The most accurate meaning of the name Olga. What does the name Olga mean

The female name Olga has Scandinavian roots, isn't that why the character of its owner is distinguished by persistence and willpower? The meaning of the name Olga in translation from the Scandinavian is "saint". Her life is far from holiness, but in her character there is a desire to improve herself, develop, become better.

As a child, our heroine is a cheerful, carefree and at the same time stubborn child. From an early age she has adult character traits. She is ready to defend her opinion and it is difficult to force her to do something through "I do not want". If a girl refuses, for example, to eat porridge, then it is impossible to force her to do it either by persuasion or threats. She'd rather stand half an hour in the corner than go against her will.

The meaning of the name Olga for the child is favorable. The interpretation of the name in the early years is a combination of childish naivety, carelessness and playfulness with adult willpower and the ability to stand up for oneself. Growing up, Olya becomes a serious and thoughtful girl. She is interested in sports, looks after her appearance. Despite her sociability and sociability, she has few friends.

The meaning of the name Olga for a girl in her school years is diligence, self-esteem and independence. Olya does not sit all day on textbooks, but she studies well and is distinguished by developed erudition. In class, she is respected and listened to. Often a girl becomes a "black sheep" in the school team because she has her own opinion and is ready to defend it, and not obediently agree with the majority.

Adult Olya is an attractive woman with a pronounced sexuality. She is distinguished not only by feminine charm, but wit and developed intellect.


From an early age, the girl is distinguished by her amorousness and the ability to find a common language with the opposite sex. This means that if she liked a man, then she will fall in love with him, achieve reciprocity. Our heroine has been looking for a life partner for a long time. There may be several marriages in her life, especially if her first marriage was early.

At a young age, passion, feelings, romance that arise between her and her future chosen one are of great importance to her. Having matured and become more experienced, she is looking for a partner without material problems, who can make her life cloudless. Our heroine is a temperamental woman for whom the sexual component of relationships is very important.

If a man does not satisfy Olya sexually, she says goodbye to him without regret. In marriage, for her, not only love on the part of her husband is of no small importance, but also his ability to diversify their family life. Monotony and monotony in a relationship is detrimental to her feelings. She begins to look for entertainment and fresh emotions on the side, which ultimately leads to separation from her husband.

A family

Family life for our heroine is important. This means that, being the mother of the family, she feels herself a fulfilled, happy woman. For Olya, family is the crown of her life, her pride. She puts her soul into children, gives them the best that she can give. Moreover, from the moment the child appears in the family, relations with her husband fade into the background for her. Because of this, conflicts often flare up with her husband.

A woman with great pleasure is engaged in the arrangement of home life. Her home is a comfortable home with modern furnishings and the latest technology. She is jealous of cleanliness, so her house is always clean and tidy. Relations with her husband's relatives are friendly if the family of our heroine lives separately from them.

Business and career

Our heroine has an analytical mindset and a comprehensively developed intellect. Her element is the exact sciences, which means that she will make an excellent economist, accountant, banker. Olya can become a brilliant specialist even in such seemingly male professions as a programmer, design engineer, and designer. She will achieve great success in any profession that requires precision, thoroughness and concentration.

In a work collective, a woman behaves neutral. She does not gather a team around herself and does not weave intrigues. Communicates with everyone equally friendly and adequately. In case of conflicts, she is ready to defend her opinion, and if she is wrong, she makes compromises and is able to admit her mistakes.

For our heroine, work is, first of all, earnings. The material reward for her labor is of great importance to her. She will devote more time to work and work harder if she gets paid a good bonus or a salary increase. A woman is not attached to one job for a long time. Having found more favorable conditions of work and earnings, she will move to a new place without regret.

The origin of the name Olga

The origin of the name Olga has Scandinavian roots. In the Scandinavian chronicle where it came from, Helga means "saint." Also, etymology is attributed to the ancient Slavic name Volga, which means "miracle worker". The history of the name indicates Olga as a derivative of the male name Oleg.

The mystery of the name is also associated with Christianity. Holy Princess Olga, whose name is mentioned in the Holy Calendar, is the patroness of all women named by Olga.

Characteristics of the name Olga

The characteristic of the name Olga has its pros and cons. Olya's character is distinguished by her sociability and friendliness. She knows how to keep up a conversation on any topic, even if she does not quite understand it. Our heroine has good analytical skills, which helps her to understand people well. She is also characterized by gaiety, hospitality, generosity. She knows how to be a loyal friend and is always ready to help.

The negative traits of a woman's nature include self-interest, envy, ambition. Olya always strives to be better than her friends in everything. The success of her friend, of course, pleases our heroine, but envy appears in her soul and she, with her characteristic ambition, seeks to "surpass" her companion. She is also looking for benefits in any relationship, be it love, friendship or even family ties. A woman attaches great importance to the material condition of her environment.

The mystery of the name

  • Stone: amber.
  • Name days: February 10, March 6, March 14, July 17, July 24, November 23.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign: Cancer, Virgo.

Famous people

  • Olga Kurylenko - French actress, model;
  • Olga Budina - Russian theater and film actress, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation;
  • Olga Arntgolts is a Russian theater and film actress.

Different languages

The translation of the name Olga from Scandinavian is "saint". How the name translates according to its meaning in Japanese: 光 り (Hikari)
Consider the spelling and sound of a name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages:

  • Chinese: 奥尔加 (ao-er-jia).
  • Japanese: オ リ ガ (o-ri-ga).
  • Arabic: أولغا (tol-ha).
  • Hindi: ओल्गा (ol-ha).

Name forms

  • Full name: Olga.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants: Olya, Olenka. Olyushka, Olka, Lyolya, Lyunya, Olyunya, Olyushka, Olyasha, Olgunya.
  • Declination of a name: Olga, Olga.
  • Church name in Orthodoxy: Olga.

1. Personality: attacking women

2. Color: red

3. Main features: will - activity - efficiency - intellect

4. Totem plant: pear

5. Totem animal: leopard

6. Sign: Taurus

7. Type. They are fighters with a strong, sometimes difficult character. They do not part easily with what they hold in their hands, it would be imprudent to snatch the prey from them, and it is not surprising - after all, their totem is a leopard.

8. Psyche. Even in anger, they do not lose control over themselves. These Amazons have some kind of restless strength of character, often turning into fanaticism.

9. Will. Unyielding, flavored with the activity of a predator.

10. Excitability. Strong, although feminine. Balanced in friendship and love, hide their feelings and affections; until they are convinced of the unselfishness of others. They treat failures calmly, with endurance and patience, overcome any obstacles.

11. The speed of reaction. Corresponds to the situation. All are judged according to their own criteria. Resistant to influence, it is difficult to convince them to change their decisions, even if they are wrong. Their self-confidence borders on arrogance and arrogance.

12. Field of activity. Work for them is sometimes armor, sometimes provocation, but always passion! They do not agree with the prevailing opinion that women play a secondary role in life. Doctors, nurses, politicians or public figures, business leaders - all of them! They have a heightened sense of responsibility.

13. Intuition. They lack imagination and inspiration, they are always guided by logic.

14. Intelligence. Possess a cold, calculating mind. They lack human warmth, without which there is no real intellect.

15. Susceptibility. These girls cannot be said to hold onto their mother's skirts. They become independent very early. Negatively refer to weakness, sentimentality, violent expression of feelings.

16. Morality. They adhere to strict moral standards, do not forgive anything and will always be able to remind you of old faults.

17. Health. They have huge reserves of health, do not succumb to fatigue or disease. Weak spots are the liver and genitals.

18. Sexuality. They would do everything not to even hear about it. Sex for them is a taboo, they do not allow anyone to interfere with their intimate life.

19. Activity. "Attacking Woman". What else can you say about these extraordinary, sharp-toothed leopard predators?

20. Sociability. Are sociable only when necessary for work or for political, religious or other reasons.

21. Conclusion. These are female rulers who strive to turn those around them into slaves - be they relatives, friends, or work colleagues ... not to mention husband and children!

According to Florensky

The name Olga is close to the name Vladimir in terms of its root meaning, origin, historical place and, finally, in terms of physical and mental properties. Etymologically Olga, or originally Helga or Elga, means great; of course, this meaning is close in meaning to the world ownership associated with the name Vladimir.

The origin of the name Olga

Both names came to us from Scandinavia, and both, deeply accepted by the Russian people and becoming especially Russian names, having been mastered by the Russian language, underwent a sound mutation, far from accidental. Waldemar in Vladimir, of course, loses its cutting distinctness, softens and becomes clouded with a certain dreaminess and uncertainty; in the same way, Elga's cutting and even cruel clarity in a drawn-out and deep O ... softens, somewhat diffuses and becomes, if not more affectionate, then, in any case, more calm and motionless.

Both of them, Valdemar and Elga, grow up on Russian bread, become stout and no longer have the need to tread on the world with pirate raids or magic runes: here, on new soil, everything will go into their hands, and all without effort. on their part they are recognized as masters and great. Naturally, they are deprived of their dryness and training of their predatory skills, and if they do not necessarily acquire kindness, then in any case their cruelty softens. And at the same time they also lose the short definiteness of their lightning-fast desires, they are lost in themselves and, romantic in their search for something immeasurable, indefinite for them; not clear themselves, we are preparing for the Holy Font.

What has been said relates to the sound of these names proper; but the same thing would have to be repeated more definitely about the spiritual form expressed by these names. Like the name Vladimir, Olga - Elga is a pagan name, and, moreover, of northern paganism, where divine images are pale, not formalized and little metaphysical, while human will is strong, unyielding and itself seems to be a phenomenon - a mysterious force of another world. Growth and dignity - this is in what sense, first of all, the "great" named Olga should take on the meaning. In our opinion, in a modern way, it would be necessary, perhaps, to say - not all, but large, large, but, one must remember, the size of the figure was assessed by northern paganism as great, as a phenomenon of great forces, and therefore the modern translation of the name Olga would be a distortion the main meaning of the name Olga. But Vladimir is the same, for who, if not big, not big, not great, therefore, own the world.

Character named Olga

Both of them, Vladimir and Olga, are like vessels filled to the brim with the juice of the earth: that's why they grow, that's why they're dignified, that's why they assert their whole life, splashing their strength, but because of this they also possess magic spells, even wisdom and prophetic gift. However, both of the latter properties come in them from the roots to the earth, and not from heaven, and therefore they are muddy and biased, in their passion they can deeply sin and excite in the soul an everlasting anxiety and a search to find something more than earthly in the earthly and conventional, until a ray from the sky will hit them. Both of them, Vladimir and Olga, feel and know, but they know not with their mind, but with their blood, much more than is necessary for the earthly; but their knowledge is not enough for proximity to heaven. That is why, quantitatively multiplying their earthly successes, which are far easier for them than for others, they think to heap something great to the very sky, but the sky appears to them as Valhalla - an unchanging feast and battle. By the amount of the earthly, they think to create with their own hands something that is more earthly. But, to their credit, this attempt, the incessant attempt at their life, is neither rebellion, nor fighting against God, not a deliberate challenge to God, which they do not know, but a kind of conscientious delusion and blindness. They do not know and do not understand for the time being that the sky is different than the earth, and that the great is not very large, much less a big pile of small.

The fate of the name Olga

Therefore, they do not advance in their life-building by malice and not by spiritual pride, which opposes man to God. On the contrary, they rise upward because they give themselves up to the force that lifts them, like dough, on a couple of earthly juices: just like dough, because this rise occurs not due to internal density, but by the elastic force of gas bubbles that do not contain anything significant in themselves. Their business is like soap suds that swell as easily as they fall off. But again let it be repeated: their pride is as far from pride as their greatness is from greatness. In essence they are good fellows who can always be reasoned with if you slap them hard enough; more delicate methods of suggestion, they are little available, but not from contempt for others, but from the intoxication of the juices of the earth. These people not that they did not consider it necessary to obey, but simply do not hear the warnings and are brought in, simply without having any restraint.

But when Divine Mercy strikes them with an iron rod and, having smashed their cause into nothing, clearly and indisputably, not with a “voice of coldness,” but with a thunderous blow, reveals to them the genuine formidable reality of another reality and power, then such people with true humility accept the downfall that only recently, before self-forgetfulness, intoxicated them, and they understand the insignificance of their work. Maybe after a while they will start again

something like that, but in any case, the one who died will no longer be turned with regret. Olga's physical properties correspond to the pagan and, moreover, rather to the northern basis of this name.

Olga type

Olga usually have significant facial features and figure and, rather, beautiful, but not thin; an almost unfeminine power breathes in them, at least according to modern concepts, and it can even turn into a certain roughness, roughness of facial features, which would be expressed in a rude treatment if Olga did not have intelligence. But her mind is also strong, above average, and, moreover, not formal and not abstract, but very flexibly applied to circumstances and finding the most correct way to achieve the desired. In this respect, there are some similarities between Olga and Sophia; but Sophia acts with a consciously set goal, and Olga is irresistibly carried away by her desire and passes through obstacles, although, perhaps, she herself is very poorly aware of what she is being drawn to at the given moment as irresistibly as she is not motivated by reason. She flows in life, driven by forces that are deeper than usual, the standard of life, more organic, more spontaneous, more akin to will, while Sophia does not even reach the organicity inherent in even this average level. Therefore, Sophia's actions, with her rationality and integrity, are somewhat artificial, while Olga's actions, despite being splashed, unexpected and sometimes eccentric, "for some reason" they come at the time of life and at the moment seem to us to be a more vital way out of the existing confusion of life. If Sophia's exactingness leads her to collisions in life, then Olga's instinct, reaching what she wants in the near future, often tightens the knots of the next one and makes her look again for how to wriggle out.

So, Olga's roots go deep into the rich black soil and stands firmly on the ground. She has a lot of mental health and poise that she receives from the earth and, despite all the unwillingness to reckon with moral norms, which it does not irrevocably destroy in itself, also according to the strong instinct of the earth. Olga's passions must be tried in a different court than that of many others: these are not so much evil manifestations of depravity, as strong movements of the will that does not know restraint - but not unwilling to know, but simply ignorant. And therefore, the insulting and painful that one has to receive from Olga is most likely not from malicious intent to inflict pain, but from the crushing of everything on the way: she turned her shoulder, and the joint flew out and, perhaps, hurt someone, and she is ecstatic and did not take the trouble to understand what had happened. This is health that turns into "health". Olga, in her mental scale, does not fit the standards of the majority, and all her character traits are larger than usual. In this sense, she, too far from real and even more artificial fragility, may not seem to be a woman, at least in the modern understanding of femininity.

But it would be a big mistake to interpret her character as masculine, and this error arises when one compares her mental makeup with that of a small-scale man. But even he, tiny in comparison with her, is not really feminine, just like she is not masculine. In her - the mental structure of the Valkyrie maiden, and such must be compared with the corresponding male type - the knight. This size of Olga's features, however, has its own proportionality, as in Olga in general - a kind of wholeness. That is why going deep into the ground, giving Olga secret knowledge, does not tear her personality apart: Olga is prophetic, but she owns her knowledge, and it is not it that invades her. It is too firmly made for the intuitions of being to live independently in it; she subordinates them to the general striving of her personality, and everything that, by the strength of its originality, could not be subordinated, is instinctively discarded by her and does not reach her consciousness.

According to Mendelev

This name, rare in beauty and power, usually belongs to a prominent and bright personality. Often people around look at Olga with shyness, so to speak, from the bottom up, feeling her superiority. But this quality does not humiliate anyone; Olga's strength and energy help others to overcome difficulties and solve their problems. She is inclined to get to the bottom of her own and others' troubles and make decisions that should affect this source and improve the overall situation. Can achieve good results in any kind of activity - in science, in production, in creativity.

Olga sees connections between heterogeneous phenomena and successfully intervenes in the course of events. She enjoys indisputable authority, and not only among close people. It happens that she experiences difficulties in family life, because not everyone can correspond to such a strong and original personality. Olga's character traits stand out even more clearly when analyzing the name Olya. True, brightness, courage and power do not always manifest themselves visibly to others; sometimes they are hidden, and few people know about them. For Olya, the main thing is not to bury her talents, to let all her abilities manifest themselves.

Olga is able to overcome any obstacle, if required to achieve this goal; however, what is of value to her may be completely indifferent to others. Nevertheless, she is an absolute authority for those around her. Aware of her strength, Olga never boasts of her, even as if ashamed of her. She does not break into leaders and does not seek power over others, and if this happens, it happens against her wishes.

The color of the name is almost pure white, and for Olya - with the addition of red.

By D. and N. Winter

The meaning and origin of the name "Olga"

Russian form of the Scandinavian name Helga, "Sacred"

Character named Olga

The name is somewhat cautious, while it quite interestingly combines sufficient isolation with external activity. The energy of the name persuades Olga to pay a lot of attention to herself and her inner experiences, not really trying to show them to others. Often this makes Olga think, as they say, on her mind. Whether it is true or not, however, the combination of such opposite qualities in her character, such as active communication and isolation, really make Olya a very diplomatic and even calculating person. She seems to constantly control herself - what and with whom you can and what you should not do.

Usually this trait begins to manifest itself in her character as early as childhood, and if you look closely at Olya's behavior, then you can notice some tension behind her benevolence towards others. This is especially noticeable at the first acquaintance, when Olya involuntarily seeks to bypass and smooth out sharp corners, which can hardly be called typical for childhood. Subsequently, when relations in the team are basically defined, Olya becomes more open, although here, too, she prefers to hide most of her feelings from others, which can be perceived as patience and restraint. Of course, keeping your emotions deep in your soul for a long time is a rather difficult task, but Olga usually finds a fairly safe way out for them. Sometimes this manifests itself in making fun of others, which, perhaps, can be called the most acceptable, because otherwise Olin's firmness can push her to "let off steam" in communication with loved ones. However, often her sense of humor begins to take on the character of barbs.

Energy named after Olga

The energy of the name does not dispose Olya to open confrontation with anyone, and yet in her life a large number of misunderstandings and difficulties in communication are possible. Here it is about Olga's pride, which, due to her secrecy, can sometimes grow to an impressive size and even become painful, as well as her ability to be tough, especially with close people. Freed from this and turning her sense of humor against her pride, Olya can avoid many mistakes, and her patience and ability to work hard will allow her not only to become an excellent wife and mistress, but also to achieve significant career success, including in leadership positions. The latter, by the way, is important for most women with this name.

Communication secrets: Olga cannot be classified as a person who can be accurately judged at first glance. Often, when meeting, she gives the impression of a pliable and executive person, but over time, she may gradually begin to show commanding inclinations. In general, when communicating with her, do not forget that logic and calculation almost always prevail over emotions in her.

Olga's trace in history

Olga Knipper-Chekhova

The fate of the actress Olga Knipper-Chekhova (1868–1959), who devoted her whole life to two things: the Art Theater and her beloved husband, was amazing. Actresses, whose stage path Stanislavsky called "an example and a kind of feat".

At twenty years after graduating from the School of Music and Drama, Olga, as one of the most talented and promising students of Nemirovich-Danchenko, was admitted to the group of the Art Theater, where she soon made her debut in the play "Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich". Her next role was Arkadina in Chekhov's "The Seagull", and it was unlikely then that Olga could have thought that within three years she would become the legal wife of the author of this play, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov himself.

Nevertheless, in 1901, not wanting to part with her maiden name, Olga Leonardovna added the name of her great husband to it and, starting from that time, she played in all the first productions of the writer's plays, embodying the complex and contradictory images of his heroines on the stage.

Olga Knipper-Chekhova gave sixty years of her creative life to her native Art Theater, having played all possible repertoire in it. She played the main roles in the plays of Tolstoy, Turgenev, Gorky, striking the audience with a variety of repertoire, bright talent, and a non-standard approach to disclosing the image. On the day of her ninetieth birthday Olga Knipper-Chekhova solemnly celebrated not only her calendar anniversary, but also her sixtieth birthday on stage. On that day, she sat in a richly decorated box, while Chekhov's "Three Sisters" were on the stage. This was her last appearance in the theater - less than a year later, the world learned about the death of the talented actress.

Sexy portrait of the name (by Higir)

Olga is a victim of very strong emotions. In her life, love suffering takes too much place. Olga is always in love with her partners and is unable to separate sex from love. This close relationship creates constraints and barriers to her happiness. However, she is sexy and sensitive, but very few men are suitable for her, and she is often dissatisfied with her sexual relationships.

Marriage and family named after Olga

Olga often jumps out in marriage in early youth, quickly and suddenly falling in love even before she can understand and

know yourself. At the same time, it seems to her that this is the only love in her life. Olga is often already burdened with family when her peers are just beginning to experiment in the field of intimate relationships. Olga was created for vivid passions and sex, her first sexual adventures are striking in their storminess and passion. She reaches the height of pleasure in sex, known only to a select few. Olga is jealous, she feels pretense in love subtly,

becomes intolerant, even aggressive.

The most temperamental "summer" women, they are more interested in bed than work, but they are also less happy than others in their intimate life. "Winter" Olga is calmer, not denying herself sexual pleasures, she still puts in the first place the care of the family and children. "Spring" Olga is feminine, charming, can easily lure a man if she wants, but she chooses a life partner very carefully. All Olga are owners in relation to their men, but they themselves seek to get out of their care, do not tolerate their jealousy.

According to Higir

Previously borrowed from the Scandinavian languages, it comes from the Old Scandinavian Helga - saint. The female form of the male name Oleg.

A serious, touchy, thoughtful girl. Vulnerable, she can suddenly withdraw, after some harmless remark, tears appear in her eyes. At the same time, she is stubborn: even in cases where she is undoubtedly guilty, she will not apologize for anything, "out of principle". Equally friendly with both boys and girls. She is capable, but learns without much desire, within the limits of what the school curriculum requires. She keeps in the shadows, she never commits impudent acts, she doesn’t bring any troubles to teachers, the “troublemaker” in the class is not Olga. Do not mind chatting with girlfriends and at the same time "on your mind."

Adult Olga is not devoid of ambition, but as a nature, an inactive rarely achieves great success in life. The character shows a tendency to self-criticism, there is a noticeable envy of more successful friends, which she tries to hide, compensating for her with good, beneficent deeds. Olga is feminine, she looks after her appearance, despite her eternal busyness. If Olga's first love does not end with marriage, she cannot find family happiness for a long time afterwards. She is hindered in this by the habit of comparing her fans with the first man in her life, who is the ideal for her.

Sometimes Olga does not marry for many years. But lucky the one on whom she still chooses. Olga is a faithful wife, she knows how to cook deliciously, but she prefers going to the cinema or visiting an exhibition with her husband and children over the chores in the kitchen. For some reason, the mother-in-law does not like Olga, the latter, however, does not particularly care. She does not strive for leadership in family relationships, but she easily loses her temper when her husband begins to give her advice in purely female affairs.

The dominant features of a girl named Olga are great efficiency, developed intelligence and strong will... She has a rather difficult character, always knows what she wants, and stubbornly goes to her goal. Olya has a negative attitude towards criticism - she can withdraw into herself and remember the insult for a long time. Olga does not tolerate familiarity, repeated requests, weakness and frivolity. At the same time, she is always ready to help those who need it.

Olya has an analytical mind, loves to analyze, to make plans for the future. She is very energetic, she does not sit idle for a minute. Girl named Olga is a fighter for whom failures are not critical... Having fallen, she immediately rises and again continues to walk towards the intended goal. Olga is quite stubborn - even if she admits guilt inside herself, it is very difficult for her to ask for forgiveness. It is also difficult for her to forgive the offender herself - she is very vindictive, and will not miss the opportunity to remind her of her mistakes.

Often a girl named Olga is hypocritical and envious, loves to gossip, but this does not prevent her from being a faithful friend. She does not want to seem weak in the eyes of others, so usually you will not get sentimentality, tears and violent manifestations of feelings from her. However, in a state of passion, Olga can be vindictive and angry, so it is very important for her to learn how to control herself, to restrain negative emotions in a fit of anger.

What does the name Olga mean: health

From birth to five or six years old, little Olya usually has no problems - she eats well, sleeps soundly, and, in general, she is a fairly obedient child. Like all children at this age, often suffers from colds - rhinitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis... Many diseases can be inherited by her, in particular, from her father. These are diabetes mellitus, psoriasis and other skin diseases. Olya has rather weak lungs, so bronchitis often occurs. Hardening is of great importance in caring for a child, starting from the first months of life.

As an adult, Olga is susceptible to infectious diseases... Also, usually after childbirth, their health begins to deteriorate - teeth deteriorate, hair falls out. Possible decreased immunity, chronic fatigue, problems with the gastrointestinal tract. During this period, Olga needs to carefully monitor their health, take vitamins.

Olga's characteristics: marriage and family

Often a girl named Olga connects fate with her first love. Such an alliance is favorable and strong enough. If the relationship does not work out, then after the divorce, Olga hesitates for a long time to establish new relationships and get married.

She enjoys success with men throughout her life, as she is quite feminine and charming. but in marriage, she is faithful to her husband and does not notice fans... Loyalty is of the utmost importance to her. If a rival meets on her way, Olga will fight for her man to the last. She is very jealous, but tries not to show it.

Olga is an excellent hostess and caring mother. She often gives birth to girls who inherit her mother's difficult character. With children, Olga can be soft, gentle, caring. With her husband, she is more restrained, even somewhat cold. Therefore, she needs to choose a partner who will not expect violent displays of feelings from her.

What does the name Olga mean: career and hobbies

For Olga, the choice of a profession is of great importance, since if she does not realize herself professionally, she will suffer greatly. At work, she seeks to lead, a secondary role does not suit her. Olga achieves heights in almost any area - she can be a public figure, a doctor, and a stylist. Girls with this name often occupy leadership positions. A heightened sense of responsibility and perfectionism help them quickly move up the career ladder.

It is difficult to single out one or several of Olga's hobbies - she is fond of a little of everything. Oli are often interested in cooking, they like to sew, embroider, knit. However, they do not always have enough inspiration and patience to bring the work started to the end.

Famous name carriers

  • Princess Olga (baptized Elena) - the first Russian saint. She ruled Kievan Rus after the death of her husband, Prince Igor Rurikovich, from 945 to 962.
  • Olga Korbut - Belarusian gymnast, four-time Olympic champion.

Olga Khokhlova

  • Olga Khokhlova - a famous ballet dancer, the first wife of Pablo Picasso.
  • Olga Rubtsova - world champion (chess).
  • Olga Aroseva - an actress of theater and cinema.
  • Olga Spesivtseva - Russian ballerina.

Olga Aroseva

Olga's birthday

Mystery named Olga

This name carries a very strong energy, and the time of the year in which the girl was born is of great importance. Winter Olga often has the gift of clairvoyance, summer Olga - born leadersable to lead people. Those born in the fall are extraordinarily talented - they often become musicians, writers, and artists.

The meaning of the name Olga, character and fate largely depend not only on the name, but also on the patronymic. Olga Leonidovna - creative, creative nature, Vasilievna - successful in work and study, Yurievna - sociable, will be able to find an approach to everyone. Olga Nikolaevna often become teachers, Ivanovna - doctors, Sergeevna - lawyers (advocates).

Olga, what does your name mean to you? What character traits did it endow you with? Do you agree with the interpretation of the meaning and origin of the name Olga (Olya)? Does the description match? Write comments and additions to the article. Your opinion matters to us!

What is its origin? If you're interested, read this article soon!

What does the name Olga mean?

Origin. Version one

Olga is an Old Russian name that was previously borrowed from the Scandinavian languages, more precisely - on behalf of Helga. Translated, it means "sacred", "bright", "holy", "clear". But that is not all! There is another story of its appearance.

Origin. Second version

You will never guess what the name Olga means according to the second version of her origin! It is believed that this name is Old Slavic and comes from the male names Volkh and Volga. It turns out that in this case Olga is the female form of male names, which in itself does not mean anything.

The name is Olga. Characteristic

General interpretation

This female name encodes caution and isolation, combined with external activity. The name pushes its owner to devote as much time as possible to herself and her own experiences, which, by the way, she is not inclined to share with others. It is curious that Olga can easily control her behavior: she knows where and how she needs to behave. This is a calculating and diplomatic person.


Since childhood, the little girl Olya has been a thoughtful, but vulnerable and touchy person. Accidental remarks can easily upset her. In addition, the girl is stubborn and does not like to admit her guilt. Olya communicates with both boys and girls in the same way. She is not attracted to study and everything connected with it. The undoubted advantage of the girl is that Olya is a rather calm and balanced person and will never commit daring and

Mature years

At an older age, Olga is faithful to her friends, she has quite a few friends and acquaintances. The girl puts friendship above various material goods. She (without exaggeration) is ready to make any sacrifices for the sake of her friends. Olga is the soul of any company!

Relationships with the opposite sex

The female name Olga endows its owner with a very reasonable attitude towards the opposite sex. The girl does not fall in love with guys crazy and without memory, as her peers and friends do. On the contrary, she is cold with men and treats them like her friends. This is, of course, upsetting for many guys. And what does the name Olga mean in terms of family relations?

Family life

Here things are a little more complicated. The fact is that in most cases, the first Olyn is past. She will never marry this man, which will put her off for a long time. Do you know why this will happen? Yes, because Olga has a bad habit of comparing those men who take care of her with the object of first love, which seems to her to be an ideal!

Olga may be left alone even for several years. If a woman nevertheless decides to marry, then her groom will be incredibly lucky, because in the house there is a caring mother and, most importantly in family life, a faithful wife!


My name is Olga. In the description exactly, I will add: in my career I really use my mind, knowledge, experience, endurance, dedication, diplomacy, sociability, if necessary, I can use intrigue, and I can substitute (but this is very, very extremely rare, if necessary, and depends on a specific person ), but there really is a trait that does not depend on me that cannot be overcome, there is a limit to the career ladder, despite knowledge, experience, money, connections, sociability and natural intelligence; in my personal life, I can definitely say it does not add up to the bearer of the name Alexey (a young man and first husband), despite the fact that there are many common goals and interests, the result is the same - sooner or later the expense. There is also a lot in common with the bearer of the name Sergei, but they are all my friends, they can become good husbands and friends. The name Olga (of course I say about myself) - there is a fire in my soul (if I chose a person), in bed there is passion and constant experiments (otherwise I just get bored), I choose really intuitively only a strong personality (since she herself is such), and always with prospects not only in relationships, but also the material base, incl. monetary will ultimately be decisive in a relationship (if I understand there are no prospects in finances, I will even step over my own great love for a person, I will even go to time restrictions), but this is not so much a goal as a necessity, the need to give the best to children and allow myself a little freedom and see world, as previously described that the career ladder is limited. Indeed, outwardly, in front of other people, I behave with restraint, diplomacy, and affability. But this rule does not work with loved ones, here I am all with my unpredictability and everything depends on me (a lot of emotions, I’m even overly emotional). I can tell right away that many people, including those close to me, think that aristocratic manners are inherent (for example, I love design with chic or eat with 36 appliances or designer clothes or ride horses or other things), but I just love it and I like it all , it's kind of inside me, than I do it on purpose. I behave, I say, I move, I really think so that you might think that I’m from high society, so there are really many acquaintances among the “golden” youth, leaders, directors, generals and other respected people and many with a large age difference, but all this I can say for sure is inherent in nature or the essence, so on purpose, even if you really want to, not everything you can. There are many men who are friends with me, few with whom I had a relationship, in a relationship I really give myself to a man completely, I try to develop his maximum, so that without exception, everyone becomes insanely popular with the opposite sex, they find partners and everyone has their own business, but I have my own requirements for men, no less (wise, strong, loving, caring, loyal, but have many women around me, financially wealthy, well-mannered, knowledgeable, able, etc. ) - a sufficient list, but over time, of course, I learned to close my eyes (not to notice) other shortcomings. The breakup with men was only for one true reason - they could not pull my needs, at first they really did not admit it and could talk badly about me for a long time, but then they apologized and still regrets that they were afraid then and made the wrong decision by abandoning the relationship with me. Children really respect me more than other family members and always look at my decisive look, I don’t even say anything from the look, everything is clear at once, I love children very much and they, of course, use it, but I don’t give the line, I have ways lot. I love to guide them and develop their talents, give them support and care, and over time I learned to show more and more all kinds of "musi-pusi" and now everyone is broadcasting from my calf tenderness, so you can very often hear - "enough", but all of them like. I learned a lot, I can't list everything, so now I can say for sure I would dream of marrying such a woman, really, I never like to praise myself and I do not like when others do it, I think that there is no limit to perfection, but now I can do so say yourself. So I can say for sure that time changes us for the better, of course, if you really want it. Something like that.