Proper water intake during the day. Learn how to drink water during the day to lose weight quickly

How to drink water during the day, does its temperature matter, can you drink water with water?

Normally, an adult’s body is sixty-five percent water.

By fifty years, this figure drops to fifty-seven. percent.

The lack of water gradually leads to dehydration, which leads to illness and leads to premature aging.

General malaise and headache are the first signs of dehydration. Joint pain, fever, weakness, heartburn, anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue are also possible.

If you drink the water correctly, you can significantly improve your health and even stop the aging process.

How to drink water

  • On the day you need to drink thirty milliliters of water per kilogram of weight. If the weight is fifty kilograms, then the daily rate is one and a half liters of water. It is water. Other liquid drinks, such as tea, coffee, lemonade, do not saturate the body with moisture, but on the contrary, contribute to its removal and accelerate the process of dehydration.
  • The temperature of drinking water should be about thirty degrees. Too cold water causes the body to spend a large amount of energy on the process of its absorption.
  • Water is a powerful energy system, but if water is coffee, tea, drinks, it is already water bound and does not work. The body must release this water from these impurities and only pure water passes into the cell.
  • Start and end the day with a glass of drinking water. It is right to drink water thirty minutes before a meal, or one and a half to two hours after it. Can I drink food while eating? During a single sip, after eating, if you have eaten meat, then at least you can drink it in two hours, after porridge - in an hour and a half. You can only drink water with lemon, preferably warm, with food. If you drink down while eating your body is dehydrated.
  • In hot weather it is recommended to drink one or two glasses of water before going out. But in the heat of a heavy drink causes the opposite effect: increases sweating and leads to dehydration.
  • During a cold or after experiencing stress, it is necessary to increase the daily water intake by one and a half times.
  • Do not drown out the feeling of hunger with water. Water dilutes digestive enzymes and disrupts digestion.

It is important to know

Cold drinks, drinks with ice, including cold water, reduce the time that food stays in the stomach from four to five hours to twenty minutes. By the way, this property is successfully used by cunning manufacturers of fast food, which offer to wash down food with very cold drinks.

As a result, a person cannot feel satiety and eats much more food than he needs. Hence the problem of most fast food lovers - obesity.

In addition, the load on the intestines increases, which can provoke its inflammation and dysbacteriosis.

Dear readers of the blog "Be healthy" watch the video: "The great mystery of water"

Rapid weight loss is possible if you observe proper nutrition and drink enough water. There are disagreements about how to properly drink water during the day to lose weight. Why is water important for fat loss? Let's see what role she plays. Water makes up about 70% of our body, and the liver is 95% liquid.

Water transfer of nutrients in the liver helps rid the body of toxins. It promotes the absorption of water-soluble vitamins, and regulates body temperature. Water lubricates the joints, helps digestion and promotes healthy skin. She is involved in the chemical reaction of cells. The kidneys have the ability to excrete up to 1 liter of water per hour.

Important! High fluid intake can cause hyponatremia. This phenomenon is characterized by a significant decrease in the level of sodium in the body.

It is also believed that too much fluid intake causes an imbalance of salts in the body, and potassium levels are disturbed. Such disorders cause vomiting, nausea, fatigue and headache. Therefore, trying to lose weight in this way should accurately calculate how much you need to drink water to lose weight.

How many liters of water do you need per day

The statement "if you drink a lot of water you can lose weight" is correct, only with proper use. The amount depends on your body type, level of fitness, nutrition and timely sleep.

It is important to consume a sufficient amount of carbohydrates and proteins, especially for people with an increased level of physical activity. Insufficient use of these substances and a large amount of water will cause dehydration of the body (headache and dizziness).

With minimal activity, it is necessary to drink 2 liters of liquid per day, divided into 8 doses of 250 ml. But, the researchers say that you can drink up to 4 liters.

Consider how to drink water to lose weight on the example of a woman and a man weighing 70 kg, physical activity of both is 1 hour per day.

Attention! The general rule is: the heavier a person is, the more fluid you need to drink.

One of the possible calculations to find out the amount of fluid consumed per day for weight loss:

  • for a woman: (70 kg * 0.03) + (1 hour * 0.4) = 2.1 + 0.4 = 2.5 l;
  • for a man: (70 kg * 0.04) + (1 hour * 0.6) = 2.8 + 0.6 = 3.4 l.

The hydration calculator helped determine the required amount of fluid consumed per day.

Note!  These calculations are not suitable for everyone. Requires an individual approach and health monitoring.

Consider the basic rules:

  1. Drink water consciously. Thirst means dehydration.
  2. Never drink immediately after exercise. Take a few sips, wetting the mouth.
  3. If drinking causes nausea, add mint or a slice of citrus fruit for flavor.

Follow these tips and watch the amount of fluid to not harm the body.

Manual therapist and neurologist Dmitry Shubin in the program of Elena Malysheva claims that the first glass of water should be drunk immediately after waking up. It compensates for the deficiency of moisture that occurs overnight, improves intestinal peristics. There are three basic rules for Malysheva:

  1. In the morning on an empty stomach drink a glass of water. Start the metabolism, only then have breakfast.
  2. Start eating in less than 20 minutes.
  3. Drink warm water.

It is important to reduce salt intake so that hands and feet do not swell. Interventional cardiologist Herman Geldman recommends drinking a glass of water an hour and a half before bedtime. Dehydration of the body at night can lead to weight gain, heart attack, blood clot.

Lemon water against excess weight

In a study in 2011, regarding weight loss with lemon, it was published that people who drank 2 glasses of liquid before each meal lost more weight. Water fills a place in the stomach, thereby reducing the consumption of calories and carbohydrates, weight is reduced.

The chemical substance of lemon - polyphenol, limits the increase in adipose tissue. Contained 49 mg of potassium in the juice of one lemon, improve metabolism and digestion. The juice of one lemon contains almost a quarter of the daily requirement of vitamin C, which is useful for weight loss.

Is it possible to lose weight if you drink water with the addition of juice or lemon segments? Of course, this fruit contains almost no calories. Replace your favorite drinks (coffee, tea, soft drinks) with water with a slice of lemon. Drinking it on an empty stomach improves metabolism, which contributes to easier weight loss. Drink lemon water in the morning or evening, as well as when you feel heavy in the stomach.

Ready to try a quick way to lose weight? Do it right

Did you know that the human body often confuses hunger and thirst? This is the main reason why most people are constantly dehydrated and consume a lot of food, when in fact the body requires fluid. Then people wonder why weight gains so easily.

Eliminate overeating forever by drinking plenty of fluids. It is not necessary to comply with the schedule of reception from the first day of weight loss, if you can not. Need to get used gradually. So there will be more benefits and less harm to the body.

Consider how to drink water in time:

  1. Drink the first glass immediately after the morning rise from sleep.
  2. A second serving of liquid after an hour at breakfast time to improve digestion. You can add lime, mint, cucumber.
  3. The following liquid intake divided by 6 times. That is, you need to drink a glass every 1-1.5 hours.

Heavy sweating after exercise leads to dehydration. If you give the workout about 2 hours a day, an hour before lunch, drink 2 cups of liquid.

Important! Try to drink all the water until 18:00 to prevent night trips to the toilet.

Try this way of losing weight during the month and you will see amazing results! Your energy levels will be high and stable throughout the day. No need for expensive supplements using the amazing properties of this life-giving liquid!

Everyone knows how important water is in our bodies. . Scientists, not once, it was proved that a person is 70% of it consists of it. Any diet, methods of rejuvenation and care for natural beauty are based on a sufficient rate of consumption of pure water for the body. On average, it is 2 liters per day. It is about ordinary drinking water, and not about all liquids in general. Juices, fruit drinks, broths or milk are not included in the daily rate. Dehydration can lead to irreversible effects. And so that this does not happen, it is worth to drink water during the day correctly.

When do you need to drink water?

First, it will increase your night trips to the restroom. And, secondly, it can cause swelling.

But, if you do not suffer from such problems, then water before bed will help to avoid a heart attack and cramps.

Daily rate

On average, the daily rate of water is two liters. Dehydration of the body threatens with irreversible processes and problems. It should be understood that during hot weather or intense physical exertion, the amount of water you drink should increase. As with perspiration, the body loses more moisture.

But, it is worth considering that if you plan to walk through the hot streets, then you should drink a glass of water shortly before going out. Since intensive consumption of water, at the time of walking and when your body is hot, will lead to increased perspiration and dehydration.

Also, your love of caffeine, alcohol or tobacco can be an occasion to increase the daily water intake. All these habits adversely affect your body and it is worth washing it with clean water.

How to clean the water

Undoubtedly, almost every home has modern filters that provide thorough water purification, but this is not always enough.

There are several more water treatment options for full effect:

  1. Freezing. Pour water into the bottle and wait until the icing half of the liquid. Everything else is drained. Clean water will freeze first, and you have drained all the garbage.
  2. Silicon cleaning. In the purified water filter, put the silicon and it will help arrange an intensive cleaning.
  3. Infusion. Leave the water in an open dish for a day, and all unnecessary components will evaporate.
  4. Boiling. Heat treatment for an hour will help to go through another stage of water cleaning.

Water consumption during exercise

A glass of water an hour before a workout will not hurt you - doctors say. During the workout it is worth drinking a little, but often. After training, you need to drink water as much as your body requires, until the fluid is completely restored.

Drinking too cold water is not worth it. This will lead to disturbances in the body. This should not be forgotten in the summer in hot weather.

Try to drink water at a moderate temperature, which is slightly refreshing.

But warm water also has unpleasant consequences. It leads to gas formation, so it is important to observe the temperature balance.

Sparkling water is not clean and you should not expect that by enjoying your favorite soda you will replenish the daily fluid balance.

Beneficial features

Few people know that water can help deal with a headache.

If you have such a problem, do not rush to take medicine. Perhaps drinking a glass of natural water will relieve you of unpleasant sensations.

Water is no good if you combine it with a meal. This will lead to dehydration. If you can’t give up such addiction at all, then drink warm water with lemon juice. The benefits of this will not increase, but the negative effects will be less.

Signs of dehydration

Pain in the head, malaise, changes in the condition - the first signs of dehydration.

Sometimes, it can lead to depression, mental fatigue, convulsions, heartburn.

With age, the percentage ratio of water in the body decreases and this causes aging, both external and moral. Full daily intake of water you drink will help to slow down this unpleasant process and continue youth.

Drink water throughout the day properly and stay healthy.