How to originally answer the question are you married. Why are you not married yet


The question "When are you going to get married?" - the headache of any single girl, which can be heard from parents, classmates or old friends under the pretext of a kind and unsophisticated concern for your life. Let's not try to figure out why all these people are so worried when you finally settle down, but rather we will prepare a list of armor-piercing answers that will destroy annoying interest in the bud, or at least allow you to get out of the stupid “opinion poll” on the topic of marriage with humor and smile on your face.

Answer #1: “Because I don’t have a single example of a happy marriage before my eyes.”

Make sure grandma and grandpa aren't eavesdropping in the other room first, or they'll be very offended.

Answer #2: "Because I'm married to my job"

Careerism in our capitalist society is not considered a bad habit. And do not forget to add that by working carelessly, you will not achieve success. Or resort to any other Russian proverb on the topic of labor that you remember from school.

Answer #3: "So many applicants, I just don't know who to pick"

Modern technologies have given us dating apps, and dating apps have given us a huge number of potential applicants, even the thumb gets tired of “swiping” them.

Answer number 4: “Yes, I can’t even decide on the color of the wallpaper!”

Being an avid fidget in life, just try to imagine that you will have to live the rest of your life with the same person, you get the feeling that you were locked in the cinema at the same session and will not let go ...

Answer number 5: “I still have enough endurance and patience only for a dog”

Dogs know how to obey, know their place and are always in a good mood if you throw them a ball or give them a bone. And in a dispute over eaten slippers with a dog, it is always clear who is right and who is wrong, so you don’t have to quarrel for a long time.

Answer #6: “I don’t even have a boyfriend!”

If your interlocutor or interlocutor is firmly convinced that men are falling from the sky for everyone, then you should urgently find out the coordinates and time of the “starfall”.

Answer #7: "I've come to realize that I'm a professional egoist"

Get ahead of the ill-wishers and confess right away that you love yourself so much that you prefer to spend all your free time on your own hobbies, and pampering yourself on the weekend is generally your favorite hobby.

Answer number 8: "Because good men are only in books"

And live real specimens today demonstrate their sense of humor on misogynistic jokes and will rush to you on a rainy November night with wine, only if the chances of sex are 99 out of 100.

Answer #9: “I haven’t seen the world yet”

You will most likely be told that seeing the world with a man is even more exciting. And you ask, when was the last time this person went to rest at sea with friends / girlfriends and does he remember how cool it really is - a bachelor vacation in a hot country.

Answer #10: “As soon as I get married, everyone will start asking about children”

And this is true, because your matrimonial-reproductive functions are always the best topic for a boring conversation with people who are not really interested in you very much.

Answer No. 11: “Why, if, according to statistics, every second marriage in Russia breaks up?”

First, you spend money and kilograms on a wedding, which were not so superfluous, and then you spend the last nerve cells on a divorce. Be even more dramatic, drag into the conversation the division of property, debt payments and intrigues of the mother-in-law and sum up some unhappy marriage story of your mutual friend.

Answer #12: “When Everyone Stops Asking”

You can’t imagine a more humane answer: honestly admit that you want to marry for love and for yourself, and not in order to satisfy the interests of everyone else who can’t wait to drink, eat and dance for free on the table at someone’s wedding.

How tortured these nasty questions: Are you married? And how much do you earn? Are you on a diet? How to learn to answer such tactless questions quickly and in an original way.

I didn’t get married for a long time, and I was tortured by all sorts of familiar aunts and girlfriends and others interested in my personal life: "Are you married?" or "Aren't you going to get married?" . For people who are sure that every girl dreams of buying a wedding dress from birth, it’s easier to answer something like: “Yes, I’m already divorced, now I’m looking for a new victim. Are you married yourself? And how is your husband, handsome? or "It's too early for me to get married." Option: “Scientists have proven that after marriage, people are less likely to have sex. So I'll take a walk again ”- it worked very well on my annoying girlfriends.

After some time, I got married, I thought everyone would leave behind, but it wasn’t there. A month after the wedding, everyone without exception began to pester with questions, Am I pregnant and when am I going to . I had to laugh it off: “There are no problems, we just know that there is contraception and we know how to protect ourselves” or “While we are rehearsing conception.”

She became pregnant, now the curious began to be tormented by the question: do I suffer from toxicosis . I had a desire to make an inscription on a T-shirt “Toxicosis does not torment me, but you?” And another from this series: “Is my husband glad that I got pregnant” the answer is: “No, she sobs all day long.”

You meet an old acquaintance somewhere on the street and always: “Hi, what's new?”, My husband usually answers: “What do you remember from the old one?”. Or they will see me with a child: “Oh, this is yours,” I thought: “No, I rented it from my neighbors.”

My mother-in-law comes to visit us, sees that I am still breastfeeding a one and a half year old baby and every time it starts: “It’s time to quit, how long are you going to feed him?” She joked: “Until you enter the institute, they say that the longer you feed, the more chances you have to get a higher education.” She probably envies me that I'm as thin as a chip, I feed for so long, and her plump daughter's milk disappeared very quickly.

On the subject of weight. Since childhood, I was thin and my grandmother terrorized me tips on how to get better. In her understanding, a woman should be plump like a bun, although she herself retained Madonna's weight to deep gray hair. At first she simply answered: “I want to be a model”, then: “Let everyone envy” and, finally, categorically refused to talk to her about this topic. Helped. Now that, due to sleepless nights at the crib of her little son, my weight has dropped to the level of the highest paid fashion models - she is silent.

Not everyone “suffers” from thinness; girls who are prone to fullness have to fend off the annoying: "And you got better!" , I advise you to answer: “Yes, what are you? There is a crisis in the world, I am swollen from hunger.

Of particular interest is the question: “How much do you earn? What about your spouse? . For a long time I could not figure out how to answer such tactless questions, but in the end it turned out: “There is enough for life with oil” - so far it worked.

Of course, it is important to understand a person out of idle curiosity is interested or really sincere. We have to look at the situation. If a friend asks, wanting to offend or find a new topic for gossip, it is better to limit yourself to: "It's Private" Let her think what you mean by that. The main thing is not to lie, you will harm yourself with a lie.

Vostock media

It may seem that the main purpose of tactless why-and-tells is to hurt you to the quick. But it is not always the case. Anastasia Krinitsyna, psychologist, senior lecturer at RUDN University, explains: people around quite often ask incorrect questions, pursuing generally good goals. So why do these nice people make us blush?

Burning with curiosity

Those who lead a measured lifestyle, when nothing has changed for many years, lack events. And they begin to spy on others: for example, reading scandalous details about celebrity relationships or gossiping about friends and neighbors. These people see you as the heroine of Sarah Jessica Parker and are looking forward to the next series.


Most often this category includes relatives. Mom filled out your Tinder profile and terrorizes: “When will you finally find a husband?” This is how overprotective parents behave. For them, you are still a little girl, not an independent person. Don't worry, they will get over it in time.

Looking for a common theme

A friend has changed: is she married or expecting a baby? “Get ready for endless talk about the wedding and children,” the expert warns. Previously, you could spend hours discussing noisy parties and upcoming sales. But now her views have changed more abruptly than the image of Katy Perry.


Think in a stereotyped way

Uncomfortable questions can be asked by those who are used to living according to the script. Here everything is predictable, like a concert in honor of the Day of the Police. Any deviation from the plan "institution-marriage-children-pension" is unacceptable. Like hardened gamers, they strive to move to the next “level”. And they think that you dream of hearing Mendelssohn's march right after graduation at the institute.

How to react?


The best defense is an attack. Pretend that you care about the fate of your neighbor. How many shared elevator rides have you experienced! Attack the interlocutor with his own weapon. Everyone has weak points. "When will there be children?" Answer: “It’s good that you asked! And how is Vanya doing at school? "How much money do you make?" Answer: “Speaking of finances, how is your credit? Does the husband help?

On the positive

There are people who are enraged by the successes of others, but other people's failures, on the contrary, give strength. Leave the envious with nothing. Pretend you don't care about their barbs. "Why are you so skinny?" Answer: "Really? It's so nice to hear that!" "You never got a job?" Answer: “No! I continue to have a great time!”

"I didn't understand"

Reframe the interviewer's question. The point is to make him feel stupid. The poor fellow is not appeased? Make it clear that you do not intend to discuss this topic. And keep calm. "When for the second?" Answer: “It seemed to me, or would you like to participate?”

Wrong address

Move arrows. Why do you have to report and predict the future? Direct the curious to more knowledgeable people or higher powers. May Google help everyone! "When will you get married again?" Answer: I don't have that information. "How much are your shoes?" Answer: "I have no idea, it's a gift."

From a smile it will become brighter for everyone

Joke! An effective, but also the most difficult way, as it requires a sense of humor. But, skillfully combining indifference with wit, you will kill two birds with one stone and one talker at once. "When will you get married?" Answer: “Just today they were going, but overslept. Let's set an alarm for tomorrow!" "Why do not you have a boyfriend?" Answer: "He was, he died of happiness."

Universal Answer

Do you open your mouth in surprise when a neighbor asks about another admirer? In this case, there are universal phrases. Thanks to them, the mouth will close not only for you, but also for most of your friends. Ask: "Do you want to talk about it?" And having received an affirmative answer, nicely say: "But I'm not." And for questions that begin with the word "When ???" calmly say: “You will definitely be the first to know!”

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Each of us had to answer tactless questions. Sometimes it makes you angry, sometimes it makes you happy. Often people do not even realize that they are putting someone in an awkward position, but this does not make it easier to deal with such situations.

website collected the most embarrassing questions that each of us has heard at least once, and found answers to them, seasoned with a dose of humor.

1. How much is your apartment?

When it comes to money, any innocuous questions can be tactless. But as soon as you acquire your own housing, every second person wants to know how much you paid for the apartment, invested in the construction of the house, or how much the repair cost.

It's up to you to say the real price or not, but you can always take the topic in a different direction.


  • Now there is a place to live, but nothing.
  • It's too early to say, there are still so many years to pay for it.

2. When will you get married? It is high time

There are many jokes that once a girl meets a guy, she immediately begins to “try on” his last name and choose names for children. But often things look different: as soon as you start dating someone, everyone around asks questions about the wedding. Few people are interested in the fact that you are not yet ready, that you are already fine, or that you do not plan to tie the knot at all.


  • Today we just set the alarm clock early in order to be in time at the registry office, but here's the annoyance - we overslept. But tomorrow is a must!
  • When are you going? At what age did you get married?
  • When do you want to marry us?

3. How much are you paid?

They may be interested in earnings for various reasons: out of pure curiosity, worrying about you, or, for example, envying. But any one of dozens of such reasons does not oblige you to give a full financial report.


  • I have enough to live on!
  • Ninety thousand Taiwan dollars!
  • I receive the average salary in the industry (but significantly less than Bill Gates).

4. Why don't you have children? Time goes by

The appearance of a baby in a family is a purely personal matter, but this never stops anyone. Questions about children begin to be asked even before the wedding, backed up with assurances “without a child, this is not a family”, “the time has come a long time ago” and “how can you not want children at all”.


  • In May! 2025.
  • It's already started, we just don't tell anyone about it.
  • Why do you want to know?

5. How old are you?

6. Did something happen to you? you are sad

Of course, if a person close to you asks this question, then most likely he is just worried. But sometimes we do not want to talk about our problems even to the family, and inquiries only aggravate the situation. Try to smile when answering this question in order to dispel all doubts with one look.


  • I just thought about the meaning of life!
  • A little tired, but nothing - I'll get enough sleep and shine again.

7. Oh, you seem to have recovered?

Perhaps it is your conscious choice to be alone, and you can proudly answer yes. But for many, the topic of loneliness is very painful, and such questions about finding a soul mate hurt and make you feel uncomfortable.


  • Still not met her fate.
  • How do you know it's "he"?
  • At first I decided to have a child, suddenly for the second I would like another dad!
  • I will get married as soon as the divorce proceedings are over.

In any case, you can always say directly that you do not want to discuss this or that topic, and avoid crumpled and unpleasant answers to tactless questions.

How tortured these nasty questions: Are you married? And how much do you earn? Are you on a diet? How to learn to answer such tactless questions quickly and in an original way.

I didn’t get married for a long time, and I was tortured by all sorts of familiar aunts and girlfriends and others interested in my personal life: "Are you married?" or "Aren't you going to get married?" . For people who are sure that every girl dreams of buying a wedding dress from birth, it is easier to answer something like: “Yes, I have already divorced, now I am looking for a new victim. Are you married yourself? And how is your husband, handsome? or "It's too early for me to get married." Option: “Scientists have proven that after marriage, people are less likely to have sex. So I'll take a walk again ”- it worked very well on my annoying girlfriends.

After some time, I got married, I thought everyone would leave behind, but it wasn’t there. A month after the wedding, everyone without exception began to pester with questions, Am I pregnant and when am I going to . I had to laugh it off: “There are no problems, we just know that there is contraception and we know how to protect ourselves” or “While we are rehearsing conception.”

She became pregnant, now the curious began to be tormented by the question: do I suffer from toxicosis . I had a desire to make an inscription on a T-shirt “Toxicosis does not torment me, but you?” And another from this series: “Is my husband glad that I got pregnant” the answer is: “No, she sobs all day long.”

You meet an old acquaintance somewhere on the street and always: “Hello, what's new?”, My husband usually answers: “What do you remember from the old one?”. Or they will see me with a child: “Oh, this is yours,” I thought: “No, I rented it from my neighbors.”

My mother-in-law comes to visit us, sees that I am still breastfeeding a one and a half year old baby and every time it starts: “It’s time to quit, how long are you going to feed him?” She joked: “Until you enter the institute, they say that the longer you feed, the more chances you have to get a higher education.” She probably envies me that I'm as thin as a chip, I feed for so long, and her plump daughter's milk disappeared very quickly.

On the subject of weight. Since childhood, I was thin and my grandmother terrorized me tips on how to get better. In her understanding, a woman should be plump like a bun, although she herself retained Madonna's weight to deep gray hair. At first she simply answered: “I want to be a model”, then: “Let everyone envy” and, finally, categorically refused to talk to her about this topic. Helped. Now that, due to sleepless nights at the crib of her little son, my weight has dropped to the level of the highest paid fashion models - she is silent.

Not everyone “suffers” from thinness; girls who are prone to fullness have to fend off the annoying: "And you got better!" , I advise you to answer: “Yes, what are you? There is a crisis in the world, I am swollen from hunger.

Of particular interest is the question: “How much do you earn? What about your spouse? . For a long time I could not figure out how to answer such tactless questions, but in the end it turned out: “There is enough for life with oil” - so far it worked.

Of course, it is important to understand a person out of idle curiosity is interested or really sincere. We have to look at the situation. If a friend asks, wanting to offend or find a new topic for gossip, it is better to limit yourself to: "It's Private" Let her think what you mean by that. The main thing is not to lie, you will harm yourself with a lie.