Do-it-yourself block shed projects. Concrete block shed

For permanent residence outside the city, you will need not only a warm and cozy house, but also non-residential buildings, as one of which we suggest you build a practical shed from a foam block. A barn is usually understood as an unheated and non-residential covered space, which is traditionally used for keeping livestock or storing a variety of property or hay.

Shed from foam blocks with a roof made of metal profiles

There are many types of sheds that you can build with your own hands in different ways and from different materials, for example, from foam concrete or aerated concrete. It is not necessary to involve highly qualified specialists for this.

A foam block shed is a very topical room, without which almost no suburban area can be dispensed with. You may always need additional space for storing various property, garden tools, building materials and tools, which is not advisable to place at home. A do-it-yourself shed made of foam blocks will solve this problem with storing such things, relieve you of a shortage of space and allow you to store only necessary household items in a living room.

Projects of sheds made of aerated concrete do not take as much time, effort and expense as the construction of residential buildings, but even here certain rules and regulations are required.

Aerated concrete shed device

First, you need to understand how the future building should look like and prepare its detailed project. You can buy ready-made shed projects or find free options on the Internet. The project must take into account all the norms and requirements, it is necessary to clearly know for what purposes and how the aerated concrete shed will be used in order to correctly determine its future location and estimate what size it should be.

When the barn project is ready, you can begin to prepare the tools and materials that will be required during its construction:

Before you start building a shed from foam blocks or aerated concrete, you need to decide on the most suitable place for it. Since the projects of sheds are not buildings that could be ranked among architectural buildings, they try to hide them away, not building in the most conspicuous place.

However, this should also not be abused, because if you build a shed of foam blocks or aerated concrete too far from the house, you will have to walk a long distance for the property stored in it.

Barn project with awning and barbecue

The location of the barn depends on the size of the site and the personal preference of the owner. The most common, according to most country house owners, is the location of a barn in the courtyard behind a residential building. On the one hand, this is the proximity of the building to the living quarters, and on the other hand, it is the residential cottage that remains in the foreground.

The main thing is to avoid building barn projects in lowlands with your own hands, because such areas are usually prone to flooding in the spring from melting snow, or heavy rainfall at any other time of the year.

As soon as the place for the construction of the barn is determined, you can proceed to the initial stage of construction - the construction of the foundation.

Shed foundation

A shed made of aerated concrete or foam concrete cannot be built without a foundation, which can also be built with your own hands.

Preparing a trench for pouring the foundation for a foam block shed

There is a fairly common misconception that it can be completely dispensed with, and many people actually start building barn projects without preparing the foundation. As a result of this error, the structure turns out to be short-lived and extremely fragile, it can collapse from the most common bad weather. Therefore, it is better to immediately start construction correctly so that you do not have to redo and rebuild the barn in the future.

The first step in preparation for it will be necessary to remove the top layer of soil. In this case, the soil is removed to a depth of 50-100 cm along the perimeter of the future walls of the building. The depth will be determined by the weight of the structure. After that, a layer of sand will need to be poured into the workpiece dug out with your own hands under the foundation, on top of which a layer of gravel is poured, and on top there is already a layer of gravel.

The process of pouring the foundation for a foam block shed

In this case, the layers should in no case be interchanged, the sequence should be just that. The total thickness of all three layers should not exceed 20-25 cm. In this case, a kind of "pillow" is obtained. After its manufacture is completed, it is necessary to mount a special mesh in the form of a belt of reinforcement under the foundation.

It is preferable to lay the reinforcement of a shed made of aerated concrete with your own hands in two layers and at the same time make sure that it does not have direct contact with the ground from either side.

The distance between the ground and the reinforcement must be at least 0.5 cm. Once the reinforcing mesh is ready, it will be necessary to pour concrete into it. The use of a pump and flexible hose will facilitate the conveying of concrete. The reinforcement will make the concrete pour harder and more durable. Over the next few days, the concrete will need to be watered so that it does not dry out and crack.

Building a barn

A few days later, after all the necessary steps to prepare the foundation have been completed, you can start building the walls of the shed from foam concrete. Foam concrete blocks, which are required at this stage, can be bought or made independently. There are projects of mini-factories for their production, which will reduce the financial costs of purchasing material.

At the same time, it is important to correctly choose not only foam concrete blocks, but also a special solution that will be used to hold them together. A mixture of sand and cement, as well as building glue, is best suited. Combining these materials will help minimize the size of the butt joints.

It is best to use large-sized foam concrete blocks for projects of such sheds, this will significantly increase the construction speed.

Masonry walls of the barn from foam blocks

A layer of waterproofing must be present between the foundation and the first row of foam concrete blocks. A similar precaution is needed in order to avoid the harmful effects of moisture from the foundation on the blocks from which the walls of the barn will be made, which, in turn, will make it more durable. By the way, there is nothing complicated in this process.

As a material for a layer of waterproofing, you will need the most common roll roofing material, which will need to be laid in two layers.

Also, do not forget about lighting and, for this, when building walls, you need to think about a small window. All wall construction work should begin from the corner of the future foam block shed. In order for the angle to be correct, use a corner foam concrete block.
In the process of erecting walls, it is important to ensure that the vertical position of their installation is not disturbed; the building level can help with this.

With the construction of a barn, the arrangement of your own site begins.

The building will provide minimum comfort conditions.

There we will store the tools for the garden, other necessary equipment and materials.

You can, of course, use the help of professionals for construction activities.

But to a large extent, it will be more economical to build a shed out of your own hands.

Before starting the construction of a shed of their foam blocks, let's pay attention to the features of the building material:

  • Thermal insulation. The degree of its importance for the shed depends on the purpose of the room itself.
  • Simplicity in the construction of a structure. Below we will consider this point in particular carefully.
  • Relatively low price

Materials and tools

For the construction, we will choose a block with a size of 200 × 300 × 600 mm. It is more successful to calculate the volume of material based on the area of \u200b\u200bthe walls. One square meter, as usual, takes about five standard modules. When working, you cannot do without the following tools:
trowels, hacksaws

  • level
  • mallets
  • combs
  • shovels
  • fittings
  • construction nails and hammer
  • buckets, containers for solution

Foam concrete block products provide the ability to construct buildings of any length and width. It is better to choose a rectangular shed format, and it is permissible to equip the room inside with partitions. To calculate the required amount of material for the construction, you just need to know the size of the blocks and draw up a barn plan.

The most common block size is 200 by 300 by 600 millimeters. Here, the smallest number is the thickness, which is not useful for calculations. Considering the length of the wall of the room and the length of the block product (600 mm.), It is possible to simply calculate how many pieces are needed per row. In the same way, we determine the required number of rows. For example, for a three-meter wall, five blocks will be needed, and 8.3 rows will go to a height of 2.5 meters, rounding this figure up, we get 9.

So, for one wall of the barn, you will need to purchase 45 foam blocks. In addition to them, you will also need wooden beams for the lower strapping. We will perform this procedure if we use a columnar foundation, for a strip and solid one they will not be needed.

In addition, you need boards and beams for floors, logs and roof rafters. The metal corner will serve as a fastener, along with screws and nails.

For insulation, you can use various types of materials:

  • Styrofoam.
  • Mineral wool.
  • Cork plates.

In areas with low temperatures and long winter periods, additional insulation of the walls, ceiling and floors from inside the shed may be required. To decorate the facade, it is permissible to use plaster, painting, corrugated board or.

We build the foundation and walls

Before you build a shed from foam blocks, you need to build a base, usually it is made of a tape type.

After making all the calculations and purchasing the necessary materials and tools, we proceed to construction work. To begin with, we arrange a foundation of foam blocks. The tape design will be the most successful. Let's divide the work into the following stages:

  • We level the territory for the upcoming construction. Then we will make the markup depending on the selected building dimensions. For these purposes, we will use stakes and cords.
  • We will dig a trench around the perimeter of the future structure. It is best to choose a depth below the level. As usual, half a meter in depth is enough, but sometimes in soils (for example, clay content) it is required to dig ditches up to one meter deep. At the same time, the width of the trenches should correspond to thirty centimeters.
  • We fill in the sand in the trench and tamp it well, leveling the layer until evenly. Its thickness should be about ten centimeters. Pour more rubble onto the prepared pillow, in the same layer of ten centimeters. Next, we spread a waterproofing layer on this pillow throughout the pit. This is necessary so that the liquid concrete solution does not seep into the lower layers. It should be noted that the waterproofing must be positioned so that it covers the rubble and sand, as well as the soil on the sides of the pit.
  • Before taking on the arrangement of the base for the shed, it is necessary to make the formwork, it will be used to pour the concrete composition. For this design, it is advisable to use metal fittings and wooden boards. The height should be higher than the ground level - to reach the basement level of the upcoming structure. For the strength of the formwork, we will use fixation by means of clamps and spacers. The top should also be fixed with props for greater reliability. We will install a metal frame on the waterproofing or use a reinforcing mesh. The thickness of the rods should be approximately one and a half centimeters.
  • It is better to fill the reinforcement with a concrete composition. To do this, you need to use concrete grade M 200-250. Pour along the entire perimeter of the square in one go. It is not recommended to carry out these activities in the heat or in the rain, otherwise the base will simply crack. Under normal weather conditions, concrete takes about a month to cure.
  • When the concrete has completely set, the surface should be prepared for further work. It needs to be cleaned of dust and dirt, to eliminate protrusions and other defects. Having built the base of the structure, we proceed to the construction of the walls. To do this, cover the surface of the concrete base with a material with waterproofing characteristics. For these purposes, it is possible to use roofing material.
  • Next, let's prepare a solution for the walls. We will use cement (three parts) with sand (one part). Having prepared the composition, we proceed to laying the first block row. It is advised to start from the corner of the building, then continue along the entire perimeter of the room. The seam should correspond to the thickness - no more than three centimeters.

Having laid out the first row, we make a thorough check for evenness. For the special strength of the walls, it is advised to use reinforcement rods. The diameter of the rods should correspond to eight millimeters. We will lay them after every fourth block row.

Roofing and finishing works

For the arrangement of wooden floors, we will use a board forty millimeters thick.
For outbuildings, the simplest sheds of blocks with a shed roof are often used. They are based on guide bars of 100/150 millimeters, with crossbars mounted between them. The step between the bars is one meter. In the center of the rafters, we install the racks vertically. Sheds are often covered with simple slate.

We begin to lay the sheets from the bottom, overlapping them and fixing them with screws or nails.
The shed structure does not require any intricate decoration. The most important thing is to install the door and windows, as well as cover the floors. If the walls are erected from gas silicate blocks, then it is permissible to plaster them with ready-made mixtures. This treatment will only improve the characteristics of the blocks, thus extending the life of the building.

The floors are easy to install. We fill the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe barn with sand, then lay out the logs made of wood and lay boards or other material. To install the door, we will initially mount the door frame. Subsequently, we will decide the question of what will be stored in the new building. If this is just the most common tool for the garden, then it is permissible to install a wooden sash.

If you plan to keep the inventory here at a higher price, then you can attach a sash made of an iron sheet to a solid box using self-tapping screws.

It is possible to build a shed out of blocks in almost a few days, if you approach business with skillful hands and use high-quality material. Observing all the installation rules, we have the opportunity to purchase a structure that will serve for more than one decade.

To keep the barn warm and to maintain a stable internal atmosphere, it should be built with suitable material. And for this building it is advised to resort to the use of foam concrete fragments.

Advantages and disadvantages of using

Foam concrete block products have all the necessary characteristics for the construction of low buildings and have great advantages:

  • Their use provides the room with excellent thermal insulation characteristics. Foam concrete products have the same thermal conductivity as wood. When compared with ceramic or silicate bricks, this material loses heat almost three times slower. This effect is due to the porous structure. For the most part, foam blocks consist of small closed cavities. These air chambers are perfectly insulated from each other. As a result, there is a slow change in the temperature regime. The structure made of this material is endowed with the characteristics of a thermos.
  • Such material has excellent frost resistance. The porosity of the product allows moisture to disappear when it freezes. That is why foam blocks are able to maintain their structure.
  • In addition, the presence of miniature cavities inside the blocks gives them excellent sound insulation.
  • High hygroscopic properties of the material contribute to good air exchange. This plus provides the ability to remove water vapor and prevent dampness and mold in the barn.
  • The foam block is not flammable and is not capable of supporting fire. The material is able to withstand the flame for eight hours without collapsing.
  • Ease of use. Foam concrete fragments are much larger than ordinary bricks in size. Their dimensions are 200 x 300 x 600 millimeters. The construction of a barn from this material will be much faster and more convenient.
  • A clear plus is the mass of the block. On average, it weighs about eleven kilograms. This means that there will be a small load on the foundation and walls.
  • At the total cost, this material comes out much cheaper for building a barn than purchasing.
  • The foam block is an environmentally friendly material, because it consists of cement, sand and a foaming agent. A protein base is used as such a substance.
  • Porous products are pliable when sawing.

The disadvantages of foam concrete material include the following parameters:

  • Insufficient strength does not allow building structures higher than ten meters.
  • The same disadvantage applies to the transportation of this building material.
  • The not very attractive exterior of the blocks suggests cladding. This turns out to be an additional cost item that affects the cost of the building.
  • Without additional protection, at low temperature conditions, foam concrete fragments are destroyed.

We produce foam concrete blocks on our territory

For the manufacture of foam concrete products on their own, special equipment is required for their production. It is necessary to thoroughly study the technology of the entire operation. It should be borne in mind that not all components should be created independently. For example, you can buy or rent molding containers for foam concrete.

In addition, used molds are also suitable for home technology for creating foam concrete products. They are much cheaper than new ones. Now there are three technologies for the production of foam concrete blocks:

  • The classic technology involves a mixture of sand and, to which foam is added from a steam generator. Foam blocks are hardened with protein hydrolysates.
  • The technology of dry mineralization involves the supply of foam with specific pores into the concrete mixture by a generator.
  • The next technology is represented by the production of pressure foam. All constituents of the foam concrete are loaded into the mixer. Then oxygen is pumped into it using a special compressor.

In order to carry out the process with one's own hand, it is possible to use all three technologies. Those who are really interested in the question of how to create foam concrete products on their own with the required density and strength are advised to find out that first you will have to do a lot of experiments with a whole list of parameters. Namely:

  • The amount of components required.
  • The duration of the batch.
  • The required residence time of the concrete mixture in the mold tank.
  • The amount of time and order of drying.

Foam block garage - on video:

Gone are the days when foam concrete blocks served as insulation. Today, the strength of the material makes it possible to build houses, garages and baths from them. Such a shed will cost at least half the price of a brick shed, and it will be possible to fold it five times faster.

The most serious disadvantage is shrinkage. Foam concrete sometimes sits up to 4 mm per meter of wall height. The result will be hairline cracks in the plaster, at the junction of other buildings. The second is the low resistance to mechanical damage and crushing, which is inherent in all cellular concrete. If you want to get into the barn is easy. At the same summer cottage, the attackers will cut through the wall in half an hour without making much noise.

Positive properties:

  • Low water absorption. The foam block absorbs about 7% of its volume of water (for comparison: the gas block - up to 40%).
  • Heat protection parameters. A 40 cm wall has the same thermal insulation as two meters of ceramic bricks, and is inexpensive compared to it.

Even in a shed with a wall thickness of 20 cm, it will be possible to arrange economical heating. It can be used for keeping pets or as a warm storage area.

  1. The strength of the D500 brand is about 13 kg / cm2 - more than enough for a two-storey utility block or just a high box where you can put a minibus or a small truck.
  2. Ease of construction. The laying of one foam concrete block replaces six single bricks. An additional bonus is four times less load on the foundation from the weight of the walls.

Step by step guide

A small country shed with a pitched roof is suitable for storing inventory. It does not need to be heated, which means that the base will need to be shallow. For central Russia - somewhere around 60-80 cm, depending on the soil.

We will take as an object of construction a 6x4 shed with a wall height of 2.5 meters, half a block (200 mm) thick with a monolithic strip foundation and a cellar. We design a gable roof on a wooden rafter system, covered with corrugated asbestos-cement sheets. The ventilated cold attic is useful for drying hay and brooms for a bath. At the end, we will provide a gate so that the utility block can be used as a garage.

1. Tools and equipment.

Another plus is the possibility of easy processing. Foam concrete is perfectly cut not only with a diamond-coated disc, but even with a hand saw, however, its blade should be made of high-quality steel. We will need:

  • concrete mixer;
  • corner ("grinder");
  • shovel, trowel (trowel), mason's pick, rubber mallet;
  • tape measure, level, plumb line, lace;
  • scaffold;
  • container for solution.

Since the construction is required on a turnkey basis, for work with the roof you will need:

  • electric saw;
  • ax, hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • stairs.

Auxiliary tools: pliers, hacksaw, screwdrivers, assembly crowbar.

2. Base device.

We will build on our own, starting from the pit, but it is better to hire an excavator to dig the soil for the cellar. After the soil has been dug out, and part of it has been taken out, level the bottom and compact it with rubble. Next, we carry out the concrete preparation, put the formwork and fill the strip foundation. At the same time, it will serve as the walls of the cellar.

There is no need for a high basement for a summer cottage, it is enough for it to rise 20-30 cm above the ground level. We let the concrete stand for a week, then we mount the cellar overlap. As load-bearing structures, we use I-beams 25 cm high with a step of 1 m. We reinforce the gaps between them and fill them with monolithic concrete.

3. Wall masonry.

Along the edge of the base, lay a strip of roofing material dry, and build walls on this layer of waterproofing. It is unrealistic to maintain millimeter accuracy during concrete foundation work. Therefore, we level the first row with a layer of cement-sand masonry mortar. What composition we will work with depends on the quality of the blocks. If their geometry is scattered by more than 2-3 mm, we continue to use the usual cement mixture, if less, we use glue.

We reinforce the masonry seams through the row with a galvanized steel mesh. We mount lintels over gates, windows, door blocks. For large openings, a steel I-beam is installed. With a span of less than a meter, it is enough to lay four reinforcement rods of periodic section with a diameter of 16-18 mm. We will overlap the walls of the barn. Let's make it out of planks on wooden beams.

Concentrated loads crush foam concrete. To avoid this, we arrange a monolithic reinforced concrete belt 15 cm high along the entire upper edge of the wall. We let the concrete gain strength for at least a week, after which we lay the floor, put the roof rafters. We mount door and window blocks, gates, equip a concrete floor.

A barn for giving plaster does not require, the foam block will stand without any problems without it. But it is better to finish with cement-lime mortar from the inside, and siding on the outside.

Another subtlety is that the building shrinks. Therefore, it is not worth plastering it earlier than after a couple of months. Around the structure, we will make a blind area 600 mm wide.

Construction estimate

On average, the price per square meter for the construction of a turnkey shed is in the range of 10,000-14,000 rubles, including work.

Most of these amounts are accounted for by the cost of foam blocks. The value largely depends on their size and characteristics. Let's summarize the average values \u200b\u200bin the markets of the European part of the Russian Federation in the table:

Density grade Length Height Thickness Price for one Note
D500 600 300 100 48-54 "Half block" for partitions
150 72-89
200 94-100 ordinary block
250 112-130
D600 600 300 100 52-65
150 84-92 ordinary block
200 111-122
250 124-144

The selection of materials and the calculation of the estimate are carried out at the design stage. It will be convenient to calculate costs in a simple table. For example, let's fill in a few lines.

For the construction of a barn, they take up, if necessary, find a place for garden tools, building materials or old things that may still be useful. It takes a little work, and in a self-made outbuilding it will even turn out to shelter animals or create a small workshop. For these plans to be put into action, you only need to choose the right material, such as foam blocks.

Pros and cons of building from foam blocks

Foam blocks used as a material for building a shed have the following advantages:

  • excellent thermal insulation (no worse than that of natural wood), due to the porous structure;
  • excellent frost resistance associated with the ability of the pores of the material to redistribute water in the event of freezing;
  • excellent sound insulation - the result of the formation of tiny cavities inside the blocks;
  • normal air exchange, which removes vapors and protects the material from mold deterioration;
  • high fire safety, because foam blocks are not flammable;
  • simplicity of installation work due to the size of the material (large foam blocks are stacked easier and faster than small bricks);
  • relatively low weight, which allows not to exert great pressure on the foundation;
  • low cost compared to bricks;
  • environmental friendliness associated with the harmless composition of the material, which includes sand, cement and a substance for the formation of foam;
  • ease of cutting, because the foam blocks can be divided into parts without any problems using a saw.

Inside a shed made of foam blocks, it will be warm even in winter, because this material has a porous structure

If we consider the negative aspects, then experts say the following about foam blocks:

  • the material is not ideally durable, which is why it is unrealistic to build a building with a height of more than 10 meters from it;
  • raw materials are capable of crumbling and crumbling during transportation;
  • ineffective appearance forces you to resort to facing, which leads to additional costs;
  • the material can collapse if it is not protected from the cold by the necessary heat insulators.

The advantage of a foam block sometimes becomes a disadvantage: the porous structure is destroyed in severe frost

Preparatory work

In order for the construction of a shed from foam blocks to go smoothly, you need to carefully prepare for it: draw up a drawing and indicate all the necessary dimensions on it.

Barn project

To make the shed as convenient as possible, it is better to undertake the construction of a building measuring 6x3 m.

A shed with dimensions of 6x3 m is considered the most popular option, since it is quite spacious and does not take up much space

In a room 3 m wide and 6 m long, it will be possible to create two compartments with dimensions of 2x3 m and 4x3 m. Thanks to the arrangement of these rooms, the multifunctionality of the shed can be achieved. For example, a building can be both a livestock shelter and a workshop at the same time.

In a shed 6x3 m, you can create 2 rooms - one spacious for storing large things and one small for auxiliary purposes

It is wiser to make the roof of the shed gable. The rafter system, forming a roof with two slopes, allows you to create an additional attic compartment in the utility room. You can store fruits and crops in it.

The height of the roof depends on how the farm building is used. If you need a shed in 2 floors, then the roof with two slopes is made as high as possible.

For a barn, a roof with a height of 3 m may be enough, because under it it will already be possible to put boxes with vegetables without problems

Calculation of the amount of material

In order not to be mistaken in the amount of material used to build a shed, one should turn to mathematical formulas. Before calculating, you need to find out what the parameters of the purchased material are, and determine the height, width and length of the future room.

A foam block with dimensions of 200x300x600 mm is suitable for the construction of a shed, because it weighs little and guarantees the strength of the walls

Suppose they are going to build a building from foam blocks with parameters 20x30x60 cm on the site. It is decided that the barn will be 6 m long and 2.5 m high. In this situation, computational actions should be as follows:

  1. They will find out how many foam blocks are required to purchase for one row of masonry, for which the perimeter of the shed is divided by the length of one foam block: 2 (6 + 3) / 0.6 \u003d 30 pcs.
  2. Calculate how many masonry lines should turn out. For this, the height of the utility building is divided by the block height (2.5 / 0.3 \u003d 8.3 rows). The number of rows is rounded to the nearest integer, i.e. to 9.
  3. Find out the total number of foam blocks to create all masonry lines: 9 · 30 \u003d 270 pcs.
  4. It is taken into account that there will be windows in the barn, therefore, from the total number of foam blocks, such a number of elements of building material is subtracted that could take up space in the openings. Let's say there are two windows planned in the barn. Their estimated dimensions are 50x50 cm.It follows that 1.6 blocks in length (0.5 2 / 0.6 \u003d 1.6) and 3.3 blocks in height (0.5 2 / 0.3 \u003d 3.3). It is decided to create two windows, then the resulting figures are rounded and added: 2 · (2 \u200b\u200b+ 4) \u003d 12.
  5. It is taken into account that doors will appear in the barn, therefore, from the total number of foam blocks, the amount of building materials that could be in the doorways is taken away. Suppose that in the barn it is decided to make several doors 2 m long and 60 cm wide, including a double entrance group. It turns out that for one doorway, 7 foam blocks are needed in height (2.0: 0.3 \u003d 6.66) and 1 foam block in length (0.6: 0.6 \u003d 1). And to create a second, double door, you will have to use 2 foam blocks in length (1.2: 0.6 \u003d 2) and the same 7 foam blocks in height. Based on the above calculations, you can calculate how many blocks are occupied by the space intended for placing doors: 1 7 + 2 7 \u003d 21.
  6. Find out the exact amount of material that could fit in the area of \u200b\u200bwindows and doors. For this purpose, the figures obtained earlier are summed up: 21 + 12 \u003d 33. After that, the number of blocks required to build a shed with windows and doors is calculated. To do this, extra elements are subtracted from the total amount of construction materials: 270–33 \u003d 237.

Next, calculate the required amount of building materials for the construction of a shed roof. We are talking about wooden beams and planks, which will become elements of the supporting structure of the roof, as well as external material, for example, red metal tiles.

Moving on to calculating the amount of roofing materials, you need to keep in mind that the length of the overhangs at the back, front and side should be 50 cm longer than the length and width of the base. If this condition is not met, then the walls of the building will be covered with snow and flooded with rain.

When building a shed roof, you will need not only boards and roofing material, but also a waterproofing sheet and fasteners

When building a gable roof, there will be a need for the following materials:

  • 20 beams made of wood 3 m long and 10x5 cm section for the manufacture of rafters;
  • 17 boards for lathing parts with a section of 10x2.5 cm and a length of 6 m;
  • 20 beams with a section of 10x5 cm and a length of 4 m, which will later become floor beams;
  • 2 beams with a section of 15x5 cm and a length of 7 m to create a Mauerlat;
  • a board with a section of 10x2.5 cm and a length of 3 m, used for crossbars of rafter legs;
  • 3 rolls of insulating material;
  • a set of screws and nails;
  • metal corners, that is, fasteners that ensure the connection of the rafter legs with the floor beams.

The subtleties of choosing a foundation

The type of foundation is chosen based on the construction raw materials from which the building is planned to be constructed.

The choice of foundation is influenced by the material of the walls of the barn, because heavy blocks must be placed on a solid foundation

Types of foundations

For household buildings, it is customary to create one of the following foundations:

  • columnar, because it allows you to avoid unforeseen costs, is erected in a short time and is perfect for frame-panel houses;
  • screw - the only possible option for construction on soils characterized by softness, heaving, high sand content or high humidity;
  • monolithic tape, the construction of which is seriously thought about when they are going to construct a brick, stone or concrete building;
  • tape block, because it is excellent for buildings on dense and solid soils, is not inferior in strength to a monolith, but at the same time it is much cheaper.

Choosing a foundation based on the type of soil on the site

When deciding on what basis to put a foam block shed, you need to carefully analyze the soil at the construction site.

The choice of the foundation mainly depends on the composition of the soil, because the foundation always interacts with the soil

Consider the following nuances:

  1. If the soil is sandy, you will have to do everything possible so that the created foundation is not damaged by the displacement of the earth under the influence of downpours and melting snow. Concerns about the integrity of the base will not arise only if a strip monolithic, screw or slab foundation is built on the soil with a high sand content.
  2. If an excessive amount of clay and sandy loam is found in the soil, one must be prepared for the fact that the earth will freeze to a greater depth, and quicksands will appear in it, which deprive the soil of the necessary density.

    Clayy soil requires the creation of a particularly reliable base that will not shift under the influence of frost heaving forces

  3. If the ground mostly consists of gravel, you can calm down, because the soil with such a composition freezes slightly and is stable. Gravel soil is a real find for those who have decided to put the barn on a foundation of separate supports.
  4. If the ground is rocky or solid, then there is nothing to worry about. You can safely build any foundation on it. The only thing that should not be installed in such soil is screw piles.

    Only screw piles cannot be immersed in rocky soil, and other types of foundation are quite suitable for it

The nuances of choosing a heater

Although a foam block shed itself is a kind of thermos, it, like other buildings, requires additional protection with heat-insulating material. The insulation will insure the room against wall cooling and crumbling of foam blocks.

The material that serves as a barrier to cold must be laid on the ceiling and on the floor, outside and inside the foam block shed. This is especially true if the building is located in an area where the cold temperature lasts for a long time.

The shed can be insulated from above and below, outside and inside, thereby creating a barrier to heat escape

When they are going to insulate a shed from foam blocks, they make a choice in favor of one of the following materials:

  • mineral wool;
  • styrofoam;
  • expanded polystyrene;
  • cork plate;
  • penofol;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • expanded clay (exclusively for the floor).

The outer side of the walls of the barn is insulated with mineral wool, if it is necessary to keep within a limited budget. But this material attracts not only by its low cost, but also by its good ability to lock the heat with a lock. Mineral wool can let through vapors, which makes it a matter that ventilates both foam blocks and the space behind them. And this type of insulation does not ignite and does not deteriorate for a long time.

Mineral wool is considered an inexpensive and high-quality material for insulating barn walls

However, some facts can make you change your mind about insulating the shed with mineral wool:

  • the material functions well only if it is reliably protected from moisture, and when saturated with moisture, it loses its ability to retain warm air;
  • it is important to lay the insulation strictly according to the instructions, otherwise it will shrink excessively, which will negatively affect the thermal insulation;
  • installation of mineral wool can only be done by wearing a respirator on your face.

Styrofoam and expanded polystyrene

Styrofoam and expanded polystyrene have the same base, but differ in their characteristics:

  • density (for foam - only 10 kg per m³, and for expanded polystyrene - 40 kg per m³);
  • water absorption (polystyrene foam, in comparison with foam, practically does not absorb water and steam);
  • composition (foam inside contains granules, and polystyrene foam is a completely homogeneous material);
  • cost (foam costs less and is therefore often used to insulate walls from the outside).

Polyfoam is in high demand, as it easily sticks to the walls and is cheaper than expanded polystyrene

Styrofoam and expanded polystyrene are not comparable to mineral wool, because these heaters do not let noise through themselves and continue to function without problems under the influence of low temperatures. The ability of foamed materials to retain heat is also significantly better than that of mineral wool.

They resort to cork as insulation, taking into account the following features of this material:

  • reliable soldering to the surface with glue;
  • excellent thermal insulation due to the cork structure;
  • the ability to create a barrier to noise;
  • no need for finishing;
  • minimum requirements for a surface for insulation, which can not be plastered perfectly smoothly.

Cork attracts the attention of many, because it combines the properties of insulation and finishing material

Penofol is called foamed polyethylene, which can hold almost 100% of warm air in a building. Since this material has such a unique ability, it is actively used as insulation for interior walls.

It is customary to insulate walls with penofol indoors, since it differs in its small thickness

Installation of penofol involves fixing 1x1 cm beams to the walls.They form a lattice in the cells of which the cut pieces of heat-insulating material are placed. The seams between the layers of insulation are sealed with aluminum tape.

Any place in the house, not excluding the roof and internal walls, can be insulated with polyurethane foam. The material has become popular due to its simple installation technology. Polyurethane foam is not attached to the wall, but is sprayed on it without the use of an adhesive. Therefore, this insulation is firmly connected to the surface when its structure hardens.

Polyurethane foam has earned a good reputation, as it is characterized by the following advantages:

  • when applied to the wall, it turns into a solid surface without joints;
  • does not let heat through itself;
  • weighs little, so it does not require additional strengthening of the truss structure;
  • not damaged by compression and stretching, as it consists of cells;
  • lasts about 50 years if not exposed to mechanical stress;
  • not flammable;
  • dense and sealed, which is why it does not need protection with a vapor barrier membrane;
  • creates a barrier to the wind;
  • does not become prey for mice and insects;
  • does not become moldy, since it practically does not absorb moisture;
  • acts as a shield when exposed to sounds from the outside;
  • safe for humans, because its composition is free of toxins;
  • sold at an affordable price.

Polyurethane foam is applied to the wall in an unusual way - by spraying

Thermal insulation of polyurethane foam is much better than all other materials' ability to retain heat.A layer of this insulation 5 cm thick functions in the same way as 8 cm of foam or mineral wool, laid in a layer of 15 cm.

Polyurethane foam is extremely flame resistant. Unlike other insulation materials, this material deteriorates only if it is in close proximity to a fire source. Polyurethane foam never ignites.

When the floor is insulated with expanded clay, an ideal layer is obtained that does not release warm air from the building. It is customary to sprinkle this material exclusively on a concrete surface, on which a lattice of beams with a section of 15x10 cm is laid.A space of 60 cm must be left between the structural elements.

Expanded clay is usually covered with an area under the subfloor, which significantly speeds up the process of warming the room

Expanded clay, consisting of granules, fill the cells of the crate created on the floor.The resulting layer of insulation is leveled so that the friable material is only under the structure assembled from wooden elements. Expanded clay is covered with a vapor barrier film, and later - with a rough floor, that is, plywood sheets or oriented strand boards.

Tool List

Building a shed from foam blocks should be done using:

Step-by-step instructions for making a foam block shed

When starting the construction of an outbuilding, the first step is to prepare a construction site. The site is cleared of debris and made perfectly flat. After that, they move on to the construction of the foundation and other work.

Base for construction

Most often, the foundation for a shed made of foam blocks is made of tape. This type of foundation is created in stages:

  1. The construction site is marked along the perimeter of the building being erected. This task is handled with a long rope and pegs.
  2. A trench is dug along the line of pegs set in the ground, the bottom of which should be 50–100 cm from the ground surface, that is, deeper than the level of soil freezing. Standard trench width - 30 cm.

    Under the strip foundation of a shed with two rooms, markings are made around the perimeter of the building and under the inner wall

  3. The bottom of the trench is hidden behind a layer of sand 10 cm thick. The so-called pillow should turn out to be dense, so it should be well spilled with water and tamped.
  4. Another material is laid on the sand - gravel. A layer 10 cm thick is formed from this building material.

    Sand and gravel are evenly distributed and compressed to form dense layers

  5. On top of the layers of sand and gravel, a material is laid to protect the created backfill from moisture that can get into it from liquid concrete. The waterproofing film is used in such a way that it covers not only the gravel, but also the walls of the trench.
  6. Planks or metal sheets are collected in formwork - a form filled with concrete. It is important to make the auxiliary structure so high that it extends beyond the surface of the earth and rises to the upper edge of the basement of the building being built. In order to avoid accidental displacement of the formwork, its walls are fixed by means of clamps, struts and struts.

    The formwork boards are strengthened, and metal rods are laid inside it to strengthen the base

  7. A frame made of metal rods is laid inside the auxiliary structure, the task of which is to strengthen the created base. Elements designed to make the concrete as strong as possible should have a diameter of 10–12 mm.
  8. The frame, assembled from metal parts, is poured in one step with M-250 liquid concrete.

    The formwork can be removed when the concrete is completely hardened

It is forbidden to fill the formwork with concrete if it is bad weather or unbearable heat outside. Otherwise, the composition will not be able to harden within the specified period, that is, in 4 weeks.


To build the walls of a foam block shed, follow these steps:

  1. The concrete base for the construction of walls is cleaned of dust.
  2. They look for defects on the concrete surface. The detected inconsistencies, such as sharp projections, are eliminated.
  3. A waterproofing sheet is laid on a concrete foundation. For this purpose, roofing material is usually used. Hydroisol is also considered a suitable material.
  4. To glue foam blocks together, a solution is prepared, consisting of one part of sand and three parts of cement.

    Blocks are laid in the same way as bricks, that is, they must overlap the seams

  5. The first foam blocks are placed in the corners of the foundation. The following masonry elements are placed between them. One foam block should be connected to another with a seam no more than 3 cm thick.
  6. The first line of laid foam blocks, like all subsequent rows, is checked for evenness.
  7. Having created a third line of foam blocks, metal rods are laid out. Reinforcement with a diameter of 8 mm is required to strengthen the walls. It is customary to use it every time you need to lay the next fourth row of blocks.

    Metal rods are placed before laying every fourth row

Video: features of masonry foam blocks

Roof installation

They begin to build the roof, making sure that the solution between the foam blocks has hardened. The roof should be built in stages:

  1. The blocks laid last are protected with two layers of roofing material and are connected with the Mauerlat bars by means of metal studs. It is important that the studs are evenly spaced 1.2 meters apart.

    The bars of the Mauerlat are placed only after the blocks are covered with waterproofing material

  2. The structure of the rafter legs is assembled on the ground. Each element of the rafter system is created, focusing on a previously made template, on which the necessary grooves are made.
  3. First of all, two end trusses are placed on the walls of foam blocks, creating gables. Their position is corrected if necessary. To strengthen the trusses, temporary stops and a board nailed to the wall of the building are used.

    All gables are placed at the level of the taut twine, otherwise the roof will not be even and tight

  4. Between the installed extreme trusses at the level of the board, which will become the ridge, twine is pulled from both sides (at the end points of the rafter system).
  5. The extreme farms are firmly connected to the Mauerlat. Marks are left on it that will help arrange the following elements of the rafter system. Only after that, the remaining trusses are placed on the base of the roof. At the same time, attention is paid to a previously created landmark - a stretched twine.
  6. The supporting structure of the roof is covered with a waterproofing membrane, and on top of it a lathing of 5x6 cm beams is placed. The created base is covered with metal tiles.

    The roofing material is attached to the lathing by means of a screwdriver and special roofing screws

If you want to make the attachment points more rigid, it is wiser to use metal fasteners. Parts made of wood will cope poorly with the task, since they gradually dry out, preventing the nails from providing the necessary rigidity of the joints.

Building insulation

It is preferable to insulate the barn from the outside and cover it with plaster, which gives the building a finished look

The task of insulating the barn is performed as follows:

  1. The surface is cleaned of dirt and leveled if there are protrusions on it.
  2. The walls are treated with a primer.
  3. Armed with dowels and anchors, planks are fixed on the prepared surface, which will become a support for the first line of foam sheets.
  4. Glue is prepared by mixing P22 grade polymine and cold water. The composition is turned into a homogeneous mass using a drill, on which a mixer is mounted. To obtain the required consistency, the solution is left for 5 minutes.
  5. The foam board is treated with glue. The composition is smeared around the entire perimeter, retreating from the edges of 3 cm. At the same time, it is not applied in continuous lines, but gaps are left that will ensure air circulation. On the central part of the slab, glue is applied with strokes with a diameter of about 10 cm.

    The adhesive is not smeared over the entire surface, but is applied pointwise

  6. The glue-treated foam board is pressed against the wall with such force that the glue does not flow out of the piece of material.
  7. Fasteners can be installed at the joints of the plates, thereby connecting two adjacent elements of the insulation material to each other

  8. The slopes of windows and doors are protected from displacement by means of perforated aluminum squares.
  9. All foam plates attached to the walls are covered with glue, forming a layer with a thickness of 3 mm. A reinforcing mesh is placed on it using a large spatula. It is immersed in the adhesive evenly.
  10. After a few days, during which the glue should harden, the insulation is covered with plaster.

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The construction of outbuildings can be carried out from any suitable materials, since they are not demanding on their design. As a rule, walls are not insulated. Most often, a shed is built from foam blocks, bricks or aerated concrete.

Construction of households. buildings are often made of foam blocks, aerated concrete or bricks.

Building a barn without building a foundation is unacceptable. However, contrary to this well-known fact, many homeowners overlook this important detail. Because of this, the structure loses its reliability, it can easily be damaged due to bad weather, and this leads to the fact that the structure will need to be rebuilt.

It is necessary to build a foundation under the shed.

There are sheds in almost all yards, they store garden tools, various things and tools, keep birds and pets, store food and building materials, etc. Having decided to make a building from foam blocks, you will reliably and quickly solve all storage issues. Before you start building a barn, you need to draw up a project that will take into account all the established norms and needs.

Before starting construction, you need to choose the most convenient place for construction. The shed should not be built in plain sight, and at the same time, a comfortable approach is needed. It is best not to put him in front of the house, but to give him a convenient place behind the house or in the back of the yard. It is not worth building it in the lowlands, as it can be flooded during floods or rains.

Building advantage

Building sheds and other outbuildings from this material is a profitable investment.

Foam blocks are an inexpensive, economical, durable, environmentally friendly, biodegradable material - ideal for building households. buildings.

Compared to brick, the purchase of foam blocks is cheaper, and with it you can build a house or shed with walls more than 30 cm thick. It is easy to saw foam blocks and combine them with various materials. Buildings built from foam blocks have the ability to "breathe", which reduces the likelihood of mold and various fungi, and also makes the room more comfortable.

Foam blocks are inexpensive, economical, durable, environmentally friendly, biologically comfortable and similar in properties and qualities to wood, but they do not burn and have durability. This material combines the advantages of wood and stone: lightness, strength and easy workability.

The construction of foam concrete sheds has noticeable differences from the construction, for example, brick sheds only in technical aspects, but not in appearance, quality and configuration. Therefore, if you have planned the construction of a brick shed, then, by making simple calculations, you can build the same shed from foam blocks. All that remains is to choose the right brand of this material. In addition, the construction of sheds from this material will take much less time. The creation of houses and sheds from foam blocks simplifies the installation of communications - in foam concrete it is very easy to groove various channels for the heating system, water pipes and electrical wiring.

Foam block creation technology

The process of creating foam blocks is very simple: liquid concrete is foamed, a mold is poured, when it hardens, a foam concrete block is obtained.

The technology for creating foam blocks is very simple: for this, liquid concrete is foamed, and when it hardens, foam concrete is formed, which is filled with a large number of small bubbles. These blocks are made using two technologies: cutting technology and casting. Standard sizes of material made by injection molding technology: 100x300x600 or 200x300x600. These parameters are most convenient for the construction of outbuildings and houses. With this technology, a mixture of concrete is poured into molds of the specified size and waited until completely dry. In the manufacture of foam blocks using cutting technology, first of all, one large common block is formed, and then, after solidification, it is cut into pieces of the required size.

Tools and materials

For construction you will need: tape measure, level, square, rulers, drill, shovels.

  • measuring instruments: tape measure, folding, building level, square, ruler;
  • a tool for making mortar: a concrete mixer or drill (perforator) with a special attachment, a bucket, shovels for feeding material and for digging trenches;
  • watering can and containers for solution and other materials;
  • pump and flexible hose for solution supply;
  • sand, cement, gravel, water;
  • fittings and wire;
  • asbestos waterproof corrugated slate;
  • foam blocks;
  • an electric saw or a hacksaw for cutting material;
  • stairs;
  • materials for waterproofing;
  • a hammer;
  • screws, nails;
  • wooden beams, boards, slats;
  • putty knife;
  • other auxiliary building material and tools for finishing and facilitating the work performed.

Construction of a foam block shed consists of several stages.

Barn foundation

The construction of a barn begins with the construction of the foundation.

You need to start building a strip foundation with digging trenches. The required depth is 50-60 cm (depending on the weight of the structure). Foundation trenches should run under the load-bearing internal partitions and external walls of the future shed. In the simplest version, when the shed needs to be built without internal walls, the trenches are prepared only along the perimeter.

After that, sand and fine gravel are poured into the bottom of the trench under the foundation, in total, its height should not exceed 20 cm. In order to give the concrete rigidity, a reinforcing cage is used. Since foam blocks are not heavy material, the rods must be taken with a section of 10 mm. The reinforcement should be laid in two layers and should not be in contact with the ground on either side. The distance to the ground must be at least 50 mm.

All transverse rods of the reinforcement are fastened with a knitting wire. For the stability of the frame, vertical rods are additionally installed. They need to be bonded to the rest to increase rigidity. After that, we build the formwork from the boards, and then pour the concrete. The mortar is fed into the trenches using a pump and flexible hose, where it will be evenly distributed by a concrete vibrator. The entire solution must be poured in one go. The finished foundation must be left for several days so that it can dry out. It is necessary to spray the foundation every day with water from a watering can so that it does not crack or dry out.

The next stages of construction are the construction of walls and a roof.

Building a barn is not difficult. During construction, it is necessary to provide for a door and window opening in advance. Block walls are laid on a layer of waterproofing, which is pre-laid on the foundation. For the construction, a building mixture of cement and sand is used or a special glue is used (thanks to it, the joint seam is obtained of a minimum size).

Each row must be shifted by half the length of the foam block relative to the previous row. Work should start from the corner of the shed being erected. For this, a corner block is used. It is very important, using the building level, to constantly monitor the verticality of the walls. can be done with an electric saw or with a hacksaw. This building material has the correct geometric shape and the same dimensions. Due to this, you can build a barn very efficiently and quickly.

Roof installation

The roof for the shed does not require large financial investments, while it will be enough to make a single-slope structure, covering it with slate. The basis for this structure can be a guide bar, and between it, the floor beams are installed. When arranging, it is necessary to observe a step of 1 m. A suitable diameter for a timber will be 100-150 mm. All rafters are supported by vertical posts, while it must be borne in mind that for effective load distribution, the rack must be located closer to the middle of the rafters. The slate should be overlapped onto the prepared frame. Attach it, starting from the bottom, with screws or nails.

Barn decoration

The finished room can be insulated, interior and exterior finishing, racks, tables or shelves for inventory and household work, etc. It all depends on the purpose for which you erected this structure.

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