Traces of a hare of a hare: what is different from a hare of a hare? Traces of a hare

Malikthe whole hare’s path, starting from its lair, where he spent the day, before fattening, that is, the place where he was feeding, and the reverse of the bedtime, is called the whole hail. Recognizing hare tracks, which are very diverse in nature, is of great importance, since for most rifle hunters, tracking down hares, mainly hares, is the main, and sometimes the only available way of winter hunting.

First of all, it should be noted that the tracking of the whites is very difficult, and therefore they harass almost exclusively hares. The white hair of the hare, which differs very little from the snow surface, the entanglement of the moves and usually a strong place for the den are the reasons for allowing the hare almost always to go unnoticed. In addition, the convergence of a white hawk is always tedious, because the white haze extremely entangles its moves, fills the paths, runs into fats and trails of other white hares, whirls, loops, and in general confuses the tracks so that the most experienced hunter spends a lot of time searching. white dog

Therefore, in areas where there are both hares and hares, it is very important to be able to distinguish them by the trail that is given very soon. In a white hare living in a forest where the snow is looser than in the field, the paws are relatively wider and rounder, or rather, have widely spreading fingers, so that it leaves imprints on the snow approaching the outline of the circle; with the same hare, the paw is already less expanding and its footprint is oval, elliptical. When the snow is not very loose, with the so-called print powder, individual fingerprints will come out, but the traces of the hind legs of the hare will still be much wider than that of the hare.

More elongated and parallel to each other and insignificantly one another, the leading prints belong to the hind legs, and those approaching with an outline to the circle and following one after another in one line are the forefoot.

The seated hare leaves an imprint of a completely different type: the prints of the front legs are almost together, and the hind legs lose some of their mutual parallelism and, as the hare sits, bends the hind legs to the first joint, the whole of the keyhole is imprinted on the track. (In the figure, the prints of the hind legs with grooves are shaded.) Except for this case, that is, the seats, the traces of the hind legs always remain parallel, and if there are traces in the loose snow in which larger prints of the hind legs go apart - clubbed, then it’s not the hare’s tracks, but dogs, cats, or foxes when they are racing. The same can be said about the track, in which one hind leg is far ahead of the other.

The normal pace of the hare is big jumps, with the hind legs taking out almost or completely at the same time, and the front legs are putting one after another. Only with very large jumps, the hare puts the front legs almost together.

Ordinary hare tracks are called terminal ones, since such medium jumps he goes to fats and returns from them.

Fat traces  differ from the end ones in that the foot prints are very close to each other and the individual footprints almost merge. They are called fat because hares make them where they feed, moving slowly from place to place, often sitting down.

Discount or running marks  left by the largest jumps made at an angle to the original direction of the track. The hare is trying to hide them, tear off its mark, before, when it is conceived to lie down. The number of discount jumps is usually one, two, three, rarely four, after which ordinary, trailing tracks follow again. Mostly before the discount, the hare doubles its mark. Discount jumps are different from the end distance between the tracks and the fact that the prints of the front legs are together.

Footmarks  they are made as a hare when they scare him away from the den - and he walks in great leaps. They have a great resemblance or with discount, or with end, but the opposite direction, because the prints of the front paws are closer to the prints of the hind legs of the previous one, and not the same jump.

From the lair in which the hawk was sitting until dusk, malik begins with fat traces, soon passing to the terminal ones, sometimes leading directly to the feeding area, that is, to winter, to the garden, vegetable gardens or to the road. On fats, the hare always feeds on small, very consistent movements, often stopping and sitting down. Having bitten properly, he sometimes runs and plays, and here there are running tracks. Having run away, he is either taken to food again, or already at dawn he leaves off the end traces to a new den.

This complicated confusion at the place of feeding is called " fatty“as they say hunters, or“ fat trail. ”It consists of small, short jumps, never straightforward.

Before choosing a safe haven for the day, the hare begins to make loops, i.e., round out your turn, again crossing your previous tracks. These loops sometimes occupy large areas, so at point A (see figure) it is quite rare to say with certainty, without unscrewing the hinges, do the crossing traces belong to convergent malik or whether another hack passed here. More than two loops are rarely seen.

Shortly after the loops begin to meet twosand   threes, i.e., doubling or stratification of the track, and the tracks are superimposed one on the other, so you need the skill to distinguish the double track from the ordinary one. After the two, the hare usually makes a discount to the side, but after the three, which is relatively rare, most of the stripe does not exist and the hare goes further to a significant p distance

Most often, the double and triple trail of the hare is seen along the roads or along the ridges of ravines, where almost always there is little snow, and at the beginning of winter in hollows, meadows and on just-frozen streams and rivers. The length of twos, both in the same malik and in different ones, is very inconstant and varies from 5 to 150 steps. They undoubtedly indicate the closeness of the lair, and if the hawk goes even after the two at a discount a considerable distance, changing the discount jumps to the end ones, then this is an exceptional case.

Troika usually do not reach a considerable length and the direction after them does not change and very rarely follows a discount. The discount is almost always at right angles to the direction of travel; after several discounted jumps, there are a few trailing jumps and again the second two with discounts. Often the hare are limited to two twos, but there are Maliki with eight or even a large number of twos. It largely depends on the quality of powder and on the weather: if the powder is fine and the weather is cold, the hare walks a lot; if on the contrary - walks a little. In addition, the later it stops snowing, the shorter the hare maliks, so if the snow was heavy and stopped at the dawn (which happens quite often), then where you see the malik, the hare also lies there, because all its previous tracks were covered with snow; It goes without saying that the maliks then rarely come across.

The hare digs a lair in the snow, somewhere under a bush, at the end of the path, and lurking, stretching his legs, laying his back on his back, turning his nose to wherever you can to liquidate the enemy, that is, to the track.

Schematic plan of the path of the hare on the bed  (indicated by a cross):

2. loop

3. mark
4. loop
5. sweep

Trapping hares is one of the most fascinating and most interesting, and also popular winter hunting. It can be successful only when it is produced in fine powder, that is, after fresh snow has fallen. A hunter without any helpers and dogs has the opportunity to fully test his observation, to develop his skill, caution and patience, as well as to show knowledge of the habits of the beast.

The hare is on a bed for the whole day and only goes out for a night to eat, that is, to be fed, so his entire way from the bed to the fat places is imprinted on the snow. This trail of the hunters is called - Malik. The hunter’s success in puffing depends to a large extent on the hunter’s ability to recognize very diverse traces of a hare.

In those places where hares and hares meet, it is very important to be able to distinguish their tracks. In the white hare, the paws are wider and rounder, the toes are spread quite widely, and therefore the footprint of the white haw in the snow will be almost round. In Rusac, on the contrary, the paw is comparatively already, the fingers are placed close to one another, and therefore it gives a more elongated oval mark.

With the onset of darkness, the hare goes to the place of fattening with its usual gait — short, even leaps, leaving so-called trails on the snow. At the place of fattening, the hare moves slowly, leaving fat traces in the snow, characterized in that the hare's footprints are very close to one another, and the individual traces almost merge.

Having devoured, the hare goes to bed. Before he lay down for the day, he resorted to various tricks in order to knock off his many pursuers. First of all, it starts to wind, that is, to round out its path, making a full circle of a more or less regular shape and crossing its old trace again. These loops are sometimes quite long. Without being limited to loops, the hare usually doubles or even suffers (makes a “two” or “three,” as the hunters say), that is, twice or three times with the same footprint.

At the same time, the beast so neatly puts its paws on the trail, that you need to have a very keen eye to notice it. The length of the "twos" is very unstable and ranges from five to one hundred and fifty steps. The length of the "troika" is usually much shorter. "Two", as a rule, ends with a discount (wit) - a huge jump to the side almost at a right angle to the original line of the track. The number of discount jumps usually ranges from one to four, after which the hare moves back to its usual pace.

In most cases, the hare makes no more than two or three “twos” in a row, although sometimes their number reaches seven or eight. After the “troika”, the hare almost never folds to the side, but continues to go, and often for quite a long time, in the same direction. In general, it can be said that as far as loops and “twos” serve as a sure sign that the hare is close to lying, so much so that the “troika” gives almost no certainty.

Having found the hare malik, it is necessary first of all to determine the direction that the hare went, in order to follow the trail, and not at the heel of the beast.

Follow the eared track to the side, so as not to trample his prints. If malik leads the hunter to the place where the hare is feeding, it is necessary, in order to avoid losing the time that is expensive on a short winter day, not to try to figure out the fat trails that are very entangled and intertwined with each other, but to go around them all the way down to the exit trail from the fat places. In most cases, this trail will lead the hunter either to new fat areas - and then the same technique should be repeated, or to the loops and “twos” of the hare, definitely indicating that its bedding is somewhere nearby.

Sometimes it is possible to look at the hare right on the bench and even get it lying down. With white hair it is extremely rare. Noticing where the hare lies, if the bedding is not far away, it is necessary, without losing time, to go to him and, when he jumps, to shoot. If the dog is far away, you should not go straight in the direction of the hare, but several sides and, just approaching the hare for a sure shot, turn right towards it. When approaching the hare, it is not necessary to peer at it all the time, as this contributes to the premature jumping of the beast. In relatively open places, the hare in most cases lies headlong against the wind, and therefore it must also be approached against the wind.

The place of the hare's bed is noticeable from a distance or along a hill of snow, which the animal sketched, tearing out a hole, or through a dark hole in the hole. But it must be borne in mind that some hares are extremely picky in choosing their hut and, before choosing any place for it and settling down to rest, rummage in many places.

If the snow is not deep, the hare will most often fall on the upstate, as well as among the bushes scattered across the field. In deep snow, lures of hares are most often found in snow drifts over potholes, waterways, ravines, ravines, bushes among fields, near logs of firewood, fences, fences, gumen, sheds, etc. Belyak, in deep snow, lies almost always in strong places forests and only occasionally at haystacks of forest mowing, and in early winter - through the bushes around the winter lands.

Often, a hare, especially a white hare, is thrown off to the tracks of other hares. Understand this and many other tricks of the hare on the shoulder only experienced tracker-hunter.

The hare is one of the main objects of sport hunting, and any hunter is proud if he managed to take a hare. I recall that in Russia live mainly hare and hare white hare. In addition to these species, we have a sandstone hare (tolai) and a Manchurian hare. Rusak lives in the western part of Russia (except for the northern regions) and in the south, up to Baikal, and the white hare is distributed both in the west (except for the northern Caucasus, Astrakhan region and Kalmykia), and throughout Siberia.

In order to successfully hunt hares, it is necessary to study well the hare habits and tracks on the ground, which he leaves in the fall and winter, that is, during the hunting season.

Studying (deciphering) hare tracks is a real pleasure for a hunter and a nature lover in general.

The hare hare reaches a mass of up to 7 kg and a body length of up to 70 cm, and a white hair weighs up to 4 kg, and therefore they leave different marks in accordance with the parameters.

Most often, hunters have to study the traces of the hare with the most interesting and most exciting hunt on the first porosh. Sneaking hares after powder is disentangling the convoluted, complex plot of his adventures during the night. Fresh snow will cover all the old tracks, and you follow the fresh tracks, disassemble their intricate intricacies and go to the place of the daytime rest of the hare - the bedding. And here there are such miracles that are remembered for a lifetime! But we are not about miracles ...

Where to look for a hare, its tracks? While the snow is shallow, hares feed on winter crops. With a thick snow cover, they are kept near villages, fattening at haystacks, in gardens and vegetable gardens. There and should look for their tracks. The hares lie on the bed in such a way that the breeze is blowing "along the fur" or behind the shelter (bush, tubercle, hillock, etc.).

There are three types of hare tracks: fodder (fatty), chassis and chase.

During feeding the hare moves in small jumps. Paw prints at the place of fattening are tightly molded to one another. You shouldn’t understand the hare tracks of grease for a long time (this is a whole net of bastards) - look for the exit track (chassis), which the hare went from zhirovki to maturation (malik). This trail of the hare is more straightforward and consists of large, energetic jumps. He can lead to a new fat or bed. Place of fat is best to go around and trail the track on the bed. The basic rule of tracking is not to throw a trail.

Do not tread on the tracks, and then you will not understand the doubles and discounts. (Sdvoika - movement in the opposite direction on its own trail, and a discount, or wit, a big leap away from the trail, often before bedding). There are one or even a few shifts. The hare often masks a discount - it jumps onto a grass bush, under a Christmas tree, a road, and at the same time all the legs are placed at the same point, so that instead of the usual footprint, only a hole in the snow is visible. After the discount is again running track, which can lead to maturation. The bed is a small depression in the snow or the ground, which he systematically changes.

When running, when the hare, for example, is saved from enemies, he puts his hind legs not near. As a result, the prints of all four paws of the gon trail are stretched and lie close to a straight line. With such a gait, the back paws of the hare leave fingerprints not on the entire foot, from the claws to the hock, but only the toes. The hare runs on its toes.

It is much more difficult to trap a white hare alone. The whites are able to trample entire paths that are difficult to understand. In powder, it lies where it zhiruet, usually in more often forests, and, having heard the steps of the hunter, leaves the bed unnoticed.

The nature of the traces of the hare and the hare is somewhat different. Traces of the hare are small, oblong. The imprint of the foot of the hind leg of the sitting hare is 17 cm in length and 6 cm in width, while in the white hare the legs are wider and more rounded. The hind paw of a large white hawk, when moving on loose snow, when the fingers are widely spread, reaches a length of 15 cm and 11 cm in width. The front of the trail is less sharp. The distance between the traces of the front and hind legs of the hare is greater.

Traces of white hare can be found around a large fallen aspen tree (eating bark), where they trample the snow tightly, covering it with their “nuts”. An attentive hunter will always find traces of hares in places where willows grow, young birch trees, which they gnaw from year to year.

On hard ground or Nast, when moving, the hare leaves only traces of claws.

Some habits in the hare and white hare are the same. Both hares, for example, go over ravines in the least steep places, and in the presence of loose snow they gladly use well-groomed roads and trails; both on the first rut circle almost always return to the place where they were raised from the bed, there usually is a reliable manhole. The first circle is always short, the second one is much wider.

In conclusion, let me recall the statement about the hares of the famous A.E. Bram: “The hare is extremely afraid of all unfamiliar objects and therefore avoids scarecrows in vegetable gardens. It happens, however, that old, experienced hares exhibit extreme boldness, so that they cannot be driven away with dogs; noticing that dogs are locked or tied, they boldly graze in front of their eyes. ”

Now for hunters opened the most fascinating hunt - hares. Get ready - learn their habits and traces.

Anatoly Kleptsov   January 7, 2014 at 00:00

The hare tracks that mark the hare all the way through the night, starting from its lair, where he spent the day, before fattening, that is, the place where he was feeding, and the opposite to the bedding, is called malik. Hare tracks, which are very diverse in nature, need to be able to recognize what is of great importance, since for most rifle hunters, tracking down hares, mainly hares, is the main, and sometimes the only available way of winter hunting.

First of all, it should be noted that the tracking of the whites is very difficult, and therefore they harass almost exclusively the hares. The white wool of the hare, which differs very little from the snow surface, the entanglement of hare tracks and the usually strong place for a lair make up the reasons for the hare to almost always go unnoticed. In addition, the convergence of a white hawk is always tiring, because the white haze extremely entangles its moves, fills the trails, runs into fats and other white hares, whirls, loops, and in general confuses the hare tracks, and the most experienced hunter spends a lot of time on looking white dog Therefore, in areas where there are both hares and hares, the ability to distinguish their hare tracks is very important, which is given very soon.

A is a white trail; B - white trail on the crust; B - trail of the hare; G - trail hare on the present.

In a white hare living in a forest where the snow is looser than in the field, the paws are comparatively wider and rounder, or rather, have widely spreading fingers, so that it leaves hare tracks on the snow approaching the outline of a circle; with the same hare, the paw is already less expanding and its footprint is oval, elliptical.

When the snow is not very loose, with the so-called print powder, individual fingerprints will come out, but the hare tracks of the hind legs of the hare will still be much wider than that of the hare. More elongated and parallel to each other and slightly one another, leading hare tracks belong to the hind legs, and those approaching in outline to the circle and following one after the other, in one line - to the front.

The seated hare leaves hare marks of a completely different kind: the prints of the front paws are almost together, and the hind legs lose some of their mutual parallelism, and since the hare, sitting, bends the hind legs before the first joint, the whole lizard is also imprinted on the track. With the exception of this case, that is, the seats, hare tracks of the hind legs always remain parallel, and if there are traces on the loose snow, in which larger prints of the hind legs go apart, they are clumsy, then these are traces of a hare, but dogs and cats or foxes, when they go jumps. The same can be said about the track, in which one hind leg is far ahead of the other.

From left to right: end tracks, end tracks with discount, fat tracks, race tracks, race tracks jumps.

The normal pace of the hare is big jumps, and he endures the hind legs almost or completely at the same time, and the front legs one after the other. Only with very large jumps, the hare puts the front legs almost together.

Ordinary hare tracks are called terminal ones, since such medium jumps he goes to fats and returns from them.

Fat hare tracks are different from the terminal ones in that the foot prints are very close to each other and the individual tracks almost merge. These hare tracks are called fatty because hares make them where they feed, moving slowly from place to place, often sitting down.

Discount or sweeping hare tracks are left by the largest jumps made at an angle to the original direction of the track. The hare is trying to hide them, tear off its mark, before, when it is conceived to lie down. The number of discount jumps is usually one, two, three, rarely four, and then ordinary, end hare tracks follow. Mostly before the discount, the hare doubles its mark. Discount hare tracks differ from the terminal distance between the tracks and the fact that the prints of the front legs are together. The hunted or unclean hare tracks are made by a hare when he is scared off from a den - and he walks in great leaps. These hare tracks have a great similarity with either discount or trailing, but the opposite direction, for the prints of the front legs are closer to the prints of the hind legs of the previous one, and not the same jump.

Before choosing a safe refuge for the day, the hare begins to make loops, i.e., round out its turn, again crossing its previous hare tracks. These hinges sometimes occupy large areas, so at point A it is quite rare to say with certainty, without unscrewing hinges, whether the hare trails belong to the convergent malik or whether another hare passed here. More than two loops are rarely seen. Soon after them, deuces and triples begin to occur, that is, doubling or stratification of the trail, and the hare tracks are superimposed one upon the other, so a skill is needed to distinguish the double trail from the ordinary one. After the two, usually the hare makes a discount to the side, but after the three, which is relatively rare, most of the stripe does not exist and the hare goes further a considerable distance. Most often, double and triple hare tracks of the hare are seen along the roads or along the ridges of ravines, where almost always there is little snow, and at the beginning of winter - in hollows, meadows and on just frozen streams and rivers.

The length of twos, both in the same malik and in different ones, is very inconstant and varies from 5 to 150 steps. These hare tracks undoubtedly indicate the closeness of the lair, and if the hare goes even after the two at a discount a considerable distance, changing the discount jumps to the trailing hare tracks, then this is an exceptional case. Troika usually do not reach a considerable length and the direction after them does not change and very rarely follows a discount. The discount is almost always at right angles to the direction of travel; after several discounted jumps, there are a few trailing jumps and again the second two with discounts. Frequently hares are limited to two deuces, but there are hare tracks with eight or even a large number of twos.

Novice hunters should be aware that hares prefer to dwell closer to humans in order to be able to feed in the garden or in the garden. This type of animal has fairly narrow hind legs, so the footprint of a hare is quite easy to identify by its long and narrow footprints.

When tracking down prey through the snow, one should carefully look at the tracks of the hare, narrow and long prints indicate that the hare ran here. It is him who prefers to hunt in those places where animals of this species live, but there are also hares. The fact is that white hares are perfectly hiding in the snow under any bush, but the hare is hard to do, it will be noticeable in the snowy forest.

Looking at the traces of hares, it is easy to see that the white hare leaves prints wider than the hare, this is explained by the fact that in the forest where white hares dwell, the snow is much looser than in the steppe, therefore their paws are slightly wider so as not to fall on every step. Usually traces of the hind legs of the hare are parallel to each other, with the right paw being placed slightly in front of the left. The forelimbs leave almost regular circles in the snow, but only in cases when the animal is standing still or making big jumps.

In normal running, the hare puts its hind legs parallel to each other, and the front ones in series, one in front of the other. You should know that when the animal feeds, the distance between the hind and front legs is small enough. Sometimes round traces are just between the oval. When the hare runs along the dense snow, he presses his fingers to each other, fingers can be seen only in those places where the snow becomes loose.

In his lair the hare is sitting during the day, and at dusk they go out to feed, you can see that the traces of the hare show that he moves in rather small leaps. When an animal finds food, it sits between its movements on the spot, only occasionally making small jumps to tackle fresh branches. Often hares cross the roads, climbing into gardens or orchards, hoping to find uncleaned vegetables or chew on the bark of garden trees.

After feeding, the animal begins to run fast, making fairly long jumps, sometimes the trajectory of its tracks changes very abruptly, almost at a right angle. Hunters call such intricate traces of fat and say that at this time the hares do not run in a straight line, but make irregular loops. From these prints, people see that there are several specimens in this area, you can begin to track down animals, hunt them. But it is quite difficult to detect the hare's bedding, because before he settles for the night, he tries to entangle traces, making double and triple loops, which only an expert can unravel.

Experienced hunters understand that tracking a hare of a hare is much easier than a hare, both of them perfectly entangle traces, but for a white hare it turns out much better, besides, because of the light wool, the hare is much easier to hide in the snow.

The hunt for the hare of the hare begins when the first snow fell, on which it is easy to distinguish traces of the animal, when clear imprints are visible, the specialist will quite easily determine where the animal's den can be found. You should know that the hare sits nose to the wind, so that the wind does not pick up the hair and does not cool the body, so you must approach it upwind, then the beast will not be able to notice the hunter prematurely. If the prey escapes, then it is no longer necessary to chase after it, the hares are able to race at a speed of 60 kilometers per hour, on foot and in the snow, a person is not able to develop such a speed.

Sometimes hunters gather as a group and try to get the animals together, in such cases, several people become a chain and walk along the steppe, making as much noise as possible. Hares can climb and run towards the hunters, the beaters try to direct them in the right direction, and the hunters can only shoot straight. To shoot prey, you need to have a lot of experience shooting at a moving target, because hares do not stand still, they quickly run, changing direction, and some of them manage to escape from the trap. If a dog takes part in the hunt, then raise the animal and direct it to a shot, that is its business, it is advisable to scout out the hares in advance, otherwise you can run all day and stay without a trophy.

When a man goes hunting alone, he tries to unravel the traces of the animal and determine where it settled for the night. The hunter should lie down near the bed and lie low, not making any sounds and, if possible, not moving. At dawn, the hare is not very cautious, so catch it most easily at this particular time, a shot made by an experienced hunter, will certainly be successful. You should know that cloudy weather is best for tracking the beast, when the light wind blows and it snows. The rain will make all the efforts of the hunter in vain, because in such weather the hare becomes especially cautious.

To find a hare's bedding, one must be able to read its tracks, that only experienced hunters can do it, they say that there is no need to go, repeating the animal's path completely, it is enough to find a fork and determine which way the hare jumped. Near the den, the traces become uniform, and this is the place where the animal sleeps. It is believed that if a person could not shoot the prey, and she ran away, then you can come to the same place on another day, as the hare rarely changes the bed.

In late spring, hares molt, but the hare remains with its gray-red skin and black tips of the ears and tails, and the white hair completely changes the color of the fur coat. This animal becomes very similar to its cousin, but it can be distinguished by the length of the ears, which the hares have a little more.

It is possible to distinguish the tracks of the hare of the hare from the paw prints of its white relative by the width of its hind legs. The hare running along the dense snow of the steppes has paws narrower than the white hare, moreover, his fingers are joined together while running, their imprints can be found only on loose snow.