Nursery design for children of different sexes. Design of a nursery for children of different sexes (52 photos) Design of a room for 2 children of different sexes

Making a children's room for two children of different sexes is an interesting but painstaking task that requires a comprehensive creative and practical approach. In a limited space, you need to organize zones for sleeping, relaxing, playing and studying, you will have to take into account the wishes of each small family member, his psychology and preferences.
A joint room for young children is beneficial, and parents, too, being together, the kids learn to play, share toys, do a common thing, which in the future will become the basis of strong friendships. Observation of the younger child for the elder contributes to the rapid development of useful skills. To create an organic atmosphere in one room, to combine two halves into one whole is a completely solvable task.

What is the best place to start

First of all, decide on the design idea that you want to introduce into the interior of the children's room. Engaging a professional will make the job much easier, but not necessary. For children, simplicity, comfort, the presence of elements that delight them are important. Set aside modern solutions for the latest fashion trends for the future when you decide to settle the children in different rooms.
Think about what zones you can create in the available square meters, which is required. Children should be comfortable. It's good when being in your own space is a pleasure. Ask the children how they see their room, be sure to take into account something of the above at the stage of planning and considering the details of future repairs.

A properly designed room will save parents from restless "helpers" who unload wardrobes with clothes and kitchen drawers.

Kids are delighted with cartoons, fairy tales, toys. Every child is an individual. Why not decorate some areas with images of the heroes of your favorite characters. The design of a children's room for two children of different sexes can be themed: a zoo, a jungle, a fairy-tale land, a playground, and much more that little mischievous people will like.

We share space

The children themselves usually like the division of the common room into halves. How exactly it will be possible to do this directly depends on the imagination, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. There are plenty of options for marking the border between the zone of the boy and the girl.
The large area of ​​the children's room allows you to realize any idea, not to hold back the flight of fantasy. It is possible to beautifully divide the space with the help of:

  • interesting false partitions;
  • asymmetric near-wall structures;
  • screens, curtains;
  • arrangement of furniture in groups.

A room can be visually demarcated by combining two colors or shades. The idea of ​​applying a fabulous pattern on the walls will surely please and be perceived by children with delight, emphasize the sleeping areas of your son and daughter with accessories that characterize their interests. Dolls, cars, soft toys, everything that each of the kids like is suitable here.

Decorating walls, floors, ceilings with various finishing methods is rare, without the help of a professional it is not always possible to do it right. It is not necessary to completely share the room. It is enough to give individuality to the sleeping and relaxing area with the help of interesting decor, leave the games area common. Furniture choose the same style for a harmonious combination. Give preference to safe, reliable designs without sharp corners.

Children's color scheme

Painting opposite walls in different colors, especially pink and blue, is a radical, slightly outdated option. Do not use too bright and contrasting shades. The atmosphere of the nursery assumes a calm, comfortable environment for children. You should not get hung up on a purely feminine and masculine palette, which over time will begin to annoy the children themselves. Too dark finishes are not recommended.

Proper zoning of space

Zoning the room should be given special attention. A comfortable and practical layout of the room involves the presence of such components:

  1. sleeping places;
  2. study corner;
  3. play space;
  4. place for personal belongings, clothes.

It is necessary to consider the arrangement with two beds. Healthy sleep is important for the growing body of the child. Places for rest should be located in such a way that, regardless of whether two children sleep or only one, they do not interfere with each other. Try to arrange the work area away from the beds, then the older child, doing homework, will not disturb the younger one during sleep. Place a writing desk, one large or two, in front of a window, good natural light is important for maintaining vision. Take care of sources of artificial light, small nightlights near the cribs, children like to fall asleep with them.

Materials for the children's room

When choosing textile products, remember that the health of the child comes first, give preference to environmentally friendly materials that are practical to use and easy to clean.
Curtains, bedspreads, bed linen complete the whole atmosphere and create a mood. For a child, the quality of the fabric is not so important as prints and patterns. Choose interesting options for the nursery, corresponding to the invented design. Cotton, linen and polyester are most preferred. Avoid synthetic fabrics, especially in bedding. Refrain from abundant small jewelry, sequins, rhinestones, fringes.

Synthetic carpets also have advantages:

  • dirt-repellent, antistatic impregnation;
  • relatively low price;
  • ease of cleaning;
  • large selection of colors and patterns.

While the children grow up, learn to be neat, there will be repeated cleaning and cleaning, make sure that the carpet is easily restored to its original form. Similar requirements apply to furniture, from which traces of paint, felt-tip pens, plasticine and glue will have to be washed. Too high a pile will serve as a secluded place for storing small debris and toy parts.
In the first years of life, children absorb all the information around them like a sponge. Create a fascinating world filled with bright characters, heroes of your favorite animated series, fabulous animals and birds. Regardless of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe children's room, the available finances, it is within the power of all parents to equip a cozy environment where children will spend time with pleasure.

The interior of a children's room designed to accommodate two children of different sexes is sometimes an overwhelming task for parents, especially financially. The design and zoning of such rooms has many nuances, both in terms of ergonomics and in terms of design solutions. How to properly plan and divide the space for a boy and a girl - in our article.

Repairs in the room for a boy and a girl must begin with preliminary planning and zoning, because both children need their own personal space. But it is better to maintain a single design style, dividing the room with a color or another zoning method - this is what we will talk about.

At first glance, there are no pluses in the fact that a brother and sister will share one room, no. Especially if they are of different ages. However, this is not quite true:

Firstly, none of them will be bored and, if necessary, each can turn to the other for help or advice.

Secondly, it is living together that strengthens the relationship between brothers and sisters.

Thirdly, children learn to respect the personal space of another, not to spoil other people's things, and to better observe order and discipline.

Also, when decorating a room in different color shades, children understand their belonging to a particular gender.

It should be noted that by placing children in one room, parents in a sense save space, especially if they share a two-room apartment with their children. Well, the ideas of rooms for a girl and a boy will help to get out of the situation.

How to share a room for a boy and a girl

If we are talking about a room with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bmore than 18 square meters, then for separation, you can build full-fledged plasterboard partitions in order to allocate each child their own space, even if it is very small. Most often, for children of different sexes, parents allocate the largest and most spacious room in the apartment - this is the only way to talk about some kind of separation. The erected partition will help not only divide the room into two living areas, but also serve as a support for the built-in wardrobe.

But if the room has an area less than the specified one, then every square meter is counted and we are not talking about a capital partition. Then a reasonable question arises: how to zone a room for a boy and a girl living together?

  • Open shelving and cabinets. They serve not only as a partition, but also as storage places for toys and books.
  • Drapes, curtains. Light and airy curtains will not overload the space, but will make it clear that the room has two purposes.
  • Screen. The advantage of this item is its mobility - if you remove the screen, you get a large, spacious room. The screen can be used, for example, in the evening, when one of the children is already getting ready for bed, and the second is still doing homework.
  • Different floor levels. For one of the children, you can equip the space on the podium, and if there are high ceilings, equip the "attic".
  • Partitions made of wooden beams and beams. A modern solution is to use wooden beams to divide the space. Such a partition allows light to pass through, but can be used as a support for a table or hanging shelves.

A modern approach to arranging the interior of a children's room for a girl and a boy will allow you to use all the space to the maximum, using it both horizontally and vertically.

What zones should be provided in a room for two children - a girl and a boy together, and which ones should be separated exactly?

The place near the window is considered the brightest and can be used to equip the working area. If the children are both schoolchildren, then they will need two desktops or one large one. Designers suggest using a window sill combined with a work surface arranged along the window. On both sides of the window, you can equip racks or shelves where educational materials will be stored.

It is customary to place sleeping places near the wall, away from sounds and drafts. In addition, children will need a place to play and create. If the guys attend some circle or section, then it will be necessary to provide a place for sports equipment, stationery and other tools that help children develop.

If it is decided to make one common closet for storage, then it is better to place it at the entrance, and so that both children have free access to it.

Children's room for a girl and a boy: design

After the parents have decided on the functional purpose of each zone and divided the room into two equal parts, you can begin to choose the style direction. The task is complicated by the fact that not every style is suitable for a girl and not every one for a boy. So, for example, the characteristic "girlish" direction of Provence does not fit in with the male brutality necessary for a teenage boy. Well, a purely masculine loft is certainly not suitable for a preschool girl. So, what style to choose for decorating a room for a girl and a boy together?

Modern or contemporary minimalism

The most ideal solution for a children's room where two children will live - a girl and a boy. Modern style involves the use of only a minimal set of furniture, the absence of unnecessary decor, the presence of pieces of furniture that do not clutter up the space. Thanks to its versatility, the style is suitable for both toddlers and teenagers, as well as for children of different ages. In minimalism, mostly light colors and shades are used, which push the boundaries and visually expand the space.

Modern style also involves the use of transforming furniture that can be moved and quickly changed its purpose. Another advantage of modern style is its cost-effectiveness - parents do not need to incur additional expenses for decorative details.


Of course, the classic in its classical sense (sorry for the pun) requires a fairly large space, however, for two children it is more appropriate to use modern classics with a minimum of decorative elements and stucco.

As the designers say, "classic is always in fashion", while it involves the use of natural materials and fabrics. And it is not at all necessary to have a rubber budget for arranging a beautiful classic bedroom for children.

A classic-style nursery provides for minimal decor, such as moldings on the ceiling, walls and furniture fronts. It is not at all necessary to choose a central chandelier as lighting, although its presence characterizes the classical direction. You can complement the lighting with wall lamps that match the style of the entire room. Light shades create a relaxed and uncluttered space.

High tech

Technological progress makes us follow many rules, including the interior design of a room for a girl and a boy. Although high-tech can be called cold and restrained due to the abundance of metal and glass, it will fit perfectly into the life of the younger generation. The technical equipment of the room will look especially organic - computers, laptops, modern LED lighting, built-in cinema. But this does not mean at all that parents will go broke on buying technology, one or two eye-catching gadgets are enough.

As for the color for the high-tech style, in the case of a small room, it is better to give preference to light shades - white, gray, milky with bright splashes.


Many may call the loft too masculine style, brutal and cold. However, this is not quite true. The loft is multifaceted, so it can be safely used in the case of interior design for teenage boys and girls. Characteristic features of the loft:

  • open communications (in this case, the main thing is safety), in the nursery it can be ceiling beams, a decorative ventilation duct, lamps without lampshades;
  • high ceilings and large windows without textiles. Of course, this item hardly applies to our apartments, but if there is such an opportunity, then it is better not to close the windows from natural light with heavy curtains;
  • exposed brickwork or concrete walls. The role of such a decor can easily be performed by plaster or plaster bricks.
  • industrial elements - metal lamps, headboard or bedside table with rivets;
  • deliberately rough furniture, as if hastily made from improvised old boards.

Thematic interior for a girl and a boy

Many parents are afraid to decorate a room for two children of different sexes in a certain theme, arguing that children's tastes and hobbies change almost every day. A grown up child may no longer accept a somewhat childish interior with butterflies or cars on the wallpaper. Well, if the kids are also of different ages, then you can forget about the thematic interior? Not at all: you just need to choose a topic that will be relevant for a child at any age.

These areas could be:

  • lego style, where all interior elements are folded and laid out according to the principle of a transformer constructor;
  • forest or zoo (safari, jungle, in this case, the main color scheme will be green or yellow and their shades;
  • a medieval castle: in the girly half it can be something beautiful and magical, but in the boy’s half it can be chivalrous and more brutal;
  • marine theme, relevant for both kids and teenagers;
  • fairy tales and heroes of cartoons or comics.

Having chosen a topic, determine with what details this topic will be revealed: photo wallpaper or a fresco on the wall, textiles on the windows and on the bed, decorative elements in the form of wall posters, paintings, clocks. Even the design of bookshelves and work chairs matters.
Create a room design for a boy and a girl together with the children, listen to their opinion, because they will have to live in this room for more than one year, and the imposed interior can suppress creativity in a child.

Choosing a color for the nursery

When the question arises: how to make a room for a boy and a girl - two children of different sexes, you need to listen not only to architects and designers, but also to psychologists. Color content affects both the development of the child and the mood at a particular point in time. According to experts, the following colors and their shades are suitable for children's rooms:

  • Yellow is truly sunny, uplifting and increases brain activity. The most neutral shade of all, suitable for both boys and girls.
  • Blue or blue. If there is too much of this color, the interior becomes too cold and depressing. Well, in a dosed amount, shades of blue soothe. In a room for a girl and a boy, it can be used in conjunction with other shades and highlight the area for the boy.
  • Green. It is precisely known that green has a positive effect on vision and gives rest to the eyes. It is he who is associated with us with nature, which means that it gives some peace and tranquility. The interior for a boy and a girl can contain green shades in any of the zones.
  • Red and its shades. Quite aggressive, enhances brain activity and is more suitable for phlegmatic people. Well, in the nursery it should be used in small quantities, only to highlight some details.
  • Peach or pink. Pretty gentle, positive colors. Ideal for decorating a zone for a girl in a common room - in such a space she will be comfortable and cozy.

Of course, when a room for a boy and a girl is being designed together, the interior contains at least two pronounced colors - often this is how the space for children is divided. You don't need to be a design expert to understand that these shades should be combined with each other. The following color schemes and combinations are possible (for the space of a boy and a girl):

  • Blue + pink or peach;
  • Blue + yellow;
  • Green + yellow;
  • Green + pink;
  • Gray + pink;
  • Brown + cream;
  • Turquoise + beige.

Of course, this does not mean at all that the entire area for the child should be highlighted with one of the colors. For the background, it is better to choose neutral and light shades, while bright and contrasting tones are suitable for accents.

When choosing a room design for a boy and a girl with children, consider their color preferences, because only in such an interior will they be pleased to be and develop. It will be much easier to choose a color if the boy and girl like the same ones - in this case, you can designate personal zones only with different shades of the same color.


Of course, the most important furniture in the room for two children is the bed. It is they who are allocated the most “trump” place - where there are no drafts. Most often, beds are placed with a headboard or one side to the wall. If the parents decided to use a two-tier structure, then most often it takes place along the wall.

bunk beds

How else can you put two beds in a room (you can find out from the article:), where do children of different sexes live? The most optimal arrangement is tiered, when the entire height of the room is used.

You can even “relocate” both children to the attic, under which to equip a work area or play area. This solution will especially appeal to parents who cannot allocate more than 10 square meters for two children.

Such furniture should always be safe: the bed is equipped with special railings. Please note that there should be enough space up to the ceiling for the child to sit comfortably.

Transformer beds

A sofa bed, an armchair bed or a sleeping place hiding in a closet - such transforming furniture will always save space, but at the same time provide a comfortable rest at night. Another furniture option is a bed that rolls out from under the podium. The bed itself in such structures is quite spacious, and during the day it can be hidden, freeing up space for games.

A sofa bed or chair bed will allow you to lie down and relax during the day, without wasting time folding and unfolding transforming beds. But such models take up more space.

Working space

Even if a girl and a boy living in the same room do not go to school yet, they still need a place to practice creativity, drawing, modeling and crafts. Moreover, it is unlikely that parents will want to make repairs in a couple of years. So, it is necessary to provide in advance a corner for arranging the working space.

If the children are already schoolchildren, then in addition to the desktop, they will need a rack or cabinet for educational materials and stationery. We have already said that it is more expedient to allocate the brightest place for study - near the window.

You can equip a spacious work area by using the surface of the window sill, combining it with the countertop. And on both sides of the window, you can make shelving or bookshelves.

Storage spaces

Storage spaces in the children's room for a boy and a girl are not only closets or wardrobes for clothes and shoes. Parents need to consider where toys, board games and books, stationery and study items will be placed.

If the children get along well with each other, then for them you can equip one spacious wardrobe, divided into sections. In this case, each child is allocated half of the closet, shelves and rods for clothes are built. Designers recommend looking at corner models of cabinets that save space.

Toys can be stored in drawers under the bed or on the lower shelves of the closet. But for the office and books, you will have to equip separate places, closer to the workplace. After all, while doing homework, the child should not be distracted by anything, which means that all important books and supplies should be at hand.


To keep the eyes of the kids healthy, and to create a cozy atmosphere, you will have to think over the lighting scheme at the planning stage. After all, the laying of the electrical wire and switches depends on where and what lamps will be located.

When two children live in a room, and even of different sexes, one central chandelier will obviously not be enough, so you will have to consider the placement of the following light sources:

  • main lighting - ceiling built-in or central;
  • directional light source for work and study;
  • night lights in private areas that can be turned on if necessary.

When choosing a lighting design, it should be taken into account that in the children's room there should not be a sharp transition between light and shadow, and the light itself should not tire the eyes. So, another important aspect is the choice of the right lamps. Modern LED lamps with neutral light perfectly cope with the task.

Depending on the chosen style for a children's room for two children of different sexes, you can also mount the illumination of niches, furniture, cornices.

Room for a girl and a boy together - photos of interiors

Of course, you can talk a lot about the cohabitation of two children of different sexes, but, as they say, “it’s better to see once than hear a hundred times” (or read), so we have prepared an impressive collection of photo ideas for room interiors for a boy and a girl together. Perhaps the photos seen will help many parents arrange such a room in their apartment, creating a cozy and safe environment for their children.

Do you have two children? Lucky. Twice as much happiness and ... responsibility. Parents whose treasures live in separate children's rooms, you can sincerely envy, and those who do not have such an opportunity can take our advice and get a lot of ideas for arranging and repairing a children's room for two.

Children's room design for children of different sexes

The main criteria that you should focus on when designing a nursery are age, gender and individual preferences of children. To please two children at the same time, so that in the end there is no fight for favorite shelves or a children's bed, is a daunting task. Therefore, be sure to consult with children when choosing colors, furniture and other interior elements. Let them know that their opinion is important and necessary for you, even if it concerns a miniature copy of the gingerbread house(if desired and possible, modern finishing materials will make this idea a reality).

Do not forget about their habits and hobbies, it is important to try to transfer their inner world to the interior of the room. Favorite toys, books, cartoons and games - all this will tell you what your dream room should be like. If you want to turn a child's life into a daily fairy tale, don't try to camouflage pastel faceless walls with bright colors. posters with pop stars.

The design in the nursery should be unique, bright and radiate positive. When choosing a color palette, focus on bright, cheerful colors (yellow, orange, green, pink) and their harmonious combinations.

Zoning of the nursery

In fact, you have uncrowned representatives of two kingdoms. For comfortable coexistence, the room is divided into functional areas: work, play and recreation area. Are the children active and prefer moving, interactive or sports games? Take a little more of the planned space under the play area with a dense carpet, wall bars or folding ping pong tables and other board games. If children are of different ages, then the older child will spend more time in the working area.

For the youngest, it will be a pleasure to stay with your favorite toys. When children are about the same age, it is worth considering the option of separate desktops. God forbid you leave children alone with one computer. For peace and family tranquility, allocate additional funds for the purchase of a second device.

Portable ultrabooks and tablets will help save workspace. A nursery for children of different sexes must necessarily include a secluded corner for each child - this is his recreation area. Here the child feels secluded and protected, here you can read your favorite book or just dream without getting into the field of view of even the most beloved brother or sister. Therefore, the use of curtains, mobile transformer partitions is the most preferable option.

With a significant age difference, zoning is simply necessary. Between recreation areas you can place, for example, bookshelf.

Brother and sister in the same room

The most difficult variation of interior design for a nursery, when you have two children of different sexes. Here, a conflict of interest cannot be avoided, but you can try to minimize it. Girls are formed physically and psychologically faster than boys. The difference in tastes can be assessed with the naked eye.

You can visually divide the space into separate zones by decorating them in different colors. But ideally, in a room for two children of different sexes, there should be at least a small partition.

Children's room for two girls or two boys

Here the situation is simpler. You won't have to wrestle with how to balance fragile gender equality, but that doesn't relieve you of the responsibility of accounting for the different tastes of same-sex children. If you are planning to equip a room in one style with two beds, 20 drops of valerian for the night await you in the near future. Being an attentive parent of two sons or daughters (especially) you, of course, will try to emphasize the individuality of each in colors, shapes and design of zones.

Children's room for girls, made in the form of a house with an imitation of a tiled roof on the ceiling, a fence as a railing, voluminous or cut windows

A common nursery for two children of different sexes will become a favorite room for a son and daughter. To equip a children's bedroom on their own without resorting to designers is within the power of each parent. It is necessary to carefully approach the solution of issues of planning, zoning and design of the room.

How to accommodate children with age difference?

Placing children of different ages in a common room suggests one feature: it is necessary to take into account the needs of the child in relation to his age. For example, the youngest child is still in kindergarten, and his older brother/sister is already finishing school. In this case, competent zoning helps out.

At any age, a child needs to provide comfortable psychological conditions, and the situation in the room plays a huge role. Before planning the design of the room, we talk with the children, find out their desires and preferences.

First of all, we estimate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. Children at different ages have different needs, so it is not recommended to divide the room into common areas. Give each child their own space, no matter how small.

Ways to divide the common space into zones

One of the options for dividing a spacious room would be a partition, arch or curtain made of dense fabric. For a small nursery, we use open shelving, screens or different finishes of the two zones.


You can mark the boundaries of personal space with different finishes or colors if the age difference is small. Otherwise, it is necessary to separate at least the sleeping places with a screen.

For children with big age difference

The large age difference suggests two main groups.

Group 1: kindergarten - primary / secondary school

In this case, we equip a common playing area, thereby saving space. Undoubtedly, we plan it taking into account the age and interests of children, so that they have the opportunity to play outdoor games with toys, as well as engage in hobbies (drawing, applications, modeling, etc.).

For the student, we equip the working area, which requires a table, a comfortable chair and good lighting. Large cabinets can be replaced with hinged open shelves or a common rack can be installed. Thus, we can place in it the textbooks and notebooks of the older child, fairy tales and coloring books of the younger.

The sleeping area can also be combined. We designate the bed of each child with additional elements to avoid conflicts, pay attention to both. It can be different bedding, color or shape of the crib.

In a small room we can put a bunk bed or a loft bed. If this option is not considered, drawers under the bed or folding structures will save space, which will free up a significant part of the room during the daytime.

For young children, such designs may not be possible. Then we choose a bed for the younger child, taking into account his height, and the older one will completely cope with the folding option, or call his parents for help.

Group 2: elementary and high school student

We can significantly reduce the play area or completely eliminate it, since both children will be busy with lessons. The number of toys will be significantly reduced with the start of school, and the space freed from the play area is quite suitable for outdoor games.

Be sure to think over the working area, we put a lot of emphasis on it. Each student will need their own standard set of furniture:

  • table;
  • comfortable armchair or chair;
  • cabinets for storing stationery, books, notebooks.

So that the children are not distracted by each other while studying, we place each table separately, at a distance. If this is not possible, we choose tables with a separator partition. Since the need for a play area is practically eliminated, tables can be placed by the window.


We think over the lighting of the workplace in advance in order to install sockets nearby. Extra wires do not fit into the interior.

To save space, choose hinged open shelves or racks. You can make one common rack with books, but at the same time clearly delimit the space.

  • partition;
  • arch;
  • cupboard;
  • screen;
  • curtain.

Joint or separate wardrobe?

Undoubtedly, each child will be pleased to get their own closet or shelves to put their things separately. In conditions of a limited area, it is better to combine the dressing area.

To do this, we purchase one large closet or chest of drawers, and equally divide the shelves and lockers between the children so that no one feels left out.

Perhaps one of the children will want to designate their part of the dressing room, stick stickers or posters. We do not interfere with such impulses, because with a combined wardrobe area, everyone will want to feel their possessions.

We think over the height of the cabinet so that children can independently reach all the shelves. In the uppermost lockers we put things that we rarely use. Remember that cabinet furniture is more ergonomic.

Dividing a small space is tricky, and to avoid wasting precious centimeters, use the following options:

Choose cabinets with mirrors on one or more doors. Thus, you do not have to allocate additional space for a mirror, in front of which the children will gather, and the room will visually increase.

If there is free space, we arrange it for a recreation area. It is enough to put a small folding sofa, a game console or a small table.

For school-age children: equipping the workspace

School is a new stage for children, which involves preparing a room. For study and classes, you will have to allocate a working area, and ideally two. There is a need to increase the storage space for books, notebooks, school or sports uniforms.

How to create a separate workspace?

It is advisable to provide each child with their own table. This will help to avoid confusion in things and possible conflicts.

Depending on age, the set of accessories will be different. For example, a high school student may need a computer for study, and an appropriate desk for it. For preschool children, you will need more miniature furniture to feel comfortable.

If the workplaces of children are located at a remote distance, schoolchildren will more easily concentrate on work, they will be less distracted by each other.

The play area in the schoolchildren's room can be given less attention, or completely eliminated. You can draw, sculpt or do other hobbies at the desk, and the extra space will make the room freer and suitable for active games.

Bedroom and dressing room

We try to have a sleeping area away from windows and doors, so that the children can sleep before classes, and the morning sun or noise does not disturb their sleep.

Beds can be placed side by side, separating them with a screen or chest of drawers. If the difference in the age of heterosexual children is significant, if possible, we plan sleeping places at a distance.

The dressing area is best combined by highlighting a large closet for children. But lockers or shelves for school supplies are made individually for each. These can be sliding shelves in the table, narrow single-section cabinets, hanging shelves or racks.

Is it possible to accommodate three children?

Placing three children in one room is not an easy task, especially with limited space.

To equip a nursery for three, you can consider the following recommendations:

  • We try to free up as much space as possible. Compact furniture will help out, which can accommodate a lot of things, while taking up not much space.
  • We separate for the child his zone. It is necessary for normal development, rest, games, activities.
  • We do not force the room - let each thing have its purpose. An overabundance of furniture, toys and unnecessary things will make the room look like a pantry.

Zoning a nursery for three

To avoid conflict, it is very important to equally distribute the space. So the children will get along peacefully, not envying each other.

Consider the zoning methods that can be followed:

  • We provide each child with an individual space in which he will be comfortable. At the same time, the separated area should satisfy all the needs of the son or daughter.
  • We plan the interior so that the room is conditionally divided into a sleeping, play, work, dressing area.

When dividing the bedroom, consider the following recommendations:

  • We place the sleeping area away from window and door openings. Bright light or noise will interfere with rest.
  • We try to provide the play area with everything you need: for outdoor games you will need additional space, a wall bar, and for hobby activities, a table, additional lockers.
  • It is enough to provide a working or study area with tables, armchairs, hanging shelves for storing books, notebooks and additional lighting.
  • We equip the wardrobe area as ergonomically as possible.

Dividing the bedroom into zones is a profitable solution if space is limited. It is better to divide a large room into individual zones for each child.

How to combine and combine different zones?

In most cases, some zones can be combined. This allows you to rationally use the space and not overload the interior.

The sleeping area can be combined with a dressing room. To do this, we use ergonomic options:

  • loft bed;
  • a bunk bed with a wardrobe supporting the second tier;
  • three-tier bed, with built-in supporting wardrobes for tiers. As a rule, the third bed in such beds is usually located perpendicularly.
  • bed with drawers for storage.

Play area can be combined with relaxation space. Also consider excluding a zone. If all the children are of school age, there is no need for a large play area. Preschool children will not need a work area for classes.

What elements to use to divide the space?

To conveniently arrange children in one room, it is necessary to divide the space. Zoning methods will directly depend on the dimensions of the room.

architectural elements

The architectural elements include partitions, arches, podiums. Sharing a room with their help is possible only if the area of ​​the room is from 12 sq. m. The layout of the bedroom and the location of the structures will have to be thought out even at the repair stage, since it will not work to complete such elements on your own.

Unauthorized redevelopment or changes in structures sometimes require coordination in certain instances. Otherwise, the intervention may result in fines or difficulties in selling the apartment.

Decorate with lighting fixtures

With the help of light, you can also achieve zoning of the room. A well-lit room visually looks more spacious. We supply the room with basic lighting, and for each zone we select additional lighting fixtures.

Sleeping places are supplemented with muted lamps or lamps with adjustable brightness of light. We definitely supply the study area with bright light, each child needs to allocate a table lamp for classes.

The play area can be decorated with LED strip. It comes in different colors and will perfectly dilute the interior.

We select furniture

The standard set of furniture for a nursery is:

  • table;
  • armchair;
  • bed;
  • cupboard.

It can be replenished with new items, however, it becomes problematic to fit a double set for both children into the room.

In conditions of space saving, special requirements are placed on furniture for a children's bedroom.

Choosing a bed

A very popular option is a bunk bed, and most often its analogue with a perpendicular arrangement of lying places. A closet can serve as a support for the upper bunk, which both supports the structure and saves space.

Consider the height, weight category of the child and the height of the ceiling when choosing a bed. When sitting on the upper bunk of the bed, the distance from the head to the ceiling should be at least 10 cm.

The beds can also be arranged in one row along the wall, and between them arrange a small partition or purchase a bed with a ready-made partition at the head. As a rule, such partitions usually have a rounded shape.

Considering folding furniture:

  • sofa;
  • ottoman;
  • beds.

Modern models and systems will not make it difficult for a school-age child to make their own bed. Thus, children are provided with their own sleeping place, which, when folded, does not take up a significant area of ​​the room.

Pull-out shelves and drawers under the bed also help out. They can store bed linen, pajamas, towels, etc.

Set up for students

The following options will help to avoid conflict between students:

  • Separate work areas, that is, two different tables. Each young schoolboy in this situation has his own desk, his own workspace.
  • One large long table that will become a common work area. You can divide it with a small partition or with the help of desktop organizers.
  • Transformed window sill. A very convenient option is to strengthen and expand the window sill, equipping it as a study table. However, the size of the window should be taken into account - such a solution is feasible only for large dimensions.
  • Long table along the wall. It includes two full-time jobs. Comfortable working areas, space for a computer, shelves for storing all accessories and the absence of conflicts are clear advantages of a long working surface.

The workspace must be well lit. Provide additional artificial lighting for each student, especially if the tables are located away from the window. As light sources, use table lamps, lamps or spotlights.

Storage furniture: cabinets, racks, shelves

A separate advantage should be given to ergonomic cabinets. We pay attention to the number of shelves and departments inside the cabinet, think over their number in advance.

The following points will help organize the space ergonomically:

  • We use the corners in the room, this is a useful space into which corner cabinets and shelves will fit.
  • If possible, we fit shelves, chests of drawers or cabinets into a niche.
  • Hanging shelves are able to accommodate a lot of necessary things, while they look stylish and do not overload the interior. This principle also applies to shelving.
  • In a limited space it is rational to use a closet. You don't have to leave a lot of space to open its doors, and the mirrors on the movable profiles will visually expand the room.

For children, you can purchase one large wardrobe, but divide it into two parts. So each child will get his own place, learn to take care of things on his own.

You can designate different halves with the help of interesting stickers or stickers that will differ in color, shape or characters from your favorite cartoons.

Seat selection

A chair on wheels is perfect for work. It is convenient to move and adjust the height and inclination of the back. If it turns out that the mobile chair is too large, you can choose a regular comfortable chair, taking into account the height and dimensions of the child.


Stools without a back are not worth buying. It is convenient to slide them under the table to save space, but an uncomfortable stool will only spoil your posture, disrupt the correct position of the body during work.

  • Do not use dark colors for walls, ceilings, floors.
  • To visually stretch the room in height, we select wallpaper with a vertical strip, to expand the room - with a horizontal strip.
  • To stretch the room lengthwise, we lay the parquet board or laminate parallel to the direction of the walls; to expand the room, we lay it radially or perpendicular to the long walls.
  • A 3D patterned ceiling will elevate a room and add space. A cloudy sky drawing is a great option for younger children. For older people, a more stylish and discreet option is suitable, and you can put an LED strip around the perimeter of the ceiling.
  • It is not recommended to divide the space with color or finish.
  • Don't forget about adequate lighting. We promote the penetration of daylight: use light tulle or blinds.
  • We select the most ergonomic and compact furniture, most often it is cabinet furniture.
  • Adding more drawers, folding structures.
  • We use hinged shelves and only open racks.

How to increase?

In houses with Khrushchev apartments, most often there are no balconies; loggias are designed instead of them, which do not stand out from the general facade.

When allocating rooms at the stage of repair, we choose a room with a loggia as a nursery. Having received permission for redevelopment, we increase the space of the room by demolishing the wall.

If the wall is load-bearing, it will only be possible to partially get rid of it, so we will use one of the following methods:

  • an arch in place of the wall, which will free up space and support the structure;
  • demolition of the window and doorway, the wall remains in its place. Convenient and not expensive way;
  • we will convert the window sill into a countertop, add hanging shelves, and on the loggia we will make a play area for children.

If we plan such a layout, we will definitely insulate the loggia and carry out repairs in full. One transverse wall can be used to store toys - just nail wide open shelves.

For adult children on the loggia, you can organize a study area or a place to relax.

How to efficiently allocate space?

When arranging a room for children of different sexes, proper zoning comes first and is the main key to success. Zoning is determined by several parameters: layout, furniture arrangement, color scheme, lighting organization.

With the help of additional facilities and furniture

A partition, screen or shelving acts as an additional structure. This is the best way to divide a room, however, not always feasible due to limited space.

The position of the door and window openings determines the layout. If the front door is located opposite the window, there are two options for arranging furniture:

  • Beds and wardrobes run along the free walls.
  • The beds are arranged in one line (perhaps with a sufficient length of the room - a wall of 4-5 m).

Then the play or work area is located by the window, and the cabinets are along the free wall or in the corners of the room.

You can separate the space with a podium, most often it is used for a play or sleeping area. The podium should not be too high to avoid injury.

Additional lighting

Lighting actually plays a huge role, it can be used to highlight existing areas and transform the interior.

  • Arrange the main lighting - this is a bright chandelier or lamp that will illuminate the entire room or play area.
  • Provide work tables and bedside tables with additional light sources.
  • Fashionable and modern option - spot lighting. It is used in niches, podiums, hanging shelves, etc.

If there are two children of different sexes in the family, and there is only one children's room, then a lot of effort will have to be made to ensure that it fully meets the needs. To do this, when decorating the interior, it is necessary to take into account all the interests of children, their preferences in colors and the characteristics of each of them. It is worth discussing with the boy and girl all the valid options, schemes and solutions, highlighting those that the son and daughter liked more. The task of parents is to find an alternative that would suit each child. If done correctly, the result will be a room where children can play both together and separately. Everyone will have their own "corner". A room for children of different sexes should ideally look harmonious and creative, and also arouse interest from the side of the son and daughter.

What is the difference between an ordinary nursery and a heterogeneous one?

Unfortunately, some parents do not understand that a room for children is very different from a regular room designed for living. Its design must be approached, carefully considering each decision. In order to ensure maximum comfort and coziness for your kids, you will also have to learn how to properly zone the room. It is it that will minimize disputes between brother and sister, which means that conflicts over personal territory will be avoided. Thanks to separation, everyone will have their own personal space. Photos of children's rooms for children of different sexes used in the article will help you understand what ideas are in question.

The main task is to create zones, but simply dividing the room into two parts is not enough. It is necessary to choose the right furniture, accessories, highlight the dominant colors. And of course, we should not forget about the age and interests of the children themselves.

Choice of colors

In order to properly divide the room, you need to use color schemes. This method, among others, is the most successful, since the zone allocated to each can not only emphasize the character of a boy or girl, but will not occupy the total space in the room. Choosing shades, you should not focus on any one. A room for children of different sexes should have dominant colors in equal proportion. Otherwise, it may somehow offend one of the children. Designers recommend using universal colors that blend well with each other.

When choosing a color scheme, it is important not only to decide what the walls and floor will be like, but also to complement each “line” with your own accessories. They can be rugs, curtains and other decor. Thanks to them, a room for children of different sexes will look complete and complete. You can use items that differ both in theme and color.

Examples of interiors using a palette

Professionals offer two interesting and eye-catching solutions.

  • Use of contrast. When choosing this option for creating a design, you need to highlight two dominant colors, one of which will “belong” to the boy, the second to the girl. The main thing is that, when combined, they give a strong contrast. Similar solutions can be yellow and blue, pink and green, and so on.
  • Single color design. In such a design, the main thing is to use as many tint options of the same tone as possible. For example, if purple is chosen as the main color, then the part of the room related to the girl can be painted violet, while the rest of the space can be painted plum or lilac.

One-Stop Solution

If children can't decide what suits them or what color combination they like best, you can use a neutral theme. For example, the vast majority of children like animals. You can stop right there. A fairy-tale castle is also a neutral subject of design. The boy in this case will act as a knight who conquered the dragon, and the girl will be able to feel like a princess. There are actually quite a few common themes. And if the children have not yet been able to find their interests, then it is the universal interiors that will help bring their plans to life. And a room for children of different sexes will look attractive.

Selection of furniture and other accessories

Very often, when creating a nursery interior for two children of different sexes, “bleached oak” is used, which looks interesting and solid. To prevent the boy and girl from resorting to the use of a large amount of artificial light, it is necessary to provide a natural source. Therefore, for a nursery, it is best to choose a room with wide windows. In order to visually expand and complement the natural light, it is necessary to decorate the walls and floor in light shades. Light curtains do not interfere. When creating a common interior, it is important to take into account all the interests of children, find something in common and use this detail to combine zones. A room for children of different sexes (photos are available in the article), which contains two different worlds, divided by a conditional fuzzy line, looks much better. Moreover, such an interior will allow children to treat each other's interests with maximum loyalty and kindness. If a son and daughter have been living in a similar room since childhood, then they will develop good relations, develop skills in smoothing out conflicts and finding compromises. Don't think it looks boring and dull. Vice versa. The older the children, the more clearly their love for certain activities, passion for music or photography is revealed. This will add color.

A room for two children of different sexes must necessarily have important and integral details. Sooner or later, items such as a mirror, wardrobe, and various decorative elements will become indispensable for the daughter. The boy will probably be interested in sports, or maybe he will like the guitar. All this must be foreseen and foreseen from the very beginning. You can, for example, immediately install a mini-boudoir and wall bars.

Although a large share of attention should be paid to preferences, do not forget about the ease of use of furniture. It is recommended to use the most ergonomic and comfortable interior items. We are talking about such overall furniture as cabinets, headsets.

Play area

They occupy an important place, so you need to take care of the design of each zone. If the children are very young, then you need to understand that they need a lot of space for a splash of energy and emotions. The boy can install the Swedish wall. For a girl, tables, chairs, an easel and other accessories are suitable. At the same time, brother and sister will happily exchange their toys. for children of different sexes must necessarily include various items for games.

As long as the children are small, you can lay a common carpet or any other canvas on the floor so that they can play together. Over time, when the daughter and son grow up, it can be replaced with two small covers. When making repairs in the room, it would be good to consider soundproofing. This will protect neighbors, parents and children themselves from unnecessary noise.

If we are talking about a room for teenagers, then poufs, armchairs that do not take up much space or are put away in a closet will be suitable. They will come in handy if friends come to visit someone.

Learning area

Each child should have their own place to study. The design of children's rooms for children of different sexes (photos show how different it can be) should not be without such important details. An excellent solution would be a large desk that can be placed near the window. It looks good at the same time a long surface stretching throughout the entire wall. It is this solution that allows the use of artificial light at a minimum level. Separate tables are available upon request.

Age is an important nuance

In order to properly design a children's room, it is necessary not only to build on the preferences of the children themselves, but also pay attention to their age.

A girl and a boy up to six years old will feel great in a common room, they will not have to be separated. At the same time, it is necessary to clearly protect the zones of sleep, games, study, and so on. If the child is in elementary school, then his personal space should be separated with the help of flowers. When the children go to high school, it will be useful to put up partitions. The design of a room for older children of different sexes often implies the presence of such elements.

If the son and daughter have a big age difference, a bunk bed would be a reasonable solution. In this case, the youngest will have to be placed on the first floor, as he may fall. It is also important to curtain the bed. Thanks to this, the child will feel cozy and comfortable while the older brother or sister is doing their own thing. It is imperative to allocate a separate place for the son and daughter, where they will store their belongings, toys and clothes. One desk is enough.

Self-decoration of the room

Why not decorate the room yourself? Moreover, a great solution would be to involve children in this process. For example, when it is already left to bring furniture and place accessories, you can make some decorative elements with them. This will not only bring the boy, girl and parents together, but will also add additional coziness and comfort to the room. It is allowed to use any devices: paints, plasticine and so on. You can create beautiful postcards, drawings, crafts, applications. The design of a room for children of different sexes (photos perfectly demonstrate the attractiveness of such rooms) will only benefit from the presence of such accessories.

Windows must be closed with neutral-colored curtains and curtains. You can also use fabric with patterns that both children would like.

Furniture should be arranged in such a way that it is convenient for both the son and the daughter to interact with it. Even if the locker is used only by a girl, the boy should not suffer from the fact that he prevents him from moving freely around the room. In addition, it is necessary to rationally approach the selection of furniture. If there is not enough space, you can use a bunk bed, folding chairs or a special computer corner. All this will allow the room to be multifunctional, but at the same time it will not be cluttered. If it is necessary to divide the territory into zones, then chests of drawers or cabinets can be used. A room for two children of different sexes simply cannot do without such elements.

You need to be able to choose the right accessories. They should not be superfluous, take up a lot of free space. Small rugs, multi-colored pillows, lamps and wall (table) clocks will be a great solution. You can decorate the girl's closet with decorative flowers or shells, the boy's closet with sailboats or cars.

The room itself is allowed to be decorated in neutral colors. They must be selected in consultation with the children. It would also be useful to pay attention to the design options for rooms, where the walls are painted in different colors depending on the location of the beds. You can use a combination of cream, chocolate and pink with various shades of blue. Such interiors look fashionable, interesting and fresh.

If there is an urgent need for a closed personal space, it is recommended to use a separator. A retractable device is useful if the children have grown up, but still like to spend time together. Screens are also convenient, but they are not suitable for small children. A good solution would be a curtain in the center. The design of a children's room for children of different sexes does not have to include a separator, but it will not be superfluous.

In the event that the size of the room allows, you can install special walls that small owners could decorate on their own. They need to be painted in a neutral shade. A girl or boy can stick posters, photos, stick stickers or draw on the wall. This approach will clearly be perceived by children with a bang.

Bedding should be used only those that fully meet the preferences of the child. The main nuance is that they should not conflict with each other in color.


All the tips described will help create a good and harmonious room for children of different sexes, regardless of age. We have selected the most effective rules, as well as photographs that will help you quickly understand how to correctly organize the personal space of each child. Photos of children's rooms for children of different sexes, proposed in the article, demonstrate beautiful and bright ideas.