Essential oils for sauna how to use. What therapeutic oils are better to use in a steam room? Aromatic bath compositions

Dear readers! What Russian person does not like a bath! Regular visits to the bath are not only a hygienic procedure. It's much more. In the bath, we relax and rest our body and soul, especially if we go to the bath with a group. After the bath, you always feel as if you were born again. And the bath heals! Today we will take fir oil with us and in the bath we will properly treat it.

With the help of essential oils, the effect of visiting the bath increases significantly: mood improves, resistance to diseases increases, working capacity improves, fatigue disappears. The fact is that oils are volatile concentrated substances that, evaporating, are able to penetrate the body and act through the cell walls. And the hot air and humidity of a bath or sauna are ideal for using essential oils.

During bath procedures, the body relaxes, skin respiration is activated, it becomes uniform and deep. The skin pores open, slags and toxins are removed from the body through sweat, and then all useful substances from the air are absorbed with a vengeance and after some 30 minutes they begin their therapeutic effect on the body.

The healing properties of fir and its oils have been valued since very ancient times, it was one of the first plants used for aromatherapy. To this day, fir essential oils have not lost their relevance and uniqueness. Dropping a few drops into a bucket of water and pouring it on hot stones or hot wooden boards in the bath, the mood immediately improves, and irritation, anxiety and fatigue immediately disappear.

This natural medicine is recommended for use in the cold season. In winter, immunity weakens, so the body is more susceptible to various infections and colds. When going to the bath, stock up on fir oil and a fir broom in advance.

For healing in the bath, the following therapeutic methods are used:

  • inhalation
  • fir broom massage
  • rubbing
  • foot baths

Fir inhalations

Inhalations are a very effective method of treating colds, tonsillitis and bronchitis. You can read about how to do them correctly at home. And today we do inhalations in the bath. Perhaps holding them in the bath is more effective. In addition to treating colds, inhaling fir vapor will also help calm down and relieve insomnia.

For inhalation, add 2-3 drops of the product to a bucket of hot water and sprinkle on hot stones. Inhale the aroma deeply through your nose. If you are doing such an inhalation for the first time, then start with 1 drop, if there is no allergy, then later the dosage of the oil can be increased.

Inhalation can be carried out in another way. Take a fir broom and brew it with boiling water in a separate basin. Wait a few minutes. As soon as the broom is ready, you will feel the coniferous aroma throughout the bath. To enhance the effect, hold the broom close to your face and inhale deeply for a few minutes.

Massage with a fir broom

For a broom, fir branches no longer than 50-70 cm long are collected, preferably with an increase in young needles. You can collect at any time of the year, but it is better to harvest brooms, starting from March - April, when there is an intensive movement of juices in the tree. Usually, from this time until autumn, the needles of the tree are soft and fragrant. It makes no sense to repeat that it is necessary to collect branches in environmentally friendly places.

The tradition of steaming with a fir broom is old and it originated in Siberia and Altai, where coniferous trees have always been held in high esteem. Well-steamed young needles do not prick, they fit nicely to the body. Massage with a fir broom and its aroma have a disinfectant, antimicrobial, analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect and

  • strengthen immunity,
  • rejuvenate and strengthen the skin,
  • relieve pain in a number of diseases,
  • soothe with stress, nervous exhaustion and relax,
  • stimulate brain activity
  • relieve fatigue after hard physical work.

Massage with a broom helps with neuralgia, myalgia, arthritis, and many skin diseases. It should be noted that there are people with sensitive skin, they should be careful in the steam room. And also in the steam room, you need to remember about safety - too hot a broom can cause a burn.


The effect of the application will improve if fir oil is rubbed into the skin. It is better to carry out rubbing when the sore spots are warmed up. Bath, as you know, is an ideal place for warming up.

This method is very helpful for arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, myalgia, pain in the hip and knee joints. Rub fir oil on clean skin, you can pre-wipe with sea salt. About how sea salt is useful, or.

Foot baths

This is another simple procedure that can be done in the bath. Pour water into the basin at a temperature that is comfortable for you, and add 2-3 drops of fir oil to it. The duration of the procedure is no more than 10-15 minutes.

With the help of such a procedure, it is possible to treat diseases such as fungal infections of the skin and nails of the legs, diaper rash, excessive sweating of the legs, to relieve fatigue, with polyarthritis of the joints of the foot.

Precautionary measures

Do not forget about contraindications. If this is your first time using such a drug, do a tolerance test first, as allergic reactions are possible.

Do not carry out such procedures for pregnant women and people suffering from heart disease. It is especially dangerous for hearts to stay in a hot bath for a long time, it is better for them to carry out procedures using fir oil at home.

Read more about the healing properties and use of fir oil in the article "". With wishes of good health Taisiya Filippova

The aroma of the steam room itself is already pleasant and healthy, but it is the essential oils that turn the bath into a healing procedure that brings real pleasure. Certain combinations of aromas can have an amazing effect on the body. What essential oils for baths and saunas are most useful in this or that case and how to combine the therapeutic effect of aromas correctly, read in this article.

Varieties of essential oils

Esters are classified according to the method of their production and therapeutic effect. In order to properly compose an aromatic cocktail, it is important to know with what this or that oil can be mixed, and with what it is absolutely not recommended. Our ancestors have known friendship and enmity of aromas for a long time.

  • Beneficial esters derived from herbs have a beneficial effect mainly on the skin and are considered more "feminine" fragrances; with rare exceptions, which we discuss below, they can be complex.
  • Wood esters, as a rule, have pronounced antiseptic properties, are used to cleanse the body and are conditionally classified as “male”.
  • Citrus scents are versatile; they refresh, tone and disinfect the skin, restoring strength and improving mood.

It is important to combine each medicinal essential oil with other products, taking into account all its properties and capabilities, since using antagonist esters can get the opposite effect and even harm the body.

Types of oils

Let us consider in more detail the most effective aromas that are fully revealed in the conditions of the steam room and have an excellent healing, tonic and cleansing effect.

Ylang-ylang - overseas fragrance against depression and fatigue

Ylang-ylang essential oil is obtained from the flowers of trees native to Asia. In all countries of this region, ylang-ylang is considered the patron saint of lovers, as it promotes the conception of healthy children, love and peace of mind.

The warm, candy-scented notes inherent in these flowers are more suitable for women, as in a steam room they have a beneficial effect on tired and mature skin, softening and toning it.

Ordinary essential oils are quite suitable for a bath (10 ml is the standard capacity of a bottle that can be purchased at a specialized store), but if you want to get the maximum healing effect, you should choose ylang-ylang. Extra-class oils contain a maximum of substances useful for the skin, but they also cost a little more.

So, what are the beneficial qualities of ylang-ylang manifested in a steam room:

  • is a pronounced antidepressant, which is recommended even for children to get rid of night terrors;
  • has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, especially with heart palpitations; ylang-ylang is recommended to be added to any oil cocktail for a sauna or bath;
  • perfectly moisturizes the skin and normalizes the sebaceous glands, eliminates age-related changes in the skin (wrinkles will disappear without a trace);
  • strengthens hair and nails, recommended for hair prone to rapid greasing.

Ylang-ylang goes well with all citrus esters, ideally combined with bergamot and lemon, with lemon and cedar. You can’t mix ylang-ylang with anise oil, which has similar properties. Cloves and black pepper oil are also undesirable neighbors. In some cases, if the required dosage is exceeded, nausea and dizziness may occur, as blood pressure drops sharply in hot steam conditions.

Rosemary - stimulates memory, treats colds and skin inflammations

Rosemary essential oil has a whole range of beneficial properties. In particular:

  • stimulates the immune system and increases appetite; in the conditions of a sauna and a bath, it helps to actively cleanse the skin, removing all unnecessary and harmful substances from it;
  • regulates the work of the heart and normalizes blood pressure, the use of this ether is possible equally both at high and low pressure;
  • is an effective remedy for colds and inflammation of the respiratory tract, treats runny nose and chronic cough;
  • has a slight choleretic effect, therefore, in case of liver diseases, use it carefully, after consulting with your doctor;
  • stimulates mental activity, improves blood circulation in the brain vessels, is an ideal remedy for stress and overwork as a result of intense mental activity (exams, driving tests);
  • normalizes blood circulation and has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract; doctors advise even pregnant women to inhale the aroma of rosemary to get rid of nausea.

As an addition to rosemary ester, chamomile, mint or patchouli extract works well. It is undesirable to add esters with the same properties (eucalyptus, pine, cedar) to the cocktail, except to enhance the effect of colds.

Mint - frosty coolness

The well-known mint includes a whole health-improving complex of useful esters that have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. However, peppermint oil should be used with caution by men, as it is more of a female herb. Representatives of the stronger sex can use mint in cocktails with cedar or pine oils in small quantities as a strong antidepressant.

Peppermint essential oil has invaluable qualities that heal the soul and body:

  • superbly soothes and tones the skin at the same time, providing blood flow to its surface - as a result, we get a stunning rejuvenating effect;
  • has a therapeutic effect on the central nervous system, calms, harmonizes the worldview, sets in a peaceful mood; mint aroma has long been considered the best remedy for fatigue and depression;
  • due to the relaxation of the muscles, it provides an additional influx of nutrients to the skin cells, which restores its elasticity and smoothness;
  • can be used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Mint is combined with citrus and pronounced floral esters (rose, lemon, ylang-ylang, peach, apricot). It is undesirable to mix mint ether with cedar and juniper.

Bay - restores youth and beauty of skin and hair

Bay essential oil is obtained from wood and myrtle leaves. It has a bitter, pronounced mustard aroma. It is an ideal stimulator of blood circulation and enhances metabolic processes in the body.

  • Bay is the ether of female beauty and youth. Thanks to the increased blood flow, beneficial substances are delivered to the hair follicles and to the superficial skin cells, nourishing and restoring them.
  • The antiseptic properties of bay oil can even cure herpes. In the conditions of the steam room, the smallest particles of the antiseptic penetrate deep into the skin and completely neutralize the infection.
  • Bay oil ether is recommended for the treatment of fungal and other infectious skin diseases. But before using it in the sauna, nevertheless, consult with your doctor and make sure that steam exposure to the skin is not contraindicated on an individual basis.
  • Luxurious hair and glowing youthful skin are the result of regular use of bay leaf oil.

Bay oil goes well with chamomile, mint and flax oils. Do not mix with eucalyptus and juniper esters.

Rose - love and velvety skin

Rose essential oil sets you in a romantic mood, gives you a feeling of confidence that the world is beautiful and full of pleasant surprises. This is a feminine fragrance of beauty and harmony. Regular therapy with the use of rose ether helps to restore the disturbed menstrual cycle and reproductive functions, gives a rejuvenating effect.

Essential oils for a rose-scented bath are indispensable for facial skin, they make it velvety and tender, increase blood circulation and effectively moisturize. The softening and smoothing effect is already noticeable from the first application. Normalization of metabolism will help to quickly cure acne, skin irritations and even sluggish current dermatitis. Cosmetologists recommend combining pink ether with the tonic effect of lemon and mint not only in the sauna, but also in herbal teas.

You should not combine a rose with bright "male" esters, against which it simply loses its properties (cedar, pine, juniper, eucalyptus).

Neroli - the beauty of the orange blossom

Neroli, an essential oil whose properties have long been known to residents of the southern regions, is not cheap in Russia. But its restorative and healing properties fully pay off the high cost.

  • Being a unique aphrodisiac, neroli ether stimulates sexual desire, treats frigidity and impotence.
  • Doctors recommend orange flowers as the main component in the treatment of many diseases of the endocrine, hormonal and genitourinary systems, especially the ovaries and fallopian tubes. In the sauna, the effect of the beneficial substances of the ether is enhanced, and the healing process is much faster.
  • Neroli oil successfully treats wet eczema and persistent acne, copes with peeling and other skin problems.

Orange blossom essential oil should not be mixed with other fragrances. Perhaps a combination with mint, apricot and peach. As you know, essential oils in water fully reveal all their beneficial properties, since, in combination with the smallest droplets of steam, they have a high penetrating effect.

Lemon - invaluable properties in both heat and cold

Lemon essential oil is widely known for its antiseptic properties, but few people know that it is a unique mental stimulant. If you need to solve a complex problem, just rub lemon oil into whiskey and the optimal solution to any problem will be found surprisingly easily and quickly.

Lemon is combined with almost all esters, complementing and enhancing the effect of any oil. Its only antagonists are cedar and eucalyptus, which are recommended to be used without mixing with other oils.

Orange - sunny joy of life

Orange essential oil improves mood - especially in winter, when there is so little sun heat and light. This cheerful and life-affirming fragrance will instantly return a good mood and give joy from every moment.

Orange is an excellent antidepressant and antispasmodic, its aroma relaxes all muscles and helps to feel the beauty of visiting a bath or sauna. In some, orange oil causes allergic reactions, so it should be used taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.

We treat colds with natural pleasant aromas

Essential oils for colds and for the prevention of diseases are very effective in a steam room. Consider the main esters, which have a mild antiseptic effect on the mucous membranes and relieve spasms caused by colds.

  • Tea tree - its smell, of course, is not pleasant, but today there is no better antiseptic for colds. Tea tree ether completely neutralizes staphylococcal and streptococcal infections and perfectly stimulates the immune system.
  • Eucalyptus - has an expectorant effect, kills almost all pathogenic bacteria of the respiratory tract, stimulates the immune system and the body's ability to resist any infection.
  • Essential oils after the bath - pine and lavender. Of course, you can add them to aromatic cocktails and in the steam room, but it is after the bath that these esters give a long-lasting therapeutic effect, penetrating deep into the surface of the skin and preventing re-infection with viral infections.

Any ether that has an antiseptic effect - mint, rosemary, eucalyptus, pine, cedar, juniper - successfully helps the body cope with colds. A good antiviral effect is given by combinations of fir and rosemary with the addition of eucalyptus ether. However, essential oils should be chosen according to individual tolerance. In addition, it is not recommended to mix esters with the same properties. For example, using eucalyptus and rosemary together is simply useless - the effect is the same, but the smell is unpleasant. It is best to mix sauna and bath oils based on your own feelings. The body itself will determine what flavor it likes and needs right now.

Many people like to warm up well in the bath at least once a week. But not everyone knows how to make staying warm the most effective. Using essential oils, a trip to the bath will turn into a spa treatment, after which you will feel great.

The principle of action and properties of essential oils for a bath

People have been using aromatic substances for a long time for various purposes. For example, inhalations are often done with mint ether, lavender is suitable for massage, and tea tree for the treatment of skin diseases.

Lavender essential oil is a great stress reliever.

  • geraniums;
  • mint;
  • eucalyptus;
  • lavender;
  • sandalwood;
  • rosemary;
  • grapefruit
  • fir;
  • lime;
  • cypress tree;
  • tea tree.

Moreover, each tool has different properties:

  • mint oil cleanses the nose and throat, dilates the bronchi;
  • eucalyptus improves breathing;
  • fir has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system;
  • lavender calms the nerves and helps fight depression;
  • geranium relieves fatigue;
  • lime has aphrodisiac properties;
  • sandalwood treats insomnia and acne;
  • tea tree soothes inflamed skin;
  • rosemary promotes cell renewal;
  • grapefruit treats liver diseases, and also lowers cholesterol levels in the blood;
  • cypress tree stimulates hair growth and has a deodorizing effect.

There are many essential oils that are suitable for use in the bath.

In general, all oils have a tonic effect and significantly increase immunity. It is necessary to choose the air in accordance with your personal preferences. Of course, with individual intolerance, oil can not be used.

In the bath, due to the high temperature, the skin is well steamed. Thanks to this process, the pores open, and the substances from the essential oils are actively absorbed by the cells.

Bath mixes

  1. A mixture of grapefruit and fir esters will help relieve stress.
  2. To tighten the skin, you need to combine fir and eucalyptus.
  3. Combine rosemary, grapefruit, and peppermint oils to relieve symptoms of fatigue.
  4. A mixture of lemon, sandalwood and grapefruit will help remove toxins from skin cells.
  5. The combination of lavender and grapefruit will enhance skin regeneration.
  6. To strengthen the nervous system, you need to mix lavender, sandalwood and orange.
  7. A mixture of juniper and grapefruit will help cure cellulite.
  8. To give the skin smoothness, you need to mix almond oil and grapefruit ether.
  9. A duet of grapefruit and tea tree will help to harden the body.
  10. To enhance hair growth, you need to mix cypress tree ether and rose.

It is necessary to combine oils in equal proportions. Usually it is 2-3 drops of each ether per liter of water.

Proper use of essential oils in the bath

There are several ways to use essential oils in a bath.

in the steam room

Essential oils should never be dripped in their pure form on hot stones. In this case, the product will simply burn out, and the smell will be very unpleasant. To use the ether correctly, you just need to add a couple of drops of oil to a bucket of water. Then pour the resulting solution onto the stones as you normally would.

To use essential oil in a steam room, you must mix it with water.

For massage

For massage you will need base oil:

  • coconut;
  • olive;
  • almond.

Of course, you don't have to take everything. Choose the most suitable for you. Take two tablespoons of base oil and add a few drops of essential oil to it. Warm up the body in the steam room, and then apply the resulting substance to the skin. Massage problem areas for 20-30 minutes. You can start with light pats. Then just stretch your body. Do not think about the technique, the main thing is the absence of pain during the procedure. Feelings should be extremely pleasant.

Coconut oil is great as a massage base.

Adding to cosmetics

Essential oils are often added to cosmetics. For example, a few drops of cypress ether are enough for hair growth. To get rid of cellulite, regularly add grapefruit oil to your shower gel. In the bath, products with ethers will act much more efficiently than in the shower. It is necessary to add oil immediately before the procedure for washing the head or body in shampoo (or gel).

For rinsing hair

To rinse your hair, you can use the following mixture of oils:

  • 2 drops of cypress;
  • 3 drops of rose

Applying this recipe is very easy. Just add the composition to warm water and rinse the hair along the entire length. Rinse off is not required. You can apply it all the time.

After washing, rinse your hair with water and essential oil, and then pat dry with a towel.

Also for rinsing, the following compositions are suitable:

  • 1 drop of mint and lavender ether;
  • 2 drops of cypress and grapefruit ether;
  • 1 drop of fir and mint ether.

For making scrubs

Scrubs are often prepared with essential oils. Mostly aromatic substances are added to coffee, honey and sugar.


Mint and grapefruit pair well with coffee. Take two tablespoons of ground coffee, add two drops of esters to it. Then pour 10 ml of coconut oil into the mass. With the resulting scrub, massage the skin until redness. It is recommended to use the product several times a month without interruption.

Coffee scrub effectively tightens the skin


To prepare the composition, you will need two tablespoons of coarse sugar. Add a few drops of lavender essential oil and a spoonful of almond oil to it. The scrub can be used once a week on an ongoing basis.

Rose petals are often added to a sugar scrub to add flavor.


Honey scrub is famous for its anti-cellulite effect. Combine the esters of juniper and grapefruit. Add the resulting mixture to two tablespoons of honey and mix thoroughly. Pour in 10 grams of sugar. Use a scrub once a week. You don't need to take breaks.

For body wraps

In the bath, it is convenient to do a honey wrap. It won't stain wooden walls and washes off easily. Take a tablespoon of honey, add 3 drops of fir ether to it. Apply the resulting composition to problem areas (hips, stomach, etc.). Wrap the treated areas with cling film. Wash off the wrap after an hour. You can perform the procedure once a week on an ongoing basis.

Honey wrap has a positive effect not only on the skin, but also on the internal organs.

For making masks

With the help of essential oils in the bath, you can make effective masks for both face and hair.

For face

All of the above masks can be used once a week without interruption.

For hair

All of the above remedies can be used once a week on an ongoing basis.

Video: bath essential oils

Product selection and storage conditions

As a rule, the price of a good essential oil starts from two hundred rubles per 30 ml. But choosing a tool is necessary not only for the price. See that the bottle is made of dark glass. The substance should be viscous and fragrant, without the addition of a chemical fragrance. The oil must be stored in a place protected from light at a temperature of 0 ° C to 25 ° C.

Essential oils must be kept in a dark bottle.

Safety Rules When Using Essential Oils

  1. Don't use a product that you don't like the smell of. This is a sure sign that the oil is not right for you.
  2. To find out if you have allergies, you need to add a few drops of ether to ordinary vegetable oil. Apply the resulting substance on the wrist. If after a day there is no irritation, you can safely apply the ether.
  3. Avoid poor quality oils.
  4. If ether gets into the eyes, rinse them thoroughly with any carrier oil and then with running water.
  5. Do not take ethers internally.

For a long time, visiting a bath in Rus' was not only a hygienic procedure, but also one of the universal methods for restoring mental and physical strength.

Ancient healers prescribed paired procedures for a variety of ailments, including those of a nervous nature, and also as an excellent way to relax the body, cleanse, relieve tension, lose weight and recharge with vital energy.

The traditions of paired cleansing procedures are common not only in the post-Soviet countries. Turkish hammam, Finnish sauna, Japanese sento, Roman baths, Swedish bastos, Russian steam room - these are just a small part of the establishments for cleansing the body through steam exposure.

At times, natural concentrated pomace from plants - essential oils help to enhance the therapeutic effect of the steam room.

Sauna brings tangible health benefits, since the combination of healing components of plants and hot air makes it easy to influence every cell of the body through heat, phytoncides and other biologically active phytonutrients. Whether wet or dry, hot steam is good for the body in every way.

Firstly, it opens the pores, promotes intense sweating, and accumulated toxins and toxic substances are removed along with the liquid.

Secondly, it cleanses the skin, activates the metabolism and triggers the mechanisms of natural fat burning.

Thirdly, the steam enriched with therapeutic aromatic components affects the body through the respiratory organs, normalizing all ongoing processes in the body. There is still a fourth, fifth and so on.

All the useful results of systematic steaming are difficult to fit even in a scientific treatise. The use of essential oils for bathing has its roots in antiquity. In a good steam room, a properly selected ether is an indispensable healing and restorative bath remedy.

The only thing that unites different essential oils is their ability to influence the human energy field, restoring the aura and further maintaining its integrity. Otherwise, each ether has its own unique characteristics.

What is better to prefer in a given situation? The answer to these questions lies in the therapeutic properties of various esters. The healing qualities of pomace from plants are truly amazing.

Some of them have a calming effect on the nervous system, others tone and energize, others effectively and safely cleanse the broncho-pulmonary system. There are bath oils that activate metabolism and trigger weight loss mechanisms.

Classification of properties and use of essential oils for a bath:

  1. Air disinfection in the steam room: tea tree, oregano, cedar, juniper, cypress.
  2. Immunity Boost: Geranium, Cedarwood, Rosemary, Maritime Pine, Fir, Rosewood.
  3. Treatment of diseases of the digestive tract: ginger, valerian, bergamot, vanilla, cloves, dill.
  4. Migraine, headache, mental stress: lemon, tangerine, rosemary, ylang-ylang, basil, sage, nutmeg, mint, lemon balm, bergamot.
  5. Insomnia, stress, neurosis, chronic fatigue syndrome: lavender, mint, orange, jasmine, cinnamon.
  6. Anxiety, apathy, melancholy, blues: orange, lemon, vanilla, cinnamon, carnation, palmarosa, jasmine, ylang-ylang, lemon balm, lavender.
  7. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: eucalyptus, juniper, rosemary, basil, tea tree, spruce, cypress, fir, lemon.
  8. Cough accompanying respiratory diseases: dill, fennel, marjoram, juniper, cypress, pine, spruce, cedar, anise, marjoram, eucalyptus.
  9. Diseases of the urogenital area, including frigidity and impotence: jasmine, ylang-ylang, sandalwood, neroli, patchouli, rose, cardamom, nutmeg.
  10. Purification of problem skin: tea tree, rosemary, lavender, bergamot, fir, clary sage, cloves, myrrh, Tauric wormwood.
  11. Cellulite and stretch marks (stretch marks): all citrus fruits, rosemary, juniper, oregano, frankincense.
  12. Bruises, sprains, sports injuries: lemon balm, myrtle, juniper, rosemary, basil, lavender, peppermint, eucalyptus, spruce.

The best way to use ethers in a steam room is to prepare scented water: 10 drops of the selected oil are added to 1.5 liters of warm water, which is subsequently used to soak brooms, wipe wooden shelves, and water the heater (no more than 30 ml at a time).

  • Do not exceed recommended dosages and proportions. Remember that pure esters are highly concentrated pomace, for which the principle “more is better” is categorically not suitable.
  • Never use oils to which you are allergic in the bath. If you do not know the effect of any oil, then it is better to refuse to use it.
  • When using the oil for the first time, when you still do not know the reaction of your body, it is better to reduce the recommended dosage by three times, and the time spent in the steam room to 2 minutes.
  • Start bath aromatherapy small: the first visits should be in the steam room for no longer than 3 minutes.
  • According to fans of bath procedures, it is not advisable to bathe more often than 1-2 times a week, since there is an increased load on the heart muscle.

The range of effects on the body of esters used to normalize body weight is quite wide.

  1. Getting rid of stress caused by the voluntary refusal of certain foods or a strict diet. The following essential oils are used: lavender, orange, ylang-ylang, jasmine, bergamot.
  2. Decrease in appetite and activation of metabolism. Best of all in this direction work: ginger, grapefruit, cardamom, geranium, cinnamon.
  3. Getting rid of edema by removing excess water from the intercellular space of tissues. Use: sweet dill, fennel, juniper, mandarin, cypress, oregano.
  4. Tightening sagging skin in the process of losing weight and getting rid of cosmetic defects. The following essential oils have a lifting effect: frankincense, patchouli, sandalwood, ylang-ylang, neroli, lemon, cinnamon, vetiver, jasmine, anise.

Bath procedures qualitatively relax and warm up the body, therefore, after steaming, it acts much more efficiently and leads to intense weight loss. According to experienced massage therapists, it is best to use vegetable pomace of grape seeds, almonds, jojoba, peach and apricot as a massage oil.

Esters with anti-cellulite effects are added in the amount of 5-8 drops per 20 ml of the base base. After bath procedures, self-massage with oils that promote weight loss is also recommended, as well as wraps and applications on problem areas of the body.

If you have never visited a steam room, then before starting wellness procedures using aromatherapy, it is advisable to consult with your doctor.

With existing chronic diseases of the heart and blood vessels, it is better to refrain from steaming. To get the most out of your bath, use only high quality essential oils.

Light steam to you and be always healthy!

In order to plunge into the incredible atmosphere of clean, fresh and fragrant forest air, it is not at all necessary to travel outside the city in search of a real bath. It is enough to use fir oil in the most ordinary steam room.

In order to plunge into the atmosphere of forest air, you can use fir oil in the steam room.

Many lovers of taking a steam bath in the bath will immediately be able to notice the difference between a wooden and a stone bath. The first always has a characteristic pleasant, fresh atmosphere that does not need any additions or improvements. While a stone or reinforced concrete (most modern steam rooms are built from these materials) bath cannot boast of having fresh and clean air.

The reason lies not only in the fact that a stone bath has a large throughput. The main problem is the material from which such baths are built. We can say that this is the most common reinforced concrete "sarcophagus", in which they are forced to use specialized foil insulation, and to produce heating with a conventional electric furnace.

Naturally, such conditions deprive the bath of any natural aromas and healing effects, but not everyone has the opportunity to purchase their own steam room or simply find one in the city that is built of wood. That is why the vast majority of people are forced to bathe in artificial saunas, which are soaked through with chemical smells and do not bring any pleasure.

The rescue

In fact, fir oil is a real find for those who want to plunge into the magical atmosphere of the forest without leaving the metropolis. Using fir oil in the bath is very simple., you just need to add half a teaspoon to the water for the heater - the sauna space will immediately be filled with a forest coniferous aroma.

The use of this tool in the bath has many advantages. Firstly, coniferous vapors cleanse the respiratory tract of mucus and sputum, and secondly, they help the body fight various infections that are transmitted by airborne droplets. For example, traditional medicine recommends the use of this remedy during the flu and other colds. Do not forget the most important thing: the use of fir is always a guarantee of good health, cleanliness of the body, vigor, freshness and clarity of mind.

It is enough to add half a teaspoon of fir oil to the water for the heater

Proven by time

Fir was one of the first plants that began to be used back in the days of the first aromatherapy. Then the cleansing and healing properties that fir oil possesses were highly valued. It should be noted that fir oil has not lost its popularity to this day due to its uniqueness and versatility. Everyone knows that pleasant smells have a very positive effect on the mood and internal state of a person, while bad smells can depress, cause irritability and anxiety.

The pure pine aroma that fir oil possesses not only has a healing regenerating effect, it also cleanses the body of harmful bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms.

The use of this natural medicine in the bath is especially recommended during the cold seasons. It is then that the body is especially susceptible to viral attacks, because with the onset of cold weather it is vulnerable.

In a panic, you should not immediately grab onto various drugs that suppress the symptoms without completely destroying the very cause - the focus of the disease. This focus must be eliminated in order to avoid further spread of the disease. Fir oil perfectly copes with this task. Its use is recommended both as a preventive measure and in the fight against a viral disease that has already spread and captured the body. True, in this case, especially with a slightly belated treatment, it will take a little more time to recover.

The use of ichtha essential oil in the bath is especially recommended during the cold season.