Profitable house N.N

On the basis of the clinic of Doctor Voina, there is a Center for the Treatment of the Spine and Joint Diseases, the Department of Gynecology, Urology, Dermatology and Cosmetology, Phlebology, Proctology, and Treatment of Strokes. Diagnostics is offered: methods for assessing mineral metabolism, radioisotope research methods, Doppler ultrasonography of the vessels of the neck and brain, computer diagnostic research methods, X-ray examination.

The following methods of treatment are used: exercise therapy, phototherapy, laser therapy, channel and energy massage, therapeutic gymnastics, physiotherapy (UHF, phonophoresis, electrophoresis), local application of drugs, osteopathic methods, infusion drug therapy, medicinal applications, manual therapy, massage, decompression chamber , acupuncture, osteopathy, magnetotherapy, vacuum therapy.


Vojt's Clinic can be reached by metro. Get off at the Chernyshevskaya station.


There is no closed parking for visitors. There are free parking spaces along the Furshtatskaya street. Most often, all parking spaces are occupied, so the clinic suggests taking the metro to the Chernyshevskaya station.

The building is made in the Russian "cock" style. The plastered facade is decorated with wicker borders, stylized eagles, and floral ornaments. The windows, divided in the forms of the Florentine Renaissance, were decorated with stained glass windows. Spacious bay windows linked balconies.

The drawings of the house were published in the Zodchiy magazine. The accompanying article emphasized that this is "the only stone house, the facade of which is arranged in the Russian style." The architecture of the house was approved by the famous connoisseur V.V. Stasov.

Philistine house of Mrs. Zaitseva, in St. Petersburg

On Furshtadtskaya street, house number 20, built by architect. I.S.Bogomolov in 1875-1877 This is one of the first, if not the only stone house, the facade of which is arranged in the Russian style; which is why we will describe it as the first attempt of this kind. In general, the facade can be called successful, despite some forms and details that the author himself would probably have developed a little differently now. Let us point out only to overweight balconies with insignificant, in terms of weight, supports; on the too thin columns of the windows on the 2nd floor with arches somewhat streaked above them and on the rustic stones, which look more like planks than stone. The main cornice is heavy, but it makes a wonderful, not to say stately, impression. The ornaments on the gables and corners of the balconies, as well as under them, are very elegant and typical. The same can be said about the railings of the main staircase, although here the originality prevails somewhat over the beauty of the lines. The draft plan and its particulars are ordinary, more or less conditioned by our building regulations, the needs of our life, and our bad or good habits. The house cost only a round number of 186,000 rubles, which are distributed according to articles of work, as follows:

Materials: 1. Stone. ... 11006 p. 29 room 2. Brick. ... 38608 "27" 3. Sand and clay. ... 10032 "95" 4. Cement. ... 1938 "50" 5. Forest. ... 14011 "65" 6. Shit. ... 456 "75" 7. Lime. ... 9820 "26" 8. Alabaster. .7937 "95" 9. Tiles. ... 2901 "87" 10. Felt. ... 2091 "10" 11. Wallpaper. ... 882 "13" 12. Glass. .2493 "53" Total: 102781 p. 25 K. Works: 1. For masons. ... ... 19567 p. Room 61. To the carpenters. .4058 "15" 3. Plasters. ... ... 11500 "-" 4. Stove workers. .6662 "80" Total: 41888 p. 50 K. Works with materials: 1. Blacksmiths. ... 7745 p. 65 k. 2. Roofing. .2645 "12" 3. Stucco. .4451 "50" 4. Joiners. .9300 "-" 5. Parquet. ... 8227 "66" 6. Carved. ... 375 "-" 7. Freckled. .432 "20" 8. Marble. ... 296 "-" 9. Mosaic. ... 419 "-" 10. Asphalt. .3287 "-" 11. Painting. .3712 "70" 12. Air calls. ... 235 "-" 13. Tubs. ... 81 "-" Total: 41207 p. 83 to. Total. .185877 p. 64 k. The house has a total of about 300 sq. soot. and about 2700 cubic meters. soot. Quadr. fathoms of the built-up area, therefore, cost 620 rubles, and a cubic meter. soot. cost 69 rubles.

Despite the exact numbers of the articles, it seems to us that some work should be omitted in the executive estimate; so ex. it is not clear which article may include earthwork, paving, plumbing, gas, etc. We believe that we will not be mistaken if we estimate the house at 200,000 rubles instead of the figure deduced above. "Architect", 1878, no. 2, pp. 25-26 Letter to the editor. M. G. Mr. Editor. The other day I had the opportunity to see No. 2 of the magazine Zodchiy, published by you, which contains a plan of my house, located on Furshtadtskaya Street, No. 20. Your remark about the cost of the house is absolutely correct; but in the estimate reported to you, several articles were omitted, which in the end represent a rather significant amount, namely: appliances, plumbing, gas, etc. From the extract attached with this, you will see that the house is not worth 185877 rubles. 64 k., And 211403 p. 24 k .. not counting the remuneration to the architect, foreman, clerk and the amount paid for the place (49129 rubles 40 k.), Including this amount - it turns out: 260.532 rubles. 64 k. All these figures are correct, since they were written by me from the books that were kept during the construction. Leaving us to use this information at our discretion, I remain, etc. NN Zaitsev.

Materials: Brick 38.608 rub. 99 k. Stone 11.606 r. 27 K. Sand, clay RUB 4.282 Forest 14,011 rub. 65 K. Cement 1.938 rub. 50 K. Dran '456 RUB 75 k. Lime 9.820 rub. 26 K. Alabaster 7.937 rub. 95 K. Tiles 2.901 rub. 87 k. Felts 2.901 rub. 10 K. Wallpaper 882 р. 13 K. Glasses 2,493 r. 53 K. Sheet metal 2,645 rub. 12 K. Furnace, window and door devices 6.709 rubles. 71 K. Water 201 rub. 33 room 106.587 RUB 10 K. Works: Excavation 5,750 rubles. 95 K. Stone 19.567 r. 61 K. Carpentry 4.058 r. 15 K. Plastering 11,500 rub. Stove 6.799 rub. 25 K. Freckled 432 rub. 20 k. Roofing 1.127 rub. 40 room 49,235 rubles 56 K. Work with materials Blacksmith and locksmith 9,820 rub. 74 k. Cast-iron foundry 2.056 rub. 65 K. Plumbing 9.544 rub. Gas 603 r. 20 k. Stucco 4,451 rubles 50 k. Joiner's 9,300 rub. Parquet 8,227 rub. 66 K. Carved 375 r. Marble 296 r. Mosaic 419 р. Asphalt 3,287 r. Painting 4,012 r. 70 K. Air calls 235 rub. Tubs in the laundry 81 rub. Miscellaneous small expenses 2,871 rub. 07 room 55,580 rub. 52 K. Cost of space under the house and remuneration for the architect 49.129 rubles. 40 k.Total 260.532 p. 64 r.

Good, attentive doctor. Irina Vladimirovna told everything about the case, nothing superfluous, clearly explained everything, reassured me and prescribed the necessary treatment for me. I liked that she is very calm.


Elena Borisovna Tolmacheva (dermatologist, mycologist, trichologist, venereologist, cosmetologist)

I am very pleased with the reception. I really liked the doctor. A courteous, pleasant woman, she explains everything as it should be and conducts the examination very well. Very nice girls at the reception, they told everything, prompted everything, and greeted me warmly.

Barabanov Roman Evgenievich (venereologist, urologist, andrologist)

The doctor is attentive, pleasant. He explains everything in great detail, is pleasant to talk to. As in all other paid clinics, they cannot say anything or do not want to say anything without tests. The feeling is that money is being pulled out, but specifically he has less than others. The doctor gave competent advice.

Valueva Galina Nikolaevna (gynecologist, hirudotherapist, mammologist)

Wonderful doctor. Reception took place on time. The examination went well, she made a conclusion, wrote a certificate. The doctor is a very literate woman, benevolent. I was very pleased to talk with Galina Nikolaevna! More clients for this clinic! Wonderful mammologist!

Borovikova Natalia Evgenievna (dermatologist, mycologist, trichologist)

I am very satisfied with the doctor and the clinic as a whole. Natalya Evgenievna was competent, carried out the examination very professionally and collected the necessary anamnesis. She answered all my questions in an accessible and understandable language, prescribed an optimal treatment plan. Highly recommend!


Kirilycheva Lyubov Viktorovna (urologist)

I was looking for a specialist urologist for a very long time, I read reviews, leafed through all urologists who have crusts for advanced training and, in general, everything did not suit me, then the reviews are not very good, questionable, the clinic turned up for me and I decided to see what kind of doctors there are and found Lyubov Viktorovna. I read the reviews and the reviews are very good. Yes, everything was at a level, even above average! Very good...

Netrebskaya Lyudmila Igorevna (dermatologist, cosmetologist)

Very attentive, punctual, kind, experienced and polite doctor. She conducted examinations, examinations, gave recommendations, prescribed treatment, everything is detailed, accessible, she clearly explained how to a child in first grade. I think I will come again for further treatment.

Letyagina Nadezhda Petrovna (obstetrician, gynecologist)

I liked everything very much. Nice welcome, paperwork. She explained everything to me, told me. The consultation lasted a long time, which I liked very much. She was in no hurry, she liked everything very much.