Choosing a chest of drawers. What to look for? Types of chests of drawers: how to make the right choice

The main difference between the chest of drawers and other storage systems is the drawers. There are different types of dressers. What are they classified by?

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Appointment chest

Ways to realize ideas & nbsp– mass. And it does not always have to be expensive. You can glue the walls with newspapers and put your grandmother’s chest of drawers, if this helps you create a planned image.

For the dining room.  Such dressers, as a rule, are narrow, of small height, they remind a curbstone. In Italian, they are called "credit card", while all other types of "non-table" dressers - "como". In addition to drawers, creditors have swing doors that close the shelves. The drawers usually store silverware and napkins, and shelves contain dishes and tablecloths.

For the kitchen and for the bathroom.  In appearance of such dressers it can be difficult to guess that these are models with drawers. After all, their front is closed by a continuous facade. To open the drawer, you need to pull the handle, the facade will extend along with the lower section and will open access to the inner drawers. It is very convenient in terms of efficient use of space. If we talk about the chest of drawers, moydodyr, then its upper and middle shelves have a recess for "bypassing" the plumbing knee.

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Many chests of drawers for the kitchen and bathroom have a continuous facade, which extends along with the lower section.

For dressing rooms.  Dressers of this type are similar to office bedside tables: they are the same miniature. Due to their size, they easily fit into any cabinet, they can be pushed under a table or an empty shelf, it’s convenient to sit on them. There are hanging and floor models, both can serve as a place for a bag.

Where to put a chest of drawers?

Stationary and mobile.  Dressers are conventionally divided into those that are motionless and those that can be easily moved around the house. The simplest models, instead of legs, have rollers with a stopper: you just need to raise the lock, roll the chest of drawers to the right place and lock the lever. Mobile dressers are most often produced for bathrooms and cabinets.

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On the picture:

A mobile chest of drawers can be created for any room. However, most often we are talking about office or cabinet chests of drawers that are rolled out from under the desk.

Floor and pendant. From a hanging chest of drawers you can make a floor by screwing it legs. But not every floor model can be suspended. Pay attention to the style of the product. Classic oak chests of drawers often have legs that serve as the frame of the entire structure. Choosing a modern chest of drawers, you get a large selection of different options for legs. You can order chrome tubes, adjustable legs, close unsightly supports with the base or completely abandon the frame and choose a hanging model.

In the photo: TRAVO model from the Interluebke factory, design by Heide Rolf.

Also chests of drawers differ in position relative to the wall:

  • Wall  dressers usually have an ugly back wall, because of which they can only stand against the wall.
  • Wall mounted.As the name implies, these are chests of drawers mounted on a wall (using hinges and screws) or on a special boiserie panel. In the latter case, there are protrusions on the back wall of the chest of drawers, and suitable slots on the panel: as a result, the model retracts and easily moves along the guides. Wall-mounted boiserie chests of drawers are usually included in wardrobe programs.
  • Attached  chests of drawers are always installed next to other pieces of furniture (they are usually sold together). Most often this is a chest of drawers complete with a modular sofa. Its task is to “wrap around” the back of upholstered furniture with which it has the same height.
  • Island  chests of drawers are installed anywhere in the room - they can serve as a partition-separator. They have a beautiful back wall, often combined with the facade. And the drawers of some models open both sides or sideways.

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From this article you will learn:

    What is a chest of drawers?

    What types of dressers exist

    What to look for before buying a chest of drawers

Cleanliness in an apartment or in a house directly depends on the organization of storage of things and clothes. A functional environment is simply necessary in everyday life, because it helps to save room space and conveniently stack items. Indispensable furniture in the interior of a bedroom, living room or a nursery is a practical chest of drawers equipped with capacious drawers in which it is convenient to store home textile items, bedding and underwear, etc. Do not forget that there are a large number of such products with various parameters, therefore it is necessary Explore all kinds of chests of drawers and choose the right one. This article will help you figure this out.

What is a classic chest of drawers?

Chests of drawers are a worthy alternative to large and impractical cabinets, they are compact and functional, and most importantly they fit perfectly both in small rooms and in spacious rooms. The chest of drawers is a small cabinet of various designs: with drawers that are located one above the other, sometimes with hinged or sliding doors or open shelves.

Today, there are a large number of products that vary in size and shape, have a different number of boxes and are made from a wide variety of materials. However, their main advantage remains unchanged - the ability to reach out to the farthest corner of any of the drawers (which is uncharacteristic for the cabinet).

Typically, the material used to make dressers is natural wood, chipboard, MDF or plastic, and a laminate or veneer is used for cladding. As the finish can be used: leather, glass or natural stone, gloss, paint, stain, art painting or embossed texture.

Different types of dressers made of wood, MDF and particleboard are very well suited for storing clothes or linen, various tools and other household items. It's all a fantasy: you can fill it with jewelry and cosmetics, bedding and children's toys, books, documents, stationery.

Dressers will decorate an interior of a bedroom or a nursery, a drawing room or an entrance hall. Products made of plastic are easy to wash and are not afraid of moisture, they are often used to store toys, shoes, vegetables or fruits. They are simply created for a bathroom, bath, summer house or garage.

Pros and cons of dressers

Every day, dressers are becoming more popular. They are installed in the bedroom, in the hallway, in the living room. Most often they are placed near the cabinet, because they are necessary for storing small items of clothing.

Manufacturers offer a wide range of different types of chests of drawers, which differ from each other in color and design. White color is a classic, the versatility of this color allows it to blend perfectly with other shades of decor. Chest drawers are convenient, and their shape makes it easy to view their contents.

There is a huge number of types of dressers, the photo presented above clearly shows all the advantages of this furniture:

    The best choice for the design of a small room.

    The product can be used for zoning the room.

    It is an excellent basis for choosing other items of furniture for the room.

    Models made of high quality materials have a significant service life.

    Multifunctionality. If the design requires a mirror, this is a great alternative to a dressing table. And the model, which is equipped with sides, can be used as a changing table for babies.

The disadvantages include:

    The difficulty of caring for the product if pets or children are at home.

    The need for an even distribution of the contents of the boxes, otherwise overloads and skews are possible.

    Fragility and instability of certain types of products.

The disadvantages are quite ambiguous, so they can easily be compensated for by careful use of the product. Types of chests of drawers, which are made of high-quality material, will last for many years.

The main types of dressers

Types of chests of drawers on the material of manufacture

Often the following materials are used for the production of this furniture: wood, chipboard, MDF, furniture plywood, rattan, plastic, metal, glass.

Natural wood is an environmentally friendly material, has excellent ability to pass air and reliability. For the manufacture of dressers use pine, maple, birch, beech, cherry, walnut.

The operational characteristics of the product directly depend on the type of wood used. Suppose if for you the main factor is strength, then beech should be selected as the material for manufacturing, since its surface is resistant to damage and deformation. Wood from birch is endowed with good strength and endurance, however, it is still inferior to products made of beech.

Chests made of pine are not so strong, and even small physical influences can leave marks on them. But the use of this material has its plus - low cost compared to other types of wood.

If we talk about products made of particleboard and MDF, it is impossible to clearly say which of these materials is better. Each of them is endowed with its own advantages and disadvantages, you need to choose based on the conditions under which the furniture will be operated.

Particleboard is sawdust and fine chips that are mixed with glue and then pressed. The adhesive contains formaldehydes and epoxy resin, the vapor of which has a negative effect on human health. In addition, chipboard does not tolerate moisture, so it is not recommended to use products made of this material in high humidity conditions. The advantages of this material are its low price combined with good strength.

MDF is made from fine wood chips, it can be said from wood flour. This material is more resistant to moisture than chipboard, has a higher degree of density. MDF is hygienic and poorly susceptible to various fungi and bacteria. Another drawback is its low resistance to high temperatures: an increase in temperature to +70 ° C and above provokes deformation of the material, peeling of the decorative coating. In this regard, it is not recommended to install these types of chests of drawers in the immediate vicinity of heating appliances.

Products made of rattan are a type of wicker furniture. Rattan is a calamus-type palm that looks like a vine. The material obtained from this tree is reliable, resilient, moisture resistant and durable. Its main advantage is the ability to obtain almost any configuration with appropriate processing. From the rattan you can make a chest of drawers of the original texture and shape.

Products made of plastic are characterized by high wear resistance and durability, without requiring special personal care. There are plastic dressers of various unusual colors that can easily be decorated with your favorite patterns and patterns.

Metal products are practical, functional and fashionable furniture. They are ideal for office rooms and sports complexes, because they are compact and spacious, and their strength, reliability, durability and fire resistance are admirable. Also, chests of drawers often adorn themselves with modern interiors: forged metal patterns and openwork inserts look very rich and unusual.

Glass, as a material for manufacturing, makes it possible for production to expand its assortment, to find new color solutions and reliefs of the glass surface. Types of such products: a full glass chest of drawers or with glazing only on the outside. A subject with a partially or completely mirrored surface has a very beautiful appearance. By installing this chest of drawers in front of the window, you can visually expand the room and make it brighter. The presence of a mirror shield, which is attached to its upper part, increases functionality. Such a shield is a classic way of arranging a dresser mirror.

Types of chests of drawers depending on the parameters

  • Height.

With the help of a chest of drawers you can make the room freer. Most often, one closet is not enough to put all the clothes on, and not all of them are convenient to hang on their shoulders. It is practical to put socks, underwear, bedding or children's things in drawers. There are several options for dressers in height:

    Low - heights of up to 100 cm. They have good capacity due to the depth of the drawers and the length of the structures. Furniture with a height of less than 85 cm is no longer considered a chest of drawers - it is a large cabinet.

    Medium, standard sizes - 100-130 cm. Fit harmoniously into the furniture interior. Most often they have 3-5 boxes (depending on their size).

    Tall - Suitable for large rooms. The height of the products is from 130 to 160 cm. An unusual look is a chest of drawers, high and narrow in depth, which resembles a pencil case with drawers.

The choice of product height directly depends on the requirements of operation. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the baseboard, the dimensions of the legs, so that the furniture can stand close to the wall. It is also worth remembering that the chest of drawers should not close the sockets and switches that are located on the wall. There are models without legs, the product in this case is on the side walls, so under the baseboard you need to make a cutout or increase the surface of the countertop by 3-5 cm.

  • Length.

The length of the chest of drawers is a parameter that shows the distance between the outer surfaces of the side walls. That is how much space is needed for a model installed against a wall or furniture, an island or pendant type of installation. The longer the product, the more spacious it is. Furniture that is less than 50 cm is not practical and functional.

Dresser length options:

    The minimum is 60 cm. It is convenient to use these types of dressers for the hallway; you can store shoes, bags, various accessories in them. Not too wide products with a changing surface for a children's room are in demand - 60–80 cm. Small chests of drawers have one vertical row of drawers.

    Furniture measuring 80–100 cm is the standard. Models of this length are the most popular for any room - living room, hallway, bedroom, nursery, bathroom, of course, if there is free space there. Boxes can be with facades in full length in one row or arranged in two sections.

    From 100 cm are long models that have two or three rows of drawers. Harmoniously look products in the entire wall in the living room and bedroom, while the chest of drawers should not be located next to other roomy furniture - a closet, wardrobe. The number of sections can be any.

In appearance, balance is important. Suppose a product with a length of 200 cm and a height of 1.5 m does not fit into any interior. Only in the living room can a chest of drawers take center stage, provided that it is the only furniture for storing things.

  • Depth.

Models are classified into narrow (shallow) and wide. Depth determines the volume for placing things. Narrow options are suitable for small rooms. Furniture is recommended to be installed close to the wall, and the length and height of the product should make up for a shallow depth.


    Narrow products with a depth of 30 cm. If the model is already narrower, then it will be impossible to store things in it. Of 30 cm, 2-3 cm are on the back wall and the thickness of the facade.

    A standard depth of 40-50 cm is the most convenient size for arranging any room. It is very convenient to use boxes and get contents from distant zones.

    Depth 50-60 cm - the comfortable use of the drawers is broken at a depth of more than 60 cm. Things that are folded near the back wall are not very convenient to take.

It should be noted that a deep chest of drawers takes up a lot of space, so you should choose a wide model of small length or make your choice in favor of an angular design. Tabletops, which are present in wide low models, it is convenient to use as an additional work surface, table or stand for souvenirs, accessories, lighting.

Types of dressers for the intended purpose

For the living room. These models have a special decorative effect. For example, a chest of drawers made in the classical style is often decorated with carvings and magnificent intarsions. The hi-tech product is equipped with electronic door closers and opening controls.

Some dressers for the living room provide a place for a TV, which leaves the countertop after pressing the remote control. It looks very fashionable and spectacular, and the dust is not collected. Often, products for the living room are equipped with a built-in television panel or projection screen, which automatically extends to a convenient viewing position.

    For the bedroom.  The most important difference of this chest of drawers is the depth of the drawers. The upper ones are usually small in size; they are well suited for storing underwear. The lower ones are characterized by large sizes. They are suitable for folding a plaid or spare pillows in them.

    For the dining room.  Such products are narrow, not too high models that resemble a curbstone. In Italy, such a chest of drawers is called a credit card, and all other types that are not intended for dining rooms are called como. In addition to the drawers, the credit card is equipped with swing doors that close the shelves. In such drawers, silverware and napkins are most often stored; on the shelves - dishes and tablecloths.

    For the kitchen and bathroom.  Looking at such dressers, it is sometimes difficult to guess that these models have drawers. After all, their front side is closed by a continuous facade. If you need to open the drawer, you should pull the handle and the outer panel will move out together with the lower section.

This design is very convenient from the point of view of maximum use of space. If we talk about the chest of drawers “moidodyr”, then its upper and middle shelves are equipped with a recess for “bypassing” the plumbing knee. Most products made for the kitchen and bathroom are characterized by the presence of a continuous facade that extends along with the lower section.

    For dressing rooms.  Dressers of this kind are miniature like office tables. The small size allows them to easily fit in any closet, slide under the table, moreover, it is very convenient to sit on them. Distinguish between hanging and floor models, both can be used as a place for a bag.

How to choose one or another type of dresser

Dresser Size

Each of us knows that the product should not only fit in the room, but also not interfere with the freedom of movement around it. In addition, it is necessary that there is room for the extension of the drawers. If there is a small space, it is quite difficult to find a place for a chest of drawers. However, if you wish, you can find very tiny models. The most important principle that should be followed is the size of the room and the chest of drawers.

A small room requires careful metering. First you need to take a tape measure and measure the parameters of the place intended for the chest of drawers, then go to the store and take measurements from the selected chest of drawers in its open and closed state. Measurements are best made from the edge of the back wall to the edge of the open drawers. If there is a baseboard in the room, consider its thickness.

The purpose of the chest also affects its size. If you plan to use it to store small things, for example, cosmetics and disks, then you can purchase the most miniature model. In order to store linen, you will need a more capacious product.

Type and shape of dresser

The appearance, shape and purpose of a chest of drawers are related concepts. The configuration of the product is selected depending on the interior and the place in which it will be installed.

Types of chests of drawers in shape:

    Rectangular  These are traditional chests of drawers, the most convenient to use and in highest demand.

    Cornerchests of various kinds: L-shaped, trapezoidal, five-walled, in the form of a circle segment - there are a lot of options. These models are perfect for small bedrooms and make it possible to use corners that usually remain unused.

    Radius  chests of drawers have a curved shape, are semicircular, with convex and concave elements included. Products of this kind have an original appearance, but their placement requires a large space and an appropriate interior. It is worth highlighting in a separate row round products that have their own peculiarity - rotation of the boxes relative to each other.

    Designer  the type of chest of drawers can be presented in any form, because it is done mainly on order.

Chests depending on the appearance and purpose:

    Long products are a classic option, they can replace even a small cabinet.

    A chest of drawers is very similar to a sideboard, it is usually installed in the living room or dining room, where dishes are stored in it.

    The chest of drawers, in the design of which there is a mirror, is suitable for small rooms, since in addition to storing things, it also functions as a dressing table.

    The chest of drawers, combined with an ironing board, has a countertop in the form of a folding ironing board on top, this design saves space in a small room.

    Dresser with a changing table - has sides on the countertop, is a very useful thing in caring for a baby.

    Chest-secretary - capable of modifying, if necessary, into a compact workplace, which is relevant for small room sizes.

There are many more designer products that can be found on sale.

Number and arrangement of boxes

Typically, chests of drawers have several wide drawers that are located one above the other. Often there are four, but the number can vary from two to five or more. In addition, you can find models where instead of the wide upper drawers make two or three narrow.

There are chests of drawers in which the boxes have different widths, and inside are divided by partitions into several parts. They are convenient for storing ties, belts, cosmetics. If you have things that outsiders should not see, pick up a model with a compartment under the lock.

Boxes of different sizes can be made in any shape, and their number can be much more than four. To date, there are such types of chests of drawers in which shelves with doors occupy part of the area, although it is generally accepted that the traditional design of the product does not imply their presence. Be that as it may, you should choose a chest of drawers in which you can most successfully decompose all things.

Drawer mechanism

A good mechanism made of high-quality material requires easy rolling out of the boxes, preventing them from falling out, even in the case of too sharp extension. If all product boxes are closed, they should fit snugly against each other and against the walls, resting on the back plate.

Extension mechanisms that are used in modern dressers:

    Roller guides are the cheapest option, which is quite noisy when working. They are usually made of plastic or metal, the latter are more reliable, but it is necessary that the wheels have a rubber rim - in this case they will be less noisy.

The drawback of roller guides is that they do not allow the drawer to be extended more than 5/6 depth, but this is also a plus, as it certainly will not be able to fall out.

    Ball guides - withstand any load, there is no noise, but they are expensive and require a careful attitude.

    Flush-mounted rails are the most advanced extension mechanism (the elements are not on the sides of the drawer, but under it). This ensures maximum extension and eliminates the possibility of falling out.

Chest of drawers

In addition to drawers, for the comfortable operation of the chest of drawers, the presence of other elements is necessary. These include:

    Pens - they should be easy to use, and by design they are very different, from antique ones to the most modern and fashionable.

There are types of chests of drawers on which there are no handles, they are opened by a light click on the drawer, but this system is suitable for products with a matte facade, otherwise you can endlessly wipe fingerprints.

    Legs - their availability depends on the personal preferences of the buyer. They may be completely absent, adjustable and unregulated. However, if they are present, then you have the opportunity to adjust their height, in the case of uneven floors.

    Closer for drawers and doors - serves to smoothly open and close them, does not give the opportunity for sharp blows that can damage the body of the product.

    Stop - a necessary element to prevent the loss of a box. It is very useful when there are children in the house, but to reach things that are located at the far wall will be problematic.

    Fasteners to the wall - an element that complicates the installation of the product, but prevents the possibility of it falling when all drawers are pulled out together.

    Highlighting is an element that is quite rare in chests of drawers, there is no special need for it, but in the dark, you can easily find the right thing with it.

Fixed, mobile or wall-mounted chest of drawers

If possible, chests of drawers are:



Stationary products stand motionless on legs or a base, it is quite difficult to move them. The mobile chest of drawers has clips that allow you to rearrange it from place to place without much effort. This option is suitable for those who often rearrange furniture.

By the method and features of the installation of the product are divided into:

    Floor  - the most popular option. Such dressers are installed against the wall, so the back wall may not look as aesthetically pleasing as the facade.

    Wall mounted - differ in the possibility of fixing them in any desired place on the wall, but moving them after that is quite difficult. Regular floor dressers can also be attached to the wall, they usually do this if there are children in the house who like to play pranks.

    Island  chest of drawers - a product for zoning the space, so it should be aesthetic and beautiful. Usually they have drawers on several sides.

Dresser style and color

In addition to convenience and spaciousness, the chest of drawers should fit the interior of the room and decorate it. Of course, ideally, buying all the furniture for the room at the same time is complete - in this case, the items will definitely fit together. In the case of buying a chest of drawers separately from the rest of the environment, you must consider the overall design and color palette.

The appearance of the product will largely depend on the chosen interior style of the room:

    Classical  - characterized by the presence of natural wood of valuable species, forged parts, panels. When choosing this direction, it is better to choose a small chest of drawers with legs.

    Baroque, Rococo  and empire  - styles that require more elegant curvilinear shapes, the presence of decorative elements such as carving and gilding. The material is wood.

    Provence  involves the use of a chest of light tones. The preferred material for making is artificially aged wood with a minimal amount of decor.

    High tech  and minimalism  - these are laconic forms that involve the use of modern materials, such as plastic, metal and glass, MDF and particleboard can be used. For this style, it will be quite appropriate to apply backlighting.

    Modern  - for this direction, you can choose dressers of unusual shapes, with curved lines, unusual combinations of materials.

Do not throw away the old strong chest of drawers. Having spent a little time, you can turn it into a fashionable unique product that fits perfectly into the interior of the room. The simplest option is to paint it, while it is possible to use several colors of paint at once, using decoupage technique. Another way is to decorate the facades of the drawers with wallpaper, and after drying the glue, coating the new finish with acrylic varnish. It is possible to use fabric or foil as a decoration.

What else is important to consider when choosing a chest of drawers

A chest of drawers is an item that you intend to use for a long time, so when buying, it is recommended to consider everything, down to the smallest detail:

    You must choose a product with a thick back wall so that it is able to support the weight of all things. It should not be thinner than 6 mm, it is better that it is a little thicker.

    Before you pay for a chest of drawers, you need to check the completeness of its accessories.

    Opening all doors and drawers should be smooth and easy.

    Recheck the dimensions of the main parameters more than once, so that the chest of drawers really fits where you planned.

It must be remembered that the assortment of chests of drawers is simply huge, so you need to at least a little imagine the desired model so as not to get confused when buying.

Dressers for every taste are offered by our company “Furniture Formula”.

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The main difference between a chest of drawers and other furniture for storing things and objects is the presence of retractable drawers. There are various types of chests of drawers. And, if you need to buy a chest of drawers in Yekaterinburg, we recommend that you visit a specialized online store. Among the wide assortment, it will be easier for you to choose the best option.

By appointment

To the living room
These dressers are endowed with a special decor. For example, the classic style is often decorated with carvings and luxurious intarsions. The hi-tech style is characterized by doors on which electronic closers and opening control. Often built-in TV: with the touch of a remote control, the table top drives the screen.

To the bedroom
Here, a distinctive element is the deep characteristic of the boxes. On top there are not very large compartments for underwear. There are large shelves below - you can store bedspreads or pillows in them.

To the dining room
These chests of drawers are often not wide, short, similar to pedestals. There are drawers that open doors. Boxes can be used to store cutlery and napkins, and shelves for utensils and tablecloths.

To the kitchen and bathroom
The appearance of this chest of drawers sometimes does not immediately let you know that it contains drawers, since their front zone is closed by a whole facade. To open the drawer, you need to extend the handle, the facade will stretch at the same time with the lower section, and internal drawers will become available. This is a very good option, as the place was used “wisely”.

To the dressing room
A chest of drawers of this type is similar to an office cabinet: it is just as small. Given the dimensions of this chest of drawers, it can easily be located in any closet, slide under a table or an empty shelf, and you can comfortably sit on it. There are hanging and floor dressers, which serve as a great place for bags.

By location

Stationary and mobile
The first stand motionless. The simplest models have rollers with a stopper for the place of legs: you just need to raise the latch, move the furniture to the desired area and fix the lever.
A mobile chest of drawers is often available in bathrooms and cabinets. But, in general, they can be created for different rooms.

Floor and pendant
A hanging chest of drawers can be transformed into a floor, you just need to screw the legs to it. But not every floor model can be suspended. It is worth looking at the style of furniture. Classic oak chests often have legs that can be removed.

Wall, wall, attached, island
The wall, as a rule, has an ugly rear wall, so their place is only against the wall.

Wall mounted on a wall or a specific panel. In the second case, the back wall has protrusions, and the panel has special grooves: as a result, the chest of drawers is able to retract, it is easy to move.

The attached type is located close to other elements of the interior. Often, these dressers come with sofas. They are with the back of the sofa at the same height.
The island model is located in different areas of the room. It is endowed with a beautiful back wall, combined with the facade. The drawers of many chests of drawers are able to open on both sides or sideways.

Everything ingenious is simple! Since the first chest of drawers came into use in the 18th century, replacing coarse chests, this piece of furniture has firmly entered the list of necessary things in any home. Not without reason, its name is translated from French as “convenient”, and you can meet a chest of drawers literally in every room. How not to make a mistake in choosing the perfect chest of drawers that is suitable specifically for your tasks and interior?

Varieties of Dressers

To begin with, it is worth orienting among the enormous variety of chests of drawers. Each country and era preferred its forms and decor, for example, in Victorian England, dressers were decorated with white varnish and carvings in the form of a garland, the French created very narrow and compact dressers, and painted panels and carved legs were popular in America.

Modern chests of drawers differ primarily in configuration and size. For example, the most miniature model is a chest of drawers with two drawers. At your service are both wide and low cabinets in oriental style, and miniature shelves for small rooms, which often serve as TV stands or even poufs. Very often, such chests of drawers do not have drawers, only open shelves, on which decorative baskets for small items look very impressive.

Memo:  it is very important to correctly determine the dimensions, so immediately determine the clear dimensions of the space reserved for the chest of drawers. When buying, be sure to measure the distance from the back wall to the edge of the extended drawer or open door. It should be less than the space originally allocated for the chest of drawers.

The most common and popular model is chests of drawers with three or four drawers. Such models are spacious and functional and, depending on the decor, can be suitable for absolutely any room and interior styling. Do you want such a chest of drawers to attract attention in the room? Create a thoughtful decorative composition on the top shelf: put a lamp, a beautiful vase or figurine, complement them with a picture or family photos in interesting frames.

A high chest of drawers with five sections may well replace a full-fledged cabinet in terms of spaciousness, but it may look too bulky. To brighten up this impression, it is better to give preference to a narrow model of a chest of drawers with five drawers, which will look more elegantly and will be able to visually increase the height of the ceiling.

External differences. Choose a decor

Modern chests of drawers differ not only in the number of drawers and dimensions. Of great importance is the facade. For example, dressers with glass doors can easily replace a sideboard or a showcase for beautiful dishes or your favorite collection of little things and are perfect for a living room, dining room.

Memo:  open shelves and glass surfaces give the impression of lightness and do not visually clutter up the space. This is a great option for those who need to keep the illusion of a room filled with light and air.

Tired of uniform solutions? Choose a chest of drawers in which drawers are combined with open and closed shelves. The former will allow you to conveniently store fragile and heavy objects, and thanks to the latter you can create interesting interior accents. An interesting composition of drawers and shelves looks more dynamic and easy, and niches can be highlighted with a contrasting color or other material, which will give your dresser an additional twist.


Dressers are made from a wide variety of materials from budget chipboard to an elite array of natural wood. The best combination of price and quality can be a chest of drawers with facades made of durable and externally attractive MDF and internal drawers and partitions made of chipboard. However, keep in mind that shelves are usually stronger than drawers, which can be made of thin chipboard and are not suitable for storing heavy items.

Memo:  the thickness of the back wall of the dresser should be at least 6 mm, so as not to bend under the weight of the boxes loaded with things. The boxes themselves should be tightly adjacent to the back wall, and when closed, there should be no gaps or gaps between their panels.

If you like modern style and hi-tech, you can choose a chest of drawers with glass and metal inserts and a coating of multilayer glossy varnish, which will not only look stylish, but also visually expand the room.

Compare the pros and cons of chests of drawers for different rooms

The choice of the best chest of drawers will depend not only on its dimensions and material, but also on the style of your interior and the functional purpose of the room. A classic carved chest of drawers with curved legs in a high-tech interior will also be inappropriate, as well as a model with a changing table in an elderly person's room. That is why it is worthwhile to determine in advance both the desired appearance and the particular purpose for which you are buying a chest of drawers, because for each case its nuances come to the fore.

Memo: it will be much more convenient for children and elderly people to get things from a chest of drawers than from an ordinary closet, since there is no need to reach for things, it is enough to fully extend the drawer.

If the dresser has to take a place in the living room, its appearance comes to the fore. Glass doors, open shelves and any other interesting decor will become an indisputable advantage of such a chest of drawers. Of course, you will have to take care of the accessories, which will occupy a prominent place on the shelf above or behind transparent glass. A useful functional addition to a chest of drawers in a small apartment is a combined chest of drawers, which allows you to organize a workplace in virtually any corner of the living room.

The principle for the dresser in the bedroom will be its spaciousness and reliability, since it has to withstand a serious load in the form of bedspreads, bedding and other textiles. An additional pleasant plus may be the built-in mirror, which turns the dresser into a comfortable dressing table.

For a chest of drawers in a nursery, the main quality should be safety and environmental friendliness of materials and quality. Make sure the reliability of all accessories: handles, guides, closers, and also that toxic paints and glue were not used in the manufacture of the chest of drawers, because this piece of furniture should survive when a curious child wants to turn the drawers into steps of the stairs or hang on one of the them.

Memo:  limiter that prevents the drawers from falling out of the chest of drawers - a mandatory safety measure in the children's room!

A practical solution for the nursery can be a chest of drawers with a changing table on top, which, as the baby grows, will become just a place to store things.

The chest of drawers for the kitchen should, first of all, be in harmony with the main kitchen set, be practical in terms of cleaning and placing kitchen utensils in it.

Memo:  a chest of drawers made of solid wood will become a real decoration of the kitchen in a classic or country style and will serve your family for many years.

In the hallway, a chest of drawers can be very useful for storing the little things you need at hand: keys, bags, umbrellas, gloves, etc. Given the usually small areas of the halls, it is better to choose a narrow and compact model with many small compartments for everything you need, which will not take up much space, but will allow you to maintain order literally from the threshold of your home.

Sep 20, 2016 Sergey

The choice of furniture is always a responsible matter. It should be not only stylish and modern, but also functional, convenient to use.

In this article we will talk about the dresser in the bedroom. The choice should be balanced and confident, do not rush to the first chest of drawers you like, it may not be right for you.

The style of your bedroom, in size, in functionality, can be many factors.

Let's figure out why a chest of drawers is needed and what role it should play in your bedroom.

Selection basics

Furniture is the foundation of every home, without it there will be a real house in the room. Therefore, it takes this issue seriously.

You can preview the photo of the dresser in the bedroom, in the catalog, to come and buy. But these are not all recommendations for buying a chest of drawers:

A large selection of chests of drawers made in different interpretations will turn your head. If you yourself are lost, you can always ask advice from consultants, explaining what kind of chest of drawers you dream to see in your bedroom.

Always compare. Look at several models of dressers in the interior of the bedroom, and compare them. In quality, in cost, in functionality and capacity.

Listen to the opinion from the outside. Maybe you didn’t notice something because of the dazzling beauty of the chest of drawers. Opinion from the outside will always soundly evaluate the situation.

Pay attention to size and cost. The size of the dresser should come from the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, and the price depends on the quality of the furniture. The more expensive the better the material from which the chest of drawers is made.

The role of the dresser

Before buying a dresser furniture in the bedroom, initially select the place where it will be located. Take measurements using ordinary tape measure. To further avoid unpleasant incidents.

Example: if you plan to use it only for bedding, a chest of drawers can be standard. If as a table, then you should pay attention to the dresser with a mirror in the bedroom.

You can use the chest of drawers as a stand for a TV or other equipment. Then then pay attention to the characteristics.

Types of Dressers

Today there are a lot of them. Completely different shapes and styles. Rely on your preferences. Here are some varieties of chests of drawers:

The first is a narrow chest of drawers. Of course you do not use it as a stand for large equipment, but it perfectly fits all the bedding.

It can serve as a stand for decorative elements. A great option for a small room. Placing it along the wall, you will not take up much space in the room.

Another type of corner chest of drawers in the bedroom. It will perfectly occupy the free corner, also saving space in the bedroom. In size, it can be different. Rely on your preferences.

As for the large, long chest of drawers in the bedroom, here you should be the reckoning owner of a large bedroom. Such a chest of drawers will replace your closet, due to its spaciousness.

It has many shelves and niches built in.

In order not to buy extra furniture, pay attention to the dresser table in the bedroom. Do not litter the bedroom with the necessary furniture, this option will save not only space, but also finances.

Dresser Style

We buy furniture when the room is ready, in our case the bedroom. It is already made in a certain style: classic, hi-tech, loft, vintage, etc.

Therefore, the chest of drawers should also match this style. Color, shape, all this must be taken into account.

You can create one concept, or focus on furniture. Here's an example: in a dark room, place a white chest of drawers in the bedroom. Play in contrast.

Or, on the back, a bright room can be complemented by a dark stain in the form of a chest of drawers.

In general, there are many concepts, show your imagination, or follow the example of designers who will provide you with a finished project.

Photo of dressers in the bedroom