature of the dirt. But the fabric has two features:

  1. She doesn't like water, so you don't need to pour it in, just a wet wipe will suffice.
  2. If the stains are not washed off (due to the high porosity, it is more difficult to wash the fabric than films), the ceiling can be painted with a water-based emulsion. This process can be repeated up to 10 times.