Solar eclipse what awaits. What not to do when a lunar eclipse

The Eclipse seeks to put everything in its place, and this is the best time for the changes that you so much wanted. Live the eclipse corridor like the person you want to be. Make the most of this wonderful time!

Remember, these days you are laying the program for the next 9 years.

There will be four eclipses in 2017 - two solar and two lunar.

Private start: 12:10:59 UT (Universal Time) / 15:10:59 Moscow Time.

Start of the roundabout: 13:15:26 (hours:min:sec) UT (universal time) / 16:15:26 Moscow time.

Maximum (peak): 14:53:24 UT (UT) / 17:53:24 Moscow time.

End of the roundabout: 16:31:35 UT (UT) / 19:31:35 Moscow time.

Private end: 17:36:02 UT (UT) / 20:36:02 Moscow time.

Lat = 34°40"20"S Sun Alt = 62.6°.

Long = 31°11"05"W Sun Azm = 160.5°.

Saros Series Number: 140.

Eclipse number in the series: 29.

Private start: 15:47:01 UT (Universal Time) / 18:47:01 Moscow Time.

Full start: 16:48:40 (hours:min:sec) UT (Universal Time) / 19:48:40 Moscow time.

Maximum (peak): 18:25:32 UT (UT) / 21:25:32 Moscow time.

Full end: 20:02:35 UT (UT) / 23:02:35 Moscow time.

Private end: 21:04:23 UT (UT) / 24:04:23 Moscow time.

Circumstances of maximum eclipse:

Lat = 36°57"10"N Sun Alt = 63.9°.

Long = 87°39"35"W Sun Azm = 18.0°.

Saros Series Number: 145.

Eclipse number in the series: 22.

Lunar eclipses 2017

Beginning of penumbral: 22:34:14 (hours:min:sec) UT (universal time) / 25:34:14 Moscow time.

Maximum (peak): 00:43:49 UT (UT) / 03:43:49 Moscow time.

End of penumbral: 02:53:29 UT (UT) / 05:53:29 Moscow time.

Beginning of penumbra: 15:50:00 (hours:min:sec) UT (universal time) / 18:50:00 Moscow time.

Private start: 17:22:56 (hours:min:sec) UT (Universal Time) / 20:22:56 Moscow time.

Maximum (peak): 18:20:33 UT (UT) / 21:20:33 Moscow time.

Private end: 19:18:12 UT (UT) / 22:18:12 Moscow time.

End of penumbral: 20:51:00 UT (UT) / 23:51:00 Moscow time.

When the Sun, the Earth and the Moon, moving along their orbits, find themselves on the same line, and at the same time the Moon is closed by the Earth from the Sun and is in its shadow - this phenomenon is called a lunar eclipse, so it only happens on a full moon. When, being in line with the Earth, the Moon closes the Sun, a solar eclipse occurs - it happens at the time of the new moon. An eclipse can be total or partial, depending on how accurate the degree of conjunction of the planets is, whether they fall into the shadow of a planet passing in the middle completely or only partially.

Lunar eclipse promotes internal changes.

If in a mild form, then changes will come in the form of insights, prophetic dreams or meetings that will change a lot in life.

If in a tough one, there will be a collapse of illusions, expectations, deep disappointment, devastation, a change in life orientations.

The solar eclipse brings external changes in reality, actual changes occur.

If in a mild form, then the people whom it concerns will finally take the fateful step that they have long dreamed of: they will start a relationship, a project, a journey; end relationships, leave their jobs, move to permanent residence, get married, divorced, get pregnant, etc.

And they will do it all of their own accord.

In a hard form, everything is the same, but with great resistance, drama and tragedy, because they will be "forced" to do it.

Who is particularly affected?

First of all, this applies to those whose natal Sun falls under the influence of the next eclipses. These are people who celebrate their birthday in the following time corridors:

  • from 9 to 31 May.
  • from 14 August to 2 September.
  • November 10th to December 1st.
  • from February 10 to March 6.

Secondly, this applies to all those who have other planets: the Moon, Venus, Mars, Jupiter in the birth chart fall under the influence of an eclipse, which is revealed when drawing up a personal horoscope.

  • Summarize.
  1. Give up communication that depresses you, pulls you. Over time, each of us accumulates disappointments, empty connections, unnecessary acquaintances, obsolete or failed plans.
  2. Learn from the past. Analyze your present. Write down everything you want to get rid of and act decisively!

You lay the cycle for the next 18 years. What the changes will be depends on your level of development.

  • No sudden movements.

During the "corridor of eclipses" conflict increases, many take rash steps. What you launch during this period cannot be returned to its original state.

  • The changes are drastic.

At the moments of eclipses, the solar and lunar energies come into conflict and neutralize each other, something like a short circuit occurs, during which the usual course of energies on Earth changes very much, which leads to sharp changes and even exacerbations in the psyche and behavior of people and animals, and Serious natural disasters can also occur. Women and children react especially strongly to lunar eclipses, men and teenagers become most vulnerable during solar eclipses. Aggression, irritability, restless sleep, fears, tantrums, misunderstanding and misunderstandings may appear.

For a period of seven days before and seven days after the eclipse, postpone all important decisions, contracts, weddings, signing agreements, do not make final decisions, do not make large purchases and transactions.

  • Clear your mind and space.

Fill your life with positive events. Think about what brings you joy. Realize your dream. Smile more often. Rejoice. Do not give in to negative impulses - after what has been said, you will only regret it. Eliminate condemnation in your thoughts. Emotions carry powerful energy. Show gratitude more often. Love yourself, life and the world around you will change.

  • Tune in to harmony.

This applies to your feelings, and to connections with people, and to the things that surround you. Tidy up the wardrobe, wash the windows in the house, clean up, get rid of unnecessary, broken or damaged items. Take care of your health and beauty, give up bad habits, walk more often in nature.

  • Review your social circle.

A gossip colleague, a vampire friend, an underage buddy. It is during this period that you can afford to stop wasting your time and mental strength on such communication. Meet with those with whom you are comfortable, joyfully around.

  • Plan your budget.

Write down how much money you need so you don't have to worry about it. Write real amounts (for example: real income *2 or *3). Think about what you can do to strengthen your financial position.

During the "corridor of eclipses" you can not risk money, make investments or arrange crazy shopping.

You can, with a clear conscience, give yourself a gift that you have long dreamed of.

Show generosity, and you will attract well-being into your life, and increase prosperity.

An eclipse of the Sun is a rare and amazing phenomenon. It occurs infrequently, and therefore attracts the attention of not only astronomers, but also ordinary people. To witness a total solar eclipse that occurs at one point on Earth every 350 years is amazing. There are even people who travel around the globe in pursuit of an interesting spectacle. And in the coming year we will be able to observe this unique event twice!

What is a solar eclipse?

The essence of the phenomenon lies in the fact that the Moon blocks the light of the Sun for some time. For people who observe a solar eclipse from Earth, it seems that the satellite closes the star itself. At this moment, the Moon is not visible, but its shadow falls on part of the planet's territory. It is in this region that a solar eclipse is observed.

A solar eclipse is one of the most anticipated planetary events.

According to astronomical laws, there are several types of this phenomenon. If at some point on the planet you can see how the entire solar disk is covered by the Moon, then we are talking about a total solar eclipse. In the case when the cone-shaped shadow of the satellite cannot completely obscure the luminary and crosses the surface of the Earth, the phenomenon is called an annular eclipse. This phenomenon only occurs during the full moon.

Everyone knows that the Moon is close to the Earth, and the Sun is far away. Therefore, although the satellite of our planet is 390 times smaller than the daylight, from the Earth they seem the same.

Date and time of solar eclipse in 2017

An annular solar eclipse will occur on February 26, 2017. Passing between the Sun and the Earth, the Moon this time will appear smaller in diameter, and we will be able to see peculiar “rings” in the sky. A total eclipse is expected on August 21, 2017. For the first time in forty years, Americans will be able to watch it. This time the phenomenon can be seen mainly in the United States, from South Carolina to Oregon.

In 2017, only those Russians who live on the Chukotka Peninsula or Northeast Russia will be able to see the eclipse

The phenomenon has already been called the Great American Eclipse. According to scientists, more than 200 million people will witness it. Residents of those cities where this phenomenon will be seen are already beginning to prepare to receive tourists. You can watch the eclipse in the following places:

On the territory of Russia, the phenomenon can only be seen on the Chukotka Peninsula and in the North-East of Russia in the following cities:

The best view will open in the subtropical and middle latitudes of the northern hemisphere. The width of the moon's shadow on the surface of our planet will be 115 km, and the phenomenon itself will last 2 minutes 40 seconds. Its peak will fall on a geographic point with coordinates 37 o north latitude and 87.7 o west longitude.

The mystical influence of eclipses is still being discussed

Impact of eclipses on human health

All astronomical phenomena can adversely affect our well-being. The solar eclipse was no exception. An annular eclipse affects people less aggressively than a total one. But the latter has a strong negative impact, especially in the social and career sectors.

On such days, people with vascular-cardiac diseases need to be extremely careful. It is also possible deterioration of mental balance. Doctors recommend that emotionally unstable individuals refrain from making serious decisions and starting new business on the days of a solar eclipse. It is better to postpone these plans for a more favorable time.

We have already experienced a partial lunar eclipse on August 7, ahead, on August 21, we will have a total solar eclipse. Any eclipse, both solar and lunar, has a huge impact on a person, and on the planet as a whole.

I propose to share how someone lives, and if there are good sources to read about influence, it would be great to collect here.


    Everything will be decided, probably, during the corridor.

    They convince me that everything will be fine, but it feels like they took up arms against me and decided to bury me simply, I don’t understand why.
    My actions went to the detriment, which mainly affected my work: I was suspended for a while with an unclear prospect.

    In August, space objects form a "corridor of eclipses". This time will be filled with both harmonious and destructive energy flows. It is necessary to protect your energy and direct the activity of the heavenly bodies to your advantage.

    An eclipse is a bright astronomical event accompanied by an energetic tension that can literally be felt in the air. August is marked by two eclipses at once: lunar and solar, one of which has already happened. Astronomical phenomena, replacing each other, form a difficult and exciting period for all life on the planet.

    On August 21, a solar eclipse will occur on the axis of Leo. The lion is a symbol of creativity, power and pride. Quite a burning energy will fill people born under the auspices of the fire element or the Sun.
    On the world stage, this will affect the mood of the society: there will be a desire for renewal, dissatisfaction with the existing state of affairs will increase, and local conflicts will escalate.

    The end of the month will be filled with fateful events.

    Much will depend on personal qualities and zodiac features.

    You should be ready to take a leading position, calmly respond to everything that happens.

    The impact of a solar eclipse on human energy

    The second solar eclipse of 2017 will take place on the 21st, at 19:49 Moscow time. The daylight will be in an active position, reinforced by the constellation Leo. A total eclipse is expected, which, unfortunately, can only be seen in the United States of America. Residents of Central Russia will not be able to observe the darkened solar disk, but the energy impact of this event will be felt regardless of its visibility.

    The astrological conditions of this period are much more favorable in comparison with the lunar eclipse, so it can be considered more positive than negative. The focus will be aspects of Uranus, the Moon and the Sun.

    The main topics that this astrological event will touch on will be directed towards love and creativity.

    The enhanced energy of the Sun in Leo will give all representatives of the zodiac circle determination, determination and the opportunity to develop their energy potential. Astrologers recommend listening to your heart and acting on the basis of your desires and internal resources. A powerful energy impulse should be channeled into a creative direction or used for new victories in matters of the heart.

    It is best to start new projects after the solar eclipse occurs. During the darkening of the daylight, it is necessary to work on the harmonization of feelings and emotions. You should not climb on the rampage, participate in the pursuit of material success, put yourself above others.
    In the sphere of relations, problems may arise on this day. Astrologers warn that a sense of selfishness and self-interest will increase. If possible, this should be eliminated for the benefit of a happy future.

    Proper energy distribution
    The solar eclipse will pass through the element of Fire in the Sign of Leo. This will certainly affect the emotions. Various kinds of confrontations are possible both at the domestic and at the global level. Bioenergy specialists urge to maintain self-control and prudence. No need to dwell on negative experiences, make hasty decisions that you may regret. It is advisable to tune in to an optimistic mood and practice positive thinking.
    Solar activity will give a powerful surge of strength, which borders on emotional and physical burnout. Do not try to embrace the immensity - it can deprive you of vitality. On this day, consistency and slowness are at the forefront. Shift important things for one day, correctly distribute your inner strength, allow yourself to relax.

    It is reasonable to send part of the raging energy to strengthening the biofield and health. Let the solar eclipse give you a starting day for giving up bad habits. Moderate physical activity will help to increase the tone of the body. Proper nutrition will give rest to the digestive system.

    During a solar eclipse, you should not expose yourself to emotional and physical stress. This is the time to release the accumulated negativity and aim for new victories. Improper management of the energy of this day risks leading to complete devastation, bordering on apathy.

    In general, the energy of the solar eclipse is positive, it will bring more pleasure, love, creativity and courage. The Sun and Moon in Leo call to become a leader, stand out in the crowd and attract attention. Don't be afraid to show yourself, let everyone around you see how unique you are!

    Eclipse conjunct Mars which makes it special. Mars is an active planet, its energy gives courage to decide on something that previously lacked courage. If you feel lethargic or lack motivation, then this mood will quickly leave, replaced by enthusiasm and the need to act.

    There are harmonious aspects in the eclipse chart (blue lines on the astrological chart), connecting the Sun and Moon in Leo with Uranus in Aries and Saturn in Sagittarius. When celestial bodies form an aspect of a trine among themselves, this is a good omen, promising good luck and harmony. Key words for such an aspect are dialogue with each other. Planets in a fire trine all want action, but each in their own way.

    Uranus in Aries gives the desire to be free and boldly move forward. You may decide to try something new or even take a chance so that others will be shocked by your behavior. However, you will be less concerned about someone else's opinion.

    Saturn in Sagittarius also invites action, but it can impose restrictions if you decide to go ahead without a carefully crafted plan. This is a defensive aspect that encourages us to develop a plan first, and only then proceed with our exciting new venture.

    Trine Saturn Uranus promotes the adoption of bold changes (Uranus) that will be implemented responsibly and carefully (Saturn).

    Jupiter sextile Saturn brings optimism, backed by a certain amount of caution.

    However, not all interrelationships of the planets are harmonious, among them there are also negative ones (red lines on the astrological chart), which also needs to be taken into account.

    Jupiter in Libra forms an aspect of a square with Pluto in Capricorn and Venus in Cancer, in addition, Venus squares with Uranus, which adds dynamics. Most likely, planetary influences will find expression in the sphere of relationships. Unexpected changes in personal relationships can occur, the consequences of which will affect for a long time. Issues of management, power and the theme of "us against them" - all this becomes relevant at the end of August and in the autumn months.

    In astrology, it is considered beneficial when there is a balance of positive and negative planetary relationships. In this case, the good opportunities that trines symbolize will be reinforced by the desire to act that tense aspects create.

    Rituals on the day of the eclipse
    The August eclipse is one of the most significant turning points of 2017. It carries a wave of fresh energy that will help open a new chapter in life. Be on the wave of this energy and be sure to use it to your advantage.

    The day has a strong energy, so magical rituals will bring excellent results. This is a great time to define your dreams and desires and then write them down on paper. Thus, you form an intention, and the forces of the Universe will support you and will contribute to its fulfillment.

    Thought-seeds sown on the day of the eclipse will receive a powerful stimulus for growth, so you should be careful with your desires. It may well happen that their implementation will turn your world upside down.

    Astrologer's recommendations
    The sign of Leo has a connection with creativity and creation, so it's a great idea to show yourself on this day in a creative way. Do what you like. For example, you can bake something, write a letter to a person with whom you are very angry, but not send it. Or clean up and decorate your home to make it more cozy and comfortable.

    On the day of the solar eclipse on August 21, 2017, also three days before and after this date, it is not recommended to do anything important, it is advisable to spend time in a calm atmosphere. If possible, it is better to postpone important meetings and negotiations, trips, making large purchases, concluding financial transactions, etc. to other days.

    My eclipse falls in the 7th house of natal, the eclipse point makes opposition to natal mercury in 1 d, it rules 4.5 houses.
    The sun is exercise 7, the moon is 6, and mars is 2.9, that is, presumably tension, a breakthrough through problems is possible, or aggravation of situations, on the topic of partnership(any), hired workers(, finances, which may affect problems at home, with children (for example, as lack of time), as well as a creative breakthrough, eclipsing lion symbolic exercise 5 d, well, my mercury with a lion in opposition ..., also short trips, business trips, merk symbolic exercise 3. But tr
    Venus will trine to natal Venus exercise 3.8 d, which adds harmony and gives hope for a breakthrough.
    In addition, for me, these eclipses go through knots, returns, the last such eclipse was in 1999, I got married, the topic of acquiring property was laid.

    Active axles 1-7.2-8.3-9.4-

    Ksyusha, do it in Sothis, select --- make a double card, in the first natal - that is, your data with the place of birth, in the second transit, 8/21/2017 the city where you actually live / are at the time of the eclipse 21:21 Moscow time, consider the difference to where you are.
    Put the received card here, I'll take a look .. :\">

There will be 4 eclipses in 2017 - 2 lunar and 2 solar. The first pair of eclipses awaits us in February 2017 - on February 11, a penumbral lunar eclipse will occur on the Leo-Aquarius axis, and about 2 weeks later, on February 26, there will be a solar eclipse on the Pisces-Virgo astrological axis.The second pair of eclipses awaits us in the second half of the summer - on August 7, 2017 we will witness a lunar eclipse in the constellation Aquarius, and on August 21 the Moon will hide the Sun in the sign of Leo.

February 11, 2017 at 03:45 - penumbral lunar eclipse in the sign of Leo;
February 26, 2017 at 14:59 - an annular solar eclipse in the sign of Pisces;
August 7, 2017 at 18:21 - partial lunar eclipse in the sign of Aquarius;
August 21, 2017 at 18:26 - a total solar eclipse in the sign of Leo.

Each of these phenomena has its own specifics and sometimes has a completely different effect on a person and his fate. Therefore, below we will tell you more about each of the eclipses.
Lunar eclipse February 11, 2017

A penumbral lunar eclipse can be observed on February 11, 2017 at 00:34 GMT, and Moscow time it will occur at 3:45. The eclipse can be admired in the following territories: in Russia - throughout the country (except the Far East, Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands), Kamchatka and Chukotka; in the world - in North and South America, Africa, Europe and Asia (except the Pacific coast and Japan).

According to astrology and Feng Shui, during eclipses, the flow of energy of one or another luminary is partially or completely blocked. In our case, this is the Moon, but it will not be completely eclipsed, that is, the eclipse will be penumbral. Since the night luminary is responsible for the soul, subconsciousness, humanity and intuition, then, accordingly, these characteristics will partially suffer. The moon is the personification of a woman - a symbol of calmness, kindness, caring and endurance. That is why during this period it is difficult for many to keep emotions in themselves, to remain calm and restraint in conflict situations and to make correct and reasonable decisions. In all your actions, it is emotions, and not cold reason, that will have a huge influence. Therefore, as you understand, it is undesirable to change your life during this period, to decide something and carry out major agreements and transactions.

It is during this period that many will awaken the desire to achieve justice, which will be devoid of any mercy and soul. If you do not restrain such impulses, then you will not achieve anything good. Remember that for each situation you need to look for an individual approach and do not forget sometimes to give free rein to your spiritual impulses.
Solar eclipse February 26, 2017

The Annular Solar will occur on February 26, 2017 at 14:59 GMT, and Moscow time at 17:54. The eclipse can be observed in the following territories: in the south of Argentina and Chile, in the southwest of Angola, and also partially in the south of South America, Antarctica, western and South Africa.

But the Sun is a symbol of masculine qualities - the struggle for justice, perseverance, intelligence, willpower and assertiveness. And therefore, as you understand, many of us will be subject to some melancholy and breakdown. Our inner strengths will come to naught, and anxiety will come in their place, and some fears may even come to mind. Well, during this period, each of us will have to make a lot of efforts so as not to get out of the rut and not lose our ability to work. Astrologers also do not advise bold decisions to be put into practice, this can lead to irreversible consequences that will only bring losses and troubles. Therefore, try to avoid sudden changes in life.

But those good intentions that you may have, try to implement, but do not overdo it. During Solar Eclipses, there is often a desire to change the world for the better, but remember that such changes must begin with yourself. Do a good deed, help someone in need - this will give you a boost of good energy and can drive away melancholy.
Lunar eclipse August 7, 2017

The lunar eclipse on August 7, 2017 will occur at 18:12 GMT, and Moscow time it will occur at 21:20. The lunar eclipse on 08/07/2017 will be able to admire the inhabitants of all continents except North and South America.

This time you will have to put in a lot of effort to save what you have been working on for a while. For example, if you decide to start playing sports, then these days your enthusiasm will fade a little. Well, do not stop halfway, remember that the path to success can be thorny and you need to work hard to achieve what you want. The period of the Lunar eclipse is a time when it is difficult to restrain your negative emotions. If you fall for such bad tricks of the night luminary, then when this period passes, you will have to work hard to restore your reputation.

Lunar eclipses are the period when all the secrets come out. It is extremely difficult to keep something secret at this time. Moreover, relatives and friends will react sharply to the fact that something is being hidden from them. Therefore, it is better to open all the cards even before the eclipse, when each of you will be calm and cool.
Total Solar Eclipse August 21, 2017

A total solar eclipse will occur on August 21, 2017 at 18:26 GMT, and Moscow time at 21:26. The eclipse can be observed in the following territories: a total eclipse only in North America in the United States, and a partial eclipse in Russia - in Chukotka; in other countries - in the USA and Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Ireland and Great Britain, Portugal, Mexico, the countries of Central America, Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, Guinea and Brazil.

At this time, you will not be distinguished by realism and practicality, which means that you should not make large purchases and serious decisions. If you do not restrain yourself, you can suffer large losses. This solar eclipse is a time of rethinking the value system, searching for something new. Dedicate this time for yourself, learn something, think about how you change in your life, but it’s better to carry out your plans after the influence of this phenomenon has passed.

Pay attention to your health, it is during this period that it will be at risk. It is possible to exacerbate chronic diseases, lower immunity and general condition. To avoid this, do not put a heavy burden on your weak organ systems. Try to take care of yourself.
How to prepare for a lunar and solar eclipse

During any eclipse, there is a certain confrontation between the Moon and the Sun, which cannot but affect a person. First of all, our health, both physical and spiritual, suffers. Therefore, it is worth thinking about how to properly prepare for this event:

Do not overload your digestive tract, try to eat right about three days before the eclipse and three days after. Eliminate fried, fatty and spicy foods, add more dairy, vegetables and fruits to your diet.
Do not forget about the correct mode, follow one simple rule - the night is made for sleeping, and the day is for staying awake. Don't sit too long at the computer, and reading at night will do more harm than good.
Take care of your state of mind, try all this time to do what calms you down, charges you with positive emotions.
It is better to postpone all important decisions, or make them earlier (at least three days before the day of the eclipse) or later (respectively, three days after the eclipse).

Do's and Don'ts on Eclipse Days

In 2017, we will have two solar and two lunar eclipses. Solar will occur on February 26 (at 8 degrees Pisces) and August 21 (at 29 degrees Leo). On these days, as well as for the three days before and after them, representatives of the signs of Pisces and Leo should be especially careful in words and deeds. Lunar eclipses will occur on February 11 (at 22 degrees Leo) and August 7 (at 15 degrees Aquarius). As you can see, Leo is to become a "abode" for the eclipses of both luminaries, but we focus the attention of Aquarius only on August.

Eclipses amplify the slightest negative and positive vibrations of the day - the events that will happen to you on the day of the eclipse will haunt you until the return of the same eclipse, that is, for a full cycle of 18.5 years. Therefore, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the key rules of conduct on eclipse days and adhere to them.

On eclipse days, you can not:

start new business; get angry, annoyed, start conflicts;
perform any medical intervention.

During eclipses, you can:

part with the past (throw away old things, go on a diet aimed at weight loss, get rid of bad habits);
cleanse the body (starve, arrange fasting days, cleanse itself of toxins) and dwelling (make a general cleaning, fumigate the house with incense, bypass with candles or holy water);
dream and visualize what you want (it is very important to present the most detailed pictures of what you want, as if it had already happened - the eclipse will give the desire a strong impetus to action).

Note that the eclipses in February 2017 may be accompanied by pleasant unexpected events. Amazing opportunities will open up for many these days - you should trust what is happening: changes for the better will follow very soon!

But with the August pair of eclipses, not everything is so positive. They risk revealing our fatigue and exacerbating health problems. If possible, plan your vacation for August.