Window restraints. Door opening stop - how to choose the best option and install it correctly Plastic windows opening stop

October 14, 2016
Specialization: master for interior and exterior decoration (plaster, putty, tile, drywall, lining, laminate and so on). In addition, plumbing, heating, electrical, conventional cladding and balcony extensions. That is, repairs in an apartment or house were done on a turnkey basis with all the necessary types of work.

To begin with, the window opening limiter can imply not only different mechanisms, but also different functions - it all depends on what you are going to limit and for what.

For example, you can block the function of fully opening the sash from children so that the child does not accidentally fall out of the window. Or you can install shut-off valves that provide micro-ventilation mode.

Let's take a closer look at this and find out about the types of children's locks and devices for air exchange from the street.

Window restraints

Note. The very word "limiter" as a mechanism implies a forced reduction of any area of ​​action. And each of them has its own instructions for installation and use.

Children's locks

I. Handle-lock

Perhaps the most popular restraints for plastic windows are metal handles with built-in shut-off valves that can be opened with a key. The advantage of such a lock is that in appearance and general configuration, it does not differ in any way from a standard handle.

Therefore, to install it, it is enough to simply swap the mechanisms. After replacement, you will be able to block the transom in two modes - closed or hinged, from which you can only exit with a key.

II. Padlock

Such a limiter is quite easy to install with your own hands: it is screwed onto the lower flap from the side of opening. Pay attention to the top photo - it is clearly visible there that the working part of the constipation is beveled, which makes it possible to open the transom in tilt mode without using a key.

But here you should be very careful during installation, so as not to protrude beyond the porch and not to support the rubber of the seal, as this will interfere with a snug fit, and the transom will not close.

III. Restraint wrapper

The restraining wrap is very similar in principle to the overhead lock, but it is fixed not on the sash, but under it to the lower profile of the frame - you can see this in the photo above.

The essence of the device functioning here is quite simple - you turn the wrapping flag and lock the mechanism with a key. The limitation here is effective only for the swing mode - tilt opening can also be performed in the closed position of the device.

IV. Mortise lock

In the upper image, you can see what a flush installation of restrictive shut-off valves for plastic windows looks like. According to the principle of operation, the design is very similar to the overhead version and twist.

However, installation is much more difficult here - you need a tool to mill the bottom profile. Therefore, for self-assembly, such a mechanism is not always acceptable. Here, too, only the swing mode is locked - the tilt function is not limited.

V. Handle instead of key

Now let's figure out how to put a handle with a cap, which functions in the same way as the standard version, but is removed after switching to the desired mode. For installation:

  • the native handle is removed;
  • in its place, a socket with a decorative cover is screwed, which moves up and down, opening and closing the adjustment hole.

In fact, this is the same key, only in a few larger sizes.

Vi. Chain stopper

The design of a child restraint with a cable resembles a door chain, only most often a metal cable in isolation acts as a stop here, but there is also a chain.

This version of constipation does not provide for fixing the sash in any particular mode - they all function. Only when opening the swing beam can the transom leave only within the length of the cable, which can be locked with a key. For a child, such protection is sufficient.

Vii. Locking sliding windows

Blockers for sliding systems look somewhat different. For example, it is much more convenient to make a plastic or aluminum window on or a loggia sliding than swinging - this saves useful space.

Of course, here you can adapt such a blocker, which we considered in the first paragraph, but still it is much more convenient to fix it from the side, as shown in the top photo. Several holes are drilled in the frame, and you can fix this constipation in any mode convenient for you and safe for the child.

For most of the blockers, self-tapping screws are used during their installation. When choosing screws, I advise you to limit yourself to a diameter of 3-3.5 mm and a length of up to 15 mm, so that it does not rest against the steel profile inside the PVC.

3 modes of ventilation

  1. Climate handle:

The handle of the right sash is in micro-ventilation mode, the left handle is in the "closed" position

  • some manufacturers of plastic windows provide for the function of small opening in tilt mode even during the manufacture of windows;
  • in fact, you buy a product and you do not need to do anything to make a minimum air exchange - everything is done when arranging valves;
  • these designs have four handle positions:
    1. if the lever is turned vertically downward, this means that the window is completely closed;
    2. a horizontal position of 90 ° indicates the possibility of swing opening;
    3. tilted position upwards by 45 °, this is micro ventilation;
    4. vertical upward rotation allows the sash to be opened in tilt mode.
  1. Comb blocker:

  • a blocker of this type allows you to limit the opening of the sash in several modes, that is, according to the number of recesses on the latch. In this case, there are four of them, but there may be more;
  • this lock consists of two parts - a comb strip, which is screwed to the frame at a distance of one millimeter from the sash and the counterpart, which is placed under the handle;
  • since it is very easy to install a limiter on plastic windows (I mean a comb), even a teenager can do it. For this, one screwdriver and two self-tapping screws are enough.
  1. Climatic valve:

  • the climatic valve is not a lock in the mechanical sense of this term, however, it is a restrictor that regulates the air flow from the street;
  • since the installer fixes it inside the profile, only decorative overlays will be fixed outside (from the side of the street and from the side of the room), which do not at all spoil the appearance of the window frame (they are selected by color);
  • it is noteworthy that the noise level during the operation of such a valve almost does not increase, in any case, you will not feel it, since there is no direct hole here, and sounds are damped against the valve walls;
  • The humidity level is controlled by polyamide sensors due to their own coefficient of expansion, that is, the dampers do not need a power supply.


In order to figure out how to properly install this or that limiter, you need to carefully read the instructions that are usually attached by the manufacturer.

In addition, the installation of some models is described on the site and in the video in this article there is also useful information. And if you have any suggestions, tell us about it on the forum or on this page in the comments.


In the premises, windows are sources of fresh air, which is so necessary in places where people are constantly. Now most people have installed plastic windows for themselves, evaluating their advantages. However, their sealing leads to the need for constant ventilation. In order not to keep the windows open at full swing, window restraints are used.

What is a window delimiter?

A window stop is a part that allows you to control the amount of window opening and fix its specific position. This ventilation method is very popular due to its ease of use and low cost.

The window opening limiter is a special small strip with cut wavy holes that provides a gap between the frame and the window sash, thereby preventing a slightly open window from opening completely or, conversely, slamming down from strong gusts of wind. Such a mechanism consists of two elements: the window retainer itself and a strip with holes. The distance that can be obtained through this mechanism is usually 1-10 cm.

The window restraint consists of two elements: the retainer itself and a strip with holes

Classification and types of window openings

Window restraints are distinguished by:

  • Material:
    • plastic,
    • metal,
    • plastic-metal.
  • Appointment:
    • normal airing,
    • safe.
  • Outward appearance:
    • Euro,
    • domestic.

Of course, plastic window combs are much cheaper, and such material does not corrode, however, it is better to choose a metal one, the body of which is made of alloy, it will last much longer.

Metal window opening stop

What is a limiter for and features of its work

This device is designed to restrict the opening of the window. The windows equipped with such a device are easily fixed in a slightly open position, due to which fresh air is continuously supplied to through the resulting distance between the frame and the sash. At the same time, the window comb sets a firm fixation in the desired position, thereby avoiding strong drafts.

Pros and cons of window restraints

The undoubted advantages include:

  1. Child-safe ventilation.
  2. The ability to set the window opening limiter to almost any window, be it or.
  3. Easy installation technology.
  4. Low price.
  5. Ventilation of the room in cold weather without the possibility of hypothermia.
  6. Secure fit.
  7. Any contamination that appears during operation is easily removed.

With all the presence of such captivating facts, these window constraints also have their drawbacks:

  1. At subzero temperatures, do not leave overnight.
  2. The need to drill additional holes.
  3. The soundproofing properties of windows disappear.

Self-installation of the limiter

How do I put the limiter on? The process of correctly installing this device is somewhat more complicated than it seems at first glance. In order to avoid mistakes, it is necessary to take into account all the small details of the installation, and all the actions described below must be performed carefully and accurately, because it will be impossible to correct errors.

Material and tools that will be needed during the installation process:

  • the limiter itself;
  • retainer;
  • pencil;
  • screwdriver (you can use a regular screwdriver);
  • self-tapping screws up to 12 mm;
  • drill;
  • drill with a diameter of 2 mm;


It is worth noting that for the long-term service of window fittings, it is necessary to carry out all the above operations to install the limiter on plastic windows without unnecessary stress and effort.

The time spent on installation is no more than 15 minutes. The price of a window restraint usually ranges from 30 to 300 rubles. Such a range of prices depends on the material, model and, of course, on the manufacturer.

By replacing outdated wooden windows with modern metal-plastic ones, customers often try to save money. Cost minimization primarily concerns fittings, and many customers of window installers believe that it is the window opening stop that you can do without. In fact, this small device costs mere pennies, and the benefits from it are not at all as small as it might seem at first glance.

We complete our windows

From the very name of this item, it is clear that it must fix the sash either in a given standard position (open / closed / micro-ventilation), or expand this rather narrow list of window possibilities. Some companies offer their customers to purchase a plastic window opening limiter before their installation, which is the most reasonable option, because then the lock fits perfectly to the profile. However, subsequent installation is quite possible, besides, you can use not only the standard limiter model offered by the profile manufacturer, but choose another, more suitable option.

There are several types of window openers, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. You can learn about each of the types, as well as the pros and cons of specific models from this article.

Briefly about the main

So, the limiters presented on the domestic market are of five main types:

  1. Several modifications of combs - there are external and internal, made of PVC, easy to install, in addition, this option is the most budgetary.
  2. Internal window opening limiter, which prevents the sash from swinging open and fixes it in a given position. It is made of metal, has a simple but reliable design, and is durable.
  3. Window opening limiter with a cable - looks quite aesthetically pleasing, it is a construction of a metal core, 5-10 mm in diameter, in a polymer braid, which is easy to wipe off dirt. Strong, safe, has a high level of indicator for opening-closing, because it is practically not exposed to mechanical stress.
  4. A lock-limiter for opening plastic windows, the main function of which is the ability to close the sash with a key.
  5. Hinged opening limiter, with the ability to put the window in the "window" mode.

Different models of these clips can differ significantly in appearance, however, they have a similar principle of operation. An important nuance that needs to be communicated to the master when placing an order is the type of window itself, or rather, what type of mechanism the sash has (swing or tilt-swing).

The comb-limiter is the bestseller

Undoubtedly, the most popular model of a device that fixes metal-plastic windows is a comb. There are several models of this type of device. More often than others, it is customary to use an external window opening stop. The comb is then positioned from the visible part of the sash. It looks unpretentious - it is a plate with grooves, which is attached to the immovable part of the profile, and the second part of the device is screwed to the sash - a hook adjusted to the size, to which the bar clings. Due to the fact that it has 3-4 connectors, this allows you to fix the window in several positions. The comb is also a good opportunity to install an opening limiter for wooden windows, because it does not require integration into the window system mechanism.

There are also more complex mechanisms - these are internal restraints, which are also made of plastic (white or brown, less often of other colors). There, the comb is part of a sliding mechanism that is installed between the sash and the profile.

Under lock and key

Some modifications of stoppers are systems with locks that are locked using special keys. Among them is the window opening limiter, which is located directly in the handle. In the closed position, it disables the possibility of opening the window wide open, but the function of ventilation and micro-slots remains.

This model assumes, first of all, security, because it is an additional means of protecting the premises from intruders. It is also a good way to keep children and pets safe from falling out of the window.

Complex constructions

From a technological point of view, the most labor-consuming installation and operating principle are internal restraints. Models from this series provide braking of the sash and prevent it from opening wider than 90º. This device is very small, it is equipped with three slots that help to adjust the opening angle of the window.

The advantage of using this method of fixing is its invisibility, however, it is better to install it at the time of assembling the window itself, so that it is more convenient for the master to adjust all the moving parts of the structure (hinges, handles, opening systems).

Safety comes first

The most common reason for installing a restraint is for child safety. Curious by nature, they often like to spend time by the windows, watching what is happening outside the house. Unfortunately, cases when babies fell out of the windows, leaning against a mosquito net, are happening more and more often.

By installing such a lock on the window, parents will be able to prevent tragedy, without depriving the kids of the pleasure of looking out the window and without closing it tightly. Ventilation of the room is also often complicated, because it is not always necessary to open the window wide open. Depending on the season, it is necessary to adjust the width of the gap sufficient to ventilate the room. Opening limiters will help you find the best option and ensure comfort in your home.

The last, but not least, reason for installing a limiter is to protect the slopes and walls from damage resulting from excessive opening of the window. This can be done by the owner of the premises by negligence, or it can be the result of a draft. In any case, it is better to initially install a limiter, the cost of which does not exceed several hundred rubles, than to subsequently engage in repairs.

Master or hand-made?

The installation of the window opening limiter can be done independently if the model of the lock is external. Then you need to attach the parts of the limiter to the sash profile and frame. Before fixing the elements, you need to outline the places in which they will be placed. The clamps are fixed with self-tapping screws using a screwdriver or screwdriver.

It is better to entrust the installation of devices with more complex modifications to specialists. Even minimal intervention in the window system can lead to a violation of the mechanism, and then the window will loosely adhere to the frame due to the displacement of the elements. As a result, the window will lose its noise-insulating and energy-saving capabilities.

To prevent the door from slamming, not opening / closing spontaneously, so that it can be fixed at any angle, there is a door opening limiter. There are many types of limiters. They differ from each other constructively, in location, in design. You can choose an element that will be combined with the rest of the door hardware.


1. The simplest floor door stop is a wedge with a non-slip base. Designed to restrict the door so that it does not open wider than necessary.

2. Another floor stopper is pushed onto the door at the bottom. It is equipped with non-slip feet that rest on the floor. When opened, the door is released from the groove and set in motion.

3. Magnetic door stop. Consists of a clamp with a magnet, located on the floor, and a counter plate on the canvas. When opened, the parts are connected and hold the door in a certain position.

4. Wall-mounted door stopper (swinging lock) - an element that is installed on the screws in the place of the wall where swinging of the door should stop. When opening, the door rests against it and does not hit the wall. Such a door opening limiter is conventional and magnetic.

5. A latch that is attached to the casing at the top of the box. When turning down at a right angle, an obstacle is set to slam the door. In order not to damage the canvas, wall stoppers are equipped with rubber gaskets or made of soft materials.

6. The C-shaped plastic retainer is put on the end of the door leaf and thus prevents the door from slamming.

7. Opening angle limiter. A metal device that is installed on the door. The brake pad is equipped with a pedal. The pedal is depressed to fix the blade. To set it in motion, the block is lifted by means of a lever.

8. Limiters-latches. Inside apartments they are most often used in bathrooms and kitchens. Usually it is a tongue, which, when fixed, fits into the corresponding groove of the striker. There are also magnetic varieties.

Video "Installing the door stop":

9. Entrance door latches. When installed, the door from the outside cannot be opened with a key. Magnetic catches prevent the door from slamming when you enter the stairwell.

The choice of the door opening limiter is determined by the purpose, ease of use, design and features of the room (for example, if the apartment has a warm floor or an expensive floor covering, wall clamps are preferred).

Window sash opening stop (aka "comb", aka "crocodile") is a window ventilator. Consists of two parts - a comb (a small strip with grooves) and a retainer. The latch is attached to the movable window sash, the comb itself is fixed to the frame. Note that the window comb simply locks, but does not lock, the window.

Combs are used for variable room ventilation on pivot PVC or wooden windows. Provide the ability to fix the sash in 2 planes: vertical and horizontal.

Plastic comb (fit under the handle)

There are options:

4-position plastic comb. Length - 10 cm.

Plastic comb with 5 positions. Length - 12.5 cm.

The set includes painted fasteners installed under the handle of the plastic window to the window opening stop.

Materials from which the comb for plastic windows is made:
- metal part under the handle made of painted galvanized metal,
- body - made of high-strength ABS plastic.

The principle of the comb

The comb window limiter is the most economical option for limiting the sash opening.

The principle of operation is very simple: depending on what kind of fresh air flow you want to provide, the size of the gap between the sash and the frame is selected, the slotted strip is thrown over the protruding pin of the retainer.

The window comb can be installed on any plastic windows from any profile. And not only on the windows! The comb can also be placed on the balcony door.

What is a "comb" window stop for?

The window sash limiter in the form of a comb (crocodile) is needed to limit the opening of the window sash. A window equipped with a comb can be easily locked in the open and ajar position. Fresh air will enter the room through the gap formed between the frame and the window sash. In this case, the comb will provide rigid fixation of the sash in the position you need. This allows you to avoid strong drafts when airing the room, which is especially important in winter.

In addition, if you have pets, like a cat, who love to sit on windowsills and look outside, then such a restraint is a must for you. Through the narrow gap left by the limiter, your beloved animal will not be able to climb onto the cornice and leave you.

Opening stops of the comb sash allow you to leave the fixed window sash unattended, without fear that a gust of wind will open the window.

Comb advantages

  • low price
  • easy to install - no special skills required to install
  • installation "under the handle" allows you to put the "comb" limiter on both plastic and wooden windows
  • the ability to choose the appropriate color - white or brown - depending on the color of your windows.

How to install a comb

To install a comb on a window, you must have at hand: at least one comb, 2 self-tapping screws, a screwdriver.

If you forgot the screwdriver in the garage, you can use a regular screwdriver, as shown in our photo series.

To install the comb on the window, you must first remove the handle from the window sash. To do this, turn the cover and unscrew the handle screws. One screw at the top and one screw at the bottom.

Then install the counterpart of the comb with the rod on the handle.

Replace the handle.

Attach the comb itself to the box opposite the counterpart, located on the sash of the window under the handle, and mark the place of the self-tapping screw with an orange felt-tip pen.

Fasten the comb with two self-tapping screws and a screwdriver (screwdriver). Since the combs can be installed on plastic, wooden or aluminum windows, you need to purchase self-tapping screws yourself, based on the material of the window, they are not included with the combs.

As you can see, installing the comb on a plastic window is an easy process and takes very little time.