Measures to protect surface water from pollution. Hydrosphere protection

The owners of the patent RU 2338835:

The invention relates to the field of ecology and is intended to reduce the degree of pollution of groundwater during infiltration of precipitation through the thickness of household, industrial and agricultural waste in places of their storage. The invention can be used in housing and communal services, in various industries and in agriculture. A method of protecting groundwater includes the construction of a contour anti-filter curtain in combination with surface drainage devices in the form of contour and contour ditches, the equipment of a collection tank and the removal of water from the tank. A contour ditch is made with thresholds and equipped with trays with a perforated bottom, and a contour anti-filter curtain is arranged for the period of precipitation by placing salts containing monovalent potassium or sodium cations in the trays. The water drain from the tank is stopped when the maximum permissible concentration of pollutants in the water is reached. The invention allows to reduce the complexity in the construction of contour damp curtains without reducing their effectiveness in protecting groundwater from pollution in the storage of solid household and industrial waste. 1 ill.

The invention relates to the field of ecology and is intended to reduce the degree of pollution of groundwater during infiltration of precipitation through the thickness of household, industrial and agricultural waste in places of their storage. The invention can be mainly used in housing and communal services, in various industries and in agriculture.

A known method of preventing pollution of groundwater and groundwater (RF patent No. 2141441, IPC B65G 5/00, publ. November 20, 1999) of soils and soils by industrial waste and products of accidental emissions and leaks. In this method, an anti-filter curtain in the form of an arc is created using jet technology in the upper part of an aquifer with a height equal to the height of the polluted stream. The concave arc faces the source of contamination. Pollution removal is performed through a well, a portion of which is sealed above an aquifer. The method allows to reduce the amount of contaminated water and improve the reliability of the protection of groundwater.

The disadvantage of the above method is the complexity of the equipment of the air curtain in the soil using inkjet technology.

Closest to the proposed method of protecting groundwater from pollution is a method of protecting mine workings and pits from groundwater inflows using contour damping curtains in combination with surface drainage devices, collecting tank equipment and draining water from the tank ("Guide to the drainage of rocks". Edited by I.K. Stanchenko, M .: Nedra, 1984. - S.184-185, 278 p.). Contour impervious curtains are created by arranging a trench closed along the contour of the foundation pit and filling it with a poorly permeable material (for example, clay). Drainage devices are open ditches located on the inside and outside of the curtain.

The disadvantage of this method is the high complexity of the construction of contour damp curtains.

The invention solves the problem of reducing the complexity of the construction of contour damp curtains without reducing their effectiveness in protecting groundwater from pollution in the storage of solid domestic and industrial waste.

To achieve the specified technical result in the known method of protecting groundwater, including the construction of a contour damp curtain in combination with surface drainage devices in the form of a contour and contour ditches, the equipment of a collection tank and water drainage from the reservoir, it is proposed to make a contour ditch with thresholds and equip perforated trays bottom, and arrange a contoured anti-filtration curtain for the period of precipitation by placing salts containing single-shaft in trays potassium or sodium cations, and the water discharge from the tank should be stopped when the maximum permissible concentration of pollutants in the water is reached.

The method is illustrated in the drawing, which shows a vertical section of a landfill for solid household waste and the thickness of underlying rocks in the direction of runoff of surface groundwater.

In the drawing, the following notation:

1 - a ditch for the removal of surface surface water;

2 - contour ditch;

3 - contour ditch;

4 - the thickness of the waste;

5 - infiltrate;

6 - precipitation;

7 - a shaft of soil from a ditch;

8 - groundwater;

9 - contour antifiltration curtain;

10 - aquifer;

11 - water resistance;

12 - reservoir for collecting contaminated water (perfect well);

ΔУГВ1 - groundwater level before precipitation;

ΔУГВ2 - groundwater level during precipitation.

The method is as follows. Closed, concentrically located contour ditch 2 and contour ditch 3 are arranged along the contour of the landfill for solid household or other waste 4. The contour ditch 2 is connected to the outlet ditch 1, and the contour ditch 3 is communicated with a reservoir 10 for collecting contaminated infiltrate 5 when precipitation 6 flows through the thickness of the waste 4. Between the ditches 2 and 3 place the shaft 7 from the soil obtained during their penetration. The contour ditch 3 is equipped with trays with a perforated bottom and thresholds (not shown in the drawing), the height and distance between which are determined based on the slope of the bottom of the ditch, so that with a complete drain of water from the ditch in all its compartments, a layer of water remains between the thresholds. For example, the height of the thresholds in the trays can be taken equal to 2/3 of the height of the tray, and the distance between the thresholds can be taken according to

where l is the distance between the thresholds;

h n is the height of the threshold;

J is the maximum slope of the bottom inside the contour ditch.

Before precipitation 6 in the compartments of the ditch 3 pour salt containing monovalent cations of potassium or sodium (for example, NaCl), or pour the prepared solution. This solution (when a crystalline salt is placed in the ditch, a solution forms during precipitation) penetrates the aquifer 10 of the rocks and over the confinement 11 along the entire contour of the waste landfill 4, an annular closed area 9 with substantially reduced permeability forms in the soil along with the penetration of contaminated infiltrate 5 into the soil. which performs the role of an air curtain (according to the data given on page 247 in Denisov’s book “Engineering Geology.” M.: Stroyizdat, 1960. - 404 pp., as well as carried out in laboratory conditions In experiments, the water permeability of rocks containing even a small amount of clay particles decreases hundreds of times in the presence of monovalent potassium or sodium cations).

Ground water during precipitation flows around the contour anti-filtration curtain from the outside, without falling into the soil directly located under the thickness of the waste 4. The infiltrate 5, contaminated as a result of passing through the thickness of the waste 4, is collected in the tank 12 and removed from it by one of the known methods to sewage treatment plants. The surface runoff outside the landfill is collected by the external ditch 2 and then discharged by the ditch 1 down the terrain.

During and after precipitation, periodically, for example, once a day, a chemical analysis of the water entering the reservoir is performed. The drainage of water from the tank is stopped when the concentration of pollutants and salt used to create the air curtain is reduced to acceptable standards. The amount of salt necessary to create a reliable anti-filtration curtain is determined empirically. After the cessation of water drainage from the reservoir, groundwater follows the landfill in transit.

It is the equipment of the contour ditch with trays with a perforated bottom and thresholds, the device of the contour antifiltration curtain for the period of precipitation by placing salts in the trays containing monovalent potassium or sodium cations, the periodic analysis of the water entering the reservoir, and the termination of the water drainage from the reservoir when reaching the maximum permissible concentration of pollutants in the water avoids the pollution of groundwater in places of storage of solid household and other waste and significantly reduces the complexity of the construction of a contour anti-filter curtain.

A method of protecting groundwater from pollution during atmospheric precipitation infiltration at solid domestic and industrial waste landfills, including the construction of a contour anti-filter curtain in combination with surface drainage devices in the form of a contour and contour ditches, the equipment of a collection tank and water discharge from the tank, characterized in that the contour the ditch is made with thresholds and equipped with trays with a perforated bottom; a contoured antifiltration curtain is arranged for the period of precipitation by displacements in trays of salts containing monovalent potassium or sodium cations, and water drainage from the tank is stopped when the maximum permissible concentration of pollutants in the water is reached.

Related patents:

The invention relates to methods for non-destructive testing of antifiltration protection of waterworks, hydraulic engineering and irrigation and drainage facilities. .

The invention relates to hydraulic engineering, and in particular to methods of creating impervious curtains in hydraulic structures, and can be used in the mining industry, mainly in the development of alluvial mineral deposits, as well as in hydraulic engineering.

The invention relates to the protection of groundwater and open watercourses, and is intended to intercept contaminated ground flows from storage ponds, waste stocks of livestock complexes, oil and oil product leaks from oil storage facilities, gas stations, removal of toxic chemicals such as pesticides, ammonium and nitrate nitrogen from irrigation fields phosphorus, potassium, etc.

The invention relates to the field of ecology and environmental management, and in particular to methods of preserving valuable components in mineral waste storages, as well as preventing pollution of soils, groundwater and atmospheric air with toxic chemicals, in particular to the creation of screens for sludge storages, alluvium maps and dumps that prevent underground pollution water toxic components and dust, with the removal of components, including valuable.

The hydrosphere includes all the water bodies of our planet, as well as groundwater, atmospheric vapors and gases, and glaciers. These sources are necessary for nature to sustain life. Now water quality has deteriorated significantly due to anthropogenic activities. Because of this, we are talking about many global hydrosphere issues:

  • chemical pollution of water;
  • pollution by garbage and waste;
  • destruction of flora and fauna living in water bodies;
  • oil pollution of water;

All these problems are due to poor quality and insufficient water on the planet. Despite the fact that most of the earth's surface, namely 70.8% is covered with water, not all people have enough drinking water. The fact is that the water of the seas and oceans is too salty and unsuitable for drinking. For this, the water of fresh lakes and underground sources is used. Of the world's water reserves, only 1% is found in fresh water. In theory, another 2% of the water, which in the solid state in glaciers is suitable for drinking, if it is thawed and cleaned.

Industrial water use

The main problems of water resources are that they are widely used in industry: metallurgy and engineering, energy and food industries, in agriculture and the chemical industry. Used water is often no longer suitable for further use. Of course, enterprises do not clean it when it is drained, therefore agricultural and industrial effluents enter the oceans.

One of the problems of water resources is its use in public utilities. Far from all countries, people are provided with water supply, and pipelines leave much to be desired. As for sewers and drains, they directly merge into water bodies without purification.

The relevance of the protection of water bodies

To solve many, it is necessary to protect water resources. This is done at the state level, but ordinary people can also contribute:

  • reduce water consumption in industry;
  • rationally use water resources;
  • purify contaminated water (industrial and domestic wastewater);
  • conduct water cleansing;
  • eliminate the consequences of accidents polluting water bodies;
  • save water in daily use;
  • do not leave water taps open.

These are the actions to protect water that will help keep our planet blue (from water), and, therefore, will ensure the maintenance of life on earth.

Chemist's Handbook 21

Chemistry and chemical technology

Sewage pollution protection

The presence of water in the oxidation gases can cause wastewater and water basin pollution. The oxidation gases are cooled before being discharged to the atmosphere or fed to the neutralization stage, while the water is condensed in a mixture with hydrocarbons. Using water to cool pumps. compressors and in water coolers are also a source of pollution in the water basin. However, this type of pollution is much smaller in quantitative terms and, in addition, is inherent in oil refining as a whole, i.e., the problem should be considered in terms of the general protection of the water basin from pollution by oil refineries.

With electrochemical corrosion protection of tanks. Reactor vessels, transport devices or pipelines in the chemical and oil refining industries often have to deal with environments of high corrosivity. There are media ranging from ordinary fresh and more or less polluted river, brackish and sea water (often used for cooling) or reaction solutions and chemical wastewater to strong brines that need to be stored and transported during oil production. Whether it is advisable to test the electrochemical protection even in the presence of significant corrosive influencing factors, and which method is best used, it depends on the specific conditions in each individual case. So, in the presence of materials amenable to passivation in appropriate media, in addition to the well-known cathodic protection, the question of the applicability of the anode protection can also be raised. This method can be successfully applied in cases where the potential of free corrosion, due to the too weak oxidizing effect of the medium, is located in the area of \u200b\u200bactive corrosion, but when applying the anode current from an external source, it can be easily shifted to the passivity region and maintained at this level (see section 2.3 .1.2 and Fig. 2.12).

When designing the sewage system of an industrial enterprise, the issue of separation or combination of individual effluents is one of the most urgent, since the cost of constructing sewer structures depends on this. the cost-effectiveness of their operation, the ability to extract and dispose of valuable substances and the reliability of protecting water bodies (sewage receivers) from pollution. Naturally, there can be no standard solutions to the issue of combining or separating individual effluents. In each case, a thorough analysis of all factors is carried out.

The discharge of contaminated formation water into open water is unacceptable according to sanitary standards. and for the construction of storage ponds and evaporation ponds for their collection and storage require large costs. When discharged into water bodies, such waters are subject to mandatory treatment. Utilization of oil field wastewater to maintain reservoir pressure at the developed oil fields will allow us to have a constant source of water and at the same time solve the problem of protecting water bodies from pollution by wastewater. The most widely used in the oil and gas industry is the simplest and cheapest method - sludge in settling tanks. However, this method does not provide the necessary degree of purification.

In the last 20-30 years, due to the rapid development of technology and, consequently, an increase in metal loads (temperature, mechanical stresses, aggressive environments, etc.), corrosion has become a national problem for all industrialized countries. In the Soviet Union, annual direct losses from corrosion are comparable to our state’s investments in the largest sectors of the national economy. The amount of indirect losses is much higher. Along with direct and indirect losses, there are almost always economically impossible consequences of corrosion for environmental pollution (as a result of leakage of gases, oil products, waste water, etc.), emergency situations in industry and transport, and depletion of natural resources. decreasing soil fertility, etc. Given the importance of the problem of protecting metals from corrosion, the Council of Ministers of the USSR in 1978 adopted a special resolution on the organization of the anticorrosion service in the country. which outlines a set of measures aimed at extending the service of metallic materials.

An important part of the task of protecting the environment from domestic and industrial pollution is the problem of domestic wastewater treatment. The contribution of this type of pollution is constantly increasing both due to cottage construction and transportation. One of the most promising methods for local treatment of domestic wastewater is the use of biological products capable of mineralizing the organic substances contained in wastewater.

Environmental protection in the production and use of SMS is a prerequisite. Continuously increasing production and consumption of SMS and surfactants increase pollution of water bodies. The most effective and economical wastewater treatment method is the biochemical method.

Wet cleaning produces wastewater containing dispersed particles trapped from the gas. If the latter can cause environmental pollution. it is necessary to provide for their separation in sedimentation tanks or cyclone-type devices. In this case, the clarified liquid is reused for wet cleaning. Thus, at the same time, the environment is protected from pollution and fresh water is saved. which is required only for replenishment in the amount lost with sludge. Reuse of clarified liquid makes it economically feasible to separate particles from the liquid even when they are environmentally friendly.

An example of a drainless technology without pollution of rivers and ponds is phosphorus production. Available data confirm that the treatment of effluents from phosphorus plants is ineffective and does not protect water bodies from pollution. At the same time, it was found that soluble wastewater impurities do not adversely affect technological processes and production products. The noted features served as the basis for continuous production. the scheme of which is shown in Fig. 4.12. According to this scheme, the addition of fresh water from a source of water supply is provided only for feeding the circulating cooling system of the apparatus. boiler and household water supply

In the diagram shown in Fig. 11.1, in a generalized form shows the processes used in the normal treatment of urban wastewater. Preliminary cleaning steps include trapping large debris (using grates) and removing sand to protect mechanical equipment from abrasion. In addition, the flow rate of incoming wastewater is measured and pumps are raised to the desired elevations above ground level. During the initial treatment, precipitated organic matter is removed. 30-50% of suspended solids contained in wastewater, as well as floating contaminants

When designing the sewage system of an industrial enterprise, the question of the necessity or feasibility of separating or combining individual effluents into one or more streams is one of the most relevant. The number of local installations and their productivity, the number of networks and their throughput, etc. depend on its correct solution. Ultimately, the cost of constructing sewer structures depends on solving this issue. the efficiency of their operation, the reliability of the protection of the reservoir - the sewage receiver. water - from pollution. The possibility of extracting and utilizing valuable substances from wastewater and, consequently, increasing the profitability of production also depends on solving this issue.

A significant amount of oil impurities is formed in the wastewater of shipyards, which, as a rule, were designed and built in our country during the period of the practically lack of environmental requirements for wastewater. Therefore, it is advisable to consider the methods of electric processing when designing new integrated technological schemes for coastal enterprises. providing deep purification of industrial wastewater in industrial water supply. excluding the discharge of contaminated wastewater in the water area. The technology of water use in the main production and the treatment of industrial wastewater should] be linked to the technology of rational use of production resources. The absence of wastewater discharges into the water area in such projects does not exclude irretrievable water losses, which can be compensated for by the accumulation of surface wastewater. This allows not only to protect the water area from pollution, but also to reduce water consumption in enterprises. If it is impossible to create a fully enclosed water supply system for a ship-repair enterprise, the goal should be to create local drainless systems of individual workshops and sections.

Rational use and protection of water resources ensures the implementation of measures to reduce wastewater volumes, reduce their pollution for subsequent use for production needs of enterprises and in agriculture. as well as the introduction of effective wastewater treatment methods (up to regulatory requirements) before they are discharged into water bodies. To protect the air basin, sources of harmful substances are equipped with dust collecting equipment. 51 work is carried out to extinguish burning rock dumps, to slap overburden into flat dumps, while reducing (and even eliminating) the possibility of spontaneous combustion. Various methods and methods have been developed and are being applied in the industry for effective reclamation of land disturbed by mining operations both at the technical and biological stages.

Back in December 1978, the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted the amendment On additional measures to strengthen nature protection and improve) the use of natural resources. This resolution also outlined a set of measures aimed at protecting water bodies from pollution and depletion, and introducing low-waste technological processes. the development of new methods and was constructed for the treatment of industrial and municipal wastewater.

Local treatment facilities for surface wastewater of individual enterprises are not always used efficiently enough, they are also not always operated at a high technical level, as a result of which proper protection of water bodies from pollution is not provided. More reliable are the group facilities where surface wastewater is treated in conjunction with the same composition of pollutants and industrial wastewater. In this case, mechanical and chemical cleaning methods should be used.

In this situation, the most effective method of neutralizing oil products that have fallen into waste water and soil is biotechnology, which is based on the oxidation of oil products by microorganisms that can use oil products as an energy source. Thus. carried out the biological cycle of the splitting of hydrocarbons. polluting the soil with microorganisms, that is, their mineralization, followed by humification. The created biooxidation system, adapted to a specific tank farm, helps restore disturbed ecological balance. However, the key point in choosing a cleaning method and the necessary equipment is environmental monitoring. including a comprehensive analysis of pollution from production units. Therefore, the search for new technologies to protect the lithosphere from hydrocarbon pollution is vital.

Uncontrolled industrial wastewater may contain aggressive or toxic compounds. For example, the presence of sulfur compounds and the high temperature of the wastewater can contribute to the bacterial formation of sulfates, which cause corrosion of the sewer pipes. Acidic effluents cause corrosion of the bottom of the pipes, and if they are not diluted with water properly, they can interfere with the cleaning process. Toxic metal ions, such as chromium and zinc, and some organic substances even in small concentrations can lead to inhibition of biological processes of water purification and anaerobic digestion of sediments. Dissolved salts and substances that add color and smell to water are only partially removed by traditional cleaning methods. Protection of a natural reservoir from such pollution is reduced to local treatment of effluents at an industrial enterprise instead of dumping them into the sewer system. Examples of such effluents are spent salt solutions. dyes and phenols. There, where production wastewater is unstable, it is advisable to install averaging tanks to prevent impulse loads on treatment plants. In addition to neutralizing and diluting the effluent, pre-treatment through averaging helps to stabilize the flow rate and prevent sudden hydraulic stresses of increased intensity.

See pages where the term is mentioned Sewage pollution protection.                     Labor protection and fire protection in the chemical industry (1982) - [p.6]

Surface waters protect against clogging, pollution and depletion. To prevent clogging, measures are taken to prevent various solid wastes and other objects from getting into surface water bodies and rivers. The depletion of surface water is prevented by strictly controlling the minimum allowable water runoff.

The most important and most difficult problem is the protection of surface waters from pollution, for which the following environmental protection measures are envisaged:

· Development of wasteless and waterless technologies and water recycling systems;

· Wastewater treatment (industrial, municipal, etc.);

· Wastewater injection into deep aquifers;

· Cleaning and disinfection of surface water used for water supply and other purposes.

The main pollutant of surface water is wastewater; therefore, it is an environmentally important task to develop and implement effective wastewater treatment methods. The most effective way to protect surface water from pollution by wastewater is anhydrous and non-waste technologies. At the initial stage, reverse water supply is created. Its system includes a number of treatment facilities and plants, which creates a closed cycle of wastewater use, which with this method is always in circulation and does not fall into surface water bodies.

Due to the great diversity of wastewater composition, there are various ways of treating them: mechanical, physicochemical, chemical, biological, etc. Purification can be carried out by any one or combined methods, with treatment of sludge (or excess biomass) and disinfection of wastewater before discharge into the pond.

During mechanical cleaning, up to 90% of insoluble mechanical impurities: sand, clay particles, scale, etc., are removed from industrial wastewater by filtering, settling and filtering, and up to 60% from household wastewater. For these purposes, grilles, sand traps, sand filters, sedimentation tanks of various types are used. Substances floating on the surface of wastewater (oil, resins, oils, fats, polymers, etc.) are detained by oil and oil traps and other types of traps or burned out.

To the main chemical methods  carry neutralization and oxidation. To neutralize acids and alkalis, special reagents (lime, soda ash, ammonia) are introduced into the wastewater, in the second - various oxidizing agents that release the wastewater from toxic and other components.

At physical and chemical cleaning  sewage are used:

· Coagulation - the introduction of coagulants (salts of ammonium, iron, copper, sludge waste, etc.) for the formation of easily removed flakes;

· Sorption - the ability of certain substances (bentonite clays, activated carbon, zeolites, silica gel, peat, etc.) to absorb pollution;

· Flotation - passage through the wastewater of air. Gas bubbles trap surfactants, oil, oils, etc. when moving upward and form an easily removable foamy layer on the surface of the water.

Biological (biochemical) method  based on the ability of artificially introduced microorganisms to use organic and some inorganic compounds from wastewater (hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, nitrites, etc.) for their development. Cleaning is carried out using natural methods (irrigation fields, filtration fields, biological ponds, etc.) and artificial methods (aeration tanks, meta tanks, biofilters, circulating oxidizing channels).

After clarification of the wastewater, a precipitate forms, which is fermented in reinforced concrete tanks (meta-tanks), and then removed to silt sites for drying. Dried sludge cannot be used as fertilizer, since many harmful substances (heavy metals, etc.) are often found in wastewater, which eliminates this method of disposal of sludge.

The clarified part of the wastewater is treated in aeration tanks - special closed tanks through which effluents enriched with oxygen and mixed with activated sludge are passed. Active sludge is a combination of heterotrophic microorganisms and small invertebrates (mold, yeast, aquatic fungi, rotifers, etc.), as well as a solid substrate.

After secondary sedimentation, the wastewater is disinfected (disinfected) using chlorine compounds or other strong oxidizing agents. With this method (chlorination), pathogenic bacteria, viruses, pathogens are destroyed, after which the water can be used in recycled water supply or dumped into surface water bodies.

In recent years, new effective methods have been actively developed that contribute to the greening of wastewater treatment processes:

· Electrochemical methods based on the processes of anodic oxidation and cathodic reduction, electrocoagulation and electroflotation;

· Membrane cleaning processes (ultrafilters, electrodialysis, etc.);

· Magnetic treatment that improves the flotation of the detected particles;

· Radiation purification of water, allowing to expose pollutants to oxidation, coagulation and decomposition as soon as possible;

· Ozonation, in which no substances are formed in wastewater that adversely affect natural biochemical processes;

· The introduction of new selective types of sorbents for the selective separation of useful components from wastewater for recycling.

For all methods of wastewater treatment from an environmental point of view, the treatment and disposal of the resulting sludge and sediment (especially when cleaning toxic waste streams) is very important. For this purpose, they are stored at special landfills, processed in biological facilities, processed using plants (hyacinths, reed, etc.) or burned in special furnaces.

Similar information.

Water is the most valuable natural resource. Its role is participation in the metabolism of all substances that are the basis of any life form. It is impossible to imagine the activities of industrial and agricultural enterprises without the use of water; it is indispensable in the everyday life of a person. Water is necessary for everyone: people, animals, plants. For some, it is a habitat.

The rapid development of people's livelihoods, inefficient use of resources has led to the fact thatlogical problems (including water pollution) have become too acute. Their solution is in the first place for humanity. Scientists, environmentalists around the world are sounding the alarm and trying to find a solution to the global problem

Sources of Water Pollution

There are a lot of reasons for pollution, and the human factor is not always to blame. Natural disasters also harm clean water bodies, upset the ecological balance.

The most common sources of water pollution are:

    Industrial, domestic wastewater. Not passed the system of purification from chemical harmful substances, they, getting into the body of water, provoke an environmental disaster.

    Tertiary cleaning.  Water is treated with powders, special compounds, multi-stage filtered, killing harmful organisms and destroying other substances. It is used for domestic needs of citizens, as well as in the food industry, in agriculture.

      - radioactive pollution of water

    The main sources that pollute the oceans include the following radioactive factors:

    • nuclear weapons tests;

      discharges of radioactive waste;

      major accidents (ships with nuclear reactors, Chernobyl nuclear power plant);

      burial at the bottom of the oceans, seas of radioactive waste.

    Environmental problems and water pollution, including those directly related to contamination with radioactive waste. For example, French and English nuclear plants infected almost the entire North Atlantic. Our country has become the culprit of pollution of the Arctic Ocean. Three nuclear underground reactors, as well as the production of Krasnoyarsk-26, clogged the largest Yenisei river. Obviously, radioactive products have landed in the ocean.

    Radionuclide pollution of world waters

    The problem of pollution of the oceans is acute. We briefly list the most dangerous radionuclides that fall into it: cesium-137; cerium-144; strontium-90; niobium-95; yttrium-91. All of them have high bioaccumulative ability, cross the food chain and are concentrated in marine organisms. This creates a danger to both humans and aquatic organisms.

    The waters of the Arctic seas are subject to severe pollution of various sources of radionuclides. People blithely dump hazardous waste into the ocean, thereby turning it into a dead one. Man probably forgot that the ocean is the main wealth of the earth. It has powerful biological and mineral resources. And if we want to survive, it is urgent to take measures to save him.


    Rational water consumption, protection from pollution - the main tasks of mankind. Ways to solve environmental problems of water pollution lead to the fact that, first of all, great attention should be paid to discharges of hazardous substances into rivers. On an industrial scale, it is necessary to improve wastewater treatment technologies. In Russia, it is necessary to introduce a law that would increase the collection of fees for discharges. The proceeds should be directed to the development and construction of new environmental technologies. For the smallest emissions, the fee should be reduced, this will serve as a motivation to maintain a healthy environmental situation.

    A major role in solving environmental problems is played by the upbringing of the younger generation. From an early age it is necessary to accustom children to respect, love of nature. To inspire them that the Earth is our big house, for the order in which every person is responsible. It is necessary to protect water, do not pour it thoughtlessly, try to prevent foreign objects and harmful substances from entering the sewer.


    In conclusion, I want to say thatrussian environmental problems and water pollution perhaps concern everyone. The thoughtless waste of water resources, littering of rivers with various garbage has led to the fact that in nature there are very few clean, safe corners.Environmentalists have become much more vigilant, multiple measures are being taken to restore order in the environment. If each of us thinks about the consequences of our barbarian, consumer relations, the situation can be corrected. Only together humanity will be able to save the reservoirs, the oceans and, possibly, the lives of future generations.