Taurus man - what is he like? All information about Taurus is a complete horoscope. Taurus - characteristics of the zodiac sign

All Zodiac Signs have their secrets and mysteries. Each of the 12 constellations has its own energy and character, which is inherent in people born under these stars. Taurus is no exception.

Those born under the Sign of Aries can read the article about 10 unusual facts about the Zodiac Sign Aries. We continue to consider the most secret corners of consciousness and other Signs. The Earth Sign of Taurus is very strong, although it doesn’t show it. He has his own weaknesses, his own shortcomings that prevent him from living, but who doesn’t have them?

Taurus character

Who are these people if not bright, good-natured people? They will always help friends and family without distorting their faces. They will make time for you, but this will not always be the case. Until Taurus finds a soul mate, they will help you and be friends with you. Everything will be great. But after they meet their love, friends fade into the background. Get ready for this because Taurus people change their priorities very easily.

These people love everything beautiful. They are true aesthetes. They are attracted by practical beauty - in the house, in the car, in clothes. These are still fashionistas. Beautiful people are the main magnet for Taurus. If you want to see a Taurus gathering, then come to a fashion show, car show or beauty pageant. There will be a lot of representatives of this Zodiac Sign.

The earth has a very strong influence on these people, so they are thrifty and will never squander the money they earned through honest labor... well, unless they buy a more expensive car or a cooler suit.

10 unusual facts about Taurus

Prepare to learn things about these people that you may not know.

Fact one: Taurus simply cannot stand anything temporary. If they are looking for a friend, it is for life. The same goes for your loved one. They also buy a phone or a car once every few years, but are ready to shell out a lot of money for it. Temporary relationships may be acceptable for them if they already have a loved one. Taurus cheat, but you will never know about it.

Fact two: The philosophy of these people is as simple as being hit on the head with a frying pan. The main thing is the house. Taurus people adore their shelter, although they may not spend much time in it. When they come home, they need comfort. They don’t care about the view from the window - it’s better if the bathroom is bigger and nicer. They are easily seduced by conveniences and high technology.

Fact three: Do you know who Mr. Bean is? This is that strange English comedian who has the funniest eyebrows and incredibly funny facial expressions. So, Taurus are capable of the same show. Not everyone knows this about themselves, but almost everyone can be just as artistic and funny. Just watch them tell funny stories - their faces sometimes look much funnier than those of the greatest comedians. Taurus can help lift the spirits of anyone, anywhere.

Fact four: Patience is a strong trait of Taurus that even some Taurus people are not aware of. They are able to wait indefinitely until the right opportunity for something comes. That is why they are good at gambling card games, successful in love and always achieve what they want. Only the laziest of the representatives of this Sign can afford to do nothing, but most hide the ability to wait, disguising it as laziness.

Fact five: Taurus people deserve to be trusted. They won’t “dump” anyone just like that - they don’t need it. They are creators, so they do not destroy everything around them, but create. An interesting fact is that Taurus people can always be trusted. They do not like to lie, although they know how to do it. These people themselves don’t realize it, but it’s true.

Fact six: Taurus are very jealous, but not about money. These people can become greedy only in the most unusual and difficult situation, but they are jealous of their loved ones even for things. Sometimes it feels like Taurus wants to know even the thoughts of a loved one, controlling him completely. They love to be obeyed, but they don't have a God complex, so don't be afraid to listen to their advice and guidance.

Fact seven: Taurus people seem so brave at first glance that you begin to believe in their courage, but in reality they are afraid. Their greatest talent lies in the fact that they not only mask their fears, but also transform them in some unimaginable way into courage. How they do this is known only to themselves. All that remains is to observe this phenomenon.

Fact eight: If you did something good to this person, he will never forget it. He or she may forget when mom's birthday is, but they won't be able to forget your kindness, so being nice to them can be helpful. Respond to their pleas for help, because this good will return to you in double... no, in triple size.

Fact nine: Taurus's rampage cannot be stopped. Never push these people to a nervous breakdown. Otherwise, a real apocalypse may come. Your life will become hell if you do anything bad to him. Grudge-bearing Taurus will take revenge on you when the opportunity comes. They know how to wait, we told you.

Fact ten: There is only one negative interesting fact. Many Taurus, almost 90%, will not communicate with you and build a relationship if you are not dressed stylishly, fashionably, cheaply or without taste, if you do not have the same sexual views, if you smell bad. They notice any little things that might interfere with your friendship. However, if you are already friends, then Taurus will gently and kindly point out what is wrong with you.

We're sure you didn't know much of this. Now your friendships, love or partnerships with this Zodiac Sign will be more effective. We also recommend that you know what not to talk about with people. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Each person has his own zodiac sign, which is determined depending on his date of birth. It is influenced by the day and month of birth. Each sign has its own characteristics, description, strengths and weaknesses, and compatibility. In this article we will look at the Taurus zodiac type.

Common features

The main characteristics of a person whose Zodiac type is Taurus are practicality, determination, and possession. He is decisive and confident in his own abilities. And since he belongs to the Earth type, he is called upon to deal with material matters. Such a person tries to master all aspects of life, obtain material benefits, and achieve heights. For him, satisfying his needs is one of the main tasks, as is convenience in everything, pleasure from life.

He is active in his work and loves to get results. He needs money not for the sake of owning pieces of paper, but in order to satisfy his needs. Like no one else, he appreciates beauty, beautiful and expensive things and objects, stylish clothes, and a well-groomed appearance. For the sake of emotional and material stability, he is ready to go to great lengths.

Taurus does not really like to understand himself, look for reasons and connections, since he devotes his time to a greater extent to achieving his goals. He likes to plan his life for many years in advance and cannot stand those who prevent him from doing this.


If your child is a Taurus, then from childhood he is very persistent, purposeful, and cheerful. Likes to devote time to art, music, drawing. From a very young age, he shows persistence in achieving his goals.

And he will behave this way, even if his parents consider the goal frivolous and unnecessary. If the baby decides something, it will last for a long time. Thus, it will be almost impossible to convince a child of the Taurus sign who has decided not to go to kindergarten.

Screaming, scolding, punishing - all this does not work with Taurus, and often gives the opposite results. If he wants something, he will get it. Taurus does not accept standard parenting techniques and will have to fully use his mind and imagination to convince him of something.

Among the not best qualities is slowness. And this slowness is noticeable only in comparison with other children: it may seem that Taurus is leisurely and takes too long to switch from one task to another. Although this quality is not a minus at all.

Taurus is thorough and does everything for sure; his pace will always be a little slow, no matter what is expected of him, but the result of his actions will be impressive. You just have to come to terms with this feature. If you rush him, the result will be disastrous: everything will fall out of his hands and his nerves will give out.

For children of this sign, as for other representatives of the earthly element, changes are very dangerous, which they perceive with caution, because they become strongly attached to home, parents, friends, and surroundings. Even in adulthood, they will choose the proven “old” over the promising and unknown “new”.

Both children and adults love to travel and get to know new cultures, but they only do this when a warm home awaits them.

For such a child, you should not spare money on education or familiarization with culture, since he will appreciate it and be able to use it in the future.

The Taurus man (April 21 – May 21) is an earthly creature, simple, sensual and very stubborn. Compared to the other signs of the horoscope, he looks like a real rock; it’s not for nothing that Taurus was previously depicted half-grown into the ground.

The constellation after which the sign is named consists of 216 stars visible to the naked eye, and really resembles a bull in its outline. According to ancient Greek mythology, Taurus is the same bull that Zeus once turned into in order to kidnap Europa, the princess of Phenicia. Europe, famous for its beauty and good disposition, became the beloved of Zeus and gave him three sons.

The bull has always been considered the personification of perseverance, hard work, a combination of calm strength, wild rage and incredible tenderness. A mighty bull with a hot temper, but with a rational outlook on life, a sign of purposeful, decisive strength. The Ox is a very accurate symbol for the Taurus man, using strength and pressure to achieve his goal.

It is difficult to find people more practical and romantic at the same time than those born under the constellation Taurus. A Taurus man is an open book for a wise woman, he is a dream man, the very wall behind which it is safe, cozy and calm. Perhaps he is a little boring, but is this so important for a happy family life?

Such outstanding and interesting people were born under the constellation Taurus! personalities such as William Shakespeare, Niccolo Machiavelli, Immanuel Kant, Ivan Kulibin, Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Sigmund Freud, Honore de Balzac, Sergei Prokofiev, Boris Akunin, Al Pacino and many others.


Taurus element is Earth. Basically, these are earthly, practical, even down-to-earth people who do not make any stunning plans, accustomed to calling a spade a spade. The element of Earth is the personification of physical strength, stability, material well-being, fertility in the broadest sense of the word.

The element of earth conceals innumerable riches, since the Earth itself is the main treasure. The main property of the Earth is the ability to firmly and thoroughly hold its shape and clear structure. The earth is the basis of everything stable and unchanging. Therefore, all Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) are practical, rational and full of common sense. They instinctively know how to use the means at hand to achieve the end result.

The earthly Taurus Man perceives the world through his physical sensations; high endurance and tolerance helps him find a way out of the most critical situations. But breadth of views is not included in the list of his virtues, just like imagination. The element of Earth endowed him with conservatism, constancy and a tendency towards pessimism.

The best compatibility of “earthly” people is the element of Water. The seething Water will feed the Earth, give it life, and the Earth, in turn, will become a reliable support for the Water. Representatives of these two elements are literally destined for each other. The union of two “earthly” people will also be quite harmonious - they can become reliable partners for each other both in life and in business.

The worst compatibility among “earthly” people is with the elements of Fire and Air. They are completely polar to each other, and such unions are usually short-lived. But there are exceptions to any rule, and there are many such examples.

Any person born under the constellation Taurus will feel comfortable closer to his element - the Earth. This will give him a feeling of security and stability, which is a priority for him. It is recommended that he live either in a private house or on low floors. The higher the floor of residence, the more restless a person will feel, the more uncomfortable he will be.

The Taurus man is very closely connected with nature, so in the countryside, on his own land, he will always feel more comfortable than in an urban environment. Even living in the city, he needs to merge with nature from time to time, be able to walk barefoot on the ground, and breathe in the air. A Taurus house must have a lot of indoor flowers and a pet.


The ruling planet of Taurus is Venus, the patroness of love and the emotional sphere of human life. Venus gives Taurus an aesthetic perception of form, including thought forms. “Beautiful” and “ugly” are not just words for him, but a way of feeling the world, a way of perceiving actions and behavior. If Taurus doesn’t like something, then it seems ugly to him, although the matter may not concern an aesthetic moment at all.

Venus manifests itself not least through the desire to possess material goods, in the pursuit of luxury and comfort. The planet gives a person love for the earth, tact and elegance. Diocese of Venus - feelings, not reason. Her most valuable gift is the ability to feel happy and the ability to love.

“Low” Taurus can be lazy, passive, aesthetically undeveloped, but even he is usually unusually capricious in terms of beauty at his level of understanding, and of course, like all Taurus, unusually stubborn. Such Taurus have a highly developed self-indulgence in their instincts, promiscuity, a consumerist attitude - all this is also a strong influence of afflicted Venus.

Another, no less influential ruler of Taurus is Chiron. This invisible planet takes human consciousness one step above the socially mastered level, endowing it with incredible flair and insight. Taurus, in whose horoscope there is a strong Chiron, have extrasensory abilities, the ability to heal, predict the future, and the ability to influence human consciousness. He is characterized by paradoxical behavior, an unusual vision of the world, and the ability to get used to someone else's image.

Weak Chiron means the absence of a pronounced impact on a person’s life, but does not set any boundaries for him. Chiron's weakness is perceived more positively than negatively: a person will have fewer situations that confuse him, he will look at the world more simply. Perhaps he will lack a little originality and freshness of views, but he will be quite understandable. Sometimes a weak Chiron forces a person to go to extremes, weave intrigues, play a double game, and become a traitor.

Talisman stone

The main talisman for a Taurus man is an emerald. When worn constantly, this gemstone helps to improve one’s mood in life, make one’s character softer and more flexible, make a man more cheerful, and give him hope for the future. Emerald is able to protect not only its owner, but also his home. It will maintain peace and harmony in the family and give mutual understanding.

Worn at night, the stone will preserve good dreams, relieve nightmares and insomnia, and relieve stress. Emerald is the key to peace, success and happiness. It is simply necessary for people who are naturally gloomy, taciturn, modest - in a word, Taurus.

Another important talisman for a Taurus man is agate, which is also called the “lucky mineral”. It helps its owner cope with negative character traits, and most importantly, improves a person’s financial condition, which is important for all Taurus.

Agate protects a man from energy vampirism, helps him to open up spiritually, reveals the instinct of self-preservation, and warns of dangers. It is difficult to overestimate the ability of this stone as an amulet-amulet for people in dangerous professions, as well as those who engage in extreme sports.

Sapphire - helps to concentrate, direct thoughts in the right direction, moderates anger, strengthens willpower. A sapphire talisman encourages noble deeds, repels enemies, and protects from anger, fear and envy. In his presence, black magic loses its power. But there is one caveat - you should not wear a sapphire if it has visible defects, large scratches or cracks. Such a stone will only bring misfortune.

There are also stones that Taurus is categorically not recommended to wear - these are amber, topaz, ruby ​​and amethyst. In any case, when choosing jewelry with a stone, a Taurus man needs to listen to his inner voice - if, when looking at a gem, a feeling of warmth appears in his soul, then it is his stone.


Everyone born under the sign of Taurus is recommended to have any item with the image of their bull symbol - a figurine, brooch, drawing, or any other item. It would be great if the bull was made of precious metal, because Taurus is a zodiac sign that personifies material well-being and wealth.

But most Taurus men are concerned not only with their material condition, but also with their social status. Therefore, another successful talisman for them will be an elephant, which helps them gain lasting authority in the eyes of others. The natural greatness and calmness of this animal has a beneficial effect on the psyche of a man, making him wiser and calmer. The elephant figurine can be made of any material except ivory, otherwise the talisman will not help, but harm.

For Taurus, the horse is a symbol of success and efficiency. If a man has a figurine or drawing of a horse on his desk, his career will quickly take off. A small golden horse in the form of a gold pendant or pendant will bring a man good luck, protection from illnesses and overwork. You should pay attention to how the horse is depicted. A peacefully grazing animal will help tame an obstinate temperament and assist in reaching a compromise, while a rearing horse, on the contrary, will activate the leader’s energy and give courage and determination.


The typical Taurus man is usually short, stocky and stocky. He has a “broad bone”, so even a thin man looks more solid and impressive than people with “thin bones”. Looking at such a person, it immediately becomes clear that he stands firmly and confidently on the ground.

Taurus men usually have a short, “bull” neck, a rounded face, but not puffy, a wide, large potato nose, plump sensual lips, plump cheeks. The eyes are large, bulging, often glazed, framed by fluffy eyelashes. Hair can be any color, most often thin and not too thick.

In general, Taurus men have a rather pretty appearance, although they tend to be overweight. Even if a man is thin in his youth, with age he invariably gains excess weight. Taurus men with the negative influence of Venus are characterized by a somewhat effeminate figure.

Character traits

The main character traits of a typical Taurus man are patience, perseverance, and the ability to make long-term efforts. He is constancy in his habits and beliefs, treats everything new with suspicion, and feels uncomfortable in unfamiliar company. The positive side of Taurus's slowness is prudence and prudence. Such a person knows how to inspire trust, and it is completely justified. His motto is “said and done!” A Taurus man does not tend to have his head in the clouds, so he never makes empty promises.

The energy of Taurus does not splash over the edge and does not rush out, as for example in Gemini; its energy is smooth and focused. This explains the incredible physical and moral endurance of people born under this sign. A typical Taurus spends his energy moderately, without overexertion, so he knows how to work in one direction for a long time. He is stubborn enough to fight for a lost cause, but rarely does anything for others for no reason.

In addition, Taurus have a remarkable ability to abstract themselves from the world around them and not be distracted by external stimuli. This ability is closely related to Taurus’ need for a comfortable and harmonious existence. The reluctance to delve into other people's problems and a negative attitude towards any changes is connected precisely with the reluctance to lose peace of mind and tranquility.

Taurus men, for the most part, are not very talkative; close relationships and a trusting relationship with them are possible only after a long time. The element of Earth does not allow these people to easily understand someone else’s point of view; moreover, it makes them incredible owners and tyrants. However, the endless patience that all Taurus are distinguished by allows them to maintain friendly relations with others. A man can bear a huge emotional and physical burden for years, and those around him will not even suspect it. But behind the façade of equanimity there may be hidden grievances, irritation and dissatisfaction, which will sooner or later break out. Taurus's anger is terrible, he practically ceases to control himself.

Astrologers distinguish three types of men born under the sign of Taurus:

  • Harmonious Taurus- a down-to-earth, calm, extremely clear and simple person. He lives in an understandable world, in harmony with himself and nature. Doesn't have his head in the clouds, doesn't build castles in the air, doesn't make impossible promises. A harmonious Taurus strictly follows the assigned task, achieving everything with the help of cold pragmatism and his own talent. Harmonious Taurus of the lower octave can be represented as a lazy, stubborn person, inclined to indulge his instincts.
  • Affected Taurus- a person is incredibly resilient and stress-resistant, but he will have to live a difficult life, full of difficulties and trials. To achieve the success that he so strives for, the affected Taurus will have to work three times harder than other people, and he will more than once have the feeling of an insurmountable obstacle. It may happen that even the most patient Taurus man cannot withstand the stress of life and turns into a real angry bull. Fortunately, such outbursts of anger are infrequent and do not last long. A severely affected Taurus may experience extreme greed and jealousy of others' success, and low spiritual and mental development. Excessive attachment to money savings and pleasures can lead Taurus to serious psychosomatic illnesses.
  • Primitive Taurus type occurs infrequently. He is ruthless, cruel and destructive, but like all Taurus, he can be very devoted to his ideas and life beliefs. Such people can make an ideal servant or a typical bureaucrat. Service does not humiliate them, since it is devoid of slavish overtones.


Taurus men do not get sick often, but for a long time and seriously, many problems are hidden. A person recovers slowly and difficultly; he consults a doctor only as a last resort. But if he nevertheless crosses the threshold of a doctor’s office, then with the tenacity of a bull he will strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations, and all the inconvenience and pain will be endured courageously and without whims. It must be said that Taurus have great reserves for restoring health even after the most severe illnesses.

The vulnerable places of a Taurus man are the throat, esophagus, hearing organs, and lymphatic system. He has a reduced metabolism, which leads to the gradual accumulation of fat in the body, gastritis, constipation and even diabetes. Despite his physical strength, the man often catches colds and suffers from infectious diseases.

Indulgence in one's own weaknesses and vices can lead to problems such as overeating and alcoholism. Most Taurus men smoke, which also does not add to their health. They have difficulty following a diet, do not like exercise and any restrictions. Going beyond purely selfish, earthly needs can significantly improve the health of any Taurus. If a person follows the lead of his own weaknesses, then even the huge internal reserves given to Taurus by nature will quickly be depleted and his health will deteriorate.


Taurus will be indispensable in professions that require perseverance and patience; he will not object to some routine and repetition; physical labor will never scare him either. No matter what profession he engages in, a man will always persistently strive for success, and difficulties will never frighten him. Taurus is a sign of expedient determination and strength, called upon to engage in material affairs, mastering them.

The best use of Taurus is anything that provides decent rewards, satisfaction of feelings - from farming to banking. Representatives of this know a lot about everything that can grow - from domestic chickens and garden apples, to stock quotes and the dollar exchange rate.

Taurus have a great sense of money, so any activity related to finance will be good for them: economist, accountant, trade worker, businessman. They also make excellent business executives, and the work of a planner, supplier, accountant, or auditor is suitable for them. The hands of Taurus men usually grow from the right place, so among them there are many craftsmen, plumbers, carpenters, turners, production workers, and people in blue-collar professions. Thanks to the ruling planet Venus, there are many creatively gifted individuals among Taurus: architects, artists, singers, sculptors, artists, writers, directors.

The Taurus man treats work as if it were his own child; it occupies almost the most important place in his life. He is a workaholic by nature, very attentive to detail, and results-oriented. If a job has no prospects or is poorly paid, then a man will not stay at it for long. He has every chance of becoming a successful person, but only on condition that he can overcome his natural laziness and stubbornness. Another trait that can prevent a Taurus man from quickly climbing the career ladder is slowness and conservatism.

Financial well-being

Most Taurus men have an innate sense of money; they are able to make it literally out of thin air. Money is the essence of this sign, from where it draws its vital energy. For the sake of money, Taurus are capable of the hardest work; they strive to earn a lot in order to satisfy their need for comfort, to look significant in their own eyes and the eyes of others. We can say that Taurus is programmed to earn and accumulate money.

Taurus prefers to materialize money into conveniences and “eternal values,” that is, into something that will help preserve capital. The man is practical, sometimes stingy, money never burns his pocket. But he rarely saves on himself; he likes to spend on his personal pleasures and needs.

Taurus, like no one else, understands that money must work and generate income, and be constantly in motion. Stagnation of money for him means loss, so he rarely keeps his finances “in a stocking.” It rarely happens that the love of money goes beyond what is reasonable, and then hoarding becomes the only goal of a person.

Even if a Taurus man is as rich as Croesus, he will never advertise his financial well-being; on the contrary, in the eyes of others he will try to downplay it. Among Taurus there are rarely swindlers and lovers of easy money; usually all representatives of this sign achieve a stable financial position solely thanks to hard work and perseverance.


Thanks to the ruling planet Venus, the Taurus man loves and appreciates carnal pleasures like no other. Sensuality is the main characteristic of Taurus; it is the most sensual sign of all the horoscope signs. Living under the auspices of Venus, these people are born for physical love, affection and receiving the most exquisite carnal pleasures.

However, the horoscope states that the sexuality of a Taurus man is directly related to his financial well-being. If things are not going well with money, he can compensate for failures with numerous love affairs, even become a gigolo, fortunately Venus has endowed him with remarkable sexual stamina. A man can maintain good physical shape until old age.

The Taurus man, as a rule, is very hardy in bed, but even here his conservatism can manifest itself. The lack of sophistication, inventiveness and willingness to experiment can be compensated by his openness and sincerity in relationships. He will never allow himself to be rude or incorrect towards a woman. But the partner must be prepared for the fact that meetings may follow the same scenario, and beautiful words and compliments will not flow like a river. He has a primitive approach to sex, and nothing can be done about it.

Taurus like to indulge in passions comfortably; the environment for them is no less important than the sexual act itself. No hasty relations, only when he himself feels that the moment has come. A man is very sensitive to smells, so his partner should smell pleasant, but not harsh. It is unlikely that he will be able to lead his partner along unknown paths, but she will certainly be satisfied with him, since the man will be able to compensate for the lack of imagination with his tirelessness. In many ways, the Taurus man is the ideal lover, his great advantage is his strength.

Love and marriage

Dreams of love begin to worry the sensual Taurus man quite early, but love at first sight is not about him. Taurus's feelings are formed gradually, but they will be simple and understandable. Among them there are many monogamous people who are able to carry their feelings throughout their lives. He will never promise mountains of gold to the woman he loves, but he will surround her with care and attention and make her feel like she is the only one loved. Having achieved reciprocity, Taurus will consider the woman his property, with all the ensuing consequences. A woman should always remember that he is terrible in anger, so she should not give even the slightest reason for jealousy.

Taurus' passion is complete - he will follow the woman he loves to the end, regardless of whether this end is sweet or bitter. If a man is in love, no one and nothing can stop him: neither criticism, nor the opinions of others, nor inconvenience and discomfort, although in other respects he is quite practical.

A Taurus husband is one of the most valuable acquisitions for any woman with traditional views on family life. But here’s the paradox, despite his absolute reliability and stability, a Taurus man can physically cheat on his wife, while believing that marriage is sacred. He can afford to cheat, but God forbid his wife even just smile at another man.

The main disadvantage and at the same time advantage of the Taurus man is predictability. An intelligent woman will be able to control him, but this cannot be done openly, so as not to hurt his pride in any way. He should feel like the head of the family, the master of the situation. Taurus will always take care of the family nest, his motto is everything goes into the house! Having a weakness for a comfortable life, the Taurus man will do everything to make his home cozy and prosperous.

The surest way to live with a Taurus husband in a happy marriage is to remember the peculiarities of his nature and, if possible, adapt to them. This is the case when a woman can proudly say “I live like behind a stone wall.”

Compatibility Horoscope

Taurus-Aries- this relationship is unstable, since both partners are stubborn and active. Such an alliance can quickly tire them, but if they are able to adapt to each other, then the Aries woman will become the most reliable, decisive and faithful partner for the Taurus man. The more the Aries woman boils, the calmer the Taurus man should be, this is the key to their family happiness.

Taurus-Taurus- this is a union of two business executives who can live in perfect harmony. The similarity of their interests is so obvious that it immediately catches your eye. This couple, like a reliable bank, will save and increase their capital, which will only strengthen their family union.

Taurus-Gemini- a rather unsuccessful marriage union, but a love union can be ideal. The Gemini woman is a rather flighty creature, and the Taurus man will never be able to completely trust her. Sooner or later this will lead to the collapse of the family, since quarrels and scandals will be constant companions of this couple.

Taurus-Cancer- the union of these people can be strong and durable, since both expect approximately the same things from marriage: reliability and stability, home comfort and prosperity. The Cancer woman, like no one else, needs a reliable and strong partner, which is the Taurus man.

Taurus-Leo- this will be a very difficult, but quite common alliance. They both want the same thing from life: wealth and prosperity, but the struggle for leadership and mutual jealousy can get in the way. Despite the fact that the couple has perfect sexual compatibility, it will not be easy for them to live together.

Taurus-Virgo- one of the most successful marriages, in which there will be no place for passions and scandals. Calm and peace will reign in the family, and views on life will always coincide. But the question is: how quickly will love turn into a habit?

Taurus-Libra- this will be a union of two aesthetes and gourmets, united by a love of comfort and pleasure. In this couple, everything will contribute to the creation of strong and long-term relationships, but how quickly will the airy, intellectual Libra woman become bored with the down-to-earth Taurus man?

Taurus-Scorpio- a fairly common union of two strong personalities. Their marriage should be built on mutual respect and complete trust, then it will be almost perfect. The Scorpio woman does not tolerate henpecked people, so she will calmly give the reins of power to the calm and practical Taurus.

Taurus-Sagittarius- this union will not see family happiness; the boiling of passions and emotions will be too great. The Taurus man will always strive for a traditional house-building, and she will never allow her freedom of communication to be limited. The success of this marriage will depend on the patience of the partners and the desire to be together.

Taurus-Capricorn- a very strong and very common union of two “earth” signs. Their common features are patience, practicality, determination, and love of nature. They have everything that fits the definition of an “ideal marriage.”

Taurus-Aquarius- a rather turbulent union, especially for a man. The Aquarius woman is always in perpetual motion, and the Taurus man values ​​calm and tranquility like no one else. The conservatism of Taurus will always hold back Aquarius, forcing her to go against her nature. He will never be able to understand her sublime nature.

Taurus-Pisces- one of the most successful unions, where both partners can completely suit each other. The Pisces woman is not at all against living in the aquarium that the Taurus man will arrange for her. She will gladly give him the place of head of the family, and she herself will become the keeper of the hearth, subordinate to her husband in everything.

Compatibility horoscope: Taurus zodiac sign full description - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Unity. Light. Love.

Horoscope for zodiac sign

The English name Taurus comes from the Greek tauros, "bull"

According to mythology, Zeus took the form of a snow-white bull when he kidnapped Europa, princess of Phoenicia.

The symbol is a simplified image of a bull's head and horns. It is sometimes claimed that the image represents the endocrine organs in the throat, which are affected by the sign (as well as the entire neck).

Possession, determination, practicality. A sign of expedient decisiveness of strength. Being an Earth sign, he is called to deal with material affairs. Tries to master the practical aspects of life, strives to take possession of material values. Values ​​convenience, contentment, pleasure; seeks to satisfy his needs without sparing energy. He makes sure nothing gets in his way.

He needs money not for the sake of money itself, but for the pleasures that flow from possessing it. Knows how to appreciate beautiful shapes and things. A lover of beautiful clothes, his well-being is greatly influenced by his own appearance. Emotional and material security plays a big role in Taurus' life. Taurus may not make contact without making sure that this person will be useful to him.

Often he does not understand the motives of his behavior, he is simply not very interested in knowing himself. He plans his life for many years in advance, and, as a rule, his efforts are not in vain. He does not like interference in his affairs, does not like attempts to influence them.

Taurus children's horoscope

You got a wonderful child - stubborn, persistent, cheerful, friendly. He is partial to art, especially music, and at the same time practical. But get ready for unexpected difficulties. It is not at all easy to be the parents of a child born under the sign of Taurus. You will rejoice at how your child achieves his goal: building a house, learning to write a difficult letter. But sooner or later he will show such persistence in achieving a goal that, from your point of view, is completely unsympathetic and even harmful. For example, one day he may say that he doesn’t want to go to kindergarten because he doesn’t like it there. And it won't. And if you drag him there by force, he will behave in such a way that you will still have to take him out of there.

If you think that it is enough to yell at him, threaten him with punishment, then very soon you will see that all standard parenting techniques are useless or, what is much worse, achieve the opposite result. If he decides that he doesn’t need it, he will show his characteristic stubbornness, which you will call stubbornness in your hearts (and you will be right). Don’t waste your energy fighting “who will win”, it’s better to stop. You will have to spend a lot of time and mental effort to convince your child why he needs to do this and not another: why he needs to go to kindergarten, why he needs to learn this or that subject at school, why he shouldn’t hit the neighbor boy who broke his favorite toy. Strain your intellect: find arguments that are convincing not only for you, but also for your child, appeal to his sense of justice, which is very developed in him. Your efforts will be rewarded. If you find the right argument, you won't have to repeat it every day. Your child’s character is such that, having once made a decision, he will persistently implement it.

Your child has another characteristic that may irritate parents and teachers. Taurus children are unhurried and even slow compared to other children. It will seem to you that the child is digging for too long and switching to another action for too long. But this slowness is not due to “harmfulness”. The fact is that Taurus are thorough people, they do everything carefully (as indeed do everyone born under earth signs - Virgo and Capricorn), they simply do not know how to rush. Make peace with this feature, although it can be difficult to get used to such a slow pace, especially if you yourself are a fire or air “sign”. Do not rush the child, do not rush, do not create stressful situations. If you get nervous and endlessly shout: “Faster, faster, what are you doing there?”, you will only make things worse: the child will also start to get nervous, and everything will fall out of his hands. It’s better to calculate everything in advance, give your child as much time as he needs to feel comfortable.

These children (just like Virgos and Capricorns) do not tolerate changes in their lives well. They are very attached to their home, parents, relatives, and comrades. For any child, a change of environment is a stressful situation, but for yours it is doubly so. Children born under the sign of Taurus find it very difficult to get used to a new routine, a new home, a new class, new friends. Even as adults, they continue to adhere to the principle “the familiar old is better than the unfamiliar new.” They love to travel, but only if they know that a warm and beloved home awaits them. Unlike fire signs, they rarely act impulsively and almost always think about their actions, taking into account, first of all, such a category as justice.

Spare no time and money to give your child a good education, introduce him to culture. First of all, Taurus, child or adult, wants to enjoy life. The more educated your child is, the happier his life he will live. He will then be able to receive not only primitive pleasures - from food, drink, beautiful and comfortable things, but also experience more subtle feelings - joy from music, books, successful work, communication with highly intelligent people.

What could your child be sick with? First of all, any diseases associated with the throat and neck: tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis. In addition, there may be consequences of gluttony, diseases associated with blood contamination, and abscesses. The vitality of children of this type is high.

What does your Taurus child need?

In a peaceful and friendly environment. He, like no one else, must be sure that his home is his fortress. Well educated.

He likes art, especially music. Calm music has a good effect on his nervous system. Give him the opportunity to express himself through art. He has a rare gift - to combine beauty and usefulness in the right proportion.

Temperament and character of Taurus

The dual influence of Venus and the Moon causes sensitivity and sentimentality, which gives Taurus a calm and confident taste. He loves discreet but well-tailored clothes, rich silks and wool, leaving the right to extravagance to Aries, does not like necklaces, hard collars and ties, and loves perfume with a delicate scent. Keeps clothes for a short time, turns to the same style if he thinks it suits him.

Taurus are usually peaceful and patient. The need for harmony forces them to put up with many things, but it’s terrible when their patience comes to an end. Taurus do not like arguments, especially in a raised tone, and cannot stand a disharmonious life.

They trust their perception, their inner conviction, based more on feelings than on inference. Cautious observers who prefer to take another look ahead before jumping to conclusions.

Objectivity is important for Taurus, they do not like to think, are less religious than other zodiac signs, have excellent memory, and keep their word. They annoy themselves and others with their indecisiveness and unwillingness to deal with a changing situation.

They should overcome the idea that the whole world revolves around them and should learn loyalty.

They are secretive when it comes to their personal affairs, even if they are talkative. Generous, but at the same time greedy, owners. It is necessary to learn the correct balance: “give and take.”

Taurus is characterized by common sense, simplicity, and pragmatic intellectuality. Taurus has more intense feelings than other signs.

Sexual characteristics of Taurus

Taurus is perhaps the most sensitive sign of the zodiac. People ruled by Venus love to caress, but they prefer to be caressed and prolong the time of caresses. What characterizes Taurus on the positive side is that they are usually good spouses. Women of this sign are usually sincere and faithful wives and they know how to create an atmosphere of peace and harmony in their home. Most Taurus people work well when they have a comfortable home and family where they can relax and recharge their energy. Taurus wives often complain that their husbands are not demonstrative in sexual relations. They take a passive role, expecting the wife to be active. If not, then the husband will readily find another woman.

Because Taurus rules the house of money, and his financial affairs greatly influence the sexual area of ​​his life. When Taurus is solvent, he does not look at a beautiful female figure, but when things go wrong, sex becomes his belief.

When he succeeds easily, he may become greedy for money. But he loves to spend and spends.

Taurus women should indulge their Venus nature with various luxury items: expensive jewelry, clothes, cars - all in order to flatter the goddess of love and beauty and arouse the admiration of Mars. When admired, the daughter of Venus becomes completely indifferent to sex, while the Taurus man is rarely so indifferent: he will not deny it.

Both men and women are quite unrestrained. During sexual intercourse, they often act under the influence of impulse and being a physically strong sign, they often consider sexual intercourse alone insufficient. Taurus often likes the physical appearance of the two signs ruled by Mercury: Virgo and Gemini, who are also able to offer a varied sexual repertoire. Both Taurus men and women are usually endowed with beauty; more than one movie star was born under the sign of Taurus.

Positive features

Taurus is a peace-loving person and in this day and age, when everyone is trying to manifest their desires in a frantic manner, Taurus is an example of virtue. Thanks to his strength and ability to concentrate energy on one thing, success easily comes to him. They do well in things that require time and perseverance. They often come up with commercial ideas that at first seem insignificant, but later turn into items of national significance. Remember, Taurus rules the house of money and he already knows how to shake gold out of other people's wallets.

Once married, he rarely gets divorced. They are faithful to the end, if not sexually, then spiritually. Men can safely marry a Taurus woman, because... she is a strong, noble wife who supports her husband’s affairs with practical advice.

If anyone wants a relationship that floats on the smooth waves of Venus, board the Taurus ship - no choppy waves. Venus, the goddess who makes young girls fall in love and young boys climb moonlit balconies and sing passionate serenades, makes people born under the sign of Taurus the most suitable for romance and marriage. They are in high demand in this area.

Negative traits

Stubbornness, indifference, selfishness - this is where to start, but the main drawback of Taurus is self-indulgence, self-indulgence. Another drawback is being overly cautious. If he fails at something, it is due to his uncertainty and inability to take advantage of the opportunity. In personal relationships, Taurus is let down by his inability to connect sex and emotions. They at least have to come up with a spiritual life, pretend, if not for themselves, then for their partner, if they want to keep the peace. Women love to talk, and men need to listen occasionally. Taurus men love flattery and their partners must force themselves to say something that pleases their ears. Taurus's sexual impulses are closely related to their stomach and eating habits, and they must remember that excess weight comes from gluttony.

The most suitable partners

Up to 29.5 years old, the most suitable partners are people with knowledge. Capricorn and Virgo. All three are earth signs and until the age of 29.5 they are all looking for casual, somewhat passive sensual connections. But if Taurus chooses Virgo, he must keep in mind that she is beautiful, but cold, and if Capricorn - that he is a good partner and husband, but later he will not be able to satisfy him sexually.

After 29.5 – Taurus begins to grow spiritually and can find a suitable partner among Gemini and Aries. Gemini will increase his intelligence, and Aries will increase his fire and energy. Aries and Gemini are quite intellectual signs and, like Taurus, do not have their head in the clouds. Sometimes it is useful to bring him down to earth so that he can take a good look at his life and subsequently change his future.

After 41.5 years, when Taurus has already acquired the long-awaited prosperity, he is ready for deeper, idealistic, spiritual relationships. Here it can be compatible with Scorpio.

Loyalty rating

In general, it’s always “good.” A solid sign, Taurus does not like change. In their younger years, Taurus are especially loyal to their friends and relatives. In marriage, their fidelity is constant and dependent.

Those born under this sign are charming and sophisticated, capricious and sensual. She strives to surround herself with beautiful things and brilliant men. Understanding her character perfectly, men, nevertheless, seek intimacy with her, since she is an excellent partner, capable of giving refined sensual pleasure. The Epicurean perception of life helps her avoid many serious problems and painful relationships. The joy from the fullness of sensations is transmitted to her chosen one. However, his joy is short-lived. A short time later he finds his epicurean in the arms of another. She is sincere in eroticism and gives herself over to her attraction recklessly, trying to draw yet unknown pleasure from a new partner. It must be admitted that for men she is as attractive and alluring as she is ruinous. Her married life is often chaotic and unstable.

Women strive to marry him. They are captivated by his self-confidence, self-esteem, correct and respectful attitude towards his partner. You cannot call him a sophisticated and sophisticated lover, but his passion is strong and has an exciting effect on women. In intimacy, he is inclined towards equality and does not seek to suppress his partner with sensuality. He is open in all manifestations of intimacy and assumes the same openness in a woman. He is jealous, but considers this his weakness. In choosing women, as in everything else, he is absolutely independent and relies only on his own experience. It is almost impossible to “seduce” him with all kinds of feminine tricks. For this he is smart and insightful enough. Maintains excellent physical shape until old age. His marriage is long and happy, although he does not put much effort into it.

Taurus is born with a strong constitution and can live to an old age without any disease. Doesn't know where or when to stop, tends to work too much, drink, smoke, love too much. When sick, it takes too long to recover. Most diseases due to excess are characterized by despondency, boredom, and loss of spirit.

Main diseases: obesity, diabetes, hepatitis, rashes, allergies, cough, brain diseases, fatigue, schizophrenia, depression.

Most Taurus people love to smoke (more than other signs) and find it difficult to stop smoking (other signs are allergic to smoking); homosexuals are more common than other signs.

Relationships with Scorpio often cause infections in the genitals, especially if Taurus is a woman. Men should watch their throat.

Precautions: keep feet warm and dry, avoid drafts, regular but not too long sleep and rest, regular bowel movements.

Taurus does not like exercise, diet, physical stress and any restriction

Gastronomic horoscope

A sign of order and wisdom. In life he is not petty, but very rational. These positive qualities often fail when it comes to the table. TAURUS, who loves to eat delicious food, has very pronounced assimilation processes and therefore the danger of being overweight is real. Therefore, constant control in food is the main concern of TAURUS.

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Taurus: complete characteristics of the zodiac sign

The characteristics of a Zodiac sign directly depend on many significant factors that determine the presence of key features of its character and life potential.

In order to maximize the picture of the inner world of each of the 12 signs of the Zodiac, astrology uses a method for assessing the horoscope, which includes an analysis of each significant factor and identification of typical traits within the sign. There are quite a lot of such factors in astrology, but the main and mandatory ones are:

The ruling planet, which determines the character of the sign (each planet has an abode in 2 signs); an element that speaks about a person’s temperament (each element has 3 signs); leading cross, revealing the inner potential of the individual (each of them corresponds to 4 zodiac signs); leading hemispheres, indicating the social significance and position of the sign in society (each of the hemispheres has 6 zodiac signs).

Ruling planet

The ruling planet of Taurus is Venus. She is a source of fun, joy, love for people, therefore she is inclined to endow her “wards” with symptoms of vanity and craving for pleasure.

In the horoscope, the position of Venus is of great importance. It can be favorable or unfavorable. Taurus, born under the influence of the currents of auspicious Venus, are endowed with artistry, elegance, graceful simplicity, affability, magical charm, natural kindness and compassion. When Venus is in an unfavorable influence, the born individuals become “unhappy” and suffer in life. All positive qualities take on a perverted form in them and are endowed with excessive passions.

People born during the reign of Venus very clearly bear the signs of this planet, so it is possible to give an approximate description of their external image: the face is usually round, pinkish or ruddy; the eyes are sparkling, playful, kind and cheerful. The physique is usually large, often plump, the voice is pleasantly soft, and the hair is luxuriant. These people are elegant, charming and beautiful.

Positive traits

Taurus is a company favorite, enjoys constant success in society, is loved and respected. He is a pleasant conversationalist and knows how to listen. People of this sign love everything beautiful, appreciate creativity and elegant things. They are often interested in painting, music, and poetry. Main character traits: love, friendliness, sense of beauty.

Negative qualities

Venus often endows Taurus with inferiority complexes, neuroses and erotic excesses. His character often contains jealousy, not only towards his partner, but also towards his parents and friends. Extravagance is based on a craving for pleasures, which, when dissatisfied, are replaced by food.

Venus extends its influence to the internal organs of Taurus, as well as to the endocrine system and hormonal levels. Therefore, this sign may suffer from ailments of the kidneys, liver and other digestive organs, venous diseases, sexual disorders and diseases.

Leading element

In astrology, all 12 zodiac signs are grouped into four trigons (elements), each of which corresponds to 3 signs. Earth, the element to which Taurus belongs, is the basis of everything indestructible and permanent. She is responsible for stability, rigor, responsibility, rationalism.

Each element has its own type of temperament, which indicates the predominance of certain vital “juices” in the human body. It is believed that lymph (ancient Greek “phlegm”) dominates in a person of the Earth element, and makes him a calm, leisurely phlegmatic person.

Taurus's temperament is strong and calm, his nervous processes proceed slowly, and therefore he is distinguished by balanced decisions and prudence. The phlegmatic person has fairly definite goals and confidently moves towards them. Outwardly, he is stingy in showing emotions and sentimentality. A phlegmatic person often shows enviable persistence in work, is productive and balanced. It's quite difficult to piss him off.

Leading Cross

A fixed or otherwise permanent cross determines the potential strength of the signs belonging to it.

The permanent cross endows Taurus with stable, stable traits, characterizing him as a constant, unshakable person, capable of completing the work he has begun and being faithful to his principles. In the event of an attack, Taurus can give a brilliant rebuff, because he does not accept attacks on his views and beliefs.

Leading hemispheres

Taurus belongs to the southern (lower) hemisphere. In this regard, career, social recognition, success in business, and travel are determined to be dominant in a person’s life.

The eastern (right) hemisphere defines a person who goes into the world with open thoughts and has a greater influence on society than it has on him. This hemisphere is of innate leaders and entrepreneurs who take responsibility.

zodiac sign Taurus full characteristics

Complete characteristics of the zodiac signs - Taurus

“I repeat hourly: My order is to be carried out. Is everyone clear?”

“. Just please don’t come too close, otherwise I might accidentally hit someone when I’m excited.”

Where can you meet a Taurus? The best place to look for it is on a farm or in a bank, but there are many other meadows where it “grazes.” So, among Taurus you can find an engineer, a movie star, a clerk, a gardener, a chimney sweep, a baker, and even a person of royal blood.

The most characteristic feature of Taurus is their taciturnity and slowness. He is solid and stable, like a rock, and if he doesn’t want to, no one and nothing can throw him off balance. You can stomp your feet and throw fists at him, but if Taurus has decided something for himself, he won’t even raise an eyebrow.

Taurus will rarely attack anyone without sufficient provocation. Rather, he prefers to be left alone. If you “press” him, he shows stubbornness, and if you tease him, he shows anger. Taurus can perfectly control himself for years, not paying attention to all sorts of small kicks and injections, but one fine day he will feel that fateful “last straw” and rush into battle. The best thing in this case is to run away from his path, otherwise he can trample anyone in anger, even Scorpio. “Trample” is not even the right word, rather, wipe it off the face of the earth. But many Taurus have such good self-control that such attacks of frenzied anger happen to them only once or twice in their lives. I remember one case. One of my friends went with her Taurus husband to a restaurant. When they sat down at the table, some tipsy guy allowed himself to make a couple of obscene remarks about her. The husband suddenly turned purple and, grabbing a chair, broke it over the insolent man’s head. Never before and never since had this happened to him.

What can you say about the appearance of Taurus? Their gaze is clear, calm, firm. The movements are slow (in women they are gracefully lazy), but hidden strength is felt in them. As a rule, they are well built, although overweight. Men have a powerful, muscular neck, back and chest, broad shoulders. Many have curly hair, small ears, pressed tightly to the head, dark eyes, dark skin. True, there are also slender, lean, light-skinned and blue-eyed individuals who are more reminiscent of Pisces or Gemini, but their character is solid - Taurus.

The behavior of Taurus is mainly passive: they do not waste energy in search of love and pleasure (which come to them on their own). They prefer to receive guests at home than to go somewhere on a visit. They do not chase popularity either, but calmly wait for recognition; They rarely get nervous, they are persistent by nature and there is little that can shake their life attitudes.

People born under the sign of Taurus love the peace and quiet of their own home, preferring it to noisy gatherings. Their home is their fortress. If the situation at home is unfavorable for Taurus, he grabs his fishing rods and hurries to go fishing, closer to nature. Taurus belongs to the Earth sign and therefore they are drawn to nature, the earth, and if there is no plot of land near the house where they can dig, then they grow flowers in the window or on the balcony.

A typical Taurus has excellent health, but if he gets sick, he gets better very slowly, mainly because of his stubbornness and unwillingness to follow the doctor’s instructions. The diseases from which he suffers are most often colds, heart disease, varicose veins, kidney disease and gout, mainly associated with intemperance in eating and drinking and a reluctance to move much and be in the fresh air. The most common areas of pain are the neck, legs, ankles, genitals, back and spine. Movement and air are vital to the Ox's body, although his stubborn nature denies this.

Speaking about the stubbornness of Taurus, it should be noted that they themselves do not recognize themselves as such, but simply consider them extremely patient and reasonable. Indeed, many of them are able to withstand enormous physical and emotional stress for years. However, this does not deprive them of their innate terrible stubbornness. So, for example, Taurus will not go to visit a house where there is no comfortable chair for him, and his wife has a stake on his head, he will not budge. And the Taurus wife will never talk to her husband’s friend if she likes him. Loyalty and devotion to family and friends are limitless.

Taurus does not suffer from anything but a lack of appetite. A bull can eat anything from hot peppers and pickles to chocolate cake with whipped cream, all in one sitting. If he also washes it down with good wine or beer, then you won’t be surprised that over time he becomes like King Henry VIII.

Taurus' sense of humor is Falstaffian in nature. Subtle satire and parody are not for them. Give them a farce or a farce. If someone slipped on a banana skin, that's really funny. However, this does not mean that Taurus are not capable of perceiving genuine art. They understand and love real painting and symphonic music. Many have beautiful voices, some become professional singers.

Of all the colors on the spectrum, Taurus prefer sky blue and soft pink, as well as green and brown, which remind them of nature. But by no means red - a Bull is a Bull.

The metal of Taurus is copper. Taurus is self-possessed, reliable, strong, opposed to all excesses; his home is his fortress.


The Taurus leader is very practical. He always strives to expand his business, but not in half measures, but seriously and on a large scale. He does everything gradually and thoroughly, without listening to any “suspicious” innovative ideas from his employees. However, he is always loyal to those who, in his opinion, will never let him down. The Taurus boss never wastes words: if he says that his subordinate is stupid, then he will not change his opinion, and he must submit a letter of resignation of his own free will; if the employee has passed the test of loyalty, reliability, common sense and knowledge of his business, then he is suitable for him, and a fairly quick promotion awaits him.


A submissive woman born under the sign of Taurus is a real find in any institution. She has an even voice and a calm demeanor. Usually such women are excellent secretaries for upper echelon bosses. No surprises make them angry, and in the event of a crisis they always rise to the occasion. True, they are somewhat slower than others in shorthand and typing, but this is fully compensated by their conscientious attitude to work. They are sedate, do not fuss, but the work is completed on time and accurately. Such a secretary will not allow herself to yawn when the boss shares his favorite theory with her. You can consult with her and discuss any working hypothesis and you will receive practical advice, no worse than from a man. Their recommendations are both logical and practical.

They are not inclined to flirt; they have marriage on their mind. So if you invite her to a restaurant twice in a row, she will already look at you as a potential groom, and not just as a nice guy.


Of course, Taurus is not such an abstract dreamer as Aquarius, he will never promise his beloved castles in the air like Leo, but one fine evening he can stop by her house with an architect to show drawings of their future house, which he is going to build from natural wood for cash. Naturally, any sensible female between the ages of 18 and 80 will appreciate the complacency, calmness and reliability of Taurus, despite his periodic stubbornness. No one can be kinder, more gentle and more tolerant than Taurus when he feels like the master of the house, but he certainly will not allow his wife to rule there.

He also does not tolerate any kind of manifestations of “emancipation” on the part of his wife when they go out into the world. “Sit quietly, and I will speak” - these are his demands and God forbid he violates them! A spouse who wants to “show off her education in public runs the risk of getting a good thrashing upon returning home, and if she becomes indignant at this, she will henceforth be forced to visit alone. That is why you must develop gentleness and forbearance.

But financially, you can completely rely on the Ox. He likes his wife to be well dressed, the house to be furnished with decent furniture, and the refrigerator and pantry to be stocked with food.

Taurus works a lot and therefore needs good rest. Do not interfere with his rest and never say that he is slow and lazy - this is like waving a red rag in front of his nose: he may “go mad”. It’s better to turn down the radio and TV, pick up scattered children’s toys and let him come to his senses.

Taurus is a good father: he dreams of having a son who would continue his family line, but he also treats girls with tenderness and care. He is patient with the children, does not rush them when they are doing their homework, as long as they learn everything and do it right. However, if necessary, he can take quite harsh disciplinary measures. But children love such a father and are always ready to tinker with him on the carpet, like a big soft bear.


Once, one girl, in a conversation with me, remarked that her mother, born in May, was a “tall woman.” I was surprised because I knew that she was of average height. “But I mean tall in the spiritual sense, not height in feet,” my interlocutor replied. Well, perhaps this is indeed true. Even if the height of Taurus does not exceed five feet (150 cm), she is “tall” enough to cope with any situation that arises on her life path. In fact, such a woman is the “salt of the earth,” that is, a combination of all the best feminine qualities that any man is always looking for and rarely finds. True, occasionally she has quickly passing uncontrollable attacks of anger, but if her patience is not tested endlessly, she is always affectionate, calm, and balanced. The sincerity and honesty of Taurus are never interspersed with all sorts of feminine tricks, tricks deliberately caused by tears.

In the family, the Taurus woman has more fortitude than the strongest man, but prefers not to demonstrate this quality. She is a true woman and therefore loves only real men. Among her friends you will never meet someone fake or insincere, and if such a person appears, she will simply bypass him. He can show not only icy coldness towards enemies, but also devotion to friends, not leaving them either in grief or in joy. However, he expects the same attitude towards himself from his friends. If they disappoint her, she will be deeply offended and withdraw into herself. As for jealousy, the attitude towards it is more tolerant. She doesn't turn purple with anger every time her husband glances at a pretty girl. You can wink at the attractive cashier and even kiss your wife’s friend on the cheek when saying goodbye - your wife won’t even bat an eyelid. But don’t get carried away – there is a limit to everything. If you violate her concepts of morality and honesty, then you only have yourself to blame, for her anger will be like an exploding bomb.

It cannot be said that Taurus women are inferior to men in intelligence, but still they are of little interest in purely philosophical questions, and they prefer simple common sense and the ability to understand the deep essence of things. These ladies stand firmly on their feet, are purely reasonable and practical, but for all their grounding, they are artistic, with a finely developed sensitivity. They dress very modestly, preferring comfortable English (or sports-type) suits (though quite expensive) to all sorts of bows and frills.

Taurus hates artificial flowers - they love large bouquets of wild flowers that carry with them the fresh scent of the fields. In general, they prefer the smell of clean washed linen, the heady aroma of freshly cut hay, the bitter smoke from burning autumn leaves and the smell of burning wax candles to various perfumes. At the same time, they react very painfully to various unpleasant odors and run away from them.

Taurus women are excellent cooks. When such a woman starts cooking lunch or dinner, no man can resist. The French proverb that “the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach” is quite appropriate here.

The husband can be sure that she will always be his moral support in the sea of ​​everyday storms. She will not whine and complain if there is not enough money in the house, but will calmly find herself a job, so as not to interfere with her husband’s graduation from an evening or correspondence college. As a last resort, she will type out his thesis or dissertation. She is always ready to contribute to the family budget, but on the condition that her husband does the same. She does not tolerate “weaks.”

Motherhood is very suitable for Taurus. She loves to tinker with kids, but as they grow up, she becomes overly strict and demanding. Such a mother does not tolerate laziness, sloppiness and disobedience. Her children should get used to keeping their things in order, otherwise they may be subject to the unexpected wrath of their parents. However, she always remains a good mother and over the years she becomes close friends with her sons and daughters.


It is very good to teach Taurus music and painting from childhood. Many of them have wonderful voices, and even if they do not become professional musicians, they will early learn to listen and understand music. They also love to draw, because with the help of colored pencils and paints they manage to creatively express their “I”.

At school, Taurus children are hardworking, very diligent, do their homework carefully and listen carefully to teachers. True, they learn new material somewhat slowly, but they remember what they have learned for a very long time. Of course, children are children, and sometimes they allow themselves all sorts of antics, for example, they will be rude to the old teacher and tell her that everything she explains is not true. Forcing such a “troublemaker” to apologize is a lost cause. He will stand his ground until the end. That's the nature of it.

However, raise your children in a warm, friendly atmosphere, surround them with tenderness and love, and not “barbed wire” with too harsh discipline, teach them to see and understand beauty, and you will not be alone in old age.

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Characteristics of Taurus, preferences and inclinations of the sign

Taurus– those born from April 21 to May 21. Their heavenly patron is Venus, metal is copper, Golden Taurus is a common talisman, colors are orange, bright blue, all spring, lemon green.

Their element is Earth: solid soil, solidity, sober mind, strength. And Venus endows the solid and practical Taurus with gentleness, sensitivity, and laziness. Because of these influences, the character of Taurus is somewhat contradictory: he cannot live without material goods, but he can afford wastefulness (passion for everything festive and luxurious), he loves comfort, but can also be sloppy.

Taurus zodiac sign characteristics: Calf- This is an earthly sign, so they are characterized by stability, when everything is in balance and there is less unpredictability and fuss.

He is practical, self-confident, conservative. Sensitive to comfort, values ​​beauty very highly. There is such a disadvantage - in a situation of defeat, one can show laziness and complacency, selfishness and greed. Taurus is stubborn about little things, capricious, although generally pliable and patient.

Taurus people are usually constant in their preferences and predictable. Generosity, patience, willpower, determination and practicality are their best qualities. In relationships, they are elegant, but they quarrel because of stubbornness (childish whim). Taurus people are usually kind and can be very charming, but their manifestations are awkward and overly persistent. Taurus do not tolerate lies, although they themselves occasionally resort to it (and, as a rule, they are believed).

Taurus can reach heights where perseverance is needed, but always with an aesthetic direction. Even in production, the harmony of colors and shapes is taken into account. Excellent subordinates, but also good leaders in politics, in the civil service, but more often in the arts. They strive for stable income without risk.

Zodiac sign Taurus man

Taurus men calm and romantic, reasonable and sentimental. Usually kind, gentle, although stubborn, their character is even and consistent. It is difficult to anger them, but if you manage to do this, they will turn into a furious “bull in a china store”, destroying everything.

The zodiac sign Taurus man is a materialist, often involved in money projects. He is quite inclined to dominate in the family. He lives in the present, but is a slave to comfort: the house is equipped with modern amenities that make life easier for him and his loved ones. He knows the price of everything, the enjoyment factor, the correspondence between quality and price.

Venus brings success, and for loved ones and friends, gives softness and charm that attracts the whole world to his home.

Taurus woman zodiac sign

Taurus women incredibly, they behave softly: they will not prove superiority, even if they have and feel it.

They choose their own partners and show the full depth of their feelings only with them. For others, they are spiritually unapproachable, disdainful and obstinate. Taurus women are often capricious, demanding, and not everyone can adapt to them.

It is quite possible to have several men at one time. They love to tease men who are not sexually interested. The chosen ones will be given the splendor of voluptuousness and pleasure. Primitive sex does not attract them, they know and can do it.

A woman with the zodiac sign Taurus has the embodiment of her soul in the flowers of linden, strawberry, dahlia or maple.

Taurus zodiac sign characteristics - children

Taurus child. Gentle and affectionate, “Calves” perceive gentleness and calm persuasion better than orders, shouts and harsh measures. Common sense and logic make a greater impression. Putting pressure on Taurus is the surest way to destroy relationships.

Taurus is the least impulsive sign of all. But he will be stubborn - and it is useless to explain anything to him, his stubbornness is unbearable. Logic and will help. Having given in to the arguments, the baby will begin to caress, adoring all sorts of “calf tenderness.” Usually a Taurus child behaves well, is cheerful, calm, and non-irritable.

Many Taurus are not deprived of an ear for music, have a pleasant voice, and are often gifted artists. Start teaching Taurus music, singing, and drawing early; they are sensitive to the harmony of colors and sounds.

Methodical, diligent, neat and hardworking, Taurus is usually a good student.

Taurus is open and friendly, but their expectations are often too high, and before adolescence, Taurus manages to experience several painful disappointments. True, he does not become angry with the whole world, but thanks to his prudence he becomes more careful. Taurus is endowed with a keen sense of justice, tact, and strong moral principles. Family squabbles disturb his mental balance. Therefore, it is important for the developing personality of Taurus: the life of the family should be peaceful and kind.

Taurus help around the house willingly, but rarely on their own initiative, for fear of being intrusive. Taurus is also a caring nanny for younger children, a responsible assistant to grandparents.

Health. There is instability of the thyroid gland and endocrine system, sinusitis, tonsillitis, and diseases of the upper respiratory tract are common; the neck should be especially insulated in cold weather.

Taurus may also be bothered by the back, legs, ankles, spine, and reproductive system, but Taurus usually visit the doctor on time, without making the condition chronic.

Chronic diseases worsen rarely, but aptly: they are severe and take a long time to cure. Taurus are reasonable, trust doctors without interfering with treatment.

They need control over the consumption of fatty foods and flour. Excessive appetite affects the state of the psyche: “hungry” Taurus is very dissatisfied, irritable, and angry. Fortunately, Taurus loves fresh fruits and vegetables without lack of vitamins. Taurus people are usually hardy and strong. To maintain health, long walks in the air are enough for many: going to the countryside, “in nature,” working “on the ground” will be the best medicine.

Precious stones - talismans:

agate (a symbol of prosperity, health, longevity; when worn correctly, the stone is healing, reduces the effect of poisons, protects from intrigues, from energy vampirism, from sorcerers: it is necessary to “clean” the stone, holding it under cold water, to thank for salvation and care; gives courage, warns of imminent troubles; makes the owner clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairaudient);

turquoise (considered the happiest stone, the name means “stone of happiness”, “bringing happiness, victorious”; a symbol of faithful love, health, prosperity, sincerity, affection, generosity; comforts a heart broken by unhappy love; increases immunity; attracts money, success in financial enterprises ; removes dangers along the way; turquoise deteriorates under the influence of alcohol, soap, fats and perfumes);

opal (a stone of faith, love, compassion, a symbol of hope, happiness, changeable fate; has a beneficial effect on all functions of the body; protects against infections, warns of poisons, losing the play of colors near them; foreshadowing the owner’s illness, loses its shine; promotes friendly relationships; develops intuition , attracts inspiration; dispels fears, dark thoughts; enlightens the mind);

nephritis not advisable to wear .

Druid horoscope. According to this horoscope, Taurus corresponds to three trees:

21.04.-30.04. – nut (traits: observation, determination, organizational skills; contradictory and full of surprises: capricious, selfish, but also bold in plans, hospitable, polite; jealous, unbalanced, capable of deceit; does not like routine, takes risks, does not try to please, calculates on oneself; but there are quiet nuts);

01.05.-14.05. – jasmine (traits: alertness of thought, critical mind, intelligence, imagination, intuition; agile, sociable, seemingly balanced, cheerful, without problems, in fact sensitive, capable of disappointments, a pessimist from birth; judicious, cautious, far-sighted diplomat; responsible; in marriage he does not like feelings of connectedness and restrictions; he loves children, this is his greatest joy in life);

15.05.-24.05. – chestnut (traits: realism, courage, observation, insight; beautiful, lively and strong, requires space; gifted and precise, but prone to philosophical thoughts, daydreaming, the development of all abilities is achieved only with the understanding of loved ones; exaggerated sense of justice; defends the rightness by any means, an opponent of prudence and diplomacy, intractable, distrustful of others; sensitive and impressionable; moralist, puritan; monogamous; defiant behavior - a manifestation of complexes that are incomprehensible to others).

Personalities: William Shakespeare, Leonardo Da Vinci, Dante Alighieri, Immanuel Kant, Salvador Dali, Jaroslav Hasek, Karl Marx, Honoré de Balzac, Mikhail Bulgakov, Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Sergei Prokofiev, Sigmund Freud, Audrey Hepburn, Queen Elizabeth II, Harry Truman, Shirley Temple , Bulat Okudzhava, Yuri Shevchuk, Boris Akunin, Barbara Streisand, Jack Nicholson, Cher, Larisa Udovichenko, Nikolai Fomenko, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Valeria Novodvorskaya, Philip Kirkorov, Pierce Brosnan, Uma Thurman, David Beckham, Linda Evangelista, Alina Kabaeva.

Names for Taurus according to the Orthodox calendar: Vadim, Maxim, Alexander, Terenty, Fedor, Jacob, Vasily, Anthony, John, Eustathius, Aristarchus, Trophim, Simeon, Adrian, George, Gabriel, Gregory, Vitaly, Anatoly, Savva, Alexy, Mark, Stefan, Joseph, Kirill, Nikita, Ignatius, Athanasius, Timofey, Peter, Micah, Dionysius, Arseny, etc.; Vasilisa, Anastasia, Irina, Alexandra, Glafira, Maria, Joanna, Martha, Susanna, Tamara, Pelageya and others.

These are only general characteristics of Taurus, and not something specific for people of this sign, everything is individual.