Economic policy of whites and reds during the civil war. Economic policy of the reds and whites Economic policy of the whites and reds

They tried to achieve power and complete destruction of the enemy by any means. There was confrontation not only on the fronts, but also in many other aspects, including in the economic sector. Before the economic policies of the whites and the reds during the Civil War are analyzed, it is necessary to study the main differences between the two ideologies, the confrontation of which led to the fratricidal war.

Main aspects of the Red economy

The Reds did not recognize private property and defended the belief that all people should be equal both legally and socially. For the Reds, the Tsar was not an authority; they despised wealth and the intelligentsia, and the working class, in their opinion, should have become the leader. The Reds considered religion to be opium for the people. Churches were destroyed, believers were mercilessly exterminated, atheists were held in high esteem.

White beliefs

For whites, the sovereign father was, of course, an authority, imperial power was the basis of law and order in the state. They not only recognized it, but also considered it the main milestone of the country's well-being. The intelligentsia, science and education were held in high esteem.

Whites could not imagine Russia without faith. Orthodoxy is the basis of the foundations. It was on it that the culture, identity and prosperity of the nation were based.

Visual comparison of ideologies

The polar policy of the Reds and the Whites could not but lead to confrontation. The table clearly demonstrates the main differences:

The social, cultural and economic policies of the whites and reds had their supporters and ardent enemies. The country was divided. Half supported the Reds, the other half supported the Whites.

White politics during the Civil War

Denikin dreamed of the day when Russia would again become great and indivisible. The general believed that the Bolsheviks must be fought to the end and ultimately completely destroyed. Under him, a “Declaration” was adopted, which preserved the right to land for the owners, and also provided for ensuring the interests of the working people. Denikin abolished the decree on the grain monopoly, and also developed a plan for the “Land Law”, according to which the peasant could buy the land from the landowner.

The priority direction in Kolchak’s economic policy was the provision of land to land-poor peasants and those peasants who have no land at all. Kolchak believed that the seizure of property by the Reds was arbitrariness and looting. All loot must be returned to the owners - manufacturers, landowners.

Wrangel created a political reform, according to which large landownership was limited, land plots for middle peasants were increased, and provision was made for the provision of industrial goods to peasants.

Both Denikin, Wrangel, and Kolchak canceled the Bolshevik “Decree on Land”, but, as history shows, they could not come up with a worthy alternative. The unviability of the economic reforms of the white regimes lay in the fragility of these governments. If it were not for the economic and military assistance of the Entente, the white regimes would have fallen much earlier.

Red policy during the Civil War

During the Civil War, the Reds adopted the “Decree on Land,” which abolished land ownership, which, to put it mildly, did not please the landowners, but was good news for the common people. Naturally, for landless peasants and workers, neither Denikin’s reform nor the innovations of Wrangel and Kolchak were as desirable and promising as the Bolshevik decree.

The Bolsheviks actively pursued the policy of “war communism,” according to which the Soviet government set a course for complete nationalization of the economy. Nationalization is the transfer of the economy from private to public hands. A monopoly was also introduced on the fleet. The fleet was nationalized. Partnerships and large entrepreneurs lost property overnight. The Bolsheviks sought to centralize the management of the Russian national economy as much as possible.

Many innovations were not liked by the common people. One of these unpleasant innovations was the forced introduction of labor conscription, according to which unauthorized transfer to a new job, as well as absenteeism, was prohibited. “Subbotniks” and “Sundays” were introduced - a system of unpaid labor, mandatory for everyone.

Bolshevik food dictatorship

The Bolsheviks brought to life a monopoly on bread, which the Provisional Government had once proposed. Control was introduced by the Soviet government over the village bourgeoisie, which hid grain reserves. Many historians emphasize that this was a forced temporary measure, since after the revolution the country was in ruins, and such redistribution could help survive during the famine years. However, serious excesses on the ground caused the massive expropriation of all food supplies in the countryside, which led to severe famine and extremely high mortality.

Thus, the economic policies of the Whites and the Reds had serious contradictions. A comparison of the main aspects is shown in the table:

As can be seen from the table, the economic policies of the whites and reds were exactly the opposite.

Disadvantages of both directions

The policies of the whites and reds in the Civil War were radically different. However, none of them were 100% effective. Each strategic direction had its drawbacks.

“War communism” was criticized even by the communists themselves. After adopting this policy, the Bolsheviks expected unprecedented economic growth, but in reality everything turned out differently. All decisions were economically illiterate; as a result, people went hungry, and many peasants saw no incentive to process. Industrial output decreased and there was a decline in agriculture. Hyperinflation was created in the financial sector, which did not exist even under the Tsar and the Provisional Government. People were devastated by hunger.

The big disadvantage of the white regimes was their inability to implement a coherent land policy. Neither Wrangel, nor Denikin, nor Kolchak ever developed a law that would be supported by the masses in the form of workers and peasants. In addition, the fragility of white power did not allow them to fully realize their plans for developing the state's economy.

Slide 2

Communism (from Latin commūnis - “common”) - in Marxism, the organization of society in which the economy is based on public ownership of the means of production.

Slide 3

1. As a result of the civil war, the country's economy collapsed completely. The regions of the country separated from each other and changing hands did not bring profit. The fields were not sown, there were not enough workers. But the war required grain, clothing, shoes, and weapons. The city, cut off from the village, began to starve. The Soviet government began to pursue a policy of war communism. The Bolshevik slogan “Everything for victory” meant the concentration of all the country’s forces to ensure victory. The Bolsheviks did not want to wait; they needed communism right now. They believed that in the new communist society there would be no place for trade and monetary relations, there would be no trade, no money. Everything will be subordinated to a single plan, and everything will be distributed according to the principle of “equalization.” Lenin proclaimed the slogan “FROM EACH ACCORDING TO YOUR ABILITY – TO EACH ACCORDING TO NEED,” which was carried out.

Slide 4

Slide 5

2. On December 2, 1918, the committees of the poor were dissolved. In connection with the food dictatorship, peasant revolts became more frequent. According to N.K. Krupskaya, “the kombets are violent and disgraceful, there is a split in the village, cases of lynching of the authorities have become more frequent.” The Bolsheviks decided to regain the trust they had lost in the villages through a policy of appeasement. On January 11, 1919, the “Decree on the allocation of grain and fodder” was issued. He envisaged taking from “the poor nothing, the middle peasant moderately, the fist a lot.” In fact, according to the surplus appropriation system, not only surplus grain was confiscated, but also the necessary supply. In 1920, surplus appropriation extended to potatoes and other crops. N.K. Krupskaya is Lenin’s wife, revolutionary.

Slide 6

“Brothers peasants, we cry for help...” Bolshevik leaflet distributed throughout the villages.

Slide 7

Bolshevik poster from the time of “war communism”.

Slide 8

Surplus appropriation in action.

Slide 9

3. The White rulers did not openly advocate a return to the old order; in their opinion, the fate of Russia should have been decided by the Constituent Assembly. At the same time, they recognized the need to solve the agrarian question, but they didn’t really know how to solve it. Socialist-Revolutionary B.V. Savinkov wrote that “...valiant generals did not understand that an idea cannot be defeated with bayonets, that an idea must be opposed to an idea... vital, close to the heart...” B.V. Savinkov

Slide 10

Key indicators of white policy. Admiral Kolchak General Denikin Baron Wrangel The solution to the peasant question was postponed until the end of the civil war. The decrees of the Soviet government on land were declared illegal by the 1919 land reform project. Land is distributed through voluntary agreements between peasants and landowners. The land was returned to the landowners. The final resolution of the land issue was postponed until the end of the war. May 25, 1920 Land Law. Land for the working people. He defends land grabs. Landowners 30% of the land. Peasants pay the state for land alienated from landowners in grain. Creation of volost and rural communities. Autonomy of Cossack lands.

Slide 11

The end of the presentation.

Thank you for your attention!

View all slides

An open lesson on the history of Russia in grade 9 on the topic: “Economic policy of the Reds and Whites.”

The purpose of the lesson: to create motivation among students to study historical sources, to create conditions under which students will be able to implement previously acquired skills: oratory, organizational, collectivist and others.

In this regard, the following are defined:

a) Educational purposes.

    Learn specifically - historical facts;

    To form an understanding of the connections in the development of past events;

    Master historical concepts;

    Master the skills of working with historical documents, diagrams, tables;

    Strengthen the skills of comparative analysis of historical events.

B) Educational goals.

Create pedagogical conditions under which students can:

    Think about the role of state power in resolving the economic and political issues of the country, about the responsibility of the state and its individual citizens for everything that happens in the country and the world;

    Express your attitude to the problems raised during the lesson;

    Be tolerant of other people's opinions, being able to defend your own.

C) Developmental goals.

Create pedagogical conditions under which students can:

    Solve creative problems;

    Work with tables, memos, historical sources;

    Determine similarities and differences based on them, highlight lines of comparison;

    Draw your own reasoned conclusions.

This lesson is the second lesson on this topic. In the previous lesson, the children received their first understanding of who the Reds and Whites are and what their economic programs are. At this stage, they will have to conduct a comparative analysis of the two positions and find an answer to the question: why the Reds (Bolsheviks) won in this struggle.

Methods and techniques used in this lesson.


A) work in groups;

B) working with textbook texts;

C) working with a glossary;

D) work with documents;

D) drawing up a table;

E) use of the memo as a working tool;

G) role-playing game.

Interactive teaching strategies were used in preparing the lesson.

The main method is circular interaction, in which the central role belongs to the students, and the teacher is the organizer and assistant. Students are given “cases” (case - technology), which contain excerpts from documents; Each group is invited to use the instructions: Group 1 and 2 - “How to work with historical sources”, “How to make a comparative description of events”, the group of experts - “Memo - an algorithm for the requirements for speech quality”.

During the classes:

    Updating basic knowledge.


    Who are the “reds”? (suggested answer):

These are Bolsheviks, soldiers of the Red Army, sailors of the Red Fleet. Soviet troops were originally called the Red Guard. Then - the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army. The Red Army soldiers swore an oath to the red banner. State flag. Why the red flag was chosen - different explanations were given. For example: it is a symbol of “the blood of freedom fighters.” But in any case, the name “red” corresponded to the color of the banner).

    Who are the “whites”? (expected answer ):

    In September 1917, the former chief of staff of the Supreme High Command, General M.V., arrived in Novocherkassk, the capital of the All-Great Don Army. Alekseev. Here he began to form the Volunteer Army. By the beginning of winter, about 2 thousand officers made their way to Novocherkassk. Famous politicians and public figures also fled here: P.N. Milyukov, P.V. Rodzianko and others. At a meeting of generals and public figures, the principles of creating an army and its management system were determined. L.G., who escaped from prison, was appointed commander of the Volunteer Army. Kornilov. Civil power and foreign policy came under the jurisdiction of General Alekseev. Administration of the Don region remained with Ataman Kaledin.

This was the beginning of the white movement. White color symbolized law and order.)

3) Name the main provisions of the economic policy of the “Reds”.

( expected answer ): The politics of war communism. With the outbreak of the Civil War, the economic crisis intensified. Why do you think? Many industrial cities fell into the hands of whites. The Bolsheviks came to the conclusion that the economy must be subordinated to the needs of war. The socio-economic policy of the Soviet government during the Civil War was called “war communism”. Why "military"? (answer): War communism is a policy caused by the emergency conditions of the Civil War. Its goal is to concentrate all forces for victory against the enemy. Why “communism”? - the views of the Bolsheviks, the basis of which was the construction of communism, had a serious influence.

A) In industry, a course was taken towards nationalization. What's happenednationalization ? (answer): nationalization - the transfer of private enterprises and sectors of the economy into state ownership. Let's write it in the dictionary.

B) labor conscription and labor mobilization of the population aged 16 to 50 were introduced.

C) On January 11, 1919, the Decree on the allocation of grain and fodder was issued. The state reported in advance the exact figure of its grain needs. Then it was distributed (deployed) among provinces, districts, volosts and peasant households.

4) What was the economic policy of the “whites”?

Suggested answer : White governments did not openly advocate a return to the old order. They put forward the slogan of the uncertainty of the future social system of Russia, which was to be determined by the Constituent Assembly or the Zemsky Sobor.

Recognizing the need to resolve agrarian and labor issues, white governments tried to develop compromise bills. However, in general, they failed to develop a clear position on these and other critical issues.

Teacher: And now, guys, we have to get acquainted with historical documents characterizing what was just discussed.

“Reds” and “whites” analyze historical documents. The teacher (or expert) draws their attention to the memo “How to work with historical documents».


    In orderlabor service to carry out...involvement of the working population in one-time or periodic performance...various types of labor service: fuel, agricultural both for state and in certain cases for peasant farms, construction, road, food, snow, horse-drawn to combat the consequences of public disasters and etc.

    Provide to provincial, city and district committees to bring to the people's court those guilty of: a) evading registration and reporting for labor service; b) desertion from work, as well as incitement to such; c) in the use of false documents, as well as in the production of such in order to facilitate the evasion of labor service.

What is labor conscription? What types of work did it apply to? What measures ensured its implementation?


The valiant generals did not understand that an idea cannot be defeated with bayonets, and an idea not read from books... but a living, vital one, understandable to every illiterate soldier and close to his heart.

The teacher draws students’ attention to the second reminder - an algorithm for comparing historical events and phenomena

    Analyze an event or phenomenon, draw lines of comparison.

    Identify similarities and differences.

    If possible, highlight the stages in the phenomenon, determine what has changed in the stages and what has remained unchanged.

    Draw the necessary conclusions from the comparison.

    You can put your actions in a table.

Comparison lines


Both reds and whites understood and recognized the need to resolve agrarian and labor issues


The Reds redistributed the land with a decree on land, replaced the committees with a surplus appropriation system,

The leftists of the 1st stage (both Kolchak and Denikin) postponed the solution of the agrarian question until the end of the Civil War - Kolchak, until the complete victory over the Bolsheviks - Denikin.

Stage 2 - Wrangel 1920 - Land Law. Give the land to the owners who work on it for payment in bread.

Conclusion:Thus, all white governments are in factland acquisitions were canceled peasants received on the basis of the Decree on Land. Therefore, the whites very quickly lost the sympathy of the peasants, who, of two evils - surplus appropriation and the return of the landowners - chose the first.

Now we come to our main question: why did the Reds win this confrontation?

    The Bolsheviks were able to create a disciplined army in a short time.

    They were able to mobilize economic and human resources for the needs of the front.

    The peasants, after rejection and hesitation, still supported the Red Army. (due to the Bolsheviks’ softer policy towards the average entrepreneur.

    Whites were weak both politically and organizationally.

    The Whites actually proclaimed, although not openly, a return to the old order.

Summarizing. I ask a group of experts to evaluate the work of the Reds and Whites and make their comments, guided by reference materials and a memo.

Homework. Write a short essay-reasoning on the topic: So what is the civil war - a heroic page in our history or the greatest tragedy? And in the next lesson we will work on how to write an ESSAY.

Memo - an algorithm for comparing historical phenomena and events.

    Analyze an event or phenomenon, highlight lines of comparison.

    Identify similarities and differences.

    If possible, highlight the stages in the phenomenon, determine what has changed in them and what has remained unchanged.

    Draw all the necessary conclusions from the comparison.

    You can format your actions in a text table.

Memo – algorithm for speech quality requirements.

    Content, i.e. correct, deep, complete, specific coverage of a question or topic.

    Logicality, consistency of presentation, substantiation of theoretical positions with facts or generalization of facts and formulation of conclusions.

    Richness of speech: figurative and vivid expression of thoughts and feelings through the use of various linguistic means, choice of exact words, epithets, etc.

    Correctness and purity of speech.

    Mastery of presentation style and historical terminology.

    Use of vocabulary that allows you to characterize a historical era.

From the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars on the procedure for universal labor conscription. January 29, 1920

In the order of labor service, carry out...involvement of the working population in one-time or periodic performance... of various types of labor service: fuel, agricultural both for state and, in certain cases, for peasant farms, construction, road, food, snow, horse-drawn to combat the consequences of social disasters, etc.

Provide to provincial, city and district committees to bring to the people's court those guilty of: a) evading registration and reporting for labor service; b) desertion from work, as well as incitement to such; c) in the use of false documents, as well as in the production of such in order to facilitate evasion of labor service...

What is labor conscription? What types of work did it apply to? What measures ensured its implementation?

From a letter from N.K. Krupskaya to People's Commissar of Internal Affairs G.I. Petrovsky.

The “committees of the poor” are violent and disgraceful. In terms of composition, these are not the poorest peasants, but local people who have abandoned farming... Hiding behind the title of “Soviet worker”, they turn everything and everyone against themselves... Cases of local reprisals against those who dared to complain about local tyranny to Lenin are not so rare... These “Committees of the Poor Peasants” “Now we are especially often forced to experience bitter moments when we see that instead of organizing life in the village, a terrifying split is being created...

Using the document, explain why the decision to disband the poor committees had to be made?

Eser B.V. Savinkov about the white movement

The valiant generals did not understand that an idea cannot be defeated with bayonets, and an idea not read from books... but a living, vital one, understandable to every illiterate soldier and close to his heart.

Do you agree with Savinkov's opinion? What features of the policies of white governments, described below, does it reflect? What idea are we talking about, in your opinion?

From a message on the land issue of the government of P. N. Wrangel.

The essence of land reform... is simple... the land is for the owners who work on it...

Payment for the alienated land must be made by the new owners in grain, which is annually poured into the state reserve. The state's revenue from the grain taxes of the new owners should serve as the main source of compensation for the alienated land of its former owners, payment with whom the Government recognizes as mandatory.

What are the essence and principles of Wrangel’s agrarian reform? How does it differ from the agrarian reforms carried out by the Bolsheviks?

The Decree on Land was based on 242 local peasant orders I Congress of Soviets. The Socialist Revolutionary principle of land distribution on an “equalizing labor basis.” The state became the owner of the land, which allocated it to the peasants according to the equalization labor norm.

V.V. Shulgin about the Civil War

Those who undertook this did not know any other way except violence from above, except coercion, power.

Try to determine who the words of one of the leaders of the white movement refer to - the Reds or the Whites? Or maybe both? Justify your opinion (pp. 107,113,126,129,131). Return to this activity in your final Civil War lesson.

1. Formulate a general idea of ​​the work (read the title, table of contents, if available, look at the text).

2. Pay attention to the date of writing, reconstruct based on existing information and using additional historical situation.

3. Determine the reasons that prompted the author to write the work (article, decree).

4. Read the text carefully, returning to individual provisions, highlighting what is not clear. Clear up anything unclear using dictionaries and reference books.

5. Divide the text into semantically complete parts. Analyzing each, try to highlight the main provisions, ideas of the author, as well as his argumentation. Pay attention to the variety of connections and relationships in which the issue considered by the author is included. Reveal the connections between theoretical positions and specific facts, identifying the totality of them that served as the basis for the conclusion made.

6. Review the text again. Establish logical connections between the highlighted parts; draw up a structure plan. Based on it, prepare a theses or outline, and make notes in a notebook.

Economic policy of the Reds and Whites. 9th grade

MBOU Kichiginskaya Secondary School

Teacher: Ulanova T.N.

Goals lesson :

  • review and compare economic policies

Reds and Whites during the Civil War;

  • development of the ability to analyze, systematize and

summarize historical facts;

  • express your point of view on events and

defend it with reason;

  • instilling patriotism and a sense of respect for

historical past of our country.

Lesson plan.

  • Economic policy of the Reds.
  • White economic policy.

Lesson assignment: Based on the materials in the paragraph and documents, make a comparative analysis of the economic policies of the Whites and the Reds.

Which policy would you prefer? Explain why.

"War communism" 1918-1920





Introduction of directive-emergency methods of state regulation of political

and socio-economic processes in conditions of military devastation.

Program orientation

Bolsheviks for quick and

rapid transition to


Creating a non-market


Measures of "war communism"

  • Nationalization of industry
  • Introduction of universal labor conscription (working with document p. 123)
  • Naturalization and equalization in wages and

free government services

  • An attempt to introduce direct product exchange between

city ​​and village

  • Surplus appropriation for basic agricultural


  • Prohibition of private trade, distribution according to cards and class principle
  • Prohibition of land rental and hired labor in agriculture



Difficult economic

and social crisis

Mass peasants


Threat to the foundations

Soviet power

Group assignment: characterize the economic

white government policies.

1st group

2nd group

Government A.V. Kolchak

Government A.I. Denikin

3rd group

White rulers of the North

4th group

Government P.N. Wrangel

White economic policy.

Government A.V. Kolchak

Government A.I. Denikin

postponed the solution of the agrarian question until the end of the Civil War

preserved the owners' rights to land according to certain land norms established for each locality

White rulers of the North They returned to the landowners all the sown crops, all the mowing, estates and equipment.

Government P.N. Wrangel

The land is for the owners who work on it;

Former owners – part of their possessions

White economic policy.


How did P. N. Wrangel’s agricultural policy differ from the policies of other white governments?

How did the agrarian policy of the white governments differ from the agrarian reforms carried out by the Bolsheviks?

Conclusion: The peasants gave preference to the military-economic program of the Bolsheviks. The whites did not have a clear program for resolving agrarian and labor issues, which was one of the reasons for their defeat.

Fastening: Test No. 18 (task 1-4). KIM History of Russia. 9th grade.

Homework:§16. Prepare a message

"The economic policy of the whites and reds on

Southern Urals"

Nationalization is the transfer into state ownership of land, industrial enterprises, banks, transport or other property owned by private individuals or joint-stock companies. Nationalization can be carried out

through gratuitous expropriation, full or partial ransom.

Expropriation - deprivation of property

Prodrazverstka – mandatory

Surrender by peasants to the state

fixed prices for all surplus grain

and other products.

An open lesson on the history of Russia in grade 9 on the topic: “Economic policy of the Reds and Whites.”

The purpose of the lesson: to create motivation among students to study historical sources, to create conditions under which students will be able to implement previously acquired skills: oratory, organizational, collectivist and others.

In this regard, the following are defined:

a) Educational purposes.

Learn specifically historical facts; Develop an understanding of the connections in the development of events of the past; Master historical concepts; Master the skills of working with historical documents, diagrams, tables; Strengthen the skills of comparative analysis of historical events. B) Educational goals.

Create pedagogical conditions under which students can:

Think about the role of state power in solving the economic and political issues of the country, about the responsibility of the state and its individual citizens for everything that happens in the country and the world; Express your attitude to the problems raised during the lesson; Be tolerant of other people's opinions, being able to defend your own. C) Developmental goals.

Create pedagogical conditions under which students can:

Solve creative problems; Work with tables, memos, historical sources; Determine similarities and differences based on them, highlight lines of comparison; Draw your own reasoned conclusions.

This lesson is the second lesson on this topic. In the previous lesson, the children received their first understanding of who the Reds and Whites are and what their economic programs are. At this stage, they will have to conduct a comparative analysis of the two positions and find an answer to the question: why the Reds (Bolsheviks) won in this struggle.

Methods and techniques used in this lesson.

A) work in groups;

B) working with textbook texts;

C) working with a glossary;

D) work with documents;

D) drawing up a table;

E) use of the memo as a working tool;

G) role-playing game.

Interactive teaching strategies were used in preparing the lesson.

The main method is circular interaction, in which the central role belongs to the students, and the teacher is the organizer and assistant. Students are given “cases” (case - technology), which contain excerpts from documents; Each group is invited to use the instructions: Group 1 and 2 - “How to work with historical sources”, “How to make a comparative description of events”, the group of experts - “Memo - an algorithm for the requirements for speech quality”.

During the classes:

Updating basic knowledge.

Who are the “reds”? (suggested answer): These are Bolsheviks, soldiers of the Red Army, sailors of the Red Fleet. Soviet troops were originally called the Red Guard. Then - the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army. The Red Army soldiers swore an oath to the red banner. State flag. Why the red flag was chosen - different explanations were given. For example: it is a symbol of “the blood of freedom fighters.” But in any case, the name “red” corresponded to the color of the banner). Who are the “whites”? (suggested answer): In September 1917, the former chief of staff of the Supreme High Command, General M.V., arrived in Novocherkassk, the capital of the All-Great Don Army. Alekseev. Here he began to form the Volunteer Army. By the beginning of winter, about 2 thousand officers made their way to Novocherkassk. Famous politicians and public figures also fled here: P.N. Milyukov, P.V. Rodzianko and others. At a meeting of generals and public figures, the principles of creating an army and its management system were determined. L.G., who escaped from prison, was appointed commander of the Volunteer Army. Kornilov. Civil power and foreign policy came under the jurisdiction of General Alekseev. Administration of the Don region remained with Ataman Kaledin. This was the beginning of the white movement. White color symbolized law and order.)

3) Name the main provisions of the economic policy of the “Reds”.

(suggested answer): The policy of war communism. With the outbreak of the Civil War, the economic crisis intensified. Why do you think? Many industrial cities fell into the hands of whites. The Bolsheviks came to the conclusion that the economy must be subordinated to the needs of war. The socio-economic policy of the Soviet government during the Civil War was called “war communism”. Why "military"? (answer): War communism is a policy caused by the emergency conditions of the Civil War. Its goal is to concentrate all forces for victory against the enemy. Why “communism”? - the views of the Bolsheviks, the basis of which was the construction of communism, had a serious influence.

A) In industry, a course was taken towards nationalization. What is nationalization? (answer): nationalization - the transfer of private enterprises and sectors of the economy into state ownership. Let's write it in the dictionary.

B) labor conscription and labor mobilization of the population aged 16 to 50 were introduced.

C) On January 11, 1919, the Decree on the allocation of grain and fodder was issued. The state reported in advance the exact figure of its grain needs. Then it was distributed (deployed) among provinces, districts, volosts and peasant households.

4) What was the economic policy of the “whites”?

Suggested Answer: White governments did not openly advocate a return to the old order. They put forward the slogan of the uncertainty of the future social system of Russia, which was to be determined by the Constituent Assembly or the Zemsky Sobor.

Recognizing the need to resolve agrarian and labor issues, white governments tried to develop compromise bills. However, in general, they failed to develop a clear position on these and other critical issues.

Teacher: And now, guys, we have to get acquainted with historical documents characterizing what was just discussed.

“Reds” and “whites” analyze historical documents. The teacher (or expert) draws their attention to the memo “How to work with historical documents.”

1. Formulate a general idea of ​​the work (read the title, table of contents, if available, look at the text).

2. Pay attention to the date of writing, reconstruct based on existing information and using additional historical situation.

4. Read the text carefully, returning to individual provisions, highlighting what is not clear. Clear up anything unclear using dictionaries and reference books.

5. Divide the text into semantically complete parts. Analyzing each, try to highlight the main provisions, ideas of the author, as well as his argumentation. Pay attention to the variety of connections and relationships in which the issue considered by the author is included. Reveal the connections between theoretical positions and specific facts, identifying the totality of them that served as the basis for the conclusion made.

6. Review the text again. Establish logical connections between the highlighted parts; draw up a structure plan. Based on it, prepare a theses or outline, and make notes in a notebook.

In the order of labor service, carry out...involvement of the working population in one-time or periodic performance... of various types of labor service: fuel, agricultural both for state and, in certain cases, for peasant farms, construction, road, food, snow, horse-drawn to combat the consequences of social disasters, etc.

Provide to provincial, city and district committees to bring to the people's court those guilty of: a) evading registration and reporting for labor service; b) desertion from work, as well as incitement to such; c) in the use of false documents, as well as in the production of such in order to facilitate the evasion of labor service.

What is labor conscription? What types of work did it apply to? What measures ensured its implementation?

Eser B.V. Savinkov about the white movement

The valiant generals did not understand that an idea cannot be defeated with bayonets, and an idea not read from books... but a living, vital one, understandable to every illiterate soldier and close to his heart.

Do you agree with Savinkov's opinion? What features of the policies of white governments, described below, does it reflect? What idea are we talking about, in your opinion?

The teacher draws students’ attention to the second reminder - an algorithm for comparing historical events and phenomena

Analyze an event or phenomenon, draw lines of comparison. Determine the similarities and differences. If possible, highlight the stages in the phenomenon, determine what has changed in the stages and what remains unchanged. Draw the necessary conclusions from the comparison. You can put your actions in a table.

Comparison lines

Both reds and whites understood and recognized the need to resolve agrarian and labor issues


The Reds redistributed the land with a decree on land, replaced the committees with a surplus appropriation system,

The leftists of the 1st stage (both Kolchak and Denikin) postponed the solution of the agrarian question until the end of the Civil War - Kolchak, until the complete victory over the Bolsheviks - Denikin.

Stage 2 - Wrangel 1920 - Land Law. Give the land to the owners who work on it for payment in bread.

Conclusion: Thus, all white governments actually canceled the land acquisitions of peasants obtained on the basis of the Land Decree. Therefore, the whites very quickly lost the sympathy of the peasants, who, of two evils - surplus appropriation and the return of the landowners - chose the first.

Now we come to our main question: why did the Reds win this confrontation?

The Bolsheviks in a short time...