Front polymer putty. How to putty walls yourself

Both new and old houses require exterior decoration, and today the wet method of facade decoration is increasingly used. In order to level the walls, close up the joints between the slabs or bricks, and then apply the finishing decor with plaster or tiles, use a facade putty. The article will tell you about the types of this finishing material and the technology of working with it.

Aligning walls is one of the most time consuming and important processes in facade decoration. Without it, many other work on the design of the external appearance of the house becomes simply impossible. For example, plastering of a surface can only be done on perfectly flat walls, and laying and gluing insulation on an unprepared base is impossible.

The words putty or putty come from the German word "Spachtel" - a spatula, the use of both is quite acceptable, so in the further narration you can meet both. In addition to leveling, the putty performs another important function - sealing potholes and cracks in the wall. It was originally used for just that.

Brick wall alignment

Requirements for facade filler material

Based on the purpose of the facade putty, a number of requirements are imposed on it, which must be taken into account when purchasing.

  • Plastic. This property is characteristic of a quality solution. If the material does not possess it, then there is a serious risk of cracking of the coating and its destruction from atmospheric vibrations.
  • Water vapor permeability. The most important property of all types of facade finishing materials should also be in the putty. If it is absent, then fumes will accumulate under the leveling layer and destroy it from the inside.
  • Moisture resistance. The ability to repel atmospheric moisture and not let it pass inside protects not only the putty itself, but also the facade of the house. Water can remain in the pores, and when it freezes, expand it and destroy it.
  • Frost resistance. Cracking from frost or seasonal temperature differences can also befall the main wall covering, therefore frost resistance is a very important quality for a putty mortar.

Materials and tools for puttying

Classification of putties by purpose

All putties for facade work are divided into two types: starting and finishing. Usually both are required. Before buying, ask about the purpose and type of material, so as not to buy unnecessary ones. In addition, you need to decide which putty you need more and in what quantity.


The structure of this composition should be coarse-grained and have increased strength and high adhesiveness. It smooths out the main unevenness of the wall, repairs structural cracks and potholes in the facade that require repair. It is often used to eliminate unevenness in masonry or defects in concrete walls. The composition can be applied in a rather thick layer - up to 4 mm. For strength, particles of marble dust and lime are often added to the starting mixture. They give it the necessary elasticity and adhesion to the building surface. Most often, cement compositions are used for the starting layer, and polymer binders give elasticity to the putty.

Attention! When purchasing a starter putty mixture, make sure that it is intended for facades. It is unacceptable to use compounds for internal works for external walls.

Starter putty


The final putty coat must be plastic, smooth, waterproof, have good adhesion and strength. Most often, a mixture based on acrylic or silicate binders is used - they are more consistent with the goal of creating a smooth and uniform layer. Finishing putty is used to level the surface, and therefore the particles of which it consists must be small.

The finely dispersed structure allows you to create a perfectly flat base for the future decorative coating. Experienced finishers recommend applying the finishing filler in several steps with a layer of about 3 mm. Do not use for leveling coat mixtures that are difficult to mix with colors. If in the future you are going to finish the walls with decorative plaster or paint, then it is better to tint the finishing putty in the appropriate shade, otherwise it may shine through the main finish.

Types of front fillers on the basis

The building materials market offers a wide selection of putty compounds. Manufacturers, prices, mix types can confuse any inexperienced finisher. Let's try to understand the main types.

Reinforcing mesh under cement


Such fillers are considered the best for applying a starter coat, for sealing cracks and potholes in the wall. Cement-based mixtures usually consist of cement, lime flour with fractions from 0.2 mm, quartz sand and marble dust. To improve the characteristics, chemical additives are added to it. The surface covered with the cement-based starter putty looks perfectly flat, but rather rough due to the coarse-grained structure of the material. The finishing cement putty has a fine dispersion structure and comes in several colors: gray, beige and yellow. White cement putty is practically not found now. Since its bleaching requires expensive formulations, which increase the cost of the finished mixture. It is available in the form of powders and ready-made mixtures in buckets. There are also disadvantages to a liquid material.

  • Severe shrinkage of the dried mixture must be taken into account when filling cracks.
  • If the liquid cement composition is applied in a thick layer, then the probability of cracking is very high.

In order to prevent the destruction of the cement coating, a reinforcing mesh is applied during operation.

The advantages of cement compositions cover their minor disadvantages.

  • Ease of use allows even an inexperienced finisher to work with it.
  • Cement is a durable material and guarantees high frost resistance, density and weather resistance.
  • It has an affordable price, and therefore is very suitable for processing large surfaces, which is typical for building facades.

Important! Never mix cement putty with varnishes, paints and adhesives, so that it does not lose its properties.

Cement Finish Grit

When purchasing cementitious mortars, pay attention to the cement grade, compressive strength and adhesion level.


Plastering with gypsum mixture is one of the easiest ways to putty the surface of the facade. It is very easy to work with gypsum, because it has a plastic, lightweight structure and lends itself well to leveling. Plastic allows not only to easily align, but also to accurately form corners and perform other curly work on the facade of the building. The positive aspects include good vapor permeability, frost resistance, smoothness, and easy staining. The absence of shrinkage allows you to make the layer as thick as you like and apply it in one go.

But there are also downsides. If you live in rainy, humid areas, then it is better to use a minimum of gypsum, as it absorbs moisture quite well and can be destroyed under its influence. On the other hand, the gypsum mixture dries very quickly, so it is not recommended to work with it under the scorching sun.

When purchasing gypsum plaster, pay attention to the manufacturer. Better to take proven brands. So you will protect yourself from quick damage to the facade and get confidence that the mineral additives contained in the composition are of high quality, which means that the coating will last longer.

You can apply gypsum plaster in one layer


These finishing materials are starting and finishing materials. Possessing all the necessary properties, acrylic mixtures can and should be used for facade work. They are sold ready-made, which makes them even easier to use. Facade acrylic putty has good adhesive properties, but it is applied to a previously primed surface, since the putty layer is quite thin. The only thing missing is acrylic mixes - the higher price compared to previous products does not allow using it on large areas as a starting layer. Most often it is used for finishing.

Latex and acrylate

These types of putty materials are designed for extreme conditions and therefore are used for outdoor work. They are even more moisture and frost resistant than conventional acrylic. Its durability and plasticity has earned recognition from builders and fitters around the world. Latex and acrylate do not crack or shrink when dry. High adhesive properties make it possible to further strengthen the protection of the walls of buildings and make the bond with the subsequent decorative coating the most durable. Latex mixtures come in a wide variety of colors and therefore do not require additional staining. The thinnest layer of this composition forms the perfect finish. There are such starting and finishing plasters, but too high a price is their main drawback.

Colored latex putties

How to choose the right filler for the facade

The characteristics of the putty and the knowledge of which material is better to apply in certain cases will help you not to make a mistake with the choice.

  • When insulating the facade with polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam, it is better to use latex and acrylic textures. Use the same types of finishing mixtures with poor wall permeability, for example, on concrete or metal.
  • If you live in cold zones, where frost is a frequent visitor, then use a special frost-resistant putty.
  • Do not use oil products for facade work, but if you did buy them, then remember that you will only have to paint them with oil paint, since other paints will not fall on the drying oil plaster. But if your house is made of wood, then an oil-based facade putty is a good choice.
  • Try not to use materials from different manufacturers, price categories and types. If you started working alone, try to finish the process of filling the walls with the same compound. Remember that materials may not be combined with each other! It is for this reason that it is better to immediately calculate the amount of the product and assess your financial capabilities.
  • When calculating the amount of material, proceed from the thickness of the layer you need to apply. The thinner the coating, the less putty is consumed.

Dry polymer-cement plaster mixture

Main manufacturers and prices

  • One of the most recognized manufacturers on the building materials market is Ceresit. Polymer-cement plasters from this manufacturer are distinguished not only by high quality, but also by low cost. They are made of a cement-sand mixture with the addition of polymer additives and synthetic fibers for plasticity. These mixtures are distinguished by high vapor permeability, fire safety, long shelf life, and economy. In addition, Ceresit putties differ from many in color. These are white mixtures, which is rare among cement compositions.
  • Synthetic plasters of this company are produced ready-made and meet the requirements of facade materials. Acrylic, based on acrylic resins, polymer silicate and polymer silicone compounds are used for finishing walls. They are distinguished by increased resistance to deformation, moisture resistant and elastic. You can study the properties of acrylic materials from the photo in the table.
  • Knauf, a global manufacturer of building materials, has a strong position in the sale of plaster and putty compounds. It produces finishing cement mixtures in dry form, which significantly saves money on facade finishing. A package of 25 kg of multi-finishing cement mixture costs about 600 rubles.

Characteristics of Ceresit acrylic filler materials

The company "Prospectors" has shown itself to be excellent in the domestic market. It offers various facade mixes at low prices with good quality. Weber Vetonit finishing putties have been in demand for many years. This dry polymer product for facade work has a low cost - about 600 rubles.

Multi finish Knauf

Completion of finishing works

Starting putty application technology

The easiest and most popular way is to plaster the lighthouses.

  • We begin to plaster the wall. To do this, take a trowel in our right hand, and in the left solution and with a sharp movement we throw the solution onto the wall. After that, with a scraper or grater, rub the stacking mixture over the surface.

Grouting mixture

The whole process is well shown in the video. Pay attention to the technique of throwing the mortar onto the wall.

Plastering walls on lighthouses

Finishing process with finishing putty

Finishing technology with finishing filler resembles working with a starting solution. After the starting layer has completely dried, apply the finishing layer in the same way: using a trowel, pour the solution onto the wall and rub. The only difference is that the thickness of the coating is minimal, and the rubbing must be very careful, since this process is followed by the application of a decorative coating. You can apply several methods of grouting putty: round and ramp.

When finishing, it is important not to interrupt the process of processing the wall. Try to calculate the time for finishing entire sections of the facade.

Methods of grouting putty

As you can see, the facade putty can be applied with your own hands, for this you only need a little patience. By preparing the walls for decorative finishing yourself, you significantly save money, which you can spend on better material.

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Facade putty for external construction work, as a material, in addition to the leveling function, protects the external walls of the structure from the negative effects of weather conditions - moisture, frost. It comes in several forms. Mixtures with a paste consistency are applied immediately after purchase, as they are already ready to use. When buying dry powder, you will have to work hard and prepare the mixture yourself at home.

Outdoor work

The finished material is packed in buckets. Despite the ease of use of such a putty, the transportation process is not as convenient as in the case of the dry version.

Facade putty and ready-made compound of various consistency. It depends on the manufacturer and the purpose of the material.

The following compositions are distinguished by classification:

  1. Starter - the material is treated as leveling or base material.
  2. Finishing - the composition used at the last stage of outdoor work. The material is fine-grained with a liquid consistency. Unlike the starter version, this facade putty is not so strong, but the end result is of high quality. This is possible due to the advantageous properties - easy and thin application (layer of 0.4 mm), flexibility to processing (grinding).
  3. Universal - the material includes the advantages of the two previous options, is not used for external work on the processing of facades.
  4. Decorative - the composition is used to form objects for decorative purposes or to create stucco elements that are attached to the building from the outside.
  5. Facade wood putty - used for external walls of a building made of wood in order to level the surface to a smooth state. In addition, the mixture is used as a protection for wood that is vulnerable to weather conditions. It is suitable if the paneling is made of wood.

Wood putty "Extra" Facade plaster for outdoor use
Facade putty for outdoor use
A lot of manufacturers are engaged in the production of finishing
How to navigate a wide variety of finishing materials
Facade putty for finishing buildings
Another option for facade putty

Distinguish between products based on cement, which is well adjacent to moisture and low temperatures, or polymer.

The group of polymeric materials includes acrylic / latex blends.

Advantages of acrylic-based material:

  1. Convenient use.
  2. Ease of use.
  3. Fast drying time, no cracking or shrinkage.
  4. Do not add water to achieve the desired consistency.

Characteristics of stable outdoor mixes

For outdoor use, special mix options are provided. They show increased resistance to weather conditions and have corresponding technical characteristics.

Facade plaster with waterproof properties is a vivid example of a practical approach to the choice of building materials.

She has the following advantages:

  1. Reliable protection against moisture - evaporation, condensation, or heavy rain will not seriously damage your building.
  2. Ease of application, ease of distribution over the surface.
  3. Application does not take much time, which allows you not to delay the preparation of the walls.
  4. It is also used indoors, which helps out during repairs in saunas, bathrooms, industrial premises.

The cost is low, and taking into account the advantages, such a composition can be safely called convenient and practical. It is recommended to use it at the preparatory stage before painting.

A video review will tell you how to work with putty compounds when processing facades:

Another option is popular among consumers - frost-resistant putty. It is characterized by easy application, well perceives the proximity of various types of plaster. Facade mixture with resistance to low temperatures is most often used to fill cracks and eliminate other façade defects.

The composition is considered universal. The work is not limited to specific weather conditions. Frost-resistant putty is both practical and reliable. The cost is more expensive than the waterproof mixture, but the benefits are much greater.

On the modern market, there are materials with heat-resistant characteristics.

Appointment of facade fillers

As mentioned above, facade putty is used not only for leveling the surface during construction. There are a couple more advantages that should not be hidden:

  • it performs protective functions against the harmful effects of weather factors and any mechanical damage;
  • acts as a soundproofing and heat-insulating material.

Composition and properties

The main properties of facade finishing putties are:

  • high adhesive properties;
  • plastic;
  • moisture resistance;
  • frost resistance;
  • resistance to cracking and fading;
  • resistance to any temperature extremes;
  • excellent compatibility with any paint and varnish materials.

As part of the finish, there are several components that provide all of the listed properties, first of all, it is cement, gypsum and chalk, then there are mineral, marble and modifying additives and fillers. as well as plasticizers.

Cooking technology

If you have purchased a dry mix for finishing external surfaces, then you will have to dilute it. If you have never done this, then first of all, study the instructions on the packaging, usually manufacturers indicate not only the guidance process but also the required proportions.

The standard aiming scheme looks like this:

  • The dry mixture is poured into prepared water and gently stirred. The amount of water and mixture is taken strictly in proportion.
  • The solution is mixed in several ways, manually, which is quite laborious and time-consuming, or with a drill, in which case the finished mixture will be more homogeneous.
  • After mixing, it is kept for 5 minutes, and mixing is performed again.

The calculation of the required amount is carried out empirically, first a small portion of the solution is induced and the area that you have processed is measured, according to this, the required volume of the finishing mixture is calculated.

In contact with

Filling the walls is an integral stage of both internal and external finishing work, because it is this process that allows you to level the surface as efficiently as possible and prepare the base of the walls of the house for finishing. In contrast to the putty intended for indoor repair, more serious requirements are put forward for the external types of this material, since high and low temperatures, humidity and, of course, frost, inherent in our climatic zone, directly affect the walls of the building. Therefore, it is precisely the consideration of the features of the putty for outdoor work and the technology of its application that this article will be devoted to.

Purpose of the putty for outdoor use

Putty - it is a special mixture with which various kinds of defects are eliminated, seams, chips, small and more significant cracks and roughness in order to create the most even surface of the wall erected using materials such as brick, concrete, foam concrete, gypsum, stone and any others.

As a rule, components such as cement, special mineral and modifying additives, and plasticizers are included in the composition of the putty for outdoor use. So, how exactly these ingredients give the necessary properties to the material intended for outdoor use. To the undeniable advantages putties include:

  • environmental friendliness of the material and safety for human health;
  • tenacity to various weather conditions in the form of high and low temperatures, their sharp drops, as well as precipitation;
  • lack of unpleasant and uncomfortable odors;
  • resistance to the influence of ultraviolet rays and surface fading;
  • enough high rates of plasticity;
  • the vapor permeability characteristic of the material allows the walls of the house to breathe;
  • the possibility of subsequent painting or the purchase of ready-made color finishing mixtures.

It is customary to divide putty for outdoor work into two categories, namely, starting and finishing. The first consists of coarse-grained components and is intended for rough surface finishing. Due to the fact that the cost of this material is much less than the finishing putty, it is recommended to level the walls as accurately as possible with its help. In addition, higher adhesion rates contribute to better adhesion to materials such as brick, concrete, limestone, etc.

Finishing putty, having fine grain structure, is used for finishing the surface and eliminating small irregularities that were not hidden by the starting layer. Possesses higher indicators of durability and, if necessary, a wide range of colors. On the construction market, putty is presented both in dry form and in ready-made form, which does not require preliminary dilution with water.

Types of putty for outdoor use, their advantages and disadvantages

Depending on the production technology and the components of the mixture, there are the following types of facade putty:

Preparatory work before filling the outer walls

First of all, you need to choose the right day with favorable weather conditions. The best option for working with this material is air temperature state within 5-25 ° С and humidity not higher than 70-80%. A wet layer of putty applied to the wall should not come into contact with direct sunlight, humid environment, and low temperatures.

Tools and materials not too much will be needed, but still the list of preliminary targeted purchases should consist of the following points:

  • capacity in which the solution will be mixed;
  • for convenience, you can use drill with mixer attachment for mixing the solution;
  • respirator and mask required in the process of grinding the surface of some types of putty;
  • roller or brush for applying a primer mixture;
  • metal spatulas, the width of which is generally between 450 and 600 mm;
  • grater or diamond mesh for surface grinding;
  • primer deep penetration;
  • starting and finishing putty.

Preparatory work includes cleaning the surface from various dirt, poorly adhering layers of old finishes, as well as removing greasy stains, possible traces of fungus and other types of dirt.

Features of the process of filling external walls

Applying putty on the wall does not present any particular difficulty, but at the same time it is a rather delicate job, the approach to which should be based on patience, accuracy and attentiveness. After all the above preparatory work has been carried out, you can start the process of filling the walls, which is divided into the following steps:

This completes the filling of the outer walls of the house. The most important rules that you should definitely adhere to include, firstly, the complete drying of each layer of putty, and secondly, observance of proportions when mixing the solution... Everything else depends on your desire, skill and financial capabilities.

Wall putty video

In order to carry out the restoration of the external walls of the building or finishing work on the new facade, preliminary leveling of the surface is required. Only then can you remove small cracks and defects on the base, make it smooth and even. To carry out such work, you will need a good putty. Facade building mixture is suitable for outdoor work, since it has moisture-resistant and heat-resistant functions, which means that it will not be afraid of temperature changes and external adverse factors, such as direct sunlight, snow, rain.

In the online store "Vira-Stroymaterialy" the best putty for facade works from well-known manufacturers is presented for you. We work directly with factories, so we guarantee you the quality of the material and offer you an attractive price.

What substrates is the facade putty applied to?

After the completion of construction, it will take about a year for shrinkage. This time is necessary so that the surface does not crack in the future after applying putty and other materials. If there are no major defects on the substrate, no preliminary work is required before applying the finishing materials.

Facade putty, as a rule, has a cement base, so it fits perfectly on such bases as:

  • plaster;
  • drywall and other gypsum bases;
  • brick;
  • cellular and other types of concrete.

After the outdoor putty has been applied and dried, you can do cladding, fix mosaics or paint.

How to choose the best filler for outdoor use?

The material for outdoor use must have certain qualities in order to maintain its properties for a long time.

Among them:

  • weather resistance (the putty must, even without another coating, withstand the influence of temperature, sunlight and weather conditions);
  • good strength (the facade finish is exposed to serious mechanical stress, so it should not crumble in case of accidental impacts);
  • frost resistance (putty must have good frost resistance characteristics and retain its qualities even with repeated freezing and thawing);
  • increased moisture resistance (putty should not absorb excess moisture, deform from collision with water).

Pre-finishing of walls and why is it needed

The average cost of a bag of dry putty is $ 14-15 (acrylic putty is somewhat more expensive), and a small bag of cement costs less than $ 5, so it is clear why it is necessary to pre-finish the facades of buildings. It should be said that cement-sand plaster has excellent adhesion to "wet" finishing building materials. This quality allows the plaster to be used with almost any type of building decoration.

A detailed video tutorial on the technology of mounting a "wet" facade

Consider the entire set of "wet facade" complete with insulation. In this case, the walls are treated with a deep-penetrating primer so that the insulation adhesive has excellent adhesion to the coating. Then the foam insulation is glued.

At the next stage, it is necessary to putty with a starting putty, then glue the foam with Ceresit CM-11 glue ( in fact, it is facade plaster). Reinforcement with fiberglass plaster mesh is also carried out. Thus, the wall covering is leveled, and the consumption of the facade putty is minimized. This will significantly save money on home decoration.

The finishing "wet facade" has some features and rules to minimize the consumption of expensive building materials. With the help of this cladding method, it is possible to perfectly decorate the building, create coziness inside it, and achieve good thermal insulation. Today, many people use this particular type of building decoration, because it is very effective, economical and practical.

Finishing putties

Before applying the finishing putty on the walls, you need to know the features of this building material. From what the rough surface is, it is necessary to make a start when choosing the best type of putty, paste, dry powder, which can be both oil and glue, latex, acrylic or combined.

Types of putties

Plasters differ in composition and texture

Today, putties are mainly produced from silicone, silicate, acrylic, and they are also combined... We can confidently say that Ceresit putties and adhesives are the best. For filling, use a metal and stainless steel spatula of the required width. It is also called the "facade trowel", although it is also used for interior construction work. If necessary, the dried solution can be sanded with sandpaper or diamond mesh.

For putties used for exterior finishing, the main condition is the high quality of the bonding materials - acrylic, silicone and minerals, which are responsible for the hardness, impact resistance and moisture resistance of the putty.

It is worth saying that when working with these building materials, there are absolutely no toxic odors, they are absolutely harmless to health.

Not any finishing putty, even the highest quality, can be used for exterior decoration. For example, the Vetonit powder mixture is excellent for interior decoration, but it cannot be used for exterior decoration and even for decoration of rooms with high humidity (for example, bathtubs).

Application features

Let's consider how to apply acrylic facade putty and dry mix to already prepared walls.

When using dry putty for finishing, it is necessary to collect 1/3 of a bucket of water and pour the powder into it, then mix the mixture thoroughly using a mixer or a slow-speed drill until the structure of the mixture reaches a consistency resembling mashed potatoes. Then you need to wait until the mixture has settled for 5 minutes, and beat it one more time.... Only then can the solution be applied to the wall.


When finishing the facade, the putty solution is applied to the wall with the usual wide spatula, but the mixture is pulled out of the bucket with a 7-15 cm narrow spatula, after which it is applied to the entire blade of a wide spatula. It all depends on the skills and skill of the employee. Someone processes the coating with one spatula so that after that it does not need to be sanded. Someone uses a building rule to speed up the application process, and then finishes the plane with a spatula.

Finishing the facade with putty

The most important thing when finishing is not to stop the process of applying any plane., that is, any section on the wall should not have joints with a non-dried section that was applied earlier, so that after the completion of work on the surface there are no seams. Transitions to any ledges on the wall, as well as the finishing of another wall, have nothing to do with this.