Calendula in cooking. Mixed flower garden planting with calendula

Today my story is about (marigolds), about this wonderful sunny flower, without which I can not imagine my summer cottage. Abundantly blooming in summer, pleases us with its yellow-orange flowers in any weather.

In Italy it is called the “flower of many months,” since it can bloom from early spring and almost all autumn, and in Holland it is grown all year round. In addition, this flower has the most valuable medicinal and cosmetic properties. I read recently that there is an ancient legend that tells about a certain doctor-wizard who cured people with healing drinks.

After his death, he bequeathed to bury a fingernail in the ground with his hand. His will was fulfilled and at that very place a magical flower-marigold grew, with the help of which many diseases began to be healed.

In our family, we have long been invariably using the healing properties of this magical flower. And have long been used for food. It gives the dishes a slightly spicy, tart taste and is very suitable for dressings and salads, making them more fragrant and piquant.

Indoor flowers. Cultivation and care. Part 11 - Hippeastrum and clivia

Calendula can be used in the preparation of soups, served as a side dish for meat and fish. It is also successfully used in baking confectionery.

Calendula inflorescences are used to prepare liquors and tinctures, refreshing and tonic drinks, and also use them for flavoring and coloring cheese. It was also noted that calendula scares off many dangerous pests, so it is very useful to sow it not only in flower beds, but also in different places in the garden, as well as next to berry bushes.

Calendula is a leader among medicinal plants and is among the ten most cultivated medicinal crops. As a medicinal plant, it has long been grown around the world, and since the 16th century, calendula has already been planted as a decorative culture.

In Russia, it appeared in the XII century. Now calendula is widely used in both folk and traditional medicine. Medicinal raw materials are dried calendula inflorescences-baskets.

They contain proteins, vitamin C, carotenoids, essential oil, volatile, resins, tannins, bitter substances, organic acids (including salicylic and malic), mucus, a small amount of alkaloids, trace elements, provitamin A. Calendula has the following valuable medicinal properties : bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and wound healing. It is successfully used in the treatment of liver, ulcers of the stomach and intestines, gastritis, with arrhythmia and hypertension. As an additional remedy, calendula is used for various oncological diseases.

Nowadays, there are many medicinal, decorative and cut varieties of calendula. Modern varieties of calendula are striking in a variety of forms - imbricate, radiant, chrysanthemum, gerbera and anemoid.

The height distinguishes between undersized (15-30 cm), medium-sized (30-45 cm) and tall (50-85 cm) calendula varieties. Marigold inflorescences are terry and non-terry. The most spectacular, of course, terry, and the best of them are such varieties as: bright orange, golden yellow, orange, pale yellow with white stripes, dark orange, bright orange with a dark brown disk. The varieties of calendula with non-double inflorescences are as follows:, (unusual, tubular flowers in the middle, anemic inflorescences of bright golden yellow or dark orange color), (elegant anemic inflorescences of golden yellow and orange color).

It is not difficult to grow a calendula, as it is unpretentious and cold-resistant (it can withstand frosts of minus 5 ° C), it tolerates transplantation very well even during flowering, and is resistant to many diseases and pests. The plant can grow on any soil, but best of all, of course, on fertile and moderately moist.

Calendula prefers open sunny places, on them it can show itself in all its glory. In the shade and partial shade, it can also grow, but under such conditions the plants stretch and lie down, and inflorescences become smaller and become less bright.

It is also not recommended to grow calendula in the same place for a long time to prevent the development of diseases. We sow calendula seeds most often directly into the ground in early spring (in April-May) or before winter (in October).

With winter sowing, calendula gives earlier seedlings, a developed bush and flowering occurs much earlier. Her seeds are large, sickle-shaped, light brown or dark brown, retain germination for 3-5 years.

We sow them immediately to a permanent place to a depth of 2-4 cm. If we want to get single spectacular plants, then we sow according to the scheme 30x30 or 40x40 cm.

And if we decided to make paths or make a thick flower bed, then in this case it is necessary to sow the calendula with grooves at a distance of 30-50 cm in the aisles and 6-10 cm from each other. After 7-10 days, seedlings will appear at an air temperature of at least 8-10 ° C.

Then after 2-4 weeks, the seedlings must be thinned out, leaving a distance between them of 15-20 cm. The advanced plants can be used as seedlings.

In open ground, calendula usually blooms 50-60 days after sowing (mid-July), and for earlier flowering, it can be grown through seedlings. Calendula care is simple, it is timely watering, top dressing, weeding and periodic loosening of the soil.

Before flowering, it would be nice to treat the calendula with the Topaz preparation against powdery mildew and other spotting. In order for the bushes to retain their decorative effect longer, it is necessary to regularly remove damaged leaves and wilted inflorescences. With proper care and choosing a landing site, the calendula blooms extremely profusely and continuously, until the frosts.

We begin the collection of inflorescences immediately after the beginning of flowering and continue harvesting for approximately 80-90 days. There are three collection periods: during the first inflorescence, they are revealed every 3 days, in the second - after 4-5 days, in the third - even less often.

On average, calendula inflorescences can be collected at least 2 times a week. It is advisable to cut the baskets on warm, dry days, otherwise they will dry poorly.

Terry marigold inflorescences can be harvested when reed flowers are half or almost completely in horizontal opening, non-double forms - when 2-4 circles of tubular flowers bloom. Inflorescences must be torn off at the very base or with the remainder of the peduncle up to 3 cm long so as not to damage the bottom of the inflorescence, which can then decay when dried.

It is necessary to start drying the collected raw materials no later than 3-4 hours after collection, in order to exclude its warming and damage. Drying is best done in a dryer at a temperature of 40-50 ° C and not more than 4 hours.

If you don’t have a dryer, then you can dry it in the open air in the shade, spreading the ripe inflorescences in a thin layer and often turning them over. Warm, well-ventilated rooms are also suitable for drying.

Dried inflorescences of calendula must be stored separately from other plants and not more than 1 year. You can store it in a plywood box, cardboard box or canvas bag in a dry, dark, well-ventilated room, preventing moisture from getting in. My dear readers, I want to advise you to definitely plant this magical plant on your site (if you do not already have it), which always warms us with its sunny color and strengthens our health. See you soon, dear friends!

Hello friends gardeners! Do you know why many people grow calendula in the garden and flower beds? I will talk about this in today's article.

And also tell you about how to grow a calendula and what are its useful properties. But first things first ... The homeland of calendula South and Central Europe, as well as Asia. But, despite this, a beautiful yellow-orange flower grows well in colder regions.

With his colors, he pleases us, as if the sun. I think that for this alone many people love him. In addition, this flower is very easy to grow. Often this plant is called marigold.

Marigolds (Part 3), we dive (transplant) in diapers with a Droplet.

And all because calendula seeds resemble the claws of animals. Different peoples have found their use calendula. Brave alchemists even tried to get gold by mixing other substances with the juice of flowers. Of course, they did not succeed.

Ancient Greek healers turned out to be more intelligent. They realized that marigold flowers have antiseptic properties, and therefore used them in the treatment of wounds and insect bites.

Calendula broth was used to rinse the throat (it is also used now). Now you can meet these beautiful flowers in many yards. They are grown even in urban flower beds.

What is the use of calendula for the garden?

Calendula in the garden is a very useful plant. Firstly, it attracts insects useful to the garden. True, aphids also love her, but this can also be used for useful purposes. For example, plant marigold flowers next to a garden plant, which can be affected by aphids.

In this case, calendula will act as a bait for these pests. Then the bush covered with aphids can be sent to compost. Secondly, growing calendula in the beds helps to scare away nematodes. Thirdly, calendula, planted in the garden, does not allow pests to find their favorite food with its smell.

Thanks to marigolds, cultivated plants are protected. Only this flower should not be allowed to fill the garden. It, for example, inhibits the growth of watermelons, corn and melons.

How to grow a calendula

Growing calendula is an easy task. So for a garden, including a decorative one, it is best to choose the simplest one, i.e. calendula officinalis.

It is this plant that has the best protective properties mentioned above, and also sprouts easiest and is not whimsical in comparison with later varieties. Marigold flowers are cold-resistant plants and can withstand frosts down to -5 ° С. They are also photophilous.

To calendula bloomed early, plant it on a bed in the winter. Shoots should be thinned out. And do not let the weeds drown it. If the weather is dry, you need to water the calendula.

At the beginning of flowering, it would be nice to fertilize it with organic fertilizers, for example, compost. For longer flowering, you can throw a few more seeds on the bed in May and June. You can extend the flowering period if you pluck calendula flowers and prevent seeds from tying up.

Dry these flowers in dryers or in a well-ventilated room and then in the winter you will drink healthy tea with herbs and “sunny” flowers. Be sure to leave a few flowers for the ripening of seeds closer to autumn. Calendula seeds scatter themselves and next year will grow on the same bed or flower bed. You can collect seeds to sow in another garden bed or flowerbed.

How to use flowers

Calendula flowers have a very wide application. It is used for the preparation of cosmetics, decoctions, teas. Teas and decoctions are used in folk medicine. If you have many dried flowers of calendula, you can fill them in vases or glasses and arrange them around the house.

This will disinfect the air, and a pleasant “sun” of flowers will give you a good mood on a cool day. In addition, they use calendula in cooking. Moreover, both fresh and dry flowers are used.

In its fresh form, it is used to decorate dishes, as well as for the preparation of salads. It is only unnecessary to add it in larger quantities, because it can turn out an unpleasant taste.

Calendula leaves are also used for salads, but also in small quantities. Dried calendula petals are often used as a substitute for saffron. Before using as a yellow dye, the powder of the marigold petals should be mixed with butter, sour cream or milk and then added to the dish.

This saffron substitute can be used in the preparation of sauces, rice, pancakes and pastries. You can use the calendula to dye the fabric in yellow. Also, the calendula can serve as a simple barometer. Her baskets cannot bloom normally if the pressure drops. I hope you now allow the calendula to grow in the garden and flower beds, because it has so many useful properties.

Growing calendula from seeds is an easy task and there should be no difficulties. Let marigold flowers please you and revitalize your garden! I advise, dear readers, not to miss the publication of new materials on this blog. Best regards, Gardensha How to grow a medicinal calendula.

Calendula: care. Calendula: soil. Calendula: transplant. The conditions necessary for growing calendula.

CALENDULA MEDICINAL (Calendula officinalis)

Calendula officinalis, better known as marigold, is a typical annual. The plant needs bright light, and it develops very quickly.

Marigolds grow to a height of about 45 cm, they have a lignified stem with a large number of lateral shoots extending from the main stem. Flower buds appear one at a time, flowers can be double or simple and have a pale yellow, yellow or dark orange color.

Calendula flowers have a strong odor; being cut off, they last more than a week. Calendula can be sown even in the early summer, so the plant can be used to fill the voids formed due to the uneven planting of other plants. Seeds ripen early, and new plants may appear in the same year. Popular varieties of calendula:  "Radar" - dark orange terry flowers with wavy petals (height about 45 cm). "Fiesta Gitan" (height 30 cm). "The Orange King" (30 cm).

Illumination: maximum possible. Temperature: in the open air seeds germinate at a temperature of 7 ° C, indoors - at 10 ° C. If the temperature is higher, very good lighting is required. The plant can tolerate frost.

Calendula watering:  the soil should be moist but not wet. If the seedlings have already appeared, they will survive even without watering. Air humidity:  keep the plant dry.

Do not spray or water the adult plant from above. Calendula soil: the plant survives even in very poor soil; clay soil mixture is suitable.

Top dressing: start feeding 3 weeks after planting, then feed them once every 10 days, spreading fertilizers in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Marigold reproduction: When planted outdoors, calendula seeds are sown from mid-spring to early summer in pre-prepared containers.

Sow seeds at a depth of about 1 cm at a distance of 10 cm from each other; subsequently, they need to be thinned out so that the distance between the plants is about 30 cm. For the nails to bloom as early as possible, sow the seeds at home in a bowl and keep at a temperature of about 10 ° C. Seeds will germinate after about 3 days.

After a week, plant the plants and keep them in the light and at a temperature of 7 ° C. When the plants reach about 7-10 cm in height, plant them on the street for 4 pieces in a 30-centimeter container.

It must be borne in mind that the nails are easily propagated by self-seeding and for this reason they can create some inconvenience. To prevent excess plants from appearing, remove wilted flower heads before seeds ripen in them. Calendula Care: Remove wilted flowers to prevent self-seeding.

Features of nail care

Hardening of seedlings. When you plant young plants grown at home on the street, you need to take some measures to protect them. Place a tray with seedlings near the wall and cover them for the first few nights with a cardboard box or plastic.

In good weather, after a week you can leave the plants open. Freezing will not hurt them. After about 10 days, transplant the marigolds into a permanent container. Flower removal.

Once the nails have flowered, remove the flowers. Cut them at the very tops of the stems. If they are left, self-seeding will occur, the seeds will sprout, and new plants will bloom in the same year.

Plant description

This flower culture has taken root remarkably in our area, despite the fact that Asia is its homeland, as well as Central and Southern Europe. Gardeners have been cultivating these flowers for quite some time, so their cultivation is successful even in regions with constantly cool climates. Small marigold flowers resembling small suns (as can be seen in the photo) will undoubtedly be able to decorate any area, whether it’s an urban flower bed or a country household. And, besides the fact that calendula gives brightness to flower arrangements, growing it from seeds is a very easy and affordable process.

How to collect seeds of "their" flowers

Of course, calendula seeds are sold even in the most ordinary flower shop. But for those who want to continue growing flowers already on the plot, seed collection can be done at the end of August. The beginning of September is also suitable.

By then, the marigold flower will be gone. Only the cores with brown seedlings will remain. Ripe, they can easily be removed from the base.

Then, the collected seedlings of the culture will need to be dried. At home, use a cardboard box or a small box for this. They should be stored in a paper bag (envelope), in a place with minimal humidity and air access until spring arrives.

Planting Methods

Calendula refers to fairly hardy and frost-resistant plants that can withstand up to -5 degrees of frost. And therefore, its cultivation is practiced in two ways.

Sowing seeds in open ground

As a rule, calendula seedlings are sown either in April or in October. During spring planting, the readiness of the land can be checked by a simple method: holding a ball of earth in a fist, it must be thrown from a height of one meter. You can start planting if the abandoned lump has easily disintegrated. Before planting, dig the soil and fertilize it with humus, which dilutes the soil per 1 sq. M. meter - 3-4 kg of humus. You can also add one tablespoon of drugs:

  • potassium sulfate; superphosphate; urea.

Well-fed land is dug well, and the surface is leveled with a rake. After this, you can sow. It is better to plant a calendula in rows.

The grooves needed for sowing should be about 1-2 cm deep. It is not recommended to do rows deeper, so as not to reduce the germination of planting material.

Between the rows it is necessary to leave 30-40 cm, for the most complete plant growth. Correct planting will show results already on the 7-8th day. Residual germination can be observed on 10-11 days.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

Growing calendula in this way is slightly more troublesome than sowing directly on the garden bed. But, this method allows you to achieve earlier flowering.

Also, using this particular method, it is most effective to grow undersized cultivars. Calendula seeds are sown for seedlings for seedlings at the end of March. Some varieties - in early April.

Used for growing small wooden boxes, or containers (pots). Landings must be kept in rooms where the temperature regime corresponds to marks +14 - +15 degrees.

The first shoots will please the owners from 6-7 days after sowing. Calendula seedlings can be planted on a permanent place in the garden or on a flower bed as soon as it grows and gets stronger. An indicator of this will be the leaves on the plants - when there are 5-6 full leaves, the seedlings are ready for transplantation. They will look like in the photo.

The scheme, which is suitable for planting seedlings on the bed - 30x30 cm. So you provide enough space for the roots, and the plant will grow and develop well.

Where to plant and how to care

Calendula is a light-loving plant, but it does not tolerate heat and drought. As a rule, the results of improper lighting are small flowers and a short flowering stage. To prevent this from happening, the place where the cultivation of marigolds will be carried out is better to choose in partial shade.

Excellent calendula will grow in places where fertile soil. In this case, the soil should be nutritious, loose and light. Flowers of this culture are very fond of moisture.

During periods of drought, plants need to be watered about 3 times per week. Also, flower care should include regular removal of flowering inflorescences. Due to this, it is possible to achieve a significant increase in flowering of calendula.

Throwing such inflorescences is not necessary - you can use them as a medicine. For diseases that can harm the calendula, you can distinguish powdery mildew, different types of spotting. To prevent plant diseases, they should be treated with special preparations. This procedure is carried out before the flowering of calendula begins.

The benefits of flowers

Since some varieties are not only medicinal, they can also be useful in the garden. So, for example, it is considered useful to grow calendula near garlic and onions, or near strawberry bushes.

Calendula is able to attract insects that benefit garden crops. The plant is no less useful for asters: it can protect asters from the “black legs” (rotting of the roots). Such flowers can frighten away caterpillars, aphids, and nematodes with their smell.

Some gardeners claim that planting marigold flowers near potato bushes can reduce the number of Colorado potato beetles. However, it is worth remembering that this flower crop can propagate in some cases and self-sowing. Therefore, growing flowers in the garden, you must ensure that they do not "fill" the entire plot.

The autumn season is coming and each gardener is preparing to do the maximum number of cases that will bear fruit in the spring. It is important not only to harvest, but also to prepare the beds, remove vegetables for storage, and make autumn work in the garden. In the article we will tell you about the most important works in the country, which should not be forgotten in September.

Autumn work in the garden

In the garden, as in the garden, you need to perform a number of activities:

  • to prepare trees and shrubs for the winter period;
  • make the necessary fertilizers;
  • to make a number of landings, which in the next season will please us with high results.

Everything takes time. Therefore, do not stretch the pleasure, let's get started.

Preparing trees and shrubs for winter

  1. In September, it is early to prune garden trees and form shrubs. But to comply with sanitary standards is. Remove broken and dry branches. Treat the cutting sites with either garden varieties or a mixture of clay and manure. Do not leave exposed areas. Insect pests will surely take advantage of your negligence.
  2. If leaf fall has passed (depending on the region of residence, this is observed in some areas), do not try to remove the foliage. Burn litter only if it has been affected by pests or disease. Leaf litter will fulfill the role of organic fertilizer, if it is laid out in the trunk hole. In addition to bookmarks under the crown of a tree, fallen leaves will also suit a greenhouse, greenhouses or compost heaps.
  3. You can whitewash the trees. Why are trees painted or whitened? In winter, the sun warms brightly and sometimes harms the bark. Cracking occurs after freezing. In order to prevent the influence of sunlight from the winter and spring time of the year, it is worth securing the bark. Whitewashing is carried out with lime. Some experienced gardeners add Ecogel and Farmayod to the solution. The drugs have a bactericidal effect and protect the trunk and skeletal branches from infections. If you know how much, then add sulfur. This substance will scare away rodents.
  4. Treat bushes and trees by spraying with the following drugs: Bitoxibacillin or Lipidocide. For any treatment, remember the trunk circles. If the remaining insects due to your actions remain on the ground, they will certainly seize the moment and return to the tree.

Fertilizing and watering

  1. Fill trunks with water. Spill abundantly, especially if watering is no longer foreseen. Having nourished the roots with moisture, you will provide your trees and shrubs with moisture for a long period.
  2. Fertilize. If you need to reduce the acidity of the soil - dolomite flour, if not enough organic matter - compost or humus. Minerals are recommended to be made in the spring. Do not feed trees and shrubs with fresh manure. It contains gases: ammonia and propane, which do not fertilize the soil, but cause irreparable harm. Microorganisms and worms do not live in such a land.

From fresh manure you need to prepare vermicompost. Spread valuable fertilizer on an area of \u200b\u200b20 cm high. Spill with water, then M-preparations, pierce with a pitchfork and cover with straw or sawdust. Future fertilizer will begin to breathe, steam will go. The formation of beneficial aerobic bacteria began, the process of decay began.

When the gases evaporate, the unpleasant odor disappears, and the mass acquires an earthy color - your fertilizer is ready. It is in this form that it is safe and even useful for your land. It can be applied both under trees and in warm beds.

Autumn works in the garden (video)

Autumn planting in the garden

Most summer residents are followers of autumn plantings. What can be planted in September?

  • raspberries;
  • currants;
  • gooseberry;
  • fruit trees: apple, pear, plum, quince, cherry;
  • garden strawberries.

The main thing during the autumn planting is to act according to the agricultural technique. To process seedlings, properly prepare the soil, spill the ground. Some plants require shelter with film or spanbond. September for planting is a blessed time. There are no active frosts and temperature changes yet.

Preparing the garden for winter

In the autumn garden, there is more trouble than in the garden. It is necessary to collect vegetable crops, to clear the beds of weeds, to prepare the soil for the next season. But then we are practically experts! We will act thoroughly!

Harvesting and storage preparation

Those vegetables that need to be harvested in September are stored longer. In most cases, gardeners favor warm and sunny weather. It is possible to collect root crops dry and to avoid rotting processes. When collecting vegetables, be sure to dry them for several hours in the sun, shake off excess soil, sort: large - small, whole - injured.

Harvested in September:

  • carrot;
  • beets;
  • potatoes;
  • cabbage;
  • and a number of other vegetables, depending on the timing of their ripening.

To ensure their long-term safety, it is worth providing boxes, preferably wooden. Lay the roots in rows: small from below, large from above.

Some summer residents sprinkle carrots and beets with sand. Do it or not, you decide. On the one hand, sand retains moisture, and the vegetable does not deteriorate longer. On the other hand, in the sand there are many harmful bacteria and microorganisms that cause a quick rotting process if an injured root crop is caught.

How to cover plants for the winter (video)

Autumn garden cleaning

  1. First of all, we get rid of the remains of cultivated plants. If they were sick, we burn. Only necessary in an old barrel or other metal container, but not on the ground. Ashes in the spring use as fertilizer.
  2. We clean the garden from grass. In September, not all weeds bloom; you can catch it if you haven’t done it in some areas.
  3. We lay out overripe manure, peat, compost prepared in advance in the beds - the future fertilizer for plants.
  4. We disinfect the territory of spring plantings. You can use potassium permanganate solution for processing: 10 gr. per 100 liters of water or baking soda: 1 tablespoon with a slide for 10 liters of water. Spill thoroughly. The second step is to use Fitosporin. Follow the instructions.
  5. Change the soil in the greenhouse and greenhouses. Do not want to change - use bleach: 150 gr. on 1 m 2. Such treatment is enough not to remember her for three years.
  6. Remove the drip irrigation system so that it does not freeze. Remove thermostats from the greenhouse doors and windows.

Planting green manure and feeding

Widely used in the country were oats, white mustard, rye.  If your soil is sandy, you should not use rye. She will drain the earth. It is better to sow on clay and loamy soils. But white mustard is perfect.

After 20 to 25 days, you will be able to mow the tops of useful herbs with a plow cutter or hoe and patch them into the ground. Do not dig. The roots of green manure will be an excellent treat for the underground inhabitants.: worms and other insects. Eating the lower parts of plants, they process them into vermicompost. You will receive double benefit: organic fertilizer from the tops and loose earth from decay products.

In addition to planting siderates, you can mulch the earth.   As mulch fit:

  • rotted sawdust;
  • hay;
  • straw;
  • compost;
  • peat;
  • humus.

What is the use of mulch in the autumn, you ask?

  1. You will provide the earth with natural organic fertilizer.
  2. Mulch will play the role of a barrier to the flow of meltwater, which in spring leaches the upper fertile layer of the earth.
  3. Under such a “veil”, winter plantings can be preserved.

Provided that in your garden in the summer and autumn they grew and pleased with flowering marigolds, use them as fertilizer. Grind as much as possible and dig up the ground. When planting flowers in the ground, remember that they will save your future plantings from nematodes, wireworms and Colorado potato beetles. Marigolds have a frightening scent. Many pests cannot tolerate it and leave such places. Such fertilizer will improve your site.

Dry some of the "orange". In the spring and summer of next season, you can make an infusion from them and spray cultivated plants that are affected by onion flies, aphids, whiteflies and pest butterflies.

Autumn planting in the garden

What can be planted in the fall before winter? Often these are root crops. Having prepared the beds, sown in the fall can be radishes, carrots, beets, onions, garlic.  This must be done before the first frost. Use mulch or fir spruce branches. If the frosts in your area are severe, prepare cover material. For planting under the winter, carefully select planting material, disinfect and, only after the above procedures, plant it in the ground.

Autumn work in the country in September: what else is worth doing

In the autumn, many gardeners in the country do business, the results of which will be seen only in spring or summer for next year:

  • clean, sharpen and sanitize inventory
  • carry out short-term repairs of garden houses: whitewashing, painting
  • repair fences, hedges, gates, utility rooms
  • canned vegetables and boiled jam
  • dried apples and pears, grapes and plums
  • carry out cleaning of greenhouses and domestic premises
  • lay compost heaps

They try to have time to complete as many tasks as possible so as not to be distracted in the spring, and to prepare for the winter. They do not put off until tomorrow what they can do today.  After all, the spring time is completely different chores: sowing seeds for seedlings, grafting measures, fertilizing, preparing plants and planting them, and a lot of worries for a hard-working summer resident.

What fertilizers to apply in the fall (video)

Having completed all the work, gardeners can breathe a sigh of relief and a sense of accomplishment. Harvested, land prepared, sanitary measures carried out. It remains to drink a cup of green tea with the neighbors, say goodbye and go on a well-deserved winter vacation. Indeed, there are three working seasons ahead, a new crop, pleasant chores, the sun and a good mood.

These flowers do not have a specific appearance, but will be noticeable anywhere due to their color and pleasant aroma. The properties of calendula have long ago shown the usefulness of this plant in medicine, cosmetology, and even in cooking. We complement the characteristics with the beauty of inflorescences and unpretentiousness in care, and we get flowers that are pleasant in many respects, extremely desirable for growing in summer cottages.

The benefits of calendula

Calendula (aka marigolds) belongs to the Asteraceae family. This is a relatively low plant (from 20 to 70 cm), which, however, depending on the variety, may have a rather sprawling bush. Its inflorescences can be from 3 to 8 centimeters in diameter, terry or semi-double and have a color from yellow to bright dark orange. Exactly calendula officinalis flowers  and possess to a greater extent those useful properties that are actively used by traditional and traditional medicine.

Essential oil, volatile, tar and organic acids are far from a complete set of what is included in the plant. Due to the presence of these substances is formed, namely it

  • anti-inflammatory
  • antibacterial (antimicrobial)
  • sedative properties.

From the plant make decoctions for the gastrointestinal tract. Flowers are actively used for washing wounds, scuffs, cracks in the skin, frostbitten or burned areas of the body. The use of calendula is also visible in cosmetology: products based on marigolds are actively used for acne and unnecessary freckles on the face and body.


The coloring substances that make up the petals are used in cooking as a food coloring. They, for example, tint some types of cheese.

Flowers can be bought at the pharmacy, or you can grow it on your own flowerbed, because it is the calendula officinalis that is an cultivated plant for planting in the dachas. In addition, these flowers are unpretentious and bloom to the very frosts.

Growing calendula

If the weather is relatively warm, calendula seeds  can be sown in open ground already in late April - mid-May. The first sprouts should appear in a week. Like marigolds, calendula blooms in 60-70 days from the appearance of the first shoots. Flowers love rich soil, but grow well in ordinary soil with at least a small fertilizer.

Marigolds can be planted in flower beds, rabatka, borders, hanging boxes. Direct sunlight is desirable. But even in partial shade the plant will develop and bloom. Watering is carried out as necessary. In open ground, calendula in general can do only with precipitation.

As a medicinal raw material, calendula flowers are used. They begin to collect in the flowering stage, without waiting for the appearance of seed bolls. So the plant will be additionally stimulated to a new flowering.

Growing calendula  can be produced with the help of seedlings. The plant has a powerful root system that is capable of self-healing, so it tolerates a good pick and transplant. You can plant calendula seeds in closed ground (boxes, greenhouses, greenhouses) a month earlier than usual planting dates, that is, at the end of March - April. In this case, the plants will bloom much earlier.

If autumn has already replaced the hot summer, this does not mean that you need to relax and hide away all the garden tools. This is the time when you need to have time to carry out all the necessary work so that the site successfully wintered and was ready for a new crop. The soil layer needs restoration and recovery, it needs to take a break from summer planting. Trees should be left without dry leaves and especially fruits, they need to remove rotten parts. In a word, there is enough work, and we will talk in more detail about what exactly involves preparing the garden in the fall: what to do in the fall in the garden and the garden?

Preparing the garden for the winter

Preparing a garden in the fall for winter

Just in the fall, the last harvest is completed, namely - parsley, cabbage and root crops - beets and carrots. If they are properly dried, then it will be possible to store and enjoy the taste of vegetables all winter.

All other parts and residues of vegetation must be removed, the soil free of weeds. Do not rush to throw them away! Place temporarily in a compost pit, then use as a very effective fertilizer. Experienced gardeners recommend enriching the soil by sowing rye - it is rye that will saturate the earth with macroelements and prevent weeds from germinating. Fewer and fewer garden plots agree that the garden needs a deep dig before winter. The new direction was called organic farming, and it involves the creation of a balanced ecosystem on its site. Instead of digging, the soil is loosened using the Fokine plane cutter. After this, mulching is carried out with the addition of sawdust and ash, and siderat plants are planted.

Siderata called plants that allow you to improve and restore the composition of the soil, as well as eliminate weeds. For example, the same rye fights against late blight, oats prevent root rot, and soy, clover and sweet clover saturate the earth with nitrogen.

In some areas where winter does not indulge in warm weather and rain, it is recommended to plant vegetable crops in the garden. You need to use swollen seeds - dill, onion, garlic and parsley. If the temperature of the soil has not dropped even below three degrees of heat, and there have not been frosts in the air, then planting these seeds will give excellent and early sprouts of greenery with the arrival of the first heat.

September and October are the most suitable months for attracting the bear to winter. To do this, dig holes in the gardens up to 0.5 meters deep and fill with manure. As soon as frosts come, manure needs to be scattered around the site, thus destroying those little bears that settled down to winter.

The soil near berry shrubs and fruit trees should be dug up, but earth clumps should be left. So the earth will freeze, and all the pests in it will die.

Preparing the garden for winter

All fruit trees in the garden need to be cleaned of old hardened bark. Cover the area around the tree with a large canvas, peel the bark, and then burn it. The soil between the growing trees needs to be loosened, fertilized, and covered with mulch on top. In addition, fruit need pruning, and this must be done before the temperature drops to 5 degrees below zero. Branches that began to break or crack, as well as patients and those that grow inside the entire crown, should be removed. It is forbidden to leave rot, lichen or moss on the trees, as pests settle there for the winter.

Bulbous plants do not like cold weather; they are removed for storage until the end of winter. But such flowers as cornflowers, chrysanthemums, primroses, poppies, calendula, phloxes are just better to plant at the end of October. You need to plant seeds in areas where there is no stagnation of water.

Trees in the garden need whitewashing trunks. For this, a solution prepared from clay with lime is used. Raspberry bushes need to be carefully bent to the surface of the earth and covered with a warm cloth to help withstand severe frosts.

If there is a lawn in the garden, you also need to take care of it. Mowing the grass on the lawn is better in mid-October, then the grass will have time to climb to the first freeze. The lawn can be fed for the winter using potash fertilizers.

When the night temperatures begin to approach 3-5 C, it is time to cover the grapes for the winter. Crush its branches with boards. Then fill them with earth on all sides in bulk up to 40 centimeters

All fallen leaves should be removed from the site. Someone believes that it is not worth touching, and it will protect the roots in the upper layers of the soil. This is allowed only at the discretion of the gardener, if the trees have not suffered scab, powdery mildew and other diseases, the causative agents of which remain on the fallen leaves.

If autumn is dry, then the soil in the garden and vegetable garden can dry out before the onset of frost. This should not be allowed, therefore, water-charging watering is done. Trunk areas are watered with an amount of water at the rate of 50 liters for one square meter of land, but not immediately, but 10-15 liters hourly. So there will be no stagnation and decay of the soil, and moisture will be distributed evenly.

To prevent trees from being damaged by rodents, trunks can be wrapped with unnecessary nylon tights up to half a meter high. Well, if there are evergreens in your garden, then remember that they cannot tolerate snowfalls and accumulations of snowdrifts on branches. To protect the branches, you can tie and regularly shake off the snow cover from them.

The tree trunk circle for the winter also needs to be processed.

Preparing the garden for the winter, and the garden, is a painstaking task. Take it seriously.

Perhaps every child knows these funny red “daisies”, they are so prevalent everywhere: they are easy to meet not only in kindergartens and vegetable gardens, but also in school courtyards, in kindergartens, in city flower beds and in the yards of residential buildings. Well, if not marigold, she will withstand the raids of girls who famously cut off bright fragrant flowers for jewelry: wreaths, beads, rings and other “equipment”.

Calendula or Marigold (Calendula) - herbaceous plants of the Astrov family. The most popular decorative species is Calendula officinalis (Calendula officinalis) - an annual plant with a height of 20 to 80 cm. The flowers most often have a yellow or orange color. The whole plant has a peculiar, refreshing aroma. Due to its medicinal qualities, calendula has long been used in both folk and official medicine.

So I know the marigolds as much as I can remember. These flowers are so familiar that I can not imagine any garden without their presence. In early childhood, I was entrusted with digging the hooked achenes of calendula, along with nasturtium, into the balcony drawers. Later, I remember, coming to the village in the summer, you will tear a whole bowl of fragrant little suns and steam them with boiling water in the bathhouse - the aroma is simply amazing. Indeed, it is believed that by inhaling the smell of calendula flowers, you get rid of all sorts of bad thoughts and even headaches. And how uplifting her orange petals shine! This plant is a true antidepressant.

What could be easier than growing calendula?

Well, perhaps only - not growing anything at all. The ability of marigolds to adapt to different living conditions, any flower can envy. This is one of the most suitable plants for beginner gardeners, both small and large

For planting calendula, any fertile garden soil and open sunny areas are suitable. Although in partial shade she also feels rather well, especially in the very heat, and at that time she looks much more vigorous than those plants that grow in the sun.

Calendula is a cold-resistant plant, tolerates a decrease in temperature to -5. Therefore, you can start sowing as soon as the soil is ready, without fear of return frosts. Nails can also be sown before winter. In the future, they will carefully sow themselves, that is, propagate by self-sowing. I forgive them this prank, and the nails grow on my site, not shy about wherever they want, even on beds with other plants. In addition, the plants tolerate the transplant well at almost any age, so determining them to the right place is not difficult.

By the way, the proximity of calendula is of great benefit to most garden plants:

  • enhances their immunity
  • disinfects the soil on which it grows, thereby preventing the appearance of root rot of vegetable crops, garden strawberries, flowers
  • it helps to fight some pests, for example, repels scoops and cabbage flies from plantings of vegetable and ornamental cabbage. Also, its neighborhood will be especially useful for potatoes, tomatoes, and eggplant.

Calendula care requires minimal.

And yet, I noticed that more decorative varieties of calendula, in particular, with red densely-doubled inflorescences, are more demanding on nutrition and lighting, and will not refuse to be fed with complex mineral fertilizers for flowering plants. In order for the bushes to always look vigorous, lush and bloom profusely, in the hottest time they need to be provided with watering, otherwise they will lose all their decorativeness: the flowers will grow smaller, the terry will disappear, the seeds will begin to set quickly and flowering will completely stop. When the heat recedes, growth will, of course, resume, and the plants will regain their former charm. But we really want them to be like this all season, that's why we water them in a drought.

Collect calendula flower baskets as often as possible and as much as possible, do not be afraid to harm its decorativeness, because the more actively you do this, the more beautiful the plant will become, delighting with bright, plentiful flowering right up to the very frosts.

The properties of calendula are pleasant and beneficial.

By collecting flowers, you not only diversify the collection of home cosmetics, but also replenish the family first-aid kit. The main properties of medicinal calendula are: bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, antispasmodic and choleretic action. It is used in the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity and throat, liver and gall bladder, dermatitis, burns, cholecystitis, neurosis. Helps to cope with headaches, dizziness and increased irritability, as well as increase immunity.

All decorative varieties of calendula officinalis possess therapeutic properties. But the brighter the flower, the higher the content of active substances.

Marigold flower baskets are dried in the shade under a canopy or in dryers at a temperature not exceeding 50 ° C. When they begin to crumble with light pressure, drying is complete.

If you like the scent of calendula flowers, then another spicy seasoning in your kitchen can be more.