What to do with a monthly baby while awake. How to entertain a newborn baby while he is awake

Who is only a month old is not yet able to clearly perceive the world around him and spends most of his short life on sleep and food. Meanwhile, even with such a crumb, you can play and practice, stimulating the emergence and development of new skills.

Perhaps, devoting time to classes with a child of 1 month of life, you will not notice a quick and obvious progress: you should not expect a sharp push in physical and mental development from him. However, doing some exercises and playing is important now: in order to build a house, you need a strong foundation - start building it from the very birth of the baby.

So, how to play with a baby at 1 month old, when the baby spends all the time lying in the crib and cannot speak?

Every parent plays and engages with their baby to one degree or another - even if he does not realize it. For a tiny one, communication with mom and dad, your gentle touches, words, smiles, daily gymnastics are colossal things that give a huge impetus to development and knowledge of the world around.

Activities and games to develop the five basic senses

In the first month of life, the child's organs of vision and hearing are actively adapting to the new surrounding world, so your first lessons with the child will be connected precisely with the development of these systems.

Classes for the development of vision

Use a bright toy of medium size - let the baby focus his eyes, then slowly move the thing in space, changing direction: up and down, to the sides, in a circular motion, bringing the object of observation closer and further away. Such exercises will help strengthen the eye muscles. Another exercise reminiscent of playing with a toy will be your own movement: talk to your child, attracting attention while moving around the room - let him watch you.

Place bright toys on the sides and above the bed - a very useful invention of mankind - a musical carousel - it helps to develop not only vision, but also hearing, rotating and playing a pleasant soothing melody. The kid will be happy to watch such toys. Make sure that the toys are not located on one side of the bed, or change their location daily - the neck of a newborn baby is still very weak, and if the head is turned all the time to one side, you can provoke the development of torticollis.

You can make toys for the baby yourself, for example, by drawing a cheerful muzzle on a piece of cloth or paper and placing the image in the child’s field of vision, or by sewing an elastic band to the trifle - pull the edge of the toy so that it jumps sharply, swaying and periodically disappearing from the child’s field of view.

Classes for the development of hearing and speech

Talking with a child of the 1st month of life is not only necessary, but also very important. Of course, your words are not fully understood by the baby, but he will begin to distinguish intonations very soon. In addition, mother's voice is a means of calming, creating feelings of love and comfort - after all, this is the first voice of another person that he began to hear in the womb!

Another way to develop hearing abilities, as well as a sense of rhythm in crumbs, is to let him listen to music. What musical preferences your child has, only you can understand yourself - some children love classical calm music, others love cheerful perky children's songs, others enjoy the sounds of nature - birdsong, the sound of a waterfall, ... or maybe a concert performed by my mother is the ultimate dream? Experiment with different styles and trends and see how your little one reacts. Remember that a child of the first month of life is not able to stay awake for a long time, and try not to overwork the baby, observe.

By the way, dancing with a child in your arms in the rhythm of a hummed or played melody will help not only develop a sense of rhythm, but will also be an excellent workout for the vestibular apparatus.

You can develop the child's attention to surrounding objects and sounds with the help of rattles - bracelets. Tie a bell or bells to the baby's leg or handle - he will definitely pay attention to the new sounds that arise when the limbs move. Such activities with a child of 1 month will help him in the future to establish control over his own body - when moving, sound occurs, and the child will quickly catch this relationship.

Activities for the development of touch and motor skills

Despite the inability of a newborn baby to hold objects in his hands, touching the palms of different textured materials, as well as objects of varying degrees of hardness and temperature, will be very useful. Such activities with a child of the 1st month of life stimulate the nerve endings that send signals to the brain - an excellent training for the organs of touch.

You can play various finger games with a child at 1 month old, for example, "Magpie - Crow" or "Ladushki" - these exercises stimulate the development of motor skills and the speech apparatus in the future.

Games for the development of smell

For the most complete knowledge of the world around it is important not only to see the picture and hear the sounds, it is important to feel and distinguish smells: how mother's skin smells, frosty air outside the window or fresh foliage after rain, a piece of apple or vegetable soup. Let the baby gradually get acquainted with new smells - say out loud the names of aromas and, in general, all objects that fall into the zone of attention of the child.

In addition to the development of the senses, physical improvement is very important for a tiny person, so gymnastics for newborns is a mandatory activity for a child of the 1st month of life, even if, for medical reasons, the baby is absolutely healthy.

Physical development

Conduct classes during the period of wakefulness of the child, be sure to feed - otherwise he may burp. Lay the baby on your stomach - this position is useful for strengthening the muscles of the neck, as well as for the removal of excess gases. Even light stroking of the arms and legs for such a young creature is already a very good massage, relaxing the muscles, and giving pleasure from communicating with your beloved mother. Physical exercises for the crumbs of the 1st month of life are described in great detail today in many sources. The visiting nurse and pediatrician who visits each newborn little patient can show the main block of classes. Training on an inflatable rubber ball - fitball - is very useful - ask the doctor to tell you how to use it.

Remember that you can play with a 1 month old baby at any time of the day when the baby is awake. It is worth excluding only the time allotted for feeding and going to bed. Do not overload the baby with exhausting workouts - everything should be strictly in moderation, in the form of a game and always on a positive wave.

You can involve dad in training - close contact with the baby will help him establish relationships - after all, not all men realize the birth of a baby immediately, unlike women, for whom the desire to take care of offspring is due to hormonal levels after childbirth. Such activities will help strengthen family relationships, will be useful for the baby, since dad will probably apply his own individual approach to games. A young mother can at this time relax and watch her dearest people from the outside.

The baby has already reached the age of 2 months, and yet so recently he was still quite helpless. Now you notice that his arms and legs are getting stronger, he is learning to raise his head and feels more confident in this position, transferring the weight to his forearms.

The main feature of this age is that during the waking period, the toddler meets his beloved relatives (mom, dad, grandmother) actively and joyfully: he smiles, waves his arms and legs - this is called the revitalization complex. The kid starts to walk, this attracts adults to play together. How can a mother entertain and occupy her growing toddler at home? What can interest a child in 2 months? What games and activities does he need at this age?

Communication with a two-month-old baby is a pleasure: he smiles at loved ones, gurgles happily, learns to demonstrate his emotions (more in the article:)

Games for development. What are they?

When choosing exercises for your baby at 2 months, take into account the abilities and skills that he has already acquired, and direct part of the tasks to the development of new skills and abilities. The baby knows how to make eye contact with the parent - this is the main skill of the child at 2 months. This ability can be developed helping the child focus on a particular subject in a playful way.

During the waking period, the child is actively exploring the world around him, it gives him great pleasure to look at bright objects or drawings that he sees in front of him. An excellent option would be moving objects attractive to the baby in space: you can train the eyes by stimulating the baby's desire to follow objects that are either approaching or moving away. The child will express his approval with smiles and babble.

Fine motor skills can also be exercised at 2 months, because the baby's palms are already partially open. It is also worth playing with the baby with the help of finger massage.

During exercises with fingers, you can simultaneously improve hearing. To do this, accompany the game exercises with poems and nursery rhymes, the rhythmic coloring of which will definitely appeal to the baby.

Sounds attract the child more and more, including sound toys. The interest of the crumbs is expressed by turning the head towards the sound and trying to find its source.

Toys for baby 2 months

The 2 to 4 month period is great for rattle fun. The kid happily studies new toys, and if you can squeeze, bite, listen to sonorous sounds at the same time, then such little things will become your baby's favorite. You will notice a great desire of the baby to reach out to a tempting target and take the toy in his palm. During this period, do not forget to introduce the child to different surfaces and materials: fabric, plastic, rubber or wood.

Bracelets made of soft materials, which can be worn not only on the arms, but also on the legs, will certainly please your baby. Bracelets or mittens with indented bells will help the child realize that his movements of the arms and legs make other objects sound. Observe the child's reaction to new sound objects: if you notice that the baby is frightened of the rattle, postpone acquaintance with it for a while. After a couple of weeks, you can try again to interest the child in a fun toy.

Movement coordination

  • Refuse tight swaddling, do not constrain the movements of the child, let him move. To be comfortable, you can dress your baby in rompers or leave completely naked. The kid learns to coordinate his movements precisely with the free possession of arms and legs - do not slow down this development.
  • The vertical position of the child will rather teach him to control the muscles of the neck, so take the baby in your arms more often, raise and lower the little one, supporting him under the armpits, let his legs push off the support. Accompany such games with encouraging words, this will help stimulate his general motor activity.

Strengthening the arms and hands

Put your thumb in the closed palm of the child. Spread your palm with a smooth movement, massaging the handle from the center of the palm to the fingertips, be sure to massage each finger individually. Help to isolate the baby's thumb, making it a rotational movement. Lightly stroking the back of the hand will help relax the fingers and open the fist, then put the rattle in the open palm.

Try to choose rattles with easy-to-grip handles, it can be in the shape of a ring or a dumbbell: the toy will arouse the interest of the baby, and he will try to take it, touch it, push or hit it. Initially, unconscious movements will become more purposeful with experience. Children whose parents did such exercises with them, faster than their peers, master the skill of holding an object and manipulating it.

Soft toys with the ability to make sounds can be fixed on the crib with an elastic band. At first, the baby will be interested in just touching them, and later he will learn to bring his hands together to hug the soft pet to him. Such game techniques contribute to the development of fine and gross motor skills.

Games for the development of attention

visual attention

The world around a child at the age of 2 months consists mainly of sounds and pictures. Thus, the main organs that are worth "training" are vision and hearing.

  • Help your baby focus their eyes on an object by moving a bright object (rattle or cube on a stick) smoothly into the child's field of vision. The distance to the baby's eyes should be about 25-30 cm. First, drive along an arcuate path, then change direction to smooth movements up and down, while the pace may change.
  • On the walls of the crib, you can continue to hang drawings depicting various emotions of the human face. A tumbler doll received special love from babies at 2 months - if possible, place it near the baby.
  • A spiral made of multi-colored plastic, suspended above the child's head, will arouse great interest in the crumbs. The smooth movements of the spiral from children's touches will delight and amuse.

Concentration of attention on a bright, noticeable object is not just a game, but a real training of the baby’s visual perception and his attention.

auditory attention

To develop auditory perception, you can use the following types of exercises:

  • Shake the sounding rattles from different directions, first at one ear, then at the other.
  • Another exercise is to play different sounds from two rattles. Rattle one from the right ear, then the other from the left. Arrange second pauses between sounds.
  • We fix soft bracelets with ringing bells sewn into their surface.
  • You can make a soft toy with bells yourself by sewing ringing bells into an ordinary soft bear. Hang this toy above the crib so that the baby can reach it with his hand.

Formation of speech skill

Dr. Komarovsky advises to accompany daily actions with speech dubbing:“Time to give my little one a bath. What warm water, bul-bul! Let's swim, koop-koop! Bought, wiped with a soft towel. Where are our creepers? Ah, here they are. Now you're clean, my baby." You need to speak in a soft voice, often call the baby affectionate words: my kitten, sweetie, flower, etc. Gentle intonation, pleasant timbre - all this is very important for the child to develop fully.

We teach cooing: try to attract the attention of a 2-month-old baby more often by bending over him and making various sounds: click, click, call him. Demonstrate throat sounds that can be reproduced: agu, wah, woo, agh-agh, aaaa. Change the intonation coloring of the voice, continuing to walk with a certain sound - after a while you will notice that the baby begins to answer you. Try to reproduce the sounds that the crumbs make - this is the first dialogue with the child. You will see for yourself that entertaining children of this age is a very interesting process.

Clinical and perinatal psychologist, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Perinatal and Reproductive Psychology and Volgograd State Medical University with a degree in clinical psychology

The appearance of a new family member in the house is always a great joy.

In the first days and weeks, young parents get used to the baby, examine it, count fingers, learn to communicate with it, take care of the baby, taking care of her physical health. know: the sooner you start to develop the baby, the smarter he will be. Many begin to take care of mental health even when the baby is in the womb. They study literature, watch special films and programs and know exactly how to develop a child at 1 month, six months and a year.

The earliest development gives impetus to the development of important mental processes in the baby. In order to understand how a baby is, you need to know what he can do at this age. During this early period, the child is in power, he seeks and sucks the breast (a bottle with a nipple), can grab his mother's finger with a pen, turns his head towards a source of light and sound, and can focus his eyes on a bright object.

Before you begin the development of the baby, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the exercises that can be performed with the baby daily. They do not take much time and do not take away strength from a young mother. So, the rules that will tell you how to develop a child in 1 month:

Copy the facial expressions of the baby: looking at you, he learns to recognize emotions.

- "Build faces" while the baby is awake. In this case, your face should be at a distance of 20-30 cm from the eyes of the child.

Show the baby bright objects, swiping back and forth in front of the face so that the baby follows them with his eyes.

Turn on various music in the room, adjusting its volume and tone: this is how the child's hearing develops.

Do a full body massage several times a day.

Lay out a naked baby on fabrics with different textures: this is how

To develop coordination, carry and swing the baby in different directions, put it on a large ball (fitball).

When the parents received the necessary information about how it would be interesting for them to learn about his further upbringing. The kid grows up, his brain develops, the crumbs acquire new skills and abilities. For parents, the time comes to learn how to develop a baby during this period can be divided into seven stages (see table).

0-5 weeks

Conversations with the baby, close listening to music, looking at objects.

5-8 weeks

Give the baby objects of various textures, show bright toys and things, develop an eye.

8-12 weeks

The child understands that objects are moving, follows them with his eyes.

12-19 weeks

Search for familiar objects with eyes, anxiety if mom is far away. Strengthen tactile contact with the baby.

19-26 weeks

The baby has a fear of realizing the vastness of the world. Create additional comfort: a soft toy, a diaper, comfortable clothes.

26-37 weeks

Active knowledge of the surrounding world. Offer the child to study a variety of objects, show how you can manipulate them.

37-46 weeks

Knowledge of the properties of objects, which must be encouraged. Praise the baby, replenish his environment with games and new interesting objects.

Knowing how to develop a child in 1 month and up to a year, following all the rules, you can be sure: the baby will grow up inquisitive and will certainly please his parents with his successes.

The appearance of a child in the family brings joyful chores, coupled with a bit of anxiety.

Parents are worried about a lot of questions, their perception of the baby is always subjective, mom and dad are trying to compare the development of their child with average, very conditional standards. How should he develop, why does he sleep so much, does he see, does he hear ...

How to play with a newborn, what toys will be interesting to him, and do newborns need toys at all? Worry is completely irrational, because it is uncontrollable and arises from the inability to understand your beloved child.

Is it necessary to entertain the baby or how to stop worrying

A week ago, your baby heard and "saw" the world from a prosperous "mother's cradle", he was, as it were, in a protective "cocoon", the world outside of his mother was uninteresting and not dangerous. But the “coming out” took place, and now the newborn is surrounded by other sounds, smells, colors, movements. It would seem that the baby should “absorb” new sensations with his whole being, but he sleeps for almost days, waking up to “eat”. What can be done in those moments when he does not sleep? And is it necessary to somehow entertain him, maybe sing songs or tell fairy tales?

From birth to a month of life

  • First of all, you need to calm down and accept the fact that in the first month of life, the baby will really sleep a lot. This is a period of adaptation to a new state, newborns spend a lot of energy getting used to a different lifestyle, so they need a sound sleep. When the baby is awake for a significant part of the day, but does not cry, is lively and active - this is an exception that is directly related to his physiology, there is no reason for concern. If the lack of sleep is accompanied by screaming, crying, a visit to the pediatrician will not be superfluous;
  • Of course, there are also innate reflexes, but still the baby needs time to “rebuild” the body systems. For minutes of wakefulness, the baby should receive the most important thing - mother's love, warmth and protection. Mom's voice, her smell, smile, gentle touch will help the baby to adapt faster. It is pointless to set yourself up specifically for playing with a child of one or two weeks old, and you should not worry that you will miss some important period for development. On the contrary, the more you try to entertain the child, the faster he will get tired, and the more acute will be the reaction to fatigue. It is good if your attempt ends only with the crying of the baby, but there may be more serious consequences;
  • spend the “NOT sleep” time on hygiene needs (changing clothes, washing up, air baths), but at the same time talk, sing songs, your gentle calm voice is necessary for the child! You can do a light massage or just leave him lying in the crib, but at the same time constantly talk to him. You may not hear anything in response, but the child will hear you, this is his comfort zone, do not deprive him of confidence, keep as much as possible that special contact that united you before his birth;
  • be sure the baby sees, feels and hears everything that happens next to him. If he simply looks, as it seems to you, to "nowhere", in fact, at the age of up to a month, the baby learns to focus on the volumetric contemplation of the object. There is no need to interfere in such a complex process, but to observe the same thing constantly, every day is no longer knowledge, development, or entertainment, so the object of observation must be changed.

A child does not see clearly by a month, he only learns to focus his eyes on large objects, toys, people's movements, so you do not often need to change the situation near the crib, it is better to walk more with the baby. Talk, take him in your arms more often, walk around the room with him, even dance - spend time for the benefit of the baby and yourself.

A child at 1 month old can follow an object with his eyes, turn his head to a sound, “sing” vowel sounds, and respond to his mother’s voice with a semblance of cooing. He sleeps less, spends more time in observations, which means that games are needed that will not only entertain the baby, but also develop. You can entertain a baby only during a period of good mood, when nothing bothers him, he is healthy, full and happy with everything. Otherwise, the most fun game will only annoy the child. Tears and screams are only the smallest "reward" for playing hard.

Simple educational games for babies up to three months

Tactile (touch games) give maximum impressions, during such a game you can stroke your beloved child on the tummy, touch the feet, hands. All games of this kind allow the baby to see the mother's face and at the same time feel her, hear her mother's voice. During the game, you need to sing, children perfectly feel the rhythm of chants, folklore nursery rhymes, the melody of which soothes. Moms entertain the newborn with games-touches from the moment of birth, they took them in their arms for the first time - and here it is, contact, understandable and close.

  • Take the baby in your arms, try to be in his field of vision, let him look at you or at least in your direction. Mom's face is the main object of study for a small person, grimace, smile more often, slowly turn your head to the sides. Already at 2 months, in response to a smile, the child will smile on his own, will be able to follow your movements, turn to your voice.
  • You can also entertain the baby during a massage or swaddling. Stroke his palm, gently tickle his fingers, call him by name, pick him up and shake him, press him gently to his chest - this develops a sense of security and balance. Add music - the child himself will "tell" what kind of music he likes. Rock it up and down (“swing”), but do not lift the baby high, just above mother’s eyes. Tickle your tummy with your lips, gently ask “whose tummy is this? My (name) tummy. To entertain the baby, it is not necessary to buy complex bright toys, sometimes tactile games with mom are enough.

Games - observations of the mother are included in the entertainment "diet" of the child almost from birth, he sees her face during feeding, motion sickness, hygiene or medical procedures.

  1. Put the baby in a chair-chair for newborns, transfer the chair to the kitchen, in the moments of wakefulness, the child will be happy to watch you. Move slowly so that he has time to fix his eyes on you, show a bright towel, a bowl, a shiny spoon - it's all interesting, entertaining and informative in conjunction with your "handmade" singing ("I took a spoon, it's so beautiful, I'll stir the porridge, and then I’ll cook it ... ”- and then everything at a rhythmic pace“ la-la-la, la-la-la ").
  2. Move the chair to the room where you are resting, "tell" what you will do. Yes, most likely, the baby will quickly fall asleep, but he will be next to you, and when he wakes up, he will again see the affectionate kind face of his mother (the game during waking up “who woke up with us? (name) woke up, sees mommy, hears a song”). Improvise, the main thing is your voice, intonation, and a few names of objects - this is already knowing the world through your actions and words.
  3. Leaning over the baby, you can sing simple syllables (la-la-la, gu-gu-gu, ta-ta-ta), you will prepare the "ground" for walking, he will repeat after you, but do everything slowly so that the baby it was time to "focus" on repetition.
  4. Colored toys, mobiles, developing mats, gel balls, tumblers will be useful for a three-month-old baby, but everything is dosed, not in a "tiring" excess. Put the rattle in the baby’s palm, he reflexively squeezes it, then throws it away - this is the development of motor function, a little later the child will hold the rattle longer, will reach for it (games “look what I have” with rattles, bells, tumblers, etc. ). The simpler the shape of hanging toys, the easier it will be for the baby to “catch” them, the longer he will play on his own.
  5. Balloons inflated with helium are generally a godsend for viewing, choose one-color balloons, tie them to the crib. The balls will move at the slightest breath, the baby will be able to watch them for a long time, besides, the balls of the same color can be replaced or removed altogether for a while, and then tied again, but closer to the baby. When he can reach the ribbon (usually this happens in two or three months), the fun will continue - the ball will "jump" even when the ribbon is squeezed in the fist.

You can draw funny faces on disposable paper plates, the child will look at them if you move the “faces” (glue an elastic band on the back of the plate to put on your palm) - the baby will follow them with his eyes. Games "What is it? Such a face, a smile on the face, here comes the face for a walk ... ”and continue improvising. Only plain toys, black and white or a little later colored - this will allow the baby to "see" the difference in colors, you can even notice which color is more pleasant for him than others.

Keep any "entertainment" at a distance of 40-50 cm, not closer! You can pick up a bright rattle and shake it to the sides, when the baby “sees” the toy, start slowly moving it to the sides, a little later up and down. All newborns are farsighted, so you can not hang the mobile directly above the baby's head, hang it a little in front and above. You can make a homemade pendant with rattles tied at different heights, and sing again, attract the attention of the crumbs - “here is a toy hanging, a rattle toy, a beautiful toy, a funny toy.”

The child hears well from birth, but does not know how to find the source of the sound. Entertain him with the sound of a bell, tapping drumsticks against each other, stomping while “dancing” with the baby, and humming everything you do. Acquaintance with the world goes faster if the mother starts playing with the baby in time.

Simple rules for any game

  1. If you see that the baby is tired - urgently finish any game, and during sleep generally remove toys that he can accidentally touch.
  2. It is possible and necessary to entertain the baby with sound toys, mobiles, music, bells while awake, but the child should sleep in silence.

Simple games, simple entertainment and a mother - this is all that is vital for a baby in the first months, there is no need to complicate anything. The child will grow up quickly, have time to enjoy the time when he does not need anything but mommy.