How to refine the doorway of the front door - professional advice. Front door slopes: finishing options and DIY finishing instructions Finishing the doorway with clinker tiles

A doorway that is not equipped with a door is an original and aesthetic solution, often chosen by apartment owners. With the correct design of such structures, you can significantly transform the living space and free up useful space. In an apartment of small dimensions, getting rid of an extra door is a fairly easy way to make the space visually wider. Decorating a doorway without a door is a successful and stylish solution to the problems of a small space.

Features of openings without a door

Doorways without doors are successfully designed in public buildings, spacious cottages and small dwellings. This solution is a win-win when combining a living room and a hall. Open passageways often combine small kitchens and hallways.

Quite often there are situations when the door is unnecessary. It interferes with moving around the apartment and creates unnecessary difficulties. Doors should be installed in the bedroom, study and children's room. This is because such rooms are designed to create personal space.

Sometimes you can't do without a kitchen door either. Extraneous odors do not enter living rooms. The smell of food being cooked is a very irritating factor. Therefore, in the absence of a normal system for removing smoke and gases from the kitchen, the door must be installed. Photos of doorways without doors will help you understand what to choose for your apartment.

To decorate the opening, it is not always necessary to invite professional builders. Such work can be done independently. However, in this case, you should get acquainted with the peculiarities of the process and the main errors. It does not hurt to take a closer look at the photos of ready-made projects.

Attention! Sometimes the design of a room assumes the same finish for all openings in the room - both door and window. Traditionally, lamps are mounted in the aisles. They line up along the perimeter of the passage. Other popular options are curtains, shelves, and other decor details.

Opening shape

The opening without a door can be made in any configuration. The main condition is that the shape must correspond to the size of the room and its style. It is necessary to take into account the skills of the interior decoration of the worker. In their absence, you should not take on a complex project.

Rectangular openings

Often, the doorway is left in the same shape as it was before the door leaf was dismantled. Even a master with little experience will be able to complete the work on its finishing. Rectangular structures lend themselves well to finishing. In addition, a wide variety of ideas can be realized when lining them. Usually, to create a harmonious look, they are trimmed with plasterboard panels.

The most affordable option is painting the opening to match the wall surfaces. Rectangular vaults are often shaped like an arch with facing stone.

Designer arch

The arched passage is also a classic option. However, the variety of forms provides ample opportunities for the embodiment of original fantasies. How to decorate an arch without special skills? The simplest solution is to buy a ready-made wooden vault. Such products usually have standard dimensions.

For those who like to experiment, you can offer the following solutions:

If you choose an arch of the original form, you can experiment with the visual perception of space. With the original form of the vault, the design should have a strict look.

Finishing materials

A variety of materials can be used to decorate doorways without a door. They usually have different shades, textures and prices.

Decorative rock

The appearance of stone elements is always distinguished by nobility and respectability. Its different types have their own installation features. Their durability also varies. The main difference between natural and artificial stone is that it costs much more. It should be remembered that artificially created minerals can also be of various colors and textures. Lightness is one of the main advantages of such products.

The stone will look good at the entrance, in rooms with a large area and in rooms where there are few pieces of furniture. The opening, which is made out with such material, will look perfect in a room with a fireplace.

Quite often, in parallel with the open opening, the same installation is carried out around the window. Thanks to this technique, the design becomes complete and more comfortable. Therefore, such a solution for the design of openings is very popular among apartment owners.

When performing work on your own, it is necessary to observe certain subtleties of the technology:

  • Before working around the opening, markings should be done. The shape of the masonry should be noted.
  • Experienced craftsmen recommend that before performing such work, first lay out all the stone elements on the floor in the order in which they will be fixed on the opening.
  • Laying begins from the bottom corner.
  • Plates should be laid symmetrically on both sides of the opening. In its lower part, the masonry should have a more massive appearance. All sharp corners of the masonry must be processed.
  • After finishing the work, the mineral should be treated with a special solution that gives the surface a natural shine.

In order to properly decorate a doorway with a stone, you should lay it so that it is in contrast with the shade of the wall. Better not to combine stone and plastic.

MDF panels for finishing openings

Such boards can perfectly imitate natural wood. They are quite durable and at the same time are suitable for finishing both interior and entrance openings. This is due to the universal properties of the material. It is quite lightweight and attractive.

The technology for mounting MDF panels is simple. They must be fixed with special adhesives. Liquid nails can be used. All joints are closed with platbands. The disadvantages of such products include only the limited color palette.

PVC panels

Plastic panels are chosen in almost any shade. Moreover, they can have any texture. The more popular is plastic, which imitates wood. Even an inexperienced home craftsman can handle the installation of PVC panels. The material is lightweight, so it does not slip when installed on glue.

Caring for the plastic elements is quite simple. Such openings are made with lamps. The disadvantages of this design of the opening include the fact that it is possible only for the interior space.

Clinker tiles

In appearance, such a facing material resembles a brick. It comes in a variety of colors and shapes. Typically, tiles are used for exterior cladding of houses. However, the material is often used when creating open doorways. This is due to the simplicity of its installation.

Depending on the characteristics of the surface to be finished, the clinker elements are mounted on liquid nails or tile adhesive. The tiles are laid asymmetrically.

Plasterboard and stucco

Plasterboard is flexible and lightweight. Such material allows you to design the doorway of the most original forms. The disadvantage of this solution is the increased fragility of the material.

Stucco molding is a product made of polyurethane or plaster. They are traditionally chosen to create beautiful openings. Such material presents some difficulties during installation. The master will need to have good taste and experience in such work.

Ready-made decorative parts made of polyurethane can be bought at a hardware store. When using stucco elements, one rule should be followed - the smaller the area of ​​the room, the smaller you need to choose decorative details.


Often the vault is decorated with curtains. This method is the most common. Thanks to this solution, a special comfort and completeness is created. It is better to choose curtains that will match the curtains.

With such a solution, a decorative composition of various fabrics should be used. The original canvas can also be used. You can choose bamboo curtains. When hanging the curtain, it will not interfere with free movement. Usually the curtain is made with a side fixing to the wall.

An open opening, which is decorated in the general style of the room, can transform any room.

Opening preparation

Before starting finishing work, the passage is leveled. This can be accomplished using:

  • plaster;
  • gypsum plasterboard sheets.

Plastering an opening without a door - this finishing method is one of the most common. However, when choosing it, a lot of dirt and dust is formed. For this reason, many people choose drywall for finishing a passage without a door.

Depending on the design of the passage without a door, it can be made a bright element of the interior, or practically hidden, diverted attention. After plastering, the opening can be either painted to match the wall, or covered with decorative stone panels.

When sheathing an opening without a door with plasterboard plates, the surface becomes as smooth as possible. Any decorative elements are glued to it, if you want to draw attention to it. If you want to leave the opening without a door invisible, you just need to paint it.

Unlike plaster, drywall is easier to process when constructing an opening without a door. When working with it, debris and dust are not generated, and it is quite simple to fix the plates. With drywall, it is easy to equip a passage without a door of any configuration. This attracts many apartment owners.

After finishing plastering or covering the opening with plasterboard sheets, before finishing work, you should clean the surface to be treated from various contaminants. Then you can start decorating.

Complex openings without a door

If the options for finishing the opening seem too simple, you can experiment with finishing. It is necessary that this be possible with a certain ceiling height and room dimensions. For example, in the upper part of an opening without a door, you can create a structure with a complex shape. In such cases, plastic elements, colored glass and lamps are often chosen to decorate a passage without a door.

For most modern interior styles, it is important to integrate point diodes into an opening without a door. They will look very stylish.

The opening can be made in any shape if you use drywall panels. The shelves that are installed on the wall near the openings are quite fashionable. Openings that include bar counters look great. Thanks to them, successful zoning of the territory is carried out.

It is quite difficult to do this kind of work with your own hands. Therefore, when deciding to create such an opening, it is necessary to invite specialists. They will help you draw up a project and calculate how much materials are required to finish a passage without a door. Installation work when calling professionals will be completed as soon as possible.

If a canvas is not installed in the doorway, the room can be radically transformed. At the same time, the space will visually expand. If the dwelling is represented by a studio room, arches of complex shape will look original. Rough and simple openings without doors should be equipped in hallways.

The doorway is decorated with various materials, each of which has a number of features. In this case, it is important to take into account the presence or absence of a door leaf, which will affect the order of work and the method of installation. Thanks to the variety of finishing materials, you can choose those that harmoniously fit into the design of the room.

Decorating doorways without doors is carried out in the following ways:

  1. Standard. In this case, the installation of various materials is carried out without changing the design of the opening.
  2. Arched. Fully or partially change the configuration of the opening, and then make the cladding.

It is easiest to finish the rectangular aisle. This is a classic option for any home design. Arches require the creation of broken or smooth shapes. They are created mainly in spacious rooms.

The following are chosen as the facing material:

  • plastic;
  • laminate;
  • wood;
  • stone;
  • plaster;
  • moldings;
  • tiles, etc.

Plastic or laminate

The most popular is the decoration of the doorway with plastic panels. This is due to the high strength of the material, the variety of shapes and colors of the product, the ability to imitate various textures, and affordable prices for products. Plastic is quite practical, since dust and dirt do not settle on its surface, and it is easy to wash the opening trimmed with plastic. Installation of panels is simple and can be done by yourself.

Laminate has high wear resistance and resistance to mechanical damage. It is also protected from ultraviolet radiation, which prevents the material from burning out if it is in the path of sunlight. The strength of the material allows you to attach various decorative elements to it, and the surface is easy to clean. The main condition is the selection of laminate to match the interior.

Installation of add-ons

Dobors are boards made of MDF or wood of various widths. This indicator varies between 10-20 cm, which allows the product to be installed in various doorways. Addons can be simple or adjustable. The first rests against the L-shaped cutout in the door frame, and the second is connected by entering into the groove of the spike. Adjustable extensions allow you to fine-tune the protrusion after taking measurements. The connections make the installation process quick and allow you to speed up the foaming process.


Tiling doorways requires that the surface is as flat as possible. Otherwise, the design will have an unattractive appearance. A wide range of products on the market allows you to choose the material for any room design, and the ease of installation does not require the involvement of specialists for laying tiles.

The material goes well with stone and plaster, which allows it to be used in loft-style living spaces.


In the decoration of the interior passage, natural or artificial stone is increasingly used. It is a stylish decor and allows you to give a room an unusual appearance. The cost of the material is high, but the decoration lends respectability to the room. The stone has the following advantages:

  1. spectacular view;
  2. strength;
  3. ease of use;
  4. compatibility with other materials.

In order not to overload the interior, a medium or small stone is used. In this case, the edges are specially made uneven.


If you plan to paint or wallpaper on the slopes of the doorway, plaster is used. She prepares the base and levels the wall. You can also use decorative plaster, which creates an unusual relief or pattern. The advantage of this finishing method is that, if desired, it can be repainted while maintaining the same structure.


To make the interior of the room special, the owners remake the rectangular interior passages into arched ones. In this case, finishing doorways without doors is best done with plasterboard, since it is easier to create curved shapes with it. Thanks to the frame, any bend can be made, and the filling material has a smooth, even surface. This allows you to paint or wallpaper the opening.

Step-by-step instructions for each type of finish

Installation of all the materials listed above can be done by hand. This will require some tools and basic building skills. Plastic finishing of doorways without doors can be made from ready-made sandwich panels or PVC. The first product is cut in width and height, set in level, fixed with spacers, and then attached to the foam.

To install PVC, you need to create a frame from a profile. For this purpose, you can use aluminum drywall guides. A frame is made around the perimeter of the passage, then the front finishing of the opening is done. The plastic is fixed with self-tapping screws, and the corners are closed with special PVC corners, which are attached to the glue.

Addons are installed according to the following algorithm:

  • They make accurate measurements of the opening using a square or ruler.
  • Cut the boards with an electric jigsaw or a saw. It is advisable to do this with a power tool, using high engine speed. This will avoid chipping.
  • In the places of fasteners, secret holes are made for the hat of self-tapping screws and guides. It is necessary to hold the drill strictly perpendicular to the floor so that the indentations are even. The holes must match the length of the screws.
  • First, vertical extensions are installed, then horizontal ones. There should be no gaps between the boards.
  • Fixation is made on polyurethane foam. To prevent bending of the extensions, spacers are installed.
  • After a day, remove excess foam and mount the platbands.

So you can refine not only the passage without a partition, but also with a door.

To finish with tiles, you need to follow these points:

  1. clean and plaster the walls;
  2. prepare glue or liquid nails;
  3. apply glue with a spatula or comb on the back of the tile, spread it over the surface and remove the excess;
  4. press the material firmly against the wall and press down with force for a few seconds.

Stone decoration is carried out in the same way as with tiles.

For plaster use a cement-sand mortar. Cement must be taken at a grade of at least M 300. For 1 part, take 3 parts of sand and mix with water. You need to achieve the consistency of heavy cream. After removing all protruding elements from the wall surface, the plaster is applied with a wide trowel. Evenness is checked by a building level or rule. The corners are formed with metal corners.

The use of drywall is the solution for an arched opening. First, a rigid frame is made of an aluminum profile along the perimeter of the passage. UW and CW guides are used. Then the drywall is cut out and fixed with special screws. At the end of the installation of the material in the opening, all joints are sealed with a serpyanka tape or covered with putty. The surface is primed.

Design solutions

When ennobling the doorway of an entrance door, various design solutions can be applied. You can change the shape, combine finishing materials, complement the existing ones with different decorative elements. Everything is limited only by the imagination of the performer or customer.

There are various design techniques for visually increasing the space. One of them is the removal of a block in an interior partition. So it is possible to expand the entrance opening and give the interior more aesthetics. Usually, adjacent rooms are connected in this way, the door between which only complicates the free passage - for example, between the hall and the hallway. Also, the door is removed between the kitchen and the living room, when it is impossible to redevelop and combine these two rooms in another way. The way the opening is designed in this case plays an important role. You can make it neutral or accentuated. About the options for finishing a doorway without a door - today's material.

Drywall arch in oriental style Source

When you can refuse an interior door

Not every doorway can be dismantled. The premise of the bathroom and the pantry are not even discussed. Home study and library spaces also require privacy and quiet, like a bedroom with a children's room. In extreme cases, to create an atmosphere of privacy, you can use fabric curtains or screens, which the rest of the time will successfully decorate the opening. This will save space and create the optical effect of dividing rooms.

Arch in the interior Source

Note! With the help of open passages, you can successfully emphasize the unity of the living space. Therefore, for the openings, the same shape and structurally similar material are chosen.

Most often, a doorway without a door is found between a kitchen with a living room, a kitchen with an entrance hall and a living room with an entrance hall. However, for the kitchen, it is necessary to leave at least a glass partition, screen or fabric curtain. This will quickly isolate it from the adjacent room.

Restrictions apply to kitchens with gas equipment - there must be a door or partition here.

The door and window unit is completely dismantled when combining a balcony with a kitchen or living room. For separation, use curtains or a screen.

One of the advantages of freeing the doorway from the curtain is better air circulation in the premises.

Arch laid with stone Source

Making a doorway without a door is possible in the following situations:

  • When the opening between rooms retains its shape. The passageway visually expands, and due to the massive decor it looks more aesthetically pleasing.
  • When it is necessary to create an arched opening. The shape of the arch is chosen depending on the style of the room and the height of the ceilings.
  • When there is a desire to create a passage of complex asymmetric shape, triangular or trapezoidal configuration. The restriction applies only to openings whose width is less than 80 cm.
  • When a bar counter, stained glass window or mosaic canvas is installed between the kitchen and the living room in the aisle.

Pros and cons of free passage between rooms

Simple arched opening Source

The design solution, in which the block is dismantled, has its advantages:

  • Adjacent rooms are combined into a single space. The common room becomes visually brighter, more spacious, but at the same time, each of them retains its functional purpose.
  • There is a large selection of ways to decorate a doorway - all materials look decorative and do not need complex maintenance. With their help, you can focus on the selected interior style.
  • If we talk about cost, then decorating the opening, for example, with panels made of valuable wood species, will be cheaper than installing a new door made of high-quality material.
  • High-quality ventilation of all rooms of the apartment.

Simple rectangular opening Source

Among the disadvantages of this solution, they note the lack of privacy of the premises, the possibility of a draft, when combined with the kitchen, discomfort is possible due to noise and odors.

Choosing a shape for the opening

There are two fundamentally different ways to design an opening - with the preservation of its original shape, often rectangular, or with its change. The choice of form is influenced by the style of the room and the finishing materials used.

Decorative inserts made of epoxy resin in the opening Source

Traditionally, doorways are rectangular in shape. A person who is not experienced in repair work can work with it. To begin with, you will need to completely dismantle the door frame and door leaf. Then the side and top ends are leveled - they are prepared for decorative finishing.

Two different openings Source

When choosing an arched shape, there are many design methods:

  • With the help of a semicircular arch, you can emphasize the classic interior. This method is not suitable for rooms with low ceilings and narrow aisles.
  • For an apartment with a low ceiling, it is better to choose a trapezoidal arch - it is easier to make than a semicircular one. Such an opening will be appropriate when combining any premises.
  • A triangular arch works best in a spacious room with a high ceiling.
  • The asymmetric opening will be appropriate in a modern interior. It is made of drywall, and then finished with any materials. This option is convenient because lighting, shelves, niches and other decorative elements can be mounted inside the plasterboard structure.

Ways to design openings between rooms

You can decorate a doorway without a door using almost any wall decoration material. The most budget option is plasterboard sheathing, followed by wallpapering or painting to match the walls. Such an opening will not attract attention. If you want to make an accent, then drywall allows you to perform an asymmetric design of any complexity. The budget materials also include plastic panels and MDF.

Interior arch without decor Source

Tile, artificial stone and natural wood for finishing openings will cost more. For classic interiors, you can choose polyurethane stucco molding.

Important! When choosing a finishing material, the style and color scheme of the interior are taken into account. The doorway should become a natural part of the room, and not stand out in it as something foreign.

Unusual design of the opening Source

There are several ways to arrange the passage: using the upper end or only the side ones.

For the manufacture of an arched structure, experts recommend using drywall:

  • easy to work with;
  • it has a low cost;
  • shapes of any complexity can be cut from the sheets.

In the process of making the arch, a frame made of a metal profile is mounted, and then drywall elements are attached to it with self-tapping screws. The hats of the fasteners are sunk a couple of millimeters and putty together with the joints. To get a perfectly flat edge of the arch, a flexible perforated corner is attached to it during the putty process. Then they are sanded and finished with any material - wallpaper, artificial stone, tiles, mosaics, wood or plastic panels, plaster and stucco.

Decorative stone in the interior of the living room Source

Drywall is also suitable for straight openings - it makes it faster and easier to align the ends.

Arch wood trim Source

Arch in dark wood Source

Photo gallery: the most successful opening decor ideas

Let's look at some examples of good design options.

Option 1. The simple shape of the opening with a curved top end looks pompous and majestic, thanks to the classic columns at the edges of the portal. You can make such an arch from drywall. The presence of straight lines and the absence of complex decor allow maintaining the restrained proportions of the structure. The uniform color with the walls outside and inside allows you to create a holistic interior.

Making an opening for the kitchen Source

Option 2. Stucco decor is suitable for spacious rooms. The arch allows you to combine two rooms - a dining room and a living room. And at the same time, it allows you to delimit rooms in accordance with their functional purpose. In any case, the common space is perceived as brighter and more spacious. Stucco decor is suitable not only for strict classical, but also for modern interiors, for example, Scandinavian.

Stucco molding and columns are appropriate to use in living rooms. But it is important to remember that such decor looks massive, and therefore looks organically on wide, high openings. If it is possible to adjust the width of the opening, then it should be borne in mind that for a small room it is better not to make a wide opening - it will look awkward and violate the proportion of the room.

White drywall arch Source

Option 3. Decorating the opening with natural materials always looks spectacular. The stone looks massive and is suitable for styles such as country or rustic. For a modern interior, you can choose an artificial stone that can look lighter, but at the same time creates the necessary texture. The contrast with flat neutral walls looks especially impressive. This material has many advantages - it is easy to install, hides irregularities, does not require complex maintenance and has a long service life. You can choose an imitation of any stone existing in nature, even very rare and expensive.

Stone decoration Source

Option 4. An arch made of a wooden frame and stained glass can be mounted in an opening of sufficient width. This design looks easy and elegant. It lets in light and visually expands the space. In this example, the shape of the arch follows the shape of the window, but is the main focus.

Doorway decoration Source

Option 5. This arch is suitable for interior decoration in the Art Nouveau style. Smooth lines, a noble shade of wood and an elegant pattern on frosted glass emphasize the nobility of the design with a sliding door.

Making an opening to the hall for two doors Source

Materials and methods of opening the opening

There are many ways to design a doorway. One of the original methods is to install spotlights or LED strips on the end of the opening. When installing adjustable luminaires, you can change the angle of incidence of the light beam and adjust the illumination intensity of adjacent rooms. There are also many options for finishing the portal with different finishing materials - let's take a closer look at some of them.

Simple opening without a door Source

With the help of textiles

This is the simplest, fastest and most inexpensive way to design an opening without a door. It is enough just to fix the cornice over the passage and hang the curtain. The advantage of this design is as follows:

  • You can quickly change the scenery and choose the fabric for the new interior, quickly create the desired mood.
  • With the help of dense fabric, you can divert attention from the opening without taking up free space.
  • The fabric looks light and elegant, suitable for all interior styles.
  • With the help of light curtains made of flowing light fabric, you can visually expand the space.
  • By using a dark, deep color of the fabric, you can adjust the width of the room.
  • You can make the interior bright and colorful with the help of rope curtains.

Curtain decoration Source

Dark curtains for privacy Source

Doorway with curtains Source

Using plaster

Plaster is a unique material with which you can favorably emphasize the design of the arch and emphasize it. Textured compositions with abrasive, sometimes multi-colored fillers are best suited for these purposes. Such plaster, when applied, creates a different relief. It goes well with other finishing materials - with artificial and natural stone, tiles, stucco.

Beautiful design Source

Micro-cement and Venetian plaster looks especially elegant. This finishing method is best suited for classic interiors.

In addition to decorativeness, plaster has excellent operational properties:

  • it does not burn;
  • not afraid of moisture;
  • resistant to mechanical stress;
  • visually corrects the space;
  • hides the flaws and unevenness of the base.

The only drawback is that it takes experience to work with decorative plaster.

Decorating the arch and painting on the wall Source

With siding and PVC panels

Inner part of the opening Source

Plastic panels are another budget and easy-to-use finishing material, with which you can quickly and efficiently finish a rectangular or arched portal between rooms. Fixation of PVC panels is carried out using fasteners (clips) on the frame or on liquid nails. To make the frame look aesthetically pleasing, the joint is decorated with a plastic casing on both sides. A guide bar is used to attach it.

Plastic panels are very flexible, so they can be given any radius and even irregular bending shape.

Interior semi-arches in the interior Source

This also includes siding trim. Despite the fact that this material is considered to be street cladding of facades, it is sometimes used for interior decoration. Siding on the surface of a wall or at the end of an opening creates an interesting relief texture. Depending on the style of the interior, you can use vinyl or metal slats. The surface of the material can imitate wood.

The advantage of this material lies in its exceptional durability and ability to hide unevenness in the substrate. Installation of lamellas is not difficult, so no special experience is required to work with it. The material is resistant to water and mechanical stress, therefore it can be used in any premises.

With artificial stone

Decorating with decorative stone Source

A practical and common way of decorating walls around an entrance without a door is to use artificial stone cladding. This material has a lot of positive qualities:

  • The tiles have a small thickness and weight, so artificial stone can be used on any, even weak, bases.
  • This material has a long service life. He is not afraid of corrosion, ultraviolet light, mechanical stress.
  • If one of the decorative masonry elements is damaged, it is easy to replace it - you just need to remove the damaged fragment and install a new one.
  • In terms of strength, artificial stone is not inferior to natural.
  • It is an environmentally friendly and safe material. The stone made on the basis of gypsum has a positive effect on the indoor microclimate. Gypsum is able to absorb excess moisture from the environment and give it back when necessary.
  • The artificial stone does not burn, provoke or support fire.
  • The veneer does not need complicated maintenance. It retains a presentable appearance throughout its entire service life.

With the help of artificial stone, it is possible to imitate masonry from different materials - the facing exactly conveys the texture of limestone, marble, malachite and other types of stone. Such cladding always looks rich and organically combines with other finishing materials, especially with natural wood. Artificial stone slabs can be laid in accordance with a pre-planned pattern or in a chaotic manner.

Artificial stone finishing Source

In the manufacture of decorative stone, natural components are used - stone chips, coloring pigments and polymer fillers. Usually, an opening lined with such a material is distinguished by ragged edges, which look especially expressive. For rooms, it is better to use a stone that is not too textured, otherwise the finish will look heavy. Fix the stone on liquid nails or a special glue solution. You can install it yourself.

Neat stone opening Source

One of the types of cladding is clinker tiles. Outwardly, it imitates brick and looks like real brickwork. Such decoration is in demand in many interiors - in the style of loft, country, Provence, chalet and others. The convenience of facing the opening lies in the fact that, in addition to flat elements, manufacturers offer corner parts. You can buy elements of any size and appearance. The realism of the masonry is created by grouting the joints with a special compound.

With ready-made cashing

The rectangular passage can be decorated with ready-made accessories and platbands. This finish will look simple, but tasteful. Manufacturing material - natural wood, plastic or MDF. The cost and appearance of such cashing differs, as well as its operational properties.

There are two types of MDF addons. They can be end-edged or telescopic. In the first case, there is no decorative coating along the edge of the strip. During installation, you have to try to fit the joints more tightly. In the second case, there is an edge on the strap, which gives the product a completeness and aesthetic appearance. A decorative film on the edge of the strip in case of uneven joints levels the defect and preserves their presentability.

Large opening Source

The shape of the platbands differs. They can be flat, rounded, or any other shape. If the planks are made of natural wood, then they can be decorated with carved or applied decor. Platbands are installed using special glue, nails or self-tapping screws. Installation of telescopic platbands is carried out using a lock fixed to the surface of the strip.

Finishing a doorway without a door Source

If the platband is made of plastic, then it can be used in rooms with high humidity and where frequent wet cleaning is required - in the hallway, in the kitchen, in the children's room. One of the advantages of using plastic platbands is that inside their structure it is possible to lay hidden wiring - cables from the phone, the Internet, cable TV. PVC platbands are equipped with a special cable channel, which makes the process of wiring easier.

Portal cladding rules Source

Plastic trims do not necessarily look simple and boring, some models imitate the texture of wood or look like stucco decoration. At the same time, they retain all the positive properties of plastic.

Decorative casings are available in different widths and thicknesses. Outwardly, they are flat, rounded and curly. You can buy them ready-made in many hardware stores. The exception is carved elements, which are made in a single form to order, and therefore are much more expensive.

Wood framing Source

Platbands made of natural wood look luxurious, they are practical and versatile. They are chosen because of their unique natural texture and environmental friendliness. Before installation, it is important to treat the parts on all sides with antiseptics and fire retardants.

One of the advantages of wooden casings is that it can be finished in various ways - painted, varnished, oiled, waxed, stained, brushed.

Using MDF panels

You can decorate a portal beautifully and inexpensively using MDF panels. From the outside, you will need to use platbands. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is the vulnerability of the material to moisture. Under such conditions, the slabs swell and deform. Therefore, it is better not to use MDF for finishing the aisle between kitchen and living room or kitchen and dining room. An exception may be rooms with a well-functioning forced draft.

Simple wood trim Source

To cover the portal with MDF tiles, you will need to build a wooden rack frame. Then the panels are cut into fragments of the required length and width and fixed with special metal clips. Fastening of the strips to each other is carried out using a groove-ridge lock connection.

Wood design option Source

If the panels are not equipped with a groove and a ridge, then their fixation is carried out using a special adhesive solution with a frameless method. In this case, the base should be perfectly flat. A decorative strip is used to mask the joints, and cashing is installed along the edges.

Using polyurethane stucco molding

Polyurethane stucco molding replaced plaster - heavy and fragile. With its help, openings are finished in interiors decorated in Venetian or other classical style with a sufficient area and height of the room. Such stucco molding is characterized by high strength, low weight and the ability to be painted in colors other than white.

Framing the doorway Source

The surface for attaching polyurethane stucco moldings must be clean, even and solid. To do this, it is preliminarily leveled and primed. For the installation of parts, use a special glue. When the parts dry, the joints between them are treated with putty and sanded with fine-grained emery paper. The stucco molding can be left snow-white or gilded and patina can be applied to it.

Decorative plaster molding Source

The advantages of polyurethane cladding include the following:

  • Low weight, which allows you to mount such decor on weak substrates, such as drywall.
  • Possibility of adjusting the shape of the product due to its plasticity - polyurethane can be cut and grinded.
  • The material is not afraid of moisture and temperature extremes, so it can be used in the kitchen.
  • Polyurethane has a long service life, the decor does not crack or crumble.
  • The assortment of decorative elements is varied and represented by false columns, moldings, pilasters, rosettes and other elements.
  • The stucco molding is easily mounted using an adhesive, so you can do all the work yourself.

How to use an unnecessary opening

Sometimes, as a result of redevelopment in the room, an unnecessary opening is formed. The easiest way to hide it is to force it with furniture or sew it up with drywall. If the style of the interior allows, then you can hang a large panel or carpet, make decorative drapery.

Functional niches in the wall Source

However, there are more functional solutions. You can sew up one side with drywall, then you get a niche. It can be used for different purposes:

  • As a rack, install shelves inside - wooden for books or glass for dishes and souvenirs.
  • As a decorative space for a painting, statue, decorative fountain or other art object.
  • As a boudoir - just hang a mirror and a console shelf for cosmetics.
  • In the nursery, you can organize a rack for storing toys and books, and in the kitchen - dishes.
  • If the opening is large, then the head of the bed can be installed in it - this will save free space.

In a niche, depending on its size, they also organize a storage area, install a work table or have a mini-pantry. Another option is a light panel.

Opening masking Source


Therefore, if you apply imagination and ingenuity, then a doorway without a door can look even much more interesting than with a door block. When choosing a finishing method, it is worth considering the dimensions of the portal and the room, its height, purpose, design style and color scheme. It is also worthwhile to prepare the base with high quality - it is better to level it with drywall.

Plastic, in its usual name, has long passed to another quality level and acquired not only the corresponding properties of plastic, but also high lightfastness, various colors and the ability to take any shape. How to decorate the doorway and the space next to it beautifully?
What materials are selected and suitable for finishing entrance and interior doors, is there a difference between them? Scrolling through photos and watching videos on the Internet, you never get tired of admiring the deeds of just craftsmen and specialists.

Swinging, but making new doors or trying to revive the old door leaf and the opening. Even one-room apartments in Khrushchevs have five doors.
There is reason to think about financial costs and determining the end result.
In what cases does the need for radical restructuring arise:

  • Painting the door leaf does not eliminate surface defects.
  • The preliminary preparation of surfaces is very large in volume and labor-intensive in terms of content.
  • Subsequent painting can reduce the strength of the existing layer and cause paint cracking and flaking.
  • There was a desire to get surfaces with a unique look, good quality and low financial costs.

Door leaf restoration

It will require a small investment, and the quality will completely depend on the desire to do the work with your own hands, the video lesson will tell you little tricks that allow you to get a branded door on an old surface. At the same time, there are no restrictions on the choice of texture, color shades, carpentry skills or painting skills are not required.
How to decorate a doorway so as not to demolish all interior doors, but to change them as problems and money come in.
It turns out to be very simple, how everything is ingenious:

  • No need to glue anything to the ends of the door leaf.
  • The type of finish is selected according to the expected operating conditions and it can be just wallpaper.
  • The vocabulary and thoughts should not contain the words “it will do, not for yourself”, everything is done for your loved ones.
  • The finishing material of the door leaf is reliably and completely isolated from the effects of the external environment.

If the restoration of the canvas and the decoration of doorways is carried out taking into account the above rules, then the result obtained will not only surprise, but may also please the owners. The instructions for the first finishing method are not complicated and are suitable for an old door leaf, a newly made door or purchased, but without finishing.

Attention: When choosing wallpaper for door decoration, avoid too dark or bright wallpaper colors, so as not to disrupt the overall style of the room.

Removing paint from the door leaf is a feasible task, but comparable to hard labor, therefore, only the places of its weak adhesion to the surface of the base are cleaned, putty and leveled with sandpaper.

What kind of finishing to give preference

A common operation in the preparation of all surfaces is to degrease it and remove oil stains with a 5% hydrochloric acid solution. In the absence of acid, they can be removed with a chisel and hammer.
Finishing door openings made of any materials, be it decorative plaster, drywall, plastic, decorative stone (see Beautiful finishing of doorways with decorative stone) or PVC plates requires a flat prepared surface.

Plastering or painting

Concrete slabs are too level to support the plaster layer, so they are notched.

  • Finishing a doorway with a plaster mixture can and should be level on both sides, taking into account the width of the opening around the perimeter. This allows you to install the door in level exactly without distortions, and the door slopes or additional board were of the same size.
  • The guides are exposed with the plaster mixture stretched along them according to the rule. Mounting profile GKL 60x27 mm can be used as guides.
  • After leveling, the profile is additionally coated with plaster mixture in several places.
  • After fixing the profile, one side of the doorway wall, as a rule, is small in area, it is plastered all along the resulting plane.
  • It is preferable to determine the dimensions along the perimeter of the opening width along this side.
  • The resulting plane of the opening serves as one of the landmarks when plastering the wall, the other milestones are the flat planes of the corners and places of abutments with the floor and ceiling.
  • The corners, so as not to be knocked off, are reinforced with a perforated corner (preferably galvanized).
  • The prepared surface of the doorway is painted or pasted over with wallpaper.

Attention: If there are irregularities or deviations of the opening from the level, the perforated corners are installed immediately, and the plane is pulled along them without additional installation of guides from the mounting profile.

  • The side where the wall with a large area is located and, if the entire surface is plastering along the level, then the profile is set in conjunction with the beacons.

Plastic and drywall

The thickness of the walls of a panel house is relatively small. The dimensions of the doors are close to the standard and vary within a height slightly above 2 m and a width of 0.8 m. How to decorate a doorway with plastic, if it is recessed or is in line with the wall.
The most popular and affordable is considered to be the finish with pvc panels 270 and 300 cm long:

  • A frame is built for fastening the panels, for which a 20x40 mm wooden block is suitable.
  • Wooden blocks are sawn to fit the width of the end - the distance from the corner to the door frame.
  • Fastening is carried out on 4 strips on each wall part of the doorway. For this, a puncher and dowel-nails 6x60 mm are used.
  • Side elements are being prepared from panels, specially purchased wider than the finish of the doorway, so that they can be bent and formed corners.
  • The design of the PVC panels resembles honeycombs, albeit remotely, precisely in that they are with voids of the correct geometric shape inside, penetrating the entire length.
  • Various shapes are given to the material by cuts along the planes, and the panel fits organically on any surface.
  • Even such monumental structures as columns and balusters are wrapped in panels without visible joints and corners.

Attention: The cuts with a clerical knife are made from the back of the panel, and the outer or inner corner will not be closed in principle, because the plastic bends in the right direction.

  • The cut-to-size module is fixed to the frame with small nails.
  • The bent part of the formed module is also attached to the wall according to its own algorithm.
  • The border of the panel is outlined.
  • Holes are drilled in the wall so that they are not visible from under the edge of the finishing material.
  • Wooden plugs are inserted into the holes, and the panel itself is screwed on with cuts.
  • Plasterboard doorway decoration is much easier and faster.

  • Measurements are taken of the height and width of the opening, and three pieces of plasterboard are cut out - right, left and top.
  • The prepared surface is foamed with polyurethane foam in the form of a frequent snake.
  • The plasterboard finishing of the doorway is continued by gluing the cut strip on the foam and the verticality is checked by the building level.
  • For a firm grip of surfaces, the drywall is first pressed tightly against the applied foam and immediately removed. After waiting 7-8 minutes until the foam thickens and lightly sets, the strip returns to its place and adheres completely.
  • The rest of the blanks are glued in the same way.
  • The protruding parts of the drywall, and the frozen excess foam are removed with a sharp knife, and the corners and places of contact with the door frame are simply putty.
  • Instead of putty, the corners can be decorated with decorative plastic corners, having previously painted the plasterboard strips.

Stylish stone decoration

It has its own rules that have been worked out over the years, which will help to do the job efficiently and with pleasure. The decoration of the opening without a door is carried out evenly over the entire plane.
At the bottom, the decorative stone structure should look more massive than at the top. This rule applies to the entire mounting plane.
A plumb line is used to correctly determine the curvature of the walls. The pattern of the stone and its shades must be maintained.
Decorating a doorway without a door with decorative stone is performed using a seam or seamless method. The decor of the opening is made symmetrical on both sides, which gives a finished look.
The combination of stone and wood has proven itself well. The texture of the wood is matched to the stone. Good luck.

A beautifully designed doorway always looks neater and gives the whole room a finished look. It's hard not to notice how much it transforms when it is framed. And the point is not only that they hide all the nuances of the installation process, but also that the opening becomes more pronounced and noticeable. Very often, designers pay special attention to such a finish. As a result, they get a unique and often unique decorative element in their performance. More and more often you can find openings in which there are no door leaves. Sometimes this is also a deliberate move of designers, and sometimes it is just a necessity. Today we will consider the questions registration of a doorway without a door... Consider when it is appropriate to leave openings and what disadvantages and advantages such a solution entails.

1. An open opening - a design move or a necessity?

Open doorways are more and more often found in the interiors of modern apartments. Sometimes this is really a design technique, which is designed to bring originality to the overall environment. But more often than not, this is a very correct move in visual expanding space and saving free space. At the same time, no one says that such an opening cannot look interesting and unusual. Standard swing doors take up a lot of space, especially if they open inward. Depending on the width of the opening, the door can "eat" up to 1 square meter of the total area. Appear instantly restrictions on the placement of pieces of furniture or decorative elements and a lot of other inconveniences.

Sometimes sliding structures are used instead, which are undoubtedly much more compact. However, they do not always look aesthetically pleasing. If the door guides are not enclosed between the walls, they must be mounted on one of them. Thus, the appearance of the wall in one of the rooms may look spoiled. Therefore, in some cases, it will be advisable to decide to dismantle the interior doors. At the same time, the line between two adjacent rooms is automatically erased and a single space is formed.

Sometimes it really is appropriate, for example:

  • In the case of an increase in the size of the room by attaching a balcony or loggia to it. In any case, such actions are accompanied by the dismantling of the balcony block, otherwise the whole idea will not be implemented;
  • If you plan to combine the living room and hallway. Organization of an open-type portal in this case will allow blurring the line between two rooms that are completely different in purpose, but at the same time preserve the conditional separation. At the same time, a small living room will seem much more spacious;
  • If you have organized in the bedroom, while sacrificing the size of the bedroom, it is better not to use blank door leaves. Leave the opening without doors, and we will teach you how to beat it beautifully.

Many people use a similar technique when joining the living room to the kitchen. Most often, the opening is made in the form of different shapes. Undoubtedly, this is the most aesthetic way of combining. But do not forget that if you use the kitchen for its intended purpose and are actively preparing food, then all the smells accompanying this process will instantly spread throughout the apartment.

Also not quite right the solution would be to dismantle the door panels in the children's room, bedroom or study. All these rooms require a separate space. Of course, an exception may be the case when you live alone and, in principle, there is no one to retire from. In all other cases, doorways without doors can expand the space. Therefore, especially often you can find them in small apartments.

2. Advantages and disadvantages of doors without doors

After we figured out when it is advisable and when not to use free doorways, it's time to talk about the clear advantages and disadvantages of this technique. Let's start with disadvantages:

  • When removing door frames there is no clear demarcation where one functional area begins and another functional area ends... Using the example of combining the kitchen with the living room in a similar way, we realized that this is not always appropriate. Of course, there are exceptions. For example, when you visit the kitchen in the morning to make your own coffee or in the evening for a light snack. However, this same blurring effect can be advantageous in other cases;
  • If we consider that the lack of secluded spaces for a person who lives himself is not critical, then all the same there are rooms in the apartment where doors are essential. For example, in the bathrooms. This lack of open openings is not critical, however, it takes place.

Now let's talk about advantages organization of portals:

3. The choice of the shape of the opening depending on the style of the interior

Before choosing ways to design a doorway, you should think about its shape. Of course, you can leave everything unchanged. And the rectangular open portals look very impressive. And you can try pick up the shape opening, focusing on interior in the room. After all, the opening should harmoniously fit into the overall picture and emphasize its features. Let's consider the most suitable forms for different styles:

  • Chic destinations such as , rococo or renaissance imply the predominance of symmetrical, regular lines. Such simplicity is compensated by a large abundance of decorative elements. It can be intricate carving, various stucco moldings with gilding, or complex arched bas-reliefs;
  • Discreet and noble classic style will complement the arched openings in the best way. In this case, the arches are preferably oval, three-centered or semicircular in shape. Of course, the classics are not complete without such material as wood, which can be decorated with decorative carvings or milling;
  • Eastern directions also prefer arched openings, but their shape can be more varied. They can be lancet or keeled, in the form of a heart or a circle. In general, in this case, you can give free rein to imagination and focus on the shapes and silhouettes of pieces of furniture;
  • Romantic destinations do not overload with complex bends. All elements in them should remain light and airy, flowing and graceful. Openings of a semicircular shallow shape without abrupt transitions are ideal. At the same time, you should not abuse the amount of finishing materials and choose their rough and heavy options;
  • Modern and concise styles, such as, or techno, only recognize strict regular geometric shapes. There can be no question of any ovals. There must also be strict symmetry. Therefore, in this case, it is better to leave the shape of the opening unchanged and only carefully align all the corners and edges;
  • Such interesting and extraordinary directions as or pop art must have a very unusual shape in the interior. Typically, this is a small piece of furniture, such as an armchair, chair or. But why not show your imagination and create a winding, asymmetrical opening? It is this solution that will best complement and emphasize the stylistic identity of the room.

Choosing the most suitable form, you should lean on not only to the above recommendations, but also to the height of the ceilings in room. Otherwise, you run the risk of once again drawing attention to the existing drawback.

When choosing this type of finish, remember that natural wood requires careful care. Otherwise, it all depends on your financial capabilities and imagination. The color of the wooden openings should be consistent with the color of the floor or skirting boards. You can also rely on the color of the furniture items.

The style of design also plays a role. After all, not all modern trends welcome the use of such "warm" materials. For example, plastic or metal is more preferred or minimalism.

12. Decorative finishing with natural or artificial stone

When choosing a natural stone finish, it is imperative consider his the weight and select an adhesive mixture specifically for such a material. In addition, installation is further complicated by the fact that the fragments can slide under their own weight, so either you need to lay them using the same technology as - using a piece of metal profile and wedges, or hold each pebble for several minutes until the glue grabs.

Also, some experts argue that installation should start directly from the floor, but this is not always appropriate. For example, if you want to use skirting boards, it is better to leave space for them than to mount them over stones. Natural stone is expensive material. Therefore, an artificial substitute is often preferred. Its appearance, at a fairly high level, mimics the natural texture. It is lighter and more affordable, easier to lay and cut. And to make the process even easier, they came up with ready-made corner elements.

Stone-faced doorways look very cozy. However, you should not choose this finish for deep and narrow openings. It may turn out that the opening will resemble the entrance to a cave, which is not appropriate in all interiors.

13. Arch instead of the usual "rectangle"

Arch-type openings have become popular for a very long time and are actively used by many designers to this day. Doorways of a similar shape are very a good decision for use in small spaces. They help to visually make the space more spacious. Correctly selected proportions of the width and height of the arch can "lift" a low ceiling. Arches can be of both standard shapes and the most unpredictable ones.

Very often, such an element is key in the interior, and all the decoration depends on it. You can purchase ready-made arch-type portals from a variety of materials, or you can do arch on one's own. Often, the frame of the desired shape is assembled from metal profiles and sheathed with plasterboard. Instead of profiles, wooden planks of sufficient thickness can be used. A layer of plaster is applied on top of it, and then decorative finishing is performed. Very often, arches can be found as a connecting element between a room with a loggia. They can have built-in shelves, lighting, niches for placing decor items or a fragment. It can also be used as a dressing table or place to place houseplants. Advantage the design of the doorway in the form of an arch is that it can fit into almost any style of interior. It is enough just to choose the right shape and finishing material.

And for creation various functional elements. It can be a composition of wall niches, or it can be a homemade shelving unit. The space around doorways is often empty. If you equip shallow drywall shelves around the perimeter, you can save space, provide enough space for placing souvenirs, books, family photos. In this case, the need to buy a wall or a pedestal may disappear automatically.

In addition, such structures can frame openings not only rectangular, but also semicircular. This solution looks very original and interesting. Subsequent plasterboard finishing will depend on the style of your room. It will be possible to simply plaster and paint the surface, matching the color to the wall covering. Separate shelves can be supplement multicolored backlit. The rear walls of the shelves can be pasted over or painted in a distinctive color.

This will add originality to the design and make it visually deeper. Of drywall, you can build, probably, absolutely any structure in shape. The main thing to remember is that it should not be loaded with heavy objects. Still, such elements are more decorative in nature.

15. Decoration of the doorway with textiles

Decorating doorways with textile elements can be called the most romantic of all methods. A translucent tulle that flies in the wind will create a stunning atmosphere, especially if you choose a fabric with a subtle shiny thread that will shimmer in the sun. It is with the help of curtains that you can create such a design that, if necessary, will create a secluded atmosphere. If, nevertheless, you decide to connect the bedroom with the living room or another room, then choose opaque curtains with side hooks to decorate the doorway.

In addition to the usual transparent or opaque canvases, filament curtains, curtains made of bamboo or beautiful beads are perfect. You can create complex compositions from several types of fabrics with lambrequins and other elements. Such a volumetric design is appropriate only in large rooms and for wide openings. The room looks very interesting, in which the door and window openings are decorated identically.

The only thing that should not be done is to choose roller or Chinese curtains or vertical fabric roller blinds for decoration. In this case, it will be very inconvenient to walk between rooms.