Methods of studying nature. Research work "observations of folk signs in nature" Observations of wildlife

Sections: Working with preschoolers , Ecology

Nature with its diversity, colorfulness and dynamism attracts children and gives them many joyful experiences. A child's perception of nature is sharper than that of an adult, since he comes into contact with it for the first time. By supporting and developing this interest, we bring up many positive personality traits, such as cheerfulness, a sensitive attitude towards all living things.

Observation is the main means of understanding nature. It provides an opportunity to acquaint children with natural phenomena, the relationship of animate and inanimate nature. It is observation that helps preschoolers to see the changes that occur with plants depending on environmental conditions or those created by man. Observation of distances can be carried out with children, starting from the younger group, since already at this age they learn to establish relationships in nature, notice the dependence of plant growth and development on different conditions. Preschoolers look at the world around them with great interest. The tasks that I have planned include teaching them not only to look, but also to see what changes occur in nature during the year.

As a result of observation, children learn to analyze and compare. Comparison takes place only under the condition that the image reflecting the previous state of the object is distinct enough to be compared with the features of the object that are available at the moment. Considering that the observation process is extended in time (it is possible to observe once a week), the image of the previous object in the child's mind may turn out to be fuzzy, and this will not allow for a proper comparison and identification of the nature of the changes that have occurred. As a result of observations, it is necessary to fix an object of nature (draw or photograph).

In the process of comparing drawings or photographs, children form ideas about the growth and development of plants.

To see the changes that occur with plants, it is necessary to conduct observations regularly. This is one of the conditions for observation. The choice of the object and the content of the observation are also important. I chose vegetable crops as the object for our observation. They grow quickly and gain mass, and these changes are clearly visible to children. The first vegetable to be observed was the onion, which sprouts easily in room conditions.

The purpose of this observation was to show children the effect of light, heat, moisture and nutrients on the growth of vegetables. Observations took place in 4 stages.

  • Stage 1. We examined the bulbs with the children. I noticed that the upper part of the bulb is narrow, and the lower part is wide, which is called the bottom, roots grow on it, it should be in the ground. Green feathers grow from the upper part, it should be above the ground. Show the children how to properly plant the bulb in the ground.
  • Stage 2. Planting bulbs in the ground. Each child took one bulb and planted it himself in the ground. After that, I showed the children how to water the bulb with water. At the same time, she explained to the children why we watered the plants (moisture is needed for the onion to germinate)
  • Stage 3. On the fourth day after planting, small green feathers appeared on the bulbs.
  • Stage 4. In the process of further observation, the children noticed that the onion feathers grew up, became longer at this stage, it is necessary to bring the children to the fact that all conditions are necessary for the growth of plants: moisture, light, heat.

In order to reinforce in children the concept that all plants need three conditions for growth: moisture, light and heat, in the summer I observed beets.

The purpose of this experiment is to show the children that the seed is alive, a new plant grows from it. And also to show the influence of conditions (heat, light, moisture, air, nutrients) on the growth and development of plants.

  • Stage 1. Considered beet seeds, which were soaked in water for germination. Three days later, they looked with the children to see what happened to the seeds. The children saw small sprouts. They concluded that the seed was alive.
  • Stage 2. Sprouted seeds were planted in previously prepared soil. Water well after planting.
  • Stage 3. A week later, the children saw that green bores appeared in the ground. Together with the children, we watered them every morning and watched what would happen next.
  • Stage 4. Then the observations were carried out once a week, so that changes in growth were better visible. The children noticed that the beet leaves had grown in size. Each time after observing the children, she talked about the fact that vegetables grow so quickly because they are watered, the earth is loosened, it is warm and light outside.
  • Stage 5 The final stage of observation. These are comparisons of drawings of plants at different stages. In the process of observation, children not only understand the relationship between plant growth and natural conditions, but also begin to treat plants more carefully.

I want to continue similar work in the future. In senior, preparatory groups, conduct cyclic observations throughout the year. So, for example, to observe the changes that occur with mountain ash at different times of the year (spring, summer, autumn, winter), depending on environmental conditions. In the spring, draw the attention of children to the beauty of rowan inflorescences - a combination of green and white. In summer, watch for the appearance of small green berries. And in the fall, it is necessary to draw the attention of children to the beauty of the autumn mountain ash, to the brightness of its outfit. In winter, pay attention to clusters of bright red berries. In winter, the tree sleeps, the trunk has become darker, because the sap flow has stopped, there are severe frosts outside. You can also conduct a cycle of observations of the coltsfoot during April and May.

Thus, we can say that with proper organization, observation becomes not only a factor of mental education, but also moral: the child develops clear ideas about the patterns in the growth and development of plants, an understanding of the relationship between plant development and environmental factors that ensure its survival. The knowledge gained allows preschoolers to better understand the properties of a living organism, develop the correct attitude towards plants and animals, independently design their behavior in relation to the living.

The natural world around us is simply teeming with various secrets and mysteries. Scientists have been looking for answers for centuries and sometimes trying to explain, but even the best minds of mankind still defy some amazing natural phenomena.

Sometimes one gets the impression that incomprehensible flashes in the sky, spontaneously moving stones do not mean anything special. But, delving into the mysterious manifestations observed on our planet, you understand that it is impossible to answer many questions. Nature carefully hides its secrets, and people put forward new hypotheses, trying to unravel them.

Today we will look at physical phenomena in wildlife that will make you take a fresh look at the world around us.

physical phenomena

Every body is made up of certain substances, but note that different actions affect the same bodies differently. For example, if paper is torn in half, paper will remain paper. But if you set it on fire, then the ashes will remain from it.

When the size, shape, state changes, but the substance remains the same and does not transform into another, such phenomena are called physical. They may be different.

Natural phenomena, examples of which we can observe in everyday life, are:

  • Mechanical. The movement of clouds across the sky, the flight of an airplane, the fall of an apple.
  • Thermal. caused by temperature changes. In the course of this, the characteristics of the body change. If you heat ice, it becomes water, which turns into steam.
  • Electrical. Surely, when you quickly take off your woolen clothes, you have at least once heard a specific crack, similar to an electric discharge. And if you do all this in a dark room, you can still observe sparks. Objects that, after friction, begin to attract lighter bodies are called electrified. Northern lights, lightning during a thunderstorm are prime examples
  • light. Bodies that emit light are called. This includes the Sun, lamps, and even representatives of the animal world: some types of deep-seated fish and fireflies.

The physical phenomena of nature, examples of which we have considered above, are successfully used by people in everyday life. But there are those that still excite the minds of scientists and cause universal admiration.

Northern lights

Perhaps this rightfully bears the status of the most romantic. High in the sky, multi-colored rivers form, which cover an endless number of bright stars.

If you want to enjoy this beauty, then it is best to do it in the northern part of Finland (Lapland). There was a belief that the cause of the occurrence was the wrath of the supreme gods. But the legend of the Sami people about the fabulous fox, which hit its tail on the snow-covered plains, was more popular, because of which colored sparks soared up and lit up the night sky.

Clouds in the form of pipes

Such a phenomenon of nature can drag any person into a state of relaxation, inspiration, illusions for a long time. Such sensations are created due to the shape of large pipes that change their shade.

You can see it in those places where a storm front begins to form. This natural phenomenon is most often observed in countries with a tropical climate.

Stones that move in Death Valley

There are various natural phenomena, examples of which are quite explainable from a scientific point of view. But there are some that defy human logic. One of the mysteries of nature is considered. This phenomenon can be observed in the American national park called Death Valley. Many scientists try to explain the movement by strong winds, which are often found in desert areas, and by the presence of ice, since it was in winter that the movement of stones became more intense.

During the research, scientists made observations of 30 stones, the weight of which was no more than 25 kg. In seven years, 28 out of 30 boulders moved 200 meters from the starting point.

Whatever the guesses of scientists, they do not have a definite answer regarding this phenomenon.

Ball lightning

Appearing after a thunderstorm or during it, is called ball lightning. There is an assumption that Nikola Tesla managed to create ball lightning in his laboratory. He wrote that he had not seen anything like this in nature (it was about fireballs), but he figured out how they form, and even managed to recreate this phenomenon.

Modern scientists have not been able to achieve such results. And some even question the existence of this phenomenon as such.

We have considered only some natural phenomena, examples of which show how amazing and mysterious our world around us is. How much more unknown and interesting we have to learn in the process of development and improvement of science. How many discoveries await us ahead?

Filippova Veronika


for research work of a 3rd grade student

MBOU "Troitskaya secondary school"

Filippova Veronica.

The work of Filippova Veronika “Observation of folk signs in nature” is devoted to signs by which you can predict the weather, and how often the expected forecast is justified.

The relevance of this topic is beyond doubt. According to local signs, people have learned to predict the weather not only for the next hours or days, but also for a longer period. It is very good to build a weather forecast when there are many observations. Therefore, the topic today is very important to consider.

Veronica carried out serious work on the study of this topic. Conducted a sociological survey among parents, teachers, acquaintances. The survey results were analyzed and summarized. To get answers to some questions, she had to make observations and draw conclusions.

In her work, Veronika describes in detail the research step by step and shows the solution of the tasks set using specific examples.



Municipal budgetary educational institution

Troitskaya secondary school


for folk tales

in nature

Completed by: Filippova Veronika Andreevna

3rd grade student

Head: Shinkevich Lyubov Anatolyevna

Primary school teacher

with. Trinity, 2016

Introduction……………………………………………………………… 2

How signs appeared ……………………………………………… 3-4

Signs about the weather…………………………………………………… 5-7

Questionnaire……………………………………………………… 7-8

Practical application…………………………………………………9-10 Literature………………………………………………………………… 12

Application ………………………………………………………… 13


It is always important for a person to know what the weather will be like, because it affects his activity and well-being. Observing nature in bad weather and on a sunny day, at dusk and at night, people noted the characteristic signs that precede certain changes in the weather. So there were numerous signs - evidence of folk wisdom.

I very often hear from my grandmother: “It will be frost again tomorrow”, “It will snow soon”, “Dress warmly, there will be wind”. And almost always her words came true. It became very interesting to me how my grandmother, without using the Internet, without listening to the weather forecast from other sources, knows exactly what will happen in the near future.

My grandmother answered my question that she sees and hears it. It became even more interesting for me, and I decided to find out how she does it and learn it myself. So I got acquainted with the first signs about the weather.

"The cat hides its nose, curls up in a ball - to frost",

“Smoke from the chimneys is pouring down - wait for frosty weather”,

“Indoor plants “cry” - to precipitation”,

"Sparrows hide their heads in their tails - to a snowstorm, frost",

“A tit flew closer to home - the frost will hit soon,

"Rowan with a harvest - for a harsh winter."

This seemed to me not enough, and I decided to find out how many people in their daily lives use folk signs to predict the weather, how much they trust them, and how often the expected forecast is justified.

It became interesting for me to learn more about this, because folk meteorology has absorbed the experience of many generations and therefore should be especially wise. I decided to check if all the folk omens match and is it possible to believe the folk omens?What folk signs can determine the weather in winter.

Purpose of my research:to expand their own knowledge of weather signs, to assess the degree of reliability of folk signs in weather forecasts.


  • get acquainted with the literature, which describes folk signs;
  • conduct a sociological survey in order to find out people's trust in folk signs;
  • choose four signs about the weather, check their actual implementation;
  • conduct observations of weather changes in nature and investigate the conformity of weather conditions with folk signs.

During my research, I put forward hypothesis: "According to folk signs, you can predict the weather for the next day." I think that in the course of my research I will learn more about the weather, about the signs of its change.

Object of study: weather.

Subject of study: folk signs.

Research methods: observation, comparison, analysis.

How did signs come about?

Since ancient times, people very often turned to folk signs, trusting them, because they suggested changes in nature, and the economic activity of people depended on these changes. It could not be otherwise, because before there were no weather stations that determined the weather, and there were no special instruments that predicted it. People were forced to observe the movement and shape of clouds, their density and color, plants, animal behavior, the main predictors of the upcoming weather were folk signs:farmers and sailors, hunters and fishermen looked closely at the sky, at the clouds, the sun, moon, stars, noticed how birds and animals behave, and tried, using such observations, to build a weather forecast,draw conclusions. These conclusions formed the basis of folk signs. Ancestors passed on their knowledge to their descendants.

According to local signs, people have learned to predict the weather not only for the next hours or days, but also for a longer period. Signs have survived to our time in the works of scientists and writers in many countries. A four-volume work by A. S. Ermolaev “Folk agricultural wisdom in proverbs, sayings and signs of different peoples” was published. V. And Dal also collected and summarized a large number of folk signs about the weather in the book "Proverbs of the Russian people."

Where you live, you can hear many different signs of the weather. Some of these signs can be very useful, while other signs will have to be forgotten as unconfirmed. But every time, before abandoning the folk sign, check it, because many signs were created by very observant people.

It is very good to build a weather forecast when there are a lot of observations, when clouds, and the direction of the wind, and the color of the evening dawn, and the behavior of chickens, and the smoke coming out of the chimney tell you about a change in the weather. Then there will be fewer errors. Having found some first sign of a possible change in the weather, try to look for other signs of the same possible change. Remember to confirm your guess, both scientific and folk signs of the weather, and only then will your forecast be accurate and useful.

When there is no source of information at hand, signs become the only way to find out the weather. Will take a lot. But one must firmly grasp that weather prediction becomes more or less reliable if one has elementary ideas about the weather and its elements, about the climate of one's area. Know how the temperature changes during the day, what is pressure, what is the reason for the formation of wind and much more. All this knowledge will help to predict the weather.

The word "sign" came from the verb "notice", that is, to notice features, patterns.Folk omens about the weather- information preserved among the people and transmitted from generation to generation about various signs indicating upcoming weather phenomena.There are signs that allow you to predict the weather, the harvest, helping you not to get lost in the forest, find a fishing spot, find out if the winter will be cold and the summer hot. In short, but accurate, signs, long and close observations of people over various natural phenomena were reflected. These observations made life much easier, because they made it possible to fairly successfully predict the near (and sometimes distant) future.

Meteorologists, as a rule, believe that such signs as the following do not carry anything in themselves, except for humor and folklore: "If dogs sleep a lot and eat little, it will rain", "Dogs roll on the ground - be rain or snow." But such signs as: “Earrings on maples - this beet”, “Violet bloomed - this carrot and parsley”, “If the birch leaf unfolds completely - you can plant potatoes”, are justified, since plants react to changes in temperature, humidity in the environment. environment and behave accordingly: some trees begin to bloom, or a flower opens and begins to emit a stronger one and many other signs indicating changes in nature.Now we are usingweather stations , but even now, some meteorologists recognize the value of folk signs, which are based on human observation of the behavior of animals and plants and their reaction to changes in the weather. This information is of great scientific value and helps to predict the weather..

Weather notes.

We live in Siberia. Everyone knows that Siberia is a place where winter lasts for several months. For all the inhabitants of our area, snowfalls, blizzards, and blizzards seem to be commonplace. It is very beautiful when soft fluffy snow falls. People rejoice at the appearance of the first snow in autumn, when all nature is transformed, everything around becomes white - white, fresh and clean. I really love winter because I like to watch snowflakes as they swirl in the air and cover the ground beautifully.

Winter is popularly called: Winter. Zimka, Zimochka, Zimushka, Zimonka, Zimishka (frail), Zimishcha (strict, long), Gray-haired Enchantress.

Winter includes three calendar months - December, January, February and is 90-91 days (in a leap year). Winter comes from the northeast. Meteorologists divide winter into two periods: mild and cold winters. Winter is characterized by a diamond stone, reflecting the transparency of ice, blinding sparks of snowflakes.

Observations of the behavior of the weather over the centuries have formed fairly reliable folk omens about the weather in winter. First of all, people notice and say: “Remember this, that winter is not summer”, “Winter is summer”,“What is the winter - such is the summer, and according to it the harvest”, “After a big harvest - a harsh winter”, “December-jelly - the earth will freeze for the whole winter”. "December, snowy and cold, promises a bountiful harvest." “December will pass with a cloudy sky - wait for the harvest, and with a clear one - a hungry year.” “In December, a large hoarfrost, mounds of snow and deeply frozen ground - for the harvest”, “Dry December portends a dry spring and summer.”

In December, the sun appears less and less often, and when it appears, it weakly warms the earth with its oblique rays. The days are short, dull, but the nights seem to have no end.

Folk signs about the weather for December.

  • Wind from the north - to big frosts.
  • The owl screams - to the frost.
  • If a crow cries to the south, heat awaits; if to the north - to the cold; hides his nose under the wing - to the cold.
  • Smoke column - to frost.
  • Snow flakes have become large - wait for the thaw.

"January is the beginning of the year, the middle of winter." This is the coldest month. No wonder there is a saying: "January cracks - the ice on the river turns blue." Maybe that's why its name is - prosinets. New Year is the time, the height of winter. And even if the sun turned for the summer, winter still strives for frost. And the snow comes and goes. A rich winter cover has long been considered a herald of the harvest. "The snow is deep - the bread is good." "Snow in the fields - grain in the bins." That is why the proverb says: "Snow is peasant wealth." January dry, snowy and frosty will bring a good year.

Folk omens about the weather for January.

  • In January, white clouds - to frost.
  • Clouds go against the wind - to the snow.
  • The stars are very bright and sparkle - to severe cold.
  • Crows fly and circle in flocks - to frost.
  • Clear high-horned moon - to the cold.
  • If the glass on the windows is fogged up - to the heat.
  • Frosty patterns on glass with branches up - to frost, bent - to thaw.

The fierce January was replaced by a February-blizzard. At first, it is almost indistinguishable from its predecessor: with the same cold, with the same starry mischievous nights. In ancient Rus', February was considered the last month of the year, which is why it was called "cut", as if cutting off the year. They also called it "low water" - the calendar between winter and spring, "snow" and "fierce" - from snowfalls and frosts that fall at this time. And yet, perhaps, the most apt nickname for February is “bokogrey”, it starts to warm up on the sunny side. Like all winter patterns, it will take December and January, February is also a match for them.

Folk omens about the weather in February.

  • If sparrows climb into brushwood, they suddenly begin to collect fluff and feathers and drag them to their nests, shelters; tits squeak in the morning - wait for the frost to intensify.
  • If on February 2 the sunset sun is crimson, there will be snowfall.
  • If there is a snowstorm on February 4, the whole week will be snowy, and if it is sunny, it will be early spring.
  • Birds sit on the tops of trees - wait for the cold, on the lower branches - to heat; in the cold near the houses they sing or dig in the snow - to wet weather.
  • In winter, roosters sang early - to heat.
  • Dogs ride - to the snow, and even to the blizzard.
  • If there was frost at night, snow will not fall during the day.
  • A clear sunset in frosty weather - frosts will continue.

The world of signs is infinitely diverse, you can predict the weather according to various criteria. Signs are exclusively folklore and do not claim to be completely authentic.

Sociological survey. Survey results.

I decided to conduct a survey among parents, teachers, acquaintances, relatives. (Annex 2)

The results were analyzed and summarized in the table below.

1. Do you believe in signs of the weather?

Yes - 20 people

No- 0

2. How many signs can you name related to the weather?

1-5 signs - 12 people

5-10 signs - 8 people

3. Do these signs always come true?

Yes - 13 people

No - 1 person

Sometimes 6 people

4. Where did you learn about these signs?

From grandmother - 12 people

Family - 6 people

From life - 2 people

5. Does your family use folk signs to determine the weather?

Yes - 6 people

No- 4

Sometimes 10 people

The data of the table are presented in diagrams.

1. Do you believe in signs of the weather?

3. Do these signs always come true?

5. Does your family use folk signs to determine the weather?

How many signs can you name related to the weather?

Where did you learn about these signs?

Output: A survey among teachers, parents, relatives, and acquaintances showed that the majority of respondents believe in omens, although, in their opinion, they do not always come true.Most can name more than 10 signs that they learned about in the family, or from their grandmother. enjoy people signs for predicting the weather rarely or sometimes.

I took under observation several available signs to determine the weather for the near future and for two weeks I followed the weather and my house cat. Observations and forecasts of folk signs coincided. Before the frost, my cat curls up, hides its muzzle in wool and lies closer to the stove, and before the heat, it lies with its paws spread out on the floor or sofa.

Output: The behavior of my cat confirmed the popular belief.

Finding signs or creating them yourself is a very exciting experience."Weather" signs are varied.

Methodology of the research part of the work.

Study No. 1 to take into account: "Firewood in the stove flares up badly and smokes - to a thaw"

The observation of firewood burning in the stove was carried out from January 15 to January 22, 2016, simultaneously with the measurement of the air temperature outside. The air temperature outside dropped from -32 0 From to -37 0 The draft was good, the firewood in the furnace burned evenly, brightly, burned completely, regardless of whether they were dry or damp (photos No. 1 and No. 2, Appendix 2). When the air temperature rises to -16 0 During the day, there is poor draft, firewood flares up with difficulty, the stove began to throw smoke into the apartment (photo No. 3, No. 4).

After analyzing and comparing the results of observations and measurements, we can draw the following conclusion: by draft in the stove, by burning firewood, one can judge the change in air temperature outside. The folk sign “Firewood in the stove flares up badly and smokes - to the thaw” is confirmed by observations.

Study #2 to the clues: Smoke "pillar" from the chimney in winter to frost "it is really possible to predict stable frosty weather by the behavior of smoke (photos No. 5, No. 6, No. 7).

Study #3to take: “Frost patterns on glass with branches up - to frost, bent over - to thaw».

Snow patterns were observedJanuary 15 to January 22.In photo 8 (Appendix No. 6), snow arrows run up, intricately intertwining. Referring to Table 3, we see that the temperature drops from -32 0 From to -37 0 C. In photo 9 it is very clearly seen that most of the branches of the pattern are directed downwards and from the table we see that the temperature rises from -33 0 C to - 16 0 C.

After analyzing the results of the observations and measurements, we can draw the following conclusion: snow patterns on the windows can be used to judge the change in air temperature outside. A popular sign about frosty patterns on the window is confirmed by observations.

Study #4 note: " Clear dawn in winter - to frost.

From January 15, 2016 to January 22, 2016, she observed the evening dawn. The dawn was bright every evening, the sky was cloudless (photos No. 10, 11, Appendix No. 7). The whole week was bitterly cold. Only on January 21, at sunset, I observed an orange sky (photo No. 12). According to the results of observations, it can be concluded that the color of the dawn can predict weather changes.

Clear dawn in winter - to frost.The stars shine strongly: in winter - to frost, in summer to heat.

Given my personal observations, the following conclusion can be drawn that most of the folk signs really come true. And a slightly smaller part of the signs did not come true. My hypothesis was confirmed: most of the signs come true. To believe or not to believe in folk signs is the right of every person.


Based on the objectives of this work, I made observations of weather changes, measured the temperature, observed what patterns the frost draws on the glass, how they change with the change in temperature outside. I also made observations, as a result of which I received confirmation of folk signs, how firewood burns in a stove, smoke comes from a chimney, according to the color of dawn.My research gave me great pleasure.I assumed that changes in the weather could be predicted using folk signs. As a result of my observations, I was convinced of this.

It was very interesting to communicate with different people. Working with different information sources, I learned a lot of new things. I became more attentive. And how much nature can tell an attentive person! For example, what will the weather be like today? And what will it be like tomorrow? I will definitely continue to study other signs in order to make more accurate forecasts.

My observations of wildlife helped me find out that even today, in the conditions of the modern climate, folk signs about the weather, collected for centuries, can be used in everyday life. They are still working!

I think that the topic “Observation of folk signs in nature” is very extensive, and in my work I touched on only a small part of it, having considered several signs only for the winter.Try to observe various signs. How beautiful you will see, how much useful you will learn!
Yes, only this God created you:
Cold and wind, apparently, tempered,
Well, cherry blossoms, we'll wait,
Just give us a crazy scent.

To give armfuls of girls to you,
The old remember youth, passing by.
On you, admiring, the nightingale sat down,
Drunk from the smell, he sang his song.

But a week will pass - the lilac will bloom,
Gloomy weather will immediately go into the shade:
Lilac loves the sun, with him she blooms,
The wind will blow - the smell will spread.

Behind the lilac buds the oak blossoms,
Again with its foliage the cold will come,
And in the oak grove there is silence and grace.
We will suffer again, we are no strangers.

Spring scent! There is none more tender
A fat bumblebee is circling over the lilacs again,
Birds will sing their songs
Russian nature can surprise!

Lydia Feoktistova


Translated reprint reproduction of the 1916 edition

4.Materials of the festival of research works "Portfolio -2007-2011"

5. Encyclopedia for children "Avanta + 1999"

6. Encyclopedia "What is what?", "Nature", ed. "Word", 1994

The grape pickers went early in the morning to their work. By the road they noticed a man in a black wide-brimmed hat. He bent over the ground, looking at something. What was the surprise of the women when, in the evening, returning home, they found this man in the same place, in the same position. Who was this strange man and what did he do all day? It was a remarkable French entomologist Jean Henri Fabre. That day, he observed the habits of a small wasp that had made a hole for itself near the road.

It must be said that Fabre devoted his entire long life (1823-1915) to the study of insects. Sparing no time and effort to observe wasps, bees, butterflies, beetles, he became the best expert on insects in the world. Fabre described his discoveries in books that scientists and nature lovers from different countries still admire today.

J. A. Fabre

Observation- this is one of the methods, or ways, of studying nature (from the Greek word "methodos" - a way, a technique).

Without insects it is impossible to imagine our planet

The method of observation is used, of course, not only by researchers of insects and other animals, but also by scientists of various specialties, for example, astronomers. Recently, in July 1994, telescopes around the world were directed towards Jupiter. There was an event that happens once in a thousand years. The fragments of the comet, flying at great speed, collided with Jupiter. Scientists managed to carefully observe this cosmic catastrophe. Explosions from the fall of a comet many times exceeded the power of all atomic weapons accumulated on Earth. Giant whirlwinds with a diameter of up to 5000 km arose above Jupiter, and "wounds" 150-200 km deep remained on the planet itself.


But observations in nature are not always enough. In order to better understand many phenomena, researchers are conducting experiments (experiments). The word "experiment" in translation from Latin just means "experience", "test". This is another method of studying nature. When conducting an experiment, a person repeats, reproduces this or that natural phenomenon in the laboratory. At the same time, he closely monitors how it happens. If necessary, the researcher repeats the same experience many times. With the help of experiments, you can, for example, find out what happens to bodies when they are heated and cooled, which bodies are attracted by a magnet and which are not, which substances conduct electric current and which do not. Experiments help to explore not only inanimate bodies, but also plants and animals. It is possible, for example, to establish how various fertilizers affect the growth and development of plants. With the help of experiments, they study the behavior of animals, their language, memory, ingenuity, and the ability to find their way.

It has been found, for example, that migratory birds during their travels are guided by the sun and stars. Very interesting experiments helped to find out. In autumn and spring, the birds were kept in a special cage, from where they could see the sun. The birds turned in the direction they would fly if they were free. When, with the help of mirrors, scientists changed the direction of the sun's rays, as if they moved the sun, the birds turned after it. So it was proved that they are guided by the sun. Similar experiments were carried out at night. As long as the birds could see the night sky, they were heading in the right direction. But now they were placed in a planetarium and began to change the position of the stars in the artificial sky. And the birds, trusting this sky, turned in the wrong direction at all. This meant that they really navigated by the stars.


Very often, in the study of nature, another method is used - dimension. Measure, for example, the size and mass of bodies, their temperature, speed of movement, the duration of certain phenomena. To do this, they use measuring instruments: a ruler, scales, a thermometer, a stopwatch or a watch, etc. Biologists often need to know the number of animals of one species or another in some territory. To determine this, they count how many times the animals met, their tracks, burrows or nests in a certain area. The number of birds is determined in the spring by their voices.

Scientific Research Equipment

magnifying devices

Measuring instruments

Laboratory equipment

Test your knowledge

  1. What are the main methods of studying nature?
  2. What can be learned from observations?
  3. What is an experiment?
  4. What measurements are taken in the study of nature?
  5. What can be measured with a stopwatch? What about with weights?


  1. Give examples of observations you made while studying nature in elementary school.
  2. What experiments did you conduct in elementary school in the lessons of the "World Around"?
  3. What magnifying devices do you know?
  4. What scientists use a telescope for their observations? And who uses a magnifying glass?
  5. Which units in the right column correspond to the values ​​in the left column?

Nature is studied in various ways. The main ones are observation, experiment (experiment), measurement.

Changes are constantly taking place in nature and weather, sometimes it snows, sometimes it rains, sometimes the sun bakes, sometimes clouds appear. All these are called natural phenomena or phenomena of nature. Natural phenomena are changes that occur in nature regardless of the will of man. Many natural phenomena are associated with the change of seasons (seasons), so they are called seasonal. For each season, and we have 4 of them - this is spring, summer, autumn, winter, its natural and weather phenomena are characteristic. Nature is usually divided into living (these are animals and plants) and non-living. Therefore, phenomena are also divided into phenomena of living nature and phenomena of inanimate nature. Of course, these phenomena intersect, but some of them are especially characteristic of a particular season.

In the spring, after a long winter, the sun warms up more and more, ice begins to drift on the river, thawed patches appear on the ground, buds swell, and the first green grass grows. The day is getting longer and the night is getting shorter. It is getting warmer. Migratory birds begin their journey to the regions where they will raise their chicks.

What natural phenomena occur in spring?

Snowmelt. As more heat comes from the Sun, the snow begins to melt. The air around is filled with the murmur of streams, which can provoke the onset of floods - a clear sign of spring.

thawed patches. They appear wherever the snow cover was thinner and where more sun fell on it. It is the appearance of thawed patches that indicates that winter has given up its rights, and spring has begun. The first greenery quickly breaks through the thawed patches; on them you can find the first spring flowers - snowdrops. Snow will lie in crevices and depressions for a long time, but on the hills and in the fields it melts quickly, exposing the land islands to the warm sun.

Frost. It was warm and suddenly it froze - frost appeared on the branches and wires. These are frozen crystals of moisture.

Ice drift. In spring it becomes warmer, the ice crust on rivers and lakes begins to crack, and gradually the ice melts. Moreover, there is more water in the reservoirs, it carries the ice floes downstream - this is an ice drift.

High water. Streams of melted snow flow from everywhere to the rivers, they fill the reservoirs, the water overflows the banks.

Thermal winds. The sun gradually warms the earth, and at night it begins to give off this heat, winds are formed. While they are still weak and unstable, but the warmer it gets around, the more the air masses move. Such winds are called thermal, they are typical for the spring season.

Rain. The first spring rain is cold, but not as cold as snow :)

Thunderstorm. At the end of May, the first thunderstorm can thunder. Not as strong yet, but bright. Thunderstorms are discharges of electricity in the atmosphere. Thunderstorms often occur when warm air is displaced and lifted by cold fronts.

Grad. This is a drop from a cloud of ice balls. Hail can be anything from a tiny pea to a hen's egg, and then it can even break through the windshield of a car!

These are all examples of inanimate phenomena.

Flowering is a spring phenomenon of wildlife. The first buds on the trees appear in late April - early May. The grass has already broken through its green stems, and the trees are getting ready to put on green clothes. The leaves will bloom quickly and suddenly, and the first flowers are about to bloom, exposing their centers to awakened insects. Summer will come soon.

In summer, the grass turns green, flowers bloom, leaves turn green on the trees, you can swim in the river. The sun warms well, it can be very hot. Summer is the longest day and the shortest night of the year. Berries and fruits ripen, the harvest ripens.

In summer, there are natural phenomena, such as:

Rain. In the air, water vapor is supercooled, forming clouds consisting of millions of small ice crystals. The low temperature in the air, below zero degrees, leads to the growth of crystals and to the weight of frozen drops, which melt in the lower part of the cloud and fall in the form of raindrops to the surface of the earth. In summer, the rain is usually warm, it helps to water the forests and fields. Thunderstorms often accompany summer rain. If it rains and the sun shines at the same time, they say that it is "Mushroom rain". Such rain happens when the cloud is small and does not cover the sun.

Heat. In summer, the rays of the Sun fall on the Earth more vertically and heat its surface more intensively. And at night, the earth's surface gives off heat to the atmosphere. Therefore, in summer it is hot during the day and sometimes even at night.

Rainbow. Occurs in an atmosphere with high humidity, often after rain or thunderstorms. A rainbow is an optical phenomenon of nature, for the observer it appears as a multi-colored arc. When the sun's rays are refracted in water droplets, optical distortion occurs, which consists in the deviation of different colors, the white color is divided into a spectrum of colors in the form of a multi-colored rainbow.

Flowering begins in spring and continues all summer.

In autumn, you no longer run outside in a T-shirt and shorts. It gets colder, the leaves turn yellow, fall off, migratory birds fly away, insects disappear from sight.

Autumn is characterized by such natural phenomena:

Leaf fall. As plants and trees go through their year-round cycle, they shed their leaves in the fall, exposing their bark and branches, preparing for hibernation. Why does a tree get rid of leaves? So that the fallen snow does not break the branches. Even before the leaf fall, the leaves of the trees dry, turn yellow or redden and, gradually, the wind throws the leaves to the ground, forming a leaf fall. This is an autumn phenomenon of wildlife.

fogs. The earth and water are still heated during the day, but in the evening it is already getting colder, fog appears. At high humidity, for example, after rain or in a damp, cool season, the cooled air turns into small droplets of water hovering above the ground - this is fog.

Dew. These are droplets of water from the air that have fallen in the morning on the grass and leaves. During the night, the air cools down, the water vapor that is in the air comes into contact with the surface of the earth, grass, tree leaves and settles in the form of water droplets. On cold nights, the dew drops freeze, causing it to turn into frost.

Shower. It's heavy, torrential rain.

Wind. This is the movement of air currents. In autumn and winter the wind is especially cold.

As in spring, there is frost in autumn. This means that there is a slight frost on the street - frost.

Fog, dew, downpour, wind, hoarfrost, frost - autumn phenomena of inanimate nature.

In winter it snows and it gets cold. Rivers and lakes are frozen over. In winter, the longest nights and shortest days, it gets dark early. The sun hardly heats up.

Thus, the phenomena of inanimate nature characteristic of winter are:

Snowfall is the fall of snow.

Blizzard. It's snowfall with wind. Being outdoors in a snowstorm is dangerous, it increases the risk of hypothermia. A strong blizzard can even knock you down.

Freezing is the formation of a crust of ice on the surface of the water. The ice will last all winter until spring, until the snow melts and the spring ice drifts.

Another natural phenomenon - clouds - happens at any time of the year. Clouds are water droplets that have collected in the atmosphere. Water, evaporating on the ground, turns into steam, then, together with warm air currents, rises above the ground. So water is transported over long distances, the water cycle is ensured in nature.

Unusual natural phenomena

There are also very rare, unusual natural phenomena, such as the northern lights, ball lightning, tornadoes and even fish rain. One way or another, such examples of the manifestation of inanimate natural forces cause both surprise and, at times, alarm, because many of them can harm a person.

Now you know a lot about natural phenomena and you can accurately find those characteristic of a particular season :)

The materials have been prepared for a lesson on the subject of the World around us in grade 2, the Perspective and School of Russia (Pleshakov) programs, but will be useful to any primary school teacher, and parents of preschoolers and younger students in home schooling.