How to make a flowerbed of continuous flowering from perennials. Flowerbed of continuous flowering

Every lover of country life thinks about how to make their garden more attractive. A flower garden of continuous flowering is exactly what you need, because it is a piece of land where flowers bloom from early spring to late autumn.

There are plants that can delight the eye with their flowering appearance all season. This feature is perfect for a bed of continuous flowering.

These plants include:

  • decorative yarrow (blooms in late spring and blooms until October);
  • craspedia (its buds are right up to the frost);
  • decorative bow.

When such plants become dried flowers, they will still decorate the flowerbed even under the snow.

A flowerbed of several types will be very beautiful - 2 or 3. But to create it will take different varieties of one plant, with different flowering periods. Chrysanthemums, both early and late, are great. Earlier flowering can be obtained by planting seeds at the end of winter.

It’s still important to choose place for hellebores, sleep grass or forest cuts. Daisies, daffodils, and forget-me-nots are suitable for the spring season. A chamomile will perfectly dilute the flowerbed. The main accent is given by perennial long-flowering plants.

Incense and astilbe will look especially beautiful. Another worth noting is erigerone, catnip, garden geranium, sage and delphinium. So, let us consider in more detail the creation of such incredible beds of continuous flowering.

Varieties of beds of continuous flowering

In order to create a flower garden of continuous flowering, you will need different types of plants:

  • annuals;
  • biennials;
  • perennials.

A flower bed from perennials. It will be supplemented every year with more and more beautiful annual flowers. But do not forget about ornamental plants, among them there may be deciduous and cereal. They perfectly complement the flower garden.

All flower beds of continuous flowering can be divided into 3 varieties:

  1. Spring flowering.
  2. Summer flowering.
  3. Autumn flowering.

Let's consider them in more detail.

Spring flower bed

In a place reserved for a flower bed, you need to plant plants, blooming in spring. Usually these are flowers with a bulb. An ideal option would be to buy such plants as: muscari, crocuses, blueberries, daffodils and tulips. In addition, one can note erantis, brunner, hellebore, etc. There are also beautiful two-year-olds: pansies, daisies, and viola.

Perennials bloom after small bulb. These include primrose, iris, swimsuit, you can still plant phlox.

Summer flower bed

The flower garden in summer is true riot of color, because the choice of flowering plants is very wide. Yes, you can’t list all of them. We note only the most beautiful of them:

  • garden geranium;
  • phlox;
  • delphinium;
  • cloves;
  • roses;
  • lilies
  • bells.

Among perennials, zinnia, marigolds, asters, petunia will feel great. Biennials  are one of the most popular. These include: mallow, bells, daisies, digitalis.

Autumn flower bed

In the autumn, the beds of continuous flowering are especially good in combination with bright foliage. To design such a flower bed, the most popular are: chrysanthemums, asters, which are usually planted in the distance, and the anemone looks beautiful in front. The pseudo-headhead, molinia will also please with special flowering.

Winter flower bed

  And there is one too. And even if it differs markedly from the above, but it also has features. Against white snow  The hellebore looks beautiful. It is able to bloom even at zero temperature, and the limit is -5-6 degrees.

The main principles of creating a beautiful flowerbed of continuous flowering:

  1. It should be in a convenient place, beautifully furnished.
  2. You need to carefully choose the materials for planting.
  3. The scheme needs to be thought out in advance.
  4. Care should be simplified as much as possible.

Schemes of beds of continuous flowering

There are many options for schemes of such flower beds. Consider the main aspects:

  • in the middle of the flowerbed planted high  flowers
  • then planted undersized;
  • in a circle (edges) of the flower garden at a distance of 15–20 cm, summer flowers (usually bulbous) are planted: tulip, lily, muscari, crocus, etc .;
  • daffodils need to be planted in separate groups among peonies;
  • at the edges of the flower garden you can leave gaps that will then be filled with roses or other types of groundcover flowers.

  If a flower garden is created along the fence  or fences, then plants of medium height are planted along its length, and on the edges are added ground covers and bulbs. For any flowerbed, it is better to draw up a diagram in advance, it is better even on paper. So you can distribute flowers according to shades, sizes, taking into account the illumination and flowering period.

If you have a country pond on the site, then you can use the following scheme:

  • white willow;
  • silver goof;
  • cornflower;
  • swamp calamus;
  • valerian;
  • umbrella gander;
  • yellow ruler;
  • swamp iris;
  • siberian iris;
  • swimsuit.

Another option is a bed of continuous flowering:

  • geraniums are planted at the edges (blooms in the first 2 months of summer) and stonecrops (flowering in September);
  • then comes the iris (of different colors, its flowering period is May-June);
  • then peonies with roses are planted (May-July);
  • near the fence, tall plants are planted: mordovia and millet (bloom in August).

Each circuit is beautiful and beautiful in its own way, the main thing is place plants correctlyso that they please the eye and combine with each other.

Works to create a flowerbed of continuous flowering

  To create such a flower garden you will need:

  • garden tools;
  • compost;
  • sand;
  • perennials;
  • fertilizers.

Creating a flowerbed yourself is not very difficult. The main thing - choose a placewhere the flower garden will be located. It is advisable that there be enough light. After choosing a place, you need to make a clear plan where you will grow perennials. This is done on paper, the outline of the flowerbed is drawn, plants are numbered. With the onset of spring, you need to prepare a flower bed for planting. To begin with, all weeds are removed, a layer of turf is removed.

The soil enriched with compost  and baking powder is added to it: expanded clay, river sand, vermiculite, brick chips. In addition, do not forget about fertilizers.

After you have prepared the soil, and also bought perennials, you need to mark the place under the plants. This is done with sand that crumbles into thin paths. If perennials are bought in containers, it is important that the land is not overdried; need to water it if necessary. Often plants are planted in peat, so it’s better brush off carefully, so as not to damage the roots, and then spread the roots of the plant and plant in the hole.

First time the flower garden should not dry out. The soil should be moist, but not too wet. Transfusing water into plants is no less harmful than overdrying. Further care is reduced to the removal of weeds, faded flowers, timely watering, loosening of the soil. If you fertilized the soil before planting, then in the future it is already undesirable to do.

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Beautiful well-kept flower bed can become a real decoration of the garden. The process of its creation resembles creativity, where there are no clear rules, and the result is always unpredictable. A flower bed of perennials, once created, will decorate the garden for many years. The flowering process will resume on its own every year, and regular care will maintain a garden of continuous flowering over time.

Types of flower beds

Continuous flowering flower beds are areas that combine flowering p asthenia with deciduousgrassy and shrubby. They can vary in size and proportional proportions of the plants included in them. The following types of flower beds are distinguished:

  1. Modular. Combine plants and small architectural forms (flowerpots, fountains).
  2. Mixborders. Various flowers are included in one composition, located, as a rule, along houses or paths.
  3. Tapeworms. Flower beds created by a single principle.
  4. Rabatki. Narrow plantings of one color scale. Rabatki look like long floral stripes. If desired, the discount can be issued independently, it is not difficult.
  5. Borders. Flower beds in the form of stripes.
  6. Rockeries. Stone gardens, combining fresh flowers and inanimate elements, such as stones.
  7. Rock gardens. Flower beds with alpine plants growing on a roller coaster.

Growing conditions

Before you make a flower garden with your own hands, you need to consider:

  • Climate. When choosing plants, it is necessary to take those that will comfortably grow in the climatic zone of the site.
  • The terrain. When planting plants, you can advantageously use the terrain.
  • Character and soil composition. Many plants need fertile soil. These include lupins, bells. Others prefer loam or sand. This is flax, sage. On swampy land asters grow well, yarrow. On dry soils, phlox, cloves are cultivated.
  • Illumination of the plot. As a rule, all flowers love sunny places. For shaded places suitable ferns, lilies of the valley, hosts.
  • Planting density and flowering season. Do not plant flowers very tightly, they will interfere with each other.

Gallery: flowerbeds of continuous flowering from perennials (25 photos)

Color schemes

It is also necessary to consider colors when creating flower beds. Color greatly affects the mood and well-being of a person. Right a color scheme  will help to achieve the creation of a harmonious flower garden that will delight many. The main nuances with a combination of colors:

  • the harmony of color will depend on the play of light and shadow; smooth leaves reflect light, matte absorb;
  • when choosing a palette, you should give preference to either warm or cold colors;
  • to visually increase the size small flower garden, you need to reduce the number of colors used;
  • also, for visual expansion of the flower garden, it is worth planting blue flowers in the background, and red and yellow in the front;
  • a bright foreground needs a calm background;
  • when decorating flower beds, many colors for the background take calm shades, and bright flowers are arranged in groups, but they should occupy no more than one sixth of the entire flower garden;
  • in one section only one bright flower bed, everyone else should complement it and be calmer;
  • when planting flowers, the total area of \u200b\u200bthe plantings should be taken into account, without creating too large bright spots that will be more annoying than pleasing;
  • the main color scheme of the flower garden is selected with climate zone.

Flower bed for beginners

To break a flower garden from perennials yourself, you need to adhere to the following principles:

  1. In the central part of the flower garden are used tall plants:  roses, asters, lily, peonies, phloxes, lupins, clematis, meadow bells, echinacea, daylilies.
  2. Perennials medium height  complement the tall flowers. Medium-sized include tulips, irises, cornflower, catnip, sage, yarrow, lavender, primrose, fern.
  3. The edges of the flower beds and spaces are formed by ground cover plants. Among them are cyst, periwinkle, Renard geranium, cloves, umbilical cord, medunica, veronica. Pillow-shaped aster looks good.

Particular attention should be paid to the flowering time of certain plants. It is necessary that the flower bed maintains a beautiful appearance all season. Here are some examples of when the varieties used in the arrangement of flower beds bloom:

  1. Pink panicled phlox. It is better to plant it in the beginning of spring or autumn in sandy or drained soil. Flowering plant with midsummer to fall.
  2. Astilba of a pink shade. The flower loves fertile loose soil. It blooms from late June to August.
  3. Violet-silver daylily. It is planted in spring in fertilized and drained soil. Loamy soil with an acidity of 6-6.5 pH is suitable for him.
  4. Lavender Heichera. It blooms from May to July. Likes soil without stagnation.
  5. Geranium. It blooms from July to autumn, has a magnificent shape.

Tall flowers can be planted alone, and small ones are best planted in groups. At the same time, you need to look at the flower bed from different sides of the garden, and from everywhere high flowers should be visible in the center, and low-growing ones - at the edges. To avoid bald spots, plants are planted close to each other, but not closely.

Before start creating flower beds, it is necessary to draw up a suitable layout of plants. You can do it yourself, or you can take ready-made flower beds from perennials developed by specialists.

Heart shaped flowerbed

You can create flower beds of various shapes. One option is flower beds in the shape of a heart. External borders are decorated with peonies of pink and burgundy tones, planted in turn. Inside you can plant roses.

Flower Garden Sky in the clouds

Delicate romantic flowerbed consisting of three kinds of flowers. The first strip is a combination of the Transcarpathian bell and gentian, the second is white phlox. Such a flower bed will make any area warm and welcoming.

Perennials blooming in the first year

This version of the flower bed is suitable for those who do not want to wait a whole year before the first flowering. For this, plants are selected that bloom immediately after planting in the ground. Scheme building such a flower bed:

  1. Two-year-old mallow and yellow mallows are planted in the background.
  2. Sunflower complements the mallow.
  3. St. John's wort and Irish poppy are located in the flowerbed and form bright spots.
  4. In the center they plant a cardinal lobelia, this flower has a lush beautiful bush.
  5. Along the edges of the flower beds are Poskharsky’s bell, Fassen’s catnip and Kalanchoe.
  6. Gravilate draws up a flower garden in summer and readings in autumn.

Flowerbed of continuous flowering depending on the season

To make pollen to continuous floweringIt is necessary to take into account the seasonal characteristics of plants.

In the spring, after the snow melts, the bushes of the wolf bast begin to bloom. Crocuses, bluebills, irises bloom in the flowerbed. Later tulips, daffodils, kaluzhnitsa, liverworts will bloom. Then bloom irises, phlox, veronica, daisies, viola. In May, peonies, sage, and euphorbia join. Hosts and sedums decorate the flowerbed.

In summer, the flowerbed blooms with new colors. Blossom catnip, cleaner, soulman. Different types of geranium will be pleasing to the eye for a long time. Chamomile, bluebells, bluehead, rudbeckia, alpine aster, hydrangea flaunt. In the background, girl’s grapes and hops will look good.

In the autumn, sage and catnip blossom again. Geranium is still beautiful. Hosts, spurge, rudbeckia, aster please us with their splendor. Chrysanthemums, coreopsis, colchicum bloom, giving autumn charm to the flower garden.

A winter flowerbed can also be beautiful thanks to the evergreen thuja, abandoned cereals and established sculptures and flowerpots.

These are the basic rules for designing a flowerbed of continuous flowering, schemes help beginners to create an attractive flower garden with their own hands.

Preparation and landing

If the design of the flower bed is defined, you need to choose a place and prepare the soil. For this:

  • clean the site of debris, stones;
  • remove beetles and other pests;
  • dig the soil 50 cm;
  • eliminate all weeds.

Pre-harvested soil is fertilized with humus, organic, peat. Make a drainage layer using sand, gravel, gravel. The height of the drainage layer is 15 cm. For sandy soils, a drainage layer is not needed, since water already leaves quickly. But fertilizer will also be required.

The prepared and fertilized soil is leveled. Ready soil should rise above the ground by 10-15 cm. This is necessary so that the water does not stagnate. Excess moisture is detrimental to many flowering plants, especially for bulbs.

Flower beds from perennials are the decoration of any garden. For their design it is not necessary to invite landscape designers. All work can be done independently. Ready-made designs help gardeners do this. But it is not necessary to follow ready-made schemes. Having a strong desire to embellish the garden, you can create many unsurpassed masterpieces and enjoy the vivid attractiveness of perennial flowers for several years.

With the onset of the first warm days after a long winter, all landowners rush to their gardens, some to the beds to grow fruits and vegetables, and some just to relax in the fresh air, away from the bustle of the city. The flowers planted around delight the eye with their bright colors, bring indescribable sensations of pleasure from delicate aromas. To make the feeling of joy longer, specially designed flowerbeds of continuous flowering - floral masterpieces with well-chosen plants with different periods of flowering.

Important aspects in creating

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In order not to spoil all your work, at the planning stage of the flower garden you need to consider some important distinguishing features:

  • There should be an extensive list of plant species.  From the first days of spring to the coldest flower garden will have a constantly flowering appearance
  • Plant more perennial varieties.  Such species require less attention in care, are not afraid of cold weather. The next few years, you can not worry about the design of the site, because the process of growth and blooming of flowers will take place annually on their own. It is only necessary to take care of the plants on time. They will grow very much every year.
  • To opt for non-capricious plantings.  They will have to coexist with each other, so they should not suffer from this. Unpretentiousness to conditions will help them not to feel discomfort
  • Large color spots will give expressiveness to the overall picture.  It is not advisable to plant flowers one by one, as fragmentation of the composition, the predominance of small elements in it will only irritate the eyes. Plants that bloom at about the same time are best grouped together.
  • The size of the flower bed should correspond to the general style of the site.  If the territory does not allow you to make a large flowerbed, then the effect of constant flowering can be achieved by planting several small seasonal flower beds. The same option is suitable for sites in which a large predominance of straight lines. The flower garden will not look very beautiful if you try to squeeze it into strict frames

Plant selection

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Choosing colorful landscape design elements is troublesome.  But the process is incredibly enjoyable. Real skill to be able to combine green spaces. It requires some knowledge and work, because they are so different among themselves in their forms, colors, sizes, and flowering times. The result in the form of an abundance of natural colors and unique aromas throughout the summer will reward a hundredfold for the efforts made.

You need to think through everything to the smallest detail, take into account the many nuances in the landscape, draw a detailed diagram, with a clear view of the future flower garden at each time period of the season.

Growth conditions

Each combined group should have similar requirements for the type of soil, the frequency of irrigation, the type and amount of fertilizer, and the necessary access to sunlight. We must try to create all the most favorable conditions for the whole season. This will help to avoid problems with yellowing of leaves, wilting during the growth period or flowering.

  • Cultures, the abundance of the sun on which adversely affects, are planted in the shade
  • With a lack of light, photophilous species bloom poorly and stretch in height
  • Excessive watering leads to rotting of the root system.The only exceptions are those varieties that love constantly wet soil
  • Excess fertilizer also adversely affects the plant and its flowering.
  • Flowering period

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A flowerbed should always make a good impression of its appearance,  that is, new decorative plantings or annual flowers that have grown by this time should cover the old ones that have faded, and the foliage has already begun to lose its attractiveness.

Flowers are selected and grouped according to their color shades.  Strict rules are not possible in this process. It can be a harmonious combination or full contrast. Properly designed territory design, the right combination of color shades is of primary importance.

Each color individually affects the mood of a person and is the most controversial and complex element:

  • yellow  shade - creates a feeling of celebration, the presence of the sun in any weather
  • warm tones pink and raspberry  give comfort, romance
  • red  - a shade of vigor and energy
  • white  color is ideal for dreamy and romantic people
  • cool, pacifying, bewitching, soothing color - this blue

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It is worth taking the choice and combination of color shades very seriously.  Do not use all colors at once. Oversaturation of colors causes boredom and irritation.

Blue, green and white shades are chosen to create a peaceful and calm atmosphere. Red, orange, yellow colors delight and delight.

Garden color  - knowledge of color perception. There are ready-made schemes of selected plants for the color of inflorescences and leaves, which are developed by professionals. Their application will be a win-win option. But each creator has his own views, which, with the advent of experience, become more demanding of little things. Achieving harmony is not always the ultimate goal. Playing with paints satisfies the need for diversity. But everything is good in moderation.

Plant sizes

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It is necessary to take into account how quickly each individual plantation grows.  Then the result will not disappoint. Crops with rapidly growing foliage require constant self-care, otherwise they will interfere with other flowers and spoil the entire look of the flower garden. So that plants with different heights do not cover each other, they must be placed correctly, so you need to first think about which sides of the flower bed will be viewed.

Plants grow over time, so you need to arrange them so that they do not interfere with each other. In the large flower gardens, special platforms and narrow paths are made. This gives free access to any plant. Avoids care problems.

All flowers suitable for flower beds can be divided into 3 groups:


This category reaches a height of up to 35 cm.  Flower beds look great both from one type of such flowers, and from several. A universal option for decorating any territory. Very popular for creating carpet and a variety of figures on the ground. Borders with edging from miniature flowering specimens or as a background design for higher colors look great. The list of beautiful undersized plants is huge. They are annual, biennial and perennial species.

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Some popular undersized species:

  • Ageratum  - a flowering undersized carpet from this plant is very fond of sunny places. Propagated by seed. This flower is planted when night frost is already behind. The nature of the soil is not naughty, but it is desirable that there is a nutritious, light and not acidic soil. Loves moisture. The plant must be trimmed as necessary. Then there will be a plentiful, magnificent and beautiful color
  • Iberis  - small flowers making up umbellate inflorescences. It blooms very profusely, which is often not visible leaves. The plant is also afraid of frost. This must be considered when landing. He loves sunny areas. Watering is necessary only in very dry weather, as does not tolerate stagnation of moisture in the roots. In care, you only need to remove wilted flowers and cut the stems 1/3 of the length after flowering. This will give the bushes a neat look.
  • Stunted lobelia  - unpretentious plant blooming all season. One requirement is regular watering. He loves open sunny areas, but light shading is not fatal. After the first flowering shoots are pruned. New shoots appear very soon, and the plant blooms again

Combination of Petunias and Marigolds

  • Petunia  - the most popular plant in all countries. It has a wide variety of varieties. A little moody plant. You can grow the seed way or buy ready-made seedlings. Blooms profusely only in loose, fertile soil. Watering should be in moderation, as excess or lack of moisture is detrimental to the plant. Watering and fertilizing is carried out only in the evening in sunny weather.
  • Marigold  - inflorescences in the form of baskets of yellow, brown and orange hues. Very beautiful and unpretentious medicinal plant. Often used in traditional medicine. They bloom magnificently in the strongest sun. Watering should not be very plentiful, because moisture should not stagnate
  • Pansies  Despite their touching appearance, they are not sissies. Flowers are favored by florists for a wealth of colors and frost resistance. Get along well with other plants. The most favorable conditions are open area and soil with good drainage.
  • Clove  can grow up to 25 cm. An elegant flower with a wide variety of colors. All species are very fond of sunny places, but they will put up with partial shade. Waterlogging of the soil is undesirable. The soil is preferred neutral, slightly fertilized

  • Forget-me-not  - modest but very attractive flowers that feel comfortable in the shade. Do not require special care. Moderate watering
  • Adonis  - flowers are single, glossy, bright red or yellow. They like constantly moist soil. The first 2 years it is undesirable not to cut the flowers, because it is at this time that renewal kidneys are formed that cannot be damaged
  • Daisy  flaunts along the paths with a carpet with inflorescences in the form of baskets. Loves the sun very much. Safely survives frosts. Excess moisture is dangerous for the plant
  • Night violet  opens its corollas in the evening, and spreads pleasant aromas throughout the whole district all night. In the period of growth and color set, good watering is needed. A plant needs light, drained soil
  • Sea Alissum  or Kamenka - abundantly flowering plant to the very frosts. It does not require special personal care. With a lack of moisture, dumps inflorescences and buds


The height of adult plants does not exceed 60 cm.  Used in creating complex flower beds. This category is a dividing barrier between a low threshold and higher counterparts. Varieties in this group are also a great many.

Some popular mid-sized species:

  • Gypsophila - a bush in the form of a blooming openwork ball up to 1 m high. It tolerates a short period of drought and cold winter. For winter, the plant must be cut
  • Irises  - unpretentious, very elegant plant with a variety of colors. In one place can grow up to 10 years. Care requires watering in dry weather and pruning flower stalks
  • Lilies  - with their royal grandeur and beauty they attract all sights. He loves sunny areas, does not tolerate drafts. Often found in the wild.
  • Daylilies  - has unpretentiousness. It does not require regular watering and top dressing. It blooms all summer. Tolerates winter very well

  • Phlox  - decorate any flower bed, both alone and in combination with other colors. They do not tolerate a thick shadow, but direct rays can cause problems. Watering is necessary only when the soil dries
  • cornflower  - will give any site warmth and tenderness. It blooms well in sunny places. Water the plant only when there is no long rains
  • Chamomile  - The simplicity and duration of flowering, occurring twice a season, attract almost all flower growers to this flower. We need regular watering and timely fertilizing of the soil. Looks beautiful in any corner of the garden, even if it is a lonely bush


With a wide variety of flower crops, tall plants stand in a special place.  The average height is 800-100 cm. There are real giants with a height of 1.2-1.5 m. There are spring, summer, and autumn kings. They delight with their beauty until the first snow.

Some popular tall species:

  • Delphiniums  - unique beautiful and bewitching flowers. The height of some species reaches 2 m. Loves open sunny places, but is afraid to get burned. Therefore, the place where this plant grows should go into the shade for at least 2-3 hours. It tolerates winter frosts well, even -40 0 С
  • Buzulnik  - an ornamental plant with an elegant bush and beautiful flowering. Very hardy plant. Not afraid of frost. Grows on any soil
  • Digitalis  - A tall, lush plant with large flowers similar to openwork bells. For lush, bright flowering, loose, moderately moist, fertile soil is needed.

Annual flowers  provide an excellent opportunity to transform the flowerbed into bright and colorful colors every year in a new way. An updated view of the site will create a good mood all season.

Perennials  also bloom all summer, but bloom a little later.

So that the flower bed is not empty, correctly selected annuals will come to the rescue.  They are divided into 3 groups:

  • Spring plantssuch as petunia, begonia
  • Flowers blooming in late May  - marigolds, marigolds, cornflower
  • Crops blooming until late autumne.g. snapdragon, calendula, aster

Snapdragon in the city

Despite the wide variety of annual flowers, preference is still given to biennials and perennials.  In most cases, they are not demanding in personal care, blooming for a very long time. For several years, you can grow flowers in one place and not dig them up for the winter. Moreover, at a cost it is more profitable. Every spring you don’t need to worry about buying, planting seeds or seedlings.

Perennial varieties grow very quickly in the flowerbed  and so that they do not obscure other plants, they must be enclosed, for example with stones or other suitable materials.

Basic Rules

At the very beginning, when creating a flower bed, you need to decide where it will be located, and from which sides it will be viewed. The beds can be geometric or free form. The scheme fixes sunny and shady places.

Preparing soil for future plantings.  Often this process is done in the fall, so that the spring is ready. Enough to dig it up.

The dream of any summer resident is to create a flower garden that will bloom, and delight with its picturesque view all 4 seasons. This is possible if you still plant conifers and some types of tall herbs. Even in winter, the site will look very elegant.

The number of plants to be planted will depend on the size of the flower bed.  A wide variety of species in a small flowerbed will create a sense of confusion and discomfort.

Low-growing species are always in the foreground.  They show their special beauty while in groups. The next step are plants of medium height. The background or focus remains on high cultures.

Many modern summer residents, trying to originally decorate their plots, choose annual and perennial low-growing flowers for flower beds that bloom all summer or most of it. If you are one of these people and want to create your own inimitable flower masterpiece, check out descriptions and photos of the most interesting, popular types of low plants. Find out for yourself the criteria for their selection, planting methods, look at the design options for impressively beautiful flower beds.

Flowerbed of constant flowering

Species and varieties of stunted plants blooming all summer

Plants with a stem height of up to 30 cm are considered stunted. Adorable flower beds are made up of one variety of such flowers, as well as using several species. In summer, multi-tier compositions bordered by miniature flowering specimens and borders with a fringing of compact bushes look great. Many varieties of perennials belong to long flowering, even more of them among annuals.

  The flowering border is magnificent

Annuals or perennials - selection criteria

Many gardeners consider annual low flowers for flower beds to be the best option for decorating their sites:

  1. Quickly (during the planting season) allow you to ennoble the territory by composing an excellent composition.
  2. They have an incredible number of varieties, which makes it possible to select specimens for any zones on the site: sunny and shady, arid and waterlogged, with fertile soil and poor.
  3. Do not need special care, top dressing, frequent watering in the summer.
  4. Provide room for creative natures for exciting experiments with the annual renewal of garden design.
  5. Allow correction of errors in the selection of varieties, colors in the next season.
  6. Suitable for cultivation by novice gardeners, since most of them are unpretentious.

  Bright annual flowerbed

Fans of perennials cite unjustified losses of time, money, strength during the annual selection of plants for flower beds, chores with seedlings or sowing seeds in the ground. Of course, perennial low-growing flowers for flower beds, blooming all summer, make it possible for several years to avoid these worries. But gradually they lose their decorativeness, and every 5-7 years they have to be updated, spending more effort than planting annuals.

Perennials allow you to create flower beds with a special charm, but they are not encouraging with such brightness and variety as annuals. It is also arguable that weeds cannot develop under the rugs of perennial plantings. Yes, under dense clumps the germination of weed seeds, the development of sprouted weeds is suppressed. But if they already managed to break through to the sun, to destroy them is much more difficult than in annual plantings.

  Perennial shear

Prefer annual or perennial flowers, and possibly their combination, is your choice. In any case, it would be useful to get to know some of their species.

The most popular unpretentious annuals

Purslane - One of the most beautiful annual stunted flowers for a flower bed is known to many simply as a “rug”. In fact, its creeping juicy shoots with peculiar leaves, similar to fleshy needles, form a continuous carpet, covering the ground. Numerous flowers of various colors can be simple and double, depending on the variety. The most popular terry species, blooming buds in early summer and decorative until autumn frosts:

  • Pun;
  • Cream;
  • Mango;
  • Flamenco.

  Variegated Purslane Mat

Purslane is unpretentious, easily takes root on sandy, rocky soil, does not need top dressing, frequent watering. But he needs the sun: in the shade, the shoots are stretched, thinner, the flower loses its attractiveness. Moreover, the buds of most varieties of purslane are revealed only in bright light, which is why it, even planted in a sunny place, is not so picturesque on a rainy day. However, there are varieties with flowers that do not close in cloudy weather:

  • Sundance;
  • Cloudbeater

  Charming Flamenco

And if you are planning to use annual stunted white flowers to decorate your flowerbed, it’s hard to find anything more suitable than a variety of purslane with the talking name Belotsvetkovy.

  This purslane should be called Snow White

Tagetes (marigolds)  - An extremely unpretentious undersized flower, which a child can grow. Marigolds do not require specific soil, regular watering. But with all their non-capriciousness, they demonstrate excellent decorative qualities, which is not common. From the first days of summer until autumn frosts delight with bright flowers of various colors of warm colors, which makes the flowerbed "sunny" even in bad weather.

Two kinds of marigolds are distinguished by compact bushes: deviated and thin-leaved. Both groups are incredibly cute and attractive.

  Low tagetes in the design of the border
  Marigolds rejected
  Marigold thin-leaved

Examples of other long-flowering annuals

Petunia  - quite a whimsical favorite in the cultivation of a favorite of landscape designers and gardeners, there are many varieties that differ in various shapes and colors. One can distinguish luxurious large-flowered and modestly, but abundantly flowering species of petunias. It is worth noting that the latter suffer less from rains that are harmful to terry specimens. But you can find terry petunias that are not afraid of rain (Butterfly F1, for example), which will become the favorites of the garden.

  Butterfly F1 - tenderness itself

Lobelia - these purple, white, and more often blue undersized flowers are quite suitable for a flower bed that comes to life at the beginning of summer and withers only by October. Spherical miniature (10-20 cm) lobelia bushes love sunny places with loose, but not very fertile soil such as loam. In care, timely watering is important, especially in the hot season; the ground under the lobelia should be constantly moist.

  Lobelia, grade Blue

Calceolaria  - An unusual undersized plant that will decorate a flower bed in a shaded place. Calceolaria is not just shade tolerant - direct sunlight is generally contraindicated. This exot loves high soil moisture, but it should be watered with caution: when water gets on velvety leaves, they significantly lose their decorative effect.

  Exotic Calceolaria

Iberis  grows equally well in the sun and in a shady place, the soil loves light, breathable. It has small fragrant snow-white inflorescences more often, but there are varieties with pink, carmine, purple color. Flowering lasts two months, starting in May. Perfectly combined in combined flower beds. For example, the proximity of white Iberis and small red cloves for a flower bed is a very good option.

  Amazing snow-white Iberis

Annual carnation  (Chinese). The lovely neighbor of Iberis can please not only red, but also pink, white, purple flowers with a pleasant aroma. He loves the sun, resistant to frost. Being by nature a perennial, sometimes it can overwinter.

  Chinese Carnation Scarlett

Beautiful perennials - enchanting constancy

If one day you can successfully choose perennial species of stunted long-flowering flowers for a flower bed, you can get rid of the spring troubles for its improvement for a number of years and enjoy the beauty on your site from the first days of summer. Various carnations, hardy asters, saxifrages and other beautiful representatives of the flora are popular. It is worth paying attention to at least a few favorites among them.

  Beautiful flower beds - the visiting card of the site

Astra Alpine  - a herbaceous plant 10-30 cm high. The best place for it is openwork penumbra, well-drained soil. Flowering can last up to three months, the most long it is in Rosea.

  Astra Alpine Rosea

Clove grass - unpretentious undersized perennial, the dark green of which for one and a half summer months is completely covered with purple or pink small flowers. Along with perennial arabis, feverfew, primroses, it can act as beautiful border flowers for edging a flower bed or path.

  Clove-grass as a border

Evergreen begonia rightfully leads among the flowers for flower beds that bloom all summer. Begonia plantations blaze with various elegant inflorescences from May-June to late autumn. It can bloom almost year-round, if transferred to a warm room for the winter. Exceptionally decorative, not only flowers, but also begonia leaves, pleasing the eye with shape and color.

  Terry evergreen begonia

By the color of the leaves, green-leaf, bronze-leaf hybrids are distinguished. The height of undersized bushes, as a rule, is within 15-30 cm. Begonia is not indifferent to the growing conditions. The soil for the flowerbed should be rich in humus, with a slightly acidic reaction, moisture-intensive, but not waterlogged - excess moisture in the summer causes root decay.

About 600 hybrids of evergreen begonia are known. Among them are medium-sized (up to 25 cm) series of varieties:

  • Ambassador
  • Bada bing, bada boom;
  • Senator

  Everblooming begonias in the flowerbed

Dwarf varieties:

  • Quinn
  • Cocktail;
  • Ray.


Ground Cover Applicants for a Flower Bed Place

Among the undersized perennials there are a lot of groundcover or carpet flowers for beds of continuous flowering. It is useful to meet several representatives of this group.

Phlox awl. Extremely unpretentious, forms curtains up to 10 cm high. He loves the sun and dry earth, is afraid of stagnation of water. From the beginning of May for two months it has been covered with inflorescences of red, white, pink, and lilac shades. The second wave of flowering occurs in September.

  Phlox awl

Stonecrop  (sedum). Among the five hundred varieties you can pick up sun-loving (most of them) and shade-loving specimens. Stonecrop does not need watering, top dressing, wintering without shelter - is it not a find for summer residents of limited time? Moreover, there are so many varieties of sedum that only one of them can make a colorful motley flower bed.

  Sedum prominent

Ducheneea. Rapidly growing groundcover, sun-loving, feeling great on any soil. But in order for the dusheney rug to be dense, the ground under the bushes must be constantly kept moist. Original leaves and fruits of dyusheney are very decorative in the summer. However, it is worth remembering that berries, somewhat resembling strawberries, are inedible.

  Dyusheneya Indian

Aubrieta. Bright representative of carpet, ideal for rock gardens. It can be used as a frame for flower beds and in independent plantings. It blooms a month and a half since May, and after pruning it can repeat this process. Winters with leaves that look attractive in early spring. It must be borne in mind that the aureth grows aggressively, like dushenya - both of these species can suppress, even survive, neighbors.

  Aubrieta Light Blue
  Aubrieta Lucas

Small garden - stunted bushes in the flowerbed

In garden design, not only grassy plants are often used, but also beautiful trees, shrubs. If you had the idea to use them in landscaping, then perennial stunted bushes that bloom all summer are suitable for a flower bed in the form of a miniature garden. And creeping and dwarf conifers will add a graceful green note to the colorful composition. Among them, the following species can be distinguished.

  Mini garden of begonias and conifers

Heather. Evergreen shrub with a low growth rate. Needs well-drained moist soil, develops well in the sun, in partial shade. For winter, it is recommended to mulch and cover it


Gualteria lying. Creeping evergreen shrub, groundcover, blooming beautifully in summer, including September. Dark green leaves are very decorative; by winter they become bronze-red. Gualteria prefers penumbra, fertile acidic soil with good moisture capacity, does not tolerate drought.

  Gualteria lying

Willow creeping. Attractive dwarf slow-growing shrub with thin elastic shoots. In early May, before the leaves bloom, it is covered with silvery, and in the summer with yellow, catkins. Light and moisture-loving, loves fertile sandy loamy soil, does not tolerate heat and dry air.

  Willow creeping

Cotoneaster Dummer. A dense open undersized shrub. In mid-May, it is covered with numerous white flowers. Later decorative bush support multiple light red fruits. He loves the sun, partial shade, is undemanding to the soil, drought-resistant.

  Cotoneaster Dummer

Japanese Spirea. Compact creeping bush. Numerous pinkish inflorescences formed in the middle of summer adorn the bushes for a month and a half. Original golden yellow leaves. Spirea is undemanding to conditions, winter-hardy, sun-loving.

  Japanese Spirea

Juniper horizontal. Dwarf forms are good for a flower bed, for example, the Blue Chip variety. This is a slow-growing conifer with a bluish color of dense, prickly needles. Photophilous, not demanding on the soil, hardy.

  Juniper horizontal

Planting undersized flowers blooming all summer

If you are going to create a colorful, constantly pleasing to the eye corner, you should understand how to properly arrange a flower bed so that they bloom all summer and even part of autumn.

  Creek imitation

The principles of arranging flower beds

For a competent approach to the device and filling the future garden masterpiece, it is important not to miss such moments:

  1. Before running to the store for seeds of undersized flowers for a flower bed, you should clearly determine the place of its possible location, study what there is light-shading, soil characteristics, its moisture. This is necessary for the right choice of plants that will be comfortable in this place.
  2. Beginners should limit themselves to two or three types of plantings - this is enough to design a beautiful flowerbed. For your first flowerbed, it is better to choose unpretentious varieties of flowers that do not need special care.
  3. It is important to choose species with similar requirements for growing conditions for a single flower garden.
  4. It is advisable to use group plantings of the same type of stunted plants to avoid random mixing of different species.
  5. It is necessary to take a responsible approach to the selection of color combinations of flowering plants. Excessive brightness, variegation are inappropriate, may indicate poor taste. Combinations of various bright and white colors look organically.
  6. In order for the flower arrangement to look spectacular all summer, you need to choose plants with different flowering periods for it.
  7. When arranging flowers, you need to consider the viewing angle. If the flower bed is viewed from all sides, higher copies should be placed in the center. If its review is possible on the one hand, the background should be a place for tall specimens.
  8. To achieve a decent result, a preliminary layout of the flower garden is required with the help of a landscape designer or on their own.

  The combination of bright and white tones is spectacular

Schemes of continuously flowering flower beds

For independent planning of a flower bed since the winter, you will have to arm yourself with colored pencils and draw in detail its plan on paper. The sketch should indicate:

  • the contours and dimensions of the flower garden in scale;
  • location of dominant and complementary plants;
  • the distance between them;
  • color gamut (adjust it if necessary).

Important! It should be borne in mind that undersized perennials, growing over time, will begin to occupy more space - on the plan, and subsequently when planting, leave free space between them, temporarily filling it with annuals.

  Flower bed of perennials

Having made the decision to lay out the flower beds yourself, you will save a considerable amount on the services of a landscape designer. However, for this you need to have a certain artistic taste and flair.

For a novice in design matters, the task may seem complicated, but at first you can use the ready-made schemes and plans found in books on gardening, or proposed below. Here, for example, the scheme of filling flower beds with only perennials.

The simplest flowerbed for beginning gardeners is shown below, where blue delphinium (1) and red phlox paniculata (2) act as dominant low-growing plants. When making flower beds, they are planted first. A purple geranium (3) is placed in front of them. The flower bed is framed by a ground cover, a yellow cuff (4).

  Scheme for beginners

When deciding how to choose perennials and annuals that bloom all summer for your flower bed, you can use the information about them described above, as well as study the assortment of plants presented in the diagrams and choose samples to your liking. The most flexible filling option is the joint landing of bulbs, pilots and perennials. Below you can get acquainted with a few more simple schemes.

  Scheme of a mixed flowerbed of continuous flowering
  Planting in pink
  Annual flowerbed

Finished projects are not a dogma, it is not necessary to implement them with the utmost precision. Do not give up on your plan if you could not buy the planting material of any plant shown in the diagram. Replace it with another with similar characteristics, coloring and bring the selected scheme to the ideal. And for creative inspiration, watch small videos.

  Shaded Flower Plan

Each summer resident would dream that his garden was fragrant and pleased with a beautiful view for as long as possible. The scheme of the flower beds from perennials of continuous flowering will make it possible to put this idea into practice and enjoy the beauty and smell of planted flowers throughout the summer.

Basic moments

For a beginner gardener, the question of how to create a flowerbed of continuous flowering can lead to a dead end, but experienced summer residents know that the secret of its creation is very simple. When drawing up such a flower garden and selecting plants, you only need to know exactly what period they will bloom. Planting on one bed several varieties that will gradually replace each other, you do not have to worry about the site looking untidy or empty.

To some, this may seem like a fairly simple job. Indeed, there is nothing easier - to plant flowers with different periods of flowering and just enjoy the work done. But at this moment it is important to consider all the nuances of such flower beds. First of all, take into account that for each planting, different care is needed, excellent degrees of watering, lighting, soil condition and much, much more. Therefore, when planning a mixborder, you need to select all those varieties that have similar care requirements.

Plants for a flower bed of continuous flowering, as it has already become known, are carefully selected, but even with 5-6 different types of plantings, you can create an amazing and unique mixborder. The main rule, which is important to observe both when compiling small beds and large lawns, is considered more or less accurate calculation of flowering periods. Usually it does not exceed a couple of weeks. To somewhat smooth out the moment of withering of some buds and the dissolution of others, some deciduous plants with high decorativeness need to be placed on the bed.

In order to make it easier to navigate, it is better to draw a rough plan on a sheet with a mark of the types of flowers that will grow.So, if you plan to create a flower garden on a vast open area of \u200b\u200bthe garden, then the scheme of the flower bed from perennials of continuous flowering should look like this:

  • The center of the whole composition should be higher plantings.  Plants that do not bloom but create a decorative effect are also acceptable here. However, focusing them in one place is not recommended. It is better to place them on the bed evenly so that they grow in bouquets of flowers.
  • The closer to the edge, the more undersized the stands should be.  At the end of the garden, you can even plant small plants creeping on the ground, which are able to conceal the shape and add visually naturalness.
  • When choosing different shades, be sure to observe some compatibility of shades with each other.But along with this, do not forget about bright spots that can attract attention and place accents in this way, making even a simple flowerbed unusual and bright.

If the placement of the flower garden is supposed to be done near any fence or fence, then tall stands should be planted closer to it. Their length should also decrease in accordance with how far the mixborder will go to the site.

Types of plants used

Examples of beds of continuous flowering are very different, depending on what effect you want to give the site.

Floral arrangements usually have names that are consonant with the seasons.

Spring tenderness

As you know, many people associate spring time with the growth of the most delicate flowers. Therefore, it is important to provide flowers such as daisies, primroses, pansies, daffodils, crocuses, tulips, medunits.  These plants bloom almost the very first and delight all gardeners for at least a month. Gradually by maythey are being replaced peonies, late types of tulips and daffodils, aquilegia, forsythia, lupins and aquilegia.  By the end of this month, hyacinths, imperial hazel grouse, sweet peas, and other types of flowers are gaining strength.

Summer chic

Gradually, one time of the year comes to replace another and in the flower beds you can already find many more types of a variety of colors. For example, you can plant the following plants:

  1. Amaranth;
  2. Marigold;
  3. Hibiscus;
  4. Levkoy;
  5. Zinnias
  6. Roses
  7. Hydrangeas;
  8. Liatris;
  9. Delphiniums.

At the same time, a flower bed from perennials of continuous flowering should also be composed of different species daylilies and lilies, rudbeckia, monarda, echinacea, clam. The buds of these plants can smell almost all summer, if, of course, they are properly taken care of. By the way, emerging empty spaces between them in the spring can be sown with annuals. So the usual riot of colors can be diluted with new types of plantings and create more interesting compositions.

Autumn nobility

As the range of summer colors subsides and autumn comes, the time comes for new types of flowers. As you might guess, they already need more coolness than summer heat, so they adapt very well to this time.

In the flower beds gradually begin to blossom buds of phlox, lobelia, chrysanthemums, cannes, colchicum.  Along with this, it is possible to achieve in some flowers and repeated flowering. For example, once again, repairmen are able to please beautiful fresh buds.   roses, ageratum, carnations, delphinium, begoniasi. To do this, it is important to immediately remove the faded petals immediately after the flowers wither, cutting them off with garden shears.

If you want to return the garden to its former bright colors, then you need to find   a place for planting sage seeds, coreopsis, gelenium, asters and stonecrop.  Along with this, in the garden almost to the frosts, plantings of decorative onions are able to grow, yarrow, craspedia.

Ready-made schemes and ideas

There are many different types of flower beds of this kind. Talk about the most spectacular. By the way, a flowerbed of continuous flowering with your own hands can be unique if you develop it yourself.

Create the illusion

For those summer residents who dreamed of decorating their site with a fountain or stream, but for some reason could not do it, there is the opportunity to build a fake, but very natural "dry" source.
   It is important to take into account all the nuances when working, so that visually it seems that the water is really running.

First of all, lay out the channel using oblong pebbles of various sizes. For greater naturalness, it can be painted blue so that from afar it really seemed that it was a liquid. Along with this, you can fill the "channel" of our stream with transparent blue beads.

  1. Bamboo leaf grate. This is not a flowering plant, but in this composition it plays one of the key roles, as it gives the brook a natural look. If you think about it, you will remember that near many sources such species of grassy plants grow. If there is no seed of this plant, you can replace it with an ostrich. Both of them have the ability to add volume to the flower garden.
  2. Bearded irises land near him at the mouth of a brook.
  3. Opposite these types of flowers, lobelia is planted.
  4. A similar creeping survivor is located next to the irises.
  5. Next, a very small distance should be provided, at which only pebbles will be. Immediately after them on the right side you can plant a bell Poskharsky. It is not too high and will fit perfectly into the "channel" of our stream.
  6. Aubriet hybrids can be placed right next to them to ensure a smooth transition of shades.
  7. A plant should be planted along the left edge directly opposite the auretus, which, in addition to bright flowers, will have lush greenery. For example, a large leaf brunner will be the best choice in this case.
  8. On the opposite bank of this plant, it will be necessary to plant a schilolate bryozoans. Her soft greens add the right shade and naturalness.
  9. Complete the composition should be a red creeping tenacity. This is a ground cover plantation that fits perfectly into the whole composition.
  10. The last plant will not be blooming. It can be, as in the first case, a bamboo leaf-grate or any other greenery of this kind.

Composition "for the impatient"

Each summer resident would dream to see the fruits of his labors as soon as possible. Of course, with perennials it is quite difficult to achieve lush flowering in the year of planting, but this is possible. The most important rule when planting this mixborder will be the obligatory choice of a well-lit side in order to provide the plants with the need for constant heat. This mixborder is best planted near fences. Among other things, coniferous plantations or a wall can also become a background.

The scheme of the flower beds from perennials of continuous flowering in this case will look as follows:

  1. The background is decorated with different types of stock roses. Here you can make a mix of different shades;
  2. A decorative sunflower is planted nearby;
  3. Icelandic poppies are capable of giving greater brightness;
  4. Nearby are gaillards;
  5. A bright accent is the cardinal lobelia. It will run through most of the garden like a red ribbon;
  6. Blue shades will add depth. This will require three varieties of flowers. The first of them is catnip;
  7. Next, the bell of Poskharsky landed;
  8. On the edge will need to arrange the blue katanankhe;
  9. Red spots will make gravity;
  10. Stonecrop is able to please until the fall;
  11. Also, right up to frosts, the Geicher summer clerk will delight.

All these flowers are matched to each other as well as possible and need general care. Despite the ease of cultivation, you can get a really beautiful flowerbed. If the site has a blank wall or an ugly structure, then using this composition it can be easily hidden.

Gate decoration

If your site has a gate with an arch above it, then you can decorate it with flowers so that throughout the warm season the building looked elegant and beautiful. In this flower garden, all plantings are selected in this way, so there will be no problems with this.

For best understanding, you should divide the entire bed into tiers.

  • The first will be located at the very bottom, which will form a creeping tightly on the soil of the curtain. This effect can be achieved if Pozharsky’s bell (20), cushioned aster (3), foxtail bristle (19), oak sage (9), rock stonecrop (2), violin stonecrop (5) are used.
  • The average level is based on yellow yarrows symmetrically opposite each other (16 and 8). In the center on the left, it will already be necessary to arrange longer, in comparison with the first types of plantings, flowers. The long-leafed veronica (7), spikelet lyatris (1) and rod-shaped millet (6) are well suited here. Right in the center it will be necessary to arrange plantations related to chamomile flowers. This can be brilliant rudbeckia (17), New Belgian (15) and cushioned (18) asters.
  • Giant plants that can hide the fence and rise above it if it is small in size will already be in the background. Sunflower (10) will decorate the flowerbed with bright shades, the stem rose (9) will dilute the summer riot of colors with delicate burgundy buds. On the right, glossy rudbeckia (14) and David’s buddy (13) will look best.
  • The plants that will braid the arch must be of two colors to give a twist to the whole composition. An excellent solution in this case would be to use a climbing rose (12) on the one hand and Jacqueman clematis (11) on the other.

The main difference of such a flower bed will be its versatility. She is perfectly able to decorate both stone and wooden, forged and other types of fences.

For partial shade

Not every summer resident has the opportunity to arrange a flower garden in a sunny area. The next option is suitable just in case the penumbra is constantly present in the garden.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthis composition is to dilute the dull landscape and a spectacular combination of bright plantings with lush greenery. An unusual combination of shades on the leaves has a function (1). She will be pleased throughout the warm period of time. As early as May, the magnificent dicenter of the magnificent opens (2), which in any case will look spectacular. In early June, bright yellow-red leaves of the red epimedium begin to appear over the flowerbed (3), and next to it is one of the most striking accents - the musciform lyriope (4).

From May to almost October, a special mesh pattern will create geraniums (5). Gentle Lungwort dilutes these shades (6). In spring, the main focus of the mixborder is the spring umbilical (7), and no less soft and tender shades of violet will gradually come to replace it (8).

Based on the diagrams and material from this article, you will be able to form a beautiful composition of perennial flowers at the cottage that will delight you with its flowering throughout the summer. The most important thing is to follow all the necessary recommendations and adhere to the rules of landing.  Indeed, when compiling such a flowerbed, it is very important to select those plantings that can well get along next to each other.published