The interpretation of the tarot tower. Tarot Tower - the correct interpretation of the major arcana

The main meaning of the card

Direct position

The Tower is one of the most difficult Arcana, for carrying the idea of \u200b\u200bdestruction, it creates a message for progress and overcoming problems. It is the Tower that contains a lot of what happens “suddenly” - illumination, awareness, desire to fight, breakthrough. The “negative” coloring of the Arcana arises from the fact that all these processes - both breakthrough, and insight, and understanding - are usually painful and associated with crises, conflicts, destructive emotions. But few people can readily accept the fact that inviolability and peace must be left behind, and that a new stability still needs to come and must be earned.

Some of the combinations of the Tower with other Arcana are very indicative. With the Jester, this card is interpreted as liberation; with the Priestess - as the comprehension of deep secrets and intimate knowledge, the path to which was long and difficult; with the Court - as an unprecedented opportunity, a unique chance to change your life; with Death - cardinal changes, a new stage of life.

Inverted position

The Inverted Tower symbolizes the painful awareness of the ongoing injustice, the blows of fate, depression, calamities (destruction, fires, etc.), serious illness, bankruptcy. And all this without mitigating circumstances. Of course, “this too will pass,” but the black streak of life in the case of an inverted Tower is usually long and painful. If the Tower fell upside down together with Justice, then we are talking about an inevitable and heavy, at least somewhere fair, punishment; if with the Hierophant - the collapse of former convictions, ideals; with the Wheel of Fortune - "sticks in wheels" that arise in some business, undertaking, intention.

Love and relationships

Direct position

For a relationship, the Tower is a difficult but necessary showdown, a forced separation (along with the Moon - unexpected), which, as further events will show, will subsequently strengthen feelings, as well as overdue changes and release from an unwanted partner (especially with the Lovers). The tower indicates the need to get rid of our own "armor", built by ourselves from habits, stereotypes, dogmas that we believe are unshakable. And come out to meet a new, fresh vision of their problems. In addition, for layouts for love, combinations of this Arcana with the suit of Cups are interesting and characteristic. For example, the Tower, which fell out in a pair with the Ace of Cups, is interpreted as a crisis of relations that were considered deep and eternal, and with the Two of Cups - as an unsuccessful or frustrated date.

Inverted position

A tower in an inverted position speaks of an emotional explosion, a breakdown in relations, and very unpleasant experiences. In fact, here we are dealing with a loss, which will not be easy to survive, or about experiences that can poison life for a long time even after they have remained in the past. It is the inverted Tower that indicates a great disappointment from love, that a person is abandoned, betrayed, forgotten. It is the loneliness after the breakdown that the inverted Tower symbolizes, if it is strengthened by the Hermit. And when Power is next to such an Arcanum, it means that a person will need all his willpower and common sense to stay under the blow of fate.


Direct position

For the professional sphere, the Tower serves as a prediction of serious, even cardinal changes, the termination of a project (development, research). This card suggests that a person needs great ingenuity and readiness for atypical, unconventional, unexpected actions, words, judgments. The tower suggests that it is absolutely necessary to go beyond the existing framework, as they have become cramped or turned into a vicious circle. For a more specific interpretation, it is worth paying attention to the cards associated with the Tower in the layout. For example, the Magician is very characteristic in this respect; this combination is like a call to drop everything, burn bridges behind you and start from scratch.

Inverted position

For the layouts for a career, the inverted Tower is a clear warning of significant problems and difficulties. This Arkan can mean big money problems, shameful departure from office, failures in performing responsible work. In addition, an inverted Tower with the Empress means that someone will profit from other people's problems (i.e., from the problems of the one to whom they are guessing). And the inverted Tower with the Ace of Wands is a fiasco of an undertaking that seemed very promising and interesting.

Do not be limited to small, "tit in hand". This is not your level. And even if moving towards a big goal will be fraught with significant problems, you must go forward. With the right amount of effort, you will be able to overcome all difficulties.

On the Tower Tarot Arcana, we see a tower that has been struck by lightning. The sky above the tower is clear does not portend any trouble. The air is quiet and calm. Around the tower sown field, shows that the seeds once thrown into the ground gave their shoots - a symbol of prosperity and stability. There is only one small cloud in the sky from which lightning struck.

This small cloud points to circumstances that were not taken into account in due time, false beliefs, blunders and mistakes, which led to the inevitable disaster. Lightning - this is a strong blow of fate, indicating the finger of God, which, at first glance, does not have any reasons for a catastrophe. Tower - it is a symbol of any achievement of a person, it can be housing, a career, a relationship, a person's pride or the meaning of his actions and a way of life. The tower is destroyed by a lightning strikemeans destroyed what the person valued and considered stable. Two people fall from the Tower... One man is wearing a crown and expensive clothes, the other is wearing simple clothes.

This suggests that the onslaught of the elements can turn to dust both great and small, both kings and subjects. Both material and spiritual well-being of a person can collapse. Perhaps this Tower belonged to a rich man, it is the fruit of his efforts and efforts, his power and glory. And the higher this Tower was built, the harder it will hit the ground. A man in simple white clothes symbolizes our worldview, our spiritual principles, which can also collapse at any moment. The tower is collapsing, people are dying, but around this tragedy it is quite calm, supportive environment clear sky, sown field), this suggests that no one expected the blow, that it happened unexpectedly - "like a bolt from the blue."

If suddenly the action of the Arcana Tower touches you, then the question will immediately arise: "For what?" Instead of this question, when you lose the most precious thing and suffer from it, you must learn to ask another question: "For what?" It takes wisdom and courage to survive the suffering that the action of this Arcana can bring. And one must be able to comprehend one's own experience of suffering and put it in the basis of compassion and sympathy for others.

The meaning of the 16 Arcanum Tarot Tower in an upright position:

Key meanings of the Arcana Tarot Tower in an upright position: Destruction. The end of the existing situation under the influence of external forces, suddenly and very soon. It symbolizes events that we do not expect, but their results can turn our lives upside down, both for the better and for the worse. With bad neighboring cards, it means loss, chaos, trouble. Next to good cards, it shows that the time of the "black streak" in life is coming to an end.

Arcan Tarot Tower on Relationships in an upright position: outdated relationships fall apart forever. A sudden “I don’t love” will be a Tower for a man in love, who has already dreamed a lot about developing a relationship, here the Tower relieves you of illusions. With favorable neighboring cards - liberation from limiting and oppressive relationships, an end to suffering.

Arkan Tarot Tower for Work in an upright position: often, dismissal from the previous place of work. Collapse of the company, reduction of the enterprise. Loss of stability and calmness. Failure of plans that seemed quite reliable.

Arcan Tarot Tower for Health in an upright position: sudden complications, fractures, accidents. Surrounded only by favorable Arcana, unexpected healing.

Arcanum Council Tower upright: something has changed dramatically in your life, you have lost something dear. Do not try to return the past, but learn a lesson from this life situation. Time will pass, and you will understand that today's loss was a deliverance.

Meaning of 16 Arcanum Tarot Tower inverted:

Key meanings of the Arcanum Tarot Tower in an inverted position:internal crisis, dependence on existing circumstances that cannot be changed at the moment, limited opportunities. There is no opportunity or desire to decide on something. Feels like in prison. Long-term depression. Desperate situations. Contingencies.

Arkan Tarot Tower on Relationships in an inverted position: unwillingness to break off a crumbling relationship, to let go of a partner. Perhaps you realize that the relationship does not suit you, but you cannot decide in any way to break it. Relationship crisis. You feel cornered.

Arcan Tarot Tower for Work, inverted: troubles, stagnation, crisis, obstacles.

Arkan Tarot Tower for Health in an inverted position: depression, nervous disorder, psychosomatic diseases.

Arcana Tarot Council Inverted Tower: Your options are limited at this time. Now it is best to turn to yourself and decide what your soul is asking for, so as not to make yourself ill on nervous basis. In such a situation, repeat to yourself many times: I know, I know what I want!

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For the Tower, which is traditionally considered the most severe card of the Major Arcana, oddly enough, you can search for your keyword for a long time. Many cards herald the "change" in the tarot deck. Jester, Wheel of Fortune, Death ... And the same Six of Swords? Don't they all promise change? In short, these are not "changes."
The unexpectedness of these changes? The strangest thing is that the Tower may not be unexpected at all! The situation, like an abscess, has ripened for a long time. This is the "end of the world" that was expected. Maybe even really awaited! So this is not a "surprise".
Liberation? Again, the Tower will not be the exclusive carrier of this meaning. Liberation is carried by the Judgment, the Sun, the Star ... and a number of cards.

And it turns out that the key word is "crisis". Or even a "crisis". Explosion or scrapping after the previous injection. In a sense, this is punishment for what came before. The Exorcism of the Devil (previous Arcanum) takes place along it. The old name of the Tower is the House of God. This is something worth considering. This is the House of the Devil (as the map was called in medieval Italy), transforming under the blow of heavenly lightning into the place of God's presence. Along the Tower is liberation from a false aspiration that does not contribute to the development, through the destruction of what a person believed in and for which he strongly strove. There is a loss of the achieved balance, based on false grounds. The tower is the orderly of evolution, it heals our life from everything that poisons it, destroys stagnant situations that hinder growth. At the same time, the blows of fate may seem as tragic and incomprehensible as it seems to a child who is dragged to the doctor to remove a sick tooth. Few people take these cleaning operations with enthusiasm, but they are still needed.

The tower shows that the walls behind which we were hiding (or hiding something) are crumbling. One period of life is replaced by another, and this happens very rapidly, and therefore not painless. In the simplest sense, the card symbolizes the end of the existing situation under the influence of external forces, unexpected and very quick. It can be either just a reactive clean-up type of order, or a total collapse of the current situation (at least in the area of \u200b\u200bthe question being asked). The tower pulls a person out of the constraining circumstances, violates a long-standing state of affairs. Sometimes this is completely in line with the expectations and even desires of the questioner, so the Tower is not always so bad. Along with positive cards, she informs about the disintegration of existing evil, heralding the end of the black streak in life and getting rid of a heavy burden. It's time to enter the future with the rumble of the debris of the past.
It's another matter if all this does not at all correspond to either expectations or desires. Then it is a bolt from the blue, a kind of painful revelation that undermines the very foundations on which we stood, a radical breakdown of the old outlook on life. It is important that the "blow" itself is delivered by forces that you should not even try to cope with. Another significant point - there is no point in restoring the deceased in the Tower, it is useless.

At different positions of the alignment and depending on the situation, the Tower changes its scale and significance. It can be both external destruction and internal shocks. For the future, it rather serves as a warning that what we have long considered stable and secure may suddenly shake. Radical changes are brewing, the air smells like a thunderstorm. As an indicator of the past, she says that the obsolete has collapsed and will not be reborn. Sometimes we are talking about internal things - stale beliefs or life principles, and sometimes something more tangible becomes the target, but in any case, it is precisely those structures and conventions that we have already surpassed that fall apart on the Tower. In fact, the old breaks down because the time has come, the new is already maturing, something more creative, lively and vital, and the old has already become obsolete, and reanimating it is a waste of time and effort. When the shock wears off, we find that we have got rid of the ballast.

On the Tower we clear the garbage, throw out the old and unnecessary, destroy obstacles. Sometimes she says that we are in an extremely intense process of transformation, something has shaken and shocked us, we have felt a breakthrough to something important, a place has been freed up in us for something new. We are burning with some idea, feeling, desire, breaking one thing, striving for another, experiencing shock and liberation. This is the acquisition of inner truth, which for a long time languished in us under a bushel. This process is like a thunderbolt or a river that blew through a dam. It can be such a powerful and vivid experience that it is almost impossible to "collect" yourself and turn to your daily routine (the notorious "demolition of the tower").
The traditional meanings of the Tower are unexpected frustration and collapse of plans, in the worst case - complete failure, misfortune, suffering. Catastrophic changes in the affairs of the questioner, the destruction of a house, business, marriage (depending on the topic of the question and the surrounding cards), sometimes - imprisonment. In a purely everyday sense, the Tower often means a conflict, even a scandal, but it is a thunderstorm, after which the air becomes cleaner. It is possible to engage in some aggressive actions, in difficult and / or dangerous situations.

In rare cases, the Tower portends a triumph, but even then it is more likely a "Pyrrhic victory", which comes at too high a price.
Unforeseen destructions, accidents, breakdowns, accidents, and sometimes attacks occur along the Tower. On a global scale, it reflects wars, natural disasters, explosions, terrorist attacks, revolutions, the collapse of the regime, the destruction of the existing order. Plane crashes, shipwrecks.
It is believed that the Tower, appearing in the layout, determines the value of other cards in the negative direction.

"As struck by thunder."

Most likely, the person is in shock. He is overwhelmed by some news or event, and everything that he had previously planned and hoped for suddenly changed. Maybe he is decisively trying to free himself from something and acts as a destroyer, but again, there is some reason for this.

The tower is a stress test that exposes all of our weaknesses. The fall of erroneous beliefs under the pressure of reality, the overthrow of values \u200b\u200bthat provided us with confidence in the future and a sense of security (in the emotional sphere, professional, financial ... spiritual, finally). The image of the Tower can mean the structures with the help of which a person tries to protect himself from growth, from the world, from the activity and diversity of life. In a sense, the 16th Arcanum depicts a prison consisting of rigid, impervious to change, and at the same time highly elevated representations. Unused powers, undisclosed emotions, paralyzed energy are locked within its gloomy walls. They accumulate and press more and more. A person becomes cramped in himself, but he stubbornly forces himself to cringe, just not to grow out of fear of pain (and life). In fact, this whole structure is a vain attempt to stop the process of growth, change, transition from one state to another. And so, reality, conditioned by a limited outlook, is being destroyed. The Tower of Views piling up to the sky (and that area of \u200b\u200blife where a person considered himself to be reliably protected) suddenly staggered and scattered along with the old picture of the world. This is often perceived as a disaster, since it is precisely the structures that formed the very basis of our confidence that are crumbling, but in fact this is a well-deserved crisis, the inability to remain in outdated positions. Nothing else happens on the Tower, but the conditions for further growth are being created. This is the pain that stands in the way of rebirth.

We all go through the Tower experience many times. Man is imperfect, and his knowledge of the world is always only partial. We all, to some extent, protect ourselves from the environment in order to gain stability and tranquility. Disappointment in their illusions, hopes and rational constructions does not escape anyone, the only question is how often positions are revised (here the main role is played by openness and interaction with the outside world, in general with forces that surpass their own "I"). If a person does not do this for a long time (and we somehow lay the bricks of performances every day), then he manages to heap a very high structure, and then he risks being simply "buried" under its rubble - it will take a long time to dig out, and this experience will leave its scars. This is a special life wisdom - the understanding that the walls of your tower are your enemies rather than friends. Still, the feeling of falling can be downright creepy. Sometimes "righteous anger" and the rage of destruction and liberation pass through it, but more often it experiences a loss of orientation, existential horror, the overwhelming realization that you are not the person you thought you were, that you are grasping at the air like falling figures on a map.
It is important for a person suffering from acute pain in the Tower to remember that he is not alone. There, from a height, Someone looks at him, sees everything (that's why he blasted that he sees ...) and will not leave him under any circumstances. Even blatant losses are valuable gifts from the universe, and times of crisis and despair are often the most rewarding phases of growth. Having an honest look at yourself, you can truly free yourself and move on. As noted by one of the modern Western tarologists, “By accepting the shock, you will be able to move forward on your present path, and sooner or later the Star of Hope will flash upon you. The alternative is to trudge through the mud as a passive victim, wondering where you are and how you got here. " The action of the Tower is very vividly seen in Priestley's Dangerous Turn, where the protagonist discovers that the whole building of his life was an illusion, and where questions of deception and self-deception are shown brilliantly. And one more thing that must be remembered in the "tower" times - the most important, the most valuable and essential cannot be destroyed. This is not what the tower destroys. She burns garbage (even if we are ready to pull it out of the fire with our bare hands at the time).

The Tower Man has an extremely restless disposition, it is just a powder keg. He suddenly bursts onto the stage like lightning, and just as suddenly hits, which also leaves a feeling of thunder from a clear sky. He always longs for changes (at least unconsciously), he is cramped within the framework determined by life, and therefore something happens to him all the time, he and the people around him receive regular "shakes". He's dynamic, confident, thrillingly unpredictable and always willing to take risks. The tower brings shock and confusion to the lives of those with whom fate confronts him (her), it is living rock. At the same time, the spirit of a person is inflexible, it is difficult to break it, and his own life, full of sharp turns, serves him, if not a lesson, then a hardening. A tower of either gender is often characterized by an explosive temperament and an inability to maintain good relationships with others. This is a born duelist who always looks for trouble. In the worst case, it is a rowdy, brawler and rude, or even a criminal. Historically, the Tower corresponds to tyrants and dictators (who are overthrown sooner or later if they do not have time to die before that). Megalomania and punishment for pride pass through the Tower. Anyone would have lost their nerves ten times already, "and he, rebellious, asks for storms, as if there is peace in the storms." However, he has the gift of freeing other, less cool and radical people from what oppresses them - once or twice, doors are knocked out, telephones are torn off, suitcases are packed, and indeed a joke with them, with things, and now you are flying " hare "in an unknown direction, without even trying to guess how it will all end. With the Tower, the phrase “see Paris and die” ceases to be a literary phrase.

In a spiritual sense, the Tower symbolizes the consequences of the fact that the person was "beguiled" by the demon, he accepted the offer of the Devil, even if he tries to deny it. The Sixteenth Arcanum describes the destruction of the vibrations of the Fifteenth. The tower is something sent by God (blow, punishment, revelation, destruction of illusions). Contrary to modern interpretations, in the deepest sense of the Tower it is not so much “demolishing the tower”, as strictly the opposite - “setting the brains down”. We receive a reminder from the Universe that we are not omnipotent (even if we have gained power), that the will of man, no matter how strong it may be, in comparison with the Will of God, is secondary and limited. The tower warns - do not imagine yourself to be the Lord God, do not imagine that "man himself controls." What you are striving for now does not contribute to evolution and is not part of God's plans. Therefore, you will be guided on the true path, the constructions of your limited mind will be overturned. The sixteenth Arcanum is the mystery of the overthrow of all that is false, unviable. It symbolically depicts the fall of Lucifer, Dennitsa, who was cast down from heaven "like lightning" by the army of the Archangel Michael. Sometimes it is also associated with the fall of man and his expulsion from paradise, although, in fact, this whole structure resembles paradise a little ... Probably the closest thing to the Sixteenth Arcanum is the famous myth of the Babylonian tower, a symbol of vanity, which the Lord did not allow puffed up people to finish building. Allegory: something not quite real falls under the pressure of divine intervention. Therefore, the Tower addresses a person with a warning: the task you have set cannot but destroy the one who solves it. And does it make sense? What you are building at least ignores the laws of God, and maybe even violates them. It is the essence of the fall, so the expulsion from paradise will definitely follow. This construction cannot be completed, although much has already been done. A uranian blow will follow, putting an end to this matter. From this Uranian lightning, the sun of new truth can shine. Divine revelation destroys all delusions at once, leaving nothing of them.

Astrologically, the Tower is affected by the influence of Mars (cosmic energy in its rough materialistic form), as well as such planets as Pluto (globality and massiveness, "nowhere to hide"), Uranus and Saturn (sudden destruction and renewal). The tower can mean both the blind destruction of forms, and the fall of the dilapidated one. Mars is a person's personal moral principle, dominating fate, giving physical strength, spiritual impulses and hope for immortality. But the hope for immortality comes to a person only when he "falls from his Babylonian tower" and nothing else remains for him except this hope. In the mystical sense, the Tower corresponds to astral battles, magical wars, exorcism.

The tower also corresponds to the mystery of the Phoenix rising from the ashes renewed. This is the ability to be reborn, to radically change after cleansing crises (from the deceptions of the Devil passing to the Star). The card often depicts how a golden glow or other substance that symbolizes the released potential forces bursts out of the gap formed by the blow. In the Masonic tradition, the tower symbolizes the column of Jachin and the first fire, "from which everything begins and with which everything ends." Also, the stones of the Tower symbolize the callousness and rigidity of the human soul, inertia of consciousness.
The images of the figures falling from the Tower differ in different decks. Sometimes one is a king losing his crown on the fly, and the other is a poor man in rags. This is a hint that no one will escape cleansing crises and a revision of ideas in life. Almighty Destiny is completely indifferent to what place a person occupies in the hierarchy of this world. Sometimes it is a man and a woman, then it means rather the association with the fall of man and retribution for the concession to the temptations of the previous Arcanum. Sometimes the Tower is associated with the "fiery sword" at the entrance to Eden. Exile is reflected here in the form that a person falls into the lower world and incurs the illusion of materiality.

The tower is the axis of the world that embodies spiritual evolution towards the divine heights. Esoterically, this Arcana also depicts the mystery of the interaction of thought (representation) and word. The human soul, in order for the created inside to be manifested outward (the word was spoken), turns inward. But the spoken word destroys the previous internal integrity, and when speaking, a person ceases to understand the meaning of what was said and creatively touch the essence of things. Hence the paradoxical at first glance the phrase "A spoken thought is a lie." When a person comprehends the true power of the word, he is mostly silent (an example of this is the ascetic-silencers).

The map can only warn that the structure is shaky, the forces are not so great and the understanding is not as complete as it seems, and as a result of the abuse of God's gift, misfortune may occur. A typical example: the catastrophe of a person, which plays with magical forces beyond his power and understanding, or a psychic who exaggerates his capabilities and (semi-consciously) profiting from the misfortunes of people. The tower has long been considered an edification card for the seeker of occult knowledge. She says that if you are tempted by the opportunity to rule this world instead of striving for wisdom and spiritual growth, you will lose everything that you have gained. The reason is the misuse of power. Not in the fact that you manifested it in principle, but in where you directed it. Walking the spiritual path, it is not THIS world that a person should try to conquer. At this point of quest, there is still a temptation to evaluate oneself in terms of this world - according to the impression made on others, according to earthly position and status. But if you exchange spiritual growth for obvious material achievements, you will lose everything, and in the hermetic sense of the XVI Arcanum - about this. EITHER YOU HAVE ASSIGNED A POWER THAT YOU DIDN'T HAVE, OR YOU ARE ASPIRED TO A GOAL TO WHICH YOU HAVE NO RIGHT. It symbolizes the collapse of an arrogant intellect that encroached on the mastery of the Secret Knowledge.

Shocking changes. A sudden decision to change jobs (or even profession). Dismissal "like a bolt from the blue", leaving with a noise and crash, "slamming the door." Quarrels, stress, destruction of business relationships.

Professional failures. Defeat in the competition. Great crash. Abrupt closure of the project. Company bankruptcy.

It suddenly turns out that the plans are unrealistic, not designed for human strength, and therefore doomed to failure.
Fiasco. Situations in which a person feels that all his works were in vain, and the meaning of life has also disappeared somewhere. Loss of prestige and influence, career collapse, removal from office, removal. Disaster as a result of abuse of power.
A risky venture, an unreliable business, an unsustainable enterprise.
Mainly military and sportsmen pass through the Tower professionally. It can also be an indicator of professions associated with clearing a place, destroying the old (and this can be radical psychotherapy).

The tower can literally indicate a house or structure, as well as the danger posed by them. Fire, destruction, robbery. The sudden decision to change the place of residence.
Financial structures built on the principle of a house of cards. Doubtful foundation of the case, if the past comes to light, all sorts of shocks will begin ("Don't worry, Kozlodoev, we'll all sit down!")
Bankruptcy, financial ruin, economic crisis. Business destruction, financial losses. Need, poverty, deprivation, misery.
Breakdown of the deal.

Here, as in everything else, the Tower bears scrapping and liberation. And the person feels more “scrapping” or more “liberation” - that's another question.
Sometimes there is just a conflict passing through the Tower, and sometimes an indomitable sexual impulse, sometimes one passes into another ... but in any case, it is an explosion and the release of long-accumulated and suppressed feelings. If only something was kept under cover, restrained, tolerated, silent, waited, then the Tower is the hour of the explosion. The spuds are crumbling, the reins are torn, patience is bursting, in a word, the safety margin is running out, sometimes completely treacherous. The direction of the Tower's interpretation can sometimes be guessed precisely by whether this period of "nuclear containment" preceded it, whether the clockwork was ticking. The previous nature of the relationship can also provide a clue. If the situation felt like a dead end, and the relationship (or lack thereof) was very much like a prison to the person himself, the Tower is “kicked the door and went out”. Sometimes she is experienced positively, like a man doomed to life imprisonment experiencing the unexpected destruction of a prison in an earthquake - he gets out, not feeling any nostalgia for the wreckage.
The tower can mean the collapse of the previous relationship, which seemed stable and unchanging, or a very severe test of love or friendship, after which the opinion about loved ones changes. The ancient words “collapse as a result of wrong judgments and abuse of free will” are absolutely accurate, and you can only feel to what extent this is so after going through all the drinking of the Tower. Its other meaning is “cleansing storm”. And one more thing - "ashes". Which of them is closer to the truth in this case remains to be seen.
Marriage crisis, divorce. Some "revelations" often take place on the Tower - the long-hidden truth breaks out, a sudden understanding of the true essence of events arises. This may be the awareness of one's own dissatisfaction with the marriage, and the fact of treason, and other unexpected blows ("everything was confused in the Oblonskys' house"). On the Tower, secrets are revealed and illusions are dispelled.
The sudden loss of a spouse, knocking the ground out from under his feet. In practice, there was a case when the Tower indicated a sudden widowhood, the death of a spouse, and a man, in a stunning awareness of his vulnerability, was left with a small child in his arms, he had to build a completely new life.
In part, the card indicates tyranny and oppression (the context of the alignment is important), the situation can also be dangerous, threatening, fraught with violence.
The tower carries a lot of sexual energy. Lightning sometimes takes the form of the zodiacal sign of Scorpio, and the tower itself is seen as a phallic symbol. She symbolizes the powerful orgasmic power of emotions that have been contained for a long time, but have finally gained freedom. Therefore, sometimes a sudden love passes through the Tower, which “jumped out in front of us, like a murderer jumps out of the ground in an alley, and struck both of us at once! This is how lightning strikes, this is how the Finnish knife strikes! " The direct card is associated with erection and ejaculation (inverted, respectively, with problems in this part; it is also believed that it may indicate the secret birth of a child). On the Tower, sex is possible spontaneous, very passionate, unexpected for the person himself, and sometimes violent. Sometimes a passion passes through it, which orderly destroys the lives of the people captured by it. "Everything happened" - but to open their eyes and look around after this atomic explosion, they are simply scared ...
For a lonely person living with a feeling of complete stagnation and tired of loneliness, the Tower is an almost optimistic map. She says something will happen! It is not a fact that it will be a great happiness, but in any case, a boring and calm existence will end, it will be possible to escape from the dungeon of stupor. It happens that a person is ready to take risks, just to overcome inertia, and he is not very scared even by the prospect of being left with a broken trough (however, the energy of the Tower is such that the other's trough will hardly remain intact).
A modern tarot reader, writing under the pseudonym AlmaZ, says the following about the Tower: “The card can represent the period when a person decides to do something that he has never done, following the principle: now or never. Those who marry the wrong person leave; single people fall in love and tie the knot; women who have never had children take their last chance to conceive, while those who have worked boring jobs for years quit and walk to the Himalayas. For the sake of happiness and growth, everything standard must go away, so that it will be replaced by something that has been dormant for so long in the depths of our being. "

Diseases of the "like a bolt from the blue" type. Fractures, injuries accompanied by acute pain. Accidents, injuries. Burns. Shock. Sometimes sudden healings pass through the Tower, the disease can be “expelled” and “etched away”, but this, as a rule, also shakes the body to the core. Surgical operations. Radiation and chemotherapy.
Symptoms of freeing the body from toxins pass through the Tower - high fever, vomiting, all kinds of skin rashes. Hemorrhages, abscesses, suppuration, an attack of appendicitis, a ruptured cyst.
Heart attack, heart attack, stroke.
Age crisis.
Nervous breakdown, severe frustration. Panic attacks.
Mental disorders, rather psychopathic than neurotic (the old comic definition: a neurotic is one who does not give life to himself, a psychopath is one who does not give life to others). The heat of passion.
Undermined health (for example, as a result of radiation damage).
In exceptional cases - death (catastrophe, accident).

It is believed that the inverted position softens the action of the Tower: what is built will not be destroyed to the ground. It becomes less sinister and disastrous. It may not be so strong chaos, but it will continue to last longer. Or it is simply a delay in a change that still has to be faced. It can also be a misfortune happily avoided at the last moment. But still, usually the upside-down Tower brings anxiety and pain.
In an inverted position, the card speaks of a strong dependence on existing circumstances, which at the moment cannot be changed - opportunities are limited, individuality is oppressed. A person follows his own footsteps along the same path, lives along the old track, ripening for a fundamental crisis of development, ignores alarming signals and clings to the status quo. He postpones necessary changes, softening the situation that is about to explode. Sometimes, on an inverted Tower, a person stubbornly denies a crisis, friction in a relationship, or even perpetrated violence, as if it were not there.
The card also advises against rushing to the destruction of old relations and connections, it is better to settle the matter peacefully, avoiding scandals and conflicts.

Traditionally, it is believed that it has a narrow meaning: tyranny, oppression, bondage. Cheating. A shame. Harassment, persecution, persecution. In the French tradition, the inverted Tower symbolizes imprisonment, since according to legend, it was Napoleon who pulled it out on the day of his departure to Saint Helena.

With Jester - danger due to carelessness, carelessness

With the Magician - retribution for permissiveness

With the Empress - selfishness and the risk of being left alone; danger of bankruptcy

With the Emperor - the need to defend their interests, with difficulty defend their conquests

With the Hierophant - the spiritual quest went down the wrong path; crisis of faith, possibly involvement in a sect or falling under the rule of a homegrown "guru"

With Lovers - the need to quickly make the most important decision

With the Chariot - a formidable warning about an accident, an accident on the way. If the road is not foreseen, then cards of control, victory, triumph in the struggle.

With the Hermit - loneliness due to unreasonably high conceit

With the Wheel of Fortune - big and unexpected changes will take place in life

With Strength - extremely strong and not very friendly people will appear in the environment

With Death - "the swift impact of powerful forces." Accidents, injuries, painful incidents. Traditionally, this combination is a foreshadowing of an imminent disaster, literally or figuratively.

Moderation - weakens the action of the Tower.

With a Star - whatever the upheavals, there is no need to be sad, everything is for the best. Serenity and Peace The Stars calm the Tower's storm.

With the Sun - health problems, depression. Also, this combination is considered a warning not to borrow or invest money. Another meaning is bright illumination, revelation.

With the Six of Wands - approval, pride, success.

With the Five of Pentacles - very difficult times, especially in terms of money.

With the Nine of Pentacles - "a bunch of problems" (according to Guggenheim)

Finger of god

The Descent of the Holy Spirit

Ragnerek (fiery end of the world in Germanic and Scandinavian mythology)

Fall of Sodom and Gomorrah

Ruins of babylon

Shiva's dance

"Suffering means putting on immortality."

“Truly, the Lord is present in this place, and I did not even know! How awful is this place! It is nothing but the house of God, it is the gate of heaven ”(Genesis 28: 16-17).

When dealing with the Tarot, you try to avoid certain cards. One of them: 16 lasso Tower. It destroys many efforts and often carries negativity. Before talking about the meaning, let's take a look at the map. By tradition, I do all the parsing on the basis of the Ryder-White deck, because it is the easiest for beginners, but also the most difficult for professionals. Before interpreting the layouts, you need to learn to see what is shown on the map. This is the easiest way to understand its meaning.

The sixteenth lasso is depicted on a black background. It is the color of darkness in all areas of life. If, when divining the Tarot: "Yes-No", a card with a black background fell out, then the answer is unambiguous - No.

The 16th lasso of the Tarot depicts a tower struck by lightning. This suggests that troubles, losses can start suddenly, unexpectedly. Even a structure as sturdy as the Tower can catch fire. Lightning personifies the power of nature, a karmic lesson.

From the tower 2 people fly upside down. This symbolizes situations where rational thinking seems to be turned off. One of them has a crown on his head, and the other is not. This tarot card does not spare anyone, not even kings. It shows that "the rich also cry." For karma and punishment, everyone is equal. When falling, all are equal.

If you think that power and money decide in life, all such a card can turn your life upside down. People fall from above, which gives the 16th lasso also a karmic meaning - "not to be arrogant." Whoever flies high, he falls painfully.

It is noteworthy that on the image of the map, the tower has a golden crown instead of a dome. This suggests the possibility of situations in which money and wealth will not help. It is not always worth relying on material values.

The meaning of the 16th Arcana Tarot

In astrology, this card can remind, especially close in spirit to it, the negative aspects of Mars and Uranus. Severe injuries, losses. This card brings destruction to everything that has been created.

This is a map of dramatic changes. Tarot Tower shows changes in the current mode, support and period of life. If you have had white stripes in your life, it will turn black. Black is the opposite. Only in the latter case is it necessary to have positive cards in the layout -

The second meaning of the 16th arcana of the Tarot is Chaos. This is a harbinger of accidents and disasters. It is better to refrain from traveling when the Tower card is present in the layout. The symbol of breaking ties. In addition to physical destruction, it can also carry psychological problems. For example, the destruction of old principles and stereotypes, chaos in the head.

The 16th lasso Tower is at best a warning, and at worst a payback.

The sixteenth lasso is a rejection of the old in favor of new technologies. In the case of the tarot profession, the Tower will show a sharp blow from competitors, a drop in the share price. Business has outlived Itself. It is worth exploring new areas. This card can talk about a sharp change in profession, about massive layoffs at work. But there is another side to the coin. If you're the boss, it might be worth replacing your old team or business practices.

In the layout of the tarot relationship, the Tower speaks of crises and ruptures, abrupt changes. If the relationship is stable, then instantly can fall apart. Of course, this is one of the signs of divorce. And a new, unremarkable acquaintance can develop into marriage. But an explosion can happen in the intimate sphere. The old passion will be remembered. Any emotion comes alive. If the partner endured something, then at that moment patience ran out.

Tower upside down.

Unlike other cards, the 16 lasso in an inverted position gives softer consequences and destruction than a direct value. This can mean abandoning the new, adhering to old traditions. From a karmic point of view, this means that a person has not understood his lesson, but continues to follow the wrong path. In an inverted position, it resembles a Devil card, where it speaks of addiction and is unable to change anything. The losses will not be as sharp as in the upright position. But they will be longer

Combination with other cards.

Tarot Tower in combinations speaks of losses and fractures and straps, chaos in any area. It brings negative meaning to any scenario.


The general meaning of the 16th lasso.

Astrological meaning of the arcana: Capricorn.

The superpower of the lasso: the vision of one's own and someone else's karma, the ability to treat karmic diseases with the help of correctly formulated thoughts and words, as well as the ability to correct, resolve karmic situations and relationships.

The ancient names of this map - the Destructive Tower, the Burned Temple, Flame and even the French Le Temple foudroy - "Temple struck by lightning" - remind of the same event - the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple, the last stronghold of the Jewish faith, by Emperor Titus in 70 BC. ad.

In mythology, the 16th lasso very well describes the biblical story of Sodom and Gomorrah. These cities were built with the help of sinful principles, just as the Tower is built with the stones-principles of man. According to biblical sources, God had mercy on the prayers of the righteous man Lot not to destroy these cities, but on the condition that at least a dozen righteous people were to be found in the cities. Lot could not find such a number of people without sin, and the cities were destroyed. And this whole plot suggests that before the Tower is destroyed, a person has a choice to consciously change his attitude to everything that happens in his life and created by himself. If a person misses this opportunity, ignores the proposed choice, then the Tower will definitely be destroyed.

In Greek mythology, the 16th lasso is well demonstrated by the myth of the emasculation of Kronos by Zeus. The son of his powerful father Zeus did not want to come to terms with the fact that, for the sake of his reign, Kronos devoured his children, fearing to get rivals in their person. Carefully hidden and nurtured by his material Rhea, Zeus rebelled against the tyrant Kronos, forcing him to vomit the children he ate. In order to deprive his royal father of strength and power, Zeus emasculated him. This myth clearly shows that no matter how high a person sits, no matter what level of power he reaches, he can always be overtaken by karmic retribution and even the gods are not able to resist the law of Karma.

Description of the lasso.

On the 16th lasso card, we see a tower, the top of which is broken by lightning and two people, one in a crown, the other with coins (rich), which fall down along with the debris of the tower. And we understand that the 16th lasso card symbolizes the complete disintegration of everything that has been the basis of existence until now, a revolution in ideas about the world. This is a symbol of complete collapse, powerlessness before the formidable will of heaven, before Karma, the universal Law of causation, but also the cleansing of the soul from sins and suffering, working off, rectifying karmic diseases and flaws, giving back karmic debts.

Here we are dealing with Newton's 3 Law, with the consequence of our actions, with the bestowal, with the consequences of our actions, that is, with karma as such, with the power that controls everything.

In an esoteric sense, the main image of the 16th lasso is of great importance - the Tower, which is made of solid, at first glance, stone, which describes the hidden meaning of the lasso - the creation of an unshakable picture of the world by man, which affects all spheres of life, but is based solely on our inner beliefs , framework. The fundamentality and inviolability of this picture of the world is indicated by the very material of which the tower is made - stones. It seems that the stone is strong and will withstand any external influences, but all this can be destroyed by circumstances. The Tower was also unable to withstand a strong external lightning strike.

In addition, we see that under the Tower, drawn on the map, stone blocks are randomly installed, which at any moment can move, violating the integrity and inviolability of the structure. These stones symbolize the basis that a person took for himself when creating his worldview principles. It should be noted that stones (refer to the elements of the Earth) show exclusively the material world, which means that the basis of a person's worldview principles is far from his spirituality. It was with these principles that he built his Tower.

The top of the tower is crowned with the Crown, which in its deepest sense means the elevation by man of his principles to the rank of the Law, their elevation above divine laws, the violation of the Law of cause-and-effect relationships - "I am my own decree and no one is free to dispose of me."

The thunderous, aggressive background of the lasso suggests that the picture of the world is undergoing a test of strength, and it cannot pass this test - lightning with a crushing blow destroys the top of the Tower. This is a very important moment in understanding the sacred meaning of the 16th lasso, the Tower collapses not at the base, since the root cause of man's creation of his principles is correct, but his own attitude to the principles created by him is destructive. Here, lightning destroys exactly the place on which the Crown is attached, it destroys a person's pride, which has become a law for him. And lightning here is an instrument of karmic retribution, an instrument of the Law of Causation.

Magical use of the arcana.

It is useful to enter this lasso to develop the ability to see the true, karmic reasons for the situation, relationships, actions of one’s own and other people, to work with karma, get rid of illusions, delusions and frameworks, to activate the ability to positively perceive any changes in one's life, for the ability to energetically , psychologically cleansed of everything superficial, inspired.

Divine meaning.

  • A streak of troubles awaits you.
  • You are in trouble because you are doing something wrong.
  • For "this" you have to pay.
  • Often the loss of this card when viewing a person, his condition is a direct indication of a negative impact from the outside (especially if there was a question about health, a person's well-being): damage, evil eyes, conspiracies and slander. It is useful to clarify with an additional map, maps.
  • You have a karmic working off, cleaning.
  • It is better not to start business, there will be no success.
  • Disaster for the sake of purification.
  • Total destruction of the old.
  • If the alignment on a person's attitude is an extremely negative attitude, revenge, hatred, anger, negative energy impact on the part of this person.
  • The answer to the question is “no,” and it's not even worth starting.