How can I remove traces of tape? How to wash traces of adhesive tape on various surfaces

I think the problem of sticky stains left from adhesive tape on plastic is not familiar to me alone. I wonder how quickly and with my own hands to remove the adhesive tape and the sticky residue from it? I propose to understand and solve this problem once and for all.

Removing adhesive tape from smooth surfaces: 10 options

Before washing tape from plastic, you need to remember a few nuances:

  1. Try to act as quickly as possible - the longer the adhesive tape is on a smooth surface, the more difficult it will be to remove traces of it.
  2. Do not use metal brushes and scrapers - they leave small scratches after themselves.

Tools at hand: 7 options

To remove adhesive tape from plastic, you can use simple and always available means:

A photo Instruction manual

Remedy 1. Adhesive tape

Surprisingly, to remove the remnants of adhesive tape will help ... adhesive tape:

  • cut a piece of duct tape and lay it on the dirt;
  • remove material in one sharp motion;
  • repeat the procedure if necessary.

Means 2. Oil

Any vegetable oil is suitable: sunflower, burdock, mint, linseed, rapeseed, etc.:

  • moisten a sponge in oil and thoroughly blot it with pollution;
  • wait about 10 minutes;
  • remove the resulting slurry with a paper towel.

Remedy 3. Medical alcohol

It will help not only to remove the remains of glue from the plastic, but also remove yellow spots on it.

It is enough to moisten a cotton swab in alcohol and treat it with a surface.

Lubricate a small and inconspicuous area before the procedure - some types of plastic do not tolerate the effects of alcohol.

Remedy 4. Eraser

A regular stationery eraser will cope even with old sticky dirt on a plastic surface:

  • rub the eraser with dirt;
  • remove any remaining dirt with a damp cloth.

    Note that the eraser does not solve the problem too quickly, so if possible it can be replaced with a drill with a rubber nozzle.

Means 5. Soap solution

You can remove fresh traces of adhesive tape with a hot soapy solution:

  • moisten the sticky layer liberally;
  • rub a little with a soft sponge;
  • rinse off any remaining solution.

Means 6. Dishwashing liquid

It will help wipe the tape not only from plastic, but also from the car.

Proceed as described in the instructions for using the soap solution.

Remedy 7. Hairdryer

You can try to remove the old masking tape by heating it.

For these purposes, a hairdryer is the best fit.

This method should be resorted to only if absolutely necessary, because plastic can lose its decorative qualities from high temperatures.

Special tools: 3 examples

If you couldn’t remove the traces with the usual improvised means, it’s time to launch heavy artillery. It is a potent substance that can be purchased at the store.

A photo Description

Sticker remover (price from 130 rubles)

It is available in various forms (in a spray can, in the form of a pencil or liquid).

Despite its affordable cost, it effectively helps remove adhesive tape residue with any base.

Kiehl tablefit (price from 800 rubles for 750 ml)

Cope with a lot of difficult to remove pollution.

It must be applied to a napkin or rag, and then wipe it with a sticky trace of adhesive tape.

Taygeta S-405 (from 414 rubles per 500 ml)

Sold in a convenient spray bottle.

It is applied to the remains of adhesive tape, removed after 15-30 seconds.


Now you have learned how to clean plastic tape from plastic. You can try one or several methods at once, and return the plastic surfaces to a clean look.

Do not forget to watch the video in this article - you will learn some more effective methods. If you want to ask a question or clarify something - write in the comments.

From the article you will learn:

Conventional adhesive tape or its masking analogue is often used in household and construction work.

It is a narrow or wide film tape (paper, fabric - in the case of masking tape) on which the adhesive is applied on one or two sides.

Depending on the thickness and characteristics of the adhesive, scotch tape is weakly and strongly fixingand also sticking instantly or requiring time to set with the surface.

Unfortunately, this useful working material has a significant drawback - traces after its use are poorly cleaned from some surfaces. One of such surfaces is plastic, and therefore the problem of cleaning plastic windows from adhesive tape is quite relevant today.

Removing adhesive residues from plastic frames complicates yet another circumstance - the aesthetics of the structure and the change in its color cannot be allowed in any case. Successfully cope with the task help proven methods available to each owner.

Method number 1

If the adhesive tape was recently removed from the plastic surface and the adhesive remains have not yet hardened, then stick to the soiled areas new scotch tape, press it down firmly, and then tear it off with a quick movement. To completely eliminate traces, the procedure will have to be repeated several times - but this method is guaranteed not to damage the surface of the plastic. In case of failure, you can use the usual stationery gum to erase pencils and remove the glue from the tape with it, simply erasing it.

Method number 2

A cleaner for plastic windows can be prepared from improvised household products. Have to take ordinary baking soda  and dilute it with water to the consistency of thick sour cream. This composition is applied to the frame and left for 2-3 minutes, and then removed with a cloth dampened with plenty of water. If the remains of adhesive tape are not cleaned the first time, then the mixture is applied again. Just like the first method, this procedure allows you to effectively remove ugly traces of glue, without worrying about the loss of design aesthetics.

Method number 3

If you have to decide how to wash plastic windows from adhesive tape removed a long time ago, and the dried glue has already firmly stuck to the surface, then it can help neutral alcohol composition: vodka, alcohol solution, colorless lotion. They should soak a sponge or lint-free cloth and gently wipe the contaminated area. Before starting work, it is recommended to test the solution in a small area hidden from the eyes - not all types of plastic can tolerate the effects of alcohol (it may change color or distort the surface).

Read also: Window vent on plastic windows. Types and Features

Method number 4

Get rid of glue residue on a plastic window will help household products without aggressive components. It is better to choose formulations in the form of a fine powder, gel or solution, as substances with large crystals can leave scratches. A sponge or washcloth is moistened in the composition and wiped with its frame, increasing pressure in areas with adhesive residues.

Suitable for cleaning windows and dish gel, as well as a spray for washing glasses. Spray should be sprayed onto the glue stain and begin to wipe after 5-10 minutes. After applying the spray, the frame must be washed with clean water.

Method number 5

To peel off the sticky tape, you can use special chemicals sold in hardware or construction stores. They are usually issued in the form of aerosols and convenient for work, but are quite expensive. After spraying the substance on the surface with adhesive tape, a reaction dissolves the glue, and the tape is removed without any difficulties. The remnants of dried glue also quickly dissolve and to remove them you just need to wipe the plastic with a regular cloth.

Manufacturers promise that their products are safe for window plastic, but still recommend checking that there are no reactions in small areas before work.

Method number 6

Rather effective means for cleansing adhesive tape are considered white spirit and gasoline without impurities. They quickly dissolve the adhesive base and clean the plastic, but can damage its surface. Not all types of frames can withstand such contact. In order to check whether it is possible to use such solvents in your case, wipe them with the invisible part of a small window and look at the reaction. If after 5-10 minutes the surface has not changed color and shape, then the tool can be applied to the entire window.

Method number 7

Scotch tape and its traces can be removed from windows made of heat-resistant material by heating the frame with a hairdryer or household steamer. The entire window does not need to be warmed up, since by pulling at the tip that has receded, you can remove most of the adhesive tape. Traces left after removal are heated very slightly and washed off with a sponge or a damp cloth.

Read also: Accessories for plastic windows. What do they rank among them?

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For non-heat-resistant plastic, there is a more gentle version of such a procedure: a cloth dipped in hot water is applied to the adhesive tape. The material is folded in several layers and is well wrung out. To obtain the desired effect, a “compress” on the adhering place will have to be applied 2-3 times. If this effect is not enough, then use a rubber spatula or scraper.

Method number 8

In order to clean the plastic window from tape, ordinary liquid oil: sunflower, linseed, olive, etc. With a generous layer of oil, lubricate the surface with adhesive tape, and after 10-15 minutes remove the tape or its traces with a rag or sponge. The remaining oil is washed off the frame with soapy water. If you use aromatic oil instead of edible oils, the room will smell pleasant for a long time without any fresheners and deodorants.

The method is absolutely safe for any kind of plastic.

Method number 9

Nobody canceled the traditional mechanical way to rid plastic windows of complex contaminants, especially if they have existed for a long time and are heavily eaten to the surface.

One of the options for mechanical cleaning is the gradual separation of the adhesive tape by hand, however, this work will take a lot of time and will not relieve traces of glue.

Another option involves use of a sponge with a cleaning layer,  rubber scraper and laundry soap. A coarse layer of wet sponge is soaped and the frame is rubbed with it. The surface should be completely moistened with soapy water, which is left for a short period of time (5-6 minutes). Using the sharp part of the scraper, you need to pick up the tape tape and gradually separate it from the window. As necessary, wetting with soapy water is repeated.

After scrubbing the adhesive tape, the remaining glue is removed by wiping the frame with the hard side of the soapy sponge. For complete cleaning, you will have to make significant efforts and be patient.

Method number 10

A fairly original way to get rid of the remains of adhesive tape is the use of toothpaste. In this case, a layer of toothpaste is applied to the surface of the plastic frame and held for 5-10 minutes. Then, the frame with dried paste is thoroughly wiped with a dry cloth and washed with soap and water.

Double-sided tape is a tape consisting of the main part (foamed or polypropylene) and acrylic adhesive, which is applied on both sides of the base. In some cases, the base can be foil or metallized, which increases its strength. After applying such fastening material, situations arise when it must be removed without damage.

When removing such a fixing material, it is necessary to take into account the fact that this item is very tightly attached, and this leads to the fact that removing it completely becomes very difficult, and without the use of additional tools it is impossible.

The methods associated with the removal of this type of adhesive tape directly depend on the type of plane on which it was fixed.

Removing double-sided tape by heating

Heating well helps to separate the main part of the adhesive, however, it is recommended to use this method only if the surface under the adhesive is heat-resistant. Otherwise, instead of the cleaned area, serious damage to this object can be obtained.

For the heating procedure, a regular hair dryer, which is used for styling hair, is quite suitable. First, the heating and subsequent softening of the adhesive mass occurs. After that, the remains of contamination can be cleaned without problems with a cloth made of cotton material, for this you need to effortlessly rub the right place.

Destroying traces with vegetable oil

With vegetable oil, you can easily destroy the adhesive residue that has not been removed with the main part. The method of application of vegetable oil depends on what area of \u200b\u200bthe adhesive remains. If the surface was horizontal, then the oil just needs to be poured onto the required area, if the material was glued on a vertical plane, then a napkin previously moistened with oil should be applied to this place. To interact with the adhesive, the oil needs time (approximately 15-20 minutes). After a while, the glue residue can be easily removed with a cloth. In order to remove oil stains, the contaminated area should be washed with soapy water, then washed clean with clean water.

Using a stationery eraser

The use of a conventional stationery eraser is quite easy to help remove all existing residues. To do this, gently rub the residual adhesive layer with an eraser, then simply remove the resulting adhesive lumps. During friction, do not press too hard, as the surface may be damaged.

The use of drills for cleaning

To remove sticky marks from adhesive tape, use a specialized nozzle for a drill, which is made of durable rubber. It is good to use a drill if contamination is spread over a large area. When using a mechanized device does not need to apply a lot of their own efforts. The device will do everything on its own. Also, the rubber nozzle can be used to peel off the adhesive tape itself, this greatly speeds up the process.

Chemical fluids as a way to destroy adhesive residues

Of liquids, gasoline and paint thinners are best suited to erase the effects of sticking on a fixing material. The liquid must be applied to a napkin, then process the stain from the glue. When exposed to chemicals, the glue dissolves, the stain is removed without problems. However, it is important to remember that in this way it is impossible to process such planes that, when exposed to reagents, can seriously suffer. Another minus is the sharp chemical smell. He will be present in the room for a long time, it is impossible to completely wash it at a time.

Another liquid that can help remove traces of tape is nail polish remover. The condition for its use will be the complete absence of acetone in the composition.

A paraffin-based ignition fluid can also help in removing contaminants, but it only affects certain types of glue.

Removing Scotch Tape Using Table Vinegar

Ordinary table vinegar easily removes double-sided tape. A good result is achieved due to the fact that vinegar, which is an aggressive remedy. When applied to the desired area, it softens both the adhesive layer and the base itself. After the table vinegar has been treated, this area should be wiped with a dry cloth to finally remove any contaminant residues. With the help of vinegar, it is good to carry out the removal process from materials such as glass, tile, metal, plastic, as well as mirrors and ceramics. And the smell of vinegar, despite its harshness, disappears quite quickly, since vinegar vapors are volatile.

Destruction of window cleaning fluid

Factory liquids intended for washing glasses not only effectively deal with residual contaminants, but also remove the specified material itself. The action of such substances is based on the content of the alcohol component and soap in them.

Remove traces of tape with baking soda

To use baking soda for this purpose, you should, first of all, prepare a paste of soda and hot water. The resulting mass is carefully applied to the desired area, after which the sponge easily and quickly removes traces. The final cleaning step is to flush the cleaning agent with clean water. Baking soda is widely used for cleaning on materials such as plastic or tile. It is important that you do not rub too much during the soda cleaning procedure so that minor scratches and other damage remain.

Ethyl or ammonia

Ethyl alcohol is recommended to be applied to a cotton-gauze swab or cotton pad. Then you need to wipe the area until all contaminants come off. An important condition in this case is the timely replacement of dirty swabs with clean ones, since the speed of the cleaning process depends on this. Ethyl alcohol acts on the basis of adhesive tape already at the molecular level, destroying its structure.

In addition to ethyl alcohol, ammonia can also be used. It acts similarly to ethyl alcohol. The difference is a sharp peculiar smell, which quickly disappears.

According to experts, fresh traces left after removing double-sided tape are easier to remove than old pollution. The larger the age of the spot, the more it is absorbed into the underlying material, respectively, the more difficult it will be to remove it without residue. In addition, adhering dust and other small particles significantly complicate the cleaning process and restore the original condition of the affected area. For old traces, heating procedures are well suited if the characteristics of the material on which the adhesive tape was fixed allow this.

We all know an adhesive tape called “scotch tape”, which we use to realize many goals in everyday life. The producers gave it the name scotch for a reason. This name had a well-known Scot in wide circles, and it in the last century in America had the synonym of "stinginess."

Such a nickname was received by the first samples of the world-famous tape from users who had complaints that there was too little glue on the tape. A lot of time has passed since then, and the situation has changed a lot - now we rack our brains to ensure that there are no traces of adhesive tape on the surfaces, because there are a lot of glue on it.

In practice, the difficulties in removing the remnants of such a tape arise only for those people who do not have sufficient knowledge and do not have an idea of \u200b\u200bsome tricks that would allow, without effort, removing glue on acrylic bases.

From this we can conclude that in order to select the right tool you need to have general concepts about the surfaces on which the adhesive tape was applied.

The abundance of plastic in our homes just rolls over: most of our everyday items are made of such material - children's toys, furniture, frames, etc.

And before you remove the traces of adhesive tape from plastic, you need to understand how this material has good performance. It is not difficult to clean it in this case - it is important to understand how aggressive the agent can be.

Again, you need to take into account the time spent by the adhesive tape on the surface of the plastic, because the longer it stays on it, the more difficult it will be to wipe from there. As improvised means boldly can be used:

  • sunflower oil;
  • petrol;
  • the eraser is ordinary;
  •   with which we dry hair.

Try to remove the adhesive from the tape by the means that every person in the house has. In case this does not help, resort to more effective methods. Let's look at each of the proposed options in practice in more detail.

  No matter how strange it may sound, ordinary vegetable oil can help you remove traces of tape. The thing is that it mixes with the texture of the glue and thereby changes its properties.

To make it easier is simple: pour oil directly on the surface or moisten a cloth in it and put it on a dirty surface for a couple of hours.

After this time, the glue will lose its qualities, after which it will not be difficult to clean it with an ordinary cloth, and in the end it will be necessary to wash the entire surface with a solution of soap and water so that there is no grease left.

There is one caveat: if you do not have the opportunity to thoroughly wash the surface with soap and water after the procedure, it is better not to use this method.

Your home probably has stationery, and the usual school eraser must be left out in the dark. Using such a banal tool, you will not leave a trace of scotch tape even from the most "ancient" times.

The dirt will be removed according to the same principle as the traces of children's pencils in the album - just brush away the remaining specks in the end. Wipe off adhesive tape by this principle it is possible from absolutely any surfaces:

  • from glass;
  • with plastic;
  • any children's toys;
  • and even electronics.

  The disadvantages include only the time it takes to remove these traces, because the surface can be rather big and it will take more than one hour to wipe it off.

Use white spirit, or refined gasoline, which in our daily life we \u200b\u200brefuel lighters - such methods will forever be possible from almost any surface made of glass or plastic.

The thing is small - just soak a small cotton sponge in such a tool and wipe the surface. After the procedure, it will be necessary to thoroughly wash it with warm water and a soapy solution.

Please note that in an ardent desire to wipe traces on the surfaces, you can overdo it and the glue will be removed together in the upper layer of the product. In this case, you risk getting white spots and remove the gloss.

To prevent this, try on a barely noticeable area of \u200b\u200bthe affected object. If there is a need to remove the adhesive from the glass, remember that "combustible" methods will require special care and a lot of air.

Cleaning traces that are already old is not so simple. In the surface of plastic, and glass glue can stick tightly, so professionals recommend cleaning it as soon as possible. It’s better to carry out the procedure in one fell swoop than to hold out until the glue and your glass literally turn into a single whole and it will be simply impossible to wipe it off.

  Be that as it may, we do not always do everything according to the rules, and it happens that time is lost, but I want to end up giving the original look to the products. In such situations, a regular hair dryer may come to your aid.

Of course, he himself will not remove the glue, but thanks to the heat that the hairdryer radiates to the surface, the structure will become softer and more pliable, after which it can be easily removed using any detergent that is at hand.

This method will be simply indispensable in cases where you need to remove double-sided tape from the surface. The thing is that, in addition to acrylic, it also contains rubber and other foams in its composition - they are difficult to clean.

Pay attention to the surface structure. Keep in mind that not every plastic product will survive such a change in temperature, without losing its aesthetic qualities.

Are there any traces of scotch tape on the fridge? You will not find a better remedy

In the fight for the "clean face" of our household appliances, we often resort to a host of options, while missing out on the most basic ones.

Do not be shy to ask to remove the adhesive tape directly in the store: it happens that store employees simply miss this point if they are not reminded. But they must have specialized pencils and liquids in their possession, which completely help to clean the equipment from glue.

If you missed this moment, do not despair. In your house there are definitely tools to help you:

  • acetone;
  • vinegar or alcohol;
  • window cleaner.

Such substances can be safely used in order to get rid of glue stains on mirrors, glasses, ceramic and tile products.

And it’s impossible to argue with that. Using a nail polish remover, you will effectively, and, most importantly, quickly remove traces of tape.

  If, in addition to glue, there are pieces of adhesive tape on the surfaces, soak the sponge in the liquid and attach it to the tape for a while - after a few minutes, the procedure repeats.

The disadvantages include the fact that you can not always use this method.

For example, it is undesirable to wipe tinted glass or metal products with such a liquid.

As it became clear, getting rid of the hated traces of scotch tape with the help of improvised means is quite realistic. To do this, you need a little zeal and free time.

Take your time to draw conclusions - try a few options. After all, no one is to blame for the fact that you reached the moment when the glue got stuck heavily. Try and you will succeed.

You use adhesive tape during the transportation of furniture - you “fix” them the doors of cupboards, cabinets and nightstands. This ribbon is very reliable and usually does not fail. But when the furniture has already been transported, an unpleasant surprise awaits you. Suddenly it turns out that wiping off the sticky miracle from the nightstands is not easy at all. And even if it succeeds, you still have to torment yourself with the remaining sticky stain. So how to wipe the adhesive tape from the furniture, so much so as not to leave any traces? You will know now.

Regular gasoline for lighters is a great way to get rid of sticky tape:

    Just take a piece of cloth, soak abundantly with gasoline for lighters.

    Walk on the "remains" of the tape.

    Wash the vacated place with warm water.

    Wipe dry, that's all.

But we warn: the stench will still be that way, so the method is effective, but not without flaws.

Very important! Use gasoline very carefully, especially with polished and varnished surfaces. If you hold "fuel" on them for too long, then it will eat so much that you can’t remove it later. Well, except perhaps with polishing.

White adhesive also perfectly relieves adhesive tape. The method of elimination is the same as with gasoline for lighters.


The eraser not only erases a different pencil daub - it will also clean the places where it was necessary to glue the adhesive tape. Do it in this way:

    Take an eraser, until they turn blue three by the remnants of a sticky miracle.

    Then "polish" with a dry cloth, and the case ends.

The method is excellent, but rather long - you just need angelic patience to completely remove the Velcro.

Oil perfectly removes adherence from polished and painted surfaces:

    Moisten a clean cloth with oil.

    Rub the sticky stain well.

    Do not touch for 20 minutes so that the sticky stain “fills” with oil and begins to collapse.

    Wash off with a polish and clean with a spatula.

    Wipe dry with a paper towel (a paper towel is fine), and say a long-awaited goodbye to a sticky miracle.

The disadvantages of the method are the same stink. Plus, if the surface is unprocessed wood, it is dangerous to rub with oil on it - greasy spots may remain.

You can wash sticky traces with essential oil, which is sold in any pharmacy. But even after it there is a smell. True, it is much more pleasant aroma of sunflower, which will please except that the fetishists of this plant.


To tear off sticky stains from furniture, ordinary soda is quite enough:

    Prepare soda and dilute it in water so that you get a paste that looks like sour cream.

    Put "sour cream" on the sponge and three on sticky spots with it.

    Rinse and dry.

Hairdryer - for furniture plastic

Scotch tape can go into plastic almost forever. Sun rays are to blame for everything - they literally “crown” the sticky substance with plastic surfaces, make them a single whole - it becomes almost impossible to wash the spots. But salvation is also its name - the hair dryer. Yes, yes, the one with which you dry your hair after a shower or shower. Simply:

    Heat up the sticky spots with a hairdryer (to soften them, hot air is just that).

    Then put in the game a swab dipped in all the same vegetable oil. Rub them with warm sticky stains.

    Remove the oil with soap and that’s all.

Important! Not always furniture plastic copes well with the attack of hot air vapors. If it is not very high quality, yellow, difficult to remove spots and even deformations may appear. To hide them, again, you have to glue something on top: film, wallpaper ... well, in general, what is not the decor?

Tooth Powder - for chipboard furniture

You won’t have to bother with scotch tape sticking to furniture made of chipboard. Enough with regular toothpowder and shaving foam (or any decent dishwashing detergent)

    Mix tooth powder with foam.

    Sponge the remaining tape.

    Wait (literally a couple of minutes) until the sticky stain begins to liquefy.

    Take a damp sponge and carefully, without strong pressure, remove the liquefied glue.

Acetone - for upholstered furniture

It is easiest to remove the sticky substance from upholstered furniture with acetone:

    Handle it a sticky place.

    Dampen a cloth with cleaning agent or regular soapy water.

    Wipe the remains of scotch tape.

    Finally, walk with a dry cloth to permanently remove traces.

Abrasive paste - for glass

If on the glass of a sideboard or a sideboard traces of sticking are burned, then it will be difficult to do without abrasive pastes. So:

    Be sure to wear rubber gloves, because after all you have to work with a chemical substance - abrasive paste. It is better that it does not get on the skin.

    Take a sponge and apply a little paste on it.

    Sponge the rest of the tape thoroughly. Attention! Be sure to clean the sponge (by usual rinsing) from sticky particles and “used” paste from time to time;

    At the end, rinse the glass thoroughly and wipe it dry.

Important! Abrasive products are only safe for glass. They easily damage other surfaces, roughen, scratch.

Drill - for double-sided tape

Double sided tape can be a real headache. It includes rubber and some other foams, thanks to which double-sided tape sticks literally tightly. But you can still remove the stick. To do this, you need to buy a special rubber nozzle for a drill. Outwardly, it resembles an ordinary eraser and is designed just to remove particularly sticky substances. The nozzle does not pose a great danger to furniture. And angelic patience, as in the case of a “manual” eraser, is not needed - the drill will deal with sticky spots in two counts.

Universal label cleaner and dishwashing detergent

If you don’t feel like fooling around, the advice is simple - buy a universal remedy against labels in the store. It will cleanse of traces of adhesive tape, but the truth will have to fork out.

Here, watch the video about one interesting “universal”:

Well, if you want it to be cheap, but cheerful, just use the usual dishwashing detergent. Do it like this:

    Add the dish detergent to hot water.

    Using a rag or sponge, apply the resulting mixture to a sticky stain.

    After a couple of minutes, the glue will liquefy, and you can easily remove it with an ordinary dry cloth.

But be sure to keep in mind: this method is simple, but far from always effective. As they say: to break - not to build, to glue - not to tear off ...

Scotch tape is wiped off. This is not a joke at all. Simply:

    Stick on the remaining strip of adhesive tape.

    Tear her abruptly.

    If necessary, repeat the procedure a couple of times.

There is nothing left of the tape.

Our congratulations! Now you finally know how to get rid of sticking. It's time to get a bottle of tape from a cupboard and drink a couple of sips for the victory over his sticky namesake.