When and how to plant cucumbers in open ground with seeds or seedlings. How to plant cucumbers in open ground with seeds correctly How to plant cucumber seedlings in open ground

To grow a cucumber, gardeners usually select a well-lit area, which is protected from the north, as well as from the prevailing winds. Around the chosen site, “backstage” are arranged, which can serve as potatoes, sunflowers, corn, beans and even hemp. All these tall and rapidly growing crops are able to provide a suitable microclimate in the area where the cucumbers are cultivated.

It can be performed both with the help of seeds and with the help of seedlings. Consider the features of each of the methods in more detail.

If you are going to grow cucumbers, then you must take into account a number of important nuances based on the characteristics of this culture. In a word, work should be approached comprehensively, without losing anything.

Table. Cucumber Growing Requirements

ConditionShort description

Cucumber is a heat-loving crop, so it should be planted when the temperature of the topsoil is at least 13-15 ° C. But, characteristically, the cucumber does not like too high a temperature - if this indicator rises above 28 ° C, then development may stop.

The area for cucumbers must first be fertilized with chicken droppings, manure or mullein. This will not only provide plants with nutrients, but also disinfect the soil from the causative agents of many diseases.

Culture needs a permanent mode of hydration. With a moisture deficit, the leaves will darken and become brittle, and the plants themselves will be in a stressful state. Excessive irrigation is also harmful - oxygen in the soil will become less, because of which the foliage will turn pale, and the development of lashes and greens will noticeably decrease. Watering during irrigation should not be cold (otherwise the ability of the roots to absorb will deteriorate), but have a temperature of about 18 ° C. The ideal humidity of the earth is 80% (at 30%, cucumbers fade).

The culture described in the article represents plants of short daylight hours, so it is better to grow it in mid-late summer. Despite the fact that the cucumber is light and heat-loving, it takes only 10-12 hours of a photoperiod per day.

Special attention should be paid to the root system. In our case, it is superficial; therefore, a vegetable needs a structured soil with high humidity and good oxygen supply. The root of the cucumber (and this is about 1.5% of the total mass of the plant), being only 5 cm from the surface, can deepen by a maximum of 40 cm. In this regard, loosening the earth around the cucumber is impossible, since each such procedure leads to injury roots, and recovery takes more than 7 days. Therefore, instead of loosening and weeding, you need to resort to mulching, applying organic fertilizing and pre-planting suitable predecessors.

The latter include:

  • salad;
  • tomatoes
  • cabbage;
  • potatoes;
  • siderates;
  • peas.

Inadmissible predecessors - carrots, beans, as well as all melons (they have common diseases with cucumber).

How to plant cucumbers in open soil

Having familiarized yourself with all the features, you can proceed directly to the landing. The procedure is not complicated, however, some important nuances still exist.

So, the work should traditionally begin with the preparation of the site.

Stage One. Preparing the soil

Landing should begin with the selection and preparation of the site. This is one of the most important stages, since the cucumber, as we have already found out, is photophilous and responds well to fertile soil. For this reason, it is better to organize the beds from north to south, and under the previous culture, add organic fertilizing or, as an option, fertilize the soil before planting a cucumber.

The optimal fertilizer in our case is cow dung. Under previous crops, it should be made rotted (approximate consumption 5 kg / m²), and before planting, in the form of a solution (1 part of manure should be diluted in 5 parts of water). In the absence of manure, it is quite possible to use chicken litter (stir in a proportion of 1:20) or any complex type of mineral top dressing.

Note! Most suitable for cucumbers are warm beds with a height of more than 20 cm. The organic “pillow” located inside such a bed will not only provide the cucumbers with useful elements, but also warm the roots and saturate them with carbon dioxide.

Stage Two. We plant cucumbers in the open soil

According to many, a high yield of cucumber is possible only when grown in seedlings. But if the climate in your region is quite mild, then the seeds can be sown immediately on the beds. However, in fairness, consider both methods.

The first way. Using seeds

It is better to sow the seeds in several stages, otherwise you can miscalculate with the deadlines (for example, the cold can come back unexpectedly). In addition, this simple move will extend the period of fruiting. Sowing can begin in mid-May, and finish in mid-June. This should not be done later, because summer heat and long daylight hours are not the most favorable conditions for the development of culture.

Step 1.You should start with the preparation of planting material. Today, there are not only varieties that are zoned for specific regions, but also hybrids that are more resistant to disease. It is better to give preference to hybrids - this will get rid of unnecessary worries and significantly increase productivity.

Ripening dates are equally important (cucumbers can be early-, mid- and late-ripening) and the specific purpose of the variety (for salads, for pickling, universal).

Note! If the destination is not indicated on the package, then you need to look at the photo: for vegetables intended for fresh consumption, pimples are white, and for those suitable only for preservation, they are dark.

Also note that the seed must be at least 2 years old. This is explained by the increased germination of seeds of all melons in storage (the optimal age is up to 6 years, by the 9th year the grains are no longer suitable for sowing).

Step 2  Before sowing, the selected seeds need to be warmed for 2 hours at a temperature of 60 ° C (seedlings will be more friendly, and fruiting will come earlier).

Then you need to soak 12 hours in a solution consisting of the following components:

  • manganese sulfate (0.2 g);
  • potassium nitrate (10 g);
  • superphosphate (5 g);
  • water (1 l).

Then the seeds are dried and sown.

Step 3  In the prepared area, furrows of 2 cm depth should be done in increments of 50 cm. Seeds are placed in these furrows with a distance of 3-4 cm from each other. The average consumption is 50 g of grains per 10 m². If the soil is dry, then it needs to be watered before sowing, and the seeds should be sprinkled with humus, peat or loose earth with sawdust.

Step 4  It remains only to look around: if there are bird's nests near the site, then the bed needs to be thrown with brushwood, it is also desirable to put wind rattles and a scarecrow. So the birds do not peck young shoots.

Video - Sowing cucumbers in the beds

The second way. Using seedlings

Cucumbers can be planted on the site and seedlings. To do this, seedlings are cultivated on a well-lit window sill: in early May, seeds are sown in pots of 10x10 cm or 8x8 cm in size, which are installed in boxes. The approximate consumption is 16-18 plants for every 1 m².

Particular attention should be paid to the substrate - it must be prepared from sawdust (25-30%) and peat (70-75%). First, 20 g of ammonium nitrate should be added to each sawdust bucket, after which the components should be mixed and kept in this form for at least 2 days. Then they are mixed with peat, potassium nitrate (8-10 g) is added. All this is mixed and aged for 2 weeks (during this time the mixture needs to be mixed several times). The finished substrate is poured into the pots, it is watered.

1 cm deep holes are made in the wet substrate, grains are placed in them (prepared as in the previous method, 1 for each pot) and sprinkled. The box is covered with a film that needs to be removed after the first shoots appear. Watering seedlings is not necessary if the humidity in the greenhouse is somewhere around 80%. As for room conditions, the air is drier here, so watering must be done 2 or 3 times during the growing season.

7 days before transplanting, the seedlings are hardened, that is, accustomed to natural conditions. The first time it needs to be taken out into the fresh air in the evening, the second time - at lunchtime (always shading). On other days, seedlings may remain open. 24 hours before transplanting, pots need to be watered several times.

The transplant should be done on a sunny day at an air temperature of 25 ° C. The temperature of the soil will be about 25-30 ° C due to hot manure. The distance between seedlings in a row should vary between 12-14 cm. Typically, only roots need to be covered with soil. If the embedment depth is too deep, there is a risk of root rot.

Note! Further care is almost the same for both methods. However, with seedling cultivation, the fruits ripen 14 days earlier than with seed.

Video - Planting seedlings of cucumbers in open soil

Stage Three. Further care

In the first days after transplantation (in the case of seed cultivation - immediately after the appearance of the first seedlings), special attention should be paid to soil moisture and plant condition. If the leaves fade in the daytime, then in the evening the beds need to be watered, and the water temperature should be 20-25 ° C (approximate consumption is about 1.5 l / m²). When plants close, they are thinned out (a total of 2-3 times) by removing the weakest seedlings. 5-15 cm should be left between the plants. In parallel with thinning, carefully loosen the soil and weed the beds. Subsequently, the cultivation must be stopped when the cucumbers grow to the middle of the aisle, otherwise the root system can be damaged. It is also necessary to evenly spread developing plants on the ground.

Flowering will begin in 30-45 days (or earlier, if cucumbers are grown in seedlings), depending on the particular variety. When fruiting begins, watering should be increased to approximately 3 l / m², and should be watered almost daily (except on cloudy days).

Fertilizing is not required provided that the soil has been correctly tilled. But if a low temperature is observed for more than a week, then the foliage may turn pale. To restore color in this case, the leaves need to be treated with any nitrogen fertilizer (for example, the same urea), the flow rate should be 7-10 g per bucket of water. This procedure is carried out using a whisk or a manual sprayer, but always in the evening, otherwise the sun's rays may burn through the droplets of solution that covered them.

Greens are collected in the morning.

In conclusion. Propagation Features

If the selected variety gave a really good crop, then it is advisable to collect seeds from it. To this end, several plants leave a certain number of large fruits (maximum 3 per bush) and allow them to mature. But it should be remembered that this procedure is acceptable only for real varieties. The fact is that hybrid cultures are unable to repeat maternal culture from grains, which means that leaving them for breeding is pointless.

The answer to the question of how to plant cucumbers in open ground is important for both beginners and experienced gardeners. Naturally, the time when to plant is an important factor. There are two most common ways to plant cucumbers in the garden. The first is seed. The second is seedlings. Let's talk about the first.

Many people think that planting is necessary, the sooner the better. This is the wrong decision, because the cucumber is a heat-loving plant. If it is planted in cold soil, when the earth has not yet warmed up to + 15ºС, then of course it will grow, but this is one of the reasons for the large number of empty flowers - cucumbers will bloom, and there will be no ovaries or very few of them.

Often gardeners do not connect one with the other - an early planting in unheated soil with a huge amount of empty flowers or a small crop.

It is advised to plant cucumbers in well-heated soil.

In the Kuban, this is usually a period starting from the last decade of April. Of course, our spring can also be long, cold, rainy - then the dates for planting cucumbers are shifted, sometimes even by 1-1.5 weeks, but preferably not later than May 5-7.

Of course, we will get the best crop at the optimum time for cucumbers - the end of April. I also want to get my cucumbers early.

The choice of landing site must also be approached responsibly. It cannot be anyhow. Cucumbers are not indifferent to where and how you will plant them. Crop rotation and fertility are very important to them. Try not to plant them where cucumbers, pumpkins, and zucchini grew last season. The best predecessors of cucumbers (in descending order) are tomatoes, peppers, onions, cabbage.

Like any plant, cucumbers love fertile, loose, non-acidic soil. Perhaps more than other plants, cucumbers love organic fertilizers. It is believed that the best organic fertilizer for all garden plants is humus, but from the introduction of clean manure the seeds or plants can burn. So it is, but it is for cucumbers that manure is the most preferred organic fertilizer. If you have the opportunity to get this valuable fertilizer, then, without hesitation, be sure to add manure to the cucumber bed. This is not only nutrition, but manure, getting into the soil, releases certain chemicals that cucumbers really like. This positive reaction of cucumbers to the introduction of fresh manure during planting has been noticed by many. I have repeatedly read about this in various publications for gardeners.

Therefore, before planting, I scoop a trench 10-15 cm deep on a cucumber bed with a shovel or small spatula so that there is a place for adding organic matter. I specially stock fresh cow dung for cucumbers. I lay it out in a cucumber trench, without chopping - what pieces are there, large or small, and I lay them out. Evenly, of course, it does not work out, but this is not particularly important.

Another point to the question of how to plant cucumbers in open ground. Cucumber seeds are best planted in sunny weather during the day, and seedlings in the evening, when the sun no longer bakes.

After the manure has been laid out in the beds, we fill it with a thin layer of soil. The trench will become smaller, but it should not be leveled with the edges. Then the grooves are well watered. It is necessary to shed very abundantly, maybe even in a few receptions, since moisture must be in the soil for a long time - this is necessary for seeds or seedlings if you are planting seedlings.

Then you should spread the seeds of cucumbers on the spilled trench. We lay out one seed at a sufficiently large distance from each other - 25-30 cm.

We spread the spread seeds with soil and lightly slap a palm on top so that the seeds are firmly pressed from all sides to the ground.

Once again, water the planted seeds until the contours of the trench are guessed. And the last time, pour the entire garden bed with water from a watering can to wet the entire soil on the garden bed.

Now the bed with cucumbers needs to be covered, as they like high humidity. You can cover the garden bed with a film directly on the ground before emergence, or you can install arcs and pull the film over them.

I draw your attention to the fact that before the emergence of seedlings, the bed should be covered with a film, and not with covering material. Due to the fact that the bed was abundantly watered, condensation immediately forms on the film. You do not need to water the cucumbers anymore - wait until the shoots appear. Moisture will not evaporate through the film, and humidity will be sufficient for the comfortable development of plants. That is, the film is required, otherwise the desired microclimate for cucumbers cannot be achieved.

After the emergence of seedlings periodically open the film, especially in hot weather, to prevent thermal burns. But the film is completely removed only after the appearance of flowers on the seedlings.

I offer you another experience in planting cucumbers in the open ground - video:

The main condition that must be taken into account when planting cucumbers with seeds in the ground is the absence of night frosts. It is also necessary that the soil be warmed up to 15-16 degrees, otherwise the cucumbers will sprout longer than usual. For heat-loving cucumbers, the air temperature is also important - it should not fall below 10-12 degrees even at night. The fulfillment of these conditions is necessary to obtain a timely and good harvest of cucumbers.

Important!Only those varieties that are designed and adapted to weather conditions can be planted in open ground.

The basic rules for planting cucumber seeds in open ground

Before sowing, it is recommended to treat the seeds with a solution of potassium permanganate, aloe juice and even soak with the addition of honey (this will disinfect and stimulate their growth). But, to save time and effort, you can purchase seeds that are already processed and fully prepared for planting.

Important! Seeds must be sown in pre-moistened soil.

Treated seeds should be planted in holes 2-3 cm deep and about 40 to 50 cm in size. The distance between the holes should be maintained depending on the length of the shoots of a particular variety of cucumbers. In each hole, 4-5 holes are made to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. 2-3 seeds are placed in the holes with the sharp end up. Pits with seeds need to be loosened with a rake or hand and wait for seedlings.

Helpful advice: you can cover the cucumber bed with film until seedlings appear, so the earth will remain moist for a long time, and the seeds will hatch quickly.

Cucumbers are one of the most popular types of vegetable crops that can be planted in almost any suburban area. Cultivation of this vegetable takes a lot of time and effort, however, subject to a competent approach, you can get a tasty and high-quality crop. That is why almost any summer resident who has his own plot, must plant cucumbers on it.

Selection of planting material

In the process of growing cucumbers, close attention should be paid to the process of choosing planting material, which determines not only the quality and taste of the fruit, but also the ability of the seeds to withstand various bacteria and survive in certain climatic conditions. Varieties of cucumbers are bee pollinated, self-pollinated and parthenocarpic.

One of the most popular varieties today is bee pollinators, which can be grown not only in an open area, but also in polycarbonate greenhouses. If you want to attract as many bees as possible to the crops of cucumbers, it is recommended to plant flowers nearby and process your crop with a sugar solution.

The main advantage of such a vegetable crop is that it is not very whimsical to care for and is able to cope with the most adverse weather conditions. In addition, such cucumbers boast unique taste and aroma.

The main problem of modern summer cottages is that it is quite difficult to attract bees. And there are several reasons for this. First place is the problem of the need for processing the crop with the help of specialized chemicals. Bees react quite strongly to such reagents, and therefore try to bypass such areas. Of course, without processing cucumbers and other vegetable crops, various diseases and pests will surely attack them, so there is no particular choice.

Here, self-pollinated and parthenocarpic varieties come to the rescue of summer residents.  The main advantage of such plants is that pollination is carried out without bees. These varieties are excellent not only for planting in open ground, but also for use in greenhouse conditions.

The ideal solution is to plant such varieties in regions that differ in heavy rainfall.

Advanced technologies do not stand still and do not bypass even the field of cucumbers.  Scientists have long bred a huge number of varieties that are resistant to diseases such as powdery mildew or root rot. In addition, modern varieties boast unique taste qualities: they are sweet enough and have not a bit of bitterness.

It should be noted that cucumber varieties are also divided depending on the ripening time.

If you want to get a crop throughout the summer, you must give preference to species that ripen at different times.

The timing

Before starting the cultivation of cucumbers, it is necessary to decide exactly when to plant the seeds. The timing of sowing this vegetable crop depends primarily on the climatic characteristics of the region.

If the summer resident lives in the southern hemisphere, which is characterized by a large number of warm days and plenty of sunshine, then planting should begin at the end of winter or in the early days of spring, so that cucumbers will be planted in the open area around mid-May.

But the inhabitants of the northern regions need to wait a while with this process, since they can freeze even in the last days of spring.

When determining the most optimal conditions, it is necessary to take into account night temperatures, because even a few hours of frost at night is enough for the crop to be completely destroyed.

You can plant cucumbers with seeds in a summer cottage only in conditions when the temperature in the street does not drop below 10 degrees Celsius. An ideal option is considered to be climatic conditions under which the air temperature at night is more than 15 degrees, and about 30 in the afternoon.

Preparatory work

The success of planting seeds of cucumbers in the open field largely depends on the quality of the preparatory work. They determine the future ability of seeds to withstand climatic conditions, diseases and pests. With a competent approach, the further process of caring for this vegetable crop can be greatly facilitated.

Planting material

First of all, it is necessary to pay close attention to the preparation of planting material, as well as tillage for planting cucumbers. And if you want to achieve high-quality results, then you need to correctly germinate the seeds. If, at this stage, you foolishly and do not work at the proper level, then the seeds will not be able to survive in open ground and the crop will be completely spoiled.

Choose the optimal varieties for planting.  It should be noted that in this case it is necessary to be guided not only by your own wishes and preferences, but also take into account the climatic features of the region, the type of soil and other indicators.

In addition, selected seed varieties must necessarily be suitable for use in the open.

Today, hybrid variants are very popular, which boast resistance to a huge number of diseases and pests. If you have a certain budget, it is best to give preference to just such varieties. Their main advantage also lies in the fact that they cope well with bad weather conditions.

A responsible choice of planting material will help to avoid future problems.If you correctly approach this process, then there is no doubt that the crop will be of high quality and tasty.

When selecting planting material, it is also necessary to pay attention to seed germination; success in growing this vegetable crop also depends on this.

Consider a detailed scheme of germination.

  • Sorting.All selected planting material must be sorted according to certain criteria. Experts recommend planting the largest seeds for planting, which will definitely be able to survive in open ground.
  • DisinfectionIn no case should you plant seeds before they are disposed of from any microorganisms and bacteria. It should be dipped for 10-15 minutes in a pre-prepared saline solution. If the seeds begin to emerge, it means that they are spoiled, and they can not be used for planting. But the remaining material will be an excellent solution for use in the conditions of such cultivation in the garden. For disinfection, summer residents often use a solution of potassium permanganate, after which it is imperative to rinse the seeds with running water and dry on a paper towel.

  • Warming up.  About 20 hours, the seeds must be thoroughly warmed to dry all the moisture and prepare them for planting.
  • Germination.To do this, the seeds are folded into a special cloth, immersed in a solution of nitrophosphate, and then washed in running water.

If the selection of planting material has occurred correctly, and you did not break any rules, then soon the seeds will begin to swell.

After the appearance of the first roots, they can already be planted in the ground.


Preparatory work also includes tillage, on which the integrity of the crop during planting depends. It is the soil that provides cucumbers with all the necessary nutrients, which, in turn, guarantee the growth of the crop.

First of all, to get a quality crop, you need to correctly select the site where it will be cultivated. It should be noted that most summer residents neglect the preparation of the soil, and do not comply with the rules of competent crop rotation. Cucumber seeds are extremely demanding on the condition of the soil, so it is best not to plant this vegetable crop in the same place for several years in a row. In addition, it is necessary to provide for the presence of sunlight and moisture in the planting zone.

It is best to abandon the idea of \u200b\u200bplanting seeds in conditions of low relief, since here it is usually cold air, and it is difficult for seeds to germinate in such conditions.

Summer residents argue that loamy and loamy sand are considered optimal soil types for planting this vegetable crop. This vegetable culture demonstrates the best indicators in fertile territories, which differ in slightly increased acidity and the presence of special fertilizers. Cucumbers are highly demanding on the state of the soil, so you can not plant seeds in the ground, which was previously used for planting vegetable crops.

The ideal option is to use the soil on which potatoes or onions used to be planted.

In this case, in no case should you plant seeds of cucumbers after watermelons, zucchini or pumpkins, since they use the same nutrients, and the land will certainly not be so rich in them that they can ensure high-quality crop growth.

Close attention in the process of planting cucumber seeds in a summer cottage should also be given to the use of fertilizers. As already stated, this vegetable crop is quite demanding on the presence of nutrients in the earth, so you should make sure that there are enough of them. The main problem is that the root system of cucumbers is located in the upper part of the soil, therefore it quickly consumes nutrients and constantly needs their influx.

Organic fertilizers for cucumbers are considered one of the most effective.  For example, you can always use fresh manure, which is introduced in the fall. In the future, it turns into humus, which positively affects the structure of the soil and saturates it with the necessary trace elements.

If you use heavy clay soil, then it is rational to process it with fresh manure two months before sowing the seeds. In addition, this method is considered ideal even if there is too cold soil, since fresh manure allows you to warm it. The use of organic fertilizers also improves the effectiveness of mineral options. The main advantage of manure is that it includes a huge number of useful trace elements, including nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium and many others.

It should be remembered that the amount of organic fertilizers applied must be at a certain level.Most summer residents believe that the more fertilizers they have applied, the better the seeds will germinate, however, such an opinion is extremely erroneous.

The amount of manure depends on the quality of the soil, and cannot exceed 10 kg per square meter. If the soil is light, then this amount will be much less.

As for the use of peat, it will be advisable only on moist soils, since peat has the property of improving the structure and physical characteristics of the soil.

Before planting cucumber seeds in open ground, it is also necessary to use mineral fertilizers from ash, which play the role of potash trace elements. Here, choosing the optimal amount is quite simple: you can use about 200 g per square meter of soil. If organic fertilizer can be added in the fall or winter, then mineral fertilizers are allowed to be used only during spring digging.

If you decide to use the complex options that are sold in specialized stores, then you must clearly follow the instructions and dosage, which is indicated on the package. However, regardless of the type of mineral fertilizers, they are almost always used immediately before planting seeds in open ground.

How to plant?

Planting cucumber seeds in open ground consists of certain step-by-step rules. First of all, you need to choose the right site that can boast of the optimal amount of sunlight and will be protected from constant draft. It should be borne in mind that the last term for planting cucumber seeds in an open area is June.

Planting later is not recommended, since you will not be able to get a crop, the first night cooling will already begin in September. If you have the opportunity to use films and various other shelters, then you can plant the first seeds in open ground in May.

However, the crop must be carefully covered to protect it from night cooling.

Such a vegetable crop is very thermophilic, so it can only be grown if the soil is perfectly warmed up. A favorable temperature is considered to be at least 16 degrees Celsius. At the same time, it is imperative to provide a shadow if the air temperature is about 30 or more degrees.

The territory for planting seeds of cucumbers must be carefully prepared since the fall. It must not only be fertilized with the help of special substances, but also completely dug up. This will saturate the soil with the necessary trace elements, as well as in the future to protect the crop from pests and microorganisms.

A distinctive feature of the root system of culture is that it does not go deep, so it is forbidden to loosen the earth around the plant. Most experts recommend mulching, which is suitable for peat or sawdust. It is thanks to the mulch that it is possible to retain moisture in the soil and protect it from the appearance of weeds.

Features of planting seeds depend on the material used.  Each person independently decides how to plant. It is believed that the highest quality crop can be obtained if you plant seeds in a summer cottage.

If the climate is mild, and the soil boasts fertility, then you can immediately sow the seeds in the garden.

Most experienced summer residents try to plant seeds several times with different time intervals. For example, the first time you can plant seeds in the tenth of May, and then at the beginning of June. You should not plant them later, since in July the weather is too high and it will be extremely difficult for young seedlings to grow in such conditions.

It is best to plant hybrid seeds that are bred on the basis of several varieties.  Scientists have long realized that each variety has its own advantages, and combining the advantages of several varieties in one product will be extremely beneficial. Such plants are easy to care for, and they are also less prone to various diseases and pests. In addition, such vegetable crops can cope with bad weather conditions, which helps to protect their crops in case of bad weather.

One of the most important issues remains the problem of laying seeds in a hole during the planting of cucumbers.

Most summer residents, especially beginners, do not know how to do it right. In no case should you plant them with the sharp end down, because it is there that the root grows. If the sharp end is directed up, then the sprout will break through from there and push the leaves out. Incorrect planting of seeds can lead to the fact that the plant simply dies. In addition, experts do not recommend planting a seed with a blunt end down, it is best to install it vertically.

If the seeds of cucumbers are planted, then they can be germinated beforehand.The peculiarity of the germinated seeds of cucumbers is that they make it possible to provide a seedling fortress, which will more easily develop. It is important to strictly follow all recommendations and rules, because the ability to survive in open conditions depends on this. Sprouts will hatch only when the air temperature is at least 22 degrees, otherwise the process may be delayed.

Planting seeds of this culture is necessary only if the sprout is at least half a centimeter in length. When working with seeds, you must be extremely careful and careful, because any mechanical damage can lead to the death of the plant in the future. In one hole can be placed no more than three seeds in the form of a triangle. If you place a larger number of seeds, then in the process of germination they will interfere with each other and the crop will turn out to be of poor quality.

The scheme of planting cucumbers in the open ground using seeds has its own unique features.In early May, the seeds must be planted in a pot and placed on a well-lit warm window sill. It is in the winter that all preparatory work should be carried out using peat, potassium and ammonium nitrate.

In order to plant seeds in the soil, it is necessary to prepare indentations, which will be no deeper than 1 cm, and place the grains there. After all the seeds have been planted, they are sprinkled with earth. A plant can only be replanted if it already has at least 5 leaves, and this will happen at least a month after the first planting.

Planting seeds of cucumbers in the summer cottage should be carried out on a dry sunny day, so that the plant can get the necessary heat and a minimum level of moisture. In the first few days, watering the land is not worth it. In no case should you make a deep landing, as this greatly increases the risk of rotting in the future.

Close attention in the process of planting cucumber seeds in open ground should be given to the interval between the seedlings - it should be at least 18 cm. As for the rows, the distance between them should be about 30 cm.

After the plants are planted, the soil must not be watered for three days and mulched.

Care Features

Regardless of how the cucumbers were planted in the way, their care is almost always the same. It is mandatory to carry out watering, top dressing, and hilling. This allows not only to ensure the quality of the crop, but also to make the fruits stronger and protected from harmful microorganisms and pests.


One of the most important processes for cucumbers is watering. Without moisture, no living creature on our planet can exist, and cucumbers are no exception. And if the vegetable crop feels a lack of water resources, then the fruits will be much smaller, and their quality and size will deteriorate. In addition, when planting seeds in open ground, the crop may differ in bitterness, and this will greatly spoil the impression and taste of the product.

That is why experts recommend watering cucumbers on an ongoing basis, at least once a week.If the weather is too hot and the humidity level is low, then the number of irrigation per week can be increased to three. It is not necessary to observe the calendar, but the weather conditions, because even in May there are too dry days when planted plants require a huge amount of water.

In addition, there are periods with heavy rains, when the plants not only do not need to be watered, but it is also necessary to ensure their reliable protection against excess moisture. The latter can cause root decay, which in the future will lead to the complete destruction of the crop.

In the process of watering, it is worth taking into account the fact that young plants do not need a large amount of water, but adults need to be watered much more often, since they absorb more moisture and they need a greater number of microelements. In any case, during the irrigation process, it is necessary to ensure that the water completely soaks the ground and reaches the roots.

Unlike greenhouse plants, cucumbers should in no case be watered completely if they are planted in the open. If you fill the leaves, then under the influence of sunlight they will receive quite severe burns. In order to be safe from such moments, it is recommended to water early in the morning or late in the evening, when there is a minimum amount of sunlight. In addition, it should be remembered that cucumber seeds should never be watered if the air temperature is below 12 degrees Celsius.

If you want them to ascend quickly and without problems, then pay attention to the irrigation process.

Top dressing

In order to get a high-quality and good harvest, cucumbers must be fed. The number of top dressings depends on the variety of seeds used and the characteristics of the soil. On average, for 1 season you will have to feed up at least 6 times. The first time it is worth resorting to after the first shoots. For this, you can use both organic and mineral fertilizers. If you want to achieve the most positive results and get a quality crop, you can spend a combination of mineral and organic additives.

Mullein and chicken droppings show excellent results, which in combination with ash will provide the seeds with all the necessary trace elements. Of mineral fertilizers, it is better to give preference to superphosphate and urea, as well as potassium sulfate.

As soon as the fruits begin to appear, you can add nitrogen fertilizers, which are very good as an additional feed for the root system of cucumbers.


A properly organized garter makes it possible to simultaneously solve several problems, including: saving space in the garden, easier harvesting and its protection from a number of pests. It is best to make a garter when the vegetable crop reaches 30 or more centimeters.

Tying can be carried out both vertically and horizontally. The latter option is considered the most simple and optimal.


Pasynkovanie cucumbers involves getting rid of lateral shoots that can appear from the axils of the leaves at the main stem of the plant.

A feature of vegetable culture is that after planting, it grows quite strongly.Because of this, the plant spends a lot of effort on the formation of ovaries. Under such conditions, the fruits cannot grow properly, they are small and soft.

Diseases and Pests

In order for the yield to be high-quality and plentiful, close attention should be paid to pest control and various diseases. This vegetable crop can suffer the same diseases as other representatives of melons. First of all, we are talking about Fusarium wilting, powdery mildew, and other diseases that destroy the culture.


One of the most unpleasant moments is anthracnose, which is presented in the form of white powdery spots. The main problem of this disease is that it slowly but surely destroys the entire crop. A similar disease may appear due to frequent temperature fluctuations, lack of moisture or poor ventilation. In addition, the cause of the disease often becomes an excess of nitrogen fertilizer used.

If the first symptoms of the disease are detected, immediate action must be taken, since in the later stages it will not be possible to save the crop. First of all, you need to cut off and burn the affected leaves, and then feed with potassium.

In addition, an excellent solution to the problem is spraying plants with tincture of mullein.

Downy mildew

If there are too many yellow spots on the leaves of cucumbers, then this indicates a defeat by downy mildew. At first, the spots are small in size, but soon they will begin to grow and affect healthy leaves. After the color of the leaves changes to brown, they will begin to dry out.

Powdery mildew usually affects plants at the initial stage of development, so at this stage you should be extremely careful. The reason may be too high humidity, the use of cold water for irrigation or the presence of infections in the seeds.

Gray rot

One of the most complex and unpleasant diseases is gray rot, which is a type of fungus. It develops with sharp fluctuations in temperature and too high humidity. A distinctive feature of this disease is that it can affect not only the fruits, but also the leaves of plants. If no measures are taken in time, then the foliage will begin to turn yellow and dry.

It is extremely difficult to cope with gray rot, so it is best to prevent its occurrence through preventive measures. So that the disease does not capture the entire site, you need to get rid of infected leaves and fruits. There are many specialized chemicals on the market today that are designed to help combat gray rot.

Among the most effective are Euparen Multi and Rovral.

White rot

If white plaque began to appear on the vegetable crop, then the cucumbers were struck by white rot. The essence of this disease is that it contributes to the decomposition of plant tissues, which as a result become softer and mucus. Prevention of this disease includes regular weeding of beds and ensuring a constant flow of fresh air. If you didn’t succeed in preventing white rot, then you should immediately abandon watering for a week and spray the plants with Topaz or other chemicals.

Cucumbers can deteriorate not only due to various diseases, but also pests. If someone eats seedlings leaves at night, then these are definitely snails, which are extremely difficult to deal with.

The main problem is that they will have to be assembled by hand, leaving the garden at night. In addition, special traps can be installed.

In recent years, stalk banding has become very popular, which leads to the formation of a larger number of ovaries.

Thus, the planting of cucumber seeds in open ground should be carried out with all responsibility and attention. Only in this case it is possible to get a high-quality and tasty crop in abundant quantity at the output. Sowing seeds and planting is necessary at a certain time so that the cucumbers can survive in the open air. Cucumbers love heat and moisture, therefore they are better when they grow in the presence of a large amount of daylight.

For tips on planting cucumber seeds in open ground, see the next video.

Planting cucumbers with seeds in open ground requires the implementation of certain rules.

It is necessary to pay attention to what depth to plant, and most importantly, when to plant cucumbers in order to provide the family with a fruitful and tasty crop. Which method of cultivation will be more convenient?

Growing cucumbers is not a complicated process, it is necessary to act in stages. Step by step breeding of these vegetables will look like this:

  1. The choice of location of beds.
  2. Selection, germination and hardening of cucumber seeds.
  3. Disembarkation.

Each stage presented has its own nuances, in the performance of which one can expect a quality crop.

After this, further care is required for seedlings, that is, for almost full-fledged plants.

It is also possible to first grow seedlings on the windowsill, and then, already sprouts, to plant in the garden, but in general the rules for cultivation will not change.

In addition, experienced gardeners argue that planting cucumbers in open ground with seeds is much more convenient, while the vegetable will independently choose the growth rate and power gain depending on weather conditions.

The same plants that were first grown at home will be weak and can quickly get sick, because transplanting for them is a kind of stress.

What place should be given to cucumbers in the garden?

Cucumbers are known for their love of heat and light, so the place must be chosen accordingly.

An area that is not obscured by fertile bushes and trees is suitable. At the same time, it is advised that if cultivation takes place on trellises or other supports, form beds from west to east, and in the case of cultivation without a garter, it will be correct to place the bed from south to north.

It should also be remembered that in those places where cucumbers or squash and other pumpkin plants were already growing last year, you should not wait for a new good crop, there will be few fruits or the plants will constantly hurt.

It is best to plant cucumbers with seeds in the ground in the place where cabbage used to grow, and if nevertheless the gardener decided to first grow seedlings, then it is better to plant it after radish.

For reference!

Not all gardeners share a positive opinion about the planting of cucumbers after radish, some say that it is after the radish that trace elements remain in the ground that prevent most fruits from starting.

It is worth taking care of which plants will grow nearby. The following crops will be the best neighbors for cucumbers:

  • corn;
  • legumes;
  • garlic;
  • calendula.

Fruiting will be increased by several tens of percent, while confronting some diseases will be mutually beneficial.

For reference!

Corn and sunflower, thanks to both powerful and high stalks, are used as a natural support for cucumbers, instead of artificial trellises.

If we talk, on the contrary, about bad neighbors, then tomatoes are primarily referred to them. About 76% of inexperienced gardeners admit that in order to save space and temporary thermal shelter, tomatoes and cucumbers are often planted on a single bed.

This cannot be done, due to the fact that these types of crops have different conditions for successful development, they will interfere with each other and you can not wait for the fruits from both of them.

In addition, it should be remembered that not every variety of cucumbers can be planted next to another.

Self-pollinated plants of different varieties, if cross-pollination with insects occurs, will bring unforeseen results, perhaps some properties of one species will go to another.

That is, you can plant nearby those varieties that are similar in certain properties, if you plant the seeds of long-fruited and tear-shaped plants, as a result, most likely the fruits will be short and thick.

For reference!

The highest yield will be brought by self-pollinated varieties of cucumbers.

Soil preparation and planting time

Cucumbers are plants that love loamy or sandy loamy soil, and their acidity should be low.

It can be determined by taking a small amount of land for analysis in the laboratory or by looking at what weeds most often climb in this area.

On acidic soil plantains, wood lice will grow. In extreme cases, you can try to eliminate the increased acidity by making lime - chalk, ash.

Soil preparation should begin about a week before sowing cucumber seeds in open ground.

Fertilizer should be in the fall, suitable organic fertilizer with alkali content.

If this was not done last year, at the beginning of the garden season it makes no sense to make them.

In the spring, it is necessary to dig a prospective site to a depth of 20 cm in order to soon sow the seeds of cucumbers.

Then it is required to introduce last year humus into the soil, mix with a rake or pitchfork with the ground.

After that, water the future garden bed for planting cucumbers abundantly and cover it with foil for several days so that the ground warms up.

The height of the beds on which the cucumbers will be planted with seeds should not be lower than 30 cm, while taking into account the fact that after the beds are made, the earth will settle slightly and it will become slightly lower. Their width should be at least a meter.

For reinsurance, many summer residents spill the beds with boiling water, and cover them with foil. Thus, the probability of plant disease is reduced significantly, in addition, the heating process is faster.

Seed selection and preparation

Before you start germinating seeds, you must select them. The easiest option is to purchase several bags of seeds in a specialized store.

Another option is to take seeds that have been stored in advance from past crops. It is important to remember that seeds harvested from last season will not work, more mature seeds are needed.

Also, seeds of hybrids are not suitable for planting, since the crop can be unpredictable, new generations from hybrids lose their quality features, producing more often cucumbers with defects, for example, with excessively large seeds or a bitter aftertaste.

Most popular varieties, which are sown immediately in the garden, according to experienced gardeners, the following:

  1. “April F1”.  A hybrid that can withstand quite severe cold. Its advantages are long fruits with small seeds and a pleasant taste. By purpose - wagon. Harvest can be harvested after a month and a half.
  2. "Competitor".  This variety is early ripe, the first harvest will be already in 40 days after planting. It is more suitable for salting, the peel is not hard, the fruits are quite large, the mass of one cucumber is up to 120 g. It is well resistant to diseases, especially powdery mildew.
  3. "Fontanel F1".  It is considered a mid-season variety, well suited for pickling and pickling. The fruits are medium in size, quite juicy. Resist most diseases.

“Muromsky 36” or “Secret of the company” is sown even in shady areas, they always get a quality crop.

Seeds in both cases must be checked, defective discarded. To do this, take a spoonful of rock salt and dilute in a glass of warm water.

Then mark the seeds in the container with the prepared liquid, those that settle on the bottom are of high quality, and those that remain afloat will not germinate.

Recently, seeds treated with special formulations have appeared on sale, which not only accelerate germination and development, but also serve as a barrier to most diseases.

In the event that the seeds are not purchased, they should also be disinfected and strengthened. For this, a weak solution of potassium permanganate is suitable.

It is necessary to place future cucumbers in it for half an hour. Then steam a little in warm water, usually 5 minutes is enough.

After this stage, you need to wrap the seeds in a damp cloth and place in a cold place, you can refrigerate for several days.

This is done in order to temper the cucumbers. At the same time, they practice both a sharp change in temperature, that is, they put the planting material in heat after a cold, and leave it in the cold.

If the gardener will plant cucumbers without waiting for their seedlings, you just need to soak the seeds in warm water.

Usually it is soaked for 10-12 hours, and you need to change the water several times, in this case you can try to change the temperature of the water to conduct easy quenching.

Hatching seeds, even if the sprouts are small, are ready for planting. That is, the timing of seed preparation depends on the period in which they must be placed on the bed. Many questions are asked about when to plant cucumbers.

The time for planting cucumbers in open ground depends on their variety, but the differences in timing are not significant.

In any case, the soil should be warmed to a depth of 10-15 cm, while at night the temperature should be at least 15 ° C.

It is usually suggested to plant cucumber seeds in late May - early June. But you need to focus on the absence of frost and sunny weather.

Most gardeners resort to the help of the lunar calendar when choosing a date when it will be possible to plant cucumbers.

Most often they are guided by the growing moon, for example, in 2017, the most successful days for a good crop of cucumbers are from May 27 to 28, after this period you can plant cucumber seeds from June 3 to 7.

Newly made summer residents to the question of when to plant cucumbers are not suitable, believing that the later the plant, the better.

This is not so, in most cases, it is precisely those plants that are planted later that are affected by diseases, the reason for this is dew and high humidity in mid-summer.

The best time for planting cucumbers in the soil is the one indicated on the bag of seeds, taking into account the territorial features of the climate.

If the summer resident wants to get cucumbers as quickly as possible, you can sow the plants in early April, but then you should make sure that the bed is constantly covered with at least three layers of dense film.

As the air temperature warms up, you can remove the film layer one after another.

A decent crop can be grown only if cucumbers are planted correctly.

When the beds are prepared, and most of the seeds finally hatch, the question arises - what is the depth of sowing seeds of cucumbers?

There are two landing options. The first involves planting in small holes, with the second option, sow cucumbers in small grooves.

At the same time, the depth of the holes should be slightly greater than the depth of the grooves, about 4 cm. In order for the plant to ascend for sure, they plant 2 to 3 seeds in one hole.

If all the cucumbers grow from the seeds in one recess, they should be thinned out. The method of thinning must be chosen not the same as, for example, for carrots, that is, there is no need to tear the plant from the root, you just need to break the extra stems. This way the common root systems are not damaged.

Thinning should begin only after the third leaf is formed on the sprout.

The depth of the grooves should be no more than 3 cm, if the soil is loose, if the soil is dense cucumbers can be planted higher.

When planting seeds, they are also guided by the degree of their germination. That is, if the sprouts are small, or if they are sowing unprepared seeds, the depth may be less.

Such cucumbers will be in the earth longer, which means they will not be able to freeze. Seeds with long sprouts should be planted deeper.

Seeds of cucumbers in open ground should be planted at a certain distance from each other. In this case, it is necessary to choose a distance not only depending on the variety, but also based on the method of cultivation.

Before sowing cucumbers, the holes or grooves should be shed abundantly with water, the soil should be moist.

Growing without tying

Those varieties that let short lashes can be planted closer to each other, those that have long lashes - respectively further. In addition, hybrid cucumbers require more distance for development.

If we compare the distance between mid-season or late and early-ripening varieties, the former need more space.

Therefore, between plants in the furrow or hole, usually leave about 20 - 35 cm, and between the furrows, I choose the space depending on the variety in this way:

  • early ripe - up to 70 cm;
  • mid-ripe and late ripe - up to 90 cm;
  • hybrids of any ripening speed - up to 100 cm.

If there are several beds, then between them in any case make an opening of at least 90 cm.

Trellis cultivation

Planted cucumbers will grow better if you choose a vertical growth method for them, that is, using trellis.

But they need a slightly different space, if we are talking about relying directly on 2 rows.

Between rows, holes or grooves, at least 1.2 m is required in order for the crop to be larger.

Varieties that give short lashes are planted at a distance of 20 cm from each other, and long-walled varieties require up to 35 cm of space.

The tapestry is equipped in such a way that cucumbers can cling to it as it grows, that is, first, a twine or wire is attached horizontally to a wooden structure at a height of 10 cm first, and then additional rows at a height of 50 cm and 100 cm.

Actions immediately after sowing

Immediately after planting, cucumbers must be covered with a film, so as a result of artificial humidity, their seedlings will be more active. In addition, the film will protect from the cold.

After a couple of days, you can check the bed, it is important that it is not covered with crust, the earth should be loose all the time.

It is possible to carefully remove the upper cortical soil layer without any additional means so as not to damage the seeds.

It is also worth following the simple rules for further care of growing cucumbers from seeds:

  1. Regular weeding is required. Even if the weeds are small, they can slow down the development of cucumbers.
  2. Do not allow the soil to dry out. The entire row should be watered completely, there should not be spilled gaps between the plants.
  3. Immediately after each watering, loosen around the plants.
  4. It is necessary to feed vegetables, usually a fertilizer schedule for cucumbers - once every 10 days. Fertilizers should be organic, many advise while the plant is small, to cover it with mullein.

Immediately after the tendrils appeared on the cucumber, that is, modified shoots, it is necessary to tie the plants to the trellis, if a vertical method of growing is implied.

In addition, plants need care, which includes such actions:

  1. Topping. Remove the top of the cucumber at the moment when the sixth leaf appears. Depending on the variety, three or one lashes of cucumber are left. Usually, those plants that are pollinated by insects cut off weak lashes, leaving one powerful, while the rest grow in three lashes.
  2. Removing side lashes. In order for each plant to have enough air and light, it is also necessary to remove the lateral stems. This should be done regularly, once every two weeks.
  3. Those flowers that formed even before the seventh leaf are advised to be removed, otherwise the plant will not reach the desired size.
  4. Hilling. To the plant, the earth is raked on all sides, so when watering, moisture will accumulate, the plant will cease to dry out, and therefore the root system will become stronger.
  5. Mulching. It is produced as well as hilling to preserve the necessary moisture. Mulching is done using sawdust.
  6. Watering is done only with warm water. It is usually produced daily, but a regimen every other day is also allowed. If moisture is not enough, any sort of cucumber will be bitter. If mulching has already been done, then watering should be reduced to once a week.
  7. Weeding adult plants. It is necessary only 4 times per season, otherwise you can harm the plant.
  8. Leaves care. If the lower leaves begin to hurt and fade, they should be removed immediately until the infection of the upper leaves has occurred.

In addition, in order to finally get the ovaries, those cucumbers that are pollinated by insects need to be sprayed with an attractive composition of bees.

For a liquid, it is necessary to take sugar and water in a ratio of 1 to 10, and several granules of boric acid.

For reference!

Some gardeners are of the opinion that cucumbers in the open ground do not need pinching, believing that such plants have enough female and male flowers. However, the whole point is in the sort of vegetable - in hybrid varieties both types of flowers are always present on the main stem.

Already after the plants are grown and after the first cucumbers appear, a new crop should be checked daily, you should not allow over-ripening of vegetables and take the fruits on time. Thus, longer fruiting can be achieved.

In order to grow cucumbers from seeds in the open ground, less manipulation is required than with the method of growing from seedlings.

But in both cases, only with the right approach to care, it is possible to achieve good results in the crop.