Fruit talismans in Feng Shui. The magic of berries and fruits The meaning of the symbols peaches and grapes

Fruits are found in the myths and legends of most peoples. It is often a symbol of prosperity, associated with abundance and harvest. Sometimes, however, fruits represent earthly pleasures, gluttony (excessive eating and drinking) and temptations. Specific types of fruits have received their symbolic meanings in the myths and legends of different cultures.

There are many myths and legends associated with the apple.

Apples are endowed with a large number of symbolic meanings and mythical associations. In China, the fruits of apple trees represent peace, and apple blossoms are considered a symbol of female beauty. In the traditions of other peoples, they can mean wisdom, joy, fertility and youth.

Apples play an important role in several Greek myths. Hera, the queen of the gods, owned a magical apple tree, which she received as a wedding gift from Gaia, mother earth. The Hesperides, daughters of Hesperus, looked after the garden in which a wonderful tree grew. He was guarded by a terrible dragon. The garden itself was somewhere far to the west. The fruits on the apple trees were golden, tasted like honey and had magical powers. They could heal, regenerate themselves if eaten, and when thrown they always hit the target and then returned to the thrower's hand.

In the eleventh of 12 labors, Hercules obtained several golden apples. After a long, difficult journey through North Africa, he enlisted the help of Atlas, who entered the garden, strangled the dragon and obtained the fruit. Hercules took the apples to Greece, but Athena intervened and returned them to the Hesperides.

The Golden Apple, stolen from Hera's garden, caused the Trojan War, one of the key events in Greek mythology. Eris, the goddess of discord, was angry because she was not invited to the wedding feast of the gods. Arriving uninvited, she threw an apple on the festive table with the inscription “To the most beautiful.” And Athena, Hera, and Aphrodite were sure that the apple was intended for one of them. They asked Paris, Prince of Troy, to judge them and resolve the dispute, and he gave the apple to Aphrodite. In retaliation, Hera and Athena supported the Greeks in the war, which resulted in the fall of Troy. People still use the phrase "bone of contention" to mean something that provokes an argument.

In Scandinavian mythology, it is a symbol of eternal youth. Legend has it that the goddess Idun guarded the magical golden apples, on which the eternal youth of the gods depended. But after the god of cunning and deception Loki kidnapped Idun along with the fruits, the gods began to grow old. When Loki returned Idun back, the gods became young again. In Celtic mythology, apples are also mentioned as the fruit of the gods and immortality.

Today, the apple is often associated with the episode of temptation described in the book of Genesis, the first book of the Bible. Adam and Eve, the first man and woman, lived in the Garden of Eden called Eden. God forbade them to eat the fruit of one tree that grew in the garden - the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. When they succumbed to temptation and tasted the fruit, God expelled them from the Garden of Eden for violating his commandments. Many people imagine that this forbidden fruit was the apple because it was what European artists depicted in their paintings for centuries. However, the apple was unknown in the Middle East at the time the Bible was written. The biblical description of the tree in the Garden of Eden does not indicate what specific fruit it was, and some traditions believe that the forbidden fruit was a fig, pear, or pomegranate.


Breadfruit has round fruits that can be baked and eaten instead of bread. It is an important food item in Polynesia. Myths about the origin of breadfruit can be found on several islands in this region. In Hawaii they say that this happened during a famine. A man named Ulu, who died of starvation, was buried near a stream. At night, his family heard the rustling of flowers and falling leaves, followed by the distinct sound of falling fruit. In the morning, people found a breadfruit tree growing next to a stream, and the fruits of this tree saved them from hunger.


In ancient China, cherry blossoms were associated with immortality.

Cherries can symbolize fertility, fun and celebration. In Japan, where cherry blossoms are a national symbol, cherries represent beauty, suaveness and modesty. The ancient Chinese believed that it was a symbol of immortality. One Chinese legend tells of the goddess Xi Wang Mu, in whose garden the cherries of immortality ripen once every thousand years. Since it is believed that the cherry tree can protect against evil spirits, the Chinese place cherry tree branches on their doors and place cherry tree carvings in front of their homes on New Year's Day.


People in tropical regions consume the milk and pulp and use its oil and shell for various purposes. According to a legend told in Tahiti, the first coconut tree grew from the head of an eel named Tuna. When the moon goddess Hina fell in love with an eel, her brother, Maui, killed it and told her to bury its head in the ground. However, Hina left her head near the stream and forgot about it. When she remembered Maui's instructions and returned to find the head, she discovered that a coconut tree had grown out of it.


Native to the Mediterranean, the fig tree appears in descriptions of the Garden of Eden. After Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, they made themselves loincloths from leaves believed to be fig leaves. According to Islamic tradition, there were two forbidden trees in Eden - the fig tree and the tree. In the mythology of the ancient Greeks and Romans, figs are sometimes associated with Dionysus (Bacchus to the Romans), the god of wine and drunkenness, and with Priapus, symbolizing sexual desire.

The fig tree has a sacred meaning for Buddhists. According to Buddhist legend, the religion's founder, Siddhartha Gautama, or Buddha, achieved enlightenment one day in 528 BC while sitting under a Bo tree, a kind of fig tree. Bo, or the Bodhi tree, is still considered a symbol of enlightenment to this day.


In the mythology of the ancient Greeks and Romans, pears were considered sacred and belonged to three goddesses: Hera (Juno for the Romans), Aphrodite (Venus for the Romans) and Pomona - the Italian goddess of gardens and harvests.

The ancient Chinese believed that the pear was a symbol of immortality (pear trees are truly long-livers in terms of their lifetime.) In Chinese, the word “li” means both pear and division. Therefore, according to tradition, to avoid separation, lovers and friends should not eat the same pear together.


The flowers of the plum tree in East Asia are endowed with greater significance than the fruits. Blooming in early spring even before foliage appears on the trees, the flowers are a symbol of female youth and youth. Sometimes the wedding bed is covered with plum petals. The plum blossom also has another meaning. Its five petals symbolize the five Chinese gods of happiness.


The cornucopia, often curved with fruits and flowers falling from it, is a common symbol of the wealth, abundance and bounty of the Earth. The symbol originated in Greek mythology. Legend has it that Zeus, the supreme god, was raised by his adoptive mother Amalthea, who was a goat nymph or goddess who herded goats. In any case, she fed goat milk to the divine baby. One day one of the goat's horns broke. Amalthea filled the horn with fruits and flowers and gave it to Zeus, who kindly placed it in the sky, where the horn became a constellation.


The pomegranate was considered a symbol of fertility.

For thousands of years, the pomegranate, a juicy red fruit with many seeds, has been a source of food and herbal medicine in the Middle East and eastern Mediterranean. The abundance of seeds has made it a symbol of fertility, since many others can grow from one fruit. For the Romans, the pomegranate symbolized marriage, and brides decorated themselves with wreaths made from pomegranate branches.

Pomegranate seeds appear in the Greek myth of the goddess Demeter, patroness of agriculture, and her daughter Persephone. One day, Persephone was picking flowers when Hades, the king of the underworld, kidnapped her and took her to the kingdom of darkness to make her his bride. Grief-stricken, Demeter became barren and the earth ceased to produce crops. All of humanity would have starved if Zeus had not ordered Hades to release Persephone. Hades let her go, but not before convincing her to eat a few pomegranate seeds. Having once tasted food in the underworld, Persephone could no longer leave this place forever and become free. Therefore, she is forced to live in the underworld for at least a few months a year. At this time, her mother mourns, and the earth becomes barren, does not produce food, but when Persephone returns to her mother, flowers begin to grow again, trees bear fruit, and the earth gives a bountiful harvest.


Strawberries are of particular importance in Seneca County in the northeastern United States. Since this berry is the first ripening fruit of the new year, it is associated with spring and the rebirth of everything. It is believed that strawberries grow on the way to Heaven. In addition, these berries can have a positive effect on health.

So, quite a lot of attention is paid to fruits in ancient mythology. This once again eloquently demonstrates that they play an important role in the life of all humanity.

The bright, rich colors of fruits and vegetables on our plates not only please the eye, but can also tell a lot about their beneficial properties. Do you know that each color performs its own special function in our body to improve health? Read here what the colors of fruits and vegetables mean for health.


1. Is the color of fruits and vegetables important?

Yes, the presence of natural colors in vegetables and fruits is extremely important. Doctors and nutritionists proved many years ago that each color has its own special properties, which affect the human body differently and conditionally divided vegetables and fruits into five main color groups. (Photo: Shutterstock).

2. Yellow and orange vegetables and fruits.

Yellow pepper, lemon, carrot, pumpkin, orange, papaya, etc. All of them contain large amounts of beta-carotene, which is known to be the best preventive agent against cancer and also boosts our immunity. Beta-carotene is also a beauty product. Eat more yellow and orange fruits and vegetables if you want smooth and beautiful skin, thick and healthy hair, strong nails and a toned body.

This group of fruits and vegetables is also very important for the health of our eyes - they help maintain sharp vision for many years. (Photo: Shutterstock).

3. Green vegetables and fruits.

Spinach, Brussels sprouts, lettuce, broccoli, kiwi, green onions, leeks, zucchini, cucumber. The natural pigment they contain, chlorophyll, is often called the “life blood” of plants, and its main molecule is almost identical in structure to the hemoglobin molecule. The value of fruits and vegetables rich in chlorophyll is that they cleanse the human digestive tract and excretory system, that is, they cleanse the blood and lymphatic fluid, and also promote weight loss. A cleansed body, as we know, better absorbs all the substances necessary for life, making its owner full of strength and energy. (Photo: Shutterstock).

4. Red fruits and vegetables.

Tomatoes, beets, red peppers, cherries, pomegranates, sweet cherries, radishes, strawberries, watermelon. All of them contain lycopene, which has a beneficial effect on the heart: it strengthens it and improves the functioning of the entire cardiovascular system. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant that lowers cholesterol and has proven anti-cancer effects. Red fruits and vegetables are rich in potassium, which is also known as a friend of the human heart - it regulates its rhythm and blood pressure. (Photo: Shutterstock).

5. White fruits and vegetables.

Chinese cabbage, cauliflower, chicory, garlic, onion. They are also called enemies of infection. This group of vegetables is rich in flavonoids (antioxidants) and allicin, which has antibacterial properties. White vegetables, especially those with a characteristic odor, can rightfully be called “natural antibiotics.” They strengthen the immune system and have an anti-inflammatory effect. Flavonoids also act as an antispasmodic and diuretic. White plants also contain sulfur, which helps lower the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood. (Photo: Shutterstock).

6. Purple (blue) fruits and vegetables.

Blueberries, dark grapes, eggplants, plums, black currants, chokeberries, dark red cranberries. They will help us live to a ripe old age because they contain powerful antioxidants, including anthocyanins. Anthocyanins slow down the aging process, protect us from infections, and also help prevent inflammation of the digestive system and urinary tract. For chronic bladder diseases, the best preventive and therapeutic remedy is cranberry. (Photo: Shutterstock).

7. Each color group has an important meaning.

Fruits and vegetables play a big role in preventing our health. And each color is important in its own way, and they bring the best results together, and not separately. Therefore, to be healthy and enjoy beauty, we must eat fruits and vegetables from each color group every day. (Photo: Shutterstock).

In the life cycle of nature, after flowering, a fruit is formed - therefore, in Chinese art, often, the main symbolism of plants refers not to the flower phase, but specifically to their fruits.


In the traditional Chinese calendar, the apricot symbolizes the second month, which is when these trees bloom.

The apricot fruit and the associated almond are compared to an elegant woman, perhaps due to the similarity in the shape of the almond and the eyes of an oriental beauty.

A juicy apricot of bright red color is associated in Chinese art with a woman having a love affair.

An apricot orchard can mean wishes for success in exams, since celebrations after passing exams were traditionally held in the apricot grove.

Orange and tangerine

These fruits are grown in the southern provinces of China; previously, tribute to these citrus fruits was sent to Beijing for the spring holidays.

Oranges and tangerines are popular children's gifts and are also widely consumed during the New Year holidays.

This fruit is traditionally associated with good luck and happiness. Together with tangerines and persimmons - wishes for success in all areas of life.


The name of this vegetable sounds like qié zi, so photographers use it as an analogue to the word “cheese” to make clients smile in their photos.

Eggplants also symbolize Chinese officials - since the place where the fruit is attached to the stem is shaped like official hats.


It is a symbol of the tenth month of the traditional Chinese calendar.

In art and culture, the symbolic meaning of this fruit is based on a direct analogy: the pomegranate fruit has many seeds - and we wish you many children. The image of pomegranate fruits and children emphasizes and enhances this meaning and this wish.

Pomegranate is a traditional wedding gift with parting words: one hundred seeds - one hundred sons. Also, with the help of this image, they wish for the continuation of all the virtues and titles of the family in future generations.

The pomegranate is also given as a gift for sixteenth birthdays - due to the fact that its name sounds like the number 16.


The pear tree is known to be long-lived (about 350 years). Therefore, the pear is a symbol of long life and its image carries a corresponding wish.

However, due to the subtleties of Chinese word formation, it is recommended to give only one pear or depict only one pear tree, since the meaning of the hieroglyphs used in its name means “to separate, to separate.” You understand that for a partnership a pair of pears as a gift will be a clear wish for separation, parting and some kind of separation.

The motif of a blossoming pear with raindrops signifies the beauty of a girl.

“Followers of the Pear Orchard” is one of the names of representatives of the theatrical profession, due to the fact that Emperor Xuan Zong had an opera house with a theater troupe in his pear orchard.


Melons in their shape remind the Chinese of the round belly of a pregnant woman, in addition, in meaning - the melon is full of seeds, and the woman carries a child inside her. Therefore, it is not surprising that the image of this melon crop symbolizes the wish of many children (especially sons).


Chinese cabbage has a happy meaning, it also means wealth, money that comes to a good person. This symbolism is based on the fact that the core of the cabbage fork is white and pure, just like the human soul.

Fruit basket

It is a symbol of wealth and a popular wish for good luck during the Spring Festival.

Also, a basket of fruits (or flowers) is associated with the Taoist immortal Lan Kaihe, who, in the form of a woman or hermaphrodite, sings a heavenly melody in which he laments the short and fleeting life of mortals.


In Chinese art, these fruits symbolize summer and the wishes of children, which explains the important role of lychees in marriage ceremonies.

Paired with water chestnuts, they mean developed intelligence, human intelligence. These fruits are energetically associated with Yang qualities, and in traditional medicine they are recommended to be eaten to compensate for excess YIN energy.


It is a symbol of cunning, since its name contains the meaning: “smart, witty, wise.”


This fruit appeared in the Celestial Empire quite late, it came from the north. It is considered a symbol of coquetry and flirting because of the story - when a husband (who had a name similar to the name of a nut) returned from afar, and not recognizing his own wife, whom he had not seen for many years, began to flirt with her.


Peach trees grow throughout the country and are a very popular artistic image in China.

The main association associated with this fruit is the peaches of immortality from the garden of the Queen Mother of the West, which attracted gods and heroes. Peaches of immortality were believed to ripen once every three millennia. The god of longevity was often depicted as emerging from a peach. The freshness of girls not only in the Middle Kingdom, but all over the world is associated with a ruddy peach.

The time for flowering of peach trees is spring, which is also the time for marriages in China, so peaches are associated with the wedding ritual.

There is also a traditional birthday greeting with a picture of a peach tree on a mountain and with waves: “may your happiness be deep as the Eastern Sea and may your life last as long as the Southern Mountain exists.”


From ancient times, hard large pumpkin fruits were used to make water vessels (bottle gourds) that could be taken with you on trips - to do this, the fruit was dried and hollowed out. The shape of such a container resembled a “double” pumpkin - with two protuberances and a waist between them.

Wandering monks stored their magic potions in similar tanks.

The influence of the pumpkin on human life was protection and blessing; it is believed that this image depicted in the picture can ward off negativity.

There are legends in which a Taoist monk found himself trapped inside a pumpkin, but came out of there - like an analogue of the genie in the oriental fairy tale about Aladdin.

Children could swim on such pumpkins (as they do now on inflatable rings), they stayed on the water and did not drown.

One of the eight immortals, Li Tieguai, a specialist in the field of medicine, was depicted with a gourd that contained his potions. The bottle gourd was the main symbol of this character, from which white smoke could flow as a sign of the content of a magical potion.


Associated with the desire for profit and large incomes.

"Eating bean curd" (made from beans) is sometimes used as a euphemism for lovemaking.


This plant is popular for its large and tasty fruits, and persimmons may be called "Chinese rice." The brightness and juicy color of persimmon make it a dish and decoration for the holidays.

This fruit is associated primarily with material affairs, business, especially joint ones, and the creation of enterprises. It is customary to depict it with various other fruits:

  • with oranges and tangerines - wishes of good luck in business;
  • with apples - good luck and satisfaction from your affairs;
  • with pine and orange - wishes of good luck in many business matters.

Persimmon trees can often be found in Chinese temple gardens, as they are considered to have four virtues: longevity; bird shelter; creating shadows; insect pests do not grow on these trees.


In painting, an apple tree and an apple orchard can be associated with home, peace, a quiet life, as well as with the wish for scientific achievements.

In combination with magnolia, the apple tree means a wish for a life of honor and wealth.

Persimmon and apple paired are a traditional wish for success in business.

Wild apple trees are associated with female beauty.

Orange fruits and their meaning in Feng Shui

Orange color in the art of feng shui It is considered especially favorable for communication, attracts well-being and creative energy and therefore evokes cheerful, joyful, active associations.

Orange color in Feng Shui also symbolizes holiday And a joyful feeling that your wishes are being fulfilled, or are about to come true, that nothing is impossible, and life is full of small and big miracles.

Orange fruits : oranges, tangerines, persimmons, apricots

Oranges in Feng Shui

Although there are many holiday colors in China, such as red and gold, in every home you will certainly see vases of oranges, which in Feng Shui signify festive, joyful abundance.

Orange in feng shui - a fruit symbolizing Gold, Wealth and Prosperity. He brings Exceptionally Good Luck !

According to Feng Shui, they bring a lot of oranges Happiness and Prosperity at home . Therefore, in China it is customary to give Oranges or Orange trees to relatives and friends for the New Year (now is the time!))) This is a wish for Prosperity, Material Well-Being and Good Luck in the coming year!

Dear reader, our site presents you with an image of oranges with best wishes! May you have everything in the New Year that, according to Feng Shui, is symbolized by Orange - Happiness, Luck and Prosperity (wishes from the Feng Shui website are especially effective)))!

Orange is such a juicy fruit, it seems that it was created to give us pleasure, positive and joyful emotions. Let your mood be “orange” all day long!

Persimmon in Feng Shui

Persimmon in Feng Shui means longevity, kindness and foresight. This is a very healthy fruit that is of great importance for entrepreneurs . If a persimmon is placed nearby with tangerines , this means success in all areas of business.

Apricot in feng shui symbolizes fertility.

Peach and peach blossom in the art of feng shui

Peach color in the art of feng shui - this is the color of joy. It serves as an excellent addition to the interior (for example, peach-colored sofa cushions) and adds liveliness to the room. Peach color in the western part of the bedroom will help maintain joy in your relationship with your partner.

Peach in feng shui

Have you ever, dear reader, eaten a peach so ripe that the juice literally ran down your face? You probably wanted to laugh. Peach gives a feeling of joy and gratitude for the joy experienced.

Peach in feng shui - symbol immortality, longevity , and also marriage. Peach trees in China bloom in the spring, and since spring is believed to be the best time to get married, the peach is also considered a symbol of marriage.

Hang a picture of peaches in your room if you want to find a match and get married. This image creates marriage qi, and single men and women are more likely to marry. You can also use a symbolic peach tree, or its image in the South-West sector. According to Feng Shui, it will help make your marriage happy.

Red fruits and their meaning in feng shui

Red color in the art of feng shui symbolizes the flow of vitality, Yang energy. It attracts monetary luck, carries strength, activity and passion, and adds decisiveness to thoughts and actions.

Red is the color of life and fire! Red color is necessary to maintain strength in everyday life and give a sense of security. Gives energy, love of life, willpower and fearlessness!

Red fruits : apples, pomegranates, cherries, apples, raspberries, strawberries, red currants

Apple in feng shui means fertility and wealth, love and joy, immortality and wisdom. According to Feng Shui, an apple ensures peace and goodwill, harmony in family relationships, and harmony. Giving an apple means declaring your love.

Pomegranate, according to Feng Shui, one of the happiest fruits. There are many seeds inside the pomegranate, so it symbolizes fertility. In addition, the pomegranate symbolizes family with good children which, when they grow up, will bring her honor and glory.

Yellow color in the art of feng shui - the color of wisdom. The warm yellow of the sun brings us insight and wisdom. It attracts rationalism, common sense, tolerance, independence of judgment, and sociability.

Yellow color can stimulate a cheerful, cheerful mood and strengthen hope. Yellow color enlivens the workplace, promotes active research, and awakens the spirit of entrepreneurship. Symbolizes optimism and determination

Yellow fruits : lemons, pineapples, bananas

Lemon, according to Feng Shui, symbolizes fame and glory. Helps to cope with difficulties, turns any failure into victory

Green color in feng shui - the color of harmony and health. It symbolizes openness, love of the earth, compassion, goodwill, kindness, generosity, gentleness

Green is the color of nature: fields, hills and forests, those places where we relax and recharge our energy.

Green color symbolizes the awakening of life, awareness of it, and is associated with growth and development. The color of youth and hope.

Green fruits : apples, pears, kiwi, grapes, gooseberries

Grapes in feng shui symbolizes prosperity and material wealth, life in luxury and satiety.

According to Feng Shui, a bunch of grapes symbolizes fertility and wealth, success in business, entrepreneurial activity, and the onset of good, fruitful (in every sense) times. Helps you make the right decisions.

Grapes attract mutual understanding, good luck in negotiations and harmonious relationships.

Purple color in feng shui symbolizes spirituality, nobility, self-esteem, inspiration. Stimulates vitality and determination

Fruits are dark blue purple: black grapes, plums, blueberries, black currants

Dear reader, may fruits, colors and the magical art of Feng Shui bring you joy and fulfillment of desires! And, of course, health!


Polina Radetskaya,

Psychologist and Feng Shui Master

PS:We are happy to offer you a beautifulTalisman "Fun" yellow color, carrying living and active Yang energy


Dear reader, have you ever seen a figurineLaughing Buddha ? Very often it is golden in color. Buddha with a rather large belly sits andfunny , laughs contagiously. Can you imagine such a figurine?

And you know, there is a belief that you need to rub the belly of the Laughing Buddha and thenFun And Joy will multiply in your life. If you have such a figurine at hand, take it; if not, then let’s do this exercise mentally. So let's start rubbing the Laughing Buddha's belly in a clockwise circular motion.And-and one, and-and two, and-and three! Great! It is very funny!Let's smile even wider and rub the belly in the other direction, also in a circle. And-and one, and-and two, and-and three! Hooray!Congratulations ! Now, according to legend, there will be funmore in your life. And part of the extraordinaryenergy the golden statuette will certainly be passed on to you!

Dear reader, do you want to attract moreFun And Joy? Enjoy Every Moment, be surprised by the little onesMiracles ? Smile more often with an open, cheerful smile? Great! There is another wonderful oneway !

will help you Talisman "Fun"!

I completed it manually and charged it positiveenergy .

Hieroglyph Attracts:

Fun, Laughter, Joy, Holiday



Based on calligraphy done by a Calligraphy Master from Japan

Color and Meaning

Yellow – the color of the Sun, which makes all living things happy.

Yellow color sets feelings in motion, strengthens faith in oneself and in the benevolence of the world.


Velvet . Material of kings - brings Luck, Fame and Glory.



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Wonderful springs

Lillian Tu, Symbols of Good Luck in Feng Shui

Marie Diamond "The Very Simple Law of Attraction"

Gill Hale "Practical Encyclopedia of Feng Shui"

Stephanie Norris "Secrets of Color Therapy"

Fruits used in feng shui are associated with wealth, prosperity and success. Each fruit has its own sacred meaning. If you want to improve things in a certain area of ​​your life, then use Feng Shui tips for your home and buy fruits whose energy is aimed at improving your situation.

Oranges and tangerines

These fruits, according to the art of Feng Shui, bring wealth and good luck in money. The golden color and juiciness of this fruit gives strong energy of prosperity. These fruits are also called a magical wish-granter. By eating them, you activate your full potential.


It is a symbol of longevity, wisdom and foresight. Persimmon is especially useful for entrepreneurs. If you put persimmons in the same mountain with oranges, you will get a powerful energy tandem that will attract good luck in all areas of business.


Apricot in Feng Shui gives children and happiness in marriage. This fruit is useful for women who cannot get pregnant for a long time.


In Feng Shui, peach symbolizes joy, happiness and love in relationships. This is a talisman of marital fidelity, love and passion. If your marriage is experiencing problems, try feeding your significant other peaches and eat a couple of these fruits yourself.


According to Feng Shui, grapes signify wealth and reliability. Each berry symbolizes a coin. Thus, the more often grapes appear in your house, the more luck you will have with money.


The red apple is a symbol of love and marriage. Green apple is a symbol of health, youth and beauty. This fruit is also used to maintain peace and harmony in the home.


Bananas in the art of Feng Shui are used to attract fame, recognition and authority. This fruit instills confidence, inner strength, charisma and charm in a person.

Eat what makes you successful, healthy, rich and beautiful! We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

01.10.2014 09:34

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