Ammania and its species. Ammania: Unrivaled Design Provided

Local residents of the tropics consider this marsh grass a weed and do not pay any attention to it. However, a huge number of aquarists and professional aqua-designers for decorating artificial underwater landscapes prefer it - Ammania.

The herbaceous plant of the genus Ammannia is widely distributed on almost all continents of the Earth. These species, of which modern botany numbers about 25, grow in the tropical and subtropical latitudes of Asia, Africa, the Americas, and even in Europe.

The varieties of tropical grass are densely populated by the banks of rivers and lakes, they are present mainly in the marshy terrain and in the rice fields.

Aquatic vegetation is well adapted for living in wet places, loves warmth and bright sunlight.

By the way, in places of developed rice farming, this plant is considered to be a malicious weed, to which peasants have long declared a merciless war.

Ammania (or ammanium, according to the scientific name) was described and classified a long time ago - in the early 18th century. The name of the plant was assigned by the English scientist William Houston in honor of the German botanist from Leipzig P. Ammann.

A little later, the outstanding Swedish naturalist and classifier Karl Linnaeus consolidated this name, and subsequently the Latin name remained: Ammannia Linnaeus, which means “Linnaeus Ammannia”.

According to the scientific botanical classification, the plant genus in question belongs to the family of derby-grades of the class dicotyledons. In the special literature and aquarium use both names - with one or two letters "n".

The overall structure and characteristics of appearance

Despite the fact that some species of Ammania are significantly different from each other, common features for all species and subspecies can be distinguished.

The stem of vegetation is relatively thick and durable, large leaves are moving away from it in different directions. There are three main forms of this herb:

  • with broad reddish leaves;
  • with narrow red-brown leaves;
  • with narrow green leaves.

In the first two forms, the leaves have wavy edges.

The height of vegetation in natural conditions can reach 70–80 cm.

Not all types of Ammania are cultivated in aquariums. This is due both to the difficulties of maintaining certain species and to the low decorative qualities of certain members of the genus.

However, there are several varieties that are often found in artificial aquatic systems.

Ammania gracilis

Its Latin name is Ammannia gracilis, which translated into Russian means “Ammania graceful”. An interesting and beautiful plant originally from East Africa has long been used to create colorful aquarium landscapes.

It is very popular due to the leaves, which change their shape depending on the place of their growth.

For example, on one thick stem, wide, smooth or slightly wavy leaves of olive color (above the water surface) and narrow leaves of a lanceolate form in the underwater part can grow.

Leaf color can vary depending on the nature and intensity - from olive to pink.

The stem is thick, up to 1.2 cm in cross section, which allows the plant to reach up to 60 cm in height in aquariums.

The substrate is sand or fine gravel. Soil should be rich in iron and other micronutrients. From this depends directly on the color of the leaves.

However, the rich violet-olive color of the plant also depends on other factors - light and the presence of dissolved CO2 in the water.

The plant requires a strong illumination - at least 0.5 W / liter of aquarium water. At the same time, the duration of daylight hours should be 11–12 hours. If the leaves begin to turn black and gradually fall off, then the lighting is weak. In this case, the ornamental grass is degraded.

The optimum water temperature for growing this Ammania in artificial conditions is from +23 to +28 degrees.

Ammannia gracilis propagates by cuttings. To do this, carefully enough to separate the stem from the stem and you can immediately plant it in the nutrient soil.

Ammania Senegalese

This variety (Ammannia senegalensis) is suitable for decorating both large and small aquariums, however, it is more fastidious and requires constant care. It does not tolerate replanting, degrades during damage from the inhabitants of the aquarium.

In its general structure is similar to the previous form, grows up to 40 cm in height. The leaves are elongated, small, with a wavy edge. Their color on the face can vary from green to dark red. The color of the back of the leaves is purple.

Ammannia senegalensis also needs bright light - at least 0.7 W / l with a daylight duration of about 9–10 hours.

Decorative grass develops well when sandy soil is saturated with nutrient trace elements and a small amount of carbon dioxide is introduced into the water.

Optimum parameters of the aquatic environment:

  • temperature from +23 to +30 degrees Celsius;
  • pH balance 6–7 units;
  •   water ranging from 3 to 13 degrees.

Senegalese Ammania is usually planted with cuttings, but seed propagation is possible.

Ammania multiflora

Quite a tender plant that can only be successfully maintained by experienced aquarists. Ammania multiflora (Latin name) in the national aquarism appeared relatively recently. Suitable for cultivation in aquariums with a capacity of 100 liters or more.

The appearance of this grass also has high decorative qualities. On a straight, hard stem, oblong leaves of bright green color grow in different directions. In bright light, they can be seen red streaks that make up the original pattern.

This Ammania absolutely does not tolerate a strong blackout; in such conditions, it begins to degrade rapidly. That is why the required illumination intensity should be about 0.6 W / l at a 10-hour daylight level.

Multiflora needs soft water (dH = 3–8 °), and this is a prerequisite for its content. The remaining parameters of the aquatic environment are usual for this genus of plants: the temperature is from +22 ° C to +30 ° C, and the acid-base balance is close to neutral.

As the soil is usually used sand, at least - small gravel. Mineral top dressing is welcome.

Under optimal conditions of maintenance, you can observe the appearance of small purple-pink flowers. During the flowering period, the vegetation looks very impressive.

Ammania bonsai

Under natural conditions, this species does not exist. Ammania bonsai was artificially bred for nano aquariums. The Latin name of the plant is Ammania sp. “Bonsai”, which indicates the result of the work of breeders.

The maximum height of the stem is 15 cm, small bright green leaves grow on it, the size of which is no more than 1 cm. There are so many leaves that the stem is almost invisible, and a few ornamental grass sprouts standing next to form a kind of bush.

  • The required water parameters are the same as for Ammania multiflora.
  • The soil should also be sandy, but for the sustainable development of vegetation a little river silt should be added to it.

Positively the development of ornamental thickets is influenced by weekly water changes - part of the total.

Ammania Senegalese is most often found in nature in the expanses of the African continent: in Abyssinia, Lower Egypt, from Senegal to South Africa and in a number of territories in far East Africa. As for the habitat conditions of this aquatic beauty, they can be absolutely anything - Ammanian Senegalese wet or aquatic environment, flood areas, rice fields and even salty soils suit equally well. This amazing plant will be a great design for almost any aquarium. Ammania Senegalese looks best on the average plan.

Meet the plant

  The height of the surface of the stalks of Ammania Senegalese often reaches forty centimeters. The stalks of this water inhabitant are fleshy and bare, and the root system is not particularly well developed. The length of the leaf blades can be up to six centimeters, and their width is about one and a half centimeters. Due to the fact that the planes of the leaves are quite convex, their edges slightly wrap down. And the shape of the leaflets can be either lanceolate or elliptical.

The inflorescences of Ammania Senegalese are not very dense and are formed by one or several flowers, up to a maximum of five. Violet flowers are formed in the nodules of surface shoots. All of them are endowed with amusing sedentary stigmas, and they have four petals and stamens.

A distinctive feature of Senegalese Ammania is that it is characterized by both horizontal and vertical growth. That is, to pick this plant under the water level in the aquarium will not be particularly difficult. And as the water level of Ammania rises, Senegalese begins to slowly grow in length.

How to grow

  To the habitat Ammania Senegalese is very whimsical, capricious and very light-requiring. Shady places for its development are categorically not suitable. Allowed to grow this beauty in small aquariums. By the way, to grow it for all its whimsicalness will not be difficult - Ammania Senegalese can grow well in open aquariums, and being completely submerged in water. If you create this beauty very favorable conditions, then it will develop at an incredible speed.

It is recommended to grow Senegalese Ammania in a soil rich in various nutrients (sand and gravel will do), in fairly soft water, and also under very intense light, depending on which color of the leaves of this beauty changes. In one light they will be light yellow with a light pinkish tint, and in the other light pink. And sometimes the leaves are painted in pale red or pale green color. Duration of daylight hours in Ammania Senegalese should be from eight to ten hours. The most optimal temperature for its full development is in the range from 22 to 28 degrees. But the water will acquire this decorative appearance only if it grows a whole group of underwater specimens.

From time to time various nutrients should be added to the soil in relatively small amounts, since the main food of Ammania Senegalese is mainly from the soil.

If suddenly this luxurious plant began to grow poorly, it is advisable to try to transplant it to another place, after adding a small amount of clay under its roots. Instead of clay and peat fit.

The most effective is the reproduction of Senegalese Ammania with the help of side shoots. In addition to grafting, the seed reproduction of this aquatic inhabitant is also possible. As a rule, specimens growing on the surface are multiplied by this method. Periodically it is necessary to limit the distribution of this water beauty.

Sometimes Senegalese Ammania is compared with graceful Ammania. This is due to the fact that the distinctive features of them are really quite small, and indeed they are very similar in appearance. Moreover, the methods of their reproduction and conditions of keeping are also almost identical. However, despite this, after all, these are different plants.

Tropical grass ammania ... How much has been said with these words! These are thickets of a large-leaved plant of a reddish-yellow color in subtropical latitudes, which rice farmers (senegal) are unsuccessfully struggling with. And the original branches of the plant for landscaping of closed and open reservoirs (Ammania gracilis or Ammania graceful). And the original, selectively derived pretty plant, which skillfully decorates aquariums of insignificant size. In the third case - it is Amman bonsai.

What is its beauty?

The one who had to see small aquariums, decorated with original microtreemen, was lucky. The spectacle is original and pleasant. Small thick posts up to 12-15 cm, covered with dense round leaves, bright and with a waxy film. They are fragile and sensitive, tender and defenseless. Very touching and cute.

Ammania sp. "Bonsai" can take up whole areas of soil, creating natural glades of graceful greenery.

Very decorative and Ammania Senegalese. In addition, the front side of its sheet, depending on the lighting, can change its color (from green to red).

Ammania Senegalese

What are the necessary conditions for life?

A plant's microvid requires approximately the same growing conditions as Ammania Senegalese, as well as fine Ammania. Water should be:

  • temperatures from 22 to 27 o;
  • neutral acidity (indicators within 6-7);
  • with hardness indicators from 2 to 12.

At the same time, provision of aeration and filtration is mandatory. In addition, a quarter of the water in the aquarium should be changed to fresh at least once a week.

For successful growth, the plant will like quality top-dressing with special fertilizers, better than complex composition.

Ammania grows better on sandy soil. More effective if you add to it the river silt. This will help strengthen the roots and be more resilient in the case of actions of fish that prefer to break through the soil at the bottom.

Another prerequisite. It is a bright light for 10 or 12 hours. In this case, for example, graceful Ammania or Ammania multiflora will get the most spectacular color and will keep it.

Ammania multiflora

Very capricious plant Ammania Slaveshi. Efforts novice aquarist is hardly enough to grow it. Need knowledge and clear follow instructions. Required:

What are breeding methods?

Ammania bonsai is able to multiply in the following way: after splitting off several cm of the trunk along with the tip, this process is fixed in the sandy soil and gives it maximum rest. It is better to create an artificial temporary fence in an acceptable way so that the plant is not exposed to aggressive fish.

Ammania Senegalese propagated by cuttings, separated from the main trunk. It is better to take young and fresh shoots. They will grow longer, but more firmly entrenched. Cases of its reproduction with the help of seeds are also described. But for aquarium living it is hardly possible.

Ammania graceful requires planting shoots like a ladder. Each stalk should be at least 5-7 cm behind the neighboring one. This is necessary to ensure uniform illumination of each leaf.

Using different types of Ammania in one water composition, you can create an original and unique landscape. It will be cozy favorite fish, and the owner - nice and easy on the fact that beauty reigns around.

Ammania plant varieties are of interest both for aquarists who breed fish in “classic” tanks, and for those who have a “tropical” aquarium. Some species of ammania are suitable for nano-aquariums of small size. Some of these aquatic plants are trouble free in their care, while others are recommended to be bred exclusively by aquarists with extensive experience.

What does ammania look like

The genus Ammania from the family Derbennikovye (Lythraceae) has about 25-30 species of aquatic plants.

The most famous of types:

Ammania gracilis (Ammannia gracilis).

Senegalese (Ammania senegalensis).

Tropical perennial native of West Africa, where it grows in water and along the banks of swamps, rivers and.

What does Ammania look like, so loved by aquarists? On a straight, fleshy stem, narrow and wavy sessile leaves are located. Their color depends on the intensity of illumination and can vary from pale green to bronze and red. The height of Ammania can reach 60 cm.

Pay attention to the photo - flowers of ammania are nondescript, pale lilac, growing from the leaf axils:

Ammannia prefers a lot of light. It can grow quickly in favorable conditions in a small shallow reservoir with a loose sandy substrate. If the lighting is not strong enough, then the plant loses its lower leaves, the development slows down, and the remaining leaves will be pale and painful. Iron supplements and nutrients are recommended. The ideal condition of the water is slightly acidic and moderately mild. Temperature should be in the range of 22-28 ° C, minimum 15 ° C.

In late spring, when warm weather sets in, ammonium is transferred to the open air and transplanted into a pond or simply placed into it a container with a plant so that from 5 to 50 cm of water remains above the ammonium. For planting also suitable marshy shore. The place should be well lit. At the beginning of autumn they transfer it to the house and place a container with a plant in the aquarium.

The aquarium plant Ammania easily propagated by cuttings placed in the substrate. Cuttings are produced by cutting lateral shoots from the main trunk. The old base of the stem will give new shoots and leaves, if you cut off its top, so if you want more bushiness, it is recommended to cut the stem in the middle when its upper tip reaches the water surface.

Ammania gracile graceful (ammannia gracilis) for a tropical aquarium

Ammania graceful (ammannia gracilis)  grows along river banks and in flooded areas in West Africa. It is one of the most popular aquarium plants.

Ammania graceful has an erect, fleshy and bare stem, reaching a length of 60 cm. Sessile, whole-lasting, cruciate-opposite leaves. The overhead leaf plates are olive-green in color and range from linear to obovoid. They grow from 2 to 6 cm in length, -1.0-1.8 cm wide. Underwater leaves are lanceolate, from 7 to 12 cm long, 0.7-1.8 cm wide. The front side of the leaf is colored from olive green. to brown-red, the back - purple. The inflorescence consists of 3-7 pale lilac flowers. The fruit is in the form of a bilocular spherical box with rounded seeds.

Suitable for a tropical aquarium of at least 100 liters.

Pay attention to the photo - Ammania gracilis is planted one stalk by a ladder (5-7 pieces), separately from each other in the center of the aquarium:

Water parameters for optimal growth of Ammania: graceful: hardness 2-12 °, pH 6.5-7.5, temperature 23-28 ° C. The lighting in the aquarium should be bright. The power of fluorescent lamps of the type LB should be 0.4-0.5 W per 1 liter of volume, and additional lighting of 25-40 W incandescent lamps located above the plant is also useful. Light day should last about 12 hours. With a lack of light, the leaves on the lower nodes begin to turn black.

Sand or gravel rich in nutrients and iron is suitable as a primer. Depending on the intensity of light and the presence of nutrients in the soil, leaf color can vary from pale green to bronze red. Ammania breeds graceful cuttings of lateral shoots and seeds.

Ammania bonsai (ammania sp bonsai) for nano-aquariums

Ammania bonsai  - a product of selection work, this plant was specially bred, for small nano-aquariums. In general, this plant is very similar to Bacopa Carolina (Basora caroliniana), but unlike it grows more slowly and has a smaller size.

Ammania sp. "Bonsai" (Ammania bonsai) has a straight and rather strong, fleshy stem. In general, when you look at a plant bush, its thick stem looks somehow unnatural, however, this does not in any way spoil its visual appeal. A large number of oval-shaped leaves are located on the stem, the size of which is about 1 cm. The maximum height of the bush is 15 cm, and its width is up to 1.5 cm.

Ammania bonsai must be planted in the aquarium in the foreground. Growing, the plant forms very colorful ornamental thickets, which for a long time retain their original appearance due to the low growth rate.

Water parameters should have the following characteristics: temperature 22–28 ° C, hardness dH 2–12 °, acidity pH 6.5–7.5. Filtering and weekly replacement of под of aquarium water with fresh water is required. Desired fertilizing CO2, which has a beneficial effect on plant growth. Periodic feeding with complex mineral fertilizers is necessary.

Special requirements are placed on lighting, which should be bright enough, with an intensity of 0.5 W / l. Only in bright light in Ammania bonsai leaves are formed in the upper part of the bush with a reddish color. With a lack of light, the leaves in the lower part of the bush become faded and gradually die off. In this case, the plant is stretched in length and takes an unpresentable view.

Ammania grows slowly, so the shearing of the bushes is carried out quite rarely. During the shearing, 2/3 of the plant part is usually cut off, and the cut off tip is planted in a new place.

As the soil, it is desirable to use river sand or fine gravel. The soil should be medium silted. The main part of the nutrients the plant consumes from water.

Marsh Ammania Senegalese (Cenagengensis)

Ammania Senegalese grows from Senegal to South Africa, in East Africa to Abyssinia and Lower Egypt. Quite rare in amateur aquariums, because it is very whimsical, requires careful maintenance and care.

Ammania Senegalese (Ammania Cenagengensis) - marsh plant with erect, fleshy and bare stem, up to 60 cm long. Leaves sessile, entire, cruciate-opposite. Surface plate blades from linear to obovate, 2–6 cm long and 1.0–1.8 cm wide, olive green. Aerial stem up to 40 cm high. Underwater leaf plates of a lanceolate form, 7–12 cm long and 0.7–1.8 cm wide. The color of the front side of the leaf is olive-green to brownish-red, the back is richly purple. Inflorescence - Dichasia with short pedicels with 3 - 7 flowers.

This plant is suitable for growing in both small and large aquariums.

As can be seen in the photo, Senegalese ammonia is planted in the back or middle plan:

It is used by experienced decorators to create beautiful underwater lawns. Growing fast.

The water parameters are optimal for the Senegalese content of Ammania: hardness of 2-13 °, pH 6.0-7.0, temperature 22-30 ° С (at low temperatures leaf discharge is possible). The lighting in the aquarium should be bright. The power of fluorescent lamps type LB should be 0.7-0.8 W per 1 liter of volume. The duration of daylight hours is at least 8-10 hours.

Sand or gravel rich in nutrients is suitable as Senegalese soil for Ammania. Positively reacts to the introduction of liquid fertilizers and additional saturation of water with carbon dioxide.

Ammania is propagated by Senegalese cuttings of lateral shoots and seeds.

Ammania Senegalese can also be grown in paludariums, aquaterrariums and wet greenhouses. To itself requires very careful handling, does not like frequent transplants and concerns from large amphibians.

Decorative Ammania Slawesi

Ammania sp. Sulawesi  - a very beautiful variety that has fallen into the collections of aquarists from the island of Sulawesi. Widely spread due to its high decorative qualities and original appearance. The plant is characterized by slow growth and demanding conditions. However, these difficulties fully pay off the incredible beauty and beauty of this instance.

Under favorable conditions, the leaves of Ammania Slawesi acquire an unusual red-purple hue, which allows the plant to contrast favorably against the background of other inhabitants of the underwater environment.

Ammania sp Sulawesi is best planted in small groups (5-7 stems), so this specimen stands out against the background of green plants and attracts attention.

Ammania multiflora for experienced aquarists

Ammania multiflora - A plant that recently appeared on the domestic market. The plant is coddled, requiring constant care, therefore, for keeping it in an aquarium can only be recommended to experienced aquarists.

Ammania multiflora  has a rather decorative look. The leaves of the plant are wider than other species of Amman. The leaves are colored bright green, however, they change their color in bright light to reddish. Stem hard, upright.

The leaves are wider compared to other members of the Amman family. Color leaves bright green. If the intense lighting in the aquarium, you can notice the red-pink play. The shape of the leaves is oval. The barrel of Ammania multiflora is very hard. Growth rate is average. In aquarium conditions the size of the bush reaches 30 cm.

Given the relatively large size of the bush to plant it preferably in the central part of the aquarium. The aquarium should be quite spacious, with a volume of 100 liters. Ammania will look especially beautiful in a Dutch-type aquarium, where the plant will certainly attract attention with its bright color, clearly standing out against the general background.

Water parameters must meet the following requirements: temperature 22-30 ° C, hardness dH 2-8 °, acidity pH 6.5-8.0. Especially it is necessary to pay attention to the hardness of the water, the plant is able to grow only in soft water, in hard water it begins to wither and soon dies. Very positively, the plant responds to the introduction of iron-containing fertilizers due to which the color of the leaves becomes yellowish-pink.

Lighting should be bright, the intensity of 0.5 W / l. Daylight hours are 10-12 hours per day. The plant does not tolerate darkening at all; it must be taken into account when planting ammonium in an aquarium. A sign that the light of a plant is not enough is dropping its leaves. As soon as you notice it is necessary to immediately increase the intensity of illumination, otherwise the plant will die.