Abstract of drawing classes in the technique of printing leaves for the middle group "Golden Autumn

  Tatyana Karnazeyeva
  Summary of classes in drawing in the technique of printing leaves for the middle group "Autumn Gold"

Software tasks:

1. To acquaint children with a new kind of pictorial technology -« Plant Printing» .

2. Develop in children a vision of the artistic image and design through natural forms.

3. Develop a sense of composition.

4. Raise interest in autumnal phenomena of nature, emotional responsiveness to beauty the fall.

Material for classes:

Leaves  different tree species (4-5 species);

Album sheetA4 size;

A set of gouache paints;

Brush, pieces of parallelism;

Glass with water;


Pictures « Golden autumn» ;

Collection basket leaves;

Stencils leaves  from a color cardboard for game.

Preliminary work:

observing autumn  nature while walking, learning poems about the fall, talk about signs the fallviewing illustrations with the image autumn nature.

Lesson progress:

The teacher invites children to listen to the tale of leaflet:

“In one old park there was a lonely tree. Has come autumn. Everything leaves  packed my bags and flew to travel. Bags leaves  were not heavy - just some water to wash, yes a towel. And on one branch there was absolutely small leaflet. He was too small to dare to fly alone. Here he missed, missed, thought and came up with. He sees a passerby walking with a hat. Leaf  plucked up courage and jumped into his hat. Walker did not notice anything. Brought it leaf home. The house was warm and leaf  suddenly became bored and dry. He missed his friends, his tree. He was afraid that he would dry up, curl up into a tube and be thrown away. Then the leaf screamed: "Wind, wind!". The wind was his great friend. He heard the wind screaming and flew into the house. Picked up he leaflet and carried him to the park. In the park, they parted. Wind said goodbye leaflet: “Without a home, no one can live, bored, dries. Never part with your home - the park. ”

Guys, do you know what is called autumn phenomenonwhen trees fall from leaves?

it leaf fall.

Right. Why do trees shed leaves in autumn? (it becomes cold, in winter it will be hard for the twigs to hold leaves and snow, in winter, the tree sleeps, rests).

Nobody tells the tree when to dump foliage. But here comes autumn - and leaves  the trees change their green color to yellow or red and fall off. This is because water freezes and stops flowing into the twigs and leaves. The tree falls asleep for the winter.

Leaves fall in autumn from all trees.. The wind blows them through the streets and parks. The following year, new trees appear on the trees. leaves.

Listen to a poem called « Leaf fall» .

Fallen down foliage conversation is barely audible:

We are with maples ...

With oak ...

From birch ...

Everywhere leaf fall:

Frosts are on the threshold!

- Autumn leaves  on trees they become not only yellow, but also red, orange, brown and even purple. Colour leaves depends onwhich cost weather: the sunnier autumn daysthe brighter the paint. Many artists love draw autumn  nature because of this raznotsveta. Today I want to offer you a picture « Golden autumn» .

Looking at this picture and observing nature while walking, we can make sure that autumn is a great artist, because she herself comes up with outfits for trees, bushes, all of nature, as if arranging a contest with someone leaves are brighter and more beautiful. I want to admire them every day.

How insulting.

Autumn  long thin brush

Repaints leaves.

Red Yellow, golden -

How good are you colored sheet.

And the wind thick cheeks

Nadul, inflated, inflated.

And the variegated trees

Podul, blew, blew!

Red Yellow, gold…

Circled all colored sheet.

I. Mikhailova


« Leaves»

we autumn leaves,

On the branches we sit. Kids shaking leaves in hands above head.

Blew the wind - flew. Running on the spot.

We flew, we flew.

And they sat quietly on the ground. Squat.

The wind came running again

AND picked up everything. Arise, raise hands with leaflets upshake them.

Spun, flew Running on the spot.

And they sat down again on the ground. Sit in their seats.

In our autumn  many different collections leaves. Look at them; I think that you can hardly find two absolutely identical, each leaf  always something different from friend: size, shape, coloring.

(children are considering leaves, choose your favorite).

If you look at leaves carefully, then you can see in each of them a small tree. In the middle leaves pass streak, from which thinner veins - twigs go to the sides. Leaf  like a tree crown. In the lower part sheet  the main vein goes into cuttings. It resembles the trunk.

Today we will be with you draw autumn treesbut in a somewhat unusual way, our leaves - we will print them.

The practical part.

Take whatever you like leaf, paint it with a brush, leaving no empty spaces and not forgetting to paint the edges. We will do this on a separate a sheet of paper.

The painted side is set leaf  on a clean landscape sheet  cutting down and tightly pressed to the paper, trying not to budge.

Then take leaflet  behind the cutting and carefully remove it from the surface of the landscape sheet.

Take the next leafletpaint it a different color and print  elsewhere in the album sheet. Leaf  can be covered not with one color, but different, then imprint  it will turn out two-color.

When the drawing is full leaf prints, we will paint the tree trunks with a brush, imprinted leaf streaks  will remind branches in a colored crown.

You and I got a wonderful autumn  grove with beautiful trees. it leaves - prints, leaving their mark, helped us create such fancy crowns and to draw  such unusual trees.

Round dance "Fly, leafletto me in box.

The selected lead goes to the middle with a basket and he speaks:

Maple leafletfly to my boxfish.

(Kids run up and lay leaves in the basket.)

Autumn  came to visit us,

Rain and wind brought.

The wind is blowing, blowing,

With twigs leaves blows away

Leaves spinning in the wind

And under our feet lie down to us.

Well, we go for a walk

AND collect the leaves.

Publications on the topic:

Integrated lesson in visual activity using ICT “Golden Autumn”  PURPOSE: To cause in children an emotional, joyful attitude towards bright autumn nature by means of the artistic word, music, and works.

Summary of classes on the visual activity for children of the middle group "Autumn"  Abstract classes on the visual activity on the theme "Autumn". prepared by the teacher of additional education Chumova Evgenia Vladimirovna.

Summary of classes on the visual activity for children of the preparatory to the school group "Golden Khokhloma"  Abstract of the lesson on graphic activities for children of the preparatory group for the school Subject: “Golden Khokhloma” Program objectives :.

Abstract of the lesson on graphic activity with the use of unconventional technology for the older group "Golden Autumn"  Software tasks: To acquaint children with a new type of graphic technique - "Printing plants". Develop an artistic vision in children.

  Anna Denisova
  GCD for drawing in the middle group “Autumn leaves”

Theme: " Autumn leaves

Age group: average.

Educational area: "Artistic creativity".

Vocabulary work: activate the words - autumn, autumn leaves, colorful, spinning, autumn leaf carpet, rowan leaves, maple, birch, acacia, oval, round, diagonally from top to bottom; specify - leaf fallpetiole

Preliminary work: watching leaf fallreading poetry about the fall, didactic game "From what tree sheet? ".

Material: toy - Carlson, basket with autumn leaves, gouache of yellow and red color, brushes, jars of water, pink and lemon colored paper.

The prologue.

Carlson comes to visit the children, brings a basket of multi-colored autumn leaves.

Carlson. Hello children, look what a beautiful bouquet I have. I collected these flowers myself.

Tutor Children, do you agree with Carlson? What did he make his bouquet from? Let's consider and name m: from which trees leaflets in a bouquet at Carlson.

Children. With maple, birch, mountain ash, acacia. Carlson. Yes what kind it is leavesif they are colorful? Oh, you! After all leaves  then there are only green ones. What happened to them? Why? What color have become leaves at the birch?

Children help to find birch leafcalling the color rowan?

Main part.

Tutor Kids you liked autumn bouquet of Carlson? Let's give mom and dad the same autumn bouquet of leaves? But first we play with leaves.

Fizkultminutka " Leaves"

We - autumn leaves. Children stand and wag. leaves.

In the trees, in the bushes,

We spent the whole summer,

Blew the wind - flew. Running around, waving leaves.

We flew, we flew -

Everything the leaves are so tired.

The breeze stopped blowing - Squatting, leaves are kept above the head.

Everyone sat down in a circle.

The wind suddenly blew again Scatter along the path.

AND leaves with branches blew away.

Everything leaflets  flew Squatting, leaves are kept above the head.

And they sat quietly on the ground.

Children sit around the easel. The teacher shows the techniques drawing birch leaves and mountain ash.

Tutor Everyone has leaves have a scapewhich he clings to a sprig of a tree. I start paint with a brush tipgradually start paint with a brush. how many leaves  on the stalk of a birch tree? What form leaf? Why me drew a leaf  birch yellow paint. What paint do I need to draw a rowan leaf?

Children. Red.

Tutor how many leaves  on the stalk of ryabinki?

Children. Lot.

Tutor That's right, a lot. One upstairs. And the rest leaveshow are located? Rowan leaves stand in pairslike you and me when we go for a walk. So one sheet, right, other left. I draw them diagonally from top to bottom and lead the brush to the petiole. What kind little leaves you want to draw? The teacher draws the attention of children to what can draw only birch, only mountain ash or birch and mountain ash leaves together.

Final part

After drawing  children lay out pictures on the carpet, admire autumn carpet of leaves. Carlson chooses the most beautiful, brightest, birch or rowan trees leavespraises children

  Ksenia Zubkova

purpose: to acquaint children with a new kind of graphic technology -« leaf print» .


To develop children's imagination and creativity; fine motor skills of hands; sense of composition, color perception;

To fix the ability of children to carefully use the paint when working;

Raise interest in autumnal phenomena of nature, emotional responsiveness to beauty the fall; interest in the process drawing.

Integration of educational areas:

"Artistic creativity", "Music", "Reading Fiction", "Cognition", "Communication", "Physical education".


leaves  different tree species (3 types);

Landscape sheets;

Watercolor paints;



Cups of water;

Preliminary work:

Observations on walk for autumn nature and autumn phenomenon« leaf fall» , talk about signs the fallviewing illustrations with the image autumn nature.

Course classes.

1. Organizational part.

Guys, look, together with you to us in the group flew leaflets. Leaves are not simple, but gold - autumn. What color is painted autumn leaves?

In red, orange and yellow colors.

Guys when they fall off leaves from treesWhat is this phenomenon called?

- Leaf fall.

Yes this leaf fall.

We can not live in the world without miracles

They meet us everywhere.

Magic, autumn and fairy forest

Invites us to visit.

The wind will spin to the song of the rain,

Leaves us under our feet throw.

So beautiful it is time:

Came to us again Miracle - Autumn.

M. Sidorov

Guys, let's fly together like leaflets.

Fizkultminutka « Leaves» :

(Children perform movements to music. Voice coordination with movement.)

Autumn leaves quietly spinning,

(Circling on tiptoe, arms to the side.)

Leaves  our feet lie quietly


And rustle underfoot, rustle,

(Move your arms to the right - left.)

If they want to spin again

(Rise, spin.)

(The children sat at the tables.)

In our autumn  many different collections leaves. Look at them every leaf  something different from other: the size of the form and colors.

(Children view all leaves, choose your favorite.)

Today we will be with you draw autumn leavesbut in a somewhat unusual way, our leaves - we will print them on a piece of paper.

2. The practical part.

1. Take whatever you like. leafpaint it (yellow, orange, etc.)  with a brush, leaving no empty spaces and not forgetting to paint the edges. Do it better on oilcloth.

2. Put the painted side leaf  on a clean landscape sheet  and firmly press it to the paper, trying not to budge, otherwise imprint  will be fuzzy and blurry.

3. Then take leaflet behind the cutting and carefully remove it from the surface of the paper sheet.

4. Take the following leafletpaint it a different color and print  elsewhere in the composition.

But first, let's crush our fingers.

Finger gymnastics « Autumn»

The wind flew through the forest,

(Smooth undulating movements with palms.)

Wind leaves counted:

(They fold one finger on both hands.)

Here are oak,

Here is a maple

Here is a rowan carved,

Here from the birch - gold,

Here is the last leaf with aspen

(Calmly lay your palms on the table.)

Wind threw on the path.

What are we all great! You and I got a wonderful autumn  clearing with beautiful multicolored leaves.

Publications on the topic:

I love you autumn, for unprecedented beauty, for elegant leaves and warmly late. Autumn is the most beautiful season. It is rich in variety.

Summary of drawing classes on the theme: "Golden Autumn" in the second junior group. Non-traditional drawing technique. Unconventional technology.

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