Terms in Dota - dictionary. Dota Dictionary Dota terms and their meanings

What does it mean in Dota...? Doter's Dictionary! Terms and slang of the Dota community.

This is a guide to abbreviations and various obscure words from the worlds of Dota and Dota 2. The list is gradually growing.

Roles of heroes

Carry(carries) - very powerful heroes in the late stages of the game if they always have enough gold.
Nuker(nuker) - can quickly kill enemy heroes using spells with a low cooldown.
Initiator(initiator) - ideal for initiating battles with enemy heroes.
Escape(escape) - have abilities with which they can easily avoid death.
Durable(tank) - capable of withstanding huge amounts of damage.
Disabler(disabler) - disables enemies with at least one of his spells, preventing them from doing anything.
Lane Support (nanny) - help protect Carry teams on the lane in the early stages of the game, allowing them to gain experience.
Jungler (forester) - effectively gain experience and money by killing neutral creeps in the forest.
Support - may pay less attention to the amount of gold received and items. Rely on their abilities to gain an advantage over the enemy team.
Pusher - can quickly destroy enemy towers and barracks at all stages of the game.

Game process

B | back (b, back)- with this the doter wants to say that the team should retreat and not fight. Those. gives the command "Back". "I b" means "I'm going back", or "I'm going to base", or "I'm retreating".

BB(bb)- can have 3 meanings. 1) same as b | back. 2) farewell, i.e. the player seems to say “bye.” 3) buy back, or in another way will be redeemed by the hero.

What does GG stand for? in Dota?- winners usually write when the game is already approaching the very end and nothing can be changed. Thus, the winner wants to say that the game was good (good game) and you were worthy opponents.

WP (VP)– well played - played well. Usually dota players use the connective gg wp, which means good game led play and translates as a good game well played.

SS (ss) is an abbreviation of the word miss, i.e. write the last two letters. This means that the enemy has left the line, to gank or for a rune, or, in short, gone out of sight.

KK (kk)- usually this means ok, okay - translated as ok, good, clear. It also happens that kk means okok, i.e. means it's good, good. Those. they write kk twice, because they are too lazy to write two different letters and it’s easier to click once a couple of times :)

Cancer– they usually write to players who want to hint that they have claws instead of hands, since they are very difficult to control their hero. They are also called crab or crane.

Mid– center line, middle of the map. In the center of the map in public games they usually go solo (alone), so they often write solo mid - with this the player says that he will go to the center alone and that this line is his and is occupied by him.

Ganges- usually this means that a hero or several heroes go from their own line to someone else’s and suddenly appear together to kill the enemy hero.

FF (ff)– fast finish (fast finish) – fast finish, i.e. The doter gives up and wants the game to end as quickly as possible in favor of the enemy.

W8 (wait)– Veit, i.e. Wait. This was a translation from English. That is, the doter writes w8 so that they will wait for him and not start a gank without him or an attack by Roshan without him!

Feed– deliberately give yourself to the enemy so that he will kill and gain more gold and experience. They do this to make teammates lose.

Style– this concept is unnecessary, but it exists. For example, there is a 1v1 fight, the enemy has 20 HP left, and then Zeus gives an ult to finish off the enemy. It was he who made the steal to get gold, although in essence it is not so important who pitches, the main thing is to win.

Imba in Dota– imbalance, i.e. an unbalanced hero who is many times stronger than others, or an unbalanced item that has little or no counterability. With each version of Dota they try to fix (reduce in strength) all imbas.

What's happened Gzh in Dota? - good job – i.e. good work, for example, someone made a mess, or bought anti-invis, everyone who likes it usually writes gzh.

Report- stands for complaint, for example, on Isikapa they write complaints about feeders and for swearing.

Pick– choose a hero and play with him.

FB– first blood – first blood, i.e. the first death of a hero in the game.

Push– attack buildings and quickly destroy waves of creeps.

Saport- a hero who spends all his energy on buying team items - wards, chicken, and so on. Supports also help others make kills and provide farm and experience.

“What is this, Dota 3?”, “Has Dota really become paid?” - players greeted the Dota Plus update with these questions. Valve has introduced a subscription system that will allow players to enjoy special features in the game and purchase new cosmetic packs. According to the developers, Dota Plus has become a natural continuation of the Battle Pass idea, which will allow them to constantly replenish the store with rewards and add new quests.

The cost of a subscription for 1 month will be 240 rubles, six months - 1350 rubles, a year - 2520 rubles. You can even give Dota Plus to a friend. Let's figure out what you can get for this money and whether Dota has really become Pay to Win.

The most important part of the Dota Plus system is a set of assistants that are designed to orient players in a complex world. He will accompany subscribers at all stages of the game: from the draft to the closing of the match window.

Draft assistant

Dota Plus offers players heroes that can be used in different lanes. A list of characters for various positions will be displayed next to the minimap in the draft window. The system will analyze both the choice of allies and rivals. True, it still works according to incomprehensible algorithms. For example, he suggests going Bounty Hunter to mid or sending Shadow Shaman to the difficult lane. She even advises going to the mid lane with a double, just like the professionals.

So that you do not completely get confused in the proposed pick, the system will also suggest how to place heroes along the lines. Moreover, useful information on formations will be available to all team players, and not just to the subscription owner.

Build Assistant

Dota Plus will advise players which abilities to take at each level. Percentages will appear above the skill icons, which you can use as a guide when choosing a skill. If you suddenly decide not to use the proposed option, then at the next level the system will adjust its advice depending on the situation on the line and the chosen order of learning abilities.

This doesn't mean that user guides will die completely. Players can still turn off tips from Dota Plus and connect guides that are in the library. You can find them all there, at the top of the inventory.

Dota Plus will also offer its own purchasing guides. And not just one, but three at once. At any time, the sequence of purchasing items can be recalculated or simply ignored.

Game Assistant

Dota Plus will guide the player in key indicators. First of all, you should pay attention to the upper left corner, where during the match the system will compare your basic data with the average for the current rank. Green and red arrows next to the counter of killed creeps and KDA will indicate your level in relation to other users.

While in the tavern, you can have a pleasant time analyzing the damage and stun graph from your last fight, second by second.

Post-game assistant

To begin, Dota Plus will analyze the map you played and allow you to compare all key indicators with the average values ​​for your rank. The system offers to evaluate your network, the number of completed creeps, denies, as well as the main KDA indicators.

Another part of the table gives players the opportunity to compare the amount of damage dealt and received by different heroes and abilities. All this is available in the final screen after the game in the tabs with graphs.

In addition, in Dota Plus, Valve implemented a long-standing idea of ​​​​globally collecting information about each character. All the necessary data, the most popular upgrades and successful talents can be viewed in the hero tab. You can also compare the average performance at each rank.

Know your heroes

Dota Plus offers a new way to interact with characters in . Players will now be able to view the progress of each hero on their profile. He will be marked with a special icon, from a bronze triangle to a purple Aegis. Your teammates will be able to see it during the draft stage.

After each match you will gain experience points on your character. Additional points can be obtained for completing a game (50 experience), winning (5 experience) and completing quests (experience depends on difficulty).

In addition to a beautiful icon, players will also receive special cosmetic bonuses for their character - sound phrases for chat. After opening the first level, users will have access to two quotes, and the collection can be supplemented by leveling up the hero. There are a total of 25 levels available for each character.

In-game tasks

Each Dota Plus subscriber has two types of tasks available. The first is general, which can be viewed on the start screen. They will help you get acquainted with the functionality of the new system and evaluate its innovations. For example, to begin with, Dota Plus suggests taking the suggested hero, using a build-up from the guide or a new landscape, and also contacting an assistant. For completing six tasks in the first part, you can earn 3,600 shards for internal purchases.

The second type is the usual quests that players were so in love with. Each hero in the game has three tasks available for in-game interactions and the use of abilities. Each of the quests has three difficulty levels. Before starting the game, you must select a suitable task under the purchase screen. For completing them, hero experience will be awarded. Keep in mind that some of them will require not only hero ownership, but also certain artifact assemblies. For example, Faceless Void must purchase Mask of Madness and deal a certain amount of damage while under its effect.


A special currency available to Dota Plus subscribers. It is earned by leveling up your Hero Badge, winning the Battle Cup, and completing challenges and quests. The shards themselves can be spent in the store. More on this below.


Dota Plus subscribers have access to a store where they can purchase exclusive and retired sets, as well as relics.

The second section with sets is more extensive: 36 different popular sets. Their price varies from 2 thousand to 5 thousand fragments.

A random relic per hero (there are 14 in total) costs 800 fragments. Relics of the fourth level (heroic) will cost 10 thousand fragments.

Battle Cup

Weekly competitions for team fans return to the client. Since Dota Plus is a logical continuation of the Battle Pass, it could not do without the Battle Cup. As during the pass, players will be able to take part in small in-game tournaments every week.

For winning, users will again receive icons and emoticons, and in addition Valve will give 20,000 shards, which can be spent in the store on relics or sets.

But you can take part in Battle Cups even if you are not a Dota Plus subscriber. To do this, you need to buy a one-time ticket in the store. It will cost $0.99 or approximately 56 rubles.

What are they saying about Dota Plus?

The first reaction of many players was unambiguous: Pay to Win was introduced. In theory, the new system offers advice that will improve both your draft and builds, and will help you choose the right ability and talent.

But no one guarantees that the information collected, even from millions of matches, will lead to victory. The game itself will not start pressing buttons, and it does not provide information that is not available in open sources (like Dotabuff or OpenDota). A sort of Battle Pass with built-in statistics without the need to change the window. Its main advantage is that you don’t need to waste time searching for this data. But you still have to use it wisely.

“It only gives you an advantage if you're an idiot. If they tell you what artifacts to buy and what to upgrade, you won’t become any smarter,” commented Alexander RobotVice Dagher, an American streamer, on the innovations.

The item build assistant is based on statistics and win rates. Therefore, he does not always give useful advice. It also does not explain the choice of abilities, as most guides do, but only displays the percentage of popularity and success at a certain level of pumping.

However, the new system will seriously hit precisely those services that previously sold detailed information in monthly subscriptions. And with the advent of official guides, the authors of previously created guides will lose their users.

In addition, many players suggested that having Dota Plus for a player would at least mean that he is serious about the game. Still, paying 240 rubles a month for a game that you just play to get burned and ruin someone’s evening is not the most reasonable way to spend your money. Especially with the chance of getting a ban.

However, for now many people buy Dota Plus just to see what’s inside. And it is quite possible that they will not renew the subscription for the next months.

Abbreviations and slang in Dota

When you play before, you see players write some strange abbreviations or phrases. So, this short article with abbreviations serves as a reference for beginners in Dota slang.

gl = good luck - good luck

hf =have fun - let's have fun

ofc = Of course - of course (of course)

imho =In My Humble Opinion - in my humble opinion

lol = laugh out loud

Rofl = Rolling On Floor Laughing - Translates roughly as “rolling on the floor laughing”

OMG =O My God - Oh God!

gg = good game - good game/lately RUS players have been using the phrase with the meaning “it seems like we’ve lost…”

u2 =you too - you too/to you too

w8 =wait - wait

Acc =Account - account, account on battle.net.

AoE =Area of ​​effect, mass spells like blizzard and flamestrike

APM = APM - Actions per Minute, number of actions per minute. Shows the speed of your microcontroller.

afk =away from keyboard - absent from the computer.

bb =bye bye - bye-bye.

gj =good job - good job.

mb = mb - maybe, perhaps.

plz =please please.

ppl = people, people.

sry = sorry - I'm sorry.

Thx= thanks, thank you.

Ty =Thank you - thank you

TP = TP - town portal - teleportation scroll.

UD = Undead - undead race

NE =Night elf - night elves - race

miss/cc/ss - the enemy has left the line.!! Warning!!

kk =ok ok - good - sign of agreement

Pushing, a massive attack along one line.

(abbreviated from English) = center line.

(up) - top

Bot (down) - bottom.

Def - Defend - protection.

CD - cooldown - recharging a skill.

Ult or Ultimate is a “special” skill (skill).

BD - Backdoor - Attack buildings without your own creeps. Precisely when they had not yet approached this building.

Rdy or Ready - ready.

Gang or - Organized and competent killing by your team of an enemy or enemies. is the key to victory and an indicator of your team’s level of play.

Feeder - a player who “feeds” the enemy player. Namely, this is a player who, due to his inexperience or carelessness or for some other reason, often dies far from his team. So to speak, this person is an “easy frag” and very often games are lost because of such people.

Noob or Noob from the English word Newbie (newbie) - a player with very little experience in the game at the moment. Nowadays, the word “noob” has often become used in an offensive manner.

MP - Mana Point - Mana constant indicator.

HP - Health Point - Indicative of health constants.

FB - first blood "the first death of a character of any faction"

fast-“faster, faster, etc.”

thx/tx/thanks - thank you.

wtf?! — what kind of bullshit (fucking)?!


gosu - Called players with high skill.

abuse - using the imbalance of the game for personal gain.

buff is a useful spell.

de-buff is a harmful spell.

exp - expansion town - secondary base.

imba - imbalance - imbalance.

lol = lot of laughs

stfu - shut the f**k up - shut up (in a rude manner).

solo - alone.

the tap takes a long time to reach.

cancer/crab - clumsy.

inviz - invisibility.

splash - a physical attack on everyone in a certain area.

skill - skill/ability/magic.

crit - critical hit.

slow - deceleration.

- stun.

stack/joint - casting the same spell several times in a row, as a result the spell becomes stronger.

tripla - three heroes.

blink - jump/teleportation over a short distance.

- temporary immobilization and inability to attack and use spells on the enemy.

armor - armor.

Damage - attack/damage.

Kill - murder.

creeps are allied uncontrollable units.

Neutrals are neutral uncontrollable units.

Mix - means mixed.

Double - double.

Last hit is the final blow.

Steele/Stiller is a player who spends spells solely to finish off the enemy and get more gold and experience for this, as well as a point for killing.

Frag - number of kills.

Tower - attacking tower/cannon.

BB - buy back - resurrecting a hero for money.

Hast - speed.

Regen - restoration (health/mana).

Respawn - rebirth.

Pick is the hero's choice.

Streak - 20 wins in a row on the TB mod.

Agil (dodgeman)- a hero whose main characteristic is dexterity. From the English agility - dexterity.

AOE (Area Of Effect)- area of ​​​​action or area of ​​​​damage. The term is usually applied to area of ​​effect skills (AoE skills).

Art, Item (Artefact, Item)- subject, thing. Worn in inventory, bought in stores.

Buff- Any positive effect or enhancing spell.

BD— Abbreviation for "Bacjdooring" (backdoor). This is an attempt to destroy enemy buildings without the participation of allied creeps within a radius of 500 units from the buildings.

Gank- an unexpected attack by several heroes on one (two) enemy. In gangas, the forces are usually unequal. Therefore, the goal of the victim is to escape from the gank, and the goal of the gankers is to kill the victim. Heroes from other lanes (usually mid) usually help to gank.

Glyph— activation of protection of allied buildings for 5 seconds. Recharge time 5 minutes.

Dire- dark side, base top right.

Damage- damage

Debuff- the antipodes of buffs. These effects weaken or otherwise affect the target. Most often, debuffs reduce stats, reduce the effectiveness of abilities, or cause DoT damage.

Def, def (Defence)- protection, defense

Disable- a temporary state of inability to act (use skills, attack, sometimes move).

Dispell— removing any effect (good or bad) from a skill or buff.

DoT (Damage over Time)— Damage that is inflicted over a short period of time. Abbreviated as DoT, or simply dot.

DotA— Team tactical game with RPG elements? in which each player is controlled by one (sometimes more than one) hero. During the gameplay, over time and depending on the success of his actions, the player gains experience, discovering new abilities of his hero, and money, which he spends on purchasing various items. The main objective of the game for each of the two teams is to destroy the enemy camp protected by towers.

DPS (dps)— Abbreviation for Damage per Second. A measure of the damage a unit deals in one second.

Deny- Killing an allied creep, tower or hero, preventing the enemy hero from receiving gold and experience. You can attack your creeps if their health is below 50 percent, towers if their health is below 10 percent, and heroes under DoT if their health is below 25 percent.

Kneading— a battle, a skirmish, a squabble involving several heroes from both teams.

Imbalance- imbalance, disproportion, as an abbreviation of “I’m Best of All”, as a variant of “I’m Bad Against”. Something obviously overly cool that upsets the balance of the game.

Kite, Kite— cause damage to a hero or creep while being out of his reach (for example, constantly running away from him).

Cast, Cast- use of skill

CD, cooldown (Cool Down) the time required to recharge the skill. At this time, it is impossible to use the skill.

Creeps, Mobs (Mobile object)- computer-controlled units. They go in three directions at once, several at a time in waves (or packs). Creeps appear every 30 seconds and walk along their line to the enemy base, from where enemy creeps of equal strength come out to meet them. The wave has melee and ranged creeps. Every seventh wave a siege weapon comes out with a pack of creeps. Over time, the number of creeps in one wave increases. When demolishing buildings near the enemy, from where enemy creeps appear, the allies become stronger on the line of demolition. If you destroy all the buildings that produce creeps at the enemy base, then allied mega-creeps will come, which have a very large amount of life and damage. There are 3 types of creeps: allied, neutral (living in forests) and enemy.

Crypstat— the number of completed and denied creeps of the player.

Line, along which creeps go. In Dota there are 3 lines: top (from the English top - top), mid (from the English middle - middle), bot (from the English bottom - bottom). As a rule, at the beginning the heroes choose a line to play. Lateral lines can be divided into complex and easy. Light - bottom for Sentinel/Radiant (light), top for Skory/Dair (dark). It is usually easier to play on the safe lane, since creeps are found closer to the allied tower and it is easier to escape into the forest if something happens. The chances of dying are less. Complex - top for Sentinel/Radiant, bottom for Scourge/Dyre. On a difficult line it is usually more difficult to play, since we are closer to the enemy tower and there is a greater chance of getting killed. Running into the forest towards the enemy is not always profitable.

Last hit- the last blow that kills the victim (creep or hero). Most often used on creeps. Mastering last hit will give you quick gold. You don’t have to hit the creep at all, and when he has a small amount of life left, you need to attack in time to finish him off. In this case, we receive gold in full. The most difficult thing is to calculate the time of impact and the amount of life remaining on the target. You can also finish off your creeps so as not to give gold and experience to enemy heroes. Key A.

Low HP- low standard of living.

Manacost— cost of mana. In other words, the amount of mana required to use a skill.

Mansovanie- the process of confusing the enemy player through sudden unpredictable movements and runs using the game environment (for example, trees, fog of war). Used in situations where you need to escape from the enemy team or wait for your allies to arrive to fight a strong hero whom you cannot kill alone.

Miles (Melee)- melee attack.

Miss (ss, ss)— a message that an enemy hero has left the line and may appear on another line

Procast— sequential use of several (possibly all) skills. As a rule, the procast is aimed at quickly killing the target

Push- an enhanced attack on any line. The goal of the push is to destroy towers or barracks

Salo, Silence, Silence- inability to cast spells.

Sentinel- the light side or Swifts. Their base is on the bottom left

Skill- skill, spell, ability. Each hero has 4 or more skills. There are active and passive skills. Active ones require mana (usually, but not all) to use and usually (also not all) have a cooldown (CD)

Scourge- the dark side or Scourge. Their base is on the top right

Mill- stun. During which the target cannot do anything: move, use skills and objects.

Steal, Killsteal- steal a murder. In other words, this is a situation where one hero hits the target, dealing the main damage, and the final fatal blow is dealt by another. In this case, the hero is considered to have stolen (stole) the murder. Dota players really don't like it when they get steals. And not in vain, since gold and experience are stolen from them. This is especially detrimental to carry heroes.

Tim (Team)- team

Ult, ult (Ultimate)— the fourth skill of the hero. This is the hero’s special ability, which is usually the coolest and can often greatly affect the outcome of the battle. The ult usually has a large CD and mana cost. All heroes (except Mipo) can upgrade their ult 3 times at levels 6, 11 and 16.

Farm- gaining experience and gold. The faster the farm, the better the game, arts and efficiency of the hero. If the hero dies often, kills creeps and heroes a little, then farming is slow and, accordingly, bad art, and the hero’s importance in the team is lower.

FB (short for First Blood)- first blood or first kill in a game. for FB they give extra gold to the one who made it.

Feeder- A player who feeds the enemy team gold and experience by dying to enemy heroes.

Focus- this is when everyone (or many) in a batch begins to attack a specific hero with the goal of his speedy death. The focus is usually on the most dangerous heroes so that they do not pose a threat

Frag- a point for killing an enemy. Accompanied by gaining experience and gold. This is why they love frags so much.

High ground- elevation

Harassment— a constant attack on the enemy in order to reduce his life and drive him away from creeps, preventing him from swinging. Harass usually does not have the goal of killing the victim, but simply reducing his life in order to drive him away from creeps, drive him out of the lane for treatment, or force him to spend art to restore his life. In other words, harassment is the constant tension of the enemy.

Healing- restore lives, healing

HP (short for Hit Point)- life

  • AoE is an ability that is applied in an area;
  • Gpm - gold per minute, which means “gold per minute”;
  • w8 - short for Wait, that is, “wait”;
  • wp is an abbreviation of the expression well played, which translated means “played well”;
  • abuse - comes from abuse, which means “to abuse.” In Dota 2, this meaning means the use of any game errors;
  • b, b - short for back, used by the allies to call for retreat;
  • byte - provoking an opponent to attack a weak hero, while the rest of the team waits in ambush;
  • barracks - a structure that is responsible for creeps. There are 2 types of barracks: for swordsmen and magicians. After the loss of barracks on one line, the creeps of the opposite side on the same line become stronger, after the loss of all barracks, enemy creeps become mega and it is very difficult to kill them;
  • buff - a spell that has a positive effect on the hero;
  • bash - a blow that inflicts a mini-stun on the enemy;
  • bkb is an abbreviation for the name of the Black King Bar item, which gives the hero immunity to magic for a short time;
  • blink - an ability that allows you to quickly move from one point to another;
  • bot - bottom, bottom line on the map;
  • wipe - killing all the heroes of one of the teams;
  • wards - game items that are used to gain some visibility: Observer Ward - open up the area, and Sentry Ward help detect invisible units;
  • gank - an abbreviation of the phrase “Go around and kill”, means a surprise attack and killing of enemy heroes;
  • gg - short for good game and means “good game”;
  • damage - damage caused;
  • will give - the game item Dust of Appearance, which allows you to detect invisible heroes;
  • debuff - a spell that negatively affects the hero;
  • denai - finishing off allied units or buildings;
  • disable - an ability that temporarily limits some functions of the heroes, this can be movement or the use of abilities, or all together;
  • deff - means protection of allied structures;
  • easy line - a “simple” line to play. For light - the bottom line, for darkness - the top. When playing on the safe lane, the likelihood of a gank is much less;
  • imba - comes from Imbalance, which means an ability that introduces an imbalance into the game and is very strong compared to the others;
  • invisibility - Invisibility, used to designate invisible units;
  • initiator - a hero who provokes an enemy attack and starts the fight first;
  • item - item, translated as subject. Any things in Dota 2;
  • kill - killing an enemy hero;
  • counter - prevent the enemy hero from gaining experience and gold;
  • creeps are monsters that are a source of gold and experience in the game. There are neutral (forest), allied and enemy;
  • crit - a blow that causes increased damage;
  • cooldown - recharge time of the ability for its next use;
  • kura - Animal Courier, a unit that is used to deliver items to heroes;
  • carry - the hero who deals the most damage on the team;
  • line - line means any of the 3 lines in the game. There is a top, middle and bottom line;
  • last hit - the last blow to an enemy unit, allows you to get gold for this kill;
  • late - the last stage of the game, in which all the heroes have already received a sufficient amount of experience and gold, usually begins after level 16;
  • liv - exit of the hero from the match;
  • mana cost - the required amount of mana to use an ability or item;
  • manna - an indicator that is used to use spells and items;
  • to manipulate - to perform actions aimed at confusing the enemy;
  • mid - middle, means the middle line in Dota 2;
  • miles - a player with a melee type of attack;
  • nuke - an ability aimed at causing damage to the enemy, has a very short cooldown time;
  • orb is a unique attack modifier. This could be slowdown, vampirism, poisoning, etc. It is impossible to have 2 orb effects;
  • pub - public, a regular game that any player has access to;
  • passive - a passive ability that does not require activation;
  • peak - the choice of a specific hero, can also mean a general choice of 5 heroes;
  • ping - the delay time between your action and the server’s response;
  • procast - use of all the hero’s abilities;
  • pull - drawing forest creeps to the line so that they attack allies. Helps level up your own hero, reduces the amount of gold and experience for the enemy hero;
  • push - quickly killing enemy creeps to destroy structures on the line;
  • range - a hero with a long-range type of attack, also this is the distance over which the attack affects;
  • report - a complaint against a player;
  • roaming - moving around the map with the goal of killing an enemy hero;
  • Rosha is short for Roshan, the most powerful monster in the game. Killing it grants Aegis of the Immortal;
  • A rune is a special item that appears on the map once every 2 minutes. There are 5 types of runes: double damage, acceleration, invisibility, regeneration and illusions;
  • silence - a spell that prohibits the enemy hero from using his abilities;
  • support - a type of hero who helps other allies;
  • swap - a varied exchange between players. There may be an exchange of lines or heroes;
  • skill - any ability of a hero;
  • smoke - the Smoke of Deceit item, which makes all nearby allies invisible;
  • solo - single game;
  • spam - frequent use of abilities on enemies;
  • ss is short for miss, which means “disappearance”. Used to notify allies that the enemy has left the line;
  • stack - a set of players for the game or a certain group of creeps;
  • stun is an ability that prevents the enemy hero from moving or casting spells;
  • stop - actions that slow down the movement of creeps or heroes;
  • summon - any conscripted unit;
  • sammy-carry - a hero who is used to help the main carry, also deals a lot of damage;
  • taver - towers that are located on all lines and cause damage to opponents;
  • top - top, top line;
  • tp - Town Portal Scroll, a scroll that is used for teleportation between towers;
  • the throne is the main structure that is located at the base. Destroying the throne ends the game;
  • ult - short for ultimate, the hero's last ability;
  • farming - the process of killing enemy creeps to gain gold and experience;
  • fb - abbreviation for first blood, means the first kill in the game;
  • feed - deliberate death from enemy heroes;
  • fountain - a structure that is located at the base and causes great damage to opponents;
  • highground - any hill on the map, the peculiarity is that visibility in this area can only be obtained by entering it or using wards;
  • hard line - “difficult” line. For Darkness this is the bottom line, for Light - the top. It is particularly vulnerable to ganks;
  • hex - an ability that turns an enemy unit into a harmless little animal, prohibiting the casting of spells and slowing down the speed of movement;
  • heal - an action aimed at restoring the health of an allied unit;
  • HP - an abbreviation for hit points, indicating the number of health units a unit has;
  • check - checking a certain area, reconnaissance;
  • Encents are ancient creeps on the map that allow you to get a lot of experience and gold;
  • escape - an ability that allows you to instantly move short distances;
  • usles - from the English useless, which means useless. Applies to heroes, items, tactics or players;