How many drops of epin are needed to soak the seeds. Epin: instructions for use for flowers, vegetables and fruit trees

Experienced gardeners have been using Epin Extra for seedlings and seeds for many years, each time receiving confirmation of its high efficiency and impressive properties. Plants after its use develop well, become strong, give an excellent harvest in the future.

The drug, called Epin, manufactured for over 10 years, was discontinued in 2003 due to a huge flow of fakes. He was replaced a little later by the more advanced - Epin extra. It is available in 0.25 milligram ampoules (approximately 40 drops).

The main component of the biological product Epin Extra is the phytohormone epibrassinolide, which is an artificial similarity to the phytohormone brassinolide. Plants are able to produce it on their own, but in small doses.

Epibrassinolide penetrates into the plant and provokes inhibition of the production of growth-inhibiting hormone seedlings - absicizic acid and ethylene. The use of Epina extra promotes activation of ontogenesis, but does not provoke distortion of leaves, stems and fruits.

How does the drug work?

Epin extra is used for seed dressing before planting in the soil, as a growth stimulator for seedlings and indoor plants. The drug is not used for watering, since its absorption occurs through the stems and leaves.

Soaking seeds in Epina extra increases germination, promotes the awakening of active growth, strengthens resistance to negative environmental influences. Spraying plants with the drug helps to increase immunity, increase productivity, reduce the ripening period of fruits.

The tool promotes the effective restoration of injured plants, the growth of new shoots in old ones and their rejuvenation.

Epin Extra differs from Heteroauxin and Kornevin in that it does not force plants to grow actively, and by influencing the course of physiological processes helps them survive in stressful situations: during transplantation, impaired shoot integrity, disease, frosts.

Instructions for use

Epin Extra has a positive effect on plants, but it must be used in accordance with the instructions, strictly observing the dosage. A solution of the drug is recommended to be used immediately after preparation, otherwise the properties of the substance are lost.

The diluted drug can be stored in a dark place for no more than 2 days. Under sunlight, its storage time is reduced to 24 hours. The active substance absorbed by plants is broken down several weeks after treatment.

Soaking seeds, bulbs, cuttings and root crops

Soaking seeds in Epina extra has a stimulating effect on the germination and further rooting of cuttings. In order not to harm the future plant, when using the drug, it is necessary to act correctly.

The active substance Epina extra is completely dissolved in an acidic environment. The water we use most often turns out to be an alkaline environment. Before diluting the drug, it is recommended to add citric acid (half a teaspoon per liter of water) to it.

For the treatment of seeds, bulbs, cuttings and tubers of various plants, its own dosage is used:

  1. The seeds of vegetable crops (cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant and others) are soaked for 18-20 hours in a room temperature solution prepared from 1-2 drops of the drug per 100 milliliters of water.
  2. At the same time, flower seeds are soaked, but the dosage is increased to 4 drops per 100 milliliters of water.
  3. Bulbs are kept in solution for a day, 1 ml of the drug is diluted in 2 liters of water.
  4. Cuttings for good rooting for 12 hours are dipped in a solution of the same dosage as for the bulbs.
  5. Potato tubers can also be processed before planting. To do this, dilute 1 milliliter of the drug in 250 milliliters of water. This solution is enough to spray 50 kilograms of tubers, which, after processing, can be planted in the ground.

Spraying plants

Sprinkling plants with Epin extra is carried out so that the leaves are uniformly wetted with a solution. As practice has shown, it is most effective to use the product before and after budding. Spraying should be carried out in the morning or in the evening, if there is no rain and wind. The drug quickly evaporates under the influence of sunlight and the plant does not have time to absorb it.

It is necessary to spray only the growing parts of plants - leaves and shoots.  The drug is absorbed within 3 days, so the next treatment can be performed in at least 2 weeks. A healthy plant that has not been stressed is recommended to be treated 3 times over the entire season.

Epin extra is used to root seedlings and form additional roots. Seedlings after treatment with the drug are not stretched during the growth process. Its resistance to frost increases. After dissolving 6 drops of the product in 0.5 liters of water, seedlings are sprayed after the appearance of 2-3 leaves in the seedlings and before planting in open ground.

For tomato seedlings, Epin extra can be used before budding: the drug stimulates an increase in the number of ovaries.

Spraying with a biological product (1 milliliter per 5 liters of water) is carried out to relieve stress received during planting or during transplantation of all crops without exception. During the growing season, Epin Extra is used to process all vegetables and flowers growing in the garden.

With a solution of 1 milliliter of the drug in 5 liters of water, strawberries are sprayed after the winter. The grapes are processed during the period of kidney swelling with the composition of the same ratio.

Mushrooms and oyster mushrooms are processed during the formation of mushrooms, dissolving 3 drops of Epina extra in 5 liters of water.

Repeated spraying of plants with Epin's solution is carried out extra no earlier than after 2 weeks, since an overdose threatens with the opposite effect: the active substance of the drug begins to accumulate in the plant cells as a pesticide.

Application of Epina extra for plant fertilizer

When using the product as a fertilizer, it is important not to forget that each plant has its own phase for processing the drug:

  1. Seedlings of pepper, tomato and potatoes are processed during budding and flowering.
  2. Root crops are recommended to be processed with emergence of shoots.
  3. Cucumbers - in the phase of 2-3 real leaves and the beginning of budding.
  4. Berry bushes and fruit trees are treated in the budding phase, then every 20 days the treatment is repeated.

Epin extra is also used as a fertilizer for feeding indoor plants in spring or winter, when they experience a shortage of sunlight. According to the instructions, 1 milliliter of the drug is diluted for indoor plants in 5 liters of water.

Epin extra for stress and disease

Cold soil, cooling, rainfall or drought greatly weaken the plants, causing them stress. Weakened crops stop growing, are more often susceptible to disease and pest attack. All these factors contribute to a significant decrease in productivity.

Epin Extra is a broad-spectrum adaptogen that has a strong anti-stress effect. The drug is especially recommended in the presence of pests and phytopathogens, frosts, excess moisture. Once in plants, it activates the immune processes that contribute to the development of resistance to adverse weather conditions.

When signs of stress and diseases appear, the plants are treated with Epin extra, spraying with an interval of 10 days. The solution is prepared at the rate of 1 milliliter of the drug per 5 liters of water.

Such treatments are recommended until the plant recovers and does not grow. When the frost returns, the plants are sprinkled with Epin extra a day before and after them with a solution in the same proportion. This remedy will freeze frozen or grafted culture to life.

Precautionary measures

According to the instructions for use of the drug, Epin is extra non-toxic to any living creature, but working with the drug still requires caution. During spraying with seedlings and adult crops, a protective mask and gloves should be used, it is forbidden to drink, smoke, eat food.

To ensure good “adhesion” of the biological product to the leaves and stems of plants, the manufacturers dissolved epibrassinolide with technical ethyl alcohol and added shampoo. If this substance gets on the skin, wash them with soap and water.

If Epin Extra gets into your eyes, rinse with plenty of water. If the drug enters the mouth, rinse it, drink 2-3 glasses of water and induce vomiting. Then take 5-6 tablets of any sorbent or immediately contact a medical institution.

Benefits of Epina Extra

Processing plants with other biostimulants leads to forced growth: even being in the “sleep” phase, the culture begins to actively develop. Epin Extra acts on a different principle.

It helps fill seedlings with energy, stimulates and helps plants develop, relying on natural physiological processes. As a result of the drug’s work, the culture does not suffer, but the yield is growing.

This tool has several more valuable advantages:

  • when used correctly, it is harmless to humans and animals;
  • does not saturate the soil with harmful substances;
  • does not harm the environment;
  • provides effective and gentle protection of plants from diseases and pests, negative environmental factors.

Compatibility with other drugs

Gardeners and gardeners often resort to mixing drugs, so as not to double-treat the same plant with different means. The combination of Epin Extra with Cytovit, Zircon, HB-101, Vitalizer will not harm the plant, since the components of the substances included in the preparations do not weaken the effect of each other.

The use of Epin to protect plants from diseases and seed disinfection allows halving the dosage of pesticides. Epin is dissolved together with toxic and agrochemicals. The minus of the biological product is that when illuminated, epibrassinolide is destroyed.

Epin serves as a kind of lifesaver for gardeners and gardeners in the risky farming zone, which includes more than half of the territory of Russia. When used correctly, this drug activates the protective functions of plants, thereby improving their adaptation to adverse conditions and diseases. The most famous form of release of Epin-Extra. This is an alcoholic solution of the active substance in a proportion of 0.025 g / l. Now on sale you can find seeds painted in bright colors. Such seeds are more expensive, but the manufacturer guarantees that they have passed all stages of pre-sowing preparation. This article is not about them. But if you collected the seeds yourself or bought, but the manufacturer does not mention that he prepared them for planting, then do not use the following recommendations. In our article we will tell you how to properly soak the seeds in a solution of epin.

Preparing seeds for planting

Humidity is one of the most important factors that affects the shelf life of seeds. You need to make sure that they are stored in a cool and dry place, it is best to store tomato seeds in the refrigerator in a tightly closed jar. Dry storage at less than 18 degrees will give you good germination results.

In order to accelerate the emergence of seedlings, increase the yield, reduce the incidence of plants, the seeds are warmed up, disinfected, treated with microelements, soaked, germinated, hardened, cools, dragee before sowing.

The sequence of seed preparation methods varies depending on the crop. Many diseases of vegetable crops, especially bacterial, fungal to viral, are transmitted through seeds. To protect plants from diseases, the seeds are decontaminated before sowing.

First we need to make a selection of high-quality seeds, then warm them up, disinfect and treat them with nutrients, then soak, germinate and harden. Now let’s take a closer look at each stage of preparing tomato seeds for planting.

Epin extra: what is the drug

Since epin extra has found widespread use among farmers and summer residents, it is necessary to understand in more detail what it is made of and how useful it is for plants. The instruction for the substance epin does not disclose the composition of the drug, but only tells how it affects plants. Everyone knows that spraying with epin helps to activate the protective functions of the plant, stimulates an increase in immunity, affects the increase in yield and earlier ripening of fruits, and effectively restores injured plants. But we do not know the main thing, what exactly causes these processes in the plant. The biological product is based on phytohormone, which refers to steroids - epibrassinolide. Epibrassinolide is an artificially derived similarity to the phytohormone brassinolide. Phytohormone activates the division of plant cells. Plants themselves are able to produce this phytohormone, but the dose of the steroid produced is too small to accelerate the development of seedlings. Epibrassinolide, penetrating into the plant, provokes inhibition of the production of hormones (ethylene, abscisic acid), which slow down the growth of the seedling. The use of epin does not provoke distortion of the stems, leaves and fruits, but only contributes to the activation of ontogenesis.

Important! Epin can be used to spray plants or soak seeds. Watering is not recommended, since the absorption of the drug is through the leaves and stems.

Soaking seeds in epin solution

A solution of the Epin-Extra preparation for soaking seeds is prepared on the basis of: 3-6 drops of Epin are needed per hundred grams of water.

It should be clarified that only pure filtered water or boiled water is taken to prepare such a solution.

In general, Epin serves to adapt plants to various adverse conditions and stimulates their protective functions.

Specific crops:

To soak the seeds of gourds in a solution of "Epina-Extra" in the water is added 4-6 drops of the drug. Seeds should be in solution from 18 hours to a day.

To soak the seeds of carrots, beets, celery - just add three drops of Epin to the solution. Soaking time - day.

To soak the seeds of flowers you need 4 drops of Epin. The aging period is 18-20 hours.

"Epin-Extra" can be used not only for seed preparation. In the solution (one ampoule per 2 liters of water), it is good to soak the cuttings. Also, a solution (one ampoule per 5 liters of water) sprinkles seedlings or plants after frosts.

Epin spraying of vegetative plants

1 ml of Epina-extra is dissolved in 5 l of water and mixed thoroughly. Spraying is carried out evenly wetting the leaves. The working solution is used on the day of preparation. DO NOT allow alkaline environment!

Seedlings - spraying with a solution of Epina-extra (5-6 drops per 0.5 l of water) in the phase of 2-3 real leaves and on the eve of transplantation;

Processing plants is carried out in the following phases:

  • potatoes, tomatoes - budding - the beginning of flowering;
  • root crops - for seedlings;
  • cucumbers - 2-3 real leaves with repetition in the budding phase;
  • peppers - at the beginning of budding with repetition in the flowering phase;
  • tulips - when buds appear;
  • fruit and berry - in the phase of budding with a repetition after 20 days; (Consumption is 2-5 liters of solution per young tree and 5-8 liters of solution per adult tree);
  • under stressful growing conditions (lack of light, frost, the onset of disease, etc.), spraying is carried out every 7-10 days until the plants recover.

The drug is practically not dangerous for humans, warm-blooded animals, fish, bees and other beneficial insects. It does not pollute the environment. Hazard class - III (technical ethanol with the addition of shampoo is used as a solvent for better wettability of the leaf surface).

If soaking pepper seeds before planting, the germination rate of the seed material will significantly accelerate. This is an important stage in the process of growing a healthy and strong plant, which in the future will be able to please the owners with an excellent harvest.

Methods for soaking pepper seeds before planting

Preparation of pepper seeds for planting begins with a careful selection:

  1. Purchased or collected grains are laid out on paper.
  2. Discard too small and very large, leaving medium, filled (not hollow).

Next, the seeds of pepper are soaked and germinated in order to disinfect them, to prevent damage to the future bush by diseases. Such preparation of seeds favors the softening of their film, acceleration of the process of germination and germination. Different formulations are used to disinfect and stimulate growth, each of which will help to benefit the young plant.

Soaking pepper seeds before planting in Epin

Growth stimulator for soaking pepper seeds before planting is a great solution. The solution helps plants to adapt to fluctuations in humidity, temperature, lighting, increases resistance to lack of light, hypothermia, overheating, waterlogging, drought. Soaking pepper seeds before planting in Epina solution accelerates their germination and stimulates growth. But the most important thing is that a drug with biologically active substances reduces the sensitivity of crops to adverse conditions, increases their resistance to ailments.

Epin is sold in small packages, which are stored in cold and dark. How to soak the seeds:

  1. The packing removed from the refrigerator is heated in the hand, after which the precipitate disappears in it and the composition becomes transparent.
  2. The tube is shaken and 2 drops of the drug are added to ½ cup of water.
  3. The biological composition is poured pre-disinfected in a solution of manganese seeds.
  4. The treatment period is 12-24 hours at a temperature of + 20-23 ° C, after Epin is drained, and the seeds are dried and put on germination.

Soaking pepper seeds in Zircon before planting

Echinacea biological product is a powerful growth stimulator with high root-forming activity and a pronounced increase in seed germination. It is stored in the light at room temperature. Zircon - competent soaking pepper seeds before planting:

  1. The solution is diluted - 1 drop in 1.5 cups of water.
  2. Stimulating composition is poured pre-disinfected in a solution of manganese seeds.
  3. The processing period is 16-18 hours at a temperature of + 23-25 \u200b\u200b° C.
  4. Then the zircon is drained, the seeds are dried and germinated.

Soaking pepper seeds in baking soda

Along with industrial growth activators, natural nutrient mixtures can also be used to soak pepper seeds before planting. Their advantages are obvious - there is no need to spend money on the purchase of drugs and once again process the seeds with chemistry. Baking soda is also useful for soaking, it enriches the seeds with minerals. So they are cleaned of pathogens, such crops almost a third are more productive than untreated. How to soak pepper seeds before planting in soda:

  1. To obtain a mixture of 10 grams of soda is dissolved in 1 liter of water.
  2. Seeds are left in this composition for 12-24 hours.
  3. After this, the seeds are thoroughly rinsed with clean water, dried and germinated.

Soaking pepper seeds before planting in potassium permanganate

To disinfect seeds at home, they often use potassium permanganate - potassium permanganate. This treatment helps get rid of bacteria and fungal spores, which can subsequently damage the plant. Pepper from a similar seed treatment grows healthier. Disinfection is carried out immediately before planting or processing seeds with growth stimulants.

Soaking pepper seeds in potassium permanganate before planting:

  1. Dilute 1 g of potassium permanganate in 1 glass of water.
  2. For 20 minutes, lower the seeds into the solution.
  3. Gently drain potassium permanganate, covering the glass with a shred of gauze, carefully rinse the seeds in running water and dry.

Soaking pepper seeds in hydrogen peroxide

Pharmaceutical peroxide is an excellent oxidizing agent, it perfectly disinfects everything that is irrigated with it. Processing seed material with such a preparation disinfects it, increases germination. How to soak pepper seeds in peroxide before planting:

  1. Make a solution - 1 tbsp. dilute a spoonful of peroxide in 0.5 l of water.
  2. Spread the seeds of peppers on gauze and pour the composition for 24 hours.
  3. After processing, they must be thoroughly washed with running water, dried and germinated.

The best way to soak pepper seeds before planting

To achieve excellent germination of seed, it is best to organize its disinfection and soaking before planting in several stages:

  1. Before germination, the seeds should be treated with a potassium permanganate solution as described above. It will help get rid of ailments and harmful microorganisms that accumulate in the grains.
  2. Next, you need to process the seeds with trace elements. For this, it is recommended to use wood ash. It contains about 30 nutrients.
  3. To obtain a mineral mixture, you need to take 20 grams of ash and dilute in 1 liter of water. This composition, stirring, you need to insist for about a day.
  4. After that, roll the pepper seeds in a gauze bag and hold in the composition for about 5 hours.
  5. Then remove, rinse with clean water and dry in a warm place.

After disinfection, undiluted aloe juice obtained from the leaves of a plant older than 3 years, which was kept in the refrigerator for a week before the procedure, can be used as a nutritional composition. In it, seeds are kept for 24 hours, then laid out for germination without washing the juice. For high-quality processing before planting, you can soak pepper seeds in biostimulants from the store - Epin, Zircon, Gumat.

How many days do pepper seeds germinate when soaked?

The process of pepper seed germination begins in late February or early March. After disinfection and soaking, the grains are placed on cheesecloth and covered with it from above. Seed material is placed in a closed plastic container with holes for ventilation, moistened with water (preferably thawed) and placed in a warm place (with a temperature not lower than + 24 ° С). Every day, until the seeds sprout, the lid must be opened for a short time.

When asked how long pepper seeds sprout when soaking, there is no exact answer. This is a lengthy process and one must be patient. Different varieties of pepper sprout at different times, on average - from 7 to 15 days, but some species may need up to 20 days. As soon as the seeds have sprouted, they are transplanted into peat tablets or ordinary pots. Caring for peppers grown from soaked seeds is much easier - the plants are less sick and give a good harvest.

During the growing season, the plant has to deal with a number of unfavorable factors, to overcome which it requires a lot of strength. The modern chemical industry is able to help him with this.

Outline of the article

What is the Epin - Extra stimulant?

The active substance of the Epin-Extra preparation is epibrassinolide, a synthetically synthesized phytohormone identical to natural. Hormones restore plants after stressful situations, such as exposure to low temperatures, drought, lack of sunlight. Their action is aimed at activating enzymatic reactions and accelerating protein synthesis.

Phytohormones are found in every cell, but their number is very small. The highest concentration is noted in young tissues, seedlings - the most actively growing parts.

The chemical analogue of the natural hormone significantly enhances immunity by stimulating cell growth and activating metabolic processes. The tool is recommended for plant recovery after stress and for preventive measures aimed at increasing productivity.

Available in the form of ampoules, one ampoule contains 1 ml of the substance. For ease of use, the active substance is dissolved in industrial alcohol, shampoo is added to the composition. Epin Extra requires dilution with water.

Application of Epin Extra

Using the tool is recommended in the following situations:

  1. To stimulate seeds before sowing;
  2. For processing seedlings before planting in a permanent place;
  3. The drug treats tubers and bulbs for accelerated distillation of plants;
  4. The stimulator "Epin - extra" is used to increase productivity;
  5. In stressful situations, such as drought, frost, lack of ultraviolet radiation.

The advantage of the drug over other stimulants is that it does not violate the natural phases of plant development and is not addictive.

The use of Epin-Extra in the complex treatment of fungal and bacterial diseases allows to accelerate the healing of plants and reduce the risks of re-infection of plants.

Using the tool has a number of features. It must be borne in mind that the active substance is destroyed when exposed to direct sunlight and in an alkaline environment. Therefore, processing must be carried out in the dark.

Before breeding "Epin - Extra", you need to make sure that the water for the preparation of the solution does not have an alkaline reaction. Some growers use boiled water, others add a little vinegar or citric acid to the solution. Since the soil in any case has an alkaline reaction, it is useless to add the drug during irrigation.

The drug is rapidly absorbed by the plant, has a prolonged effect. The complete withdrawal of the stimulant from plant cells takes an average of two weeks, so it is useless to process more often

The drug "Epin - extra" is considered environmentally friendly. It does not have a harmful effect on the environment, under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the drug breaks up. It can not be overdosed - the excess substance simply can not be perceived by the plant. It does not affect bees and other insects.

How to use Epin Extra for plants

Use for vegetables

Application for vegetable crops can significantly increase productivity and improve the taste of products. The tool is used for soaking seeds and subsequent processing on a green leaf.

Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Peppers

Soaking seeds produced in 1 - 2% aqueous solution "Epin - extra." Soaking time is 2 hours in room temperature water. Before planting, seedlings are treated on a green leaf. One week after the landing, the treatment is repeated.

To increase the number of fruits and improve their taste, spraying is performed during the appearance of the second true leaf, and is repeated during flowering. For processing 1.2 ml of phytohormone is diluted in 6 liters of boiled water, the solution yield is about 6 liters per hundred square meters. To protect plants during adverse environmental factors, a single spray on a green leaf with a 2% solution is used.


Presowing treatment of tubers is carried out in a dark place, avoiding direct sunlight. To process 50 kg of seeds, 1 ml of the substance is added to 250 ml of water. Soaking time is 4 to 6 hours.

To improve immunity, potatoes are sprayed in the budding phase. The flow rate of the working solution is 3 liters per hundred square meters.

Eggplant, radish

Presowing seed soaking is carried out in a 1% Epin-Extra solution, the soaking time is 3 hours, the chemical consumption is 150 ml per 100 g of seeds.

To increase yield and improve the presentation of the fruit, the plants are treated during the second leaf phase.


Cabbage seeds are soaked in a 0.25% solution for 6 hours. 100 g of seeds will require 100 ml of solution. For spraying seedlings, 1% Epin-Extra solution is used.

In order to prevent diseases and improve product quality, seedlings are treated during transplantation to a permanent place, repeated during heading. Use for this 0.2% aqueous solution of the stimulant.

Onion - Set

To facilitate root formation and increase resistance to adverse factors, before sowing, the bulbs are soaked for 30 minutes in a 0.02% solution.

To stimulate immune processes per hundred square meters, 3 liters of a 0.02% solution will be needed, the treatment is carried out in the phase of 4-5 sheets.

Melon watermelon

Soaking seeds is carried out for 2 hours. To prepare a solution, 0.02 ml of the drug is diluted in 100 ml of water, this amount is enough to process 100 g of seeds.

To increase the number of ovaries, the plants are treated in the budding phase with a 0.2% solution.

Rules for the use of Epin Extra for sowing seeds


The stimulant is effectively used in the cultivation of champignons and oyster mushrooms. Phytohormone contributes to the rapid development of mycelium and accelerate fruiting.

Mushrooms are sprayed with a stimulant in front of each fruiting wave. To prepare a solution, 0.2 ml of the drug is diluted in a liter of warm water.

Epin extra for flowers

Growth stimulator is effectively used in floriculture. Seed treatment "Epinom - extra" allows you to increase the germination of difficultly grown seeds, get a strong, healthy seedlings. Soaking the cuttings allows you to increase the number of roots and, as a result, accelerate the rooting process. Spraying "Epin - extra" allows you to reduce the effects of stress during transportation of indoor plants, to help in recovery from illness or inadequate watering.

During the forcing of bulbous flowers, for example, tulips, the use of a stimulant allows flowering to be achieved 5 to 7 days earlier, and the marketability of plants also improves.

The trees

It is used in the cultivation of fruit trees to form more ovaries, improve the condition of the tree after summer pruning, and to treat trees affected by return frosts. Gardeners also note a positive effect after spraying seedlings and shoots after grafting, the survival rate of planted trees and scion increases.

Seedlings are sprayed with a solution immediately after planting, repeat the procedure after two weeks. For better survival of the scion, before grafting, the stalk is soaked in a 0.02% solution for two hours, after the scion gives the first sheet, spraying is repeated.

Shanking of bushes and flowers

The Epin-Extra phytohormone is effectively used for propagating cuttings of hard-rooted shrubs and flowers, such as lilacs, some types of roses, red currants, and caliberhoa. Gardeners claim that the use of phytohormone increases the number of rooted cuttings by 20 - 30%.

There are several ways to use the drug. The first method involves treating the uterine plant before the cuttings, phytohormones that have absorbed into the plant will ease the stress from pruning and help root the cuttings. Processing is carried out with a 1% solution in the dark.

It is also possible to soak cuttings already cut in a stimulant solution for 2 to 6 hours. After soaking, normal germination procedures are carried out. The processing method is selected depending on the season. If the plant is at rest during grafting, the treatment is carried out in a second way.

Cut roses cuttings are placed in a container with a chemical for 3 to 4 hours. To prepare the solution, 4 drops of the Epin-Extra growth stimulant are mixed in 200 ml of acidified water. Treatment with the drug increases the rate of root formation, improves the appearance of the plant.

After treatment with the preparation, the cuttings of roses are planted in moist soil for germination, it is necessary to cover them in order to reduce the evaporation of moisture and prevent overdrying. When the plant begins to release leaves, spraying is repeated every two weeks until completely rooting.


As a rule, cuttings are carried out in early spring, when the plant is in a state of sleep and has no leaves. Cut cuttings are placed in a 0.5% solution of the drug for 4 to 5 hours. After this, the cuttings are planted for germination in the greenhouse. The treatment is repeated once a month until the plants are completely rooted.

Often, cuttings prepared in autumn are used for germination. Cut blanks are placed in a damp clean cloth and transferred to a room with a temperature of 2 to 3 degrees above zero, where they are in a dormant state for several months. It is necessary to regularly check the condition of the cuttings and process them in time in case of mold or rot.

For awakening, cuttings are brought into a room with a temperature of 8 to 15 degrees Celsius, placed in a container with a 1% Epin Extra solution for 10-14 hours. After the drug is absorbed, the cuttings are placed for germination in the greenhouse.

Using a stimulant allows you to increase the number of roots formed, therefore, a young seedling will receive more nutrients and accelerate development.

Blue spruce, euonymus, juniper

When propagating the cuttings of evergreen plants, it must be remembered that, despite the fact that the trees do not drop leaves, at low temperatures the plants are at rest, when all metabolic processes in the plant cells slow down or stop.

Therefore, if the cuttings occur in the cold season, it does not make sense to treat the mother plant. To germinate the cuttings, it is necessary to soak them for 12 hours in a solution containing 1% stimulant. After processing, the cuttings are placed in moist soil in a room with a temperature not exceeding 20 degrees Celsius. Additional lighting will speed up the process of root formation.

Tuber propagation by division

Propagation of rare varieties of tuberous plants has a number of difficulties. Often not all eyes wake up, cut tubers are infected with various types of fungi and bacteria. To improve performance, the treatment of cut tubers by soaking in a 1% solution of "Epin - Extra" is used. After applying the stimulant, the treated tubers show a better resistance to diseases, a higher percentage of yield of high-quality seed is obtained.

The tuber is cut with a clean sharp knife into pieces. Each part should have one or two eyes. After that, parts of the tuber are soaked in the stimulator for 2 to 4 hours, later on various methods of germination are used, corresponding to the propagated culture.

The use of epin-extra in agriculture

It is applied to all crops. Regular use of the substance allows you to increase productivity by 20 - 30%. Also, the use of the drug allows you to get a good presentation of the finished product, reduce the content of nitrates and heavy metals, increase resistance to a number of fungal and bacterial diseases.

For presowing seed treatment you will need:

  • Wheat - 200 ml per ton of seed;
  • Sunflower - 40 ml per ton;
  • Sugar beets - 12 ml per ton;
  • Potatoes - 12 ml per ton;
  • Buckwheat - 150 ml per ton;
  • Barley, rice, rapeseed - 200 ml per ton;
  • Seeds are treated once, with 1% solution.

During the growing season, cultures are treated by spraying on a green leaf with a frequency of at least two weeks. The procedure begins, as a rule, after the appearance of the fourth real leaf.

For spraying, a 1% solution of the substance is prepared, for this the necessary amount of Epin-Extra is diluted in warm water according to the instructions, adding boric or citric acid. According to some reports, the use of a stimulant for spraying tomato seedlings can reduce the number of fruits affected by late blight, by 20%.

The approximate yield is:

  • Wheat - 50 ml per hectare;
  • Buckwheat - 12 ml per hectare;
  • Tomatoes, cucumbers, melons - 100 ml per hectare;
  • Grapes, black and red currants, cranberries - 40-60 ml per hectare;
  • Sunflower, rice, barley - 50 ml per hectare.

Security measures

Refers to chemicals with a low level of danger. Precautions are caused by the fact that technical alcohol and shampoo are added to the active substance to improve penetration.

Before using the Epin-Extra stimulator, you should carefully read the instructions for use of the drug. It is usually located on the back of the packaging bag or on the liner inside the package. You must make sure that the drug is original, using an uncertified product can cause serious harm to the plant or person.

Destroyed in the light, so make sure that the opaque packaging is not damaged. If the drug was stored in a display case where the sun's rays fell, it is better to refrain from using it.

Work should be carried out with gloves, clothing should cover the body well. Despite the fact that the drug has no toxic effect, allergic reactions and the appearance of irritation of the skin and mucous membranes are not ruled out.

The low toxicity of Epin Extra does not exclude its use indoors, for example, for processing indoor plants.

Spraying plants can not be carried out during strong winds, during solar activity. It should be borne in mind that in order for the active substance to enter the cells, it takes several hours. If it rains after the procedure, the treatment must be repeated.

Epin Extra to protect plants from frost