Kremlin diet tomato juice. Kremlin diet for weight loss: menu for the week, recipes, video tips

Simple Kremlin diet. Description in full.

In Kremlyovka - the minimum amount of carbohydrates, there are absolutely no sweets, pasta or bread. Instead, natural products are offered, including protein, natural fats,. Studies show: The Kremlin diet (in other words: low-carb) promotes rapid weight loss, improved medical parameters more often than any other. Each of you either knows someone who successfully followed the Kremlin, or heard a similar name. Described the rules/principles in detail for the first time The Kremlin diet Yevgeny Chernykh in his book (you can download it for free) and on the pages of the Komsomolskaya Pravda Kremlin Diet newspaper.

Learn more about low carb. How to use it for your personal purposes? Select a section or continue reading below.

1. Introduction 5. Side effects, myths

1. First acquaintance. " Kremlin diet» .

"Kremlin" means that you eat as little carbohydrates as possible, but as much fat as possible. According to other sources, this is the name of a low-carb, high-fat diet, or "keto".

“Thanks” to annoying advertising, yellow press, second-rate beauty contests, tactless employers, a certain standard of an ideal figure has developed in our minds. It's not even 90*60*90! Folklore unequivocally defines this standard: "Skin and bones." Even for representatives of such professions as a ballerina, a top model, etc., such a standard is not applicable. And there is no standard body weight! There are many individual differences from generally accepted measures that affect body weight, well-being, and professionalism. In addition, age, area of ​​​​residence, climate, heredity, and nationality strongly influence body weight. However, we highlight some average characteristics that will help determine the overweight by the main parameters.

Calculating excess weight is quite easy: let's name a few methods

First method:

The so-called BMI is an index of excess body mass.
How it is calculated: Divide your weight (kg) by your height (sq. meter)

* Normal weight: BMI< 25;
* Overweight: BMI > 25;
* Obesity: BMI > 30.

Second method:

Ratio of waist (cm) to hips (cm) (F/R).
FROM/OB women should be< 0,8, а у мужчин < 0,9. Тогда, если этот индекс выше рассчитанной величины, вес снижаем, так как риск возникновения такого заболевания, как ишемическая болезнь сердца напрямую зависит от объема талии /бедер.

Third method:

It is necessary to assess the metabolic rate: the level of triglycerides, blood glucose, total cholesterol. The standard is defined as normal if the blood glucose level is 6.0 mmol/l; total cholesterol 5.2 mmol/l; triglycerides 1.6 mmol/l.

Fourth method:

Nutritionists have deduced calculation formulas that determine a certain “Ideal weight”. The title is, of course, arbitrary. These formulas help determine the body weight to which it is desirable to strive. It takes into account the dependence of sex on age, height, physique.

On our website we present the calculation according to Broca's formula:

For decades we have been told that fat foods are unhealthy! Therefore, fat-free "diet" products, often full of sucrose, fructose and other "chemistry", flooded supermarket shelves. That's what became the main mistake! Such commercial marketing, the main purpose of which is to make a profit, has started the obesity epidemic!

Recent research shows there is no reason to be wary of eating natural fats! Fat is our friend. By following the Kremlin, we simply minimize the consumption of sugar / starches. In addition, you can eat a great variety of other delicious foods until you are satiated - and still continue to lose weight ...

How is this possible? Everything is very simple: sugar / starch stops entering the body, while the blood sugar level normalizes; the hormone that is responsible for the accumulation and storage of fat falls. There is a sharp increase in fat loss, so the feeling of fullness will come much faster with smaller portions of food eaten, the daily menu will be reduced, causing weight loss.

Studies Prove: The Kremlin Diet Makes You Lose Weight Easier, Improves Your Ability to Manage Blood Sugar Levels Despite Others Benefits.

Kremlin diet exclusively strange, but at the same time - phenomenal a diet that

  • feel hungry forbidden!
  • You can play sports, but not necessary!
  • On Kremlyovka, you should eat only when you REALLY want to eat and as much as you want!
  • and, most importantly, forever forget that "you can not eat after six in the evening"! It is possible and necessary!
  • the use of dry wines, dry champagne,. However, remember: any alcohol catastrophically increases appetite, negatively affects health! So: you can, but you don't need to.

Consider the basic principles and rules of the Kremlin diet. According to the generally accepted established opinion, the Kremlin consists of four progressively developing periods. Let's call them steps or stages:

1st step (stage) characterized by the launch of methods for processing body fat.

The first step should be continued for at least two weeks. The maximum amount of carbohydrates consumed in this step should not exceed 20 points (recall: 1 point = 1 g carb. (And carefully read the labels on the products).

The first step of the Kremlin is especially difficult and fundamentally important:
In the first step, use in one serving. ( come in very handy!)
Following all the recommendations of the Kremlin diet, it is possible to lose up to 10 kg in the first two weeks.

It is likely that at a certain point in time the weight will stop decreasing or even increase slightly, you will be overtaken by a feeling of dissatisfaction with yourself and the results achieved, then just extend the 1st step (stage) for some more time (but not more than one week) ... Set each step yourself depending on your health, but not more than three weeks.
If everything goes according to plan, the rate of weight loss is acceptable, everything suits you - go to the 2nd step (stage).

2nd step (stage) characterized by functional weight loss.
In the functional weight reduction step, the duration of which is in direct proportion to the rate of weight loss (approximately four to six weeks, it is allowed to increase accordingly by 5 points / week until you reach 40 points, and if the weight continues to decrease, then it is allowed to move on to the next weight loss stages.

IMPORTANT! Don't forget:

  • Drink water often.
  • Five to six hours: The longest possible break between two meals.
  • Do not eat up, so to speak, "to satiety."

In the event that you notice that you have begun to gain weight again, return for a number of days to the First Step for 20 points.

3rd step (stage) the restructuring of the body to a new nutritional system and a gradual transition to the preserving Fourth Step begins.
It is better to stretch this step for the longest time - two to three months.
It is allowed to add up to 10 points/week respectively to the previous menu.
In the third step, do not be alarmed if the weight suddenly "froze" in place or decreases very slowly. The slower the better. No matter how much you want to "speed it up" - refrain.

It is fundamentally important: at this step (stage), using the “trial and error” method, we select how much carbohydrates we can afford so that the weight progressively decreases. From practice: the largest number of people fit sixty points a day.

And now, finally, the goal has been achieved: You have lost weight ...

4th step (stage) is characterized by creating your own unique nutrition system that will guide you for the rest of your life.
You should not conclude from the Fourth Step that this diet is a one-time promotion, reaching the results in which you will again return to your former gastronomic hobbies.

At this stage, it is very easy to break loose and return to former addictions. Therefore, take special care of yourself and restrain yourself…
Naturally, from time to time, on holidays, it is allowed to allow yourself a piece of cake, but do not organize holidays every day!


  • Allowed to eat: Eggs; meat; elevated; fish; natural fats (for example, butter).
  • Absolutely forbidden: Sugar / starch containing foods (potatoes, bread, rice, pasta).
  • Eatonly when you feel hungry, until you feel satiety and peace. It is so simple! There is no need to "count calories" or weigh each piece of meat. Just forget about industrial-produced "diet" products.

Here are some examples of what we eat:

Kremlin contraindications. Harm.

Most people can safely follow the rules/principles of the Kremlin Diet. But for the following three categories, additional consultations or adaptations may be needed:

  • Diabetes (e.g. use insulin)?
  • High blood pressure?
  • Are you breastfeeding?

IMPORTANT! Start losing weight only when you feel good. We also recommend that you consult with a dietitian, because losing weight under the supervision of a doctor is safe. If none of these groups applies to you, calmly plan your diet!

2. What to eat while observing Kremlin Diet

In this section, we will tell you exactly what you can eat "on low carbohydrates." Preferably, of course, visual guides, detailed food lists, delicious recipes… or a simple starter guide.

Let's start with a quick visual guide to small carbs. Here are the main food groups. Here you can eat everything (as long as you like it):

The numbers above are the number of grams of ug. / 100 grams (3.5 ounces)

Everything is here: below 5% ar. By consuming these foods, one can easily follow a strict "low carb" diet while keeping to less than 20 points/day.

Try to avoid

The numbers above are the number of grams of carb. / 100 grams (3.5 ounces)

What can you drink

One glass of dry wine is fine.

Check out our complete guides to , .

The fewer carbohydrates "enter the body", the greater the impact on weight loss, blood sugar levels. We recommend that you follow our nutritional advice as much as possible. When you are already satisfied with your weight and health, you can try to move on to more liberal stages of the Kremlin (second, third). During the phase of functional weight loss, the duration of which is directly proportional to the rate of weight loss (approximately four to six weeks, we recommend adding 5 points / week accordingly, until you reach 40 points. In the event that the weight continues to decrease, then allowed to move on to the next stage of weight loss.

3. Kremlin buildings: benefits

So why should you eat less carbohydrate foods? There are many potential benefits proven by science and experience, such as these four:

Losing excess weight

Most people start losing weight using a well-known and often highly effective method.

However, the reason why many people eat low-calorie foods is most often due to health effects, such as the following:

Reverse type 2 diabetes

  1. Kremlevka can normalize blood sugar levels and therefore potentially reverse type 2 diabetes.
  2. Reducing carbohydrate intake is also likely to be extremely beneficial in the treatment of type 1 diabetes.

"Calm down" your stomach

Kremlin can lead to a more "calm stomach", less (or no) gas, fewer cramps, less pain...

For most people, getting rid of these inconveniences is a priority benefit. Usually, the normalization of digestion takes only one to two days. Changes for the better begin to be felt in just a few hours.

Reduce sugar cravings

Struggling to stay away from sweets even as you try to limit your sugar intake? Quite a few try, but often "lose this fight" ...

Kremlin, on the other hand, reduces/eliminates cravings for sweets.

More General Benefits

Less acne Less migraine Normalization of blood pressure Less heartburn Increase physical endurance


Breakfast is a great time for a low carb meal. Who doesn't love a classic scrambled egg? Even if someone answered "I", there are great options without eggs.


Is it hard to live without bread?

There are good and not so good low carb options. Spoiler Alert (Important Information Revealed Prematurely): You Should Probably Stay Away From "Low Carb" Bread From Grocery Stores!

Diet with higher proportion of natural fats

Fats, such as butter, olive oil, go well with almost all foods, they wonderfully enhance the taste of the dish. But how to get enough healthy fats on the Kremlin? How much should you eat? Hint: as much as you need to get rid of the feeling of hunger. In other words, until you feel full.

Avoid "Special" Products

Another common mistake in following the Kremlin: being deceived by the "creative marketing" of special "low carb" foods. Remember: in order to effectively lose weight, following the Kremlin diet, nutrition should be based on natural food.

High-carb goodies like chocolate, candy, pasta, bread often use all sorts of deceptive marketing to portray them as dietary, but in reality, they are unhealthy foods - including carbohydrates - in disguise.

How to make the Kremlin diet more cheap

The Kremlin diet, in itself, should not be too expensive. A little guide on how to make it super cheap.

With a little planning, preparation, and awareness, you can save a lot of money:

  1. Try to buy meat, fish, poultry in small wholesale stores.
  2. In the recipe for dishes, we tell you how to cook ingredients that are quite rarely used, such as, for example.
  3. Actively use the system of discounts in chain supermarkets or cash cards.
  4. Some rare ingredients can be purchased from our iHerb partners.

Breaking the rules

To cheat or not to cheat? That is the question. If you decide to cheat a little, then

5. Kremlin diet: negative manifestations

At the beginning of following the principles and rules of dietary nutrition, when sugar / starch ceases to enter the body in the usual quantities, some side effects may appear, as a “global restructuring” begins. The so-called "ketosis" (increased levels of ketone bodies in the blood). For most people, such negativity passes quite gently, lasting only a few days. However, it is desirable to minimize it.

As an option, start the diet gradually, breaking it down, for example, into decades, “listen” to your body for several weeks ... But the Nike motto “Just Do It” (Just Do It) is probably the best choice for most! Giving up sugar/starch often results in the loss of a few pounds fairly quickly: just a few days. Although this is just accumulated excess fluid, but for motivation: super-great!

Here are the side effects you may experience when starting a strict, low-carb, high-fat diet.


By far the most common side effect is called induction flu. This is what makes some people feel bad 2-3 days after starting to lose weight.

General symptoms:

  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • mild nausea
  • Irritability

Symptoms go away quickly as the body adjusts to burning fat. Usually in a week.

The reason is this: foods rich in carbohydrates slow down the removal of water from the body. When you stop eating high carbohydrate foods, you lose excess water through the kidneys. This can lead to some dehydration due to a lack of salt during the first week of losing weight before the body fully adapts, which leads to the above symptoms.

You can minimize induction flu by consuming more fluids by temporarily increasing your salt intake. A good preferred option is: drink a cup of broth or soup, once/twice a day. Symptoms of induction flu will become insignificant or even not noticeable, and will quickly disappear.

So: drink a little more water than usual. Salt a little more.

myths Kremlin

In addition to the usual minor and short-term side effects that can occur (see above), there are many fear myths that simply do not stand up to scrutiny. For example: the brain will stop working if you do not eat carbohydrates. This is a blatant lie.

There are a few other unfounded concerns about low carbs that are mostly based on myths and misconceptions.

Brain vitamin deficiency Cholesterol Thyroid

So: our "low carb diet" - as my child calls it - sets sail! Let's set off on a long voyage across the endless ocean of possibilities... Favorable wind to us! "Seven feet under the keel"!

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The Kremlin diet is a way to correct weight based on limiting consumption. This technique originated from the protein nutrition program developed by the American cardiologist Robert Atkins in 1972. The main difference between the aforementioned diet is the carbohydrate counting system.

“Looking good and at the same time feeling great” is the main credo of any modern woman of the 21st century. The questions of how to achieve the optimal shape, have a slim figure and control your taste preferences have been of interest to the weaker sex at all times. No wonder today there are more than 500 methods of body weight correction.

To get rid of extra pounds, you need, first of all, to regulate the diet. According to low-carb food systems, each product has its own price, expressed in conventional units. Depending on the number of points consumed per day, a protein-fat diet allows you to quickly lose / gain weight and keep the result achieved.

At the first stage of weight loss according to the "Kremlin", the allowable amount of carbohydrates eaten per day is 40 USD, according to the Atkins method - 20 USD. At the same time, the cardiologist focuses on the development and maintenance of ketosis, which is absolutely unsafe for human health. The Kremlin program, unlike the Atkins diet, excludes the development of this condition.

Currently, the most effective weight loss methods are watermelon, protein,. Among the wide variety of low-calorie food systems, it is difficult to single out one that nutritionists approve of. The exception is the popular Kremlin protein diet. Adhering to a low-carbohydrate diet, in 7 days the weight will decrease by 3-4 kg, in two weeks - 8-9 kg., in a month - 12-15 kg.

The greater the body weight, the more intense the extra pounds go.

Let us consider in detail the stages of weight loss, an approximate menu (“meat” and “vegetarian”) for 10 days, 2 weeks, a month, frequently asked questions, calculation of conventional units (points, points), where to start, rules and instructions for the technique, contraindications, what such is a complete table of the Kremlin diet, permissible, prohibited foods, the benefits and harms of a carbohydrate-free diet, recipes for ready meals, a weekly table.

History and essence of the technique

The light diet of American astronauts or the “Kremlin” has several versions of its appearance. According to one of them, it got its name from American astronauts, for whom a special weight loss system was developed. Other sources claim that the best Kremlin diet was invented back in the days of the USSR by the country's leading nutritionists only for high-ranking officials.

For a long time, the technique was under an aura of unprecedented mystery, since the recipe, rules and tips on how to lose weight were not disclosed to anyone for more than 20 years. After publicity, the protein weight loss system began to enjoy wide popularity among all segments of the population.

The principle of the Kremlin diet is based on a sharp restriction of the intake of carbohydrates to make up for the lack of energy necessary for human life, as a result, the body begins to expend internal reserves located in body fat. Due to this, a gradual decrease in body weight occurs.

Yevgeny Chernykh, a journalist for the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, experienced the simple menu of "American cosmonauts" and published a book that provides a detailed description of the diet (Kremlin diet by day of the week), the secrets of the methodology, and a table of ready meals.

The carbohydrate-free weight loss program differs from most diets (for example, Dina Ornish, Ali Gadzhiev, cranberry, apple, cucumber) in that it “allows” the use of “forbidden” foods. According to this method, protein products (fat-free cottage cheese, cheese up to 17%, eggs, fish, lean meat) can be consumed in any quantity. At the same time, sweets, fruits, vegetables, store-bought and freshly squeezed concentrated juices (with the exception of tomato), rice, and potatoes should be excluded from the daily menu.

The Kremlin carbohydrate-free diet is designed to correct body weight without compromising health. For those who want to lose weight, the daily diet should be 20-40 USD, gain kilograms - more than 60 USD, maintain the achieved effect - equal to 60 USD.

You can determine the number of points (1 c.u. = 1g carbohydrates / 100g) in raw foods separately and in the finished dish as a whole using the Kremlin diet table, on the basis of which the menu of this food system is built. In addition, the recipe analyzer presented on the network will help to simplify the scoring.

The most common mistake that slows down the process of achieving the desired result is a violation of the conditions for weight correction (spontaneous increase or decrease in diet points).

The main conditions of the Atkins modified diet:

  • control the amount of carbohydrates eaten per day;
  • do not sweeten anything;
  • lead an active lifestyle.

The lack of physical activity in the process of losing weight leads to a change in the condition of the skin - its sagging. Regular exercise will help prevent the development of such an unpleasant phenomenon and tone the muscles of the body.

Advantages and disadvantages

The primary advantage of the Kremlin diet is its high efficiency (minus 4-5% of body weight in 7 days, 6-8% in 1 month).

Advantages of the technique

Despite the indisputable advantages, this weight loss program has its drawbacks.

Cons of the Kremlin diet

  1. The formation of toxic substances - ketone bodies. The lack of carbohydrates in the daily menu contributes to the fact that the body, for energy production, uses body fat. However, the lack of organic compounds in the diet provokes incomplete combustion of fat, which leads to the formation of toxic metabolic products, the so-called ketone bodies. Excess of these substances causes a life-threatening condition - ketosis. Carcinogenic elements, damaging the myelin sheaths of internal organs (kidneys, liver, brain), cause acute poisoning of the body. However, this condition is often asymptomatic, in a latent form. Therefore, the consequences of intoxication that have arisen can appear only after 3 to 6 months.
  2. Deficiency in the daily diet of dietary fiber. The Kremlin diet for weight loss involves limiting the intake of plant foods, which contain. For this reason, the intestines cannot fully perform the evacuation function, putrefactive processes gradually develop in the organ. This phenomenon underlies the development of dysbacteriosis.
  3. Deficiency in the menu of calcium, beta-carotene, bioflavonoids and vitamins of group B. Poor consumption of vegetables and fruits provokes the development of the following conditions: fragility of bones, teeth, nails, caries, decreased immunity, the appearance of spurs on the heels, the formation of a jam around the mouth, nosebleeds.
  4. Increased load on the urinary system of the body. Excessive consumption of protein foods leads to stagnant processes in the kidneys and gallbladder. As a result, urate and oxalate stones are formed in the organs. Given the fact that animal fats and cholesterol enter the body together with meat products, harmful deposits gradually accumulate in the vessels, which can subsequently provoke their narrowing.

Having studied the pros and cons of the Kremlin, we will begin to identify the side effects of the technique.


When switching to a protein-fat diet, in addition to the table of dishes with prohibited and permissible foods, according to the amount of USD, it is important to take into account the state of one's own health.


  1. Chronic diseases of the urinary organs - pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, impaired functioning of the kidneys. Due to the fact that the Kremlin diet provides an excessive amount of protein in the body, the affected organs are not able to quickly remove the processed decay products. Therefore, uric acid is formed from the purine bases that are contained in meat food. An excess of this substance in the body leads to the development of gout and the formation of urate kidney stones.
  2. Heart disease - angina pectoris, ischemic disease, hypertension. An excess of cholesterol that enters the body with animal products is often the cause of the development of atherosclerosis of the vessels and fatty hepatosis of the liver. Therefore, in the presence of these ailments, it is worth refraining from observing the protein-fat diet.
  3. Diseases of the digestive organs - ulcers, gastritis, metabolic syndrome, intestinal dysbacteriosis, constipation.
  4. Menopause. The absence of fermented milk products in the daily menu leads to calcium deficiency. This condition is especially dangerous for women aged 60 during the period of hormonal changes in the body, since the risk of developing osteoporosis during menopause increases 3 times.
  5. Periods of pregnancy and lactation.
  6. Diabetes. The presence of this disease does not exclude the possibility of using this diet. However, in this case, it is important to strictly adhere to the dollar table, and lose weight - under the supervision of an experienced endocrinologist. In addition, it is important to understand that for patients with pancreatic pathology, a low carbohydrate diet often has negative consequences - the development of hypoglycemia or diabetic nephropathy.

Compliance with the “Kremlin” for more than 1 month causes a deficiency of basic nutrients (, C, A, omega 3, calcium, selenium, copper, zinc), and as a result, metabolic disorders. You can compensate for the deficiency of minerals by including dietary supplements and multivitamin complexes in the daily diet.

Opinion of physicians

Reviews of the Kremlin diet by nutritionists and those who are losing weight contribute to the formation of an objective assessment of this nutrition system. At the same time, many people are wondering: how much can you lose with scrupulous observance of it? Reviews and results of those who have lost weight indicate that the maximum weight loss per week is 5 kg.

The protein diet is appreciated by the world stars of show business (Madonna, Boris Moiseev, Jennifer Aniston). At the same time, Catherine Zethe-Jones, having excluded bakery products and sweets from the diet, managed to lose 19 kg in 3 months. However, the reviews of doctors are not as unambiguous as the opinions of celebrities.

Nutritionist Ruslana Piskoppel, in her writings, substantiated that a low-carb menu often provokes a breakdown in which the lost weight returns again. The nutritionist, together with Professor V. A. Dedali (a member of the International Association of Micronutrition of the USA), as a result of the studies, came to the conclusion that excessive consumption of animal protein leads to the formation of uric acid salts. As a result, Piskoppel believes that such a diet is harmful to the body.

In contrast to the negative conclusion of Ruslana, the medical practice of nutritionist Alexei Kovalkov, and numerous reviews of people who have lost weight, argue the opposite - about the high efficiency of this weight correction system. In his video, the doctor explains how the Kremlin diet works, how many points a day you can eat and what you can’t eat in order to achieve the result (minus 2 kg in 3 days).

Vilena Gurova, editor of the Russian Medical Journal and Da Signa, was convinced by her own experience of the effectiveness of the Kremlin. After completing a weekly weight loss course, she lost 3 kg and described diet recipes for soups (cabbage, mushroom) from allowed carbohydrate-free ingredients, which allow you to diversify the diet of losing weight. The daily portion of first courses is 250 ml.

Based on the information collected, Vilena published the book "The Kremlin Diet in Gurov's Details", which contains a complete table of caloric content of foods and recipes for dishes with points.

Perhaps one of the most active fans of a protein diet is Vladimir Molodov, a fitness trainer and ex-Russian champion in bodybuilding. Also, he is a specialist in sports nutrition. Therefore, it is not surprising that the "Kremlin diet from Vladimir Molodov" today enjoys wide popularity among many athletes.

For lovers of printed publications, there is a book by nutritionist Anna Vishnevskaya on sale. This publication contains a table of points for the Kremlin diet, recipes with points for fish and meat dishes, a list of products that are allowed to be taken. In addition, the book describes in detail the method of cleansing the body to maintain the achieved result.

Given the reviews of losing weight people, the most popular dishes for the Kremlin diet:

  • beef with cheese in sour cream (1.1 c.u.);
  • shrimp soup "tom yum" (16.2 c.u.);
  • salads: cucumber (1.6 USD), cabbage-carrot (17.7 USD), squid (5 USD).

Beef with cheese in sour cream sauce, cooking principle

For 4 servings you will need the following ingredients:

  • 800 g of veal tenderloin;
  • 100 ml;
  • 100 g of hard cheese;
  • spices.

First of all, you need to cut the meat into small pieces and fry for 40 minutes in a pan or “stew” in a slow cooker. After that, the veal is poured with sour cream and sprinkled with pre-grated cheese. Then the dish is stewed until tender for 20 minutes over low heat.

Fundamental Rules of the Method

The key to success in losing weight or gaining weight is strict adherence to the nutrition system, daily scoring, and regular exercise.

The basics of the Kremlin diet, the whole truth about it

  1. Exclude sugar from the diet, because in 100g. of this product 99 c.u. make up carbohydrates. While, at the first stage of the "Kremlin", the daily menu is designed for 20 points, maximum - 40 USD, which is 2-5 times less than the content of organic substances in 150g. sweets.
  2. Maintain water-salt balance. The daily dose of water consumed is 2 liters. It is recommended to drink fortified teas - ginger, a decoction of wild rose, hawthorn.
  3. Control the amount of food you eat. Exclude fatty, salty, spicy dishes from the daily menu. It is important to remember that the Kremlin diet and alcohol are absolutely incompatible concepts. During weight loss, it is worth adhering to a healthy lifestyle, a dry law.
  4. You can't eat. Despite the fact that the table of carbohydrates allows the consumption of foods with a low level of sugar content, their abuse leads to undesirable consequences, namely, distension of the stomach, slowing down the digestion process and weight gain.
  5. Increase the consumption of unsweetened fruits (grapefruit, orange, apples, pineapple, pear, kiwi, tangerines), greens (spinach, parsley, celery, sorrel, dill), vegetables (cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes), low-fat fish (cod, river perch, bream, pike, flounder), lean meats (turkey, chicken, rabbit, veal).
  6. Control scores. Make up a daily diet, while ready-made meals must be checked for the amount of c.u. before use. To do this, you should use a specially designed system - the Kremlin diet table.
    The main condition for losing weight is not to exceed the amount of carbohydrates (points) eaten per day.
  7. Take vitamin complexes to compensate for the deficiency of minerals in the body.
  8. Assess your own capabilities. Before starting to practice the 14 and 30-day methods, it is advisable to preliminarily draw up a Kremlin diet menu for the first week and go through this cycle. At the end of the established period, in the absence of negative reactions from the body, you can safely proceed to comply with the full course of weight loss, designed for 14 days.

Often two weeks on the Kremlin diet are accompanied by intestinal disorders and constipation. This problem can be eliminated by introducing into the daily diet 20g. oat or wheat bran.

The above secrets of the Kremlin diet will help get rid of excess body weight in a matter of days.

Table of products with glasses

For ease of compiling a daily diet, a special points table has been developed. The points in it indicate the amount of carbohydrates contained in 100g of the ingredient.

Complete table of products of the Kremlin diet
Products Points (points) c.u.
Bread, flour products
Lavash Armenian 57
Sweet straw 70
Wheat bread 50
diabetic loaf 38
Borodino bread 40
Sweet pastries 51
Rye bread 34
Grain bread 45
Drying 68
Bagels 58
Rusks, sweet 67
Wheat flour c. with. 68
Wheat flour 1 s. 67
Corn flour 71
Peeled rye flour 64
soy flour 17
Corn starch 89
Potato starch 76
egg noodles 69
Pasta 69
oatmeal 49
Buckwheat 61
semolina 67
Barley 66
pea 50
barley 70
Rice 71
Bean 46
Millet 66
Meat, poultry
Lamb, pork 0
Beef, rabbit 0
Geese, ducks, turkey, chicken 0
cutlets 7
Meat fried in breadcrumbs 5
A heart 0
Meat with sour cream sauce 8
Liver, chicken navels 1,5
Offal beef 0
Steak 0
Pork sausages 2
Sausage (pork, chicken, beef) 0
Beef sausages, pork 1,5
sausages 1,5
Loin 0
Beef tongue, pork 0
Salo 0
Pork legs 0
Eggs (pcs.) 0,5
Seafood, fish
squids 4
Shrimps 0
Boiled fish (sea, river) 0
Crabs, crayfish 2
Fish fried in breadcrumbs 12
mussels 6
Fish baked in tomato 6
oysters 7
lobsters 1
Black caviar 0
Dry seaweed 1
Red caviar 0
Smoked fish, dried 0
Dairy/sour milk products
Low-fat cottage cheese (0 - 1.5%) 1,5
Curds glazed 33
Fat cottage cheese (2 - 9%) 2,8
Milk 4,7
Sour cream 3
Cream 4
Purchased curd mass 15
Kefir, fermented baked milk, curdled milk 4
Homemade yogurt (no sugar) 3,6
Hard cheese 0,5 – 2
Store-bought sweet yogurt 8,5
Margarine 3
Cottage cheese pancakes 18
Butter 1,4
Vegetable oil (any) 0
Table mayonnaise 1,5 – 3
eggplant 6,5
Swede 7
Watermelon 9
Legumes 8
Peas green 12
Turnip 5
Fresh string beans 3
kohlrabi cabbage 7,5
Carrot 7
Zucchini 4
Chinese radish (daikon) 1
Pumpkin 4
Carrot 7
Sweet pepper (green, red) 5
cucumbers 3
Garlic 5
Leek 6,5
Salad with asparagus 3
Onion 8,7
Onions (greens) 3,5
parsley root 10,5
Radish 4
Radish (root) 6,5
Leaf lettuce, basil 2
Cabbage (white, cauliflower) 5
Braised cabbage 4,7
Celery, arugula (greens) 2
Horseradish 7,6
Celery (root) 5,9
Beet 9
Boiled potatoes 16
Cheremsha 6
Tomatoes 4
Sorrel 3
Spinach 2
Parsley, cilantro (greens) 8
Milk mushrooms 1
White (boiled, stewed) 1
boletus 1,5
White dried 8
Honey mushrooms (boiled, stewed) 0,5
Oilers 0,5
Chanterelles (boiled, stewed) 1,6
Aspen mushrooms 1
Sublimated boletus 14
Dried boletus 13
Champignon 0,5
Morels 0,3
Russula 1,6
mushrooms 0,4
Soups / first courses (per 500 g)
Meat broth, chicken 0
Meat solyanka 1,6
Pea soup 21
Borscht green 2
Mushroom soup 16
vegetable soup 17
Borscht classic 6,5
tomato soup 18
goulash soup 13
canned food
Green peas 6,5
Fish in oil 0
Olives 5
fish in tomato 5,5
Sprats in oil 0
Red beans 12,4
tomato puree 12
Corn 14,6
Eggplant caviar 4,9
Tomatoes 4
Green beans 2,6
Zucchini caviar 8,4
Sea kale (salad) 4
Pepper 11
Beet lecho 2
cucumbers 3
tomato paste 19,1
Biscuit cake 52
Brewing cake 62
Halva 56
Paste 80
Sugar, refined sugar 99,5
Shortbread cookies 75
Fruit waffles 82
Honey 75
Gingerbread 77
Waffles regular 66
lollipops 70
fruit ice cream 26
Cream ice cream 22
popsicle ice cream 21
milk chocolate 55
Sweets - fondant 90
Sweetener fructose 50
bitter chocolate 51
Candy caramel 92
Marmalade 76
Chocolate candies 52
Condensed milk 57
Jam strawberry, raspberry 71
Pear jam 66
Apple jam 70
jam diabetic 9
Apricot jam 68
cherry jam (no sugar) 3
Quince 9
Orange 8
Apricot 9
cherry plum 6,5
A pineapple 12
Banana 22
Cherry 10
Grapefruit 7
Garnet 11
Pear 9
Dogwood 9
Kiwi 10
Mandarin 8
Lemon 3
Fresh figs 11
Peach 10
Sea ​​buckthorn 8,5
Nectarine 13
Rowan chokeberry 12
Dates 68
Plum 10
Sweet cherry 11
Persimmon 13
Apples 9 – 11
dried pear 50
Prunes 58
Raisin 66
Dried apricots 53
Dried apples 46
Dried apricots 55
Strawberry 7
Blueberry 7
Cowberry 8
Blackberry 5
Grape 15
Gooseberry 9
Cranberry 4
Sea ​​buckthorn 5
Cloudberry 6
Raspberries 8
Currant red, black 7,3 – 7,5
Rosehip fresh 9,5
Blueberry 8
White currant, yesta 8
Dried rosehip 21,5
Pumpkin seeds 13
Sesame seeds 21
walnut 12
Peanut 15
Cedar 10
Hazelnut 15
pistachios 15
Almond 11
sunflower seeds 17,5
Cashew nuts 25
Poppy 15
The drinks
Tea, coffee, herbal teas 0
Mineral table water 0
Orange juice 10,5
apple nectar 8
Tomato juice with pulp 3,5
grapefruit nectar 8
grape juice 13,5
Plum puree 16
Morse pomegranate 14
Mandarin juice 8
Plum juice normalized 11
apricot juice 14
Morse cherry 12
Carrot juice with pulp 6
Compote of grapes 20
Peach compote 15
Cherry compote 23
Apple compote 20
Compote on xylitol 6
Pear compote 17,8
Beer 200 ml 12
Whiskey 0
Rum 0
Liquor 50 ml 18
Tequila 0
Brandy, cognac 0
Vodka 0
Dry wine (white, red) 1
Champagne 1
Dessert wines 20
Gin and tonic 7
Martini 14-16
Spices, seasonings
Gelatin 0,7
Vinegar 9% (1 tablespoon) 2,5
Salt 0
White wine vinegar (1 tsp) 0,5
Natural apple cider vinegar 1
Red wine vinegar (1 tsp) 0
Ground pepper (1 tbsp.) 1,5
Wheat bran (100 gr.) 33,5
Ground cinnamon (1 tsp) 0,5
Mustard powder (1 tablespoon) 0,5
Ginger root (1 tablespoon) 0,8
Adjika (1 tsp) 2
Homemade ketchup (1 tbsp.) 5
Horseradish sauce (1 tablespoon) 0,5
Barbecue marinade (1 tsp) 0,5
Soy sauce (1 tablespoon) 1
Roasted tomato (4 tbsp. l) 3,5
Meat gravy (4 tablespoons) 3

The Kremlin diet table in products will help you correctly balance the daily diet and control the amount of c.u. in created dishes. However, in the process of losing weight, it is important to understand that you can not eat foods with a high glycemic index.

What you can eat during the day directly depends on your goals and objectives: to gain weight, you should give preference to foods with a high content of c.u. - from 20 points, for dropping extra pounds - from low to 8 points.


The carbohydrate-free method of losing weight involves a gradual decrease in body weight.

There are four stages of the "Kremlin", which differ in duration, menu, list of allowed, prohibited products.

The effectiveness of dropping excess pounds or gaining weight depends on the accuracy of following its rules.

All about the Kremlin diet

Stage No. 1 - "Phase induction"

As a rule, the duration of this stage is 14 days. During the first period, the body adapts to a new diet, the process of fat burning starts (transition to lipolysis mode). The beginning of weight loss is a reduction in the consumption of organic substances containing hydroxyl and carbonyl groups to 20 c.u. per day, complete exclusion from the diet of starchy vegetables (corn, beets, potatoes), confectionery, bakery products, fruits, alcoholic and caffeinated drinks. Menu of the first stage: fats (olive oil, sour cream), proteins (eggs, cheeses, shrimp, crayfish , oysters, poultry, veal, cod, hake, pollock, perch), green vegetables (radish, radish, sorrel, cucumbers, rosemary, parsley, lettuce, olives) can be eaten in any quantity. Preferably 3-4 meals a day. Considering the fact that the first stage of the Kremlin diet is the most difficult to tolerate, you need to diversify your diet as much as possible by preparing dishes from permitted products. Weight loss for a given period depends on the number of excess kilograms, the individual characteristics of the body and ranges from 2 to 10 kg. Acceptable recipes for the first stage of weight loss and their detailed description (spinach with mushrooms, fish and cheese salad, broccoli soup, stuffed pork, crab cheese balls, eggplant medallions, zucchini rolls with mozzarella, salmon in orange sauce) are presented online .

Stage number 2 - "Active weight loss"

The main task of this period is to find the daily rate of carbohydrates that does not prevent body weight loss. At the second stage, the Kremlin Diet program involves the gradual introduction of carbohydrate foods (melon, raspberries, strawberries, lemon, tomato juice, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, walnuts, cashews, peanuts, asparagus, cauliflower, sweet red pepper, tomato, onion, spinach) - no more than 5 c.u. per week. If adding points to the menu led to a slowdown in weight loss, you need to reduce the rate of organic substances to 3 c.u. at 7 days. Stage 2 "kremlin" depends on the rate of weight loss and continues until the target is 2-4 kg.

Step #3 – Diet Expansion

During this period, it is important to gradually introduce foods high in carbohydrates - 10 c.u. per week (cereals, starchy vegetables, nuts, legumes, fruits). It is extremely important to add one new ingredient per day, which will allow you to monitor the reaction of the body. If, after the introduction of carbohydrate products, the weight does not go away, but, on the contrary, it increases to immediately exclude them from the menu. At the third stage, it is important to develop a nutrition system that allows you to maintain the acquired shape and improve the result by 2-4 kg. For the majority of those who lose weight, the optimal amount of carbohydrates in this period is 60 c.u. per day. “Dangerous” foods that can lead to the return of lost kilograms include: pine nuts, sweet and white potatoes, beets, carrots, rice, barley, bread, almonds, pumpkin, sunflower seeds, lentils, beans, grapes, banana , watermelon, strawberry, mango. Therefore, it is necessary to enter these ingredients into the menu for the day very carefully - one per day in moderation (up to 100g - cereals, vegetables, up to 40g - seeds, up to 80g - fruits). On average, a light carbohydrate diet in the third stage lasts 2-3 months.

Step #4 - The Lifelong Diet

After achieving the desired shape, it is important to direct all efforts to maintain the result. The Kremlin Atkins Diet involves maintaining a low-carbohydrate diet throughout life. At the fourth stage, it is important to give preference to those that are of the greatest benefit. These include: sprouted grains, dried fruits, vegetables, dairy and whole grain products, seeds, berries. To maintain the achieved result, you need to count the number of carbohydrate points daily and make sure that as a result of the introduction of permitted foods, body weight does not begin to increase. The positive dynamics of weight gain by more than 3 kg indicates the need to return to the previous stages of eliminating extra pounds.

Throughout the entire period of weight loss, it is important to pay special attention to sports that tone flabby muscles, increase energy levels, improve well-being, speed up metabolism, strengthen ligaments, and stimulate bowel function. In addition, moderate exercise is an excellent way to boost immunity and improve mood, which is especially important during the transition from the usual diet to a low-carb diet.

Frequently asked questions at the first stage

Is it possible to drink coffee during the "Kremlin"?

Undesirable, it is better to give preference to green tea without sugar.

How much can you lose while on a low carb diet?

The Kremlin diet for a week will relieve 2-4 kg, 10 days - 5-6 kg, 14 days - 8-9 kg, a month - up to 15 kg.

Why is the first week accompanied by bouts of hunger, dizziness, loss of energy? What to do?

The Kremlin diet at the first stage is a test for the body, since it is during this period that it adapts to a low-carbohydrate diet. Therefore, at the beginning of the process of losing weight, you need to rest more, walk in the fresh air.

Why the Kremlin diet does not help? How to achieve the desired result?

Often among the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity you can find exclamations: “I’m not losing weight on the Kremlin diet, what should I do?” First of all, do not panic, it is important to analyze the diet, because in 90% of cases the process of losing weight is slowed down by the mistakes made (exceeding the maximum allowable number of points per day, completely eliminating fats from the diet, intensive sports, eating prohibited foods).

To eliminate negative phenomena from the body, it is enough to adhere to the fundamental rules of the methodology.

"Meat" nutrition program for 10 days

Perhaps the most common question among those who are losing weight is: how much can you lose weight on the Kremlin diet. There is no single answer to it, since the result depends on the characteristics of the organism of each person. On average, weight loss per week is 6-9% of total body weight.

Consider in detail the menu for 10 days.

The main products during this period are boiled meat, lean fish, non-starchy vegetables.

Kremlin diet by day

Day #1, 22 c.u.

  • breakfast - cheese - 100g., scrambled eggs with ham, green tea without sugar;
  • lunch - vegetable salad (tomatoes, onions, bell peppers) - 150g, celery soup - 250g, boiled turkey fillet - 150g;
  • dinner - steak - 150g., tomato - 1 pc.

Day #2, $21

  • breakfast - low-fat cottage cheese - 150g, boiled eggs - 2 pcs., ginger tea;
  • lunch - boiled squid - 100g, cabbage soup - 250g, cucumber salad with sour cream - 150g;
  • dinner - steamed chicken fillet - 100g, stewed cauliflower - 120g, rosehip broth.

Day #3, $34

  • breakfast - fried eggplant - 100g., coffee without sugar, chicken sausages - 3pcs;
  • lunch - rabbit chop - 1 pc., vegetable soup - 250g., cabbage salad -100g., - 1 tsp;
  • dinner - steamed hake fillet - 150g., red bell pepper - 1 pc., fat-free kefir.

Day #4, 23c.u.

  • breakfast - vegetable stew - 200g., sausages - 2pcs, coffee;
  • lunch - turkey cutlet - 1 pc., chicken broth - 250g., salad of mushrooms, herbs, onions, tomatoes;
  • dinner - lettuce - 100g., fried hake or boiled shrimp - 200g, green tea.

Day #5, $25

  • breakfast - omelet from two eggs, cheese - 100g., coffee;
  • lunch - beef steak - 200g, celery soup - 200g, cabbage salad with herbs - 100g;
  • dinner - salad of greens and cucumbers - 200g, steamed bream - 200g, kefir.

Day #6, $25

  • breakfast - cheese - 100g., scrambled eggs, unsweetened tea;
  • lunch - fish soup - 250g, stewed zucchini - 100g, cucumber - 1 pc., fried chicken - 200g;
  • dinner - boiled flounder - 200g., salad of sorrel, celery, spinach - 100g., kefir 0%.

Day #7, 27 c.u.

  • breakfast - chicken sausages - 4 pieces, zucchini caviar - 100g;
  • lunch - baked chicken - 200g, meat hodgepodge - 200g, fortified tea, cucumber salad - 100g;
  • dinner - boiled veal - 200g., tomato - 1 pc., fat-free kefir.

Day #8, $30

  • breakfast - scrambled eggs with ham or cottage cheese - 100g, coffee, cheese - 50g;
  • lunch - stewed cauliflower with mushrooms - 100g, beef broth - 200g, cheese - 50g, cabbage salad - 100g;
  • dinner - steak - 100g, cheese 9% - 50g, cucumber - 1pc.

Day #9, $36

  • breakfast - scrambled eggs, cheese - 50g., unsweetened coffee;
  • lunch - boiled liver - 100g, steamed chicken - 200g, cabbage salad - 100g;
  • dinner - stewed turkey with tomatoes - 200g, lettuce - 50g, kefir 0%.

Day #10, $34

  • breakfast - fried eggs from two eggs, boiled porcini mushrooms - 50g., unsweetened tea;
  • lunch - cabbage and beetroot salad - 100g, fish soup - 200g, fried chicken - 200g, tangerine - 1 pc.;
  • dinner - cucumber - 1pc, boiled perch fillet - 200g., fat-free kefir.

The Kremlin diet for 10 days "allows" to use walnuts, peanuts, pumpkin seeds - 70g as snacks throughout the day, dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots) - 100g. and grapefruit, apple, orange - 1 pc. During the day, it is important to combine low-calorie ingredients with high-calorie ones, replace animal fats with vegetable fats, sweets with dried fruits, and eat vegetable salads and protein products for breakfast and dinner.

The Kremlin diet for 10 days is an effective way to deal with 5-6 extra pounds. If overweight is 8 kg, the duration of the low-carb diet should be extended to two weeks, if 15 kg - up to four.

Consider in detail the menu for a month and for 14 days.

"Vegetarian" program for 2 weeks

Considering the wide popularity of the food system, which excludes the use of animal products, we will consider one of the variations of the "kremlin" adapted for vegetarianism.

For beginners to lose weight, the number of points eaten per day should be 40 USD, while subsequently this figure can be reduced gradually to 20 USD.

Kremlin diet for 7 days, menu for every day

Day #1

  • breakfast - boiled cauliflower - 150g., green tea + 1 tsp. Sahara;
  • lunch - vegetarian soup prepared on the basis of smoked mackerel (60g) and beans (200g), freshly squeezed - 200ml;
  • afternoon snack - grapefruit - 1 pc.;
  • dinner - green tea without added sugar, boiled shrimp - 120g, boiled cabbage - 150g.

Day #2

  • breakfast - stewed porcini mushrooms with zucchini - 150g., ginger tea;
  • lunch - sauerkraut - 100g, boiled flounder fillet - 150g, green tea;
  • afternoon snack - carrot juice - 200 ml .;
  • dinner - cucumber - 1 pc., boiled porcini mushrooms - 120g (without spices, salt), carrot juice - 200ml.

Day #3

  • breakfast - rosehip broth, apple - 1 pc.;
  • lunch - sauerkraut - 70g., buckwheat porridge - 100g., green tea with the addition of 1 tsp. sugar, boiled porcini mushrooms - 70g;
  • afternoon snack - ginger tea;
  • dinner - cucumber - 1 pc.

Day #4

  • breakfast - infusion of hawthorn + 1 tsp. honey, sauerkraut - 150g;
  • lunch - boiled rice - 60g, steamed squid - 200g, green tea;
  • afternoon snack - boiled shrimp - 3 pieces;
  • dinner - green peas - 100g, boiled perch fillet - 100g, apple - 1 pc.

Day #5

  • breakfast - green tea; boiled shrimp - 150g, stewed cabbage - 100g;
  • lunch - mushroom soup-puree - 250g.;
  • afternoon snack - grapefruit - 1 pc.;
  • dinner - green tea, honey - 1 tsp, boiled porcini mushrooms - 120g.

Day #6

  • breakfast - freshly squeezed orange juice - 200 ml;
  • lunch - vegetable soup based on carrots, zucchini, cabbage, peas - 200g, ginger tea;
  • afternoon snack - an apple - 1pc or peeled pine nuts - 40g;
  • dinner - sauerkraut or boiled porcini mushrooms - 100g., herbal tea.

Day #7

  • breakfast - cranberries - 50g. or tangerine - 1 pc., black tea, 1 tsp. Sahara;
  • lunch - squash cream soup - 150g, boiled cauliflower - 80g;
  • afternoon snack - apple - 1 pc. or carrot juice - 200 ml;
  • dinner - sauerkraut - 150g., 1 tsp. honey, boiled shrimp - 100g., green tea.

After 7 days of the diet, weight loss will be 3-5 kg, to drop 8-9 kg, the above menu for a week must be repeated again.

How long can you sit on the Kremlin diet of a vegetarian type?

Due to the lack of animal products in the "vegetable" diet, in the process of observing vegetable nutrition, the body will not receive vital enzymes and minerals. Therefore, given the reviews of doctors, it is not recommended to follow this method of losing weight, without compromising health, for more than two weeks.

The 30 Day Nutrition Diet is the complete low carb weight loss program. It has existed since the days of the USSR.

The essence of this Kremlin diet: for the first 14 days, follow the menu for 20 USD, from the third week to increase carbohydrate intake to 25 points, from the fourth to 30.

If, during the expansion of the diet, the process of losing weight slowed down, and the weight is worth it, you need to reduce the number of points consumed per day (example: 1-14 days - 20 USD, 15-21 - 23 USD, 21-28 - 28 USD .), as well as exclude forbidden foods (cereals, starchy vegetables, bread, confectionery, carbonated drinks).

The menu of the Kremlin diet for a month consists of the same products that are included in the "meat" and "vegetarian" nutrition programs.

Instead of sugar, it is better to give preference to low-calorie sweeteners (stevia, isomalt, fructose), dried fruits.

So, the Kremlin diet for 2 weeks is an effective solution to "eaten" problems. The key conditions of this technique are: daily calculation of carbohydrates eaten, do not sweeten anything, do not overeat, drink 2 liters per day, follow a diet, without making changes to the daily diet.

We are waiting for your photos before and after losing weight using a low-carb method!


  1. Novikova, I. V. All about the Kremlin diet. Simple recipes for beauty and health - M .: Ripol Classic, 2007. - 677 s
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Without a doubt, among people concerned with healthy eating and weight loss, it is difficult to meet a person who is not familiar with the basic principles of a diet for weight loss. One of the most popular diets for weight loss is the Kremlin diet, which offers to eat according to the points table, where each product is rated by conventional units.

The whole point of the diet comes down to the fact that the prohibitions apply only to carbohydrates, and protein and some plant foods can be consumed with virtually no restrictions.

Table principles for losing weight

The main principle is the limited consumption of carbohydrates. Not getting enough of them, the body begins to use up its reserves of fats.

The daily diet is calculated in conventional units or points. Each product is assigned an index equal to a certain number of points.

1 point = 1 g carbohydrate

If your goal is to lose excess weight, then it is allowed to make a menu with a daily score of no more than 40 points.

If your task is to maintain the achieved body weight, then the diet can be supplemented with products for another 20 conventional units, i.e. the total number of points should not exceed 40 - 60.

It is very simple to create a daily menu, having a table for losing weight indicating points for every 100 g of a product or individual fruits. By counting the amount of food on the table that you are going to eat during the day, you can achieve impressive results!

The Kremlin diet is considered not so much low-carbohydrate as protein.

For example, if 100 g of boiled meat equals 0 points, then 100 g of black bread is already a full daily allowance, equal to 40 units. Thus, protein foods can be consumed with virtually no restrictions! You can not only eat proteins in any quantities, but as often as you want!

There is only one condition for complying with this menu - the use of purified, non-carbonated water in an amount of more than 2 liters per day. This is very important for maintaining a healthy water-salt balance and active removal of metabolic products and toxins.

It is also important to realize that protein nutrition increases the burden on the kidneys, so to help the kidneys, you should drink herbal kidney preparations, rosehip broth and tea, not forgetting that you can not add sugar.

How to make a food table

The menu of the Kremlin diet according to the points table is very exciting! It is recommended to create for yourself your personal diet with your favorite foods. The principle of compiling such a regime is simple: a blank sheet of paper must be divided into three columns and filled in by selecting the foods that you usually eat in the proposed scoring table.

First column: "may"

Lovers of meat, fish and dairy products can only rejoice! This includes all low-calorie vegetables. Thus, without going beyond the first column, you can eat tasty and varied, moreover, the weight will not only not increase, but also actively go away! Products from this column are included in the menu with almost no restrictions.

Second column: "rarely possible"

Products that we include in the second column should have a higher index. When compiling the menu, they must be included carefully. At the initial stages, it is more effective not to add ingredients from this column to food, i.e. their use is limited.

Third column: "no"

In the third column, we include favorite products with the highest number of standard units. They can not be called forbidden, but 100 g of products from this column often exceeds the entire daily allowance! But there is an opportunity not to limit your menu, using proteins and vegetables from the first! That's good motivation, isn't it?

So, let's get down to making a personal spreadsheet!

Table of the Kremlin diet for losing weight


(100 g)


(conventional units)


(100 g)


(conventional units)


Wheat 50 Cream crackers 66
Rye 34 Rye cakes 43
Borodinsky 40 Wheat flour premium 68
Riga 51 Wheat flour first grade 67
Lavash Armenian 56 Seeded rye flour 64
Diabetic 38 Corn flour 70
Grain bread 43 soy flour 16
Sweet buns 51 Potato starch 79
Bagels 58 Corn starch 85
Drying 68 Pasta 69
Sweet straw 69 egg noodles 68


Buckwheat 62 Millet 66
Buckwheat (prodel) 65 barley 66
semolina 67 Rice 71
oatmeal 49 Peas shelled 50
"Hercules" 50 Beans 46
Barley 66


Beef, veal 0 Beef sausages 1,5
Lamb, pork 0 Pork sausages 2
Geese, ducks 0 Dairy sausages 1,5
Rabbit 0 sausages 0
Hen 0 Sausage "Doctor" 1,5
Meat in breadcrumbs 5 Loin 0
Meat with flour sauce 6 Salo 0
A heart 0 Pork tongue, beef tongue 0
beef liver 0 Pork legs 0
chicken liver 1,5 Eggs in any form (piece) 0,5
Steak 0


Fresh fish, frozen (river, sea) 0 oysters 7
Boiled fish 0 squids 4
Fish in breadcrumbs 12 lobsters 1
Smoked fish 0 Shrimps 0
Crabs 2 Black caviar 0
fish in tomato 6 Red caviar 0
mussels 5 sea ​​kale 1


Pasteurized milk 4,7 Kefir, curdled milk 3,2
Baked milk 4,7 Yogurt without sugar 3,5
Cream 4 Yogurt sweet 8,5
Sour cream 3 Cheese of different varieties 0,5 — 2
Fat cottage cheese 2,8 Butter 1,3
Low-fat cottage cheese 1,8 Margarine 1
Cottage cheese diet 1 Table mayonnaise 2,6
Curd mass sweet 15 Vegetable oil 0
Curds glazed 32


Watermelon 9 Leek 6,5
eggplant 5 Onion 9
beans 8 Green onion 3,5
Swede 7 Parsley (greens) 8
Green peas 12 Parsley (root) 10,5
Melon 9 Radish 4
Cauliflower 5 radish 6,5
White cabbage 5 Turnip 5
kohlrabi cabbage 8 leaf lettuce 2
red cabbage 5 Beet 9
Green beans 3 Celery (root) 6TD>
Carrot 7 Celery (greens) 2
Pumpkin 4 Asparagus 3
vegetable marrow 4 Horseradish 7,5
Daikon (Chinese radish) 1 Cheremsha 6
Tomatoes 4 Garlic 5
Sweet green pepper 5 Potato 16
red sweet pepper 5 Spinach 2
fresh cucumber 3 Sorrel 3


White 1 Dried boletus 14
White dried 7,5 Boletus fresh 1
Milk mushrooms fresh 1 Dried boletus 13
Chanterelles fresh 1,5 mushrooms 0,5
Butterfish fresh 0,5 Morels 0,2
Honey mushrooms fresh 0,5 Russula 1,5
boletus 1,5 Champignon 0,1

SOUPS (for 500 g)

Chicken broth, meat 0 goulash soup 12
tomato soup 17 Mushroom soup 15
vegetable soup 16 Shchi green 12
Pea soup 20


Fish 0 Squash Cavier 8,5
Green pea 6,5 Eggplant caviar 5
Beans 2,5 Beet caviar 2
Corn 14,5 Salad with seaweed 4
Olives 5 Peppers stuffed with vegetables 11
tomatoes 4 tomato paste 19
cucumbers 3


Sugar, refined sugar 99 milk chocolate 54
Honey 75 bitter chocolate 50
Paste 80 Chocolate with nuts 48
Halva 55 Chocolate candies 51
Biscuit cake 50 candy fudge 83
Cake almond 45 Marmalade 76
cream cake 62 Filled caramel 92
Butter cookies 75 Condensed milk 56
Custard gingerbread 77 apple jam 66
Fruit waffles 80 strawberry jam 71
Waffles regular 65 Raspberry jam 71
fruit ice cream 25 Jam 68
popsicle ice cream 20 jam diabetic 3
Creamy ice cream 22 Apple jam 65
lollipops 70 Jam diabetic 9


Apricot 9 Peach 9,5
Quince 8 Nectarine 13
cherry plum 6,5 Rowan 8,5
A pineapple 11,5 Rowan chokeberry 11
Orange 8 Plum 9,5
Banana 21 Dates 68
Cherry 10 Persimmon 13
Garnet 11 Sweet cherry 10,5
Grapefruit 6,5 Apples 9,5
Pear 9,5 Raisin 66
figs 11 Dried apricots 55
Kiwi 10 Prunes 58
Dogwood 9 dried pear 49
Lemon 3 Dried apples 45
Mandarin 8 Dried apricots 53


Cowberry 8 Cloudberry 6
Grape 15 Sea ​​buckthorn 5
Blueberry 7 White currant 8
Blackberry 4,5 Red currants 7,5
Strawberry 6,5 Black currant 7,5
Cranberry 4 Blueberry 8
Gooseberry 9 Rosehip fresh 10
Raspberries 8 Dried rosehip 21,5


walnut 12 Cashew nuts 25
Cedar 10 Coconut 20
Peanut 15 Sesame seeds 20
Hazelnut 15 Pumpkin seeds 12
Almond 11 sunflower seeds 18
pistachios 15


Mineral water 0 Plum juice with pulp 11
Tea, coffee without sugar 0 cherry juice 11,5
Apple juice 7,5 apricot juice 14
Orange juice 12 carrot juice 6
grape juice 14 Apricot compote 21
Tomato juice 3,5 Compote of grapes 19
grapefruit juice 8 Cherry compote 24
Mandarin juice 9 Pear compote 18
pomegranate juice 14 Apple compote 19
plum juice 16 Compote on xylitol 6


Dry red wine 1 Vodka 0
White dry wine 1 Cognac, brandy 0
Beer 250 g 12 Rum 0
Liquor 60 g 18 Tequila 0
Whiskey 0


Cinnamon (1 teaspoon) 0,5 Horseradish (1 tablespoon) 0,4
Ground chili pepper (1 teaspoon) 0,5 Ketchup (1 tablespoon) 4
Vinegar (1 tablespoon) 2,3 Soy sauce (1 tablespoon) 1
Apple cider vinegar (1 tablespoon) 1 Barbecue sauce (1 tablespoon) 1,8
White wine vinegar (1 tablespoon) 1,5 Sweet and sour sauce
Red wine vinegar (1 tablespoon) 0 (1/4 cup) 15
Mustard (1 tablespoon) 0,5 Tomato sauce (1/4 cup) 3,5
Cranberry sauce (1 tablespoon) 6,5 Tartar sauce (1 tablespoon) 0,5
Capers (1 tablespoon) 0,4 Meat gravy (broth based, 1/4 cup) 3
Ginger root (1 tablespoon) 0,8 Spicy herbs (1 tablespoon) 0,1

The Kremlin diet is interesting in that it is possible to maneuver with brilliance and not drag out a half-starved existence. On the contrary, correctly, with a creative approach, the menu compiled in the table for losing weight will give strength and will not allow stress to appear due to hunger.

Carbohydrates, although very limited in the menu, are allowed and you should not completely abandon them, otherwise you can disrupt the gastrointestinal tract and metabolism. Try to thoughtfully combine the ingredients of dishes from all three columns without going beyond 40 points. This is possible, as you can easily see on the very first day of the transition to this diet!

Thanks to the Kremlin diet with the obligatory calculation of points according to the table, you can lose up to 5-6 kg in one week, and by adhering to it for 4 weeks, you can get rid of 10-12 kg of unnecessary fat!

In pursuit of a slim figure, women are forced to give up many of their favorite foods, since most diets are based on limiting certain types of food. But there are more loyal ways to lose weight - the full Kremlin diet table provides a completely different approach to weight correction.

It turns out that extra pounds are gone, it is not necessary to torture yourself with starvation. It is enough to correctly regulate your daily diet.

The method of nutrition, known as the "Kremlin diet", is based on reducing the amount of carbohydrates consumed and came to us from America. The prototype of the diet was the protein nutrition program, developed in 1972 by the American cardiologist Robert Atkinson.

Diet with history

It is not known exactly who exactly invented the new way of eating and why it was called "Kremlin". There are several versions of the origin of the name.

One of them says that a special diet was developed to maintain the health of the leadership of the USSR. According to the second version, the products that form the basis of the “Kremlin” were inaccessible to ordinary citizens in Soviet times, but were included in the daily diet of party leaders.

The essence of the technique

The main idea of ​​the Kremlin nutrition system is that it is possible to regulate the level of carbohydrates in the diet, focusing on the degree of organic matter content in different types of products.

In accordance with the diet, each product is endowed with a certain index - a score that determines its value.

The higher the overall score of foods consumed, the greater the likelihood of weight gain:

  • 40 points - active weight loss;
  • 60 points - stable weight level;
  • above 60 points - weight gain.

Each person can independently draw up a daily menu, adjusting the amount of points, using a simple calculation of their number in the products used.

When compiling a nutrition menu for the day, it must be remembered that three meals a day is the minimum number of meals per day.

Basic principles

The ability to maintain harmony without limiting your taste preferences is the cherished dream of most people who are inclined to be overweight. Therefore, the Kremlin diet, which allows you to keep almost all types of food in the diet, has become widespread in the territory of the former Soviet Union.

Followers of the "Kremlin" should control the diet, according to the following principles:

  • proteins may be present in the daily menu - in large quantities, while the level of carbohydrates consumed should be reduced;
  • the less carbohydrates, the less adipose tissue. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the human body. If the intake of carbohydrates is reduced, the body will begin to consume fat reserves;
  • alcohol consumption is allowed. Unlike other types of diet food, alcohol is not regarded as a threat to the harmony of the figure. The main thing is not to forget that excess alcohol increases appetite and leads to overeating;
  • you need to stick to a certain amount of servings of food. According to nutritionists, the optimal portion of protein food should fit in the palm of your hand;
  • physical activity is encouraged. To maintain the effectiveness of dietary nutrition, it is necessary to ensure daily physical activity. You don't have to go to the gym. It is enough to walk a lot, do gymnastics, swim in the pool, or arrange cycling, roller skating.

The results of nutrition according to the Kremlin system become noticeable during the first week. The best achievement is minus four kilograms in the first seven days. Over time, the intensity of weight loss decreases.

The main stages of the diet

The transition to the Kremlin nutrition system involves a gradual weight loss, therefore, it is carried out sequentially, in four stages. Each of the stages of the diet differs in duration and specificity of the diet.

Stage one.

Lasts two weeks. During this period, it is important to learn how to control the amount of carbohydrates ingested.

To start the process of burning body fat, it is recommended to limit the intake of carbohydrates to 20 points per day, temporarily do not eat foods containing starch, flour products, alcohol and caffeinated drinks. Sugar is best eliminated from the diet forever.

The basis of the menu is vegetable and animal fats and proteins, including seafood, green vegetables. During this period, dishes such as broccoli soup, fish and cheese salad, boiled pork, zucchini and mozzarella appetizer, baked salmon are appropriate.

The first week of a low-carb diet is a huge stress for the body. To avoid possible discomfort, it is recommended to rest more and walk in the fresh air.

Stage two.

Lasts 1.5 months. Sometimes longer, depending on the intensity of the weight loss.

During this period, the number of carbohydrate points gradually increases. The main goal is to determine the amount of carbohydrates that will meet the needs of the body, but will not be able to prevent weight loss.

Nuts, raspberries and strawberries, cauliflower and asparagus, tomatoes and onions, seeds and melons are introduced into the diet - five extra points per week.

Third stage.

Lasts up to three months. It is characterized by the gradual introduction of foods high in carbohydrates into the diet - cereals, beans, fruits (10 additional points).

Each new component is introduced into the menu regularly, but taking into account the reaction of the body. The main guideline is the weight indicator. If the weight remains at the same level or vice versa, it increases, then you need to abandon the products that worsen the overall dynamics.

Stage four.

It can last a lifetime - it all depends on the result achieved and the desire to keep it at the same level. The basis of the diet is products that carry the maximum benefit to the body.

If body weight during this period increased by more than three kilograms, you should return to the diet of the previous stage of the diet.

Complete table of the Kremlin diet with balls

To select products when compiling a low-carb menu, a special table is used. The index of each position corresponds to 100 g of the product.

MeatVegetablescerealsSeafoodDairy products
Meat all kinds 0Boiled potatoes 16Hercules 62Fish 0All types of cheese 0
Bird 0Cauliflower 4Rice polished 74Squid 2Cheese 0.5
Brains 1Pickled cucumber 2Buckwheat 57Shrimp 0.5Pasteur milk. 2.5% fat 4.8
Language 1Carrot 7Millet 67Crab sticks 15Low fat kefir 4
Liver 5Salad 2Perlovka 67Seaweed 1Ghee 0
Eggs 0.5White cabbage 5Barley 65Red and black caviar 0Margarine 1
Pelmeni 13Onion 9Beans 47Cod liver 1.2Low-fat cottage cheese 3.3

When choosing products, you should focus on the total amount - the final indicator should not exceed 40-60 points, depending on the stage of weight loss.

Menu for the week

An approximate weekly diet at the first stage of nutrition according to the Kremlin system provides for variations from the following products:

  • breakfast - cheese, cottage cheese, fried eggs, boiled eggs stuffed with mushrooms, sausages, squash caviar, unsweetened drinks;
  • lunch - vegetable salads, boiled lean fish fillet, barbecue, steak or lean pork chops, grilled chicken, kebab, mushrooms, unsweetened drinks;
  • afternoon snack - nuts, apples, olives;
  • dinner - dry red wine, lettuce, boiled or fried fish or meat, unsweetened yogurt and drinks.

Menu for 10 days

To determine the diet, it is necessary to focus not only on the carbohydrate value of the main products, but also on the nutritional qualities of additional components - the choice of breading, fat for frying, etc.

The best example of a menu for 10 days is a combination of such dishes:

  • 22 points. For breakfast - scrambled eggs with ham, hard cheese, drinks. Lunch - chopped tomato salad with bell peppers and green onions, celery soup, boiled turkey. Dinner - steak with tomato;
  • 21 points. Low-fat cottage cheese, soft-boiled eggs, and ginger tea for breakfast. Boiled squid meat, cabbage soup and cucumber salad with sour cream for lunch. Steam hake fillet, bell pepper, kefir for dinner;
  • 34 points. Fried eggs from two eggs, mushrooms, a drink without sugar - breakfast. Cabbage and beetroot salad, fish soup, baked chicken - lunch. Fillet of low-fat sea fish, cucumber, kefir - dinner;
  • 36 points. Omelet with cheese and coffee for breakfast. Cabbage salad and chicken liver for lunch. Turkey fricassee with tomatoes and lettuce, kefir for dinner.

The menu options are huge. Therefore, choosing a diet to your liking will not be difficult.

Recipes for the Kremlin diet

So that life on a diet does not seem boring, you can diversify the menu with delicious classics.

Caesar sauce(7.1 points) - a delicious addition to traditional dishes that can be used for the "kremlin" diet. A little Parmesan is grated and mixed with mayonnaise, minced garlic, lemon juice and black pepper.

Edelweiss salad(4.4 points) - simple and delicious. Boiled chicken breast, tomato, boiled egg and Adyghe cheese are cut into pieces and seasoned with 15% fat sour cream.

Advantages and disadvantages

The effectiveness of the Kremlin diet is a fact not only proven, but also repeatedly confirmed.

The main advantages of system nutrition are:

  • a wide variety of foods in the diet;
  • the possibility of starvation is excluded, food is allowed on demand;
  • The basis of the diet is made up of ordinary dishes from available products. The diet does not require additional expenses;
  • no need to count calories;
  • the ability to adhere to the usual daily routine, without being tied to an hourly diet;
  • a healthy metabolism is restored;
  • protein foods take longer to digest than carbohydrate foods, so there is no feeling of drowsiness.

According to nutritionists, the "Kremlin" really helps to lose weight, and without limiting the amount of meat products in the diet. However, reducing the level of carbohydrates in the menu can adversely affect the quality of physiological processes in the body.

Cons of the technique

Nutrition correction is, in fact, a gross interference in the natural functioning of internal organs. And the development of dysfunctions is the body's response to forced weight loss.

Kremlin diet has been walking around the world for many years. Millions of people around the world have sat and continue to sit on the “Kremlin”. Why does the diet owe its popularity? Initially, the diet was classified, and was used American pilots and astronauts to maintain good physical shape.

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Later, she received publicity and immediately gained an army of followers. The Kremlin diet is called due to the fact that representatives of the Moscow city administration tried it on themselves and confirmed its effectiveness. One of the famous officials who experienced the miraculous effect of the diet - Yuri Luzhkov.

The principles of the Kremlin diet

Many of our compatriots liked the diet, first of all, because losing weight should not deny themselves everything, and they can eat allowed foods until you feel full. During the diet, you can continue eat sausages, fish, meat, and even drink alcoholic beverages, which is prohibited by the vast majority of known diets (see the rating of diets for effectiveness in 2017).

The Kremlin diet begins to work when in the diet of a losing weight dramatically the number of coming with food carbohydrates. Since the usual rate of carbohydrates decreases, the body begins to produce energy from the fat reserves that are in the body.


In order for the body to begin to lose weight, in the first two weeks you will need to eat no more than 20 g of carbohydrates per day. You can calculate them using a special complete table of the Kremlin diet, which we will provide for your convenience below. After 2 weeks, you can expand the diet to consumption 40 g of carbohydrates per day. And after leaving the diet to maintain weight, use no more than 60 g of carbohydrates per day.

The editors of the portal emphasizes: the effectiveness of this diet is confirmed only if physical activity is increased. We have prepared for you a set of video lessons for losing weight in problem areas. They are available for free on our server. Click the button below (opens in a new window).


You can eat as much as you want. This item, for sure, will please most losing weight. However, in this matter, you need to know the measure. If you eat a few kilograms of allowed foods a day, then losing weight is unlikely to be effective. Try not to overeat. Eat a small portion of allowed foods, and wait a while. If hunger still continues to torment you, then eat some more. Do not transfer or overstretch the walls of the stomach. Also try to eat no later than 3-4 hours before a night's sleep.


You will need to eliminate certain types of foods from your diet, including potatoes, flour dishes, bread, rice, sugar, sweets. Try not to sweeten anything, learn to drink tea without sugar and sweets. Use sweeteners as a last resort (see how to choose a sweetener).


Allowed to eat fish, cheese, eggs, meat, vegetables and other low cost products. In the table you will be able to find the products that are worth the least amount of points.


Sausages, sausages, sausages you have to look for high quality. Cheap sausages contain a lot of soy and chemicals, so you need to eat such products with caution.


If you want to gain weight, then use more than 60 units per day.

Kremlin diet table

Products Points (conventional units) Products Points (conventional units)
Beans 2,5
Wheat 50 Corn 14,5
Rye 34 Olives 5
Borodinsky 40 tomatoes 4
Riga 51 cucumbers 3
Lavash Armenian 56 Squash Cavier 8,5
Diabetic 38 Eggplant caviar 5
Grain bread 43 Beet caviar 2
Sweet buns 51 Salad with seaweed 4
Bagels 58 Peppers stuffed with vegetables 11
Drying 68 tomato paste 19
Sweet straw 69
Cream crackers 66 Sugar, refined sugar 99
Rye cakes 43 Honey 75
Wheat flour premium 68 Paste 80
Wheat flour first grade 67 Halva 55
Seeded rye flour 64 Biscuit cake 50
Corn flour 70 Cake almond 45
soy flour 16 cream cake 62
Potato starch 79 Butter cookies 75
Corn starch 85 Custard gingerbread 77
Pasta 69 Fruit waffles 80
egg noodles 68 Waffles regular 65
fruit ice cream 25
Buckwheat 62 popsicle ice cream 20
Buckwheat (prodel) 65 Creamy ice cream 22
semolina 67 lollipops 70
oatmeal 49 milk chocolate 54
"Hercules" 50 bitter chocolate 50
Barley 66 Chocolate with nuts 48
Millet 66 Chocolate candies 51
barley 66 candy fudge 83
Rice 71 Marmalade 76
Peas shelled 50 Filled caramel 92
Beans 46 Condensed milk 56
apple jam 66
Beef, veal 0 strawberry jam 71
Lamb, pork 0 Raspberry jam 71
Geese, ducks 0 Jam 68
Rabbit 0 jam diabetic 3
Hen 0 Apple jam 65
Meat in breadcrumbs 5 Jam diabetic 9
Meat with flour sauce 6
A heart 0 Apricot 9
beef liver 0 Quince 8
chicken liver 1,5 cherry plum 6,5
Steak 0 A pineapple 11,5
Beef sausages 1,5 Orange 8
Pork sausages 2 Banana 21
Dairy sausages 1,5 Cherry 10
sausages 0 Garnet 11
Sausage "Doctor" 1,5 Grapefruit 6,5
Loin 0 Pear 9,5
Salo 0 figs 11
Pork tongue, beef tongue 0 Kiwi 10
Pork legs 0 Dogwood 9
Eggs in any form (piece) 0,5 Lemon 3
Mandarin 8
Fresh fish, frozen (river, sea) 0 Peach 9,5
Boiled fish 0 Nectarine 13
Fish in breadcrumbs 12 Rowan 8,5
Smoked fish 0 Rowan chokeberry 11
Crabs 2 Plum 9,5
fish in tomato 6 Dates 68
mussels 5 Persimmon 13
oysters 7 Sweet cherry 10,5
squids 4 Apples 9,5
lobsters 1 Raisin 66
Shrimps 0 Dried apricots 55
Black caviar 0 Prunes 58
Red caviar 0 dried pear 49
sea ​​kale 1 Dried apples 45
Dried apricots 53
Pasteurized milk 4,7
Baked milk 4,7 Cowberry 8
Cream 4 Grape 15
Sour cream 3 Blueberry 7
Fat cottage cheese 2,8 Blackberry 4,5
Low-fat cottage cheese 1,8 Strawberry 6,5
Cottage cheese diet 1 Cranberry 4
Curd mass sweet 15 Gooseberry 9
Curds glazed 32 Raspberries 8
Kefir, curdled milk 3,2 Cloudberry 6
Yogurt without sugar 3,5 Sea ​​buckthorn 5
Yogurt sweet 8,5 White currant 8
Cheese of different varieties 0,5 - 2 Red currants 7,5
Butter 1,3 Black currant 7,5
Margarine 1 Blueberry 8
Table mayonnaise 2,6 Rosehip fresh 10
Vegetable oil 0 Dried rosehip 21,5
Watermelon 9 walnut 12
eggplant 5 Cedar 10
beans 8 Peanut 15
Swede 7 Hazelnut 15
Green peas 12 Almond 11
Melon 9 pistachios 15
Cauliflower 5 Cashew nuts 25
White cabbage 5 Coconut 20
kohlrabi cabbage 8 Sesame seeds 20
red cabbage 5 Pumpkin seeds 12
Green beans 3 sunflower seeds 18
Carrot 7
Pumpkin 4 Mineral water 0
vegetable marrow 4 Tea, coffee without sugar 0
Daikon (Chinese radish) 1 Apple juice 7,5
Tomatoes 4 Orange juice 12
Sweet green pepper 5 grape juice 14
red sweet pepper 5 Tomato juice 3,5
fresh cucumber 3 grapefruit juice 8
Leek 6,5 Mandarin juice 9
Onion 9 pomegranate juice 14
Green onion 3,5 plum juice 16
Parsley (greens) 8 Plum juice with pulp 11
Parsley (root) 10,5 cherry juice 11,5
Radish 4 apricot juice 14
radish 6,5 carrot juice 6
Turnip 5 Apricot compote 21
leaf lettuce 2 Compote of grapes 19
Beet 9 Cherry compote 24
Celery (root) 6 Pear compote 18
Celery (greens) 2 Apple compote 19
Asparagus 3 Compote on xylitol 6
Horseradish 7,5
Cheremsha 6 Dry red wine 1
Garlic 5 White dry wine 1
Potato 16 Beer 250 g 12
Spinach 2 Liquor 60 g 18
Sorrel 3 Whiskey 0
Vodka 0
White 1 Cognac, brandy 0
White dried 7,5 Rum 0
Milk mushrooms fresh 1 Tequila 0
Chanterelles fresh 1,5
Butterfish fresh 0,5 Cinnamon (1 teaspoon) 0,5
Honey mushrooms fresh 0,5 Ground chili pepper (1 teaspoon) 0,5
boletus 1,5 Vinegar (1 tablespoon) 2,3
Dried boletus 14 Apple cider vinegar (1 tablespoon) 1
Boletus fresh 1 White wine vinegar (1 tablespoon) 1,5
Dried boletus 13 Red wine vinegar (1 tablespoon) 0
mushrooms 0,5 Mustard (1 tablespoon) 0,5
Morels 0,2 Cranberry sauce (1 tablespoon) 6,5
Russula 1,5 Capers (1 tablespoon) 0,4
Champignon 0,1 Ginger root (1 tablespoon) 0,8
SOUPS (for 500 g)
Horseradish (1 tablespoon) 0,4
Chicken broth, meat 0 Ketchup (1 tablespoon) 4
tomato soup 17 Soy sauce (1 tablespoon) 1
vegetable soup 16 Barbecue sauce (1 tablespoon) 1,8
Pea soup 20 Sweet and sour sauce
goulash soup 12 (1/4 cup) 15
Mushroom soup 15 Tomato sauce (1/4 cup) 3,5
Shchi green 12 Tartar sauce (1 tablespoon) 0,5
Meat gravy (broth based, 1/4 cup) 3
Fish 0 Spicy herbs (1 tablespoon) 0,1
Green pea 6,5

Sample menu of the standard Kremlin diet for a week with a diet of up to 40 points

The first day:

  • Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs (2 points), 100 g of cheese (1 point), tea or coffee without sugar (0 points);
  • Dinner: chicken 200 g (0 points), cucumber and tomato salad 200 g (7 points), tomato juice (3.5 points);
  • Afternoon snack: 200 g cheese (2 points);
  • Dinner: canned green peas (6.5 points), steak (0 points), tea without sugar (0 points).

Total: 22 points.

Second day:

  • Breakfast: fried eggs from two eggs (1 point), sausage (0 points), tea or coffee without sugar (0 points);
  • Dinner: mushroom soup (15 points), 2 cucumbers (3 points), tea without sugar (0 points);
  • Afternoon snack: pumpkin puree (4 points);
  • Dinner: cottage cheese diet 150 g (1 point), sour cream (3 points).

Total: 27 points.

Day three:

  • Breakfast: two-egg omelet (5.7 points), tea or coffee without sugar (0 points);
  • Dinner: fried or baked fish (0 points), coleslaw with sunflower oil (5 points);
  • Afternoon snack: apple (9.5 points);
  • Dinner: barbecue 200 g (0 points), 2 tomatoes (4 points), tea (0 points).

Total: 24.2 points.

Day four:

  • Breakfast: cottage cheese with sour cream (4 points), a few slices of sausage (0 points), tea or coffee without sugar (0 points);
  • Dinner: chicken and egg broth (1 point), fried zucchini (4 points), tea (0 points);
  • Afternoon snack: salad with seaweed (4 points);
  • Dinner: baked meat with flour sauce (6 points), a glass of dry white wine (1 point).

Total: 20 points.

Day five:

  • Breakfast: fried egg (0.5 points), boiled fish (0 points), tea or coffee without sugar (0 points);
  • Dinner: pepper stuffed with vegetables and meat (11 points), a portion of boiled shrimp (0 points), tea (0 points);
  • Afternoon snack: a bowl of raspberries (7 points);
  • Dinner: meat baked with bell peppers and tomatoes (9 points), tea (0 points).

Total: 27.5 points.

Day six:

  • Breakfast: boiled sausage (0 points), 2 boiled eggs (1 point), tea (0 points);
  • Dinner: vegetable soup (16 points), a piece of baked pork (0 points), tea;
  • Afternoon snack: diet cottage cheese (1 point);
  • Dinner: seafood salad: shrimp, oysters, mussels (12 points), tea (0 points).

Total: 30 points.

Day seven:

  • Breakfast: two-egg omelette (5.7 points), sausage (0 points), a glass of milk (4.7 points);
  • Dinner: chicken broth (0 points), chicken liver (1.5 points), watermelon (9 points);
  • Afternoon snack: yogurt without sugar (3.5 points);
  • Dinner: grilled chicken (0 points), lettuce (2 points), a glass of dry red wine (1 point).

Total: 28.4 points.

The results of the Kremlin diet. Reviews of those who have lost weight

With proper diet, the process of losing weight will begin immediately. The greater the initial body weight of a person, the easier it is for him to part with it. For the first 8-10 days of the diet, you can lose an average of 5 kg. And in a month and a half you can get rid of 10-15 kg. The results of your weight loss will depend on your willpower and your desire to acquire a slim figure.

Rita, 29 years old:
Thanks to the "Kremlin" I managed to lose weight well. I sat on it strictly for about 2 months. The first week I ate so that I scored 18-19 points per day. Basically it was meat and eggs, cottage cheese and some other dairy products. Then she began to expand the menu, and tried to keep within 30-35 points per day. Kilograms left quickly at first, then a little slower, as I began to allow myself a little more varied food. I think the advantage of the diet is that you almost do not feel hunger on it. Yes, sometimes I wanted sweets, but I was able to endure the lack of baking in my diet. Moreover, after 2 months I already got used to eating like this, counting points. For 2 months I got rid of 15.5 kilograms and I think the result is amazing.

Inga, 35 years old:
Sat on the Kremlin diet with a friend for exactly a month. Both are satisfied with the results. I lost 8 kilos, she lost 6.5 kilos. But initially my weight was higher than hers. I was pleased with the diet that I did not have to completely give up alcohol. It was during the Easter holidays and we could afford some wine. And they could also eat eggs almost without restrictions. Recommended.

Olga, 51 years old:
Great diet. I learned about it from the newspaper, immediately cut out a table of products with glasses, and began to lose weight. The first days it was difficult to make a menu and count everything. But after a week I remembered all the designations, and I could easily create a menu for myself. If you wanted to treat yourself to fruit for lunch, then for breakfast and dinner I tried to eat foods with 0 points. It is a pity, of course, that I had to completely abandon cereals and sweets. But then I lost 14 kg in 2.5 months. A year has passed since then, and my weight has not returned. Although I still try to sometimes count points and out of habit I eat like I'm on a diet.

The Kremlin diet and the essence of diets:

Book: Kremlin diet. Meat and fish dishes

Pages: 28

The Kremlin diet, the main advantage of which is a minimum of restrictions and a maximum effect, is by far the most popular and most effective weight loss program.

In this book you will find the best recipes for low-carb dishes from the Kremlin diet, made from meat, poultry and fish. Among them are those that you can easily cook when you come home from work in the evening, and those that will decorate your holiday table. Each recipe is accompanied by detailed cooking technology and information on the amount of y. e. in this dish. Eat for health - and lose weight, and the book "Kremlin Diet" will help you with this.

Bonus: a book from the series "Kremlin Cooking" - "50 Best Recipes" in the archive!