Painting a wooden house Moscow. What color to paint the outside of the house? Professionals in secret

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How much wall paint do you need?

What paint to paint the house?

To choose the right paint, read the previous page for painting your home outside.

It is quite possible to paint the facade on your own, you only need time, knowledge and patience.

On the paint packaging there is always information about the paint consumption. Usually, the specific consumption of facade paint is indicated - the number of liters (kg) that will need to be consumed for painting 1 m 2 facade in one layer, l / m 2.

Sometimes on the packaging of facade paint, the reciprocal of the consumption is indicated - the surface area that can be painted with 1 liter of paint, m 2 / l.

Usually indicate the consumption of paint in a certain interval, for example: flow rate 0.1 - 0.25 l / m 2... Here, a lower consumption value is for smooth primed surfaces, and a large value is for rough, textured unprimed facades.

On the websites of paint manufacturers and sellers, you can find calculators for calculating the amount of the selected paint depending on the area of ​​the painted facade of the house, the number of layers and the roughness of the surface to be painted. Facade paint is usually applied in two layers.

To paint a house outside, the amount of paint is determined by multiplying the area of ​​the surface to be painted - m 2, specific consumption - l / m 2, number of layers - 2, safety factor - 1.1. A safety factor of 10% is necessary to avoid an unpleasant situation when there is almost not enough paint at the end of the work.

How to prepare the walls of the house for painting?

The quality and durability of painting the outside of the house to a very large extent depends on the correct preparation of the wall surface.

The substrate on which the paint will be applied must be dense, durable and primed.

Preparing for painting the old walls of the house

Improving the condition of the base is usually always necessary before painting the old walls of the house.

Old wall before painting must be cleaned of dust, mold, moss and easily peeling layers of old coatings... The best way to do this is to flush the wall with a pressure washer, such as a car wash. Or you can wipe the entire surface of the wall with a stiff brush, but this option is more time consuming. It is better to use both methods; after washing, brush only areas of intense dirt.

Places of accumulation of mold, moss, after their removal, must be treated with a liquid bioprotective agent. Otherwise, parts of these biological substances may remain in the thickness of the wall covering, which will quickly grow through the new paint.

Then, the plastered surfaces are repaired, cracks are closed, places with peeling plaster. Old paint on the facade should not flake off and dust. Areas with peeling paint are cleaned, primed and covered with an additional layer of new paint.

If the old paint is damaged over a large area, it is better to remove it from the entire surface of the wall. It is convenient to use a sandblaster to remove old paint.

How to determine the strength of the surface of the painted wall?

For this a large enough piece of transparent stationery tape is glued to the wall and a minute later, with a sharp movement, they tear it off the wall. If, together with the tape, the pieces of the base have not come off the wall, then such a wall can be primed and painted. Otherwise, the surface of the wall should be cleaned by removing the old paint.

Preparing to paint the facade of a new house

The plastered facades of the new houses are quite durable. Preparing the facade for painting a new house outside comes down to the following steps:

  1. It is imperative to dry the freshly plastered facade for at least 30 - 60 days. The wall should be completely dry.
  2. Apply a primer to the wall of the house.

Not plastered silicate brick facades can be covered with a special colorless protective compound, or you can simply paint it with facade paint. In any case, the surface of the wall is primed.

Facades from facing ceramic bricks usually do not paint.

New walls made of ordinary ceramic bricks it is better to paint in the first two years, before efflorescence appears on them.

Priming the walls of the house outside

The primer allows:

  • strengthen the dusty base;
  • to increase the adhesion (adhesion) of the paint to the base;
  • reduce water absorption of the coating;
  • reduce the consumption of facade paint.

Facade paint spreads more easily over the primed surface, and its consumption is noticeably reduced.

The quality of painting the facade of the house can be improved if tint the primer to match, close to the color of the facade paint.

As a primer sometimes use facade paint diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio.

The primer is applied to the wall surface in the same way as the paint. Before painting, the primer must be allowed to dry completely for at least a day.

How long does the paint dry?

Most facade paints are completely dry to form a durable finish. in 24 hours after being applied to the wall.

The second coat of paint can usually be applied earlier without waiting for the first coat to dry completely. Information on the length of the period after which the second coat of paint can be applied is contained on the paint package.

How to apply paint?

Facades are most often painted with a roller, brush or spray gun.

The choice of tool is determined by the consistency (viscosity) of the paint, the texture of the surface to be painted and the qualifications of the workers.

Walls smooth surface paint with a brush or short-haired roller. It is more convenient and faster to paint with a roller than with a brush, moreover, less paint is consumed.

When painting walls with textured surface or directly on the brick, use a wide brush with long bristles.

You can paint walls of any texture with a spray gun, both smooth and embossed. Spray gun painting at home requires higher qualifications and more experience with this spray gun. It is necessary to choose the correct viscosity of the paint, select the nozzles for the spray gun of the apparatus. It also requires the practical skill of evenly applying paint to the wall surface. It is better to entrust painting the house with a spray gun to specialists.

In the case of using special textured high viscosity paints with filler, to apply paint to the facade, in addition to the above tools, they also use a spatula.

We paint the house outside

Painting the house outside you can do it yourself by following these recommendations:

  1. Facade painting work must be planned by consulting the weather forecast. On rainy, windy days or at temperatures below +5 o C it is better not to paint the facade.
  2. The surfaces to be painted must be be sure to prime... For applying the primer to the wall, use the same methods as for applying paint (see above).
  3. Before starting work, all non-paintable parts of the facade (windows, doors, slopes, plinth, blind area, etc.) are protected with plastic wrap.
  4. Painting work is carried out in dry weather in the absence of strong winds. The outside temperature must be within the operating range indicated on the facade paint package. Check the weather forecast before starting work.
  5. Install scaffolding or scaffolding to paint the facade at a height. Paint the facade from the stairs it is not convenient and dangerous.
  6. A layer of paint is applied to one wall of the house without making long breaks in work. If you paint a part of the wall the next day, then stains will remain on the wall - places with a different shade of paint.
  7. The second layer of paint is applied after a break, not earlier than indicated by the manufacturer on the paint package.
  8. To avoid washing the roller or brush before each break in work, wrap the tool in a plastic bag - the paint will not dry out.

The paint is distributed by moving the roller or brush in different directions alternately - vertically, horizontally and diagonally.

How to store paints?

Protect the paint package from direct sunlight and frost. The paint should be stored at temperatures from +5 to + 25 ° C in a tightly closed package. The paint that is stored under these conditions remains usable even after the expiration date printed on the packaging.

If the paint has stratified during storage, mix it thoroughly with a mixer - an attachment on an electric drill, and the paint will become usable again.

What color to paint the facade of the house

When choosing the color of the facade walls are guided by the following basic rules:

1. The color of the walls of the facade of the house must be different from the color of the roof.

2. The color of painting should be in harmony with natural and other non-paintable materials with which the facade is finished: brick, natural stone, tiles, panels, etc.

3. Different architectural elements on the facade are distinguished by color: the front door, windows, shutters, cornices, cladding, etc.

4. In the absence of contrast in colors, the facade, as a rule, looks dull and not attractive.

In the photo, the main color of the wall painting is combined with the color of the natural stone on the facade.

Smaller elements of the facade are highlighted in light beige paint. A warm light tone against the background of a thick dark color scheme of the wall softens and makes the color range pleasing to the eye, successfully decorates the facade.

The color accent on the front facade, as a rule, is made at the entrance to the house, the front door.

In this photo, the wall of the first floor of the house is made of unpainted clay brick. The color scheme of the upper floor facade was chosen so as to visually reduce its volume and make the lower level more significant.

Facade paint in your city

Facade building paint for exterior works

Regular inspection and elimination of any defects will ensure the longevity of the façade. After each winter, it is worth checking the condition of the plaster and paint layer. Here are some basic tips for maintaining and repairing them.

The most common are damage caused by deformations of the base of the plaster or paint layer, as well as mechanical damage and damage associated with leaching of the plaster by rainwater during leaks. Only after the causes of the damage have been eliminated can the repair of the damaged areas begin.

Well-made decorative thin-layer plasters applied to thermal insulation usually do not require any kind of repair for many years.

Regular inspection of the façade and cleaning of contamination are the main means of maintenance.

Even small leaks, if they are not eliminated for a long time, over time, can lead to significant damage not only to the paint, but also to the plaster layers. If you react quickly, it is enough to restore only the color. It is necessary to eliminate the cause of the leaks, let the wall dry and carry out repairs.

Green algae on the facade - how to prevent and remove

Green algae on the wall always indicates high humidity, which encourages algae growth.

Houses located near forests and parks, in areas with high humidity (near water bodies), are especially vulnerable to biological pollution. Mainly only the northern and western walls are affected by the green invasion. This is due to the fact that the winds from the west blow more often, and the rain falls on the walls from these directions, and the sun is less frequent in these places. Algae and fungus spores thrive on wet surfaces, and on the southern walls, the sun dries out the façade.

It is enough to disinfect walls with a low degree of contamination with a preparation to combat microorganisms, and then rinse with water under pressure. If, after disinfection, traces of algae remain, then it will be necessary to restore the color - paint the facade with paint with biocides.

It should be remembered that most biocides are active for three to five years. After this time, in areas particularly susceptible to microbial contamination, the facades must be re-protected by spraying the product. I do not know of any means of providing long-term permanent protection against algae.


The question seems to be simple, if you do not take into account the pitfalls that make themselves felt over time.

Wooden houses in Russia have been built since ancient times, because wood is an excellent building material and has many beneficial properties. It has low thermal conductivity and perfectly retains heat, so in wooden houses you can successfully save on heating.

If we take a log and brick wall of the same thickness, then the thermal insulation indicators of the first will be several times higher. This can be explained simply: wooden walls have the ability to accumulate heat and distribute it evenly throughout the house, so in summer it is cool in wooden houses and warm in winter. For many years, wood retains its operational qualities and is a durable material. It has the ability to perfectly distribute the level of humidity inside the room and remove water vapor to the outside, which eliminates the phenomenon of condensation.

In wooden houses there is a unique atmosphere of comfort and warmth, therefore living in wooden houses has a beneficial effect on the well-being of a person, and the health problems usual for a city dweller recede. In addition, the tree has a unique natural beauty that delights and pacifies the human eye. And this is also one of the reasons why wooden houses are built. The facade of a wooden house speaks of the status of its owner. In addition, the house is a valuable property and a significant investment, and the beautiful and attractive appearance gives the wooden house additional value.

How and with what to paint a wooden house (outside) correctly? Part 1.

Negative loads experienced by a tree during operation

Wood, as a living and natural material, is highly susceptible to aging. The aging and decay of wood depends on many factors, but the main enemies of wood are UV radiation, water and moisture, and fungi.

Sunlight together with water, temperature, oxygen and other external influences (dust, dirt, fungi, sulfur compounds) destroys the surface of the wood, as a result of which it turns gray and becomes rough, and its fibers stand upright. Such a surface is easily contaminated. Moreover, such changes can be seen literally within a few weeks.

Water first causes the wood to swell, which, when dry, creates a stress state that eventually leads to cracking. In addition, water stimulates moisture, and moisture, in turn, especially at elevated temperatures, causes the growth of blue, mold and rot fungi. Molds grow only on the surface as dark spots and have a heavy and unpleasant odor. And blue fungi grow in wood fiber and "paint" its surface brown, blue-gray or almost black.

Fungi of blue and mold (in the photo on the left) do not destroy wood and do not reduce its strength, but cause only aesthetic harm, making the surface look ugly. But rot fungi (photo on the right) are already destroying the wood and causing structural damage inside it. They can destroy the cells of the wood from the inside and corrode the cellulose, as a result of which the strength of the wood is significantly impaired and the wood becomes unusable.

One should not forget about the bark beetles (pictured), which creep out after a 2-3-year larval stage. In addition to all this, it should be borne in mind that atmospheric loads on a wooden surface in the coastal zone and in open spaces are especially great, and on the southern and western sides of buildings they are five times greater than on the northern ones. Thus, by carefully studying the causes of negative effects on the tree, we can better eliminate them and resist them.

How and with what to paint a wooden house (outside) correctly? Part 2.

New wood surfaces

In this article, we will mainly refer to paints and varnishes. Tikkurils , since This company has long been engaged in the production of paint and varnish materials, it has its own large research and development center, equipped with modern equipment for the manufacture and testing of products in a variety of conditions, which means it has a lot of practical experience. They have established themselves as real professionals, therefore, for painting a wooden house outside, we recommend using the products of this company, the price of which is presented inprice list on our website. We have our own paint shop, where you can buy everything you need.

Preliminary surface preparation

The preliminary preparation of the surface has an important effect on the final result, and in no case should it be neglected. Careful treatment of the area to be painted improves the adhesion of the paint to the surface, thus significantly increasing the life of the finished coating.

First, remove dust and foreign matter from the surface. This is best done by rinsing the surface with water using a garden sprayer and a brush. water collects dust better. If there are already moldy and blue areas on the surface, then they needtreat with the following wood bleaches: Fongifluid, Sagus, Senezh Effeo, Neomid 500, Homeenpoistoand then rinse thoroughly with water. If there is resin in the places of the knots (this is typical of conifers), then you need to remove it with a metal spatula, and then cover it with varnish for knots Oksalakka... Nail heads and other metal parts need to be coated anti-corrosion primer for metalRostex Super... For other types of anti-corrosion primers, see.

It is good to leave the surface prepared in this way to dry for one to two weeks, covering it with plastic wrap (in warm weather, do not forget to open the film) and at the same time leave room for ventilation. By the way, if there is a suspicion that the tree is not completely dry, then let us dry it for at least a month, covering it with a curtain of film in rainy weather, and removing this curtain in dry weather. If there is no way at all to dry the tree, then we will cover it as it is with a tinted primer antisepticValtti Pohjuste or Euro Wood Primerand we will leave until better times when it will be possible to dry the tree.

Color selection

Now let's move on to the question: “ What color to paint a wooden house ? ”. The question is extremely important, because the appearance of the house depends on it, which will, accordingly, please or grieve us. Therefore, you need to approach this issue as responsibly as possible. Realizing the importance of the issue, for our customers in the store we offer samples of flowers painted on wood. In our opinion, this is the most practical and painless solution to the question: “ What color to paint the house ?”

For greater reliability, we even offer for 200 rubles. (for glazing antiseptics) make a sample (0.9 liter can), which you can slowly paint at home on an unnecessary board, then calmly evaluate the color and make a decision. In addition, in the store, we offer free consultations on choosing the color of the house, so that it matches the color of the roof, windows, doors, gutters and other details of the house, as well as the surrounding landscape.

Choice of paint

Now we have come close to painting. But with the modern choice of paints and varnishes and all kinds of flashy advertising, we are simply lost. Here you need to draw the attention of readers to one important point. The sphere of development of paints and varnishes for wood protection is inactive. The process of appearance of constructively new paints is extremely slow (apparently, product testing takes a lot of time). Tikkurila, for example, has oil f ink painthas been produced for over 75 years, and the opaque antisepticVinha- over 30 years. This is said so that you know - any bright advertisement for new products of little-known manufacturers, to put it mildly, is disingenuous, promising an incredibly long service life of the paint.

To protect wooden surfaces outside, the company offers several main types of coatings: glazing and top antiseptics, oil and acrylate paints. What to choose?

Antiseptics penetrate the wood to a depth of several millimeters and protect the wood surface from the effects of atmospheric stress, rot, mold and blue. Antiseptics are glaze (translucent) and topcoat (opaque). Glazing (translucent) antiseptics preserve the wood texture well and at the same time give the wood a certain color shade, they preserve the beauty and pattern of the wood better than other paintwork materials. Glaze antiseptics include: Valtti Color, Valtti Color Satin, Valtti Color Extra, Valtti Aquacolor. In addition to Tikkurila products, we can offer analogs from other manufacturers. These are Pinotex Ultra and Pinotex Classic and (service life 12 years), Belinka Exterior, Belinka Toplazur Mix, Belinka Toplasur, Belinka Toplasur UV Plus, Belinka Lazur. Covering (opaque) antiseptics completely cover the texture of the wood, while preserving the visible relief of the wood surface, Vinha belongs to them.

Oil paints are well absorbed into wood and have excellent weather resistance, they are good at preventing water penetration into wood, but they dry slowly (from seven hours to a day or more). In addition, slow matting and discoloration are characteristic of oil paints over time, which is especially noticeable in bright and dark shades of paint. Tikkurila's oil paints include dyeTejo .

Acrylate paints are extremely weather resistant. They, in comparison with oil paints, retain their color and shine much better and, in addition, have good vapor permeability (breathe well). The acrylate present in the paints gives them excellent elasticity. Acrylate paints live in rhythm with the deformation of the wood and do not crack. Acrylate paints include Tikkurila paintsPica-Tejo and Ultra.

Service life of glazing antiseptics, oil and acrylate paints

Regarding the service life, let's say that the average service life (after which it is recommended to renew the surface):

  • For glazing (translucent) antiseptics it is 3-5 years. Although one of our acquaintances who went to study in Finland at the plant Tikkurils, told that they had Valtti Color served for 23 years. It is possible (not a fact) that there are any artificial or special conditions here, but in any case, it is better for us to carry out a "technical inspection" of the state of the wooden surface every year and, on its basis, decide whether we should paint it again or not worth it.
  • For covering antiseptics - 5-7 years.
  • For oil paints - 5-6 years.
  • For acrylate paints - from 7 to 10 years.

Wood varnish coating technology

Regarding the technology of applying paint and varnish coating to wood, let's say the following: many well-known manufacturers of paints for protecting wood from the outside have the technology of applying paint and varnish coating to wood in two stages. The first stage is the application of an antiseptic primer. An antiseptic primer plays an important role in protecting wood; it significantly slows down the effects of moisture, rot fungi, blue stains and mold. The neglect of priming with such an antiseptic leads to global consequences, the service life of the entire paintwork is significantly reduced. The second stage is the application of the topcoat, which can be used as glazing and topcoating antiseptics, oil and acrylate paints.

So, when our surface is prepared, we apply one layer of a primer antisepticValtti Pohjuste or primers for woodBelinka base (Belinka), and then, when the surface is dry (usually the next day), apply 2-3 coats of topcoat or antiseptic, thoroughly drying each layer.

At the same time, if you follow a few simple tips, then the service life of the coating we apply will be maximum, and the appearance of the house will delight us for a long time:

  • stir the paint thoroughly before and during painting, otherwise the gloss and color of the paint coat on the surface may be uneven;
  • do a test painting on a small area of ​​an unnecessary board and check the correctness of the chosen color;
  • it is best to paint with a brush, because this is the highest quality painting method. At the same time, try not to apply too thick layers, because you risk getting uneven color and shine on the painted surface;
  • if possible, tint the primer in the color closest to the future coating;
  • no need to paint in direct sunlight, this will lead to undesirable rapid drying. Therefore, do not paint in hot and bright sunny weather, or if precipitation is expected (rain, dew). The most favorable weather for painting is cloudy, calm and warm;
  • always apply paint and antiseptic in the longitudinal direction;
  • the ends of boards and logs are the weakest points, through them water is especially easily and quickly absorbed into the wood, therefore they must be especially carefully covered with several layers of both primer and coating material.

How and with what to paint a wooden house (outside) correctly?Part 3.

Previously painted wood surfaces

If we see that the previously painted surface has faded, has a faded appearance, has become moldy, the paint peels off on it, there are other similar flaws, then it is time to think about updating the l / c coating. A new coat of paint will significantly improve the appearance of the house, and at the same time, you can also change the color of the facade itself.

But, before proceeding with the repair, we must decide for ourselves what we want to get as a result? Indeed, often the very condition of the wooden surface limits us in the choice of paint. It is worth thinking about repairing not the entire facade, but its individual parts, for example, the southern and western walls of the facade, which experience the highest atmospheric loads and, accordingly, more often need repair than other walls. Sometimes a good solution is selective repair of individual places or high-quality repair of one (the most worn out) wall, with the intention of repairing other walls in the next season.

If the wooden facade is in good technical condition and does not have gross structural defects and damage, it can be simply renewed by repainting it in the same or a different color. In case of repainting, when choosing a new paint, it is better to adhere to this rule: for re-painting, use the same paint or the same type of paint that was previously painted on the surface. If we do not know what paint the surface was previously painted with, then we will try to determine the type of previously applied paint ourselves.

How to determine the type of paint a house has been painted with

The types of paints can be identified visually. Acrylate paint has a leathery surface, it chalk less and later than oil paint. Acrylate paint usually cracks in the direction of the wood grain, and oil paint has a checkered or transverse cracking in the direction of the wood grain. You can do a simple experiment, try to roll a small piece of paint into a roll. If the l / c film remains intact, then usually this means acrylate paint, and if the film breaks with a bang, then it is most likely oil paint.

Glazing antiseptics also wear out over time and their film becomes thinner. If we see a glossy film of an antiseptic, then the surface can be repainted with the same antiseptic of a more saturated or darker color or with an oil-based paint. If the antiseptic is completely faded and does not form a film, then the surface to be coated can also be painted with acrylate paint.

We paint the old surface covered with oil paint with oil paint or acrylate paint (after cleaning the surface with a metal brush to wood). We paint the surface covered with acrylate paint with acrylate paint or, if you really want, oil paint (after cleaning the surface with a metal brush to wood).

Preparation of a wooden surface for painting

During the repair, preliminary preparation is important, how carefully it will be carried out, the better and longer the covered l / c coating will last. In such cases, the normally painted surface is cleaned of hanging scraps of old paint, dust, dirt, tar and foreign matter with a brush or scraper and rinsed with water. Mold is removed with a mold remover solutionHomeenpoisto.For better adhesion of paint on the surface, it is recommended to degrease the surface with alkaline detergents.

Old boarding, as well as rotten, crooked and cracked boards must be replaced with new ones. If you need to remove old paint, then remove it mechanically (by sandblasting, scraper or metal brush) or chemically (using a paint remover gel). The chemical removal of the l / c coating preserves the texture of the wood better, but the chemical removal process itself is difficult and slow. To use it on large areas (in this case, facades), you need to be very patient.

Chemical removal of old paint is used only when a very thorough cleaning of the surface is required or the condition of the wood is such that it does not withstand sandblasting. However, the end result of chemical removal is extremely excellent. In addition, it is imperative to do a trial removal of the old paint. If you need to sand, then sand the wood. Further, we simply act according to the above plan. If we do everything as expected, we will get a good facade coating that will serve us for many years.

Painting a wooden house outside. Summary

We cannot unequivocally say that this paint or that one is the best, since in the store we regularly hear complaints from customers about the most seemingly excellent paints: Tikkurila, Belinka, Pinotex, etc. ... Unpredictable. Maybe it depends on the area where the houses are located, maybe from improper application and non-compliance with the painting technology, maybe from something else. In our opinion, the most optimal in this situation would be to consult with neighbors in the country, or at work, or on the landing. Find out what they painted and their impressions and recommendations. From 2013 sales experience, our store sold the mostTikkurila colors(apparently, this is due to the trust in Finnish quality), then there are salesPinotex, and in third place -Belinka.

If you need urgent advice from a specialist in choosing a suitable paint, you can contact the store administrator using the Online Consultant. Also:

The main options for external finishing of a wooden house include: painting, siding - PVC or metal panels, blockhouse cladding - a wooden planed semicircular board, brick cladding and finishing with porcelain stoneware slabs (the so-called ventilated facades).

Each of the options has its own pros and cons. We have collected the main ones in the table below.

Advantages and disadvantages of painting a wooden house compared to other types of exterior decoration

Finishing type




  • easy to apply: no special tools and skills required
  • the cheapest finishing option
  • not


  • durability - retains its appearance up to 20 years
  • masks the flaws in the design of the house
  • resistant to moisture
  • does not rot or mold
  • plastic siding does not increase the load on the foundation, suitable for any home
  • plastic siding is poorly resistant to mechanical stress
  • metal siding significantly loads the foundation; it is not suitable for every home
  • complex installation: you need a special tool and work skills
  • more expensive than painting

Blockhouse cladding

  • durability - retains its appearance up to 10 years
  • the finished surface repeats the appearance of a log house
  • masks the flaws in the design of the house
  • the wooden surface of the blockhouse still requires special treatment or painting
  • complicated installation
  • more expensive than siding

Brick cladding

  • prevents combustion
  • high sound and heat insulation
  • completely covers the surface and texture of wood
  • requires a separate foundation
  • the most expensive type of finishing (together with porcelain stoneware)
  • it is necessary to have a large overhang of the roof (from 35 cm)

Porcelain stoneware finishing

  • durability - retains its appearance up to 50 years
  • hides the flaws in the design of the house
  • high resistance to mechanical stress
  • prevents combustion
  • high sound and heat insulation
  • completely covers the surface and texture of wood
  • very difficult installation: professional builders will be required
  • the most expensive type of decoration (together with brick)

Painting a wooden house is the cheapest type of exterior decoration for a wooden house. And it does not require special knowledge and skills.

What color to paint a wooden house outside

Before painting a wooden house outside, you should decide on the color scheme. The color for the facade of the house should look harmoniously with the color of the roof, creating a coherent and elegant ensemble.

Roof color
Blue Dark-
Brown Chocolate Orange Red Cherry Dark-

Wall color

Light blue

+ ++ - ++ ++ -- - ++ ++
-- -- -- ++ -- -- -- + +
Light green
- - - ++ ++ - ++ + +


++ ++ ++ + ++ ++ ++ ++ ++
Beige ++ ++ ++ + ++ ++ ++ ++ ++
Pink + ++ ++ - ++ -- -- ++ ++
Pearl gray + + -- + - - + ++ +
White ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++

"++ "- Great combination" + " - Good combination " - "- Not a very good combination" -- "- Bad combination

When choosing a future color for the facade, explore options for a successful combination of shades.

What paint to paint a wooden house outside

The modern variety of paints for the facade of a wooden house allows you to choose the most suitable option in terms of characteristics and price.

By composition, the following types of paint are distinguished: oil and acrylic paints, alkyd enamels and antiseptics.

Oil paint

The most affordable type of paint. After application, it is perfectly absorbed by the surface of the wood and creates a durable coating that is resistant to the atmosphere.

Not suitable for painting the sunny sides of the house, as it quickly fade in the sun and loses its appearance.

Service life before renewal is up to 6 years.

Alkyd enamel

The main feature of alkyd enamels is the ability to create, when dry, a waterproof film that protects wood from moisture.

On the other hand, due to rapid drying, such paint does not have time to be deeply absorbed by the surface of the wood and therefore has a low durability.

Alkyd paint is also characterized by increased frost resistance and is able to withstand frosts with temperatures below 30 ° C. Therefore, it is great for homes located in the northern regions of the country.

Service life before renewal is up to 7 years.

Acrylic paint

Acrylic paint, like oil paint, creates a weather-resistant coating that, moreover, does not fade from sunlight.

The elastic film of dried acrylic paint does not crack over time and allows the tree to breathe, retaining all the charm of living in a wooden house.

In Europe today it is this type of paint that has become practically the standard in the processing of facades of wooden buildings - more than 80% of houses are painted with acrylic paints.


Antiseptics are able to penetrate deeply - up to 7 mm - into the surface of a tree. Thanks to this, the wood is reliably protected from the effects of the atmosphere, decay and fungus.

Antiseptics are cover and glaze. Coating antiseptics create an opaque finish that preserves the texture of the wood. Glazing antiseptics create a transparent finish that preserves and enhances the natural color of the wood.

Interesting fact. In the course of the competition with the Finnish company Sadolin, which produces the popular Pinotex antiseptic, the German concern Meffert AG Farbwerke came up with a new name for its transparent impregnations - azure. Which later was assigned to the family of glazing antiseptics.

Service life before renewal is up to 10 years.

Select the paint composition based on your requirements for the degree of wood protection and the durability of the coating.

How to calculate paint consumption when painting a wooden house

The base paint consumption is usually indicated directly by the manufacturer. But, depending on the type of wooden house, the actual consumption may differ significantly from the indicated one.

The table below shows the approximate consumption of different types of paint for the three main types of wooden houses when painted in one coat.

Basic consumption, g / m2

Painting of a frame house, g / m2

Painting a house from a bar, g / m2 *

Painting a log house, g / m2 *

* The table takes into account all the irregularities of the timber and protruding ends. It is not necessary to add their area when calculating the paint consumption.

If the topcoat is applied in several coats, the consumption increases in proportion to the number of coats. It should also be borne in mind that the consumption also depends on the choice of the tool - when painting with a brush, more paint will be spent than when using a spray gun.

Painting technology of a wooden house outside

Painting a wooden house from the outside consists of several main stages:

  • Wood surface cleaning. Before painting, all surfaces must be cleaned of dirt, foci of mold.
  • Priming of metal parts. All metal parts - heads of nails and screws, hinges, brackets, bolts, latches, etc. - must be primed with special compounds to protect against corrosion.
  • Drying wood. The wooden surfaces of the house, cleaned from dirt, should dry thoroughly. On average, drying takes up to two weeks. It is better to cover the wood with a film during precipitation.
  • Knotting. The dried wood is covered with one layer of antiseptic. Particular attention should be paid to the ends of the logs and beams - these are the most vulnerable spots of a wooden house.
  • Finish coating. After the primer layer is dry, a top coat of paint is applied. To create a durable and protected surface, usually 2-3 coats of paint are required. Each subsequent layer is applied after the previous one has completely dried.


Finish painting is best done in the early morning or evening, when there is no direct sunlight. This will allow the paint to dry evenly.

Painting a wooden house from the inside

In addition to painting the facades of a wooden house, the use of paints and varnishes is also advisable for the interior decoration of the home.

Among the options for interior decoration, several basic ones can be distinguished: a clean log house, clapboard cladding, painting, stone decoration, modern decoration.

Pros and cons of painting compared to other types of interior decoration of a wooden house

Finishing type



Clean log house

  • no costs for wall decoration
  • the surface of the tree is not protected in any way
  • house design flaws are not masked
  • short-lived: over time it fades and loses its beautiful appearance
  • fire hazard

Clapboard sheathing

  • the most popular type of finishing
  • masks the flaws in the design of the house
  • without a special coating, it also fades and loses its beautiful appearance


  • keeps the surface and texture of the wood open
  • simplicity and speed: no special tools and skills required
  • the most affordable type of finish
  • requires updating at intervals of 6 to 10 years

Stone / brick finishing

  • durability - retains its appearance up to 50 years
  • hides the flaws in the design of the house
  • high resistance to mechanical stress
  • prevents combustion
  • high sound and heat insulation
  • completely covers the surface and texture of wood
  • the most expensive type of finishing

Modern finishes for painting, wallpaper or decorative plaster

  • from the inside, the house looks like a modern apartment
  • hides the flaws in the design of the house
  • high sound and heat insulation
  • closes the texture of the tree
  • complex installation: it is necessary to contact professionals

Painting a wooden house inside is one of the most affordable types of finishes that does not require special knowledge and skills.

What paints to use inside the house

Water-based acrylic paint

This type of paint is most often used for painting the interior surfaces of wooden houses. It dries quickly and is practically odorless.

An important advantage of the water emulsion is its composition, which is not considered "chemical". Therefore, the paint is not harmful to health.

In addition, such paint is extremely easy to work with. You can tint the paint yourself by adding various pigments. The tool is quickly washed from such paint with plain water, accidental drips and drops without a trace are removed with a damp cloth.

Alkyd enamel

The basis of alkyd enamels is alkyd resin, thanks to which this type of paint is excellent for both outdoor and indoor use.

Alkyd paints create a bright and durable finish that is resistant to UV, moisture, temperature and dirt. Therefore, they are especially relevant when painting walls in the kitchen.

Polyurethane paint

The main advantage of this type of paint is its increased resistance to water. It creates a waterproof coating and is therefore best suited for damp rooms.

However, this paint is rarely used due to its relatively high cost.

For interior work, water-based and alkyd paints are best suited.

What colors to use inside the house

It is better to paint narrow rooms like a hallway or a corridor with light paint. To visually expand the space, you can paint the walls in vertical stripes.

Soft and calm colors - beige, gray and pale pink - will be a good solution for living rooms and a living room.

Light shades of warm colors look good in the kitchen. For small kitchens, you can use bright and rich colors - yellow, green or red.

For a children's room, you should choose one of the bright colors - yellow, orange, green or blue. Shades should not be too saturated - this can affect the child's fatigue. A good solution would be to cover one of the walls with a thematic photo wallpaper.

To create a relaxing atmosphere, the bedroom is recommended to be painted in warm light soothing colors - beige, light yellow or light green.

If there is a place for an office in the house, then it is better to paint its walls in strict colors that adjust to the working mood. Such as gray or brown.

Traditional options for bathrooms are shades ranging from white and pale blue to light blue. For those who are not alien to experimentation, you can try rich dark colors, against which white sanitary ware will look especially contrasting.

The choice of light colors and their shades will become a universal option for the color scheme for the premises of the house.


What is the best tool for painting a wooden house outside?

You can paint a house with three main tools: a brush, a roller, and a spray gun.

Despite the primitiveness of the tool and the complexity of the work, the brush is the best choice when painting a wooden house.

Brushes are best for painting a wooden house.

Where to start painting a multi-storey wooden house?

Painting a two- or three-story wooden house should be done from top to bottom, starting from the junction of the walls and roof. This will help to avoid paint drips, which, after drying, will spoil the appearance of the house.

For the same reason, top-down painting is also relevant for one-story houses.

The painting of the house should be started from the top, from the junction of the walls and roof.

How to paint an old house?

The technology of painting an old wooden house differs from painting a new one only in that at the start of work, a procedure for removing the old paint layer is added.

In order for a new layer of paint to be durable and to serve the entire period laid down by the manufacturer, it is required to remove the old paint completely, to the surface of the wood. This is a rather laborious and time-consuming process.

After that, you can proceed with the primer and finishing painting.

Do I need to apply a primer before painting?

To create a strong and durable coating, most manufacturers of paints and varnishes recommend the use of priming antiseptics.

Regardless of what kind of wooden house you have - a log, frame or timber - the use of soil before applying the topcoat allows you to reliably protect the tree from moisture, mold and rot.

Painting wood without preliminary priming reduces the service life of the coating by an average of half.

Before painting, the surface of the tree must be primed with special antiseptics.

What paints are suitable for painting walls

It is best to paint the walls in the house with acrylic paints. They have good elasticity, moisture resistance and look great.

What paints are suitable for painting the floor

Floor paint should provide a strong and durable finish. A similar result can be achieved using latex-based water-based paints. Some samples from leading manufacturers can serve up to 10 years.

What paints are suitable for painting the ceiling

Latex paints are suitable for painting the ceiling. They do not smell, they are easily applied with a brush, roller and spray gun. Due to their elasticity, latex paints are able to close small cracks.

What paints are suitable for painting stairs

It is best to cover a wooden staircase with transparent materials that preserve the texture and natural color of the wood. Alcohol-based varnishes are a good option. After painting, it is recommended to treat the ladder with a special compound - polish - it will give additional shine and increase the service life of the coating.

Painting the outside of the house is necessary not only to give the facade an aesthetic appearance, but also to protect the wood. Correctly selected paint is able to protect the wood from the negative effects of direct sunlight, moisture and wind. As a result, the building will be able to last much longer, retaining all the technical characteristics.

Why paint a wooden house outside

Wood is an ideal building material that is very popular. In order for the structure to retain its functionality, it is important to carry out the finishing work correctly.

Reasons for the destruction of wooden houses:

  1. Natural material is subject to the natural aging process;
  2. The negative influence of external factors - temperature, humidity, wind;
  3. Moisture, penetrating inside, promotes the expansion of the fiber, after drying, they narrow. Ultimately, this cycling leads to cracking.
  4. Damage by beetles and insects.

To protect the house from such negative factors, you can simply paint the facade with the correct coloring composition.

Before you start painting a wooden house outside, it is important to choose the right paint. Today, a fairly wide variety is presented on the store shelves.

Each type of paint has its own technical characteristics, which you should familiarize yourself with in advance.

Among the most popular options, it is worth highlighting:

  • oil;
  • acrylate;
  • covering antiseptics.

Oil paints have been known for a long time and have been very popular all the time. The indisputable advantage of the material is the high resistance of the coloring agent to atmospheric influences.

The paint penetrates very well into the surface of the wood, thereby protecting it. The disadvantages of this variety include a long drying time.

In order for several layers of paint to dry completely, it takes more than 20 hours. Also, after a while, the surface may lighten a little and lose its shine.

This type of dye has some similarities with an antiseptic composition. The paint is distinguished by very high indicators of atomosphere resistance. Even after a long service life, the surface of the house completely retains its rich color and shine.

When paint is applied, the pores of the wood remain open, thereby allowing the wood to breathe. Thanks to the acrylate that is included in the composition, it is quite easy to work with it. On the surface, the paint lays down in an even, uniform layer.

Covering antiseptic

An innovative solution among paints and varnishes that can be found in stores today. In addition to durability, the opaque antiseptic is able to restore discolored wood to some extent. This coloring composition can be used as a topcoat for any type of paint.

It is difficult enough to choose the best paint for the first time. In each individual case, different paint options are best suited.

To begin with, it is worth considering - the finishing of the new house will be carried out or the old one. In what climatic zone the building is located, and what atmospheric phenomena is most exposed to. Only an integrated approach allows you to make the right choice.

What characteristics need to pay special attention to

When choosing a facade paint for finishing a wooden house, it is worth considering the following factors:

  1. What are the expected operating conditions of the building, which will be finished with paint.
  2. The kind of wood with which a house or other object is built.
  3. The ability to re-paint over time.
  4. If a layer of paint is present, it is important to consider compatibility with the new colorant.

To date, standards and GOSTs have been developed that paint for outdoor use must meet:

  • high degree of wood protection;
  • the highest level of moisture resistance;
  • color fastness in direct sunlight;
  • the durability of the material should not be less than 5 years.

Overview of TOP manufacturers

Today, on store shelves, you can find a huge number of facade paints from different manufacturers. But there are undoubted leaders who are very popular among buyers.

  • TIKKURILA (Finland), Forester (Canada), DUFA (Germany) are among the most popular options. They fully comply with all international and European quality standards. The paint perfectly covers the wood surface and is able to protect it from the harsh conditions of the northern region. The products of these manufacturers are of high quality and high enough value.
  • VIVACOLOR (Estonia, part of the TIKKURILA concern), TECHNOS (Finland), ISAVAL (Spain), REESA (Germany). Paints are less popular on the Russian market, since they appeared relatively recently. The quality is also quite high and all materials comply with European standards. These paints are favorably distinguished by their more affordable cost.
  • Among domestic options, it is very popular Olivesta, TEKS, Stroykompleks. The indisputable advantage of domestically produced products is an affordable price. In terms of quality, they are not inferior to foreign counterparts.

Painting a wooden surface may seem like a fairly straightforward task, but in reality it is not at all true. There is a technology, which is very important to follow, it includes several stages and depends on whether it will be carried out or a new structure.

  1. For the correct distribution of the pigment, it is important to periodically stir the paint during work.
  2. An even application can only be achieved with the correct brush and brush size.
  3. The brightness can be controlled by the amount of pigment added.
  4. It is not recommended to do work at lunchtime under the sun, as the paint will dry very quickly.
  5. Antiseptics should be applied longitudinally.
  6. The ends of the logs must be primed before painting. This will prevent significant paint absorption. In addition, such treatment will protect the wood from the decay process.

You can do all the work yourself. In order for the whole process to go much faster and better, it is important to prepare all the necessary tools in advance:

  • brushes (it is important to choose the right size);
  • roller;
  • container for paint;
  • gloves for hand protection;
  • masking tape for protecting glass and other elements.

You don't need special skills to paint the surface, but you should follow some recommendations that allow you to get a better result. To protect the surface from mold and mildew, it is worth applying several layers of antiseptic before painting.

The paint should only be applied to dry surfaces. To achieve the best appearance, it is necessary to apply several coats. Each new layer is applied only after the first has dried.

Painting a new home is a pleasure. There is no need to carry out any special preparatory work. The paint is applied to the surface with a brush. The paint should be applied only in the longitudinal direction.

How to paint an old wooden house

Before painting the facade of the old house, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory work. First you need to remove the old coating. It is important to paint the surface with the same composition as before. Otherwise, the paint will hold much worse.

To remove old paint from the surface, you must use a wire brush. If mold is found, all places must be treated with a special antiseptic and dried completely. Otherwise, the fungus will start to reappear. If individual elements are completely rotten, they need to be replaced with new ones.

It is recommended to do a primer before applying any paint to the old surface. This will significantly increase the adhesion between materials. And the paint will have an attractive appearance over a longer period.