The main types of educational activities Uud. Guidelines "Formation of universal educational activities

Practical work No. 3

Made by Platonov D.A. IN-15.

1. UUD: definition, functions, types.

The concept of "universal learning activities"

In a broad sense, the term "universal learning activities" means the ability to learn, that is, the ability of the subject to self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience.

The student's ability to independently successfully assimilate new knowledge, to form skills and competencies, including the independent organization of this process, i.e. the ability to learn, is ensured by the fact that universal learning actions as generalized actions open up the possibility for students to have a broad orientation both in various subject areas and in the structure of the educational activity itself, including the awareness of its target orientation, value-semantic and operational characteristics. Thus, the achievement of the ability to learn involves the full development of all components of learning activity by students, which include: cognitive and learning motives, learning goal, learning task, learning activities and operations (orientation, transformation of material, control and evaluation). The ability to learn is an essential factor in increasing the effectiveness of students mastering subject knowledge, the formation of skills and competencies, the image of the world and the value-semantic foundations of personal moral choice.

Functions of universal learning activities:

Ensuring the student's ability to independently carry out learning activities, set learning goals, seek and use the necessary means and ways to achieve them, control and evaluate the process and results of activities;

creation of conditions for the harmonious development of the personality and its self-realization on the basis of readiness for continuous education; ensuring the successful assimilation of knowledge, the formation of skills, abilities and competencies in any subject area.

Personal UUD provide a value-semantic orientation of students (the ability to correlate actions and events with accepted ethical principles, knowledge of moral norms and the ability to highlight the moral aspect of behavior), as well as orientation in social roles and interpersonal relationships. In relation to educational activities, three types of actions should be distinguished:

self-determination - personal, professional, life self-determination;

sense formation - the establishment by students of a connection between the purpose of educational activity and its motive, in other words, between the result of learning and what motivates the activity, for the sake of which it is carried out. The student must ask himself the question of “what is the meaning, the meaning of the teaching for me”, and be able to find an answer to it;

· moral and ethical orientation - the action of moral and ethical evaluation of the content being assimilated, providing a personal moral choice based on social and personal values.

Regulatory UUD provide students with the organization of their learning activities. These include the following:

goal-setting - as setting a learning task based on the correlation of what is already known and learned by the students, and what is still unknown;

planning - determining the sequence of intermediate goals, taking into account the final result; drawing up a plan and sequence of actions;

Forecasting - anticipation of the result and the level of assimilation; its temporal characteristics;

control in the form of comparing the method of action and its result with a given standard in order to detect deviations from it;

correction - making the necessary additions and adjustments to the plan and method of action in the event of a discrepancy between the expected result of the action and its real product;

assessment - the selection and awareness by students of what has already been learned and what is still to be learned, assessing the quality and level of assimilation;

self-regulation as the ability to mobilize forces and energy; the ability to make an effort of will - to make a choice in a situation of a motivational conflict and to overcome obstacles.

Cognitive UUD includes general educational, logical actions, as well as the actions of setting and solving problems.

General educational universal actions:

Independent selection and formulation of a cognitive goal;

search and selection of the necessary information; application of information retrieval methods, including using computer tools;

structuring of knowledge;

conscious and arbitrary construction of a speech statement in oral and written form;

selection of the most effective ways of solving problems depending on specific conditions;

Reflection of methods and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the process and results of activities;

semantic reading; understanding and adequate assessment of the language of the media;

· formulation and formulation of the problem, independent creation of activity algorithms in solving problems of a creative and exploratory nature.

Sign-symbolic actions constitute a special group of general educational universal actions:


transformation of the model in order to identify the general laws that define this subject area.

Boolean generic actions:

· analysis;


comparison, classification of objects according to selected features;

summing up the concept, deducing consequences;

Establishing causal relationships;

building a logical chain of reasoning;

· proof;

Hypotheses and their justification.

Statement and solution of the problem:

formulation of the problem;

Independent creation of ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature.

Communicative UUD provide social competence and taking into account the position of other people, a partner in communication or activity, the ability to listen and enter into a dialogue; participate in a group discussion of problems; integrate into a peer group and build productive interactions and collaborations with peers and adults. The types of communicative actions are:

planning of educational cooperation with the teacher and peers - determination of goals, functions of participants, ways of interaction;

Asking questions - proactive cooperation in the search and collection of information;

conflict resolution - identification, identification of the problem, search and evaluation of alternative ways to resolve the conflict, decision-making and its implementation;

management of the partner's behavior - control, correction, evaluation of the partner's actions;

the ability to express one's thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication, possession of monologue and dialogic forms of speech in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic norms of the native language.

2. Stages of UUD formation in the educational process.

It is known that the formation of any personal neoplasms - skills, abilities, personal qualities - is possible only in activity (L.S. Vygotsky). At the same time, the formation of any skills, including universal learning activities (UUD), goes through the following stages:

1. Primary experience of performing UUD and motivation.

2. Mastering how this UUD should be performed.

3. Training, self-control and correction.

4. Control.

This is how schoolchildren learn to write and count, solve problems and examples, use a geographical map and a musical instrument, sing and draw. They must go through the same path when forming UUD, but the studied algorithms of actions will no longer be narrowly subjective, but oversubjective in nature: mastering the norms of goal setting and design, self-control and correction of their own actions, information search and work with texts, communicative interaction, etc.

Therefore, in order to form any UUD in the educational system for students, the following path is proposed that each student goes through:

1) at first, when studying various academic subjects, the student forms the primary experience of performing UUD and the motivation for its independent implementation;

2) based on the existing experience, the student acquires knowledge about the general way of performing this UUD;

4) in the end, the control of the level of formation of this UUD and its systematic practical use in educational practice, both in the classroom and in extracurricular activities, is organized.

3. Technologies for the formation and development of UUD in teaching computer science. Formation of regulatory, communicative, personal and cognitive UUD based on the didactic system of the activity method of teaching in computer science lessons

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, the content section of the main educational program determines the general content of education and includes educational programs focused on achieving personal, subject and meta-subject results that are achieved in the process of forming universal learning activities (UUD) aimed at developing the ability of the subject of education to self-development and self-improvement by conscious and active appropriation of new social experience. The development of the foundations of the ability to learn (the formation of universal educational activities) is defined by the Federal State Educational Standard as one of the most important tasks of education.

In the process of forming UUD, schoolchildren learn to independently pose educational problems, find ways to solve them, control and evaluate the process and results of activities, which ensures the successful assimilation of knowledge, the formation of skills and competencies in any subject area and thereby creates an opportunity for the successful implementation of students in their future professional career. activities.

Consider all types of universal educational activities and their development in informatics lessons.

Communicative UUD provide social competence and conscious orientation of students to the positions of other people (primarily a partner in communication or activity), the ability to listen and engage in dialogue, participate in a collective discussion of problems, integrate into a peer group and build productive interaction and cooperation with peers and adults.

Computer science as a subject has a number of distinctive features from other academic disciplines, as well as conditions that allow you to successfully form communicative UUD:

1) the availability of special technical means, primarily a personal computer for each student, as well as office equipment and multimedia devices involved in the educational process;

2) the computer class in which the lessons are held is organized in a special way: each student has not only an individual workplace, but also access to shared resources; answers at the blackboard are practiced much less frequently than in other lessons;

3) it is in computer science lessons that active independent activity, the creation of one's own, personally significant product, can be naturally organized by the teacher;

4) the subject of computer science is distinguished by the initial high motivation of students.

The development of communicative UUD occurs in the process of performing practical tasks involving work in pairs, as well as laboratory work performed by a group.

For the diagnosis and formation of communicative universal educational actions, the following types of tasks can be offered: compiling tasks for a partner; feedback on the work of a friend; group work on the development of presentations; group work on drawing in graphic editors, various games and quizzes.

Regulatory UUD provide the ability to manage cognitive and learning activities through setting goals, planning, monitoring, correcting one's actions and assessing the success of assimilation. The ability to set personal goals, understand and realize the meaning of one's activity, while correlating it with the requirements of the outside world, determines to a large extent the success of the individual in general and success in the educational sphere in particular. A consistent transition to self-government and self-regulation in educational activities provides the basis for future professional education and self-improvement.

So, in the activity form, the essence of regulatory actions can be represented as follows:

The ability to formulate own learning goals - the goals of studying this subject in general, when studying a topic, when creating a project, when choosing a topic for a report, etc.

Ability to make decisions, take responsibility, for example, be the leader of a group project; make a decision in case of a non-standard situation, let's say a failure in the system.

Implement an individual educational trajectory.

It is very important that each student is involved in an active cognitive process, putting into practice the acquired knowledge and clearly realizing where, how and for what purposes this knowledge can be applied to them. This contributes to the development of personal UUD in students, forms and maintains interest in educational material, encourages the child to ask questions, which ultimately contributes to the development of a sustainable interest in the world around him, the formation of a positive attitude towards himself and others. Ultimately, all this forms in students the desire to perform learning activities.

Personal UUD - provide a value-semantic orientation of students (the ability to correlate actions and events with accepted ethical principles, knowledge of moral standards and the ability to highlight the moral aspect of behavior) and orientation in social roles and interpersonal relationships. In relation to educational activities, two types of actions should be distinguished:

The action of meaning formation, i.e., the establishment by students of a connection between the purpose of educational activity and its motive, in other words, between the result of learning, and what stimulates the activity, for the sake of which it is carried out;

The action of moral and ethical evaluation of the content being digested, based on social and personal values, providing a personal moral choice.

The personal development of a student implies, first of all, the formation of a person as an autonomous carrier of universal human experience, forms of behavior and activity, which:

Understands the system of socially accepted signs and symbols that exist in modern culture (sign-symbol universal learning activities);

Owns the techniques of volitional self-regulation, goal-setting and planning (regulatory UUD);

Able to cooperate, influence the behavior of a partner or group (communicative UUD).

Personal actions make learning meaningful, provide the student with the significance of solving educational problems, linking them with real life goals and situations. Personal actions are aimed at understanding, researching and accepting life values ​​and meanings, allow you to orient yourself in moral norms, rules, assessments, develop your life position in relation to the world, people around you, yourself and your future. When teaching computer science, in our opinion, the formed personal UUD will look like this:

Cognitive UUD - cognitive actions include the actions of research, search and selection of the necessary information, its structuring; modeling of the studied content, logical actions and operations, ways of solving problems. Based on this definition, we can conclude that these are the main actions formed in the lessons of informatics, the main purpose of which is to teach how to effectively select and process information from different sources.

In accordance with this description of universal educational activities and the recommendations of the Federal State Educational Standard, one of the best teaching methods is the project method, which involves students receiving some new product in the course of independent learning activities. In computer science lessons, the project method turns out to be convenient for use, as it allows teaching the use of some specific information and communication technologies in solving practical problems. On the one hand, students independently acquire knowledge on one of the topics of the course "Computer Science and ICT", and on the other hand, they master new technologies for working with software products. At the same time, additional motivation is not required to study the software necessary for the work. Let's consider one of these projects in more detail.

Reception "Brainstorm"

When working, I pay attention to the hierarchy of questions that accompany each stage of the Brainstorm:

topic "Number systems", 6th grade.

I level

- What number systems are most common in life?

II level

What number system does a computer use and why?

III level

- What actions can be performed in different number systems?

For the formation of regulatory UUD I use various sheets of self-assessment, mutual assessment.

At the end of the learning project, the student receives three equivalent grades: self-assessment, teacher's assessment, and class average.

It is implemented like this. First, the author speaks with an analysis of his work, then the “defender”, “critic” speak: identifying the shortcomings and merits of the work. All students participate in the discussion. The last to analyze the work is the teacher. At the end of the performance, all participants put marks in the "evaluation sheets".

Regulatory actions provide the ability to control cognitive and learning activities. A consistent transition to self-government and self-regulation in educational activities provides the basis for future professional education and self-improvement.

In the block of universal actions of a cognitive orientation, I pay special attention to the development of the ability to compose texts of various genres, the choice of the most effective ways to solve problems, and the ability to structure knowledge.

Essay Writing Reception

"Internet. Friend or foe?

The answer to this difficult question is endless. And argue until hoarseness, who is right. Of course, for me, the Internet is still a friend. He acts like a friend. If I don't understand something, he will always explain. If I have a question, he will answer, and almost without hesitation. I want to go to the cinema, theater - please, he is right there. Order tickets, choose a cinema or a movie.

An example of a task for universal logical actions.

Five athletes participated in the running competition. Victor failed to take first place. Gregory was overtaken not only by Dmitry, but by another athlete who lagged behind Dmitry. Andrei reached the finish line not the first, but not the last either. Boris finished right behind Viktor.

Who ranked in the competition?

The technology of project activity contributes to the development of students' cognitive skills, the ability to independently construct their knowledge and navigate the information space.

For the implementation of the educational project, I consider the use of graphic methods to be a good solution: a mental map, a Fishbone scheme, a denotative graph.

Computer science lessons and subject courses provide opportunities for cooperation - the ability to hear, listen and understand a partner, perform joint activities in a coordinated manner, conduct a discussion, dialogue, seek solutions, support each other, thus communicative actions are carried out.

In a broad sense, the term "universal learning activities" means the ability to learn, that is, the ability of the subject to self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience; a set of student actions that ensure his cultural identity, social competence, tolerance, the ability to independently acquire new knowledge and skills, including the organization of this process. The ability to learn is an essential factor in increasing the effectiveness of students mastering subject knowledge, the formation of skills and competencies, the image of the world and the value-semantic foundations of personal and moral choice.

IN. Punsky gives the following definition of the ability to learn: "Assimilated methods of educational cognitive activity become skills (they also include automated skills - skills), which constitute the synthesized concept of the ability to learn."

In a narrower sense, this term can be defined as a set of student actions (as well as related learning skills) that ensure his ability to independently acquire new knowledge and skills, including the organization of this process.

The universal nature of educational actions is manifested in the fact that they are of an over-subject, meta-subject nature; ensure the integrity of the general cultural, personal and cognitive development and self-development of the individual; ensure the continuity of all stages of the educational process; underlie the organization and regulation of any activity of the student, regardless of its specially-subject content. Universal learning activities provide the stages of assimilation of educational content and the formation of the student's psychological abilities.

Such a student's ability to independently successfully assimilate new knowledge, skills and competencies, including the independent organization of the assimilation process, that is, the ability to learn, is ensured by the fact that universal learning actions as generalized actions open up the possibility of a broad orientation of students, both in various subject areas and in the structure the educational activity itself, including the students' awareness of its target orientation, value-semantic and operational characteristics. Thus, the achievement of "the ability to learn" involves the full development of all components of educational activity, which include: 1) cognitive and learning motives, 2) learning goal, 3) learning task, 4) learning activities and operations (orientation, transformation of material, control and grade) . “The ability to learn” is a significant factor in increasing the effectiveness of students mastering subject knowledge, skills and the formation of competencies, the image of the world and the value-semantic foundations of personal moral choice.

The student, relying on universal, over-subject skills, is capable of independent implementation of activities due to the reliance on his individual experience. At the same time, the teacher is open to interaction, focused on the personality of the student, implements a democratic, encouraging leadership style. The student is active, proactive and open to interaction with the teacher and the group.

Functions of universal learning activities:

Ensuring the student's ability to independently carry out learning activities, set learning goals, seek and use the necessary means and ways to achieve them, control and evaluate the process and results of activities;

creation of conditions for the harmonious development of the personality and its self-realization on the basis of readiness for continuous education; ensuring the successful assimilation of knowledge, the formation of skills, abilities and competencies in any subject area.

“Teaching activities means making learning motivated, teaching a child to independently set a goal and find ways, including means, to achieve it (that is, optimally organize their activities), help the child develop the skills of control and self-control, assessment and self-esteem » .

In accordance with the Federal State Standard of the second generation, the program presents 4 types of universal educational activities that correspond to the key goals of general education: personal, regulatory, cognitive, communicative.

Personal universal educational actions provide a value-semantic orientation of students (the ability to correlate actions and events with accepted ethical principles, knowledge of moral norms and the ability to highlight the moral aspect of behavior) and orientation in social roles and interpersonal relationships. With regard to educational activities, three types of personal actions should be distinguished:

personal, professional, life self-determination;

meaning formation, that is, the establishment by students of a connection between the purpose of educational activity and its motive, in other words, between the result of learning and what motivates the activity, for the sake of which it is carried out. The student must ask himself: what is the meaning, and what meaning does the teaching have for me? - and be able to answer it. Within the framework of the system-activity approach, personal meaning characterizes the reflection in the mind of the individual of the motive for the goal of the action and acts as a “meaning for me”. The subjective perception of an objective value by a person generates not only knowledge about the phenomena of reality, but also an attitude towards them, reflecting not only the phenomena themselves, but also their significance for the reflecting subject. A.G. Asmolov put forward the concept of a semantic personal attitude, which is actualized by the motive of activity and is a form of expression of personal meaning in the form of readiness to perform a certain directed activity.

moral and ethical orientation, including the evaluation of the content being assimilated (based on social and personal values), which ensures a personal moral choice. Values ​​are both motivational and cognitive formations and serve as criteria for evaluating reality for the individual (Andreeva G.M., 2000). Leontiev D.A. highlights such aspects of semantic formations as emotional anticipation and emotional correction (1996). The worldview and belief as a "unit" of the worldview is formed in the process of establishing a hierarchy of activities and is the basis, criterion and standard in the performance of the act of value choice (Zalessky G.E., 1994). Educational subjects of the humanitarian cycle and, first of all, literature are the most adequate for the formation of a universal action of moral and ethical assessment. The forms of joint activity and educational cooperation of students, which open up the zone of proximal development of moral consciousness, are of significant importance.

Moral standards are absolute imperatives and are based on the requirement to ensure the well-being and basic rights of the individual. Continuing the thought of L.S. Vygotsky about the emergence of “internal ethical instances” in preschool age, D.B. Elkonin notes that the development of the moral-volitional sphere is associated with the emergence of the ability to subordinate one's behavior to a given pattern under the influence of an adult's assessment - "the emergence of primary ethical ideas is the process of mastering patterns of behavior associated with their assessment by adults." An effective form of mastering patterns of behavior in relationships between people is a role-playing game. The patterns of behavior themselves are taken from the surrounding reality. The carrier of the sample can be an adult, a peer, a collective image, a literary character.

Regulatory universal learning activities provide students with the organization of their learning activities. These include:

goal-setting as setting a learning task based on the correlation of what is already known and learned by students, and what is still unknown;

planning - determining the sequence of intermediate goals, taking into account the final result; drawing up a plan and sequence of actions;

forecasting - anticipation of the result and the level of assimilation of knowledge, its temporal characteristics;

control in the form of comparing the method of action and its result with a given standard in order to detect deviations and differences from the standard;

correction - making the necessary additions and adjustments to the plan and method of action in the event of a discrepancy between the standard, the actual action and its result; making changes to the result of their activities, based on the assessment of this result by the student, teacher, comrades;

assessment - the selection and awareness by students of what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned, awareness of the quality and level of assimilation; performance evaluation;

self-regulation as the ability to mobilize forces and energy, to volitional effort (to make a choice in a situation of motivational conflict) and to overcome obstacles. Regulation by the subject of his activity presupposes arbitrariness and will. Arbitrariness - the ability to act according to the model and obedience to the rules (D.B. Elkonin, 1989) involves the construction of an image of the situation and the mode of action, the selection or design of a means or rule and the retention of this rule in the process of the child’s activity, the transformation of the rule into an internal rule as the basis of purposeful action . Will is considered as the highest form of voluntary behavior, namely, voluntary action in the conditions of overcoming obstacles. Volitional action is distinguished by the fact that it is the subject's own, initiative and at the same time conscious and meaningful action. Will in action manifests itself as meaningful initiative and arbitrariness - conscious, deliberate, mediated regulation of action in accordance with the changing conditions of the situation.

Cognitive universal learning activities include: general educational, logical learning activities, as well as problem posing and solving.

General educational universal actions:

independent selection and formulation of a cognitive goal;

search and selection of the necessary information; application of information retrieval methods, including using computer tools;

structuring knowledge;

conscious and arbitrary construction of a speech statement in oral and written form;

selection of the most effective ways of solving problems depending on specific conditions;

reflection of the methods and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the process and results of activities;

semantic reading as understanding the purpose of reading and choosing the type of reading depending on the purpose; extracting the necessary information from the listened texts of various genres; definition of primary and secondary information; free orientation and perception of texts of artistic, scientific, journalistic and official business styles; understanding and adequate assessment of the language of the media;

statement and formulation of the problem, independent creation of activity algorithms in solving problems of a creative and exploratory nature. In a number of studies, reflection is defined as the central phenomenon of “human subjectivity” (T. de Chardin, 1966, Slobodchikov V.I., 1994), a specific human ability that allows you to make your thoughts, emotional states, actions, relationships, “I” an object special consideration and practical transformation. The development of reflexivity is manifested in the student's ability to analyze his own actions, see himself from the outside and admit the existence of other points of view.

Sign-symbolic actions constitute a special group of general educational universal actions:

modeling - transformation of an object from a sensual form into a model, where the essential characteristics of the object are highlighted (spatial-graphic or sign-symbolic);

transformation of the model in order to identify the general laws that define this subject area.

Boolean generic actions:

analysis of objects in order to highlight features (essential, non-essential);

synthesis - the compilation of a whole from parts, including independent completion with the completion of missing components;

choice of grounds and criteria for comparison, seriation, classification of objects;

subsuming under the concept, derivation of consequences;

establishing cause-and-effect relationships, representing chains of objects and phenomena;

construction of a logical chain of reasoning, analysis of the truth of statements;


hypotheses and their justification.

Logical classification is one of the few fundamental operations of thinking that, due to its generalization, form a kind of “core” of mental development, however, this operation is formed for a long time and gradually. Logical universal actions are a means of generalizing and systematizing knowledge, and also form the basis for deriving new knowledge from existing ones.

Statement and solution of the problem:

problem formulation;

independent creation of ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature.

Communicative universal learning activities provide social competence and take into account the position of other people, communication partners or activities; ability to listen and engage in dialogue; participate in a group discussion of problems; integrate into a peer group and build productive interaction and collaboration with peers and adults. In accordance with the cultural-historical theory of L.S. Vygotsky defines communicative activity as “the interaction of two (or more) people aimed at coordinating and combining their efforts in order to build relationships and achieve a common result” (M.I. Lisina, 1986).

Communication activities include:

planning educational cooperation with the teacher and peers - determining the purpose, functions of participants, ways of interaction;

posing questions - proactive cooperation in the search and collection of information;

conflict resolution - identification, identification of the problem, search and evaluation of alternative ways to resolve conflicts, decision-making and its implementation;

management of the partner's behavior - control, correction, evaluation of his actions;

the ability to express one's thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication; possession of monologue and dialogic forms of speech in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic norms of the native language, modern means of communication. An important milestone in the development of communicative activity is the formation in children of "the ability for concerted action, taking into account the position of the other", which is considered as the main neoplasm of preschool age in the field of cooperation (Zuckerman, 1993).

The development of a system of universal educational activities as part of personal, regulatory, cognitive and communicative activities that determine the development of the psychological abilities of an individual is carried out within the framework of the normative-age development of the child's personal and cognitive spheres. The learning process sets the content and characteristics of the child's educational activity and thereby determines the zone of proximal development of these universal educational activities (their level of development corresponding to the "high norm") and their properties.

Universal educational activities represent an integral system in which the origin and development of each type of educational activity is determined by its relationship with other types of educational activities and the general logic of age-related development. So:

from communication and co-regulation develops the child's ability to regulate their activities;

from the assessments of others and, first of all, the assessments of a loved one and an adult, an idea of ​​​​oneself and one's capabilities is formed, self-acceptance and self-respect appear, that is, self-esteem and self-concept as a result of self-determination;

from situational-cognitive and extra-situational-cognitive communication, cognitive actions of the child are formed.

Thus, in our opinion, the formation of universal learning activities for students enables children to grow up as people who are able to understand and evaluate information, make decisions, and control their activities in accordance with their goals. And these are exactly the qualities that a person needs in modern conditions.

Report on MO "UUD" or "universal learning activities".

In our time - the time of information technology and the rapid development of science and technology - a person has to constantly learn and relearn.

The changes that have taken place in the education system in recent years have led to a rethinking of teaching methods and technologies. The main emphasis is on the development of communications, on the ability of children to establish contact to communicate with other people, the ability to analyze their actions and words, the development of horizons for the ability to interest an interlocutor or listener, as well as the development of logic for a competent and consistent presentation of thoughts. It is logical to call all these skills universal learning activities (UUD).

What is UUD, and what is their significance in education and upbringing? In a broad sense, the term "universal learning activities" means the ability to learn, i.e. the ability of the subject to self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience.

In a narrower sense, it is a set of ways of a child's actions that allow him to independently acquire new knowledge and skills, to organize this process. Such a definition is given to us by the methodological literature. At the present time, the development of UUD in pedagogy is given great importance.

Functions of universal learning activities include:

Ensuring the child's ability to independently carry out learning activities, set learning goals, seek and use the necessary means and ways to achieve them, control and evaluate the process and results of activities;

Creation of conditions for the harmonious development of the personality and its self-realization on the basis of readiness for continuous education; ensuring the successful assimilation of knowledge, skills and competencies in any subject area.

The formation of UUD is possible not only in the classroom, but also during educational activities in the orphanage and in extracurricular activities. In the materials of the Federal State Educational Standard, the concept of "extracurricular activities" is considered as an integral part of the educational process, and is characterized as an educational activity carried out in forms other than the classroom system. For its implementation, various forms are used:

Excursions, circles, sections, sports, conferences, disputes, olympiads, competitions, competitions, search and scientific and other types.Games, competitions, excursions, etc. are not just collective entertainment, but the main way to achieve certain learning objectives. They must also have a motive, purpose, and outcome. Therefore, such a teaching method as educational activities can contribute to the formation of UUD.

The following conclusion can be drawn: UUD is not only a formulation of the results of education, but also the results of extracurricular activities. The child must develop and replenish not only his intellectual field, but also develop, as well as the ability and readiness for cooperation, self-education, self-development. This is in the extracurricular activities. All forms of extracurricular activities contribute to the development of a comprehensively developed personality.

The result of education is achieved systematically: at first it is the activity of the teacher, then, together with the pupils, the society is included in the work.

As a result of effective educational activities, we get a positive result - a comprehensively developed personality of the child, which is the goal of the development of UUD.

Universal learning activities can be grouped into four main blocks:

Regulatory universal educational activities (organization of skills) - organization of their affairs, problem solving. Ability to organize your work

They reflect the child's ability to build educational and cognitive activity, taking into account all its components (goal, motive, forecast, means, control, evaluation).

cognitive universal learning activities (intellectual skills) - information processing

Ability to effectively THINK and work with INFORMATION in the modern world

The system of ways of knowing the world around us, building an independent search process, research and a set of operations for processing, systematizing, generalizing and using the information received

independent selection and formulation of a cognitive goal;

search and selection of the necessary information; application of information retrieval methods, including using computer tools:

the ability to structure knowledge;

the ability to consciously and voluntarily build a speech statement in oral and written form;

selection of the most effective ways of solving problems depending on specific conditions;

reflection of the methods and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the process and results of activities;

semantic reading as understanding the purpose of reading and choosing the type of reading depending on the purpose; extracting the necessary information from the listened texts of various genres; definition of primary and secondary information; free orientation and perception of texts of artistic, scientific, journalistic and official business styles; understanding and adequate assessment of the language of the media;

Statement and formulation of the problem, independent creation of activity algorithms in solving problems of a creative and exploratory nature.

Communicative universal actions (communication skills) - communication with people Ability to COMMUNICATE and interact with people

Provide opportunities for cooperation: the ability to hear, listen and understand a partner, plan and coordinate joint activities, distribute roles, mutually control each other's actions, be able to negotiate, lead a discussion, correctly express one's thoughts, support each other and cooperate effectively as a teacher, as well as with peers;independent organization of speech activity in oral and written form.

The content of UUD formed in the process of intellectual games

The game is a powerful means of socialization of the child, introducing him to the norms and values ​​of society. The game develops empathy in the child - an understanding of the mental state of another person, the ability for an emotional response, empathy. The game also develops reflection, the ability to look at oneself from the outside. A game for children is a source of new emotions, an opportunity to show their ability to think in front of their peers in an informal setting, an opportunity to develop the ability to apply existing knowledge in new conditions, to obtain new interesting information. For a teacher, a game is also an opportunity to gain new knowledge, especially if this game is the author's. This is both a source of joy and satisfaction with the results of one's work, a source of discovering something new in one's students.

In our work we use different gaming technologies, such as:

Contests, role-playing games, disputes, tournaments, etc.)

It is believed that intellectual games are an important and successful means of forming universal learning activities. What UUD do we develop during the game?

In the fieldpersonal UUD are formed:

The internal position of the student;

Personal motivation of educational activity;

Orientation to moral standards and their implementation.

Cognitive UUD are formed through the analysis of the situation, its assessment, the construction of logical chains of reasoning, the advancement of hypotheses, their justification and the choice of a single version from the team;the ability to consciously and voluntarily build a speech statement in oral and written forms; selection of the most effective ways of solving problems depending on specific conditions; reflection of the methods and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the process and results of activities; semantic reading as understanding the purpose of reading and choosing the type of reading depending on the purpose; extracting the necessary information from the listened texts related to various genres; definition of primary and secondary information; through the formulation and formulation of the problem, the independent creation of activity algorithms for solving problems of a creative and exploratory nature

Communicative UUD impossible without taking into account the position of the team members, the distribution of roles within the team, the ability to listen and engage in dialogue, participate in a collective discussion of the issue;integrate into a peer group and build productive interactions and collaborations with peers and adults.

Regulatory UUD are manifested in the ability to mobilize strength, mind and energy to overcome obstacles in the game, gather in a stressful situation, evaluate their actions after the game (“the pupils’ awareness of what has already been learned and what else needs to be learned”). In the process of preparing for the game and during the game itself, such UUDs as goal-setting, planning, distribution of roles, responsibilities, drawing up a plan and sequence of actions develop. Correction - making the necessary additions to the plan and method of action.

Of particular note is the development of information literacy in children in preparation for games. The most effective and widespread sources: subject encyclopedias, dictionaries and reference books, Internet tools.

Lesson example:


Name of the teacher: _____________________________________________________________________________

Full title OU:Municipal state educational institution for orphans and children left without care of ____ parents

Subject (class form ): intellectual and practical lesson for pupils of grades 3-5

Topic of the lesson (classes ): "Did you know?.."

Purpose of the lesson: formation of interest in new knowledge

Tasks: - Activate cognitive activity;

To contribute to the expansion of the horizons of pupils;

- To form the ability to analyze objects in order to highlight features (essential and non-essential);

Develop communication skills;

Develop attentiveness, observation;

- Develop the ability to work in a group;

Develop logical thinking;

- Acquaint with the practical skills necessary in life.

Date of the lesson ):

Formation of UUD:

Personal actions: To form internal motivation to find ways to solve the tasks set, to form a sense of purpose, a desire to improve, to realize oneself, to achieve success in life.

Regulatory actions: Determine the purpose of the activity, the plan for completing tasks, learn to adjust the execution of the task in accordance with the plan, evaluate your task, correct the emotional-volitional sphere.

cognitive activities: To be able to extract information presented in the form of text, illustrations, to be able to pose a problem and solve it.

Communication actions: To be able to work in a group, negotiate with each other, participate in a dialogue, in a collective discussion, listen and understand others, argue their opinion.

Equipment: a laptop, a screen (TV), 2 mirrors, a plastic bottle for each child, a camera, an iron, an ironing board, a glass jar, an awl, a magnifying glass.

lesson stages,


Universal learning activities

Teacher activity

Activities of pupils

Methods and techniques

1. Motivational stage

(2 minutes)

Regulatory UUD: organize your own workplace.

Greets the children and begins the session by asking the question “Do you want to know something interesting?”

Pupils are tuned in

work in a calm and creative atmosphere. Children are listening

teacher, reflect on the topic,



2. Stage



(5 minutes)

Personal UUD: analyze your feelings, fantasize.

Communicative UUD: participate in the dialogue; express your point of view; to formulate their thoughts in oral speech.

Regulatory UUD:

determine the purpose of the activity.

Cognitive UUD:

determine the circle of your ignorance; draw your own conclusions;building a logical chain of answers and questions;process new information.

Announces the topic of the lesson

"Did you know?.."Then I suggest you get acquainted today with one interesting property of ice cream.

He asks for a box of ice cream. They open the box, and instead of ice cream there are different things - three eggs, two mirrors, a magnifying glass, an apple, salt, two clean sheets,USB- carrier with voice recording.A terrible thing happened. Someone stole the ice cream.

The teacher invites the children to get acquainted with the information contained in theUSB-carrier.

Children try to determine what these things are for.

Pupils listen to the recordingUSB-carrier, reflect, offer solutions.Trying to solve the problem in a known way. Fix the problem.

creating a problem situation


3. Stage of discoveries

new knowledge

(30 minutes)

Regulatory UUD: determine the purpose of the activity; task execution plan;

assessment as the selection and awareness of what has already been mastered and what is still to be assimilated, awareness of the quality and level of assimilation; volitional self-regulation as the ability to mobilize forces and energy.

Cognitive UUD: perform work, analyze, control and evaluate the result; the ability to consciously build a speech statement in oral form.

Communicative UUD: build reasoning that is understandable to the interlocutor, the ability to listen and enter into a dialogue; proactive cooperation in the search and collection of information.

Personal UUD:

the ability to interact with comrades in the group in accordance with the norms; development of cognitive interests, educational motives.

The teacher readsfirst the task. It is necessary to determine a boiled egg or raw.

Asking questions.

The teacher talks about how to identify a boiled or raw egg and asks the children to explain the reason for this behavior of the egg.

The teacher leads the children to solve the given question with the help of experience.

The teacher voicessecond the task.

Where is it better to swim - in the sea or in the river?

Asking questions.

Talks about the difference in water in the seas and rivers.

Offers to experiment. (they put the egg in fresh water, it lies at the bottom. Gradually add salt and stir, the more salt is added, the faster the egg floats)

The teacher voicesthird the task.

It is necessary with the help of two mirrors to make three from one apple.

Asking questions.

Invites children to find a practical solution to the problem.

The teacher voicesfourth the task.

Determine what is on the sheet.

The teacher explains that the imprint of the capillary lines of the finger is left on the sheet.

Children are told that capillary prints are individual and are encouraged to compare their fingerprints.

The photographed fingers of children are displayed on the screen, and it is proposed to determine where, whose finger.

The teacher focuses the attention of the children on the fact that after the previous task their hands were dirty and suggests making a washbasin from a plastic bottle.

The teacher voicesfifth the task.

The teacher explains how to write an "invisible letter" using milk or lemon juice and how to read it afterwards.

Children are invited to draw the picture themselves with "invisible ink".

The teacher explains that in order to read, the text needs to dry. Invites you to come back and read what everyone wrote after 2-3 hours.

Children listen to the task.

Answer questions, offer their options, reflect.

Pupils closely follow the actions of the teacher.

They conduct an experiment and determine which egg is boiled and which is raw.

The children are listening.

Answer (offer options for answers and give arguments).

Pupils together with the teacher carry out the experiment.

Children observe, discuss and draw conclusions.

They are trying to find a solution to the problem.

They are included in the process of the experiment (they take mirrors, an apple and try to complete the task), they are happy when they managed to complete the task.

Pupils collectively discuss the task, compare, try to determine what kind of image it could be on a piece of paper and what it looks like. There is a discussion between the children.

Children listen, look at the capillary lines on their fingers with a magnifying glass.

Children study, compare and determine whose finger is shown in the photo.

Children listen, memorize the sequence of operations, do the work of making a washbasin.

Pupils examine the sheet, bring it to the light, try to see what is written. They cannot complete the task, they turn to the teacher for help.

Children, under the supervision of an adult, complete the task and see what is written there (the place where the ice cream is hidden is indicated). The pupils found ice cream.

Each student was given a blank sheet. Children write a phrase on a sheet.


verbal, partially search,


practical work, experiments

4. Reflection

(8 min)

Cognitive UUD:

perform logical operations: compare, synthesize; monitoring and evaluation of performance results; selection and formulation of the cognitive goal; development of cognitive interests, educational motives.

Personal UUD: respect for oneself as a person.

Before we finish our lesson, I would like to ask you:« What surprised youwhat task was the most interesting,what else would you like to know?"

After that, the children are allowed to eat what they found and the last entry is turned on, which reveals who was still there.Ice cream thief.

Formulate the final result of their work in the classroom. Children say what they learned today, thank each other and the teacher. They suggest that they also show interesting experiments.

Children expose the teacher.

verification, assessment of knowledge and skills acquired in the lesson, method of consolidation

Modern society is characterized by the rapid development of science and technology, the emergence of new information technologies. The rate of knowledge renewal is so high that a person has to repeatedly retrain and master new professions throughout his life.

The development of the media and the Internet leads to the fact that the school ceases to be the only source of knowledge and information for the student. What is the role of the school now? This role is to form the ability to learn (teach YOURSELF).

Instead of simply transferring knowledge, skills and abilities from teacher to student, the priority goal is to develop the student's ability to:

Set your own learning goals

Design ways to implement them

Monitor and evaluate your achievements

in other words, the formation ability to learn.

Achieving this goal becomes possible due to the formation of a system of universal educational activities (UUD, related concepts - “general educational skills”, “general cognitive actions”, “general methods of activity”, over-subject actions). As the famous parable says, in order to feed a hungry person, you can catch him a fish. And you can do otherwise - teach how to fish, and then a person who has learned to fish will never be hungry.

Mastering universal learning activities give students the opportunity independent successful assimilation of new knowledge, skills and competencies based on the formation ability to learn. This possibility is ensured by the fact that UUD are generalized actions that generate motivation for learning and allow students to navigate in various subject areas of knowledge.

Universal learning activities can be grouped into four main blocks:

1) personal;
2) regulatory, including self-regulation;
3) cognitive, including logical, cognitive and sign-symbolic;
4) communicative actions.

Personal actions allow to make the teaching meaningful, provide the significance of solving educational problems, linking them with real life goals and situations. Personal actions are aimed at understanding, researching and accepting life values ​​and meanings, allow you to orient yourself in moral norms, rules, assessments, develop your life position in relation to the world, people around you, yourself and your future.

Regulatory actions provide the ability to manage cognitive and educational activities by setting goals, planning, monitoring, correcting their actions and assessing the success of mastering. A consistent transition to self-government and self-regulation in educational activities provides the basis for future professional education and self-improvement.

cognitive actions include the actions of research, search, selection and structuring of the necessary information, modeling of the studied content, logical actions and operations, ways of solving problems.

Communicative actions provide opportunities for cooperation: the ability to hear, listen and understand a partner, plan and coordinate joint activities, distribute roles, mutually control each other's actions, be able to negotiate, lead a discussion, correctly express one's thoughts, support each other, cooperate effectively as a teacher, as well as with peers.

Consider how UUD were formed in the lesson:

personal actions. The children were asked to explain the various situations that they encounter in everyday life and encountered in previous lessons. They themselves conducted experiments, observed, drew conclusions. Someone wants to engage in research activities, and this will be the meaning of his life. Someone will change their attitude to the world around them and will treat it more carefully. And he will teach his children this.

Regulatory actions were formed during the planning of the stages of the lesson, the definition of the goals and objectives of the lesson, at the stage of monitoring their actions and the actions of comrades (work in a notebook, conducting experiments), as well as when assessing their participation and the participation of classmates in the course of work in the lesson.

cognitive actions were presented at the stage of the experiment, experiment, work with the textbook, when they chose more important information.

Communicative actions manifested themselves at the stage of work in a group, when the guys themselves spoke the rules of behavior in a group, and then tried to adhere to them.

The development of a concept for the development of universal educational activities in the system of general education meets new social demands and the goal of education is the general cultural, personal and cognitive development of students, which provides such a key competence as the ability to learn.

Due to the fact that the priority direction of new educational standards is the implementation developing potential of general secondary education, urgent task is to ensure the development of universal educational activities as psychological component of the fundamental core of education, along with the traditional presentation subject content of specific disciplines. The most important task of the modern education system is the formation of universal educational activities that provide students with the ability to learn, the ability for self-development and self-improvement. All this is achieved through the conscious, active appropriation of social experience by students. At the same time, knowledge, skills and abilities (KAS) are formed, applied and preserved in close connection with the active actions of the students themselves. The quality of knowledge assimilation is determined by the variety and nature of the types of universal actions.

You can learn more about the formation of UUD in the manual:

As to design universal learning activities in elementary school: from action to thought: teacher's guide / [, etc.]; ed. . - M.: Education, 2008. - 151 p.: ill. - ISBN.

The manual is devoted to one of the main provisions of the Concept of federal state educational standards of general education of the second generation - the formation of universal educational activities.

The manual reveals the types and age-specific features of the development of universal educational activities among primary school students.

Recommendations are given for the development of personal, cognitive, regulative and communicative universal educational activities aimed at developing the ability to learn in children. The main types of tasks for assessing the formation of universal educational activities are presented.

The manual is addressed to primary school teachers and parents.

UDC 37.01

BBK 74.202

ISBN 978_5_09_019148_7© Publishing house "Enlightenment", 2008

© Artwork.

Publishing house "Enlightenment", 2008


The new state standard for general secondary education offers a new approach to designing the content of education. With this approach

Knowledge is not given in finished form, but as problem situation , which is transformed into learning situation - through the child's awareness of the limitations of his knowledge and the formulation learning task – “What should I learn to solve the problem?”;

The orienting basis of actions is formed at the theoretical level, as generalized way, or principle of action ;

Mastering the generalized mode of action provides the key to designing activities in typical and new life situations;

Theoretical scientific knowledge is included in the context of solving educational problems , significant for obtaining subject, meta-subject and personal results;

Teacher purposefully organizes student learning universal learning activities in accordance with mental neoplasms of the leading activity of each age ;

Implemented collectively distributed educational activity with a gradual transition to independent educational activity with elements of self-education and self-education, its organization and co-organization;

Meta-subject, personal and subject learning outcomes are subject to criteria-based assessment .

This approach is called in pedagogy system-activity developing.


When preparing a lesson on a system-activity basis, the teacher needs to answer the following five questions:

1. What learning activities do students need to master?

2. How to formulate learning objectives (that is, connect learning activities with learning material)?

3. What is the order of actions of students in solving educational problems? In what types and forms of educational activities should students be involved in order to solve their educational problems?

4. What teaching methods are most suitable for this?

5. What educational material is needed for this?


1. general idea of ​​the topic being studied;

2. familiarization with the purpose of studying the topic (in an activity form) and participation in

its definition (What will I learn? What will I learn to do?);

3. problematic situation that leads to awareness -

4. the boundaries of one's knowledge and ignorance - that is, the transformation of a problem situation into a learning one;

5. What should be done to solve the problem? - wording with

teacher learning task;

6. What will happen as a result of solving the educational problem? - what educational

product will be received? (let's make a plan, fill in the table ...);

7. By what criteria will we evaluate the educational product?

8. action planning;

9. execution;

10. assessment and self-assessment;

11. reflection - what worked, what did not work, tasks for the future.


ANALYZE- mentally divide an object into its component parts and highlight their features.

GROUP- mentally divide a lot of objects into groups according to any one attribute without a trace.

DEFINITION- reveal the meaning of an unfamiliar word with the help of familiar nearest concepts.

PROVE- using reasoning to establish the truth of something with the help of other statements, the truth of which has already been proven.

EXPLORE subject - to determine the features of the subject, to single out all of them mandatory, to determine their causal relationships with each other and with the function (purpose) of the subject.

CLASSIFY- mentally divide the volume of a certain concept into multistage, branched groups.

TO CONTROL- compare the result with the goal.

OBSERVE- deliberately, carefully and purposefully perceive reality in accordance with the goal.

EXPLAIN- to interpret the essence of one object (phenomenon) through another, which is understandable, reliable.

DESCRIBE subject - list a number of external features of the subject, both mandatory (essential) and optional (insignificant).

TO PLAN- Decide in advance how to do things.

UNDERSTAND- learn new things by including them in the system of existing knowledge and skills.

PROJECT- an image of the desired future.

SELF CONTROL- self-examination and self-assessment of the results obtained, comparing them with the goal.

SYNTHESIZE- mentally combine the parts of the object and their signs into a single whole.

COMPARE- set the goal of comparing objects, identify mandatory and / or optional (depending on the purpose of the comparison) features of the compared objects and compare them by the presence of similarities and differences, draw a conclusion.

CHARACTERIZE subject - list the internal, mandatory features of the subject.

PURPOSE- an image of the desired result.

The concept of "universal learning activities"

In a broad sense, the term "universal learning activities" means the ability to learn, that is, the ability of the subject to self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience.

The student's ability to independently successfully assimilate new knowledge, to form skills and competencies, including the independent organization of this process, i.e. the ability to learn, is ensured by the fact that universal learning actions as generalized actions open up the possibility for students to have a broad orientation both in various subject areas and in the structure of the educational activity itself, including the awareness of its target orientation, value-semantic and operational characteristics. Thus, the achievement of the ability to learn involves the full development of all components of learning activity by students, which include: cognitive and learning motives, learning goal, learning task, learning activities and operations (orientation, transformation of material, control and evaluation). The ability to learn is an essential factor in increasing the effectiveness of students mastering subject knowledge, the formation of skills and competencies, the image of the world and the value-semantic foundations of personal moral choice.

Functions of universal learning activities:

  • ensuring the student's ability to independently carry out learning activities, set learning goals, seek and use the necessary means and ways to achieve them, control and evaluate the process and results of activities;
  • creation of conditions for the harmonious development of the personality and its self-realization on the basis of readiness for continuous education; ensuring the successful assimilation of knowledge, the formation of skills, abilities and competencies in any subject area.

Personal UUD provide a value-semantic orientation of students (the ability to correlate actions and events with accepted ethical principles, knowledge of moral norms and the ability to highlight the moral aspect of behavior), as well as orientation in social roles and interpersonal relationships. In relation to educational activities, three types of actions should be distinguished:

  • self-determination - personal, professional, life self-determination;
  • meaning formation - the establishment by students of a connection between the purpose of educational activity and its motive, in other words, between the result of learning and what stimulates the activity, for the sake of which it is carried out. The student must ask himself the question of “what is the meaning, the meaning of the teaching for me”, and be able to find an answer to it;
  • moral and ethical orientation - the action of moral and ethical evaluation of the content being assimilated, providing a personal moral choice based on social and personal values.

Regulatory UUD provide students with the organization of their educational activities. These include the following:

  • goal-setting - as the setting of an educational task based on the correlation of what is already known and learned by the students, and what is still unknown;
  • planning - determining the sequence of intermediate goals, taking into account the final result; drawing up a plan and sequence of actions;
  • forecasting - anticipation of the result and the level of assimilation; its temporal characteristics;
  • control in the form of comparing the method of action and its result with a given standard in order to detect deviations from it;
  • correction - making the necessary additions and adjustments to the plan and method of action in the event of a discrepancy between the expected result of the action and its real product;
  • assessment - the selection and awareness by the student of what has already been learned and what is still to be learned, assessing the quality and level of assimilation;
  • self-regulation as the ability to mobilize forces and energy; the ability to make an effort of will - to make a choice in a situation of a motivational conflict and to overcome obstacles.

Cognitive UUD include general educational, logical actions, as well as the actions of setting and solving problems.

General educational universal actions:

  • independent selection and formulation of a cognitive goal;
  • search and selection of the necessary information; application of information retrieval methods, including using computer tools;
  • structuring knowledge;
  • conscious and arbitrary construction of a speech statement in oral and written form;
  • selection of the most effective ways of solving problems depending on specific conditions;
  • reflection of the methods and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the process and results of activities;
  • semantic reading; understanding and adequate assessment of the language of the media;
  • statement and formulation of the problem, independent creation of activity algorithms in solving problems of a creative and exploratory nature.

Sign-symbolic actions constitute a special group of general educational universal actions:

  • modeling;
  • transformation of the model in order to identify the general laws that define this subject area.

Boolean generic actions:

  • analysis;
  • synthesis;
  • comparison, classification of objects according to selected features;
  • subsuming under the concept, derivation of consequences;
  • establishment of causal relationships;
  • building a logical chain of reasoning;
  • proof;
  • hypotheses and their justification.

Statement and solution of the problem:

  • problem formulation;
  • independent creation of ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature.

Communicative UUD provide social competence and consideration of the position of other people, a partner in communication or activity, the ability to listen and enter into a dialogue; participate in a group discussion of problems; integrate into a peer group and build productive interactions and collaborations with peers and adults. The types of communicative actions are:

  • planning educational cooperation with the teacher and peers - determining the goals, functions of participants, ways of interaction;
  • posing questions - proactive cooperation in the search and collection of information;
  • conflict resolution - identification, identification of the problem, search and evaluation of alternative ways to resolve the conflict, decision-making and its implementation;
  • managing the partner's behavior - control, correction, evaluation of the partner's actions;
  • the ability to express one's thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication, the possession of monologue and dialogic forms of speech in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic norms of the native language.

Development of the UUD system as part of personal, regulatory, cognitive and communicative actions that determine the formation of the psychological abilities of the individual, is carried out within the framework of the normative-age development of the child's personal and cognitive spheres. The learning process sets the content and characteristics of the child's educational activity and thereby determines the zone of proximal development of the specified UUD - the level of their formation, corresponding to the normative stage of development and relevant to the "high norm" of development, and properties.

The criteria for assessing the formation of UUD in students are:

  • compliance with age-psychological regulatory requirements;
  • compliance of UUD properties with predetermined requirements.

Conditions for the development of UUD

The formation of UUD in the educational process is determined by the following three complementary provisions:

  • The formation of UUD as the goal of the educational process determines its content and organization.
  • The formation of UUD takes place in the context of the assimilation of different subject disciplines.
  • UUD, their properties and qualities determine the effectiveness of the educational process, in particular the assimilation of knowledge and skills, the formation of an image of the world and the main types of student competence, including social and personal.