Prayer for the health of the baby to the Mother of God. Prayers for children

The most powerful prayer is the one that comes from the depths of the heart, the one that is supported by the strongest power of love and an unselfish, sincere desire to help another.

A mother's prayer can serve as a standard for such a prayer.

Parents love their children not for merits and deeds, they love them simply for what they are. Parents wish their children only the best, the good, and wish it disinterestedly, from the depths of their souls. When a child is sick, a mother is also sick, but she is sick more - she is sick with all her soul. At such moments, mother sincerely, with tears in her eyes, turns to the Vyshny with a prayer, in the hope of a quick healing of her blood. It is at such moments that all the power of prayer, its power and goodness, is “revealed”. It is at such moments that miracles take place.

And believe me - these are not just beautiful words and strong epithets, this is a real truth, which I have repeatedly felt both on myself and on my children. If they ask me: "Oleg, what are your earliest memories in your life?" - I will answer: "I, sick, with a temperature hang in my mother's arms and doze under a sincere prayer for my health." It was the mother's prayer that helped me avoid the operation (the doctors called it a miracle, but I know where it came from), it was she who helped me survive 13 pneumonia in early childhood and come unharmed from the army. Time passes and my mother is no longer there, but her prayer still invisibly protects me, and already I myself, having pretty much matured and a little older, sincerely pray for the health of my baby, whom I love very much, whom I love for his smile, for his little fingers, for every hair of him - I love him strongly, to the pinching in my heart, I love him because he just is in my life. And now he is better, his fever (sore throat) is asleep and he smiles in his sleep, but it could not be otherwise, because a son appeared in our life in a miraculous way precisely because of our sincere prayer.

Bless your children

Prayer to the Lord Jesus Christ for his children, prayer for protection and help

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, bless, sanctify, save this my child (name) by the power of Thy life-giving Cross

Merciful Lord Jesus Christ, I entrust to You our children, given to us by You, fulfill our prayers. I ask You, Lord, save them in the ways that You yourself know. Keep them from vices, evil and pride, and let nothing that is contrary to You touch their souls. But give them faith, love and the hope of salvation, and may they be the chosen vessels of the Holy Spirit, and may their life's path be holy and blameless before God.

Bless them, Lord, that they strive every minute of their lives to fulfill Your Holy Will, so that You, Lord, could always be with them by Your Holy Spirit.

Lord, teach them to pray to You, so that prayer would be their support, joy in grief and consolation in their lives, and may we, their parents, be saved by their prayer. Let Thy angels keep them always. May our children be sensitive to the grief of their neighbors, and may they fulfill the commandment of Your love. And if they sin, then grant them, Lord, to bring repentance to You, and by Your ineffable mercy forgive them.

When their earthly life ends, then take them to Thy Heavenly Abodes, where let them lead with them and other Thy servants chosen. Through the prayers of Thy Most Pure Mother Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, the saints (all the patron saints of the family are listed) and all the saints, Lord, have mercy on us, as if you were glorified with Thy Godhead Father and the Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Thy Spirit, now and ever and ever and ever. Amen.

Mother's Prayer for Children

Mother's prayer to God

God! Creator of all creatures, applying mercy to mercy, You made me worthy to be the mother of a family; Your grace has given me children, and I dare to say: they are Your children! Because you gave them being, revived them with an immortal soul, revived them with baptism for a life in accordance with your will, adopted them and received them into the depths of your Church.

Prayer to God the Creator for his children

Father of generosity and all mercy!

According to my parental feelings, I would wish my children every abundance of earthly blessings, I would wish them blessings from the dew of heaven and from the fat of the earth, but Thy holy will be with them! Arrange their fate according to Your good pleasure, do not deprive them of their daily bread in their lives, send them everything necessary in time to acquire a blessed eternity; be merciful to them when they sin against you; do not impute to them the sins of youth and their ignorance; bring their hearts to contrition when they resist the guidance of your goodness; punish them and have mercy, directing them to the path pleasing to you, but do not reject them from your presence!

Accept their prayers with grace; grant them success in every good deed; turn not Thy face away from them in the days of their trouble, lest temptation befall them beyond their strength. Cover them with Thy mercy; let Thy Angel walk with them and keep them from all misfortune and evil ways.

Prayer to Jesus Christ for children

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother, hear me, Your humble daughter (name).

Lord, in the mercy of Thy power my child (name), have mercy and save him for Thy name.

Lord, forgive him all the sins, voluntary and involuntary, committed by him before You.

Lord, instruct him on the true path of Thy commandments and enlighten him and enlighten with Thy light of Christ, for the salvation of the soul and the healing of the body.

Lord, bless him in the house, near the house, in the field, at work and on the road, and in every place of Your possession.

Lord, save him under the roof of Your Holy One from a flying bullet, knife, poison, fire, flood, from a deadly ulcer and from vain death.

Lord, protect him from visible and invisible enemies, from all troubles, evils and misfortunes. Lord, heal him from all diseases, cleanse him from all filth (wine, tobacco, drugs) and ease his mental suffering and sorrow.

Lord, grant him the grace of the Holy Spirit for many years of life, health and chastity.

Lord, give him your blessing for a godly family life and a godly childbearing.

Lord, grant me also Thy humble daughter a parental blessing on my child in the coming mornings, days, evenings and nights for Thy name's sake, for Thy Kingdom is eternal, omnipotent and omnipotent. Amen.

Lord have mercy! (12 times)

May our children be healthy!

Prayers for the health of the child

Prayer to Jesus Christ for children (Prayer for cover)

Lord Jesus Christ, may Thy mercy be on my children (names), keep them under Thy roof, cover them from all evil, take every enemy away from them, open their ears and eyes, grant tenderness and humility to their hearts.

Lord, we are all Thy creatures, have pity on my children (names) and turn them to repentance. Save, Lord, and have mercy on my children (names), and enlighten their minds with the light of the mind of Thy Gospel, and guide them in the path of Thy commandments, and teach them, Father, to do Thy will, as Thou art our God.

Prayer to the Trinity for children

O Merciful God, Father, Son and Holy Soul, worshiped and glorified in the Inseparable Trinity, look gracefully on your servant (s) (name of the child) on the sickness of the possessed one; release him (her) all his (her) sins;

give him (her) healing from the disease; return to him (her) health and bodily strength; Give him (her) a long-lasting and prosperous life, Thy peace and great blessings, so that he (she), together with us, bring (a) grateful prayers to Thee, the All-Bountiful God and my Creator. Most Holy Theotokos, with Your omnipotent intercession, help me to pray to Your Son, my God, for the healing of the servant (s) of God (name). All saints and Angels of the Lord, pray to God for His sick (sick) servant (name). Amen

Prayer to the Mother of God for her children

Oh, Merciful Mother!

You see the cruel sorrow tearing my heart! For the sake of the sorrow that Thou didst pierce, when a terrible sword passed into Thy soul during the bitter suffering and death of Thy Divine Son, I pray Thee: have mercy on my poor child, who is sick and fading, and if it is not contrary to the will of God and his salvation, seek his health bodily in your Almighty Son, the Physician of souls and bodies.

Oh, Loving Mother! Behold how the face of my child has turned pale, how his whole body burns with illness, and have mercy on him. May he be saved by God's help and serve with joy of heart Your Only Begotten Son, Lord and his God. Amen.

In diseases of infants

Holy Martyr Paraskeva, nominated Friday

Oh, holy and blessed martyr of Christ Paraskevo, virgin beauty, praise of martyrs, purity of the image, magnanimous mirror, wise wonder, Christian guardian faith, denunciatory idolatrous flattery, the Divine champion of the Gospel, the commandments of the Lord to a jealous woman who is honored with blackness. Thy Christ God, brightly rejoicing, adorned with the augmented crown of virginity and martyrdom!

We pray to thee, holy martyr, wake up the sorrowful woman for us to Christ God, with His most blessed sight always have fun. Pray to the All-Merciful, with His word that the eyes of the blind have opened, may our scabs, both bodily and spiritual, save us from the disease; kindle with your holy prayers the dark darkness that came from our sins, ask the Father of Light for the light of grace in our soul and body; Enlighten us, darkened by sins, with the light of God's grace, so that yours for the sake of holy prayers will be given uncombed sweet sight. Oh, great saint of God!

Oh, courageous virgin! O strong martyr Saint Paraskevo!

With your holy prayers, wake us a sinner helper, intercede and pray for the accursed and utterly negligent sinners, hurry up to help us, for I am very weak.

Pray to the Lord, pure maiden, pray to the Merciful, holy martyr, pray to your Bridegroom, immaculate bride of Christ, but with your prayers assisting, the darkness of sinfulness is gone, in the light of true faith and divine deeds, let us enter into the eternal light of the day of the never-evening, into the city of joy Even now you shine brightly with glory and endless joy, glorifying and singing with all heavenly powers the Trisaggiving One Deity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

They pray to her for patronage of the family hearth; in conjugal infertility;

When spoiling children and about healing from the "dear child"

Great Martyr Nikita

Troparion, voice 4th:

The Cross of Christ, as if we were assiduously accepting some kind of weapon, and you flowed into the struggle of enemies, and having suffered for Christ, in the midst of the fire, you gave your sacred soul to the Lord, from which you were honored to receive healing from Him, great martyr Nikito, pray to Christ God, save our souls.

Kontakion, voice 2nd

I have charmed the power with your standing, and we will receive a crown of victory in your suffering, with the Angels rejoicing Nikito the same name, with them praying Christ God ceaselessly for all of us.


Oh, great passion-bearer of Christ and miraculous, great martyr Nikito!

Falling to your holy and miraculous image, your feats and miracles and your much compassion for people are glorifying, we pray thee diligently: show us your humble and sinful holy and powerful intercession. Behold, sin for our sake, not imams of the freedom of the children of God, boldly ask the Lord and our Master about the needs of our Lord and our Master: but we offer you a favorable prayer book to Him, and we cry out for your intercession: ask the Lord for usable gifts to our souls and bodies: faith right, undoubted hope of salvation, unhypocritical love for all, courage in temptations, patience in evil-suffering, constancy in prayers, health of souls and bodies, fruitfulness of the earth, goodness of air, everyday needs contentment, a peaceful and pious life on earth, Christian life death and a kind response at the Last Judgment of Christ. And to all Orthodox people, reveal your holy intercession: heal the sick, comfort the grieving, help the needy.

She, a saint of God and a long-suffering martyr! Do not forget your holy abode and all the nuns and the worldly who live in it and the ascetic nuns, but make haste to them in humility and patience to bear the yoke of Christ, and save mercifully from all troubles and temptations. Bring all of us to a quiet haven of salvation and grant the heirs to be the blessed kingdom of Christ with your holy prayers: let us glorify and sing the great bounties of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit in the Trinity, the glorified and worshiped God, and your holy intercession forever and ever. Amen.

For sleep disturbances in infants

To the holy seven youths in Ephesus: Maximilian, Iamblichus, Martinian, John, Dionysius, Exacustodian and Antonin

The preachers and the resurrection of the dead are depicts of piety, the pillars of the seven-numbered Church, the youths of all-blessed songs will praise: tii bo, after many years of incorruption, like from sleep, all of them proclaim the rise of the dead.

Kontakion, voice 4th

Having glorified Thy holiness on earth, before Thy second and terrible coming, Christ. With the glorious uprising of the youths, you showed the Resurrection to the ignorant, showing the incorruptible robes and body, and you assured the king to cry out: verily there is the dead uprising.


Oh, the wondrous sanctity of the seven-numbered children, Ephesus of the city of praise and all the hope of the universe!

Look from the heights of heavenly glory at us, who honor your memory with love, especially Christian babies, who were entrusted to your intercession from their parents: bring down on her the blessing of Christ God, rekchago: leave the children to come to Me: heal those who are sick in them, comfort those who are grieving; Keep their hearts clean, I will fill them with meekness, and in the land of their hearts plant and strengthen the seed of the confession of God, in a hedgehog from strength to strength to grow. and all of us, the holy icon of your coming, your relics kissing with faith and praying warmly to you, grant the Kingdom of Heaven to seize and silent voices of joy to glorify the magnificent name of the Most Holy Trinity, Father and Son and Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

About patronage of children

To Righteous Simeon the God-Receiver

Simeon the Elder is rejoicing today, they will take the Infant of the Eternal God into their hand, asking and crying out from the bonds of the flesh: my eyes see Your salvation is worldly.

Kontakion, voice 4th

The elder is now renounced from yuz praying this life of perishable, Christ will be taken into his arms, the Creator and the Lord.


Oh, great servitor of God to God-receptive Simeone!

Standing before the Throne of the great King and our God Jesus Christ, the great boldness of the Imash to Him, in your embrace of ours, for the sake of salvation, will rush to Him who has chosen. To you, like a powerful representative and a strong prayer book for us, we resort to sin and unworthiness. Pray His Goodness, as if He would turn away His wrath from us, righteously moved by our deeds, and despising our innumerable sins, will turn us to the path of repentance and establish us on the path of His commandments.

Protect our belly with your prayers in the world, and ask for good haste in all that is good, giving us all the same for the belly and piety. Just as in ancient times, Veliky Novograd by the manifestation of your miraculous icon from the destruction of mortality, you saved us, so now we and all the cities and towns of our country from all misfortunes and misfortunes and vain death by your intercession, save from all the enemies visible and invisible with your cover. Like yes, let us live a quiet and silent life in all piety and purity, and so this temporary life has passed in the world, we will achieve peace in eternal rest, where we will also be vouchsafed to the Heavenly Kingdom of Christ our God. To Him, all glory is due with the Father and His Most Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

They pray to him for those in prison or in captivity.

Martyr Gabriel of Bialystok


Infant gentleness to the guardian and martyr's courage to the bearer, Gabriel is blessed.

Our lands adamante precious and Jewish wickedness to the accuser! To you we prayerfully resort to sinners, and we call you love for our sins, who are contrite, but we are ashamed of our cowardice: do not abhor our filth, this treasure is purity; do not abhor our cowardice, patience with the teacher; But more than these, seeing our infirmities from heaven, give us your healings with prayer, and your imitators of your faithfulness to Christ teach us to be. If we can’t bear the cross of temptation and malice with patience, so even then don’t deprive us of your merciful help, please God, but ask for freedom and weakness from the Lord: hear the same prayers for the children of your mother, and beg for health and salvation as a baby from the Lord : there is no such cruel heart, he will not be touched by hearing about your torments, holy baby. And even if besides this tender sighing no good deeds can be brought, but even with such a tender thought, our minds and hearts, blessedly, enlightening us to correct our life by the grace of God instruct us: put in us tireless zeal for the salvation of the soul and for the glory of God, and oh for the hour of death, keep our memory vigilant, help us, especially in our mortal dormition, demonic torments and thoughts of despair from our souls by your intercession, and ask for this with the hope of Divine forgiveness, but even then, and now, glorify to us the mercy of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your strong intercession, forever and ever. Amen.

On the development of the mind in children and help in learning

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon "The Giver of the Mind" or "Adding Mind"

O Holy Virgin!

You are the Bride of God the Father and the Mother of His Divine Son Jesus Christ!

You are the Queen of Angels and the salvation of people, a denouncer of sinners and a punisher of apostates.

Have mercy on us, who have sinned grossly and have not fulfilled the commandments of God, who have broken the vows of baptism and the vows of monasticism, and many others that we promised to fulfill.

When the Holy Spirit departed from King Saul, then fear and despondency attacked him and the darkness of despair and a joyless state of mind tormented him. Now, for our sins, we have all lost the grace of the Holy Spirit.

The mind was bogged down by the vanity of thoughts, forgetfulness about God darkened our souls, and now the heart of every kind of sorrow, sorrow, illness, hatred, evil, enmity, revenge, gloating and other sins are pressing. And, not having joy and consolation, we call to You, Mother of our God, Jesus Christ, so beg Your Son to forgive us all our sins and send us the Comforter Spirit, as He sent Him to the apostles, so that those who were comforted and enlightened by him, let us sing a song of thanks Rejoice, Most Holy Theotokos, who added our intelligence to salvation. Amen.

Prayer for a poorly educated youth

Lord Jesus Christ our God, who dwelt in the hearts of the twelve Apostles unhypocritically, by the grace of the All-Holy Spirit, who came down in the form of fiery tongues, and opened these mouths, and began to speak in other tongues: Lord Jesus Christ our God Himself, send down that Spirit from Your Holy One ( name); and plant the Holy Scriptures in the ears of his heart, even your most pure hand was written on the tablet for the law-maker Moses, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.


Good Lord!

Send us the grace of Thy Holy Spirit, giving and strengthening our spiritual strength, so that, listening to the teaching taught to us, we may grow up to You, our Creator, for glory, for our parents for consolation, for the benefit of the Church and Fatherland.


We thank Thee, the Creator, for thou hast vouchsafed us Thy grace, in hedgehog to heed the teaching. Bless our leaders, parents and teachers who lead us to the knowledge of good, give us strength and strength to continue this teaching.

Prayers to the Monk Sergius of Radonezh the wonderworker to add intelligence to children (you can read: both to children and to parents for their children)


O sacred head, Reverend and God-bearing our Father Sergius, by your prayer, and by faith, and love, even to God, and by the purity of heart, even on earth in the monastery of the Most Holy Trinity you arranged your soul, and you were honored to visit the angelic fellowship and the Most Holy Theotokos, and the gift I received miraculous grace, after your departure from the earthly, I came closer to God, and communed with Heavenly Power, but I did not retreat from us with the spirit of my love and your honest power, like a vessel of grace full and overflowing, leaving us!

Having great boldness towards the All-Merciful Ruler, pray to save His servants, who believe in His grace and flow to you with love.

Ask us from our great God every gift, everybody and who is in any way useful, faith is immaculate, our city is affirmed, peace is peace, and deliverance from gladness and destruction, from the invasion of aliens, preservation, consolation for grieving, ailing healing, fallen exaltation, erring on the path of truth and return to salvation, those who strive for strengthening, those who do good in good deeds, prosperity and blessing, upbringing to babies, admonition to young people, ignorant of discipline, orphans and widows intercession, departing from this temporal life to eternal good preparation and parting words, those who have departed and blessed all your peace with prayers, on the day of the Last Judgment, the shuya will get rid of the part, the gums of the country will be fellows of being and hear the blessed voice of the Lord Christ: come, blessings of My Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the folding of the world. Amen.

Prayer 2

O sacred head, Venerable Father, Blessed Abvo Sergius the Great!

Do not forget your poor ones to the end, but remember us in your holy and auspicious prayers to God. Remember your flock, the hedgehog you yourself have saved, and do not forget to visit your children. Pray for us, holy father, for your spiritual children, as if you have boldness towards the Heavenly King, do not keep silent for us to the Lord and do not despise us, who honor you with faith and love.

Remember us, unworthy of the Almighty Throne, and do not cease praying for us to Christ God, for you have been given grace to pray for us. We do not think that you are dead, even if you have passed away from us in body, but you are still alive after death. Do not depart from us in spirit, keeping us from the arrows of the enemy, and all the delights of the demonic, and the wiles of the devil, our good shepherd; Even if your cancer is visible in front of our eyes, it is always visible, but your holy soul with angelic hosts, with incorporeal faces, with Heavenly Forces, is coming at the Almighty Throne, worthily rejoices. Leading you truly and living after death, we fall to you and pray to you, hedgehog to pray for us to the Almighty God for the benefit of our souls, and ask for time for repentance, and for the unrestrained inheritance from earth to Heaven, the ordeals of bitter demons, princes of the air and eternal torment shall be delivered, and to the Heavenly Kingdom the heir to be with all the righteous, from time immemorial have pleased our Lord Jesus Christ. All glory, honor and worship with His beginningless Father, and with the Most Holy, and Good, and His Life-giving Spirit, now, and ever, and forever and ever, befits Him. Amen.

Prayer 3

O heavenly citizen of Jerusalem, Venerable Father Sergius!

Look at us with mercy and raise those who are devoted to the earth to the height of heaven.

You are woe in Heaven; we are on earth, below, removed from you, not just a place, much by our sins and iniquities; but to you, as we are kindred, we resort and cry: instruct us to walk and your way, give understanding and guidance. It is natural for you, our father, to be benevolent and philanthropic: I live on earth, not just about my salvation, but about all those who come to you. Your instructions were the cane of the scribe, the cursive writer, inscribing the verbs of life on the heart of everyone. Not only did you heal diseases of the body, but more than the spiritual physician you appeared graceful, and your whole holy life was a mirror of all virtue. If you only had a fraction, holier than God, on earth: now you are colic, in Heaven! Today you stand before the Throne of Unapproachable Light, and in it, like in a mirror, see all our needs and petitions; You are settling together with the Angels, about the only sinner who repents with joy. And God's love for man is inexhaustible, and your boldness towards Him is great: do not stop crying to the Lord for us.

Ask for your intercession from our All-Merciful God the peace of His Church, under the sign of the militant Cross, harmony in faith and unanimity, supernatural and schism, destruction, confirmation in good deeds, healing for sick, sad consolation, offended intercession, help in need.

Do not put us to shame, who come to you with faith. If you are unworthy of only a father and an intercessor, but you, the imitator of the former love of God, have created us worthy through the conversion from evil deeds to a good life. All God-enlightened Russia, filled with your miracles and blessed with mercies, confesses thee to being its patron and intercessor.

Reveal your ancient mercies, and you helped them with their father, do not reject us, their children, who are walking towards you with their feet. We believe that we are present in spirit. If there is the Lord, as His word teaches us, there will also be His servant. You are a faithful servant of the Lord, and God exists everywhere, you are in Him, and He is in you, moreover, you are with us in body. Thy incorruptible and life-giving your relics, like a priceless treasure, give us miracles from God. Before them, as if I am living for you, we fall and pray: accept our prayers and lift them up on the altar of the goodness of God, so we will receive you grace and help in good time in our needs.

Strengthen us, the faint-hearted, and strengthen us in faith, so that we undoubtedly hope to receive all that is good from the Master's mercy through your prayers. But to your spiritual flock, gathered by you, do not stop to control the rod of spiritual wisdom: help those who struggle, raise up the weakened ones, hasten to bear the yoke of Christ in complacency and patience, and rule us all in peace and repentance, end our belly and reign with hope in the blessed bowels of Abrah where you joyfully rest on your labors and labors, glorifying God with all the saints, in the Trinity, the glorified, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer 4

O venerable and God-bearing our Father Sergius!

Look at us (names) with mercy and, to the land of those who are committed, raise us to the height of heaven. Strengthen our cowardice and confirm us in faith, so that we undoubtedly hope to receive all that is good from the mercy of the Sovereign God through your prayers. Seek your intercession for every gift to everyone and anyone who is worthily, and all of us, with your prayers attending to you, grant that on the day of the Terrible Judgment a part of deliverance will be given, the gums of the country will be fellowships and the blessed voice of the Lord Christ hear: come, blessing of My Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you. ... Amen.

Prophet Nahum on the development of the mind in children and the enlightenment of the mind for teaching

For a long time, the prophet Naum has been praying at the beginning of the letter. "The Prophet Nahum will bring to mind".

  • Troparion, voice 2

Memory of Thy Prophet Naum, Lord, celebrating, so we pray to Thee, save our souls.

Prayer to all holy and disembodied heavenly powers for the enlightenment of the mind.

Holy God and rest in the saints, with a trisacred voice in heaven from an angel praised, on earth from a man in his saints praised: given by your Holy Spirit, grace is commended as the bestowal of Christ, and by this he has appointed your church of your holy ova apostles, ovy prophets, oy evangelists , ovs are shepherds and teachers, their own word of preaching. To You, the One who acts, is all in all, many holy things have been accomplished in every kind and kind, with various virtues pleasing You, and for You, leaving us the image of your good deeds, in the joy that came, prepare, in it you yourself would have been tempted, and help us to help ...

Remembering all these saints and their godly praising life, I praise You Samago, who has acted in them, and I praise Your goodness of the gift of being, I pray diligently to You, Holy of Holies, grant me a sinner to follow their teachings, even more those by Your blessing with them, all-powerful be made worthy of glory, praising your holy name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit for ever. Amen.

Prayer to the Mother of God in front of her icon "Education"

O Most Holy Lady the Virgin Mary, merciful Mother of all people, save and preserve under Thy shelter our children (names), all adolescents, young women, babies and in the womb of the mother wears. Cover them with Thy robe, keep them in the passion of God and obedience to a parent, pray to our Lord and Thy Son, that he may grant them all that is useful to spiritual salvation. We hand them over to Your Mother's gaze, as if You are the Divine cover of Your servant.

Prayers from the impact on children of sorcerers and psychics

Hieromartyr Cyprian and Martyr Justina

Before his baptism, Cyprian himself was a famous sorcerer, and Justina was left without any harm from his demonic spells, being protected from them by the sign of the cross.

Prayer 1

O holy saint of God, holy martyr Cyprian, an early helper and prayer for all who come running to you.

Receive from us unworthy our praise and ask the Lord God for us strength in weaknesses, healing in sickness, consolation in sorrows, and all that is useful in our life. Raise up to the Lord your beneficent prayer, may he protect us from the falls of our sinful ones, may he teach us true repentance, may he deliver us from the captivity of the devil and all actions of unclean spirits, and deliver us from those that offend us.

Be a strong defender of all enemies visible and invisible, in temptation give us patience and in the hour of our death show us intercession from the torturers in our air ordeals, so that led by you, we will reach the Mountainous Jerusalem and be vouchsafed in the Heavenly Kingdom with all the saints to glorify and sing the All-Holy the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer 2

O Holy Martyr Cyprian and Martyr Justin!

Listen to our humble prayer. Even though your temporary life as a martyr for Christ died naturally, but in spirit you do not naturally depart from us, always, according to the commandment of the Lord, to walk us teaching and patiently bear our cross to help us. Behold, boldness towards Christ God and His Mother of the Most Pure have acquired naturally. In the same way, and now, wake up prayer books and intercessors for us, unworthy (names).

Wake us the defenders of the fortress, so that by your intercession we will be preserved and safe from demons, magicians and from evil people we will remain, glorifying the Holy Trinity: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Kontakion, voice 1

Turning from magic art, God-wise, to the knowledge of the Divine, you appeared to the world the wisest doctor, granting healing to those who celebrate thee, Cyprian with Justina: with nothing, praying to the Human-loving Vladyka to save our souls.


Heal your healing, holy, giving me gifts, and heal my ailing heart with pus with your sinful prayers, as if I will now bring you the word of singing from my bad lips and sing Your sickness, I have shown you, holy martyr, with good repentance, and blessed and approaching God. That bo was restrained by the hand, you went, as if up the stairs, to the Heavenly, incessantly praying to save our souls.

Troparion to the martyr, voice 4

Thy Lamb, Jesus, Justin, calls with a great voice: I love you, my bridegroom, and they seek you, I suffer, and I am crucified, and I am grateful for Thy baptism, and for Thy suffering, for I reign in You, and I die for You. , yes, and I live with You: but, as an undefiled sacrifice, accept me, sacrificing to You with love. With that prayer, as if merciful, save our souls.

Kontakion to the Martyr, Voice 2

Your temple is all honest, as if it has gained a spiritual goal, all faithfulness is magnified by the cry of thee: Virgin Martyr Justina, great-named, pray to Christ God incessantly for all of us.

Prayer to all holy and disembodied heavenly powers

Holy God and rest in the saints, with a trisacred voice in heaven from an angel praised, on earth from a man in his saints praised: given by your Holy Spirit, grace is commended as the bestowal of Christ, and by this he has appointed your church of your holy ova apostles, ovy prophets, oy evangelists , ovs are shepherds and teachers, their own word of preaching.

To You, the One who acts, is all in all, many holy things have been accomplished in every kind and kind, with various virtues pleasing You, and for You, leaving us the image of your good deeds, in the joy that came, prepare, in it you yourself would have been tempted, and help us to help ... Remembering all these saints and their godly praising life, I praise You Samago, who has acted in them, and I praise Your goodness of the gift of being, I pray diligently to You, Holy of Holies, grant me a sinner to follow their teachings, even more those by Your blessing with them, all-powerful be made worthy of glory, praising your holy name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit for ever. Amen.

Troparion to the Martyr, Voice 4

Thy Martyr, Lord Cyprian, in his suffering the crown is pleasant incorruptible from Thee of our God, have Thy strength, overthrow the tormentors, crush the demons of the weak insolence of that with prayers, save our souls.

Kontakion to the Martyr, Voice 6

A bright star appeared as an immortal world, the Sun of Christ proclaiming with your glances, passion-bearer Cyprian, and you extinguished all charm, having given us light, praying ceaselessly for all of us.

Exaltation to the martyr

We magnify thee, holy Cyprian the passion-bearer, and we honor your honest sufferings, like you endured for Christ.

Parents' prayers for the protection of children

Mother of God for the cover over the children

O Most Holy Lady the Virgin Mary, save and preserve under Your shelter my children (names), all the youths, young women and babies, baptized and nameless and carried in the womb of the mother.

Cover them with the robe of Your motherhood, keep them in the fear of God and in obedience to your parents, pray to my Lord and Your Son, that he may grant them useful things for their salvation. I entrust them to Thy Mother's gaze, as Thou art the Divine Cover for Thy servants.

Mother of God, lead me into the image of Your heavenly motherhood. Heal the mental and physical wounds of my children (names), inflicted by my sins. I entrust my child entirely to my Lord Jesus Christ and Yours, Most Pure, heavenly protection. Amen.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel for children

Holy Angel to the guardian of my children (names), cover them with your cover from the arrows of the demon, from the eyes of the seducer and keep their hearts in angelic purity. Amen.


Prayer to the holy martyrs Vera, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia

You, holy martyrs Vero, Nadezhdo and Lyuba, we glorify, magnify and please, together with the wise matter Sophia, we bow down to her, as an image of God's wise care that reveals.

Pray, Saint Vero, the Creator of the visible and invisible, so that faith will be strong, unshakable and indestructible. Intercede, holy Hope, before the Lord Jesus for us sinners, so that hope in His good will not marry us, and may save us from all sorrow and need. Confession, holy Luba, to the Spirit of truth, the Comforter, our misfortunes and sorrows, and that from above will send down heavenly sweetness to our souls. Help us in our troubles, holy martyrs, and buy with your wise matter Sophia, pray to the King of kings and the Lord of lords, that he will keep (names) under His protection, and with you and with all the saints we will exalt and glorify the most holy and great name of the Father and The Son and the Holy Spirit, the eternal Lord and the good Companion, now and forever and forever and ever.

Prayer to the Creator for their children, so that they will be happy

God and Father, Creator and Preserver of all creatures!

Grace my poor children (names) with Your Holy Spirit, may He kindle in them the true fear of God, which is the beginning of wisdom and direct prudence, according to which whoever acts, his praise abides forever. Delight them with true knowledge of You, keep them from all idolatry and false teaching, make them grow in true and saving faith and in all piety, and may abide in them constantly to the end.

Grant them a believing, obedient and humble heart and mind, that they may grow in years and in grace before God and before people. Plant in their hearts love for Your Divine Word, so that they are reverent in prayer and in worship, respectful to the servants of the Word and with everyone sincere in actions, bashful in body movements, chaste in morals, true in words, faithful in deeds, diligent in their studies , happy in the performance of their duties, reasonable and righteous to all people.

Observe them from all the temptations of the evil world, and may not be corrupted by a bad society. Do not let them fall into uncleanness and immorality, let them not shorten their own lives and let them not offend others. Protect them in any danger, so that they will not be subjected to sudden destruction.

Make it so that we do not see dishonor and shame in them, but honor and joy, so that Your kingdom may be multiplied by them and the number of believers will increase, and may they be in heaven around Your meal, like the heavenly branches of olive, and with all the elect may they reward You honor, praise and glorification through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayer for breastfeeding babies

Mother of God in front of the icon "Mammal"

Receive, Madame Mother of God, the tearful prayers of Thy servants who come to You. We see Thee on the holy icon, carrying in her arms and nourishing Thy Son and our God, the Lord Jesus Christ with milk. Even if and painlessly you gave birth to Him, besides the mothers of sorrow, the weight and weakness of the sons and daughters of men.

In the same warmth, falling to your celibate image and kissing this tenderly, we pray to Thee, all-merciful to the Lady: us, sinners, condemned to give birth to our children in illnesses and to nourish our children in sorrows, mercifully spare and compassionately intercede, our babies, likewise from those who bore them, Deliver sickness and bitter sorrow.

Grant them health and prosperity, and they will be nourished from strength by strength, and those who feed them will be filled with joy and consolation, for even now, through Thy intercession from the mouth of the baby and the pissing, the Lord will accomplish His praise.

O Mother of the Son of God! Have mercy on the mother of the sons of men and on Thy weak people: heal the illnesses that befall us soon, quench the sorrows and sorrows that come upon us, and do not despise the tears and sighs of Thy servants. Hear us on the day of sorrow before your icon, those who fall, and on the day of joy and deliverance, receive the grateful praise of our hearts. Lift up our prayers to the throne of Thy Son and our God, may it be merciful to our sin and weakness and add His mercy to those leading His name, as if we and our children, let us glorify Thee, the merciful Intercessor and the faithful hope of our family, forever and ever ... Amen.

There are a lot of prayers for children and for different needs, but it is not necessary to know all of them by heart or to scour in search of the right one. You can also pray in your own words - the main thing is that the prayer goes from the depths of your soul, sincerely and with faith.


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The most powerful prayer for the health of children is the prayer that comes from the very depths of the mother's heart. Why maternal? Because only a mother knows her child 9 months longer than other people. Because there is a close, inextricable bond between mother and child. When a baby is sick, his mother is sick with him, but her pain is stronger, since she is sick with her soul. In moments when a child suffers from ailments, Orthodox prayers for the health of children can come to the mother's aid.

Turning to the Higher Forces for help, you can heal your loved ones even from the most serious diseases. If your child constantly complains of poor health, and diseases and ailments have become too frequent, strong prayer will help you to strengthen your child's health.

It is important for every parent that his child is healthy, but protecting his child from diseases is a difficult task. Sometimes even the methods of modern medicine cannot heal children from an illness. To improve the health of your child, you need to ask the saints about it. The experts of the website advise you to use the strongest prayer.

For prayer to work as soon as possible, there are important rules to keep in mind to help you enhance the effect of your prayer text. The most important feature is that a close relative must read the prayer, but it is desirable that the words are uttered by the mother. Sincere requests emanating from the very depths of the mother's heart, reinforced by love for her child, cannot remain unanswered. Therefore, in this case, your child will soon be able to recover from any disease.

Despite the fact that the Higher Forces always respond to the requests of those who pray for their child, modern methods of treatment cannot be neglected.

This prayer is addressed to the Most Holy Theotokos, since at all times the Most Pure was the main patroness of families and children. It is imperative that your child be with you when you say the prayer. The text of the prayer sounds like this:

“O Blessed Virgin Mary, our Lady! Save the children (child) of my (my) (names) from illnesses and severe ailments under your cover, so that all ailments bypass them (him). Pray the Lord God to send my child an early healing, to save him from severe torment. Amen".

You can say a prayer at any time, even if your child is healthy at the moment. The prayer text itself can become a powerful talisman for your child, but for this, the words of the prayer must be written down on paper.

Parents are not always able to protect their children from illness and trouble, so your child needs constant protection. Strong prayer will help you protect your child from evil and ailments.

Holy helpers of the mother of a sick child

Of course, when a child is sick, one should not neglect traditional drug treatment - medicine has now made tremendous progress and is able to cope with many, even serious, diseases.

Do not forget about faith, about the holy heavenly helpers - their support and assistance can alleviate the patient's condition and speed up his healing. The best way to appeal to higher powers has always been, is and will be sincere prayer.

Orthodox prayers simply need to be read during illness. The Lord is the main helper of the mother of a sick child, for His possibilities are endless. God also has his companions - these are saints who know how to heal body and soul. Therefore, it is possible to ask the Almighty for health through His saints - the Creator listens to their opinion and through them renders his help.

In addition to the Lord himself, most often with prayer for the health of children, they cry out to:

  • The Most Holy Theotokos;
  • Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker;
  • Blessed Matrona of Moscow;
  • Saint Panteleimon the Healer.

The mother's prayer for health (it does not matter whether about a son or a daughter), directed to the listed saints, has truly miraculous abilities and can sometimes become the only salvation in a critical situation.

5 most powerful and rare prayers for children

Below is a selection of powerful motherly prayers for children - these include both the most popular prayer texts and rather rare ones, known to a narrow circle of believers. However, all of them in practice have repeatedly confirmed their effectiveness and helped many children suffering from this or that disease.

Prayer for the health of children to the Lord

Prayers for the health of children to the Lord are incredibly powerful. When her child is sick, a mother can ask for a speedy recovery for him using the following prayer text:

Important: if the baby is not yet 7 years old, the words “servant of God” should be replaced with the phrase “baby of God”. This condition is necessary, since it is believed that all children up to 7 years old (inclusive) are the Lord's babies, His angels.

Prayer to the Most Holy Mother of God (Mother of God)

No one can understand the thoughts, feelings, hopes, despair and suffering of a mother better than a mother like her. That is why many mothers during their illness turn to the Mother of God for the health of their child. The healing text addressed to her sounds like this:

In addition to this miraculous prayer, another church text can be used with a request for the health of your child. Despite its brevity, it has great strength. His words are:

Mother's love has no boundaries, so when a child falls ill, any mother is ready to do anything to alleviate his suffering. In such situations, a woman asks for help from the Higher Forces. The most important condition for pronouncing about the health of the child is the pure soul of the mother, who fully believes in her actions. If you have sins behind you, you need to atone for them. To do this, you should go to church, where the priest will help you find out which icon you need to pray in this case.

You can offer a prayer to the Guardian Angel, because every person has a protector from birth, who will always help his ward. In this case, the prayer sounds like this:

“Holy Angel to the guardian of my children (names), cover them with your cover from the arrows of the demon, from the eyes of the seducer, and keep their hearts in angelic purity. Amen".

Say these words every day. This is one of the many prayers known to believing Christians. Do not forget about medicine, prayer can only help attract a good doctor to the patient and give inner strength to fight.

Prayer to Matrona

The help that is asked of the saints is needed to protect the innocent soul from problems, and the body from diseases. If the mother's light, unselfish prayer for the health of the child is accompanied by tears, this says that the soul is completely open to God's help.

This prayer to Matrona is recited every morning at dawn. It will help improve the health of the child:

It is known that illness is a test of faith, so you need to go through this test without flinching. Just surround your child with even more love, and all the saints will come to your aid. Raise your child in piety and great love, in such an environment he is not afraid of any illnesses and problems.

Prayer to the Virgin Mary

A mother's prayer for the health of the child, addressed to the Virgin Mary with a request for protection and help, will help protect your child from all misfortunes. She will give hope and strength to regain faith and peace. Higher powers will not allow illness to approach the innocent sinless creature of God. By praying, you gain faith in healing, hope for the future, and pass on your positive attitude to the sick child. The prayer to the Virgin Mary sounds like this:

Prayer for the health of a sick child

It is very important for parents that their child is happy, and most importantly healthy. To protect their child during illness, parents are ready for a lot. To give strength to the child to fight the disease, you can read the following prayer:

The power of prayer is very strong, so you can read it anywhere, for example, directly in the church, at home or near a child. Many people assure that even if there are thousands of kilometers between you - ask and they will hear you. A church prayer service for health can be added to help your prayer.

Prayer to Panteleimon

In Orthodoxy, there are many different prayers for health. Saint Panteleimon is considered the main healer for ailments. When walking down the street, he saw a dead child, he began to pray to Christ and ask him to resurrect the baby. He said that if a child comes to life, he will become a follower of Christ. His words were heard and the baby came to life. Since then, believers have turned to Panteleimon with requests for recovery.

Read this prayer as often as possible until the child is fully recovered. After that, be sure to thank the Saint for his help and pray again.

Parental prayer for the health of children has the greatest power, as they put all their love, faith and care into words. In order for troubles to bypass you and the child, keep your soul clean. Raise a child in piety and love for others, and then his health will be heroic and unshakable. Pray for your child from birth, but do not ask for health and material well-being. First of all, pray for the salvation of the soul, for only God knows the path that was ordered at birth.

It is hard for any mother to see the diseases of children. A prayer for the health of the child will help alleviate the condition of the baby and save him from illness. In these cases, mothers pray for their children.

You can ask any saint for health - maybe you loved some saint of God more than others, or it is customary in your family to resort to the help of a particular saint in all sorrows.

The holy Great Martyr Panteleimon is usually asked about the sick - during his earthly life he was a doctor, and was rewarded from God with many miracles of healing by his boundless faith. Panteleimon is asked for healing from all ailments, especially from evil eyes and other magic.

It should always be remembered that only God is able to allow a human disease - He is also able to heal it.

The saints themselves, to whose help we resort - intercessors and mediators between Almighty God and us, sinful people, it is important to warn all parents who pray for the health of their children about this, so that they do not inadvertently show disrespect to God.

How to pray correctly?

If you pray (it does not matter if it is a mother's prayer for the bestowal of health on a child, or a request for the success of a business you have begun), keep your soul pure, do not believe in fortune-telling, spells, do not speak and do not bewitch, refuse all pseudo-Orthodox actions that you are offered to perform ... Do not be afraid to seem naive or look stupid - ask and ask the priest about the actions offered to you on the side - he will tell you exactly what is right and useful, and what is an act objectionable to God.

Types of prayers

The prayer for the good health of the Blessed Mother Theotokos is pronounced in the church or in the cell (at home). It is usually customary to ask for help from that saint, in front of whose icon petitions are raised, but if this is not possible - ask for help from any place and position - a strong mother's prayer keeps children in danger, even if you are far from the icons.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos "For good health"

“To the Mother of God, we are diligently now a dear, sinful and humble, and we will fall, in repentance calling from the depths of our souls: Lady, help, having mercy on us, sweat, we are perishing from a multitude of sins, do not turn away Your slaves, you are the same hope of the imams. My queen, my hope, The Mother of God, the friend of the orphan and the strange to the patroness, the grieving joy, the offended patroness! Behold my misfortune, behold my sorrow, help me as I am weak, feed me as strange. My grievance, resolve that, as if you will: as if not an imam of any other help unless you, not a different representative, not a good comforter, only to you, oh bogomati, as if you preserve me and cover me forever and ever. Amen."

At the same time, one should distinguish between the impossibility of reading prayers in front of the icon and simple laziness. If you pray at home on the couch, while you are not sick and can stand in front of the icons - you are committing a sin, such a prayer will be of no use.

Saint Nicholas, the Miracle Worker of Lycia, became famous for many miracles during his earthly life, and constantly helps everyone who comes to him for help - especially a mother asking for children, the Saint loved the children very much and always protected and protected them. You can also pray to him for the health and salvation of children.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker "About children's health"

“O our good shepherd and God-wise mentor, Saint Nicholas of Christ! Hear us sinners, praying to you and calling for help your quick intercession: see us weak, caught everywhere, deprived of all blessings and mind darkened from cowardice: sweat, please God, not leave us in sinful captivity to be, may we not be our enemy for joy and not die in our crafty deeds. Pray for us unworthy of our Companion and the Lord, to Him you stand before us with incorporeal faces: mercifully create our God in this life and in the future, so that he will not reward us according to our deeds and according to the uncleanness of our hearts, but according to His goodness he will reward us. We rely on your intercession, we boast of your intercession, we call on your intercession for help, and we ask for help to your holy image: deliver us, the servitor of Christ, from the evils that come upon us, so that for the sake of your holy prayers it will not take us to attack and not get bogged down in the abyss of sinfulness and in the mud of our passions. Pray, to Saint Nicholas of Christ, Christ our God, may he give us a peaceful life and the remission of sins, but to our souls salvation and great mercy, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen."

The holy great martyr and healer Panteleimon, a great saint of God, lived in pagan Rome and suffered for faith in Christ. At the same time, he was a respected man, a famous doctor who healed children and adults with the power of medicine and faith. Panteleimon debunked myths about the power of idols, exposed the demons that acted through them.

Prayer to Panteleimon "About the health of children"

“O holy great martyr and healer Panteleimon, merciful God imitator! Look with mercy and hear us sinners, before your holy icon the zeal of those praying. Ask us from the Lord God, to whom the angels stand in heaven, for the remission of our sins and sins. Heal the disease the spiritual and bodily servants of God who are now remembered, who are coming here and all Orthodox Christians who come to your intercession. Behold, our sin, for our sake, fiercely possessed by many ailments and not imams of help and consolation: we are resorting to you, as if we give you grace to pray for us and heal every ailment and every illness. Grant to all of us with your holy prayers the health and well-being of soul and body, the perfection of faith and piety, and all that is needed for temporary living and for salvation, as if you were honored with great and rich mercies, let us glorify you and the giver of all blessings, wonderful in the saints of our God, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen."

Therefore, the healer Panteleimon has a special power to heal various kinds of evil eyes, conspiracies and similar terrible consequences of witchcraft.

Read the life of Saint Panteleimon aloud - it is written in a light, fascinating form, it is useful to learn about it both for you and your child.

Matushka Matrona of Moscow was a cripple (she was blind), but at the same time she always helped in the healing of ailments to those who resorted to her help. Mothers are accustomed to asking for their children from the blessed Mother, who always helps to rise even from the most serious illness.

Prayer to Matrona "For children"

“O blessed mother Matrono, hear and accept now us sinners praying to you, accustomed in all your life to accept and listen to all those who suffer and grieve, with faith and hope to your intercession and help who come running, quick help and miraculous healing to all serving; May your mercy not become scarce even now, to us, unworthy, restless in this busy world and nowhere finding comfort and compassion in the sorrows of the soul and help in bodily diseases: heal our diseases, save from the temptations and torment of the devil, who is passionately at war, help bring your life Cross, bear all the burdens of life and not lose the image of God in it, preserve the Orthodox faith until the end of our days, have strong hope and hope in God and unfeigned love for neighbors; help us, after our departure from this life, reach the Kingdom of Heaven with all who have pleased God, glorifying the mercy and goodness of the Heavenly Father, in the Trinity, the glorified Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen."

Not only in Christianity there are mothers' prayers for the health of children: Muslim mothers pray in their own way. The main thing that Muslim prayers for children require is sincerity to Allah and humiliation before Him. Prayer must be answered - this is what the theologians of Islam say.

Health is all the most valuable that a person has, because without health nothing is needed. When a person is sick or someone close to him is sick, he is overcome by a state of helplessness, because we are all powerless in the face of various diseases. In case of any ailment, you need to contact a specialist, take the necessary medications, but it will also not be superfluous to read prayers for health. Prayers for health are very effective and help to improve the patient's condition, as well as promote recovery. If you believe in God and feel the need to read a prayer, read it. Even those who are skeptical of the church, prayers and God, at times are ready to do anything just to help save loved ones and loved ones from suffering. There are many different prayers for health, including prayers for the health of children. Children are our only real joy, so the health of the child is everything for the parents.

Prayer to Saint Panteylemon

(Before reading the prayer, you need to get rid of all anger and ask everyone for forgiveness. This is a very strong prayer, so you need to read it only when you have real health problems, this prayer is not read for prevention.)

“Oh, great servitor of Christ, most merciful Panteleimone, a passion-bearer and doctor!

Have mercy on me, a sinful slave, hear my groaning and cry, propitiate the heavenly, supreme Physician of our souls and bodies, Christ our God, and grant me healing from an illness that oppresses me.

Accept the unworthy prayer of the most sinner of all people. Visit me with a gracious visit.

Do not abhor my sinful sores, anoint them with the oil of your mercy and heal me; Yes, healthy in soul and body, the rest of my days, by the grace of God, I can spend in repentance and pleasing God and I will be worthy to receive the good end of my life.

She, the saint of God! Pray Christ God, that through your intercession he grant health to my body and the salvation of my soul. Amen".

Prayer for the health of Saint Matrona

“O blessed mother Matrono, with your soul in heaven before the Throne of God, you will rest in your body on the earth, and with the grace given from above, you will exude various miracles. Consider now your merciful eye on us, sinners, in sorrows, illnesses and sinful temptations, your days that are dependent, comfort us, desperate, heal our fierce ailments, from God we are tolerated by our sin, save us from many troubles and situations, pray our Lord Jesus Christ forgive us all our sins, lawlessness and fall, we have sinned from our youth even to the present day and hour, and by your prayers we have received grace and great mercy, we will glorify in the Trinity of the One God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever. Amen".

Prayer for health to the Most Holy Theotokos.

“Accept, O All-Blessed and All-Powerful Lady Lady Theotokos Divo, prayers. For some reason, the fulfillment of your work, make your sorrows easier, grant health to the weak, heal the weakened and ailing, drive away demons from demons, save you from offenses, cleanse the lepers and the little children of the Mother of God, even the same, the Lady and the Lady. all essence is possible through Thy intercession to Thy Son, Christ our God. O All-chanted Mother, Most Holy Theotokos! Do not cease to pray for us, unworthy of Thy servants, who glorify Thee and honor Thee, and worship Thy Most Pure Image with tenderness, and the hope of those who haves is irrevocable and the faith is unrepentant to Thee, Ever-Virgin Most Glorious and Pure, now and ever and ever and ever. Amen!"

Prayer for healing to the Lord God

“O my Lord, my Creator, I ask Thy help, grant healing to the servant of God (servant of God) (name), wash her blood (his) with Thy rays. Only with your help will healing come to her (him). Touch her (him) with miraculous power, bless all her (his) ways to salvation, recovery, healing. You will give her (his) body health, her / his / her soul - blessed lightness, her (his) heart - divine balm. The pain will recede, and strength will return, and her (his) body and mental wounds will heal, and Your help will come. Your rays from Heaven will reach her (him) and give her (him) protection, bless her (him) for healing from ailments, strengthen her (him) faith. May the Lord hear this prayer. Glory and gratitude to the power of the Lord. Amen!"

Mother's prayer for the health of the child

“Lord Jesus Christ, wake Your mercy on my children (children's names), preserve them under Your roof, cover from every evil lust, drive away every enemy and adversary from them, open their ears and eyes of the heart, grant tenderness and humility to their hearts. Lord, we are all Your creation, have pity on my children (names), and turn them to repentance. Save, Lord, and have mercy on my children (names), and enlighten their minds with the light of the mind of Thy Gospel, and guide them on the path of Thy commandments, and teach them, Savior, to do Thy will, as Thou art our God. "

Prayer to the Holy Martyr Paraskeva for the healing of the child

“Oh, holy and blessed martyr of Christ Paraskevo, virgin beauty, praise of martyrs, purity of the image, magnanimous mirror, wise wonder, Christian guardian faith, idol flattering denouncer, the Gospel of the Divine champion, the commandments of the Lord to a jealous woman who deserves to be eternal Thy bridegroom Christ God, lightly rejoicing, adorned with the augmented crown of virginity and martyrdom! We pray to thee, holy martyr, wake the sorrowful woman for us to Christ God, with His most blessed sight always have fun. Pray to the All-Merciful, with His word open your blind eyes, may our scabbard, bodily and soul together, save us from the disease; kindle with your holy prayers the dark darkness that came from our sins, ask the Father of Light for the light of grace in our soul and body; Enlighten us, darkened by sins, with the light of God's grace, so that yours for the sake of holy prayers will be given uncombed sweet sight. Oh, great saint of God! O courageous virgin! O strong martyr Saint Paraskevo! With your holy prayers, wake us a sinner helper, intercede and pray for the accursed and utterly negligent sinners, hurry up to help us, for I am very weak. Pray to the Lord, pure maiden, pray to the Merciful, holy martyr, pray to your Bridegroom, immaculate bride of Christ, but with your prayers assisting, the darkness of sinful will be gone, in the light of true faith and divine deeds, let us enter into the eternal light of the day of the non-evening, into the city of everlasting joy Even now you shine brightly with glory and endless joy, glorifying and singing with all heavenly powers the Trisaggiving One Deity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen!"

Prayer for the healing of the sick

“Master, Almighty, holy King, punish and not mortify, affirm those who fall and erect those who have been cast down, correct bodily people in sorrow, we pray to Thee, our God, Thy servant (name) who does not exist, visit Thy mercy, forgive him all transgressions and transgressions. To her, Lord, they sent Your medical power from heaven, touch the flesh, extinguish the fire, tame the passion and all lingering infirmity, wake the doctor of Your servant (name), raise him from the bed of the painful and from the bed of malice whole and all-perfect, grant him the Church and doing your will. Yours is, a hedgehog to be merciful and to save us, our God, and we glorify Thee, the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen!"

Read prayers, do not lose faith, health to you and your loved ones!