Datura decorative flower. Datura Datura growing and care at home

Want to surprise your friends? Plant a datura - a large monumental annual with huge (up to 25 cm in diameter) bell-shaped flowers. Hybrid datura, despite its original appearance, is quite unpretentious, although it does not refuse good care. It can be grown by planting seedlings directly in the ground, or as a container plant, placing it on an outdoor terrace or patio.

Growing Datura

Datura is easy to grow, in general, it has a long flowering period, although individual flowers wither quite quickly, but this is offset by the abundance of buds on one plant. Since the datura gives abundant self-seeding, the process of seed formation must be carefully monitored, cutting off faded heads. If you want to leave the seeds for planting, then for this purpose choose the fruits formed on the site of the very first flowers. And put gauze bags on the seed heads so they don’t fall off. However, any online seed store   has in its assortment planting material for every taste.

The stiffness of irrigation water affects the splendor of the bloom of the datura, it is recommended to shed the plant at least once a season with a lime solution (1 g / 1 liter).

A powerful plant needs plentiful feeding. You can use any complex mineral fertilizer (20 g / 10 l) and water it every week during the summer.

Datura Reproduction

The seed method of breeding datura   Landing is carried out in early March in plastic shallow containers. Peat is poured into the bottom with a thin layer, and then any fertile loose soil. Seeds are “covered” on top with a layer of compost no more than 5 mm thick, and it would be nice to dust with ash from above, cover the container with glass. Seeds germinate unevenly, the first appear on the 10-12th day, and the rest can germinate for about a month. The earth should be constantly moderately humid. The seedling is useful for day and night temperature differences, with their help the plants are hardened. Seedlings dive once, deepening them to the level of cotyledon leaves. A plant is planted in the garden in late spring - early summer.

Propagation of datura by cuttings   not difficult. They take root both in the ground and in water, after which they are planted in separate pots.

Soil mix for container culture datura

In the fall, the soil mixture is harvested for planting daturs in containers. To do this, take humus, well-sifted garden soil and coarse river sand (2: 2: 1). Store the mixture in plastic bags under a canopy.

In the garden, it is better to plant a datura in solitary plantings, where it will perform in all its glory. Do not forget that the datura is known by another name - datura, which means that it does not have a place on the playground, and indeed where there are young children, since all parts of the plant are very poisonous.

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Datura is a flowering plant from the genus Solanaceae, called the science of Datura. Throughout its history, the flower has acquired many popular names. Datura herb, water drunk, poisoner, mad potion, witchcraft or devilish grass.

Nevertheless, it is very popular among gardeners for growing in the garden for its beauty and unpretentiousness in care.

Datur easy to grow from seed. Planting material can be collected independently or purchased in specialized stores. In February or early March, you can sow seeds for seedlings in the house.

Seeds you can collect yourself or buy ready-made

For better germination, it is better to pre-soak them. Depth of landing should not exceed 0.5 cm.

Be sure to take cups or boxes for planting, which are of great depth: the roots of the seedlings will grow rapidly. At the bottom lay a thin layer of peat. The soil must be selected fertile and light, add river sand to it and steamed well.

Seeds Datura   (Datura) very tenacious. Subject to storage conditions, they will not lose the quality of germination within 10 years. In order to make sure that the planting material has not deteriorated, it is poured with hot water.

Usable seeds will remain at the bottom, and those that come up will be defective. The percentage of germination and germination is amazing. 95% of seeds germinate. Germination periods can vary from 10 to 50 days.

Step-by-step instruction for growing from seeds

The following actions will help maximize the percentage of seed germination:

  Growth Stimulator Helps Accelerate Seed Germination

After the seeds hit the ground, you need to:

  1. Maintain an air temperature of about 25 ° C as soon as the first seedlings appear - 18-20 ° C.
  2. Young shoots will need a lot of light so that they do not stretch out.
  3. "Children" of the Datur follows treat with any fungicideas soon as they are born. This will exclude the possibility of the defeat of the disease "black leg", which is very susceptible to seedlings.

The grown sprouts are transplanted into a pot, when the first leaves appear, they dive. Watered regularly 3 times a week. When the threat of frost passes, Datura is relocated to street conditions for permanent residence.

It grows fast. Already in June, its flowering may begin, which will last until September.

Flower Facts


Datura has wide range of growth. "Devil's Grass" hails from Asia. She feels great in the Crimea, in the south of Russia, in the Caucasus, in Ukraine and in the West of Siberia.

Wild Datura grows near houses, in wastelands, near ravines. The flower loves loose, moist and nutritious soil. It usually grows in clusters.

On a personal plot any gardener can cope with Datura-grass. The flower is not whimsical to watering and care, it almost grows by itself. In the middle lane, its seeds rarely ripen, and it is considered an annual.

In the southern regions of Datura self-seeding   from year to year and can occupy large areas, sometimes it is equated with a weed plant.

Datura is an annual photophilous plant, reaching a height of more than 1 m. It grows in the form of a bush. It has large and very beautiful flowers in the shape of a bell or funnel.

Flowers can be of various shades, but most often white. Unfortunately, Datura flowers quickly fade. This is compensated by the fact that there are a lot of flowers on one bush and they bloom quickly.

Datura - night plant, in the evening the buds open and exude a sweet aroma, which is not recommended for a long time to enjoy.

  It is strictly contraindicated to breathe the aroma of datura for a long time

With the arrival of sunlight, the flowers close. A decorative variety will give any garden an exotic zest with its own history:

That is why, those who have young children and inquisitive animals in the house should refrain from growing it in their garden.

Datura Flower - Houseplant

Few people know that a plant can be grown at home. With the onset of autumn, it can be dug in the garden and planted in a voluminous tub. Thus, Datura will grow in the house for many years.

Such a beauty will need a large and bright room. In summer, it needs to be taken out into the garden or onto the balcony for fresh air. With the onset of autumn cold brought into the house.

  In the cold season, the plant is cleaned indoors

In winter, he needs regular watering and being away from radiators.

At a young age, top dressing not required until first flowering. Then alternate mineral and organic fertilizers every week. In winter, give the plant a break.

To have Daturu in the house means to be a great original. When finding a dope flower in the house, do not forget about its toxic qualities.


Datura can be propagated by seeds or by the cuttings method. In natural wild and natural conditions this flower propagated by seeds.

Seed propagation

For home seed propagation, you will need to collect the seeds yourself from the mature fruits of the "boxes" (or buy seeds in the store). Externally, the “boxes” look like a spiky egg.

Inside which more than 500 seeds are usually black. Then germinate the seeds and dive young plants, as described above.

Cherenkov method

Propagate Datura can and cuttingswho have not yet managed to wood. In the summer, they are rooted in nutritious humus and trimmed. Cuttings overwinter in the warmth, and as soon as the frost ends, they can be planted in street soil.

Winter content

If Datura is left on the street in the middle lane with cold winters, then he will die. If desired, adult plants can overwinter indoors, but already in a cool one. Gardeners dig up Datura in the fall and transplanted into a tub, cutting off excess stems.

During wintering, preventive pruning is performed on the flower; often it should not be humidified.

This way   plant conservation enjoys little demand   - the flower loses its viability compared to those propagated by cuttings or grown from seeds. As a result, Datura grass is grown as an annual plant.

How to plant in open ground

Datura, grown in the open ground, will noticeably differ from the room with its chic forms. Datura in pots is always of small stature; its inflorescences are formed unevenly.

The difference can be clearly seen if you transplant Datura from the pot into the open ground.

In just a couple of months, the “devilish flower” will turn into a massive shrub   a meter high and covered with an incredible amount of inflorescences. Its stupefying smell will be felt in every corner of the garden.

  The pet can grow to a bush of large sizes

For these reasons, the popularity of open-field breeding exceeds the potted method.

Outdoor cultivation

Datura grass can be grown for open ground seedlings or sowing. Germination of Datura grass seeds for planting in open ground is basically no different from the method that applies to potted plants.

Datura seedlings

Datura seedlings should be planted as follows:

  1. Planted only when the air temperature no longer drops below 3 ° C heat. This time falls on the end of May - the beginning of June.
  2. The place is chosen protected from the winds, so that the plant can grow full.
  3. The soil should have friability and good fertility.
  4. Complex mineral fertilizers are applied immediately. In the future, this is required to be done once a week. Top dressing increase flowering time.

Before fertilizing, moisten the soil. During a hot heat, it is better to abandon the use of various drugs. This can lead to the death of the plant.

  1. By placing the sprout in the ground, it is watered with rainwater and sprinkled on top of the ground. Such actions will prevent the rapid evaporation of moisture.
  2. The distance between the "Daturyat" should be minimum 1 meter. Growing, the plant requires a lot of space.

  Growing datura grass from seedlings allows you to get seedlings faster than with seed cultivation

Datura Seed

Datura can be sown immediately in open ground. This method will appeal to those who are not friends with seedlings. It should be borne in mind that the seeds can germinate if the planting depth does not exceed 10 cm, and the night temperature does not drop below 15-20 ° C.

No top dressing neededBut watering is mandatory 1 time in 3 days.

Types and varieties of Datura

Among gardeners, several types of devilish flower are popular. They can often be seen in summer cottages and household plots:

Common (Datura stramonium)

A plant with huge white flowers, shaped like bells. Spherical fruits have sharp spikes. The leaves are large, gray-green. In southern countries considered a weed.

Native American (Datura Innoxia)

Differs from ordinary in specific leaf color: gray-green, closer to gray-blue. The flowers are white.

Used by the Indians in occult rituals to evoke various visions.

Indian (Datura metel)

“Shiva's flower”, revered in indiahas a divine beginning. Its flowers, with a delicate and white-purple coverlet envelop the bush, creating a unique sight.

Violet (Datura stramonium var. Tatula)

He gained his popularity for his unusual bluish-lilac color of the flower.


Looks great and Datura with double flowers. There are several types and colors. Datura terry white, orange, red, purple and others.

Note that not only Datura has Terry variety. For example, this.

A distinctive feature of these species is a light delicate aroma. They are most suitable for indoor cultivation.

The indisputable plus of Datura (Datura flower) is its diversity, which exceeds the expectations of the most demanding gardeners. Excluding him poisonous characteristicsbreeding a garden Datura is a very pleasant experience.

Datura blooms for a long time and is plentiful, does not require care, pests bypass it. Datura will be a great addition to landscape design. Undoubtedly, the domestic content of the witching Datura is a purely personal matter.

Our grandmothers, growing strawberries, or strawberries, as we used to call it, were not particularly worried about mulching. But today, this agricultural practice has become fundamental in achieving high quality berries and reducing crop losses. Someone may say that this is troublesome. But practice shows that labor costs in this case pay off handsomely. In this article we offer you to get acquainted with the nine best materials for mulching garden strawberries.

Succulents are very diverse. Despite the fact that the “kids” have always been considered more fashionable, the assortment of succulents that can be used to decorate a modern interior is worth a closer look. After all, colors, sizes, patterning, the degree of spiky, the effect on the interior are just a few of the parameters by which you can choose them. In this article, we will talk about the five most fashionable succulents that wonderfully transform modern interiors.

The Egyptians used mint for another 1,500 years BC. It has a strong aroma due to the high content of various essential oils with high volatility. Today, mint is used in medicine, perfumery, cosmetology, winemaking, cooking, in decorative gardening, in the confectionery industry. In this article, we will consider the most interesting varieties of mint, and also talk about the features of growing this plant in open ground.

People began to grow crocuses another 500 years before the advent of our era. Although the presence of these flowers in the garden is fleeting, we are always looking forward to the return of the messengers of spring next year. Crocuses are one of the earliest primroses, whose flowering begins as soon as the snow melts. However, the timing of flowering may vary depending on the species and varieties. This article is about the earliest crocus species that bloom in late March or early April.

Cabbage soup from early young cabbage on beef broth is hearty, flavorful and easy to prepare. In this recipe, you will learn how to cook a delicious beef broth and prepare light cabbage soup on this broth. Early cabbage is cooked quickly, so it is put in a pan along with the rest of the vegetables, unlike autumn cabbage, which takes a little longer to cook. Ready-made cabbage soup can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. Real cabbage soup tastes better than just cooked.

Blueberries are a rare and promising berry crop in orchards. Blueberries are a source of biologically active substances and vitamins, have anti-zingotic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, and general strengthening properties. Berries contain vitamins C, E, A, flavonoids, anthocyanins, trace elements - zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, as well as plant hormones - phytoestrogens. By their taste, blueberries resemble a mixture of grapes and blueberries.

Peering into the variety of tomato varieties, it’s hard not to get lost - the choice is very wide today. Even experienced gardeners, he sometimes confuses! However, it’s not so difficult to understand the basics of selecting varieties “for oneself”. The main thing is to delve into the features of culture and start experimenting. Varieties and hybrids with limited growth are one of the easiest to grow tomato groups. They have always been appreciated by those gardeners who do not have much energy and time to care for the beds.

Once very popular under the name of house nettle, and then forgotten by everyone, coleus today are one of the most striking garden and indoor plants. They are not in vain considered to be stars of the first magnitude for those who seek first of all non-standard colors. Easy to grow, but not so demanding as to suit everyone, coleus require constant monitoring. But if you take care of them, bushes of velvety unique leaves easily outshine any competitor.

Salmon ridge baked in Provence herbs is a “supplier” of tasty pieces of fish pulp for a light salad with fresh leaves of wild garlic. Champignons are lightly fried in olive oil, and then watered with apple cider vinegar. Such mushrooms are tastier than regular pickled ones, and they are better suited for baked fish. Wild garlic and fresh dill coexist perfectly in one salad, emphasizing the aroma of each other. Garlic spicy garlic permeates both the flesh of salmon and slices of mushrooms.

A coniferous tree or shrub on a site is always healthy, and many conifers are even better. Emerald needles of various shades adorn the garden at any time of the year, and volatile and essential oils secreted by plants not only aromatize, but also make the air cleaner. As a rule, the majority of zoned adult conifers are considered to be very unpretentious trees and shrubs. But young seedlings are much more capricious and require competent care and attention.

Sakura is most often associated with Japan and its culture. Picnics under the canopy of flowering trees have long become an integral attribute of the meeting of spring in the Land of the Rising Sun. The financial and academic year here begins on April 1, when magnificent sakura blossoms. Therefore, many significant moments in the life of the Japanese pass under the sign of their flowering. But sakura grows well in cooler regions - certain species can be successfully grown even in Siberia.

It is very interesting for me to analyze how people's tastes and addictions to certain foods have changed over the centuries. What was once considered tasty and was a commodity was losing its value over time and, conversely, new fruit crops conquered their markets. Quince has been cultivated for more than 4 thousand years! And even in the 1st century BC e. about 6 varieties of quince were known, and even then methods of its propagation and cultivation were described.

Please your household and make thematic curd cookies in the shape of Easter eggs! Your children will be happy to take part in the process - sift the flour, combine all the necessary ingredients, knead the dough and cut intricate figures. Then they will watch with admiration how the pieces of dough turn into real Easter eggs, and then with the same enthusiasm they will eat them with milk or tea. How to make such an original cookie for Easter, read our step-by-step recipe!

Among tuber crops, decorative leafy pets are not so many. And Caladium is a true star among the variegated inhabitants of the interiors. Not everyone can decide to start a caladium. This plant is demanding, and first of all - to care. But nevertheless, rumors about the extraordinary capriciousness of the Caladiums never justify. Attention and care can avoid any difficulties in the cultivation of caladiums. And a plant can almost always forgive small mistakes.

We have prepared a hearty, incredibly appetizing and simply basic dish in cooking for you today. This sauce is one hundred percent universal, as it will suit every side dish: vegetables, pasta, and anything else. Gravy with chicken and mushrooms will save you in moments when there is no time or you do not want to particularly think about what to cook. Take your favorite side dish (you can do this beforehand so that everything is hot), add gravy and lunch is ready! A real lifesaver.

Datura (lat. Dature) - an amazing and mysterious plant. Fascinating tubular inflorescences in the form of gramophones will add notes of southern exotic to the site or home interior. The culture is valued for large leaves and inflorescences of various colors - blue, red, orange, milky, pink. An annual representative of the nightshade can reach about two meters in length. Datura (also known as Datura and Devil's Grass) is notorious. The poisonous properties of all parts of culture scare away gardeners. If you do not use leaves, stems or inflorescences - the datura will not be able to harm. The plant is often used in pharmacology, traditional medicine and homeopathy.

Datura "Ballerina" is one of the brightest representatives of the genus.

Lighting standards

Unpretentious datura in bright light forms a lush bush with fragrant inflorescences. Proper care will help maintain abundant flowering until early October.

A short sunny day or darkened location slows down the development of the datura. Prolonged lack of lighting can lead to premature falling of leaves and death of the flower.

Indoors, the culture can be grown as a perennial. To do this, in the winter period, ensure daily illumination with fluorescent lamps.

Temperature mode

A native of North America prefers a warm microclimate. Active vegetative development occurs at a temperature above + 22 degrees.

In the cold season, it is advisable to maintain a thermometer in the range from + 10 to + 15 degrees. Hot and dry air of heating devices can cause stretching, fading of shoots and leaves.


At the stage of active growth, it is necessary to regularly moisten the soil. During flowering and wilting, you can reduce the amount of watering.

In winter, indoor dope should be watered as needed. If the air temperature is above + 18 degrees, you will need to water the plant according to the scheme of the summer season.

Excessive water hardness will not damage the datare. An excellent effect on the vegetative growth of datura has a lime solution.

In contrast to the negative impact on many garden crops, hard water favorably affects plant development.

Humidity requirements

The optimum moisture level should be at least 60%. In winter, you should regularly moisten the environment next to the plant by spraying, setting moist expanded clay on a pallet or a humidifier.


Datura is an annual crop. When grown in open soil, transplanting is not required.

Cultivation of crops in indoor conditions as a perennial provides for a periodic change of container and soil. It is necessary to transplant the datuer every year in late February or early March. It is recommended to carefully shorten the shoots to form a lush structure of the bush.

As a substrate, it is desirable to use turf or greenhouse soil in combination with sand, humus and peat. Drainage holes must be provided in the tank to drain excess water. A swampy substrate causes rotting of the roots of the datura.

Particularly large representatives of the dope are difficult to transplant. Therefore, to accelerate the development, it is enough to change the top layer of the soil. Datura at home for several years can turn into a lush tree with a woody stem.

How to trim dope

Using periodic pruning can stimulate flowering. There is a distinctive feature of datura. The formation of new buds occurs exclusively on young shoots. By removing fading inflorescences, the active formation of new flower buds can be caused.

In winter, the datura can lose some of its leaves. Therefore, in the spring it is desirable to cut the plant.

Buds formed in the cold season are preferably removed. They can significantly weaken the culture.

For prolonged flowering, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the culture of fading and dried inflorescences.

Open field datura

Datura, grown in containers, is usually low. Inflorescences are formed unevenly. Planting directly in open ground can give a terrific result.

In just a few warm months, the dope will turn into a massive shrub, up to one meter high. Abundant flowering will cover the datura. The heady scent of inflorescences can spread to the entire site.

Planting a plant in the open air is necessary after the retreat of the threat of morning frost. Datura can die from a sudden drop in temperature below + 3 degrees.

You should choose a site that is protected from drafts and wind. The soil must be loose and fertile.

For repair (continuous) flowering, you will need to regularly fertilize the soil at the base of the plant. For this, once a week you need to use complex mineral compounds. Half an hour before feeding, you should definitely moisten the soil. The use of drugs in combination with hot weather is detrimental to dope.

In the garden, the datura grows remarkably as a solitary culture. Growing in groups or in the shade of other representatives of the flora can stop the development of the flower.

The nuances of planting seedlings in open ground can be found in the video:

Growing Features

Soil mix

For breeding datura in room conditions, it is necessary to mix greenhouse soil with humus and half a portion of river sand.

It is not advisable to use this composition for propagating the culture. You can root the cuttings in a substrate with leafy soil, humus, peat and sand.

How to fertilize

Feeding Datura is recommended during the period of active development. After flowering, at the dormant stage and in the winter, it is not advisable to introduce stimulant preparations. As a means to improve plant nutrition, complex fertilizers must be used.

Datura is a very large representative of horticultural crops. Therefore, excessive use of stimulants will not cause the development of diseases and wilting.

At the beginning of autumn, it is necessary to use alternately organic and mineral compounds - per 20 grams per 10 liters of water.

In open ground, the plant does not need to be fed. At home, you can make multicomponent fertilizers twice a month.

Container options

To grow datura as a perennial on an outdoor terrace or loggia, you should use wooden tubs, large ceramic pots or garden planters. The plant needs an annual transplant. Therefore, you should choose a convenient capacity.

It is necessary to consider the functionality of the pot. Periodically, an adult plant in the overall capacity will need to be raised or moved. You can use a little trick. In autumn, before transporting the plants to the room, you can pour the top layer of soil on the site. The house should fill in the missing substrate. By updating the ball of the soil, you can not only facilitate the movement, but also change the depleted soil.

The main problems and diseases of Datura

Devil grass is highly resistant to various pests and diseases. The appearance of insects, as a rule, provokes improper care or adverse conditions. Aphids and spider mites with red dots are especially dangerous for dope. The culture of weevils, whiteflies and forest bugs is rarely affected.

You can get rid of pests by treating the affected areas with a solution of laundry soap, as well as insecticides.

Leaf curl is the first sign of a culture failure.

Excessive soil moisture in combination with cooling can cause a dangerous disease - gray rot. The causative agent of the disease is Botrytis cinerea F. As a result, all parts of the datura are affected. Brown watery spots merge and form a continuous coating on the culture.

The rapid spread of infection can destroy all plants susceptible to disease. Especially young plants. Therefore, it is necessary to destroy the datura. As a prophylaxis should:

  1. Remove dried leaves and inflorescences.
  2. Periodically clear the culture of the affected areas.
  3. To process leaves and stems with a combination of chalk, ash and vitriol.

At the initial stage of the disease, you can isolate the plant and try to save with fungicides.

Flowering response

Datura contains a poisonous substance called datarin. Accidental use of a component can increase pressure to a critical level, increase heart rate and block secretion. A small dosage of the poison will cause aggressive behavior.

Eating berries or other parts of the datura can cause severe poisoning.

The main signs of the impact of culture:

  1. Labored breathing.
  2. Rapid pulse.
  3. Dizziness.
  4. Impaired coordination of movements.

In severe cases, hallucinations, speech impairment, or anaphylactic shock may appear. Contact a medical center immediately. Before the doctors arrive, it is necessary to rinse the stomach and take the sorbent.

Breeding technology

Seed date

In the natural environment, culture propagates self-seeding. Often you can meet whole groups of plants that have turned into a weed.

At home, the most convenient way to reproduce is using seeds. Begin the procedure in the first decade of March. The timing of planting in open ground should be calculated. The plant can be moved to a permanent place after 3 months.

In warm climates, direct sowing on the site is allowed. Soil temperature should not drop + 18 degrees. As a substrate, sheet soil, compost and medium-grained sand are suitable. To stimulate growth, you can pre-treat the seeds with potassium permanganate. Heat treatment will also help boost germination. Seeds should be filled with hot water.

Under favorable conditions, seedlings will appear in two weeks. If the temperature drops below + 20 degrees or the substrate is dry, the first sprouts can appear only after a month.

To stimulate germination, you can use a plastic shelter. The mini-greenhouse must be ventilated periodically. After germination, humidity should be maintained at 65%. You can dive into separate containers after the formation of three full leaves.

In open soil, seedlings can be planted at a distance of 50-90 cm. To protect against possible frosts, seedlings should be covered with a film. Plants dived into pots must be moved to a warm room.

Vegetative propagation method

The method is rarely used. You can distribute the datura with the help of remote cuttings. Cut off shoots must be rooted in prepared moist soil. You can not use phytohormones to stimulate rooting. It is enough to create greenhouse conditions using transparent glass.

The length of the branch should be about fifteen centimeters. It is necessary to separate the stalk at the beginning of the autumn period. In winter, you need to keep a young datura indoors. After the retreat of cooling, you can plant a seedling in the ground.

Why datura does not bloom

Often, after the acquisition of the rooted cuttings, inflorescences do not form. The reason is overgrown seedlings. A small shipping container slows down the development of the datura. Low-quality seedlings can be determined by the hardness of the trunk.

Arid soil and a high percentage of nitrogen in fertilizers also cause rare and uneven flowering.

When buying, you should pay attention to the thickness of the trunk of the seedling.

How to choose a dope

It is necessary to purchase planting material from trusted garden representative offices. Improper conditions of detention may slow down further development of the culture.

Datura is often confused with Brugsmania. Distinguishing a plant is simple enough. The datura has bell-shaped inflorescences directed upwards.

A set of seeds of the Gramophone datura (20 pieces) can be purchased at a price of 300 rubles. The grown sapling of the “Tree-like” datura with a height of 30 cm is estimated at 450 rubles on average.

Extraordinary power comes from mysterious flowers that have blossomed in huge numbers on a beautiful green bush. It’s hard not to touch, not to pick white, lilac, cream, pink bells for bouquets. And only ancient legends, myths about the harmful effects of plants on humans and animals impede this desire.

The story of the appearance of a flower on the planet is shrouded in the same mystery. Traditions of many peoples contain information about datura grass, a moonflower, prickly apples, a cockatiel, grass of sorcerers, etc. It doesn’t matter where the first bushes of an amazing plant are found (America, Mexico, the Caspian regions). Its hallucinogenic properties were used by sorcerers, shamans, alchemists, healers, ministers of churches. Now drugs created on the basis of all parts of the plant are widely used by official, folk, homeopathic medicine. Landscaping experts recommend dope planting to create long-flowering compositions.

Description of the Datura plant

In the natural environment, Datura grows next to housing, on wastelands, roadsides. The plant is considered a perennial evergreen shrub. In the climate of the middle strip, Datura is grown as an annual. Datura belongs to the common Solanaceae family of dicotyledonous representatives (angiosperms). Its name is associated with a version of the word Datura, meaning "prickly" because of the peculiarities of the dope fruit covered with thorns. Bushes have some differences.


Erect, hollow, complex triple shape. The outer side of the stem is painted green, allowing a red-violet hue at the base. The height of the stems can be 120 cm. With the long-term development of the bush, the lower parts of the stems are lignified. On the trunks shoots with dark, oblong, alternately arranged leaves sprout. Each process develops on the petiole.


The length of the sheet reaches about 15 cm, the width is about 10 cm. The surface of the sheet is smooth, dense, similar to the skin. The lower part of the sheet plate is painted in light shades. A light streak passes through the central vein. There are clear teeth on the edges of the sheet. Basal leaves are characterized by smaller lanceolate shape, short petiole.

Shoots, flowers

Approximately 30 centimeters in height, the first shoot begins to develop. Here, the stem bifurcates, making room for the appearance of a conical bud, the flower forms in the form of a long cone, gradually turning into a large funnel with a diameter of up to 20 cm.It opens only in the dark (sometimes in cloudy weather) and lasts one night. The surrounding area is filled with an exotic smell. After a week, new flowers appear in the branching places. The number of new flowers is constantly growing. General flowering occurs before the onset of autumn frost.


The prickly box is oblong in shape of a dark green hue. Inside there are 4 compartments filled with kidney-shaped, black seeds about 4 mm long. Each box contains up to 800 seeds, which have an amazing ability to maintain excellent germination for decades. The first fruits appear on the bush in early July. In some varieties of dope, the boxes open when dried, the seeds fall on the garden. To collect them on time, you need to use protective bags, such as gauze.


The branched, stem root is deep in the ground, reliably nourishing the plant. It also has properties that are valuable for pharmacology.

Species, varieties of plants

Unpretentious flower grows well in different climatic conditions. A tropical, subtropical, temperate climate suits him. Florists are known for plants with terry, semi-double bells in different shades. According to the classification of nerds, there are 13 types of dope. The main types are listed below.

Datura ordinary (Datura stramonium)

For the first time this type of dope was described by the famous scientist Karl Linney, giving him a Latin name based on the meanings of the Greek words "nightshade" and "crazy." Seeds of this species showed a 90% germination rate after 40 years of storage. In Siberia, in the Far East, in the southern regions of Russia, white bells of a plant with a peculiar smell are well known. There are several forms of Datura vulgaris, including species with purple flowers. Some peoples call it the blue datura. The fruits of the plant Datura stramonium Inermis do not have thorns. It is popular with flower lovers.

Native American (Datura innoxia)

An ancient magical tool for euthanasia, causing hallucinations, visions, used by the Indians of Colombia, Mexico. Gray shade of foliage, white flowers and unusually prickly fruits are inherent in this species. The leaves of the Indian dope do not have teeth along the edges. The flowers are large in comparison with the dope ordinary, which allows it to be planted as a decorative shrub.

Indian (Datura metel )

In the countries of Asia, especially in India, this flower is endowed with divine power, special magical properties. Purple bells are often called the flower of Shiva. It is believed that a plant planted near the dwelling protects its owners from troubles, brings good luck to the house. There are many hybrid forms of the Ballerina variety. Among them are varieties of terry varieties with yellow flowers (Ballerina yellow, Yellow terry, Yellow knight). Lilac plant species: Purple Knight, Lilac Terry. Simple white flowers of Medea, Evening aroma, Troubadour are considered popular.

Datura horny (Datura ceratocaula)

Shamans, priests of the Aztecs communicated with the gods, higher powers, the other world with the help of potions made from this type of plant, strewn with bells of the original form.

This species is now distinguished by a separate genus. Often, plant seeds are sold under the name Datura. Their difference is the flowers hanging to the ground. At the datura the bells look up. The fruits of all types of Brugmansia does not have thorns, thorns. A perennial tree plant has differences in agricultural cultivation and care.

Planting in the ground

The poisonous properties of the plant require careful selection of the landing site. You can not place datura on flower beds located next to playgrounds. Beautiful flowers will not remain without their curious attention.

Datura grows on any type of soil, but preferably with a neutral and slightly alkaline reaction. Processing of the bed with lime, dolomite flour helps to get rid of excess acidity. The earth must be fertile, loose. Landing pit must be made at least 70 cm deep with drainage. In early June, prepared seedlings are planted. At the same time, they try not to disturb the earthen lump, which supports easily injured roots.

Experts advise not to deepen the seedlings. The distance between plants can withstand about 80 cm.

In close landings, dope develops worse. The adult bush of the plant occupies a large space, covering places with faded spring perennials (tulips, daffodils, hyacinths). He looks good in both single and group landings. If you place the dope on a compost heap, it will look like a blooming flower bed.

In areas with a cool climate, Datura is often grown in containers, large pots, tubs. In the autumn they are transferred to the veranda, greenhouse, balcony, to another room. Continue to grow as a perennial plant.

Landing Features

Datura grass is easy to grow from seedlings prepared from seeds or due to rooted cuttings.

By direct sowing in the soil Datura planted in the southern regions. Around mid-May, seeds are placed in holes to a depth of 5 cm. Seedlings spawn slowly. Sometimes you have to wait up to 30 days. Thick plantings thin out. The first flowers are formed in a month. To mass flowering of the datura began earlier, you need to use the seedling method of cultivation. In this case, you must adhere to certain rules.

Seed growing

By the end of February, dope seeds are soaked for 3 days with warm water. Seeds sprout weakly. Therefore, experts advise adding a few drops of a drug that can stimulate growth. On a pre-prepared moistened mixture (2 parts of a fertile, weed-treated soil, 1 part of sand, 2 parts of overripe organic matter), seeds are laid out, lightly sprinkled with soil. Cover with a film, put in a dimly lit place for a week. The temperature for seed germination is maintained at about 20 degrees. The soil in the container should always be moist.

With the germination of seedlings (after about 2 weeks), the containers are transferred to a light windowsill. Gentle plants are aired and watered. After the disclosure of 2 true leaves, the seedlings are planted in prepared containers. After reaching a height of about 15 cm, the seedlings are considered ready for transfer to an open bed. It is best to use your own seeds for planting, taken from the strongest flowers on the bush. It is important to remember that seeds of hybrid varieties may lose their properties.


For cutting cuttings choose strong, ripened shoots. They should have approximately 3 nodes. An incision of the stem is made under the last knot, all the leaves on the handle are cut in half. The stalk placed in the nutrient mixture of the pot is watered, covered with a transparent bag. Remove it after the opening of the first two leaves (after 10 days). If cuttings are carried out at the end of September, then the seedling develops in the house all winter. With the onset of heat, it is transferred to a permanent place in the open ground. Flowering plants begin early.

Datura Care

Special care for Datura is not required. Florists consider the datura a simple plant. The main requirement is daily watering of plantings. Withering leaves on the bushes should not be allowed; this will prevent large bells from developing. Their number will be minimal. Unopened buds may crumble. Datura grows quickly, needs to be fed with mineral and organic fertilizers. Their use is combined with watering, top dressing is carried out weekly.

Datura does not stand winter frosts of the middle strip, it freezes. If a room with a temperature of about 15 degrees for the maintenance of the plant is prepared, then take into account that it is rarely and little watered in winter. Higher values \u200b\u200bof winter temperature lead to elongation, weakening of shoots, falling of leaves. Winter buds are recommended to be removed. In spring, bushes need proper pruning.


The need for proper pruning is associated with the appearance of bud buds. Beautiful flowers are formed only on young shoots, being born in internodes. Well activates the appearance of new buds removal of faded bells. The forces of the plant will go to flowering, and not to ripen the fruit. The crown of the bush is formed by trimming old shoots that do not have young branches. At the same time, the lower trunks are not exposed, the bush retains its decorative qualities.

Pests, diseases

In the thickened thickets gray rot develops. On tops of bushes weevils, a spider mite, bugs, a whitefly settle. The use of modern insecticidal drugs helps to quickly defeat pests.

Using the advice of specialists, you can safely grow an ancient magical plant on the site, admiring its unusual evening beauty. If necessary, a flower from legends comes to the rescue to restore human health.

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