Rules and features of the location of the bed in the bedroom. How to put a bed in the bedroom of various shapes? Where is the best bed in the bedroom?

Indeed, in it we spend a third of the day and life in general.

A properly located bed gives us safety, the opportunity to relax and restore strength for subsequent activity.

If you sleep enough, but wake up tired, if your health is broken, your career is not going well, pay attention to the rules on how to put a bed in the bedroom. Examples of placement and recommendations of Feng Shui in the article.

Feng Shui is a very deep and systematic science, formed over millennia. Its goal is to make our existence harmonious.

How the bed should not stand

1 Walking to the front door  (position of the deceased), i.e., in a straight line to the doorway.

According to Feng Shui, this factor can create diseases along the midline of the body.

If rearrangement is not possible, the door will be closed tightly, the door will be closed tightly, in front of it a screen, a chest of drawers, a curbstone, a tall plant with rounded leaves.

2. Opposite the mirror when it displays sleeping people. In detail, how to hang a mirror in the bedroom so that it does not harm,.

3. Adjacent to the wall with a door. This is especially important if you share the bedroom with someone from your family members or with disrespectful roommates who have a different sleeping schedule.

Whenever the door opens, you will have to wake up in a state of high alert, due to the unexpected sound and movement of the opening door. Ailments in the center of the body may also develop.

4. Adjacent to the wall with the door when the door obscures the view. To see the person coming in, you will have to get out of bed, instead of just raising your head if your bed is on the opposite side of the door.

It may seem to you that not seeing the door is familiar to you, but subconsciously you will also experience anxiety, which creates an imbalance in the nervous system. Results may include nervous problems, arrhythmias, heart palpitations.

In addition, repeated twisting of the body to see who enters is fraught with problems with the neck and spine in the long run.

5. Head to the window itself, especially to the large, panoramic. A window is the gateway between your bedroom and the outside world.

When you sleep with your head directly under the window, your sleep is easily disturbed by sounds coming from outside from the wind or noise, smells, light, movements of insects and birds.

When sounds, movements or smells are unfamiliar, survival instincts are triggered, they can completely wake you up, after which it can be difficult to fall asleep again.

Feng Shui advises to avoid placing a bed under the window, this position gives little protection, gives rise to anxiety and trouble.

Blackout curtains may be the solution.

6. Separate one wall with a toilet (bath). It is a bit like a bedroom directly under the toilet. If your bed shares a wall with a toilet, you can hear the fluid moving through the pipes.

The adjustment is to use a thick (preferably soft or very substantial) headboard, which can minimize unwanted noises that prevent you from sleeping.

According to feng shui: it can lead to the leakage of energy, vitality and wealth.

7. To share one wall with the kitchen. Heat from the kitchen, the sounds of moving water, a working refrigerator, other consumer electronics, other noises reduce the quality of sleep.

In addition, the kitchen is an area of \u200b\u200bactive human activity, which is able to disturb your sleep by the sound of dishes, pots and the sounds of other events held in the kitchen.

According to Feng Shui, such a neighborhood, as in the case of the toilet, leads to a loss of vitality, energy, and good luck.

8. Under a sloping or low ceiling. They exert invisible pressure on the energetics of people, which turns into some kind of unclear anxiety or a feeling of contraction every time you go to bed. This is especially noticeable if you sleep on the side with a lower arch.

A simple solution is to use a four-poster bed. The four pillars that surround you during sleep tend to make you feel more protected from pressure down the ceiling.

9. Under the ceiling beam, especially with sharp corners. A beam, similar to a sharp object, creates. Streams of air, starting from sharp edges, attack the sleeping one.

Thus, the beam gives the feeling that your space is chopped up, which can distract from a quiet sleep. A canopy over the bed will also help, or a repair, during which the protrusions are smoothed or rounded.

10. Under massive objectshanging directly above the head or at the head of the sleeping: chandeliers or bookshelves (more than 180 cm in height), for example.

Large objects make you feel oppressed, feel involuntary fear, which provokes insomnia, stress, disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

Solution: Hang the chandelier over the dining table, and replace the massive shelves with small ones. Or move the bed.

11. On the same line between the window and the door. This is the case when the bedroom is like a long "pencil case", the bed seems to be on the roadway. Sleeping on such a bed is not comfortable due to the sharp movement of air currents.

How to fix:

hang in the center of the window at a distance of one and a half meters from the floor a small multi-faceted crystal ball. A crystal chandelier ball or a purchased swarovski ball will do. Its faces will refract the rays of light and disperse sharp streams of air and energy.

Put a lush ornamental plant on the windowsill, it will stop the rapid energy of qi.

Place a screen immediately behind the bed in front of the door: the air and energy flows around the screen will become smoother, and the atmosphere in the bedroom will be harmonious.

12. Close to outlets. They give rise to an additional harmful energy background.

13. The foot adjoins the wall. Feng Shui warns: a reduced range of visibility, when the gaze rests against the wall, reduces a person’s energy, his life vision, intuition.

The wall at the foot of the bed can block your career, causing problems in your feet and ankle. The more space in front of your bed, the more your life expands, breathes and improves.


If the dream does not bring rest, there are problems in personal and social life, take into account the rules for placing a bed. Our health, well-being and depends on how well it costs.

Elena Valve for the Sleepy Cantata project.

In the following publications: how to properly place a bed in the bedroom.

To ensure a good night's rest, first of all, it is worth determining exactly how the bed should be in the bedroom. It is estimated that a person is in a state of sleep for at least a third of his whole life. That is why the closest attention is always paid to the arrangement of furniture and the location of the bed.

It is undesirable to put a bed under the window, since free access to it should be ensured. In order to avoid drafts, it is not recommended to put the bed head to the window, from which it is usually at least a little, but blows. It should be located at least half a meter from him. Try to put the bed so that you will not be bothered by direct sunlight or the too bright light of street lamps.

Advice!   In no case should you push the head of the bed too close to the radiator. Overheating of the head can negatively affect your well-being.

Basic Rules

The bedroom is a place where you should feel as comfortable and safe as possible. There are a few simple rules how to put a bed in the bedroom, observing which you will provide yourself with maximum comfort:

  • the bed is an intimate place, therefore it is advisable to arrange it so that it is as small as possible visible from the side of the entrance, while the door and the people entering it should be visible from the sleeping bed;
  • to ensure passage, the foot of the bed should always remain free;
  • to double bed  the approach should be provided on both sides, therefore it is better to put it against the wall with the headboard; one or one and a half batches can be moved close to the wall;
  • in a room that is too elongated, a wide bed can stand across, but if at the same time there is a too narrow passage, it is better to push it close to a long wall;
  • to give the rectangular room a more correct configuration, you can put the bed across in the center;
  • in order to increase the space and provide free access from two sides in a narrow small room, a 2-sleeping bed can be installed even diagonally;
  • to provide access to the window in the same way you can place a single bed;
  • it is undesirable to put a bed near a high cabinet - this can become a serious annoying factor.

Feng Shui Bed Location

Not only in Chinese, but also in Indian and Arab cultures, there is a whole set of rules on how to properly put a bed in the bedroom. After all, if you have any kind of problem in life, the reason may be hiding in the incorrect arrangement of furniture. In any case, so Feng Shui assures us - the Taoist practice of organizing space.

  • placing a bed over beams or pipes can adversely affect human health.
  • the bed should not be on the line that connects the doorway and the window;
  • the legs of the sleeping person cannot be directed towards the door;
  • sharp corners of the furniture should not be directed towards the bed, if it is impossible to move the furniture, it is better to put indoor flowers on this line or apply drapery;
  • you should not put the bed too close to the mirrors - for feng shui it cannot reflect the bed of the spouses or your face when you wake up;
  • not only the headboard, but also the foot part of the bed should not rest against the window;
  • you should never move multiple beds too close together;
  • there should be only one mattress by the bed;
  • you can not store in the house, and especially in the bedroom, not only broken, but also unused things that will take energy from the house.

Advice!   If you decide to hang over your sleeping bed a picture  or a photo, it is better if at least two objects are displayed on it. A lonely mountain or tree on it - to loneliness.

How best to put a bed in the bedroom, many owners of such premises are thinking. Its good location affects a good rest, which will be without nightmares.
  The article suggests familiarizing yourself with where to put a bed in the bedroom.

The well-being of a person depends on where to put it. According to Feng Shui, a person’s head should be located in a direction favorable for his well-being.
  In the matrimonial bedroom, you need to navigate the best place for the spouse.
From the location of the head of the bed depends:

  • Ideal is the position of the head to the north. Then the magnetic lines of the Earth will pass along the human body.
      In this case, he receives material stability, peace of mind, good health, and with the disease - a quick recovery.

The sleep is calm and strong, and peace and quiet reign in the soul. Married couples begin to better understand each other, become more attached to each other, but this situation is too calm for a teenager and an active person in life.

  • The natural movement of celestial bodies corresponds to the position of the person’s head to the east, which has long been associated with the spiritual principle, with the concentration of the mind, mental forces and freedom of the spirit. In summer hot weather, it gives a feeling of coolness.

  The East gives strong ambitions and ambition, gives a desire to accelerate the course of events. His energy can help start a new business, wake up in the morning in high spirits.
  • The location of the head to the west, can bring love, increase creative inclinations, which is especially important for poets and artists. The direction to the west makes passion more intense, which strengthens family relationships and fills life with satisfaction.
  • For singles wishing to become famous and more successful, the head should be directed south. In this case, all matters on a wide front receive positive energy for rapid progress.
  • Heavy energy is saturated northeast. This is necessary for those who want to achieve the goal in life, to make the right decision.
      The northeast gives vigor, but does not allow a person to relax and achieve an improvement in the quality of his sleep.
  • A long and healthy sleep can help the north-western direction of the head, which is more necessary for mature and elderly people. In this case, such a direction can help young and carefree to acquire leadership qualities and properly dispose of their responsibility.
  • To free oneself from instinctive complexes, increase creativity, the direction of the head of the head during sleep to the southeast helps, which is very necessary for beginners in a new business, for the influx of fresh energy.
  • Sleepers with a head toward the southwest can gain harmony and contentment in life. This situation can improve family relationships at work.

How it is made out, how to correctly put the bed shows the video in this article. If the sleeping bed is in accordance with the requirements of Feng Shui, this combines the successful flow of Qi, increases and balances their movement, positively affects the preservation of health, makes people more successful.

How well you need to have a bed

The instructions for installing a sleeping bed offer such ways of its placement:

  • Near the wall. This is the most successful location, a person has a feeling of security, and the bed is fully supplied with the necessary energy.
  • Headboard by the window. In this case, the person feels discomfort.
  • Central location. This is not the best bed arrangement in the room. There is not a single wall nearby for protection, which may cause alarm.
  • Across from the door. In this case, if there is no other option, a screen or partition wall device is necessary to separate the bed from the door.

The device depends on the size and shape of the room, and the preferences of its owner are taken into account.
But still, some general principles exist, and it is not recommended to violate them:

  • Niche. Accommodation in an alcove or niche is the most correct option for a bed in the bedroom. The enclosed space gives comfort and safety, an example is shown in the photo.
  • The device of a bed between a window and a door has a negative effect on a person:
  1. indoors, this place is most prone to drafts, which is dangerous for maintaining health;
  2. getting into the room, an outsider will immediately see the bed - the most intimate place in the house.
  • Window. To the window you need to provide a free approach. If there is no other option, you should close the window with blackout curtains, which will make sleep more calm.
  • It is necessary to ensure that no heavy objects hang over the bed: chandeliers, paintings in heavy frames, shelves with books. It will not be able to give a 100% guarantee, even a very reliable fixation by their own hands of them against the wall, from an unexpected fall, which can lead to injury in a dream.

How to put a bed in a narrow bedroom

A narrow bedroom in the apartment is quite common, especially in Khrushchev. How to put a bed in a narrow bedroom?
  Where to put the rest of the furniture so that there is no sense of clutter up the room? Such problems appear when solving these issues.
Creating the interior of a narrow bedroom, compact furniture should be preferred:

  •   , not very deep wardrobes fit perfectly in the room.
  • The room will seem more spacious, when installing the bed near a smaller wall, you can put along or across the room.
  • If there is an opportunity it is better to replace the bed with a folding sofa.
  • Bedside tables can be replaced with tall narrow dressers, more functional and practical.
  • No need to clutter up the room with decorative elements and accessories, even furniture should not have excesses.
  • In the design of a narrow bedroom, it is better to adhere to the principles of minimalism, which use methods of visual expansion of space.
  • For a narrow room, the main decorative element, as a rule, is a large mirror. You can install it on one long wall. It will not only decorate the room, but also visually make it more spacious.
  • Zoning space is not a bad reception for designing a narrow bedroom. It can be zoned in two or three zones with the help of through partitions, having the form of whatnots, shelves or screens.
      Visual zoning can be done with various finishes in different zones. Zoning is necessary for the "expansion" of the room, it makes it more comfortable and cozy.
  • Proper lighting and light wall decoration can make the room more spacious and comfortable.

Tip: If the apartment has a narrow bedroom, how to put a bed can be found in the catalogs of designers and choose the most suitable option for this room.

How to choose indoor flowers for a bedroom

In today's life, the constant companions of people have become low humidity in their homes and negative energy floating in the air in rooms that are furnished with objects made from ultramodern artificial materials.

  The first helpers in solving these issues are plants.
In addition to this main task, flowers in the house bring other benefits:
  • They make the room beautiful.
  • Purify air from dangerous elements, releasing volatile.
  • Treat, such as aloe.

To the question which flower to put in the bedroom, the Feng Shui doctrine answers well. Proponents of it strongly recommend getting rid of plants that absorb positive energy, they oppose many flowers in the bedroom.
  For example, having sharp leaves or needles.
In their opinion:

  • It is not necessary to contain cacti in residential visits. Their spines make the inhabitants of the bedroom spiky and impregnable, which does not contribute to a warm relationship with a loved one.

Tip: Cactus lovers should better place them in an office or near a computer.

  • To diversify the interior of the bedroom with indoor flowers, there should be no more than three pots located away from the bed.
  • It’s best if they are, enhancing the feeling of love and mutual understanding of the plant.
  • According to Feng Shui, a favorable indoor plant for the bedroom should be red. For example, feces. It helps to avoid conflict between spouses.
  • You can put a small ficus in the bedroom. Most suitable for couples who want a baby. According to Feng Shui, when caring for a small ficus, the energy of the house is adjusted to the appearance of the child.

It is up to the owner to decide which flowers should be used in the bedroom, based on his preferences and well-being.
  Good health and sound sleep are closely related. One person sleeps a lot, another has very little time, but the bed for everyone is the mistress of the bedroom.
  You need to choose it convenient and comfortable, even if the price of the product is large enough, but in this case it is impossible to save. The best way to properly orient the installation of a bed in a room is to experiment until pleasant sensations and joyful events in life come.

Hello everybody! Choosing a place for a bed is not easy. Especially in small bedrooms. Nevertheless, if you approach the matter wisely, then in a modest square you can organize a great sleeping place. We’ll talk about this today.

We systematize the options for placing the bed and determine their advantages and disadvantages.

Small bedrooms. How much it? It happened more than once when the search engines for the query “small bedroom” gave out examples of premises, the size of which many would envy. In our secrets about how to visually make a small bedroom bigger, we agreed to consider small bedrooms as less than 12 square meters.

So, let's get started, get comfortable.

No matter how small the room is, try to fit even the smallest but full bed with a mattress, not a sofa. I am sure that if you want, there is always a place. I will give examples when the size of the bedroom is literally 2-4 square meters, but it is also possible to put a bed there. A healthy back - above all!

5 ways to put a bed in a small bedroom:

1. The position of the bed across the room.

This option is suitable for rooms with a width of more than 2.5 meters, if the room is already narrow, then there is too little passage from the wall to the foot of the bed. According to the rules of ergonomics, the width of the aisles should be at least 60 centimeters. Of course, with small sizes, you have to sacrifice something and, perhaps, someone will agree to a passage with a width of less than 60 centimeters, then try to choose a bed of the minimum permissible length. Keep in mind that if the mattress is 2 meters long, then the bed itself is 8-15 centimeters larger.

  • free access to both sides of the bed;
  • not blowing;
  • not hot from the battery;
  • it is easy to decorate the headboard area, to create symmetrical compositions from furniture.
  • not suitable for narrow rooms with a width of less than 2.5 meters.

2. Bed along the wall.

If the bedroom is not only small, but also narrow, then one of the options is to put the bed along the wall. This situation usually leaves a free passage around the room. I chose this option. Suitable for walkways and narrow rooms.

  • leaves a wide passage in the room;
  • not blowing;
  • not hot on battery.
  • the area where the bed adjoins the wall often needs additional; protection, as quickly messed up;
  • visually makes the narrow bedroom even narrower.

3. The headboard to the window.

A very common option abroad. He is always so beautiful in pictures, but so rare in our lives. I almost never met such an arrangement of beds in Russia. Perhaps their batteries are not so heavily heated and air conditioners are used more, you do not have to sleep under an open window. But still, I could not ignore this method, sometimes, the bed simply does not fit in a different way.

  • suitable for very narrow bedrooms literally 1.5-2 meters wide;
  • always looks spectacular.
  • hot from the battery during the heating season;
  • the risk of getting otitis media if you sleep under an open window.

4. A bed across the room near the window.

This layout is ideal for small and narrow bedrooms, as Corrects the proportions of the room well. The main problem of this option is the same as that of a bed along the wall - difficult access to the "distant" bedroom place. If you plan to sleep there alone, then this problem does not exist.

  • Corrects visually the size of a narrow bedroom;
  • approach to the bed on one side only;
  • hot on battery during the heating season.

5. A bed across the room against a wall with no window.

This layout also visually corrects the proportions if the room is too elongated. The berth turns out practically in a niche. You can use different podiums instead of bed frames.

  • Adjusts visually the size of a small narrow bedroom;
  • approach to the bed on one side only;
  • the area where the bed adjoins the wall often needs additional; protection, as quickly messes up.

I will not consider options for placing the bed diagonally in the middle of the room in this article, because in a small bedroom you just can’t do such tricks.

I also omit cases when there are several windows in the room or none at all. These layouts will be special cases of those listed in the article. Often the choice further limits the inconvenient location of the front door. In any case, before finally deciding how to put a bed in a small bedroom, draw a plan of the room and try to place the bed, observing all sizes in scale, in a variety of options. Always keep in mind that a real bed is several centimeters larger than a mattress.

Feng Shui correct body position during  sleep harmonizes the inner world, improves health and helps strengthen relationships with the second half. If you have a bad dream, insomnia is constantly tormenting you, you get a bad night's sleep, then why not take the advice of the Chinese sages and do the rearrangement of furniture in the bedroom?

Bed selection

Healthy sleep, according to followers of the Feng Shui teachings, depends not only on the location of the bed, but also on the bed. In this ancient Chinese science, there are several rules for what should be the bed.

Furniture with corners  It is considered a negative energy storage device, so the bed should be chosen either round or with smooth corners. It is not recommended that couples sleep on an angular bed - such a berth will constantly provoke quarrels and conflicts.

Bed required should be with a headboard. If for us this is a common element of decor, then in Feng Shui the headboard is considered a kind of energy protection from the negative energy of the environment. It is advisable to choose a bed with a solid headboard, without gratings and holes.

The bed should not have sides. That is, they should not protrude beyond the height of the mattress. If you neglect this rule, then a person sleeping in such a bed will constantly face obstacles and trials in life. In addition, such an element of decor will limit it to travel.

On a matrimonial bed must be a solid mattressrather than divided into two parts. If you do not take into account this nuance, then the husband and wife will lose emotional and spiritual connection with each other.

And the last rule: the bed should be on its feet so that the positive Chi energy can circulate freely under it. And do not forget that the bed should be comfortable and comfortable.

How should the bed stand (location)

The most famous rule is the location of the bed in Feng Shui - you can not put it in front of the door so that legs in a dream were directed into the doorway. This rule is similar to the Russian national sign.

According to tradition, the dead in the coffin are carried upside down from the house, so in our superstitions, sleeping with our feet to the door is also considered a bad omen.

If your bed is located in such a way that your legs are directed to the door at night, and you can’t rearrange it, then put something high between the bed and the door (wardrobe, flower, screen) so that this object encloses you from the door, and negative energy not affected your peace.

Over bed extremely undesirable bulky decor elements  (beams, volume chandeliers and large lamps, shelves). All these items will suppress a sleeping person in a dream, preventing him from getting enough sleep and gaining strength for a new day.

Categorically you can not put a bed in front of the mirror. This arrangement of the berth will lead to the fact that in the morning you will not have the strength and energy. The mirror during sleep will suck all the juices out of you. Married couples are not particularly advised to place the couch next to reflective surfaces - this can trigger cheating.

You can not put a bed head to the window  - This will also lead to energy depletion. True, the negative impact of this arrangement can be avoided with the help of dense lightproof curtains.

It is not recommended to have a berth   near the wallif there is a bathroom or toilet behind it. If you decide to put the bed against the wall, then the space on the other side of the bed should be completely free. In the event that this is a marital bed, then it is categorically impossible to put it on the wall. On both sides of the bed should surround the free space.

Cardinal points

Of particular importance in feng shui is given to the position of a person in a dream. His physical and emotional state often depends on where his head is turned at night.

In which direction to sleep with your head?   To determine the favorable side of the world, there are two proven methods. One of them is calculating your Gua number. This number allows you to determine a person’s personal energy map and calculate favorable directions for him.

Gua number

Take a piece of paper and write on it year of birth. Add the last numbers. If in the end a two-digit number is obtained, then add up its component digits. For example, the year of birth 1989 \u003d 1 + 8 + 8 + 9 \u003d 26 \u003d 2 + 6 \u003d 8.

Next, the resulting number for men subtract from 10. Women need the received number add to5 . Boys who were born in 2000 and later need a figure subtract from 9. For girls born after 2000, this number should be add to 6.

Note that Gua number cannot be five. If in the end you got five, then for men the number of Gua is two, and for women is eight. After all the calculations, it remains only to find out which side of the world favors you.

  • The unit is north, east, south, southeast.
  • Two - southwest, northwest, northeast.
  • Three - southeast, east, north, south.
  • Four - north, south, southeast, east.
  • Six - southwest, west, northwest, northeast.
  • Seven - west, northwest, northeast, southwest.
  • Eight - southwest, northeast, west, northwest.
  • Nine - south, southeast, north, east.

Position your bed so that your head is pointing to the direction recommended by your Gua number.

The influence of cardinal points

Exist another Feng Shui Bed Layout Technique. According to this method, each side of the world in a different way is able to influence the health, thinking and energy of a person. If you want to improve things in a certain area of \u200b\u200byour life, then choose the direction that will help you achieve what you want.

If the bed will stand headboard to the north sideat, then this will contribute to the development of the third eye and intuitive thinking. On this side, it is good to sleep for those who often make mistakes, act impulsively and succumb to momentary desires. It is not recommended to sleep on this side to people whose priority is material values.

Bed arrangement in the north-east  help to develop intelligence and contribute to learning. Feng Shui advises schoolchildren, students and those who can’t understand and comprehend anything to sleep on this side.

Not the best place to sleep for scientists and people whose work is associated with constant brain storming. Such personalities need to completely unload their brain from mental activity at night, and the northeastern direction, on the contrary, will load the person even more with information.

By the way, if you are constantly experiencing sleep problems due to the fact that you cannot stop the flow of thoughts, you are constantly thinking about something in bed, then this side is also not for you.

East side  favorable for almost all people, especially for the elderly. A calm and sound sleep is provided. But the newlyweds on this side of the world are not recommended to sleep, as this can adversely affect their sex life and relationships.

Head to the southeast  It is recommended to sleep for those who for a long time can not reach their goal and fulfill their cherished dream. This side contributes to the development of determination, perseverance and willpower. A bed in this direction is recommended to be set for careerists, businessmen and those who are haunted by failure in life.

South direction  It will help to establish contacts, help to establish useful contacts and strengthen relationships with work colleagues, close friends and relatives. If it is difficult for you to communicate with people, you are a closed and uncommunicative person, then this side will develop your communication skills and give you confidence.

Southwest sidesbut Light is recommended for sleeping to people who want to establish a personal life. If you want to meet your soulmate, then go to bed with your head in the south-west. The energy of this direction will open the love chakra. Also, this direction is good to strengthen the bond in married couples.

On the west side  it’s good to sleep for people with health problems. This direction contributes to a speedy recovery and improves health.

If you often feel lonely, constantly feel apathy and depression, then your side - northwest. Falling asleep in this direction, you will feel cheerfulness, strength of mind and good mood in the morning.

Following the rules of feng shui on the location of the bed, do not forget about other important nuances that contribute to harmonious energy in the bedroom. Such as the color scheme of the room, the location of the rest of the furniture in the room, the presence of talismans.