Caring for autumn chrysanthemums in summer. Shrub chrysanthemum garden perennial: planting and care, photo

Caring for chrysanthemums in the fall and preparing these plants for winter are often of interest to flower growers. After all, chrysanthemum is deservedly considered the queen of autumn, and its magnificent flowering continues when other flowers have already wilted.

Caring for chrysanthemums in the fall and preparing these plants for the winter are often of interest to flower growers.

Growing chrysanthemums begins with the selection of a site for them. These plants love warmth, so the area should be well lit by the sun. If the plants are in the shade, they will begin to stretch and the timing of their flowering may shift.

In addition, moisture should not stagnate in this place, so the flower garden should be made on a hill. Before planting flowers, organic matter must be added to the site - compost, peat or rotted manure.

Planting holes are made at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other, in addition, complex mineral fertilizer is placed in them. It should also be borne in mind that this plant loves moisture, so it needs to be watered regularly before flowers appear. It is better to use rainwater for watering. You can take a tap, but it needs to be defended.

At the beginning of development, chrysanthemums need nitrogen, and during the formation of buds, potassium and phosphorus. Top dressing should be done at the root so as not to burn the plant leaves.
You can also use organic matter - bird droppings or rotted mullein, but the dosage must be observed so as not to burn the roots. Before making such dressings, you must first moisten the soil around the chrysanthemums.

Growing chrysanthemums begins with the selection of a site for them

Flower propagation and care

There are several ways to propagate these flowers: cuttings, dividing the bush, and dividing the root. Usually, the transplant is done in the spring. If chrysanthemums were wintering in the ground, they are removed from the ground, separated and planted in another place.

Cuttings are done in February. Flowers are planted in a greenhouse and watered. When shoots appear, the strongest are chosen. They are cut off and planted in the ground with humus, under a film. When the plants take root (after a month), they are transplanted into pots, and when the frosts pass, they are planted in a flower bed and watered well. Having planted, the cuttings need to be shaded, but so that the shelter does not touch them.

There are several ways to propagate these flowers: cuttings, dividing the bush, and dividing the root

Experienced gardeners recommend pinching 20 days after planting the plants - remove the top of the stem, on which there are several nodules. This is done so that the planted bush takes on a spherical shape. If the chrysanthemum is spherical, the cultivation of this variety does not require pinching, since the spherical shape is genetically incorporated in it. The spherical chrysanthemum, as it grows, independently takes the shape of a ball of flowers, where the leaves are almost invisible.

Gallery: chrysanthemums (25 photos + video)

Features of preparation for winter

Chrysanthemum preparation for winter begins in August-September, depending on the region. During this period, the flowers must be fed with fertilizers containing phosphorus and calcium, this will help them overwinter.
Different varieties of chrysanthemums winter in different ways. There are 2 wintering options:

  • the plants are dug up and lowered into the basement;
  • wintering in the open field.

Both the one and the other wintering method involves pruning the bushes. When the autumn cold comes, the plants are cut at a level of 10-15 cm from the ground. Then hilling chrysanthemums wintering in the open field is carried out. It is necessary to huddle so that pits do not appear around the bushes, since water will begin to collect in them, which will lead to soaking of the plants.

If in a given area frosts are replaced by thaws, there is little snow, the flowers must be covered.
To preserve chrysanthemums in winter, one must take into account the weather conditions in the region and the characteristics of a particular variety. For example, leaving chrysanthemums multiflora for wintering in flower beds is possible only in the south.

Preparation of chrysanthemums for winter begins in August-September, depending on the region

Hiding flowers

Usually, the shelter is made like this: several bricks are laid around the bush, and boards or slate are placed on them. This design prevents moisture from penetrating under the bushes and at the same time provides ventilation.

In severe frosts, flowers can be additionally covered with branches, dry leaves, spruce branches.
Any synthetic covering material is also suitable for shelter, just not heavy and not dense, otherwise chrysanthemums will flutter and die in winter. If plants are not protected from moisture, they should not be covered with sawdust, this will lead to damping of flowers.

If the winters are cold, then after the first frost the flowers are removed from the soil with a lump of earth, placed in any container and hidden in the basement. During storage, the bushes must be inspected, as they can be affected by fungal diseases. Having found them, the plants are treated with fungicides.

In the absence of a basement, you can simply dig a trench 50 cm deep on the site and place the plants dug with the ground in it, and cover it with slate on top and pour a 10 cm layer of earth.

But this method is too laborious, and even in such storage facilities, flowers often germinate by the end of winter, forming shoots, which, due to lack of light, lengthen and grow weak.

Spherical chrysanthemums

Now spherical chrysanthemums have become very popular. They are undersized (up to 30 cm), medium-sized (up to 40 cm) and tall (up to 70 cm). Dwarf chrysanthemums can be grown in pots and decorated with them at home. Their low bushes resemble a ball, densely covered with flowers. The most popular varieties:

  1. Knop. It blooms profusely, the bushes are undersized, only 30-35 cm, the flowers are yellow.
  2. Ida. Bushes reach 60 cm, flowers are small, up to 3 cm in diameter. Plants begin to bloom in September.
  3. Multiflora. Small flowers of this variety of chrysanthemums have a wide range of colors, flowering begins in September and continues until frost.

In the fall, when everything is withering around, I really want to enjoy the flowers. And this opportunity is given, planted with late flowering plants. Chrysanthemum is a bright accent of such a flower garden. Despite the fact that garden chrysanthemums are very thermophilic, they bloom well in autumn. And they are not afraid even of small frosts. This explains the fact that many summer residents decide to start it and decide how to plant a chrysanthemum. It turns out that this is not difficult.

Chrysanthemums - planting and care in the open field

The place for it must be chosen so that it is well illuminated by the sun. At the same time, it must be reliably sheltered from the winds.

Chrysanthemum care in the garden is sufficient fertilization. After watering, it is good to feed it with mullein infusion.

Phosphate fertilizers make it possible to form large and strong leaves, as well as prolong flowering as much as possible.

The care that chrysanthemum flowers require is to protect them from pests. If aphids appear, then you need to fight with it before the buds bloom. Because then it will not be possible to cope with this pest.

It is also possible that plants are damaged by spider mites and meadow bugs. In any case, you need to apply special pesticides.

An important point in caring for chrysanthemums is their wintering. Preparation must begin just before the onset of frost. At this time, perennial garden chrysanthemum is cut off. The land around the bush must be huddled and treated with a humanist. When frosts come, cover with spruce branches.

Chrysanthemum multiflora planting and care

Chrysanthemum multiflora

This species is characterized by a spherical bush shape. The advantage of this plant is that it does not require special actions to form, this is inherent in its genetics. Chrysanthemum multiflora is distinguished by abundant flowering. Moreover, the shades are represented by the entire spectrum of the rainbow.

If a pot with chrysanthemum multiflora was purchased at the end of summer or in the fall, then it should be left for the winter in a cool room. At this time, you just need to make sure that the soil does not dry out.

From the cellar to be exposed at the end of April. At almost the same time, it can be planted in open ground. Planting chrysanthemums multiflora is performed in pits with fertilizer. The soil must be shed well. It is recommended to place a neighboring bush no closer than 60 cm.

In the fall, all branches are supposed to be cut. This will allow you to get more shoots in the spring.

Korean chrysanthemum

She is a hybrid. Moreover, different types of Korean chrysanthemums differ in flowering period. They have different inflorescences with a diameter of up to 10 cm and more, as well as the height of the bush. Flowers can be ligulate and tubular. The color of the petals is very wide.

There are three groups of Korean chrysanthemums:

  • undersized (up to 30 cm), which are characterized by early flowering, small roots and a dense bush, they are also called border;
  • medium-sized (up to 50 cm);
  • tall (up to 1 m), they have a large bush and small flowers, chrysanthemums are characterized by late flowering.

Like other varieties, these chrysanthemums are perennial, planting and caring for which is no different from others. The sun, warmth and loose soil are the key to their successful flowering.

Chrysanthemums bush planting and care with formation

These plants have a high growth rate. In one season, the stalk is able to develop into a full-fledged bush. And in order for it to have the correct and beautiful shape, it is necessary to carry out the formation.

Pinching the tops of the shoots should be performed from the beginning of June. This process ends a month before flowering.

Plus, it is necessary to regularly loosen the soil around the bush in the first year in a new place. This will encourage the development of strong roots. From them, in turn, underground shoots will begin to grow. They will form a denser bush.

How to plant chrysanthemums correctly?

For a start, leave this for the spring. It is then that she will have enough time for full rooting. So she will be able to adapt well to wintering.

If the planting material is purchased in the form of rooted cuttings, then before transplanting the chrysanthemum, you need to wait for the onset of heat. Namely, late May - early June. The entire lump of earth from the pot must be carefully removed and planted in the prepared hole.

Chrysanthemums will take root better in a new place if, after planting, they are watered with a preparation that promotes root formation.

If the pots with the plant were stored in the cellar, then they need to be put outside for a week before planting.

Chrysanthemum planting and care in the fall

Cuttings purchased at this time of the year are best taken to a cool room right away. If winters are characterized by severe frosts, then a prerequisite for how to grow a healthy and beautiful chrysanthemum will require digging it up and planting it in a spacious pot.

You need to transplant with the onset of the first frost. A bush from the ground must be taken with a large lump of soil. It must be taken into account that the roots of the plant spread deep into the soil.

The pot of chrysanthemum must be moved to a cool room and when the leaves begin to wither, prune. Leave about 15 cm above the ground.

Chrysanthemums were first grown in China, and it was almost two thousand years ago. This miracle came to Europe much later, and began to spread rapidly to decorate gardens relatively recently - somewhere from the eighteenth century. Later, the plant will receive the popular name "Autumn Asters", all just because chrysanthemums of the genus "Dendranthema grandiflorum" bloom in autumn and are very resistant to frost.

Chrysanthemums really amaze with their color schemes. This is a unique plant, which is distinguished by the richness of flowers, which, with late flowering, decorate the garden almost until the first snow falls.

The peculiarities of our Siberian climate, of course, incline gardeners to grow exactly the autumn varieties of chrysanthemums, because such flowers are less capricious and more resistant to changes in the external environment, but they also need to be looked after. Moreover, it is safe to say that improper or non-periodic care for chrysanthemums will imperceptibly lead to the death of such a beautiful plant.

Planting and breeding chrysanthemums

To get large bushes with abundant inflorescences, you need to choose an elevated and sunny place for planting. From experience I know that if a plant does not have enough light, then it stretches, weakens, and buds do not appear for a long time. The soil should be loose, well-drained so that water can penetrate well. But golden flowers do not like the arrival of groundwater. I noticed that the richer in nutrients the soil, the larger the flowers.

Therefore, before planting cuttings in the soil, we add peat, compost, rotted manure to it. Then we make trenches, it is advisable to put drainage on the bottom, expanded clay will do. We place the cuttings there, depending on the variety, the distance between them is from 35 to 50 cm. To better form the root system, spill the plantings with Kornevin solution.

Planted cuttings are best protected with a covering material first. We propagate our favorite chrysanthemums by the usual division of the bush in the spring, when all the frosts have passed. We immediately plant the divided young shoots in a new place and water them. Some carry out propagation by cuttings. Then in the spring you need to cut off the green shoots (about 10 cm or a little more), treat the bottom with "Kornevin" and place in the ground, covered with newspapers (they retain moisture well). From time to time it is necessary to water the "kids".

Autumn pruning of chrysanthemums

Not all growers believe that chrysanthemums must be cut before wintering. Many consider it unnecessary, but some still practice. The point of pruning is that shortened stems require less resources for their vital functions. It turns out that, thus, the roots of the plant, as it were, retain their strength, therefore they successfully winter. But this is not always the case. Pruning is not a guarantee that chrysanthemums will survive until spring.

Another advantage of pruning is that shortened branches are easier to cover for the winter. They do not need to be bent down and somehow arranged.

Shelter of chrysanthemums for the winter

For wintering in the open field, you can leave chrysanthemums with small flowers, Korean chrysanthemums, as well as chrysanthemums of domestic selection. They should be covered with earth as high as possible. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that there are no holes around the plant where water can accumulate. This leads to the soaking of plants and their subsequent death.
Further steps depend on the climatic characteristics of the region. In the presence of a large amount of snow, the chrysanthemum will be quite comfortable without a specially created shelter. But if in winter frequent thaws are likely with subsequent frosts, it is necessary to protect the plant. How to shelter chrysanthemums for the winter with minimal cost? To do this, you can use straw, fallen leaves, spruce branches, and for the construction of a home-made “house” - bricks, pieces of slate or cardboard.

Watering chrysanthemums in autumn

For irrigation, only settled in a barrel is used, preferably rainwater. Chrysanthemums love moisture, so watering should be plentiful. It is better to use a garden watering can without a sieve, since water droplets on the foliage will negatively affect the decorative effect of the bush. If the soil is not mulched, then once a week it is recommended to weed out the weeds and gently loosen the topsoil.

Fertilizing and spraying chrysanthemums in autumn

When the chrysanthemums have faded, you can fertilize the plants with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. This will restore the strength of the flower and strengthen it before the onset of cold weather. In the process of preparing chrysanthemums for winter, it is important not to skip the stage when you can still fertilize the plant. The last time it needs to be done is mid or late September. By that time, the plant should be trimmed, and in October it will be time to cover it, then feeding will not be relevant.

As for spraying, it also needs to be done no later than the beginning of September, or it can be done immediately after flowering. In this case, you need to carefully examine all the branches of the flower, remove the sick, and then use pest drugs and spray chrysanthemums. This should be done in dry warm weather, in a couple of days the preparations will be completely absorbed into the leaves and stems of the plant. After that, it will be possible to continue further preparation of the chrysanthemum for winter.

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Diseases and pests of chrysanthemums

Of the insects, nematodes most often harm chrysanthemums, whose presence can be detected by the appearance of mosaic spots on the leaves, which darken over time. It is already useless to deal with the given, but as a preventive measure, before the autumn digging or planting (transplanting) chrysanthemums, spray the plants with a phosphamide solution, and treat the soil with formalin. The specimens affected by the nematode must be destroyed.

Another pest of chrysanthemums is aphids, which settle on the lower part of a leaf or bud. The insects themselves, like their larvae, suck the sap from the plant, which slows down the growth and flowering of the chrysanthemum. If you are dealing with a single colony of aphids, then it is destroyed along with the leaves on which it settled, but if the plant is covered with aphids, spray it with Aktellik or Aktara with the addition of laundry soap.

Danger to chrysanthemums are garden slugs and snails, which can devour leaves, flowers and plant stems. But when dealing with them, you need to use an organic approach, that is, apply gentle methods of control so as not to disrupt the ecosystem of the garden, in which snails and slugs perform an important sanitary function. Therefore, in horticulture, preventive measures to combat them are welcomed: the correct selection and combination of plants, the natural control of the number of pests by attracting birds, and so on. If trouble happened and the slugs began to devour your chrysanthemums, collect them by hand, dig plastic rims around the bushes that prevent the slugs from getting close to the bushes, sprinkle the ground around the bushes with crushed eggshells, which will prevent the snails from approaching the plants ... Finally, place them in the flower garden bowls with beer and after a while collect around them your "harvest" of slugs.

In autumn, chrysanthemums bloom on the flower beds. For gardeners, they have long become favorites. Autumn care and preparation for winter is very important for chrysanthemums. Despite the arrival of the first cold weather, they delight the eye with their beauty and surprise with a variety of varieties.

In order for the flowering to be lush and last as long as possible, it is necessary to provide the chrysanthemums with proper care in the fall. It includes the following stages:

  • watering and loosening the soil, weed control;
  • plant feeding;
  • sanitary cleaning (rehabilitation) of bushes;
  • prevention and treatment of diseases;
  • pest protection;
  • pruning and covering bushes for the winter.

Watering and fertilizing the soil for abundant flowering

All plants need watering. Care must be taken to keep the soil moist at all times. Insufficient watering will lead to drying of the buds, and excess moisture will lead to rotting of the roots. Violation of the water regime not only impairs the appearance of plants, but can also lead to their death. After watering, the soil is loosened. This procedure prevents excessive evaporation of moisture, enriches the soil with oxygen. At the same time, weed shoots are destroyed.

Chrysanthemum feeding is carried out from August to September. Plants must absorb nutrients before the onset of cold weather. In order not to damage the root system, fertilizers are applied 2-3 hours after watering or rain. The soil must be moist.

In the fall, chrysanthemums are fed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. They contribute to abundant flowering, increase the plant's resistance to adverse environmental conditions. After all, wintering in the open field is stress for plants.

The globular chrysanthemum, or multiflora, has become a favorite of many gardeners. A dwarf (about 60 cm) bush can grow both in the open field and in flower pots. Spherical chrysanthemum is a decoration of any garden. It begins to bloom earlier than others: in early August. Its bushes look like balls that cover bright flowers. They can be white, red, burgundy, yellow, or orange.

For chrysanthemum globular, cultivation and care is the same as for other flowers. But there are some peculiarities:

  • does not need to trim the bush, since its shape is genetically determined;
  • in order for the crown to be lush, the plant needs good lighting;
  • watering should be moderate;
  • during the growing season, the spherical chrysanthemum is fed with nitrogen fertilizers, and during the budding period - with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers;
  • after the end of flowering, the aerial part is cut off, leaving stems 10 cm high.

Wintering chrysanthemums in the middle lane (video)

How to protect plants from diseases and pests?

Shrub sanitation is the removal of dry, rotten or diseased stems. This will improve the appearance of the plant and prevent the spread of infection. Chrysanthemum can be affected by such fungal diseases: gray rot, powdery mildew, rust, septoria. Of viral infections, chrysanthemum is most often affected by speckled mosaic. Diseased plants are immediately dug up and destroyed.

Chrysanthemum affected by infectious diseases and pests is sprayed with special preparations. Processing is carried out in warm, windless weather. In the fight against fungal infection, the following agents are used: Bordeaux liquid, colloidal sulfur, copper-soap emulsion. Not only infected plants are processed, but also healthy bushes.

To prevent the spread of infectious diseases, preventive measures must be followed:

  • plant plants at such a distance from each other in order to provide the bushes with adequate lighting and air circulation;
  • treatment of garden tools with a disinfectant, for example, a solution of potassium permanganate;
  • timely identification of the affected plant and taking appropriate measures.

Sometimes insect pests settle on chrysanthemums: aphids, nematodes, meadow bug. Such plants must be treated with Aktellik or Aktara. Spraying with a solution of laundry soap will help get rid of insects. Bushes affected by nematodes are destroyed. And the rest of the plants are treated with Phosphamide.

How to shelter and preserve in winter (video)

We cut and insulate the bushes

Preparing chrysanthemums for winter begins with pruning and hilling bushes. Pruning helps to reduce the nutrient intake of plants, which increases their frost resistance. Pruning is done after the plants have faded. The branches are cut with pruning shears at a height of 10-15 cm from the ground. Cut bushes are easier to shelter from frost. Therefore, it will be easier to ensure the preservation of chrysanthemums in the open field.

Among the varieties of chrysanthemums wintering in the open field, Korean chrysanthemums and hybrids of Russian selection are distinguished by high frost resistance: Malchish-Kibalchish, Evening Lights, Krasnaya Moskva, Everest, Youth, Lilac fog, Camomile.

To preserve their favorite flowers until spring, gardeners insulate the bushes for the winter. The covered plants are covered with a layer of sawdust, straw or dry leaves 35-40 cm thick. There should be no insects in it. Such a shelter will protect the roots from freezing.

You can build a shelter using the tools at hand: old boxes, boards, bricks and slate. They serve as a frame, which is covered with a breathable material and fixed. Do not use plastic wrap as a cover. The greenhouse effect that occurs underneath it causes root rot.

Wintering chrysanthemums under a special shelter will help preserve the plants until spring. Buildings can be covered with snow on top, which will provide additional protection from severe frosts. This will help the plants overwinter in harsh cold weather. With the arrival of the first warmth, I clean the shelter, clean the bushes of straw and sawdust.

Most varieties of chrysanthemums overwinter outdoors. But what about the varieties of chrysanthemums that cannot hibernate under cover? How to keep plants until spring? Large-flowered chrysanthemums, foreign hybrids, as well as grown in greenhouses are dug up and sent to the basement for wintering.

It is necessary to provide chrysanthemum multiflora with wintering indoors, as it does not tolerate frost. With the onset of cold weather, spherical bushes are dug up and transplanted into wide flowerpots. Further planting and grooming will take place indoors at room temperature. Low-growing bushes do not take up much space.

The land for planting a flower is chosen loose. You can add a little sand and peat to it. As a drainage, small stones, perlite or polystyrene are placed on the bottom of the pot. A bush planted in a flower pot needs good lighting and watering. Once the globular chrysanthemums have faded, they should be pruned and placed in a dark, cool place. A frost-free basement is suitable for this.

Some gardeners organize wintering for chrysanthemums in the cellar. At the first frost, the plants are dug up with a lump of earth and lowered into the cellar. Chrysanthemum is stored in wooden boxes in winter. The room temperature should be within + 2 ... + 5 ° С. Make sure that the ground is always moist. The plants are inspected regularly. This storage provides chrysanthemums with protection from the cold in winter. In the spring, the bush is divided into cuttings and planted in the garden or in flower pots.

It was during this period that they require special attention to themselves. The main task is to provide the plants with proper care and preserve in winter. With the arrival of the first cold weather, preparation for winter begins for chrysanthemums. In order for the "queen of autumn" to please every year with an extravaganza of colors and shapes, you must follow the advice of experienced gardeners.

The Queen of Autumn ... this is how the mysterious and a little sad chrysanthemum is called. When most of the summer plants have faded, the chrysanthemum becomes a full-fledged mistress of flower beds, flower beds, container plantings. An unpretentious and surprisingly frost-resistant plant is widespread almost everywhere, although China is considered the birthplace of this amazing flower. It was in this country that this amazing flower was discovered 2,000 years ago! Much later, the delightful chrysanthemum came to European countries, where it successfully took root. There she has been successfully decorating garden plantings since the 18th century. Subsequently, the people began to call the exquisite frost-resistant flower "Autumn asters".

In Russia, they also like to grow amazing chrysanthemums. Today, autumn flowers can be found both in the personal plot and in the botanical garden. They love the late flowering plant and are happy to plant it in open ground twice a year: in spring or autumn.

Planting plants during the fall preparation for the onset of frost can be dangerous. However, the chrysanthemum is beautiful, and most importantly: it takes root very quickly, so it is quite possible to plant the plant in open ground in the autumn.

Autumn care of chrysanthemums


When planting chrysanthemums in open ground in the fall, the main thing is to meet the deadlines. Planting too early can cause the chrysanthemum to grow actively. Thus, the plant will begin to delight the gardener with its wonderful flowering during the first frost, which will lead to the death of the "Queen of Autumn". If the “Queen of Autumn” is planted too late, then she will not have time to take root and gain enough nutrients to survive the cold.

The best time to plant chrysanthemums is the last days of September or the first of October. If the gardener decides to plant the plant in the fall, it is necessary to ensure that root shoots are formed on the bushes. It is believed that in this case it will be easier for the plant to root, and it will survive the cold without any problems.

Some gardeners go for a little trick. They buy planting material in the fall, wait for the flowering period to pass, and then place the plants in a cold spot (for example, a basement) at a temperature not lower than +5 degrees Celsius. In the spring, after a stable above zero temperature is established and the frosts finally recede, the chrysanthemum can be planted with confidence in open ground.

Top dressing

The chrysanthemum should be fertilized before proceeding with pruning and covering the flowers. For this purpose, potassium-phosphorus dressings are perfect. They will help the flower to survive the cold without any problems. Nitrogenous fertilizers should not be used; chrysanthemums can grow from them and die when frost occurs.


Bushes can be prepared for the onset of cold weather immediately after fertilization. This should be done only after the chrysanthemums have completely faded. The bushes should be pruned. As a general rule, the bushes should be trimmed to about a quarter of the surface of the soil.

Summer residents use secateurs to trim chrysanthemums. But here there is one "but": before using the garden tool should be carefully processed. Secateurs can be wiped with alcohol or soaked for half an hour in potassium permanganate. If the summer resident has to cut not one, but several bushes, then the tool should be wiped after each pruning. Thus, the gardener will be able to protect the plantings from infection with infections, fungal diseases or the transfer of pests from bush to bush. Cut chrysanthemums will perfectly decorate the room and bring a feeling of comfort and warmth to the house!

Watering and sheltering

Pruned, fertilized chrysanthemum bushes should be watered. Many gardeners prefer to carry out water-charging watering before the onset of cold weather. For each bush, you need to spend at least half a bucket of water.

They cover the chrysanthemum bushes after all the preparatory procedures for wintering have been performed. Dry leaves, hay, sawdust, spruce branches can be used as a shelter. It is preferable to choose natural materials that can breathe. Under artificial shelter (plastic wrap or roofing felt), the root system of the plant will rot and die as a result.