Innovative business. Innovative business ideas

Recently, the term "innovative idea" is becoming more common and at all levels. This, of course, is connected with the objective need to modernize our economy and society. But, what is an innovative idea and how does it differ from the usual idea? Innovation is defined as innovation in the field of technology, technology, organization of labor or management, based on the use of science and advanced experience ... And by the idea we mean a new original idea, which has a certain target orientation and potential social value. From the above definitions it follows that most of the ideas that are new contain innovative elements. However, this is not enough for their definition, as an innovative idea. The main features of the innovation idea are its compliance with the current trend (trend) of the development of the relevant area of ​​business and relevance in the economy. In this and only in this case, the idea becomes innovative.

Novation   - (synonym - innovation) - some kind of innovation that did not exist before: a new phenomenon, discovery, invention, new method of satisfying social needs, etc. In terms of applicability in business, innovation is a “semi-finished product” or component, using which you can create a product that has consumer value and is in demand by consumers. An independent value innovation is only for innovators.

Innovator   - a person who has discovered an innovation (innovation) or who introduces new ideas in any field.

Innovation (Eng. innovation - innovation, innovation) - is the end result of innovation, received implementation in the form of new or improved product or services sold on the market, as well as the technological process used in practice.

Innovation   (innovation) is the result of a successfully commercialized innovation (innovation). Innovations must be new, meet market demand, bring profit to innovators. Commercialization of innovations is the process of bringing innovations to the market in order to make a profit.

this is an implemented innovation that ensures a qualitative increase in the efficiency of processes or products demanded by the market. Is the final result of the intellectual activity of man, his imagination, the creative process, discoveries, inventions and rationalization. An example of innovation is the introduction to the market of products (goods and services) with new consumer properties or a qualitative increase in the efficiency of production systems.

3 Stage of the innovation process.

The stages of innovation processes consist of separate stages, which characterize these stages as part of a single innovation cycle and as a relatively independent element of the cycle with its characteristic set of measures. At the first (initial) stage, fundamental theoretical research, applied research and design development are conducted. At the stage of applied research, the obtained theoretical knowledge acquires a real form in one form or another, since they are embodied in original models of equipment, technology or their individual elements, confirming or, on the contrary, rejecting the possibility of their practical application at the present stage or in the near future. One example of both is the problem of using controlled thermonuclear reaction. The final stage of the research is the design development stage. In the process of development work, the corresponding documentation is formed. At this stage, samples of new products are almost always manufactured for the purpose of subsequent testing.

At the production stage in innovations it is customary to single out two stages: the development of the technological process and its implementation in the production of new products.

The goal of technological development is to prepare for the implementation of the results of development and provide the necessary conditions for this. At this stage, the interaction of science and production is directly carried out, and how quickly this interaction is realized depends on the pace of development of the innovation and the beginning of the normal process of producing new products oriented to one or another of its type — single, serial, mass — depending on market needs. and niches that new products will occupy in the market, taking into account their technological and price competitiveness.

The final stage of the cycle includes two stages: the stage of selling a new product and the stage of its practical use by consumers.

Considering the cycles of the innovation process and their stages and stages, it should be borne in mind that the final stages of the previous innovation cycle should lay the foundation for the initial stages of the next cycle, because only in this case can we speak, first of all, of real continuous innovation activity and secondly, which is also of fundamental importance, about maintaining the competitiveness of products at the proper level, in ensuring that the continuity of the manufacturer plays a significant role in the eyes of consumers, i.e. of the market.

  • ; The main direction is trade. Anyway, 80% of business ideas in small towns are “tied” to trade, and there is a logical explanation for this. If you decide to “enter the same river,” perhaps it makes sense to acquire an existing business. In any case, finding an empty niche with good demand will not be easy at all. A little advice: be careful with a specific product. It can both create a sensation, and due to the weak purchasing power and conservative views of a certain part of the population go unnoticed. A new line of business in small cities in 2017 is the property of bankrupts and debtors of bailiffs. Recently, the number of bankruptcies has increased many times, but few know that the property of debtors is sold through public tenders, where it can often be purchased for a penny. It is especially interesting to acquire property in small towns, as few people there are aware of the offers and know how to work with tenders. For more details, see Oleg Selifanov’s free course. Rental business - renting residential and commercial real estate for rent The main plus of renting residential property is that people always need housing, especially if you consider that you can start a rental business even with a sum of 100 - 200 rubles, this The idea works well in the regions. We recommend to see: 30 strategies of investing and making money on real estate (30 daily lessons for free Business idea - Profitable house (video + business plan Business idea - Daily subletting of apartments 4 main advantages of business ideas with real estate in small towns; rental business requires a minimum participation, it is excellently credited and you can start even with a small personal capital - 100–200 thousand rubles are excellently scaled, the rental income each month is quite a small number of employees, sometimes even coming and going With the simplest qualifications. Opening a business services in small cities custom_block (7, 8940946, 821; The situation in the services sector looks somewhat different. Here it is very important to correctly distinguish between essential services and benefits that do not belong to them. Natural, in a small settlement, the first kind will be in demand, and not the second in any way. For example, a hairdresser with affordable prices and a constant flow of clients, rather than a SPA-salon with a wide range of expensive beauty treatments, will most likely become a profitable business. procedure Along with this, it is not enough to be like everyone else, that is, in our example, like other hairdressing salons. In order for a potential client in the future to give preference to your salon, offer him a small but highlight. This elementary can be a quality service, when a person was not just shaved, but met in a clean room, was friendly with him, offered to wait in a comfortable chair. Repair services (function (w, d, n, s, t (w [n] = w [n] ||; w [n] .push (function ((Ya.Context.AdvManager.render ((blockId: " ra-217220-4 renderto: horizontalalign: false async: true\u003e;); t = d.getElementsByTagName ("script"; s = d.createElement ("script"; s.type = "text / javascript"; s.src = "//"; s.async = true; t.parentNode.insertBefore (s, t;) (this, this.document, "yandexContextAsyncCallbacks"; Another niche that It promises success in a small town - the provision of repair services. There is a simple explanation to this. The income level in the provinces is usually average or below average, therefore nobody here is in a hurry to throw down broken appliances. th communication opening a repair shop with a convenient location and schedule of work has the potential to rely on financial success. In general, business ideas for the city just a huge amount, just enough to look. "\u003e a small gorode893
  • land, as well as various options for subsidies and concessional loans to support rural business. How to start a business in the village and in the village The stereotype that exists in our society that you can make money only in big cities is completely untrue. The village is a promising industry in itself, and now the state is interested in its restoration, which will significantly simplify the task. Living in mudflows, you can self-realize commercial projects in the following areas: Organizing a farm for breeding and growing crops and pets. Production and sale of building materials. Providing services in the field of tourism. Ecotourism, a new direction that brings good money. Internet business. You can always start working as a copywriter and receive 20 thousand rubles. Breeding exotic animals. Why not create an ostrich farm if there is a demand? The presented list is only one hundredth of promising ideas that can be implemented in the village. Even if you do not have land, you can rent it, and the further you are from Moscow, the cheaper it is. Sometimes the rental price may be less than 1000 rubles per hectare. Knowing what to do with the land, you can organize your business with almost 300% profit. The main conditions for success are your desire, minimum start-up capital and having a good idea. Check out the free ideas presented on our website. All issues are resolved without much difficulty. At the initial stage, you can work independently (together with family members and relatives, and then you can offer jobs to fellow villagers. It’s not necessary to register with government agencies — tax inspection, statistics bodies and foundations on the very first day. This can be done when you make sure that the project is profitable and promising. "\u003e in the village and in the village183
  • before the release of the first money. custom_block (1, 21026751, 821; As an option, often they also consider organizing a business on their site, as well as in the garage, except this, if the computer does not scare you - pay attention to business ideas on the Internet for which you only need a computer or a laptop. For some, this small home-based business is still convenient in that it makes it possible to combine household chores with earning money. For mothers on maternity leave, this is often the best option. , sew or even tasty cook Th, someone likes to do crafts from beads and wood, and others to repair cars, etc. But how not cool, home business is the same business and it should be taken very seriously to get more profit and expandability. the main thing is that you do not sell at home, you will need certain costs for the purchase of all the equipment.Of course, without advertising your goods or services, nowhere. From the calculation of all your expenses and incomes, you can determine how much a home business will be profitable and how to increase its efficiency. "\u003e home business175
  • People buy less and repair more Small businesses in the outback of Russia are less affected by the crisis, as many in small towns and villages already live in poverty and are used to be content with small and self-sufficient: their chickens, eggs, potatoes, their tractor, they repair themselves . Therefore, when large cities and businesses in the premium segments and expensive entertainment suffer most from the crisis, they may not even notice in the village and this is a great audience for you - for example, if you work in a city - pay attention to the opportunity to offer your products and services. villagers Features of business organization in times of crisis Many people believe that commercial activities in an unstable economy have no real prospects for development. But it is not. The crisis opens up opportunities for small businesses; you only need to choose the right field of activity. For example, opens a lot of niches for the implementation and development of their business in the field of production and services. During a crisis, you can consistently make a profit by reselling something that will always be in demand: food, especially natural - why not start your own business in the village? Another option is reverse, open a village shop, picking up an assortment that aims to meet the basic needs of the population. What direction has a high chance of success? Each business area is individual and depends on where you are. Here is an example of several areas of earnings: A budding entrepreneur needs to focus on the repair of household appliances, vehicles, etc. In the area of ​​finance, high-yield areas dominate: the provision of microcredits (“payday” money and pawnbroker services. A crisis is a good time for students and young people, any non-ordinary idea can be an excellent foundation for a profitable start-up project. creating a team of real professionals with whom you implement any idea aimed at making a profit. "\u003e in crisis83
  • Real Estate32
  • ; workshop, shoe repair (most importantly, to ensure normal air circulation and the necessary level of artificial lighting; work in the trade sector (not every basement can implement this idea, it will also require a large number of documents; a dressmaking studio (promising business for girls and women If you look at a business in a small or resort town, the basement is an excellent room in which you can organize a business that brings a stable income. Another idea of ​​such a business will be a quest room, This project does not require large investments, but it can bring huge profits. Look at these and other ideas, they are available for free on our website. With them, you can start earning almost any amount in your pocket and go to the desired financial freedom. "\u003e in the basement, in the basement24
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Does it seem to us that in the future everything will be better and much cheaper? This question is painted in very subjective colors of situational perception. Nevertheless, it is exactly the future that awaits the market. And the next question concerns how to generate and implement innovative business ideas so that our company is included in the estimated future? To do this, you need to understand, what are these ideas, where and how to find their sources, how to organize a stream of events that would allow a business to enter the commercialization stage and achieve market success?

The concept of innovative ideas

Let's try to figure out what distinguishes a common idea from business ideas that are focused on innovation. To do this, let's go in order to narrow the scope of application of the conceptual field. On the one hand, the very word “idea”, having an ancient Greek origin (idea), is very close to the concept of thought. It implies a certain notion, inference, a form of comprehension of a perceived phenomenon, a favorable image of the future, the present and even the past. On the other hand, the idea perceives a definite intention, an intention to carry out an action in a special new way. Therefore, the idea is often associated with the invention, the creative process of finding a new solution or a device of something.

In the context of our topic, we consider not just an abstract idea, but an image of a new product, service or process (hereinafter “product”). This product should be the result of innovation in the process of its commercialization, that is, in the course of innovation. At the same time, we must understand that in addition to innovations in business there may be a large number of innovations that do not concern the commercial sector of the economy. Examples include innovations in the educational sphere, in the field of state-building, in the sphere of social and humanitarian relations, in defense systems, armed forces, etc. But we are focusing precisely on the ideas of creating an innovative business - the kind of activity that aims to make a profit on the commercial use and implementation of innovative products.

We agree that, for the purposes of this article, we consider innovative ideas as systemic conclusions that concern not only the images of certain objects or technologies, but are also perceived with respect to the corresponding market relations. Since the entrepreneurial sense for such ideas is paramount, the question of how the market responds to innovations becomes a priority position among the estimated parameters. Nevertheless, an idea can be taken by a business to be implemented at any stage of the innovation process and at any level, regardless of authorship.

  1. At the level of strategic marketing.
  2. At the level of search research works.
  3. At the level of applied research and OCD.
  4. At the stage of direct commercialization.

In Russia, entrepreneurship has a great potential of resourcefulness and is able not only to generate, but also to embody progressive ideas and all sorts of ways of activity that allow it to simply survive. Take, for example, tax planning and the shadow economy: there activity is very high, and a great many ideas rotate. This indicates that the desire for innovation in Russian reality is present. Another question is whether the business has the appropriate motives and incentives for innovation? New business ideas can usually be sent:

  • for research and development work;
  • search for a product (product, service) for the invention being created or purchased;
  • to improve or reengineer business processes;
  • to search for the concept of promotion and implementation model;
  • to find a way to mobilize market tools necessary for the success of innovation.

Sources of business ideas

The process of commercialization of innovation goes through several cyclical stages, among which the birth of ideas takes the first place. Suppose we are talking about creating a fundamentally new, innovative product that runs the entire chain from the original author's idea to mass production and marketing. The role of the author in this case is dominant. He is also the leader-inspirer, and the initiator of scientific, design and all other research and implementations, including the laboratory, pilot-operational and production stage.

However, one author's activity is obviously not enough. Next should be an entrepreneur. Ideally, if he also possesses production facilities, has developed resources in the direction of marketing, promotion and sales, becomes an investor and provides an adequate financial flow. In practice, the innovation process develops in stages. Below is a model of cyclical stages of commercialization, in which several interested parties can participate, which is often more justified.

Cyclical model of commercialization of innovation

  1. An idea gains value only as it is commercialized. The further it has progressed to a full-fledged market implementation, the higher its value.
  2. Essentially, the value of the embodied intent is determined by the amount of risk that the entrepreneur undertakes when he enters the innovation process regarding the proposed idea.
  3. The level of participation of the author in future profits depends on the form and scale of the business in which the innovative idea will be realized.

How does an innovative business idea come about? What is its formation: art, random act of genius creation or technology? Until recently, it was believed that authorship, including in the technical field, is a unique phenomenon arising from the confluence of multiple, including random circumstances. However, modern management technologies, which have already taken root in Russia, allow an innovative idea to put what is called a stream in a business context.

Of course, the quality, uniqueness, breakthrough meaning of the idea is lost. But in most cases, a business does not require an impeccable “blue ocean strategy”. Pioneering developments and implementations are often too risky and prohibitively expensive, and therefore a defensive strategy can be advantageous. In this regard, among the personified sources of the formation of innovative ideas are the following.

  1. The scientists engaged in fundamental theory or applied development in a narrow research field or at the intersection of scientific fields.
  2. Businessmen for whom the word "impossible" does not exist.
  3. Industry-leading competitors.
  4. Sales staff, dealers, sales representatives, etc.
  5. Active employees, sometimes young professionals, motivated for career growth.
  6. Loyal or, conversely, infinitely demanding customers.

According to the method of formation and implementation of the sources of business ideas are as follows:

  • own breakthrough ideas-finds;
  • unique patent-protected technical solutions to be re-designed with parallel patent registration;
  • cloning an idea using elements of industrial espionage or attracting a carrier of know-how;
  • transformational addition to the previously implemented idea;
  • compilation of several ideas without deep processing of their sources;
  • the formation of the hybrid idea at the junction of the latest knowledge, scientific and practical solutions.

Methods for producing ideas and forms of implementation

Suppose an innovative business idea is close to maturing, and it must be understood in the creative group. Perhaps the idea requires refinement, interpretation. It is likely that the idea is only intended, or there are several fairly extensive hypotheses that require development and selection. Management science for these purposes offers the use of many universal methods. We will give separate attention to practically each of them, in this article we will limit ourselves to a simple listing.

  1. Brainstorming method. Authorship belongs to Alex Osborne.
  2. William Gordon Synectic Method.
  3. The technology of drawing up mental maps of Tony Buzan.
  4. MFI (focal object method) Charles Whiting.
  5. The Six Hats Method by Edward de Bono.
  6. The method of morphological analysis of Fritz Zwicky.
  7. The method of "indirect strategies" by Peter Schmidt and Brian Eno.
  8. Delphi method.
  9. SCAMPER creativity technique by Bob Eberle.
  10. TRIZ Heinrich Altshuller.

Among the local techniques that help develop a solution for the formulation of ideas, I propose to highlight:

  • the technique of a trap for ideas, when practically all incoming thoughts are recorded on a dictaphone or in a notebook for a certain time;
  • the technique of using the principle of incubation, when a given mental program gives a solution from the subconscious mind at the most unexpected moment: in the soul, in the subway, in a dream, etc .;
  • technique of systematization of ideas based on the construction of matrix structures.

The implementation of innovative ideas is implemented through certain organizational forms that are appropriate to classify according to the signs of the business scale, the stage of the life cycle. So, a business idea can be translated into:

  • in the form of an innovative project in a large company;
  • through a specialized small innovative business that has reached the stage of late “childhood” or even “youth” according to I. Adizes;
  • through innovations in small business, implemented in the form of an innovative startup.

In Russia, start-ups began to actively develop in the early 2000s under the patronage of the state. They have features that distinguish them in the small innovative business environment. First of all, this is the potential for rapid growth, the rate of which is significantly higher than that of a conventional innovation in a small business. As a rule, startups use an offensive rather than a defensive strategy, so the risks for this form are much higher. The issue of securing financing is quite complicated, and a special financial infrastructure is being created under its decision.

We are completing a review article on the generation of ideas in innovative entrepreneurship. All ideas, being accepted for implementation, ultimately have a project embodiment. I emphasize once again: despite the fact that the author drives the “cartridge into the barrel” (idea), only the entrepreneur can push the “trigger” because he is responsible for the commercialization of the main idea of ​​the innovation.

Innovation - this term means something most demanded by the market at the moment, an idea that is qualitatively different from the trivial. This is not necessarily nano-technology, but simply a matter that will have high demand in the current economic conditions.

Today, innovative business ideas are, for example:

  • vegetarian cafe;
  • 3D modeling office;
  • vape shops;
  • production of luminous paving slabs, etc.

Features of innovative business

First: they often work on the principle of "pan or gone." Those. either the idea immediately “shoots at the target”, and the entrepreneur receives a large income and consumer recognition. Either the business is slowed down and eventually burns through. You can win by finding a niche that is not yet occupied, which will also be in demand. Is it possible? Full Of course, we will not provide such innovative ideas for small businesses, but we will try to bring you to this with our own tips and ideas. After all, you can modernize ordinary, not very interesting projects and come up with something ultramodern.

The second unique feature is the lack of competition. But this is only possible given the fact that you will find a unique niche. And then: it will be possible to work without competitors only for the first time, because an interesting idea will not be ignored. And soon similar companies will start to appear. Therefore, your task is to have time to create a unique product during this time and win consumer confidence.

Innovative business and its development is the key to the development of the country's economy. After all, new technologies are the foundation of modern society, which constantly requires new products in all areas. And if you correctly meet these needs, you can become a successful entrepreneur in the field of innovative technologies.